I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 256 Plants vs. Wizards

"You already have such powerful power, why do you want to join the wizard group?" Judith asked again.

There was a long silence, and Harry didn't explain directly.

As a master liar, she knows that explanations can easily be taken as cover-ups.

"Judith, since you have joined the Sorcerer's Order, you should understand the core concept of 'Absolute Darkness' of the Sorcerer's Order." She said vaguely and meaningfully.

Only the information you make up in your own head is the most ‘authentic and credible’.

After leaving Harley's cave, Judith immediately changed her state and became energetic and energetic, as if she was 20 years younger.

".That's what she said. I don't quite understand."

Half an hour later, she stood respectfully in front of Didier, the Grand Witch Lord and more than a dozen dark wizards.

They are not all the top leaders of the wizarding group, but they are also considered core members.

At least the strength of the archmage level.

"You can't believe everything she says. With the witch's cunningness, you can probably guess that Judith is trying to trick her." Didier spoke first.

"Did you see the four eyes on her face clearly?" the witch master stared at Judith.

Judith pointed to her still red and swollen eyes, "Master Witch, see for yourself."

"So, she is indeed not immune to the 'Singularity Curse' of all energy dissimilation." A middle-aged man with a nose ring said disappointedly.

"The Son of the Three Palaces can't resist the alienation of magic power. How did she transform so many Satanic origins? Is the special talent only for Lucifer?" The Great Witch Master frowned.

Judith added: "She also asked me to learn more about the core concept of the wizard group's 'Supreme Darkness', which is related to her situation."

"The giant ferocious beast is the source of darkness, and its magic power is supreme, capable of distorting any great existence." Didier recited the core outline of the wizard group, his heart moved, and his eyes lit up.

"I understand! The witch has no "Singularity Curse" at all.

If the 'Singularity Curse' really exists, it must be in the hands of a certain supreme being.

The reason why she was able to withstand the alienation of Satan's origin was only because she was favored by the supreme being.

Witch Harley still insists on accepting the last rites of the wizarding group because she hopes to use the power of the giant beast to distort the mark of another supreme being in her body. "

As expected of his mentor who has been with him for two years, he immediately understood what Harry wanted him to understand.

"It makes sense."

Several wizards looked surprised.

But there are also wizards who maintain a skeptical silence.

Judith hesitated and said: "Accepting the magic power of the giant ferocious beast is just like changing the master. What's the difference?"



This time, all the dark wizards had the same attitude, with disdain on their faces and yelling loudly.

Judith blushed, but she could only bow her head and accept the punishment.

The Grand Witch Master raised his hand and waited for the audience to fall silent before saying in a deep voice: "Judith, Witch Harley is right at least for one thing. You should seriously study the core concepts of the wizarding group.

The giant ferocious beast is not some ‘personalized’ life consciousness.

It is a cosmic phenomenon, the essence of darkness, and the origin of the multiverse.

Just like wind, rain, thunder and lightning in nature, they can affect us, but they will not control us mentally.

The ultimate ideal of the Wizarding Group is to build a new world without magic monopoly and with complete freedom of mind and body for mages. "

Judith was submissive and nodded.

"Your mission has been completed, go down." The great witch master sighed.

When Judith said goodbye and left, the huge stone room was still silent.

After a long time, Didier whispered: "Which one should I choose, Hallie or Judith?"

"Both of them are untrustworthy. Just choose one to be the messenger bird, and kill the other as a sacrifice to the giant beast."

An old black man with white hair and brand-name clothes, who looked like Sapor, said with a cold voice.

"Then choose Judith as the messenger bird. Harley Quinn has absorbed a lot of Satan's origin, has strong bloodline power, and may also have special talents, which can be dedicated to the supreme dark master." The middle-aged man with the nose ring said with a smile.

Didier frowned and said, "Have you forgotten the curse of Cain? Moreover, we did not find conclusive evidence that she is an undercover agent this time."

"Sacrifice her to the giant beast, and the beast will definitely be immune to Cain's curse.

As for the evidence, we are not judges. If we have doubts, just do it.

Even if the guess is wrong, there are so many unjust ghosts in the world, and there is no shortage of her. "The old man in suit said calmly.

A female dwarf told the truth: “The mages in the entire multiverse want to know the secret of the witch, and we are no exception.

Sacrifice her to the giant beast. Once her soul is controlled by the giant beast, all secrets will no longer be hidden.

This is what we discussed before, and it is also one of the reasons why we brought her here, in addition."

After hesitating for a moment, she said awkwardly: "We all know how powerful her bloodline is.

Once she completes the final sacrificial ceremony and reverses the power of her bloodline into the magic power of the giant ferocious beast, she can reach the sky in one step and become a demon duke or even a demon lord.

By then, we and other core members of the wizarding group will most likely be surpassed by a junior. Who of you can bear it? "

The wizards' dark thoughts were exposed in public, and their expressions changed slightly, and they all looked at the Great Witch Master.

The Great Witch Master hesitated, "She provided hundreds of millions of funds to the Wizarding Group, and also helped us collect a large amount of magic materials. She has made great contributions to the Wizarding Group. If

The wizarding group has more than just its core members.

At least 95% of the people at the final ceremony were peripheral members like her.

Do you understand what I mean? "

“If she is absolutely committed to the Order, we are happy to accept a rising star.

But she is not, she is a good friend of Constantine, she helps Constantine take care of his family, and she hooks up with Zatara and Dr. Fate.

Doctor Fate even went to hell to find the Three Palace Demons for her.

I believe those people can understand. "The old man in a suit said quietly.

The Great Witch Master looked at Didier, "She is your disciple, what do you think?"

"I think we can give her a chance to participate in the final ceremony," the old lich whispered.

“If she is allowed to complete the final ritual, she can still keep her secret.

Are you not curious at all about that secret? asked the dwarf mage.

“Earlier, when I brought her here, I did want her secret.

But now I discovered that her secret was probably another supreme being, and she also wanted to get rid of him through the giant beast.

Secrets have no value.

As for whether you will feel jealous if you are surpassed by a junior who is a peripheral member.

Anyway, I'm not jealous, she is my apprentice. "Didier sighed.

The man in suit and several other mages looked gloomy.

"Another supreme being is just your guess." The man with the nose ring said.

Didier spread his hands and said, "The Great Witch Master asked me for my opinion. I will speak my mind and let us all decide together."

He was willing to say a few words of justice for his female apprentice, but that was all.

He was unwilling to ask him to stand up to many senior officials who were more powerful than him for her, and he felt that he was powerless.

The Grand Witch Lord frowned and said: "It's confirmed that Judith will be chosen as the messenger bird. As for whether to sacrifice the witch, we can wait for more core members to return. Everyone -"


The sad wails, even though they were separated by a stone gate and hundreds of meters away, were still vaguely heard by the mages.

"It's Constantine, what is he howling?" the great witch master asked in surprise.


The alarm circle was activated immediately, and the expressions of all the mages changed drastically. They immediately started short-distance time and space teleportation and teleported to the place where the power of nature flourished.

A grass bead is growing rapidly in Constantine's sacrificial pool in Lockna.

Ordinary grass beads are about the same height as a human shoulder, but the grass beads in the sacrificial pool have grown into a towering tree, thicker than the waist, four to five meters high, with roots, stems and leaves that fill most of the bottom of the pool.

And Constantine was held up high by a bunch of white grass roots from bottom to top.

He gripped his hips and whined.

"What's going on? Why did the swamp monster come here?" The face of the great witch master changed drastically.

Didier pointed to Constantine's buttocks, "Tree roots grew out of his butt and butt, and he had Swamp Monster's plant seeds in his belly."

"Ah, it's a straw bead. I remembered that when Judith tore off a straw bead bracelet from Constantine's wrist, which contained the natural power of the swamp monster." The dwarf shouted.

"Damn it, it must have been that time. He secretly swallowed one. Judith was too careless." Didier scolded.

The great witch master stamped his staff vigorously, and red, gold, and black formations emerged layer by layer.

"Ouch~~~~" The three-meter-tall swamp monster gradually took shape, but it howled in pain, because the sacrificial pool was also the center of many magic circles, and the green poisonous fire with the endless breath of hell spurted out, burning it into a torch. .

"Take me away, take me quickly," Constantine shouted, covering his bloody butt and butt.

With just one shout, the plants under his buttocks turned into a green vortex.

It is a plant channel.

"And Judith, Judith, come here quickly!" Constantine caught a glimpse of the mohawk that was attracted by the sudden change. He was moved in his heart and stretched out his right hand with an extremely complicated expression. "Judith, come with me." !”

Judith's expression changed drastically, and she quickly turned to look at the wizards around her.

She was about to scold Zha Kang, but Zha Kang said: "The wizard group is over, the location of the lair is discovered, and the divine punishments of hell and heaven will come immediately.

Don't hesitate, I understand your heart, you are forced to do nothing. "

At this time, Judith was really moved.

"Boom!" The hot hellfire exploded, interrupting Constantine's call.

"Whoosh!" A vine penetrated the layers of magic circles and shot quickly in front of Judith like a bullet, wrapping around her waist and pulling her into the plant passage.

Judith hesitated but did not struggle.

"Stab it!"

An Avanti appeared out of thin air, cut off the vines with a casual stroke, and Judith fell to the ground.

With Constantine's last "Ju~Di~~Si~~~~", the plant passage disappeared.

"All die!" After sending Constantine away, the swamp monster completely let go of its hands and feet and roared. With it as the center, green-brown vines and dark red poisonous thorns spread in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, the cave space within a radius of a hundred meters was filled with plants.

"Ahhhhh" dozens of wizards and servants who had no time to escape were pierced by vines like meat skewers, and then torn into pieces by sawtooth leaves.


Swamp Thing is a superhero, but he has never been shy about killing people - the Plant Council even wants to destroy humans.

Plants grow wildly, burrow into holes when they see them, and kill people when they see them.

However, the wizard group is not easy to deal with. Hundreds of Avantis are like plows, moving quickly through the trees, cutting every plant that is suspected of being the core of magic, making it difficult for the Swamp Monster to take shape.

Moreover, after the initial panic, countless defensive arrays in the cave were finally fully activated, with colorful runes, surging magic power, and magnificent spells.

It was like a group of reckless men breaking into the vegetable field and crushing the neatly arranged cabbages with their big feet.


The god-level magic battle caused the top of Hasala Mountain to shake slightly

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