I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 26 Plans can’t keep up with changes

After doing evening prayers, he returned to the dormitory. Harry was lying on the bed with his brows furrowed.

"Something's not right! The first time I met a Cyclops, I felt his malicious gaze. I thought it was an illusion. Facts have proved that my perception is indeed beyond ordinary people's.

If this is true, then the lewd peeping glances that have been piercing me like a ray of light but could never find the target during Eucharist worship in the evening should also be true.

It’s the one-eyed dragon! "

Harry rolled back and forth on the bed like a pancake, his face getting increasingly ugly.

Both Reina and Raymond believed that as long as she stayed on her own terms, those people would not harm her, because she was well-known in her own right, and as the daughter of the killer of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, she attracted a lot of attention.

It seems that the situation has changed because of what happened last night

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

She shouldn't wait passively.

She can escape from here.

Just dozens of kilometers away in Gotham, she had friends and classmates, as well as an agent and a lawyer—Harvey Dent took her $3,000 "annual fee"!

"Harry, are you feeling uncomfortable?" Angela beside her noticed her frequent turning movements.

Harry had an idea, leaned half of his body out, and almost said in the fat girl's ear: "Do me a favor, let's change beds."

Although Angela is fat, and although infatuation and fatness are often associated, she is not stupid, but is very proficient in protecting oneself wisely.

"If I don't want to change it, I'll tell my grandma tomorrow before changing it." She shook her head repeatedly.

"You seem to have guessed something." Harley narrowed her eyes.

"I didn't guess anything." Angela continued to shake her head.

"If you don't change, I'll beat you up, just like Raina did." Harley threatened.

"You are not that kind of person, you are a good person." Angela said.

"You don't want to help good people?" Harley sighed.

"I won't help you even if you are an angel. I can't help you. I'm afraid." Angela said tremblingly.

"Has he violated you?" Harley lowered her voice.

Angela nodded silently, with a little fluorescent light on her face.

She is crying.

"Don't worry, I will protect you, really. If he dares to come tonight, I will kill him." Harley said coldly.

There was moonlight today and the curtains were not closed. Angela saw the cold light reflected in her eyes.

Like a small knife.

She shrank and became even more frightened, "Why don't you go find Barbara?"

"You are cuter than her." Harley said softly.

Angela seemed very shocked by this answer, her eyes widened and she was stunned for a long time.

After a long moment, she nodded slightly.

Even if such an appalling thing happened last night, there would still be a sleeping session in the dormitory tonight.

Several girls were chatting there, neither frightened by what happened last night, nor worried about tonight, nor did they notice anything unusual on Harley's side.

As usual, while chatting, they began to snore.

In the darkness, Harley could see a pair of shining eyes.

Angela, like her, was not asleep.

As time passed, Angela couldn't bear it at first, her eyes slowly closed, and she fell asleep unconsciously. Harry lasted half an hour longer than her.

Maybe she was overthinking it.

A malicious look does not mean firm action.

With this thought, she fell into a drowsy sleep until - "Ahhh!"

It was like a little boar screaming when its mouth was covered and its balls were pinched.

"You are so fat. You are not her. Who are you?"

Men are extremely experienced, gliding in silently like a cat and swooping in like lightning like a snake.

A sure hit.

It was like a mountain of meat, pressing hard on the prey. One hand covered its mouth, the other hand searched up and down, and its big mouth arched everywhere.

Now, he took a bite of fat.

"Did I count the number of beds incorrectly——"


When he turned his head and looked around blankly, a strong wind suddenly came from behind him. Before he could react, a huge muffled sound came from the back of his head.

My brain feels dizzy, like a puddle of mud, soft on the "fat".

"Ah, blood, bleeding." Angela's mouth was free again, and she howled like a killing pig.

Almost all the roommates were woken up, but out of habit, they only listened and peeked, never making a sound or moving, trying their best to pretend to be dead bodies that could hear and open their eyes.

On the other hand, Barbara, who was opposite Harry, sat up and said, "Harry, is it you who's calling?"

"It's a pig." Harley waved the baseball bat in her hand, and little blood stains spattered. She was a little excited, but a little confused.

After searching for a weapon but not finding one last night, she secretly took a baseball bat from the equipment warehouse during training during the day and hid it under her pillow.

However, what happened now was not her original plan.

Facing the unexpected situation, Harley was not sure whether the method she came up with in a short time would work.

Angela stopped screaming and cried: "There was a lot of blood and the pillow was wet. Harry, he is dead. You beat him to death."

"Probably not dead," Harley was also a little unsure. She was stronger than an average adult man, and her baseball bat was made of stainless steel.

Steel hits the head, skull maybe

Like a pig to death, she first dragged the one-eyed guard off the bed.

He is nearly two meters tall and weighs at least two hundred and fifty kilograms. He is very heavy.

It looks like an iron tower.

Now the tower has fallen.

Harley turned on the small flashlight, squatted on the ground and carefully checked his waist and pockets.

This bastard only wore a pair of loose trousers, which were very easy to take off and put on. His top was also thin, a woolen vest with a faint smell of alcohol, a laminated labor insurance suit, and a cross as big as an adult's palm.

No weapons.

"It was Hercules, did you knock him down?" Barbara used the light of the flashlight to see the scene clearly, shocked, confused, and with a touch of fear.

There was an explosion in the dormitory immediately, and the girls were chattering like a group of irritable sparrows.

"Shut up!" Harley shouted, and the room immediately became silent.

"What are you going to do?" Angela asked tremblingly.

Harley pulled her off the bed, then pulled out the blood-stained white sheets, tore them into two pieces and rolled them into ropes.

"Help me, tie up this castrate first."

"I'm afraid, if he's dead, why should he be tied up?" Angela cried.

Even if he is not dead now, if he does not receive treatment, he may actually bleed to death.

However, Harley continued her actions with a cold face, and said in a deep voice: "I'm not the stupid heroine in the movie, I won't just defeat the bad guy and then leave carelessly.

It's safer and more secure to tie it up. "

"Then what?" Angela asked.

Harley turned to the "empty" room, faced everyone, and said: "I'll tie him up here, and then go call the police.

As long as you have any brains, you should understand that if I succeed, you will all have a comfortable and bright future.

If I fail and you remain silent, they won't do anything to you.

Girls, the moment to change your destiny is here, be smart! "

There was silence in the room. After a while, Raven said weakly: "The police are useless, everyone knows it."

"I'm a big celebrity, I have connections, and the police are just one option to solve the problem." Hallie tried to sound confident, even though she didn't have much confidence herself.

At this point, we can no longer make long-term plans, we can only adapt to the situation and make the best choice under the current environment.

The “big celebrity” seemed to have given the girls a lot of confidence, and someone immediately reminded them: “A child once tried to escape and make a phone call in the middle of the night, and he succeeded.

Now the orphanage has learned its lesson. After the lights are turned off, the phones in the phone room cannot be used. Only the security room a few hundred meters away can turn on the power switch again. "

Harley immediately said: "At least the phone in the dean's office works, right - shit!"

Before she could finish her words, a dazzling white light suddenly appeared in front of the chest of the "Dead Man" One-Eyed Dragon. Harley covered her eyes and shouted in panic: "What the hell is this?!"

"Yes, the phone in the dean's office works, but you can't go anywhere." The one-eyed dragon on the floor with a flat head said grimly.

Harley was horrified, but she moved quickly. She took two steps back and grabbed the baseball bat placed at the end of the bed.

"No matter what the hell you are doing, you are dead today," she shouted loudly, waving the bat with both hands, "This is what I said, even God can't change it."

"Bump--" The metal rod was like a silver lightning bolt, right on top of the Cyclops' head as he slowly got up.

"God, He really came and is still on my side." The one-eyed dragon chuckled gloomily.

Harley was shocked. The baseball bat hit her head, and the middle part of the baseball bat actually curved slightly.

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