I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 25 Harley’s Plan

Harry was sure that it was not a psychological effect or an illusion.

The next day, everyone looked at her differently.

It's not that he has changed from enthusiasm to indifference, but that he is less perfunctory and his attitude is more natural and real.

When they faced her before, their faces seemed to be separated by a beautifully patterned but false veil. Now, they took off the veil.

It's as if a man and a woman no longer mind showing their true colors and true attitudes towards each other from the moment they first met, to three years after they got married.

Most of them were indifferent, followed by ridicule at the show, and a small number of students and teachers showed scrupulous sympathy to her.

Hallie approached Teacher Raymond, who was in charge of daily chores, and tried to ask for use of the telephone.

"Harry, please stay here for a few days, then put aside all the memories of the monastery and go to a rich and kind family to start a new life.

Just like Gotham, everyone knows it sucks, and all parents will tell their children, ‘Avoid Gotham when you grow up.’ But Gotham still exists, nothing has changed, and no one can change it.

But it has always been one of the most prosperous, dynamic, and outward-looking cities in the United States. It's cruel, but that's the reality. "He declined politely.

(ps: Gotham here is New York.)

Harley was in a bad mood, didn't want to practice, and wanted to find someone to talk to, but couldn't find anyone.

Angela seems to be able to be a reserve girl, but she knows how to survive and has always ignored Harry in public.

Barbara. She looks at her now with cold eyes.

Well, Barbara was never as close to her as she thought she was.

Like a blindfolded heifer, Harry randomly jumped around the manor and unexpectedly came to the medical room.

She sat beside Reina's bed and remained silent.

After a long time, Reina sighed and advised: "No matter what happens next, just endure it honestly.

When you are adopted, leave all your old memories here and continue your glorious future as a smile queen. "

"You don't understand" Harley shook her head slightly.

"You think I don't understand, but actually I understand everything." Reina said.

"You really don't understand," Harley still shook her head, "Now I'm starting to have doubts about the future of 'smile queen'.

A long time ago, I planned my future - to be the best athlete in this world, gain fame and honor, and enjoy a wealthy life. "

She especially emphasized "in this world", but Reina didn't hear it and just praised: "It's a very good ideal, money and honor, I love it too."

Harley looked up and looked out the window, her voice erratic, "But now I suddenly feel that I have such a talent, maybe I can do something more meaningful."

Reina's eyes flashed and she said strangely: "Do you want to be a hero? To wipe out all injustices?"

"No, my original intention has not changed - in this life, I want to live a free and happy life.

Although money and honor can bring me happiness, after all, I have a greater destiny than you ordinary people.

A bottle of green pills can make you happy, and a million dollars can make you ecstatic, but I, I am never satisfied with material wealth, I want even more——————”

Reina gritted her teeth, her dark face was twisted, and the veins in her fists that tightly clenched the sheets were exposed.

Harley's eyes were shining as she looked out the window at the vast mountains and forests in the distance, "I want to live with clear thoughts, and I want to live without any grievances or embarrassments."

Reina suddenly froze, and all her previous anger was gone.

She couldn't understand what Harley was talking about, but at this moment, she discovered that girls could be so charming.

She had read this description in a book, "The woman in front of her is glowing," and she had scoffed at it. Women are not light bulbs, so how can they shine?

Now, she wanted to say to Goldie and Miranda: Falk, it turns out that the description in the book is right. She is not only shining, she is simply dazzling.

"What do you want to do?" Reina swallowed, the orangutan's face turned red, and his tone was softer than ever before.

"What can I do? Just like you said, just wait for the adoption, and then treat everything I experience here as a dream and leave it out of my memory forever." Harley said lightly.

"Uh, that's good." Reina scratched the back of her head, feeling something was wrong.

She spoke so passionately just now that it lit up like a light bulb, and now she suddenly became honest again. Although being honest was the best choice, Reina was a little disappointed.

Harry's eyes flashed and he said with a natural expression: "In order to stop making mistakes, you have to tell me all the secrets of this orphanage.

You said it yourself, you have been here for nine years and know the monastery better than many monks. "

Although Raina's current performance is enough for Harley to promote her to the position of "No. 1 Little Sister Reserve", she must be on guard against others.

Especially since she is an addict.

Gamblers and drug addicts are the least trustworthy.

Therefore, she did not tell her true purpose.

——She wants to disrupt this house of Satan that is branded as God.

But not with fists.

Two fists are no match for four, unless they are Superman's fists.

She won't be here for long, a week, half a month?

She will wait patiently to be adopted, and the specific plans are not yet certain, but at least one "American Melting Pot" will come out, and Raina is the best source of raw materials.

She had to leave the wolf den first before she could break up with each other. Otherwise, would she break through the entire monastery by herself?

"There was a child who tried to resist, but soon became ill and died.

There are also children who are honest and submissive and disappear soon after.

I know why they disappear.

Out of curiosity, I secretly leaned down at the infirmary window and took a peek. "

A flash of panic flashed in Reina's eyes, and the words that came out of her throat also had a slight trembling sound, "They took away Thiago's heart, and the mother-in-law was chattering beside her.

She said, 'Such things should be done as little as possible. St. John's Orphanage has a great reputation and cannot be tarnished in the slightest. How many healthy young people are there without care centers for troubled children on the streets of Gotham and upstate? ’

The other man's suit was straight and resembled the gold-rimmed glasses of the company president. He smiled and explained that Sir Eberon had a special blood type. He had been searching around the world for two years before he found this one who could match him. "

Harley's face was gloomy, and there seemed to be a storm brewing in her eyes, but she didn't say anything.

Reina continued: "I was so scared that I couldn't sleep for several days, until the doctor prescribed me half a bottle of small green pills, and I got high.

Then I had an idea. Rich people definitely don’t want the hearts of poisonous insects. From that day on, I couldn’t live without mushrooms and little green pills.

Sometimes, with the guard Fake in the guard, they would also generously give me some white ones. "

Harley was shocked again, "You and the one-eyed dragon too——"

Reina shook her head and said angrily: "One-Eyed Dragon said I was ugly and stupid. He likes Barbara who is delicate and cute. Of course, you are so beautiful, he will definitely like you more."

"It's so rampant that priests and teachers never take care of it? This is modern society, it sounds darker than the Middle Ages." Harley said in disbelief.

"Even in ordinary high schools, there are a lot of students and teachers getting together, right? Besides, even the police don't care, so how can they control it?" Reina said disapprovingly.

"No way, the police also know?!" Harry's outlook exploded.

Reina took a deep look at her and said, "Fortunately, your reputation is famous enough. Of course we have had many beautiful boys and girls here. Some of them would be tempted and taken to the city, only to come back the next day. Then the Sheriff Together with the congressman, he became one of the patrons of the monastery.”

"Go to the city to accompany those people." Harley's head was dizzy. Could it be that she had been living in another world for more than ten years?

But then I thought about it, there were beasts like Epstein in the real world in his previous life, so it shouldn't be strange for him to appear in this more sinful Gotham area.

"Three years ago, I had a friend named Linda. She said it was a masked ball, a luxurious hall that could only be imagined in dreams. Many rich and powerful people attended. She even had sex with a British prince in a daze. first.

The real prince, the one you often see on TV.

I was still young at that time, and while I was scared, I was also vaguely looking forward to it. I was looking forward to the priest blindfolding me and taking me to the paradise with the handsome prince. "Reina said in a complicated tone.

The corners of Harley's mouth twitched, and she couldn't tell who was the victim.

"It's useless to tell you this. You have a good reputation and are being watched by too many media. They won't use these methods against you."

Reyna wanted to end the topic.

"It's okay, I'll gain more knowledge. Please be more detailed, names of people, places, and times." Harley encouraged her to provide more material.

Reina had no choice but to say whatever she could think of and tell her everything she knew.

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