I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 241 A feast for melon-eating people around the world

"Mr. Didier?"

Harley looked around and saw that there were many people on the helicopter. Gordon, Barnes, Harvey Dent, and bodyguard Deadshot were all there.

She could only lower her voice and turn her head to face the window.

"Let's talk about it later, I'm busy here~~"

Harley felt that the old man should understand her subtext: there were many people around and it was difficult to talk.

But the old lich still didn't hang up the phone, "I know what happened in Gotham, and I know what you are about to do.

This is an opportunity.

The giant beast woke up last night, and we must continue our efforts to wake it up completely.

So, don’t create any more biohazards, just declare to the world as mayor that they are monsters from hell.

Make things bigger and let the darkness sink deeper into people's hearts. "

"Among the mages who besieged me last night, were there members of the wizarding group?" Harry asked with a wooden face.

"Uh." The old lich was stunned for a moment, then said in confusion: "Yes, but they do not represent the wizard group."

"Do you think this is convincing?" Harley said speechlessly.

"Are you giving up your great ideal of joining the absolute darkness (giant beast)?" the old lich asked.

"I have stolen Lucifer's original power." Harley said.

"Lucifer was almost beaten to death by a mere evil god clone, but the giant ferocious beast destroyed him with just one throat." The old lich sneered.

"Teacher, I joined the wizard group just to gain benefits.

Think of my contribution to the Order.

Those magic materials, tens of millions of funds, and docks and ships.

After paying so much, I didn’t get any benefits. Instead, I was casually killed by the big guys in the organization. I felt unhappy! "

Harley did not hide her resentment.

The old man said: "Why is there no benefit? I promised you a long time ago that during the final summoning ceremony, I will reserve a good seat for you, so that you can accept the infection of the giant ferocious beast's unlimited magic energy."

Harley sneered, "After all these things, the wizarding group still trusts me? Do I dare to believe the senior leaders of the wizarding group who once killed me?"

The old lich said helplessly: "The mage who attacked you is not a high-ranking member of the wizarding group.

Think about it with your brain, in a situation like our wizarding group where everyone is shouting for beatings, which high-level executive would not be immediately destroyed by Dr. Fate, Zatara and those hypocrites once they appear in public?

A mage like you who is related to the wizarding group but is not a key figure will not be persecuted by them. "

"You mean, those archmages and magic masters are just peripheral members of the wizarding group?" Harley sneered.

"There are only two archmages. They are strong enough, but they joined halfway and are not core members of the wizard group.

Just like yourself.

Do you dare to say that you are not in cahoots with Zatara or other forces?

For the sake of profit, the mage will do anything.

We understand and don't mind.

But we won't let members like you know the core secrets. "Didier said.

"Teacher, I am your disciple!" Harley shouted aggrievedly.

Didier snorted coldly and said: "I sincerely treat you as a disciple, and even teach you the exclusive magic spell without reservation, but how many things have you hidden from me?"

The old man's exclusive spell is to cultivate, control, and evolve Avanti, supplemented by the magic of lich transformation.

He didn't hide anything either.

But those secret skills made Harry panic when he saw them. How could he possibly practice them?

Harley said: "Teacher, I was a gangster in Gotham, so I'm used to being cautious, but I treat you with all my heart and soul, and I try my best to serve you.

Moreover, there are many things that I don’t want to hide from you deliberately, but it is useless to tell you.

For example, can you help me with deceiving Satan's magic power?

So what if you know?

Cultivation is an extremely personal act, and you cannot reveal everything about yourself. This is what you said to me. "

The old wizard said calmly: "I am not saying this to find out what you are hiding. I am just using your own example to let you understand that the members of the wizarding group are complicated and have complex thoughts.

When certain members attack you, they do not represent the intentions of the higher-ups.

As long as you continue to serve the Order, you can trust me, trust the Order, and we will trust you. "

"You confused me. You said I couldn't be trusted before." Harley said.

Didier said in a deep voice: "You are indeed a little confused. Have you forgotten the core concepts of the Wizarding Group?

Now, like the two archmages who attacked you, you cannot gain 100% trust, and it is even more difficult for you to enter the high-level circle of the wizard group.

But we will remember your merits and keep our promise, allowing you to participate in the final ceremony and be immersed in the supreme magic power of the giant beast.

Then fully accept you and trust you. "

Harry suddenly realized and understood the thinking of the old lich and the wizard group.

The higher-ups of the wizarding group don't care much about whether ordinary members are completely loyal. In other words, mages pursue themselves more than ordinary people.

It is the mage's instinct to put self-interest first.

As long as they are obedient and able to do things, the wizarding group will be satisfied.

Because, the core theory of the wizard group: the giant beast is the source of all darkness, and its magic power is supreme, enough to distort any great existence.

No matter what your thoughts are and which god you serve secretly, once you are infiltrated by the magic power of the giant beast, you will naturally become a loyal believer of the darkness (the giant beast).

Even if the ‘hero’ Zatara now finds the wizarding group and asks to join, the wizarding group will gladly accept it.

They would not let Zatara know the core secrets. They would wait until the final ceremony came and the giant beast awakened before allowing him to be infused with the supreme dark magic.

Once Zatara was completely infiltrated, no matter what his previous thoughts and purposes were, it would be meaningless at this time.

Zatara, who is infiltrated by darkness, will only serve the darkness loyally.

Therefore, the wizarding group does not worry about Harley being half-hearted, she will eventually be single-minded.

And Harley doesn't have to worry about the Wizarding Group failing her appointment. In the end, they will definitely leave a place for her in the summoning ceremony.

After completing the ceremony, everyone will be good comrades who can trust each other.

A moment later, Central City was thousands of kilometers away from Gotham.

Sheriff Joe West's single-family apartment.

In the living room, in front of the TV, a wizened boy of thirteen or fourteen years old shouted in a drake voice that was in the stage of changing his voice: "Iris, Iris, Harley Quinn is really here!"

"Dengdengdeng" A black girl with pigtails of the same age ran over with two buckets of popcorn in her arms and said excitedly: "Barry, I'm right, as long as Gotham City needs it, the 'Mayor Man' will definitely She will be at the forefront immediately! Now, here she is.”

The future Flash was not as excited as "Qingmei", took the popcorn and said with emotion: "Gotham is indeed as dangerous as Joe said.

The lunatic gangs and cult groups of the past few days were terrifying enough.

To assassinate hundreds of important people is simply unbelievable.

But today, even Biohazard and the Gate of Hell appeared. Our Central City is still peaceful and harmonious! "

"I would like to reassure everyone that this was just a common criminal rampage, but I can't lie to my citizens."

On the TV, Mayor Quinn has a serious face and calm eyes, which makes people feel at ease unconsciously.

"After preliminary investigation, they are likely to come from a biochemical laboratory

Although they look like demons, and even have terrifying abilities like demons, and can eat humans like demons, they may also be victims of biochemical experiments that violate laws and ethics.

Therefore, I declare that we will give up the use of extremely lethal heavy weapons against them.

All GCPD and CBRN use net guns, stun guns, and tranquilizer guns. We will personally participate in the arrest operations to ensure that the basic human rights of each victim are guaranteed.

On behalf of the Mayor, the citizens of Gotham, and the victims of the lab, we will never give up.

There are only two goals in this operation, to rescue citizens and give the demonized test subjects a chance to recover."

Harley didn't completely listen to Didier and declared them to be demons, but she also hinted that they were like demons in her words.

"Harley Quinn is a little different today." Barry Allen murmured in front of the TV.

"I feel that I am as brave, fearless, beautiful and handsome as before. It's so cool." The black girl said excitedly, covering her hot black face.

"I mean, today she's more..." Barry said, clasping the back of his head, "More like a hero.

I don't like the 'mayor' who kills the cult.

Heroes shouldn't just kill people.

It's only right to be like this today. Even the suspects should maintain their basic human rights. "

"Barry, we have discussed this issue many times." Iris complained dissatisfied: "In the shootout at Hanhai Tower, Harley acted in self-defense, and even Joe (her father, the police chief) agreed with her approach.

She made a prompt decision and bravely broke into the enemy's position, saving countless people and police officers. "

"Oops!" Barry Allen suddenly yelled and spat it out.

"Ugh—" Iris also turned pale, covering her mouth and gagging.

The mayor acted vigorously and resolutely. After delivering his speech, he held a baseball bat and was the first to cross the Arkham Bridge.

A large number of living people appeared on Arkham Island, quickly attracting the demons hiding in the darkness.

The mayor yelled softly, and with one stroke of his stick, he knocked down a three-meter-tall bald giant covered in black scales - the confession stick hit the giant's lower abdomen, and the giant wailed, knelt on the ground and vomited, vomiting out half-digested food. Head, arms, ribs.

The "war reporter" following the mayor gave a close-up of the vomit.

People all over the world also vomited.

Well, just like when the US army invaded Iraq and military fans all over the world watched the live broadcast, Mayor Xia became famous internationally. Before it went online, people around the world were ready to prepare soda, melon seeds, cola, and popcorn, and were ready to eat big melons with relish.

Don’t doubt it, the last 100-man shootout at Hanhai Tower surpassed the ratings record of the World Cup final.

With the popularity last time, this time the Gate of Hell Opens and the real-life version of Resident Evil is more attractive in terms of subject matter, and the audience will naturally be larger.

"My dear, they are really demons!"

Seeing the monster with two heads, breathing hellfire and green acid mist, people around the world became uneasy.

"Barry, Iris, change the channel immediately!" Joe West called home anxiously, "I know you are watching Gotham News, turn off the TV immediately.

There are too many restricted-level shots in it, and they are not mosaic-ed, so it is not suitable for you to watch. "

The black girl Iris clung to the receiver for a moment and sneered: "Dad, I heard it. You are also watching the news about 'Mayor Man' over there."

"I'm an adult." Old Qiao said awkwardly.

Gotham News is more exciting and more real than Hollywood blockbusters. Who doesn’t like to watch it?

"Qiao, Iris, we can change to a mosaic station." Barry said.

Lao Qiao thought for a while and said, "Okay, you can go online and watch Tianchao News. Not only do they block the news, they also use delays to cut out the too bloody content."

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