“The power of magic extends throughout the universe and in all dimensions, but only the Earth has the Parliament of Life and the Parliament of Elements.

Because those nature gods and elemental gods were not born naturally at all.

They are purposeful creations of the God of Order.

For example, the Green of All Things could have become an alien plant god like the Three Palace Demons.

Naboo abducted its embryo and joined forces with a group of gods of order to give it the order they had established - the controller of plant life on earth.

With the elemental gods and nature gods who are honest and obedient and bound by contracts, the priesthood and authority held by the old gods such as Odin and Zeus are gradually being divided.

Eventually, the gods were laid off and the earth no longer needed them.

Divine functions such as art and war are still controlled by the gods.

The lifeblood that maintains the basic survival of the earth, such as nature and elements, is in the hands of humans themselves. "

Harley looked complicated and said: "So, the green of all things, the red of all living things, and the black of decay must choose human bodies. Is this intentional by Nabu?"

Stranger sighed: "Not only the nature gods, but also the four elemental gods have a similar way of existence.

If the demon embryo is left unchecked, sooner or later it will grow into a new 'old god' with no humanity and a will over human beings.

Those who are not of my kind must have different minds. This is Nabu's idea.

Therefore, he did a very good job. He would rather let the unstable human beings ascend to the sky and master the divine power that they were unable to control, rather than allow the power of the earth to be controlled by gods more suitable for it. "

Harley said: "When humans become gods, they will gradually be assimilated.

I've seen a parliament of trees.

They are ashamed of their former human status, and even outspokenly want to destroy humans who cut down trees and destroy nature. "

The Stranger said: "This is exactly what worries Nabu.

Even humans have become like this, if we follow the original thoughts of the demon embryo.

In the magical world, there are two kinds of transformation before death, one is the change of magic power like you before; the other is the change of mind and cognition (the kind that Zha Kang is experiencing).

From the moment humans accepted the power of all things and became swamp monsters, they started both transformations at the same time.

The power of nature is changing his magical properties and gradually reversing his cognition and way of thinking.

You've seen the Council of Trees and know that they are all retired swamp monsters.

So how can Swamp Thing retire without being killed?

When the transformation is complete, it is the day they retire. "

Harry was embarrassed and said, "The time is really accurate.

However, those retired 'cadres' still have a certain amount of power and authority, so keeping them there is a hidden danger. "

The stranger sighed: "This must be one of the prices of magic. Nothing is perfect in the world."

Harley sighed: "No wonder Dr. Destiny is so famous, almost all mages respect him."

"Naboo is just one of countless heroes who strive for the free development of mankind and the earth. There are many great wizards like him.

For example, Zatara, Dr. Oz, and Sargon all attended last night's meeting and were willing to help in the fight against the giant beast and the dark evil god. "

“Now you understand why they ‘overestimate their own capabilities’?”

“The power that humans have to develop independently today was earned by countless outstanding mages with their blood and lives.

If in the face of a crisis, we place our hope on the supreme being, what qualifications do humans have to ask for freedom and independence from the supreme being? "

At the end of the sentence, Stranger's mood became excited, and his eyes were no longer as dull as before. They seemed to be ignited and filled with dazzling firelight.

Harley looked at him for a while and said strangely: "Why are you so excited? You are not human.

You are a representative of the heavenly side that is resisted by human mages against tyranny. "

"Uh" Stranger choked and said nonchalantly: "I have integrated into human beings, and heaven never represents tyranny.

Shazam, Naboo and other ancient wizards, like you, were once heavenly warriors. "

"Jingle Bell"

At this moment, the front desk received a call, and the female secretary said in a sweet voice: "Your Excellency, Mr. Mayor, Director Barnes and Inspector Gordon want to see you immediately because they have urgent business."

"I have important guests, let the secretary-general receive them." Harley said casually.

The two female secretaries at the front desk are responsible for answering the phone, making coffee, buying breakfast, and helping the mayor arrange his schedule.

Harvey Dent has his own office next door and helps Harley with her casual day-to-day work.

Only when it comes to new policies, new urban construction plans, or other major issues, Harley will personally intervene.

"Let's talk next time. You will be very busy here." The stranger stood up and said goodbye.

"What's going on?" Harley asked confused.

"Do you know why so many mages were attracted to your sacrifice ceremony last night?"

Without waiting for Harley to answer, he immediately said: "They were all alarmed by the huge source of Satan.

You also understand the harm that high-level magic can do to ordinary people.

If the magicians hadn't joined forces and used magic circles to seal away all the escaped Satanic power, half of Gotham would have suffered.

It's a pity that Indian Mountain is not desolate. Terrifying magic pollution has already occurred in the underground laboratory. "

"A magical Chernobyl incident?" Harley frowned.

"It's not that serious. It's mainly the research institute under Indian Mountain. The impact will not exceed Arkham Island."

As soon as she sent the stranger to the door, she saw Harvey Dent walking towards her office with two anxious-looking police officers.

Director Barnes' eyes lit up and he shouted: "Mayor Quinn——"

"Go to the office first." Harley interrupted him, pointing to the room behind him.

The three of them immediately looked at the stranger in surprise.

What is the identity of the guest who was asked to be delivered to the door by the mayor himself?

He looks like a very ordinary middle-aged decadent man!

It’s almost June, and you’re still wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a long cloak with your collar turned up high, covering half of your face. Isn’t it hot?

"Go and do your work. I'll come find you next time." The stranger said calmly.

"Where do you live? Do you have a mobile phone?" Harley asked.

"I don't want anyone to disturb my private life. Alternatively, you can leave me a message at Tian Zhi Sheng." Mo Ke said.

private life?

Living alone is not considered private life, so...

Harley said thoughtfully: "Aren't you living alone? Could it be that you also found a girlfriend?"

Seeing his pupils shrinking, Harley said in surprise: "No, no?"

"It's not what you think."

The stranger sighed, turned around and quickly disappeared from the stairs.

"Who was that gentleman just now?"

Back in the office, Harvey asked curiously.

"A mage friend, what do you want?"

Harley returned to her seat and found fresh wounds on Gordon's face and neck.

It looked like it had been scratched by sharp nails.

"Your Excellency, Mayor, dozens of monsters ran out of Indian Mountain. They are almost non-human. They are bloodthirsty, cruel, and powerful. Some of them even have strange abilities. Just like super powers in movies."

Barnes looked a little dazed, and his outlook was greatly affected.

It was just as the stranger expected.

But there was only curiosity and doubt on Harry's face, "Indian Mountain is just a barren mountain, where did the monster come from?"

"I don't know." Barnes shook his head. "Around five o'clock in the morning, the police station received a call from Arkham Island."

The police chief spoke very quickly and gave an overview of the situation: After receiving the alarm, two patrol officers went to check and the entire army was wiped out; a large number of police officers arrived and the group was wiped out again; the chief was alerted and hundreds of police officers blocked the Arkham Island Bridge. , cut off contact with Manhattan; the situation is serious, come and report to the mayor.

Gordon concluded: "Your Excellency, if you want to sum up the situation on Arkham Island in one sentence, it would be Raccoon City in the movie "Resident Evil"."

"You seem to have some guesses." Harley narrowed her eyes.

"Those mutants wear uniform hospital gowns with numbers on the back. It's hard not to think of experimental products in a biochemical laboratory.

So, I suspect there is a secret laboratory on Arkham Island. "Gordon said seriously.

Very good, the scapegoat is confirmed!

"Mayor, there is live news from Arkham Island on TV." Harvey reminded.

Harley turned on the TV and saw that several major TV stations in Gotham were reporting on the matter.

"You should have looked for me earlier. What will the voters think if you don't see me commanding Ruoding on the front line?" she complained.

Gordon was stunned.

Barnes' eyes widened.

Harvey touched his nose and groaned: "Mayor, reporters will always be more efficient than the GCPD. The people of Gotham know this and understand it."

Harley stood up suddenly and ordered: "Stop talking nonsense, bring me my battle uniform and Vulcan cannon, I'm going to Arkham Island to fight zombies!"

"Mr. Mayor, those are not zombies, they are victims tortured by evil experiments." Gordon said solemnly.

Harley pointed at the green-skinned monster on TV that gnawed on living people, and was about to retort when Harvey reminded him softly: "Mayor, prisoners also have human rights, not to mention that the situation is unknown, they may also be victims.

It is best to let experts determine whether they are still human and whether they can be saved. "

Human rights, the pronunciation is emphasized.

Expert, what he said is profound.

Harley immediately came to her senses. Human rights are political correctness; experts are used to take the blame if something unexpected happens afterwards.

"Prepare the helicopter immediately. I have to rush to the Arkham Bridge in ten minutes. The Vulcan cannon and battle armor are also required.

Charming, fearless, and charging ahead are my personas in the hearts of voters.

When I hold the Vulcan Cannon and stand on the bridge, even if zombies really come to the city, the citizens will feel at ease. "

Gordon continued to be stunned.

Chief Barnes continued to glare.

Harvey shouted outside, asking his secretary to arrange for a helicopter, and then summoned four mayor's bodyguards who had been transferred from the gunmen's boys.

In the lunch break next to the mayor's office, there is a safe the size of a wardrobe. After opening it, the top layer is a set of brand-new GRE carbon nanofiber bulletproof armor, and the lower layer is various weapons, such as pistols, rocket launchers, and Vulcan cannons.

Last night in Indian Mountain, a set of battle armor was scrapped.

Later, a new one was replaced on Aki, and it was destroyed by hellfire during the battle against the four masters.

But which rich man only wears one set of "clothes"?

Harley is different from the past. Not only does she have armor in her office, fighting arena, and airship, she even has one hidden under the back seat of her car.

At any time, your own safety is the most important thing.

While being served by two female secretaries and wearing armor, Harley made a call to CBRN.

CBRN, Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Accident Prevention Branch.

Since it was all classified as a biochemical laboratory riot, of course CBRN experts had to appear.

Just as Harley was changing clothes, carrying the Vulcan cannon, and getting into the GCPD's gunship, an unexpected phone call came.

"Harry, it's me." An old voice said.

"Mr. Didier?"

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