I want to have a date with Superman

PS of the previous chapter

(ps: The master of the dark multiverse is not afraid of Satan. He believes that he can defeat Satan and even God in a fair fight.

But this is just what it thinks, not God’s perspective. I am implying that Barbatos is stronger than Satan and God.

Just like World War II, Germany is not afraid of the Soviet Union and the United States, and even thinks that it can rule the world (this is not the case, I am just using an extreme exaggeration as an example), but Germany's strength is really not as good as the Soviet Union and the United States.

Simply put, Barbatos cannot defeat Lucifer in his normal state.

Because it is certain that the Three Palace Demons cannot defeat Lucifer.

The magic power of the Three Palaces is 50-50 equal to Darkseid's, that's for sure.

Darkseid can be evenly matched with the Anti-Monitor, that's for sure.

It is certain that Barbatos is just a dog owned by the Anti-Monitor brothers.

The above achievements have all really happened.

Well, the Monitor, the Anti-Monitor, and the Forger of the Universe are three brothers, and Barbatos is the Forger's dog—literally, a pet.

ps2, Sangong said that if one of the three sons was stronger than Rachel, he would have taken over the earth. Let me explain.

The reason why the Three Palaces say this is because its three sons and one daughter can enter and leave the earth and hell at will.

I don’t know if readers still remember, there is a paragraph in the previous article, "The Sons of Three Houses are opening in Las Vegas, betting that Harley will not be popular for three months."

That is to say, the three sons of Sangong are all on earth.

But the Third Palace cannot enter the earth by itself. It gave birth to Rachel in order to use Rachel as a portal to enter the earth and destroy it.

Rachel had the power of the Three Houses and could destroy the earth, but she didn't want to, so she was caught, trained, and brainwashed.

The son of Sangong was willing, but he lacked the strength and narrowed his eyes.

The Three Palace Demon has six eyes. In addition to the two eyes in the orbit, there is a pair of eyes on the eyebrows and under the eyelids. The number of eyes open represents strength. )


In addition, I would like to use this single chapter to answer some readers’ questions.

I saw in the comment section that readers were worried about the collapse of the power system, and that Harley would become invincible in one step.

I did use the title "The road to invincibility begins today" in Chapter 222.

Just saying that Harley is on the road to invincibility does not mean that she is invincible today.

In fact, she is only level 33, with a defense point of 33, and her strength, speed, reaction and other physical qualities are about the same.

The distance is 90+ in the normal state, 100+ in the explosive state, and there is still infinity.

Not to mention Super, more powerful thermal weapons can also kill Harley.

Harley absorbed so much of the origin of Satan and the power of God, not to increase direct power, but to increase magic resistance.

Especially being completely immune to Hell and Heaven magic, it is invincible.

Harley's golden finger, the ultimate treasure of evolution, has always only strengthened defense.

Upgrade to add points to improve physical defense. Specialties that appear every 10 levels are prepared for various types of special damage.

As for the reason for these specialties, I explained it earlier because the DC universe has many weird abilities.

Magic is only one of the powers of the universe, barely one-half of the seven primary powers.

Well, not even one of the seven.

Let’s use Dachao as an example.

Da Chao's magic resistance is higher than that of ordinary people, but for him, magic resistance is his shortcoming.

At this time, Harley's ninth-level god skin, hell magic fell on her body, and she could only bear physical impact damage.

Even if Da Chao is not eliminated instantly, he will still be in a state of disarray.

This only shows that Harley is stronger than Da Chao in terms of magic defense.

In another situation, for example, Superman's heat ray attack is not magic, but a supernatural power. Harley cannot avoid it. With just one attack, she will be killed. However, the heat ray falls on Superman and does not even break the skin. .

So, Harley didn't suddenly become invincible at this point.

As for whether the power system has collapsed.

Obviously, when I came up with the setting of one specialty for every ten points of defense, I specially prepared it for this moment.

If there is no special defense, even if Harley is level 100 and has 100 defense points, she will be easily knocked down by the magician, even worse than Super.

In addition to magic, there are also n kinds of energy attacks, such as Green Lantern's green light energy attack,

For example, the Speed ​​Force can kill Harley in one move.

For example, Tears of Death, which specializes in killing gods, kills Harley like a chicken.

No one would like to see such a frustrated protagonist.

Therefore, there is defense expertise.


The second question is, why did Lucifer collapse after being whipped by Harley? Is this too exaggerated?

First of all, what she extracts is the origin, and there are still some differences between the power of the origin and the magic power.

Secondly, Lucifer is strong, but Harley's defense expertise is not weak either.

For example, God skin is completely immune to the magic of heaven and hell.

Such a powerful physique naturally requires a massive amount of strength to transform.

Well, the extracted essence was used to transform Harley's body. God Skin is her ability, and it can even be called a talent.

Harley really wasn't lying, she didn't know martial arts, she was just born with supernatural powers.

Innate divine power born the day after tomorrow.

Finally, Harley's expertise is not in starting things up, from scratch to something.

But from level zero to level eight and level nine, this requires too much "experience", because generally speaking, level nine is the limit.

Of course, I'm not saying that there is a limit to Harley's upgrades. No matter her expertise or upgrades, there is no limit. It's just that in the DC multiverse, level nine is almost the limit.

Raising a specialty from zero to the limit within the multiverse, that's why Satan collapsed.

He just collapsed, but at least he was still alive.

In the future, when Harley beats some supreme beings to death and is unable to raise her defense expertise to the limit, everyone may be able to feel how powerful Lucifer is at this time through comparison.


Finally, for the last book "Dragon Mother", I read almost every chapter review and tried to reply as much as possible. However, I found out to my embarrassment that I had too many replies for the entire book.

This book has better results than the previous one. I can no longer reply to every chapter review carefully. Therefore, if you have any questions, please tell me in the comment area. I will read every comment carefully and try to reply as much as possible.

In addition, if I have replied in the comments and you still have questions or don’t agree with my ideas, you can open a new comment. You don’t need to write all the content. As long as you say what you want to say, I will basically say it. Understandable - unless it's been too long and I've forgotten the content of my previous comment.

The reason why it is not in a comment, or in other words, I cannot reply to a comment I have replied to before, is not that I don’t want to reply, but that in the “Writer Assistant” on my mobile phone, it can only display the comments in the order in which they were posted.

For example, I replied to you today, and you replied to me. I will open Writer Assistant tomorrow, but I will not know that you have replied to me. I can only display the comments you responded to in yesterday's old comments based on the time.

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