I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 224: Mixed with shame and anger, the clown’s darkest moment

"Jerome, my dear twin brother, I haven't seen you for more than ten years, how are you?

Frank, of course you are fine!

I worked as a clown in Harley's circus, but you were adopted by a rich man and lived like Bruce Wayne.

Forget it, I’m not here to complain to you today.

You must have learned a lot about my deeds through TV news.

But I want to tell you, those achievements in the past are not something to be proud of.

Today, I'm going to do something bigger than myself - shit on Harley Quinn's throne during her coronation ceremony!


Are you also very excited after hearing this?

Thinking about what is going to happen next makes my head explode with excitement!

Oops, I’m so excited, I have to take a breath of ‘Clown’s Laughing Gas’ to catch my breath.

Damn it, hahaha, my head has become so clear!

Brother, give it a try. The recipe is on the attached page. No, when you open the mail package, a "joyful atmosphere" that can fill the room will naturally erupt from it.

Well, that evil chemical engineer called it ‘clown virus’. I liked the name very much, so I rewarded him with a jar.

His mouth split open when he smiled, dead and boring.

Oh damn, the joyful atmosphere affected my brain and I almost forgot about the real thing.

Well, after defeating Mr. Galavan, I am confident that I can defeat my former idol, Harley Quinn.

But, smart people have to prepare for the worst before doing anything.

There is also a certain possibility that I will fail and be captured.

Or, after disrupting her party, she chases him.

The ‘old idol’ Harley Quinn is actually a dull and boring person.

She won't play games with me, once it's in her hands

Well, I've thought of a hundred ways for her to kill me.

For example, stuff it into a cement bucket and throw it into the sea.

For example, use her best black magic to send me to Satan as a jester?

I personally look forward to this ending.

In short, I can die in any miserable way.

I would be happy to die in her hands.

But my spirit and will cannot cut off the inheritance.

Jerome, my brother, you are my heir! "

Signature: Your inner demon, your dear brother who tried to kill you many times when you were a child

Two hours before the mayor's banquet starts


In the chef's lounge of the city hall, Jerome laughed and folded the letter paper, put it at the bottom of the mechanism box, and then carefully installed a can of triggering "Joker Virus Bomb".

Two hours later.

The banquet officially began. Mayor Quinn appeared on the stage in her best attire. Under the gaze of countless dignitaries and celebrities, amidst the applause, and amid the continuous shutter sounds of reporters' cameras, she held onto the railing of the spiral staircase, smiled and nodded to everyone.

"Hehehe, completely unprepared."

In the chef's lounge, Jerome stood in front of the TV, surprised and surprised.

He felt that with her vigilance, at least before the banquet started, security should be arranged to check the inside and outside of the hall again.

Of course, it's also possible that after she defeated Galavan, she thought she had complete control over Gotham, and didn't even care about the leader of the 'Crazy Gang' who slipped through the net.

Thinking of this, Jerome's face turned gloomy.

"That's fine. The more you ignore me now, the more exciting the expression on your face will be when you see my performance later. It's exciting just thinking about it!"

Soon, he was laughing again.

After leaving the lounge, he found two boys in the corridor who were also wearing chef uniforms. "Is everything ready?"

"Hahaha." The middle-aged white man with a long face said his signature "Jerome laugh" first, and then nodded with a smile, "BOSS, we have already controlled the ventilation system of the building, and the clown gas is also connected to the ventilation ducts. .

As long as you give an order, poison gas can be sent into any room in the city hall within two minutes. "

Jerome took out his earplugs and put them on, and asked the boy opposite him a few words. After confirming that everything was ready, he took the chef's hat and a dining car that had been prepared earlier.

"Then what are you waiting for? Miss Mayor's party has already begun, and the 'Mr. J Show' must not appear on stage right away?"

He pushed the dining cart and walked toward the front hall with cheerful steps.

Very smoothly, they passed the search by the security guard at the entrance of the hall.

The dining car really contains all kinds of delicacies, no bombs.

Entering the magnificent and elegant venue, with melodious music, fragrant clothes, and people drinking and drinking, Jerome was so excited that he simply pushed the dining car away and strode towards the stage in front of the surprised eyes of the guests.

An internationally renowned symphony orchestra is playing soothing music on the stage.

With a rough and urgent movement, he snatched the microphone from the violinist's face and slapped it several times.

"Bang bang bang!"

The venue seemed to have pressed a pause button. The guests stopped talking and laughing, stopped their graceful dancing, and looked over in confusion.

"Hi, everyone - cough, cough, cough!" Jerome caught a glimpse of the mayor's shocked expression. He was so excited that he almost choked himself with a mouthful of saliva.

"The Mad Men are here again!" He took a breath, laughed, and took off his chef's hat and chef's uniform, revealing a sexy purple reflective plastic suit underneath.

“Now, let’s enter the ‘Mr. J’s Happy Show’ session!”

This is the opening statement, and it is also a command.

At this time, the guy who controls the ventilation system will immediately open the air valve and pour clown gas into the passage connecting the hall.

In two minutes, this place will be filled with wild laughter, and no one can stop it!

"Oh my god, it's the lunatic gang, Jerome!"

"Damn, why is he here?"

"Don't be afraid, the mayor is there - uh, why is the mayor smiling and applauding?"

"Papa papa!" Harley took a few steps forward, the shock on her face turned into a sneer, and lightly slapped her hands, shocking Jerome and leaving the other guests confused.

The venue fell silent and she smiled: "Jerome, what show do you want to perform today?"

Jerome suppressed his uneasiness and laughed: "I want everyone to laugh with me, how about that?"

"That depends on your ability. If the joke you tell is funny enough, everyone will naturally laugh. However, your stupidity is quite funny, hahaha."

Harley smiled elegantly.

Jerome was sluggish again, with a few drops of hot sweat on his forehead.

It does look a bit silly.

"Hehehe" someone laughed.

Seeing the mayor so relaxed, they had a vague suspicion in their minds - everything was under the control of the mayor.

Jerome looked up at the ventilation window, and a faint green mist drifted down.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and laughed maniacally, "You almost fooled me!"

"Laugh, laugh with me!" Jerome opened his arms, pretending to dominate the world and embrace the world.

His face was full of intoxication and pride.

"Harley Quinn, you lost, I finally defeated you!

Today, I not only get rid of the shadow you once brought me, I also surpass you, just like I surpassed Galavan.

Speaking of which, I really have to thank Cobot.

Although his sarcastic words about me were unpleasant, they were very sharp, and they woke me up from my dream! "

"Have you finally spoken out what's in your heart?" Harley smiled strangely, turned to the guests in the hall, and also faced the camera, and said, "Did everyone see it?

The so-called leader of the Mad Men's Gang is a pathetic charlatan who likes to use weird costumes, weird remarks, and weird behaviors to gain public attention.

We should sympathize with him and pity him, there is no need to be afraid of him. "

"Harley Quinn, you are still pretending!" Jerome pointed at the ceiling and laughed wildly: "The Joker virus that I carefully developed has permeated the entire place.

You are finished, you will become the most ridiculous joke in the world.

And you will follow them and laugh together, hahahaha! "

"Ah, it's really gassy!" All the guests shouted in fear.

Harry stood there calmly, looking at Jerome who was laughing maniacally on the stage with a smile on his face.

He neither stopped the guests who were running away in panic, nor called for people to take down the criminals on the stage.

"Hey, why." Jerome looked at the commotion-filled banquet hall. Not only did he not show a proud look, but he looked puzzled. He kept looking up and stood on tiptoes, breathing in through his nose.

"Don't panic, don't be afraid, everything is under control!"

It’s the heroic detective Jim Gordon.

He ran in from the door with a group of police officers, trying to help the mayor maintain order.

At this time, Harley smiled and said to the guests: "There is no poison gas, no terrorist attack. The curtain call performance of the Mad Men Gang is the special program of tonight's banquet."

She glanced at Jerome, who was frightened and angry, and laughed even more.

"Do you still remember the theme of this banquet?"

Everyone fell silent and thought deeply.

Guest Bruce blurted out: "We are celebrating the resolution of the Galavan series of cases, and congratulations on the restoration of peace and tranquility in Gotham!

The Mad Men Gang is the last link in the series of cases.

So, Jerome is not sabotaging, he is throwing himself into a trap.

He is using his own destruction to add celebration and joy to this party!"

"Hahaha" Harley laughed and gave Bruce a thumbs up, "Yes, Jerome is the clown who brings us joy.

Ladies and gentlemen, the last hidden danger in Gotham has been eliminated. Put aside your reserve and elegance and let’s laugh together, hahahaha.”

"Ha ha ha ha."

Seeing Jerome standing dumbly on the stage being captured by the police detectives, the guests finally put aside their worries and laughed with the mayor with the surprise of the rest of their lives.


Gradually, everyone was laughing and laughing very happily.

There was a joyful atmosphere in the hall.

"They are laughing, laughing, because of me, they are laughing wildly. This is what I want and not what I want." Jerome looked dazed and muttered to himself.

"The mayor asked me to give you a message." Gordon looked complicated and leaned into his ear, whispering: "It's actually very simple to play with trash like you.

Because you love showing off so much.

You will always look for opportunities to express yourself in big scenes, promote some ideas and new ideas, as if you are so smart, everyone is drunk and I am alone.

As long as you know what a person loves, you can easily kill him - this is Cobot's famous saying.

The thing you love most is often the biggest flaw.

Every Hedao hero tries his best to cover up his flaws.

For example, you have no idea what she loves.

But your preferences are known to everyone around the world. Do you think you are stupid? "

Jerome's face turned blue and red.

After a while, he smiled again, "It's an honor for me to make Mayor Quinn work so hard, even though I'm defeated!"

Gordon was startled and said strangely: "She told me that if you say this, I will give you one more message - she has not paid attention to you at all. It is her younger brother Gibbs who is responsible for this." everything."

"You lied, and she lied too, deliberately hitting me with lies." Jerome sneered.

"After learning that you and Galavan had a falling out, and that the Madmen Gang had suffered numerous casualties, Old Gibbs guessed that if you were unwilling to sink, you would definitely recruit new underlings in Gotham.

He had extensive connections, and it only took him half an hour to find the 'Clown Worship Association' and send two secret agents in.

Very easy.

As long as I learn to laugh like you, and then treat you like a god in your speech and behavior, you will be accepted as a core member immediately.

In fact, half of your 12 younger brothers have been bribed by Gibbs.

Knowing that the big BOSS in charge of black and white is eyeing you, even if they are really crazy, they will wake up with fright.

They all betrayed you when they were sure you would be doomed.

The remaining few people wanted to be bribed.

It's a pity that Gibbs is stingy and refuses to pay.

I reluctantly played this scene with you, but I only got a promise from the Quinn family that they would no longer cause trouble for them. "Gordon said truthfully.


Jerome was filled with shame and anger, his cheeks turned red, his chest was tight and he was suffocating. He finally spat out a mouthful of old blood and passed away.

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