I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 223 Catch them all in one fell swoop

The second-hand store was not very big, with a 100-square-meter facade in front and a large warehouse full of goods in the back. Bruce was locked in the warehouse.

With the cooperation of Gordon and others, Harley cleared out the four gunmen in the store within ten seconds.

When entering the warehouse, they were attacked by two church warriors holding large swords.

Unfortunately, Harley's owl glasses had already noticed it. Faced with the sneak attack, she ignored it and received two blows on her head and shoulders.

The high-tech carbon nanofiber armor was damaged for the first time, with a crack as long as a palm, but not deep.

"Bang bang -" Gordon and Afu behind Harley fired repeatedly, hitting the two monks with little sparks.

They wore knightly armor.

Harley raised her right foot and kicked him, leaving a dent in the plate armor on the man's lower abdomen.

It's not a footprint, just a dent.

"Ouch~~~" The guy wailed, flew three to four meters upside down, crashed into a pile of old furniture, and collapsed on the ground, groaning in pain.

The other person resisted the bullets of Gordon and others and continued to chop her two or three times.

Harley held back and did not use the price magic head spell to reflect the damage on him.

Turning around, he hit his temple with the butt of a gun.

"Boom!" The helmet flew off, and the man shook his body dizzy a few times.

"Bang bang-bang!"

His head, which was no longer protected by the helmet, was blown open by Ah Fu.

"Stop!" It was only then that Galavan shouted belatedly.

Except for Harley, several policemen and Ah Fu were hiding behind the cabinet, with only their eyes exposed, looking anxiously in the direction of the sound.

"Master!" Ah Fu exclaimed.

The warehouse is three to four hundred square meters, and is filled with a lot of second-hand furniture and electrical appliances, but in the back, an open space of forty to fifty square meters has been cleared.

Bruce is strapped to a second-hand gaming chair.

His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his mouth was bleeding, and there was a pack of bombs locked on his chest waiting to run seconds.

Beside Bruce, besides Galavan, there is Tabitha.

No Barbara and the other monks.

"How did you find this?" Galavan asked gloomily.

As he asked questions, the sword in his hand was already placed on Bruce's neck.

"Of course I followed you all the way here. Otherwise, do you think a mere paraglider can escape the pursuit of helicopters and cars?" Harley said calmly.

"You're lying, I have someone at the police station." Galavan threatened to chop Bruce's arm.

Ah Fu looked horrified and hesitated to speak.

Harley stepped forward and stood between him and Galavan, smiling: "I know!"

"What?" Galavan was surprised.

"I know there is your person in the GCPD, and the information he sent you is all what I want you to know.


It's all fake news, and that's why you're totally defeated. "

Harley took two steps closer.

"I don't believe it, you're lying!" Galavan didn't want to believe it.

Harley sneered: "You are such a fool, burying chess pieces in the GCPD is almost a tradition of Gotham Black State.

Things that even you know must have been done by us countless times.

If it were you and me, wouldn't you have some doubts in your heart? "

Galavan was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "I was stupid and underestimated you before, but now, Bruce is in my hands, how are you going to save him?"

Harley tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "How about, like in the movie, we provide you with a ransom, a helicopter, leave hostages, and let you go?"

"Do you really think I'm stupid?" Galavan said coldly.

"Tell me, what do you want?" Harley smiled and took a few steps forward.

"Don't come here~~~"

Galavan put the sword on Bruce's neck, "One step closer and I will kill Bruce!"

Tabitha also raised the detonator in a show of intimidation.

Harley simply threw away the rifle and pistol, took off her glasses and mask, and continued to walk forward. As she walked, she pointed at her forehead and said, "Now I give you a chance to chop here and shoot here. I can walk." The closer you are, the more accurate your shots will be.”

Galavan and Tabitha were shocked.

"Harry, you don't have to do this." Bruce said excitedly.

"Harry." Alfred and Gordon were in disbelief.

"What kind of conspiracy is she doing?"

Harvey Bullock was only shocked for a moment before he began to mutter.

"You're bluffing me!" Tabitha suddenly pulled out her gun and shot Harley in the face.


Harley grabbed her right hand in front of her like lightning.

"Hey!" She didn't get shot in the head. Instead, she showed a proud smile and spread her right hand. There was indeed a bullet in the palm of her hand - the glove was also bulletproof.

"Ah~ah!" Alfred, Gordon, and Harvey all exclaimed, their voices filled with worry at first, and then disbelief.

"Shit!" Galavan was dumbfounded.

"I do not believe!"

Tabitha's expression gradually distorted, and she pulled the trigger frantically, "Bang bang bang bang——"

Harley waved her hands in front of her face one after another, her movements were very fast and dizzying.

"Ouch -" Suddenly, Harley covered her mouth and screamed.

There were too many bullets and she finally missed.

Well, she does take bullets.

However, the way she receives bullets is different from that of Fire Cloud Evil God.

Fire Cloud Evil God can keep up with the speed of bullets, and his palms are protected by Qi, so he can catch bullets.

Harry wasn't afraid of bullets hitting him. Thirty points of defense would probably break his skin at most.

But if the skin breaks and bleeds, it doesn't count as showing off.

So, based on Tabitha's action of pulling the trigger, she predicted the trajectory of the bullet in advance, then put her palm in front of her face, felt the bullet hit her palm, and then moved quickly to create the illusion of catching the bullet with her bare hands.

How about someone with a fast reaction speed, who can barely do it once or twice?

Definitely not as good as Harley.

Because of her reaction speed, she has already exceeded the limits of the human body.

Moreover, she is not afraid of being hit and has a calmer attitude.

Unfortunately, if you have too many bullets, you will always miss.

She was hit in the mouth.

"Ouch -" At the same time, the damage dealt by Tabitha finally accumulated enough to trigger the cost magic - counter-injury, mind spell.

She had a splitting headache and couldn't even hold a pistol or detonator.

Harley took the opportunity to pull out the grenade from her waist and threw it.

"Stab la la!"

The arc jumped, causing Bruce, Tabitha, Galavan, and even Harley herself to twitch.

Arc bomb that electrocutes people!

Harley's will defense was level three, and she was not dizzy at all. She quickly took a few steps forward, took out a "wolf spray" from her waist, and sprayed it on Galavan, who was swaying as the arc flashed on the armor's surface.

"Bah~~~" Green mist covered his head.


The next moment, Galavan let out a horrified howl that didn't sound like a human voice.

The burly armored knight lay limply on the ground, foaming at the mouth and trembling.


Harley came again to Tabitha, who was holding her head and howling.

A very long moment.

Tabitha spoke loudly, her expression was extremely distorted, her pupils almost popped out of her eye sockets, she twitched a few times, and then stopped moving.

"OK, done."

Harley stuffed the 'wolf spray' back into the bag around her waist and picked up the bomb remote control from the ground with a smile.

"Is this the end?" Harvey said blankly.

"Your mouth is bleeding," Bruce said, staring at her face.

"Bah!" Harley spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva and said calmly, "I just missed it and was hit in the teeth by a bullet."

"Is your tooth broken?" Bruce asked with concern.

Harley bared her teeth, letting him see her two neat rows of white teeth.

"The bomb just now" Gordon walked over and said thoughtfully: "It seems to be an arc bomb used to electrocute people."

When no one was paying attention, Afu untied Bruce and quietly inserted the locator into his shoe.

"What did you spray on them? The effect is so strong, it takes effect immediately, and they completely lose their fighting power." Harvey stared at her waist curiously.

Gordon knelt down, opened Tabitha's eyelids, and saw her pupils narrowed to pinpricks, and exclaimed: "It seems to have the same effect as Mr. Fear's venom, making people extremely frightened."

"Harry, can you really catch bullets?"

Bruce is more concerned about Harley's "martial arts realm" than weird weapons.

Harley turned around, pointed at a few bullets on the ground, and said with a smile: "It's a very dangerous game. You can bet on the flight trajectory of the bullets through close observation."

Bruce was moved: "Harry, you really don't have to take such risks for me."

"Well, keep thinking like this!" Harley patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him.


"Why did Galavan kidnap you? If it was just for the hatred of our ancestors, why not just kill someone?" Gordon looked at him and wondered.

"He wants Wayne Group! When I sign the document for selling the original shares of Wayne Group, he will kill me immediately." Bruce said with an ugly face.

It’s twelve o’clock at midnight, the Truman mansion on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

Daniel Truman was sitting on the sofa in the living room, with the phone under his shoulder and his eyes still fixed on the TV.

"Are you watching the news about Harley Quinn?"

On the other end of the phone, the old woman sarcastically said: "She stole the show today.

In more than 100 countries around the world, as long as there is a national television station, her wonderful performance will be broadcast on the evening news.

‘The Mayor’ Harley Quinn is famous all over the world! "

"I want to find out the inside story. Galavan failed too quickly and it was too unbelievable. For example, the hard drive found under the mattress was very strange." Truman explained.

"Either Galavan is a psychopath and actually recorded the crime.

Either Harley Quinn, Jim Gordon (it was reported in the news that Gordon discovered the hard drive with Columbus), or someone else, had already targeted Galavan and recorded audio and video.

In short, Theo Galavan was not wronged, and the case of the Lunatic Gang and the Big Man Massacre was over.

The court is about to resume activity.

Three nights later, I will formally introduce you to the other judges.

At the same time, a summary meeting will be held to discuss the losses during the past period."

"Alas, the skeleton of Gotham's ruling class has been smashed, and the losses have been heavy!

To be honest, we all regret it now.

Let the head of the devil (Lei Xiaogu) resolve the conflict between the shadow warrior and her.

We shouldn't shut out Harley Quinn, she's a far better dog than old Kamai!

With her guarding the house, Galavan and his ilk would have no chance to act recklessly in Gotham. "The old lady sighed.

"In the case of the Madmen Gang and Galavan, she was suspected of raising thieves to support themselves. If you think about it this way, her purpose has been achieved." Truman said.

"But you can't deny that if we reject her or even be hostile to her, she has no obligation to help us deal with the Lunatic Gang and Galavan." The old lady said helplessly.

Truman could not argue.

After a while, he asked: "You mean, are you considering dragging her into court?"

The old lady said proudly: "She has shown a vague and irresistible longing for the court before (ps). As long as you give her a hint, even if it is just a preliminary member, she will lean over like a hound. Work hard to please us.

So, just hang a carrot on a rope, drop it in front of her, let her be a dog for us, and wait for the Kagemusha to gather strength, hehehe."

(ps: The old lady is not purely lustful. Harley has known Catherine's identity for a long time (the one she sacrificed to Joy), but she did not deal with her - in the eyes of others, she just didn't want to break up. .

Harley has also been in contact with Copot, revealing her "expectation" to wait for the court to contact her - Harley is indeed looking forward to the court's call, which she never hides.

However, her goal is to penetrate the enemy and kill them all.

Well, speaking of it, the old lady still cares and is lewd. )

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