Main universe, Justice League headquarters.

"Alas, you all have seen that this is how fate should be, but there is nothing to be done about it!" Harley sighed.

After retracting Harley's Wall, without saying a word, she led Zhenglian Giants, Essence Club and others to leave the "Illusionary Realm" between DC's Broken Universe and Harley's Wall, directly entered the interior of the universe, and returned to the far away place. Earth Zhenglian Headquarters for many days.

"I don't blame you, and I don't blame fate. I just blame the Giant Hands for being too domineering and arrogant." Luther also sighed.

Although they had not followed Harley to the outside of Harley's Wall before, they had fully shared what Harley had seen.

Now without Harley's explanation, they understood what was happening outside.

Everyone in the Essence Club looked at Harry with complicated expressions, and huddled aside to remain silent.

"Harry, you killed too much." Dachao said hesitantly.

Luther glared and shouted: "That black dragon is the Source Lord! Harley didn't deliberately reflect the dragon flames to burn the Giant Hand clan. It was because they were stupid and arrogant. They didn't expect the Source Lord's power to be so terrifying, even if the dragon flames were rebounded to The empty space is still spreading in the void.

You look outside.

Now there are no people in Taixu, and there are no black dragons to maintain the dragon flames. The blazing red flames are still burning. Our multiverse is like potatoes buried in a fire pit, still being burned! "

He glanced at Harley, his eyes full of awe, "Thanks to Harley, Harley's wall blocked the sea of ​​​​fire outside, and continued to rebound the flames that fell on it.

Alas, Harley's 'thick-skinned way' is not aggressive enough, and defensive is more than adequate. "

Da Chao also looked at Harley and said: "I'm not talking about the fifth presiding judge and those judges. It's really hard to blame others for their deaths or blame the Black Dragon Source Master for not explaining it in advance."

"Why didn't they say anything? The Black Dragon Origin Master reminded the Giant Hands to leave, but they insisted not to leave. The Black Dragon said, 'You will be responsible for the consequences.'" Hal Jordan smiled bitterly, "Before, I thought He said "You must bear the consequences" was for the Giant Hands. Now that I think about it, Harley is also within the scope of 'result at your own risk'.

She rebounded the dragon flames and burned the giant hand judge to death. Now the giant hand clan was shocked and furious, and a group of super strong men gathered around. "

Da Chao said: "If Harley didn't kill so many transcendents, they wouldn't be coerced by hatred and wouldn't ask Old Man Bianhuang to come forward.

The old man in Bianhuang didn't come forward, and no one knew that Source Master was watching from the side, so no one would stimulate Source Master to fight. "

"This can't be blamed on Harley." Oliver said helplessly: "In other words, instead of us reflecting on it ourselves, it would be better for the dead fifth presiding judge to reflect on it.

Harley clearly showed her strength, but they still refused to give up.

Without showing his strength to the onlookers, he directly attacked the Giant Hand Clan.

With Harley's posture of six vortexes juxtaposed when facing the Source Lord, a direct rebound from the Creation Giant Hand might wipe out the entire Judge team, and the result would be even worse. "

Dachao said: "What I mean is that forgetting it by accident, there is no need to completely kill those provocateurs. For example, Lord Yuntian's wife.

When we came into contact with the outside world for the first time, we didn't know the rules of the Almighty Universe, so we went on a killing spree, causing everyone to call us "witch" and "devil", and then... alas, forget it. "

He shook his head and smiled bitterly, "The next threat from the Giant Hand Clan is the biggest one. Only after we deal with the Giant Hand Clan can we face the hatred of the Transcendents outside."

"Harry, now that the Giant Hand Clan's army is approaching, what should we do?" Neptune asked.

Harry said: "Announce that the crisis is over, everyone should eat and drink."

In fact, the first chief judge of the Giant Hand Clan was still outside angrily scolding him at this moment, but she ignored him at all.

"The crisis of extinction is right around the corner. How can we deceive everyone? Why not make plans to run away early? Let's implement Plan B and accidentally kill dozens of judges from the other side. The blood feud is as deep as the sea and it will be difficult to resolve." Said the King of the Sea.

Harley smiled and said: "The 'crisis of destruction' caused by Papetua is indeed over. The new crisis of 'Giant Hand Siege' has not yet arrived. Don't forget that there is still a sea of ​​dragon flames outside our universe.

The giant hand clan just yelled and cursed, but did not rush over immediately. "

"Oh, can that sea of ​​fire stop the powerful First Judge and the elder of the Giant Hand Clan?" There was hope and joy in the eyes of the heroes.

Harley pondered: "Honestly, I'm not sure how long the sea of ​​fire can stop them, because I don't know the strength of the giant-hand judge and elders.

Now that the owner of the black dragon has left, the sea of ​​​​fire outside is not the real ‘source of fire’.

If the black dragon sprayed out the 'first fire', the first presiding judge and the elder of the giant hand clan would definitely not be able to withstand it. "

"The master of the black dragon? The origin master of the black dragon still has a master?" Old Shazam, who had been silent before, said in surprise.

Others looked equally shocked.

Harley said: "The black dragon is just the real source master's pet. Maybe their relationship is closer than that of master and servant. The black dragon has almost become her incarnation, or substitute, and can directly use her power."

"Whether the 'Lord of Fire' is the black dragon or someone else, he is gone now. He cannot help us and has no intention of helping us." Da Chao said.

"Well, that's the truth. The only thing we can rely on is ourselves." Harley smiled slightly, very confidently, and said: "If you think about it seriously, the Source Lord is an existence equivalent to the 'source'.

That black dragon, or the source of fire behind it, is an existence on the same level as the giant hand of creation."

She hesitated for a while, then changed her words: "I feel that the Lord of Fire is stronger than the Creation Hand."

The Father questioned: "It's impossible. The 'Source of Fire' is just the ultimate fire attribute. How can it be compared with the omnipotent and all-attributed giant hand of creation?

The giant hand of creation is the source of all multiverses!

Without Him digging out the basic force of the universe from the chaos at the edge of the omnipotent universe, there would be no prosperous, diverse and vibrant omnipotent universe now."

Harry said lightly: "Who told you that the 'Source of Fire' is just a fire attribute?"

"That bright fire, could it be other attributes?" Not only the Father was puzzled, but others were also puzzled.

In their opinion, the attributes of the Black Dragon Source are simply clear at a glance and natural.

"Flames are just a manifestation of the source power of the 'Source of Fire'. It is flame, and everything.

The giant hand of creation wants to mold our universe into the basic force of the universe. The dragon flame of the black dragon can also reverse all energy, matter and rules to the origin and become a 'first fire of creation'?"

Harry tilted her head and thought for a while, and said: "The source master should take a different path from the power of connection.

Not all multiverses are created by the giant hand clan.

Not all multiverses need the power of connection.

The power of connection is specifically used to cooperate with the 'loose' basic force of the universe molded by the giant hand of creation.

If my black vortex fails to withstand the dragon flame, I and our universe will turn into a flame.

On the other hand, the 'Source of Fire' does not need the basic force and the power of connection at all. She can probably create a multiverse directly with a ball of flame.

Her fire contains all energy, rules and attributes."

The people of the Essence Club still can't accept that the giant hand of creation served by the giant hand clan is not as good as a passing melon-eating source master, but they can't find a reason to refute.

Luther seemed to have realized something and said, "The Lord of Fire is stronger than the Giant Hand of Creation. The power of the Giant Hand Clan comes from the Giant Hand of Creation, and is definitely not as good as the Giant Hand of Creation itself.

They are at most 'Apostles of the Source', not 'Masters of the Source'.

Since Harley's black vortex can completely block the source fire of the Lord of Fire, as long as we hold our heads and squat to defend, even if the sea of ​​fire outside is extinguished, even if the entire Giant Hand Clan is dispatched, we can only be furious but helpless.

Anyway, the blood feud is now as deep as the sea. If they dare to attack, Harley will definitely rebound in full and kill those bastards.

Hahaha, this is the 'Pig Tactics'!

Harley, your 'Pig Tactics' are so powerful, and they are still effective against the giants of the Giant Hand Clan!"

Harley didn't say it, but she didn't agree with it in her heart.

Before, they could only be pigs, so they adopted the 'Pig Tactics'. Now she is no longer a pig, but a real dragon that has temporarily landed on the shallows.

Today she only went to Marvel and gained experience from Marvel's Black Vortex. Next, she will focus on projecting thoughts and stories.

When she has been to thousands of multiverses, her Black Vortex, uh, although the Fire Source Master obviously did not use all his strength, the "True Ninth Level Perfection" Black Vortex is more than enough to protect itself.

Maybe she should focus more on developing killer moves?

The Black Vortex is strong, but it can only passively defend.

Harley doesn't even need to develop too strong killer moves, as long as it is in line with her own realm. By the way, she also needs to transform her divine power into the power of connection, or other transcendental origins.

"Harley's Wall is my divine body. Now the entire multiverse is under my protection. You can rest assured and live a peaceful life." Harley said.

"Can our multiverse remain stable in the long run? Will it continue to collapse?" Superman said worriedly.

Harley said, "With Diana here, even if I don't do anything, our multiverse will be fine."

Thinking of Wonder Woman who was still working as a "paperhanger" in Wantianyi, Dachao immediately put aside his worries and nodded, "Diana just sent back a message that the parallel universe collision has ended, and she is repairing other leaks.

Now the first and second meteorite belts are compressed into a wall, and the collapse of the material universe has also stopped. Harley's wall is like the original origin wall."

"Then let's disband the team and announce the end of the crisis?" Hal's expression was a little tangled.

Harley said, "Everyone has been worried for more than a year, and it's time to relax and live a normal life."

Hal sighed, "Having said that, thinking of the first, second, and third judges-ah, forget it, don't think about it, it's useless to think about it."

"Harley, you are now the backbone of all the people in the universe. To announce the end of the crisis and peace in the world, you must come forward, at least let Louise do an exclusive interview live for you." Dachao said.

"Okay." Harley did not hesitate.

With the time for the live interview, she didn't know how many stories she would tell to the omnipotent universe!

However, with her current realm, no one would notice if she arranged a magic projection.

"Oh, right." Thinking of the outspoken and sharp and straightforward "omnipotent reporter" Louise, Harley added: "Tell Louise that when announcing the news of the Giant Hand Tribe Judge, you can be frank and say the truth, but remember to treat the Eagle Judge differently.

Other judges, including the fifth chief judge, are bad guys. They can become the arrogant and arrogant clowns in the news stories and eventually suffer the consequences. Only the Eagle Judge is an exception.

The Eagle Judge is the adoptive father of our DC multiverse and an old friend of the people of the universe. He has been working hard for the peace between the DC multiverse and the Giant Hand Tribe. It's a pity that fate is unfair and harms the good people.

It is best that Zhenglianhe Essence will take the lead and organize a multiverse-level memorial event. People across the universe collectively mourn for the Eagle Judge and pray that he can enjoy eternal happiness in the story dimension. "

"The Eagle Judge is not completely dead yet? Are they still alive in the story dimension?" The hero was just surprised, and the essence club's face was filled with joy.

Harley said: "As long as there are still people who remember them and know their stories, they are still alive in the story dimension."

"Isn't this fooling people!" Heavenly Father said in disappointment.

Harley said: "This is the fate arranged for us by the Fifth Judge, allowing us and our world to live in the story dimension.

We don’t want to just live in the story, but we can send our best wishes to the Eagle Judge!

Just like us people in the universe don’t want to die, we don’t want to ‘go to heaven’ while we are alive, but if a relative or friend dies, we will still wish them to go to heaven, and we will feel peace and joy because they are already enjoying happiness in heaven. "

"Well, that's true." The heroes nodded with strange expressions.

Luther hesitated and said: "Are we only going to hold a sacrificial event for the Eagle Judge? Why don't we include all the other dead judges and let the first and second presiding judges outside take a look and see our sincerity and let them understand?" The previous accident was not what we wanted.”

Harley said angrily: "I didn't expect you to say such childish words. There was no blood feud before, and you all knelt down to them. I also used both soft and hard words, all kinds of soft words, and all kinds of demonstrations of strength. What are they? manner?

Now the first, second, third, and fourth presiding judges are more noble than the fifth presiding judge, and are probably more arrogant. There are also blood feuds. Can they be satisfied with just a fake sacrificial activity? "

"Just give it a try, it doesn't take much effort." Luther said.

Harley waved her hand and said, "Do you think I am doing something to save my face? I really feel sorry for Judge Eagle, I sincerely offer sacrifices to him, and pray for him to be better in a higher dimension.

He is the creator of our multiverse and has great benevolence and affection for us and our universe.

He helped us negotiate peace many times and challenged the majesty and patience of the fifth presiding judge as an ordinary judge. This is very rare.

We are not heartless people and cannot forget his kindness, even if the current results are not good. "

Luther looked at her in surprise and closed his mouth.

Dachao had a look of approval and appreciation, "Harry, you have considered it carefully. We commemorate Judge Eagle just to express our gratitude and remembrance, not for the giant-hand clan outside to see."

Harley returned to Lishan Manor, rejected Selina's suggestion to hold a celebration party, and took Ivy, Xanadu and Damian to "Harley's Wall".

She is an invitation to everyone: go to Halle's Wall to monitor the giant hands outside, and at the same time jointly study the mystery of the "source" of the "big forehead".

The others had something to do and refused for the time being. Only Ivy, Xanadu, and Damian followed.

After witnessing the power of the "Source Lord of Fire", Harley finally confirmed that the old man in Bianhuang's "Half-step Source Lord" was filled with water.

Squeeze out the water and nothing will be left.

However, Old Man Bianhuang's "half-step source master" is a complete joke and he is bragging, but his "big forehead" does have the true shape and true meaning of the source.

To follow the path of the Power of Connection and transform the Divine Power of the Multiverse into the Power of Almighty Cosmic Connection, one must “visualize” the true “Source.”

Facing the "source" directly is of course the best choice.

But the "source" is rare and difficult to see, and even if you see it, you may not be able to withstand the corrosive power of the "source".

Now Harley has a "big forehead". It is not a real "source", but it can help people visualize and understand the "source" power of "creating a huge amount of money".

Just stare at that "big forehead".

There are only four and a half "sources" that Harley has come into contact with so far.

The creation giant hand of the giant hand clan, the "omnipotent giant eye" of the recorder, and the "half giant" served by the old man Bianhuang are all complete "sources".

Well, even if the "giant" served by Old Man Bianhuang is incomplete, it is still a complete "source".

The source of fire can also be considered a complete "source".

There is also a mysterious strongman hidden in a certain Marvel universe. Harley is not sure whether it is the Source Master, and can only count it half.

Four and a half sources, if you want to comprehend the "source" to transform your divine power, you must first eliminate the "source master", and comprehend the source power of the "source master" to complete the transformation of your divine power. You can only make yourself the slave of the source master.

The giant hand of creation and the giant eye of omnipotence are only images, but the old man in Bianhuang left behind a real "big forehead" with vitality, so Harley chose to understand the "big forehead" to seek divine transformation.

Harley's Wall, a stone hall inside.

Everyone gathered in a circle and sat cross-legged. In the center was a skull with flashes of colorful "source" power, mainly the large forehead. The rest of the skull was extremely damaged and had no "source" power.

"That's all for us. Becoming a god king is a luxury. Understanding the power of 'source' to transform and connect is a beautiful thing that we never dreamed of.

If there is a ‘source’ for us to understand, we will be very satisfied.

But you are different from us. You have a choice. You can choose a stronger, more perfect 'source' that is more in line with the thick-skinned way. Mrs. Shangdu said.

Ivy also said: "Harry, you already have the 'name' of an angel. You have a better future if you follow the path of God."

Harley's eyes flashed slightly and she said: "Originally, I planned to follow the path of God and complete the transformation of thick-skinned divine power through the 'God Source Power', but now have you ever thought about why the 'sources' I have encountered so far are all human beings?" Parts of the body? Palms, eyes, incomplete heads.”

"I also want to ask, why does the 'source' exist in the form of human organs? Doesn't it represent everything?" Damian said.

"Dang Dang!" Harley stretched out her right hand and flicked her "big forehead" a few times with her fingers.

"Old ghost in Bianhuang, please tell me."

A weak thought wave came from "Big Forehead", "Didn't you search for my memory and wisdom, and even asked me personally?

And this is just my conjecture. It is an ancient legend whose source cannot be found, and may not be true. "

"I can judge whether it is true or not. You just need to tell them what you know." Harley said calmly.

"Big Forehead" said slowly: "Legend has it that there is a higher dimension and a more 'real' world outside the omnipotent universe."

Damian wondered: "I can understand higher dimensions. It's normal that there are universes outside the universe, but what does 'reality' mean?"

"Why was your universe harvested by the Giant Hand Clan? Or why did the Giant Hand Clan want to harvest you?" "Big Forehead" asked.

"The Giant Hands want our stories. There is power in the world's stories." Damian said.

"Big Forehead" said: "Since it is a 'story', does the person who tells the story and listens to the story mean that it is more 'real'?"

Damian was stunned and murmured: "The opposite of 'story' is indeed the 'real world', but we are reality, how can we be more 'real'?"

“I don’t know, the Sea of ​​Chaos has blocked the Almighty Universe. Maybe the Almighty Universe, which represents the infinite in our hearts, is just a collection of stories in the ‘real world’?

If we could tear open the Sea of ​​Chaos and go to the higher dimensional world outside, we might be able to know the truth.

This is what I think, and this is what you think at this time, right?

Do you know about cosmic consciousness?

The collective consciousness of all sentient beings in the universe constitutes the universal consciousness.

Expanding it to the omnipotent universe, the ‘source’ appeared.

It is said that the 'sources' in the shape of human organs such as the 'Giant Hand of Creation' and the 'Almighty Eye' will eventually be combined together to represent the life will of our entire almighty universe, crossing the sea of ​​chaos and heading to the high-dimensional real world outside. "

"Ah, all the organs and all the 'sources' are actually going to be combined into a complete 'person'? Are people going to break through the barrier between the omnipotent universe and the 'real world'?" Damian looked shocked, and Ivy and Xanadu also looked dazed. .

"Big Forehead" stopped talking after telling the legend.

After consuming the "legend" story for a long time, Damian turned to Harley and asked: "Sister Harley, do you think this legend is true?"

Harley said: "I think this is not a 'legend', but a plan of some big boss."

Damian was shocked again, "There is a big boss who plans to create many 'organ sources' and combine them into 'people', and then the 'source' is not everything, but everything? To be able to make this plan, it must be beyond the 'source', right?"

Harley was silent for a while and said: "Maybe that big guy is the consciousness of the almighty universe. The complete 'person' formed by using the 'source' without self-awareness has no consciousness either, so it can load its consciousness.

Or maybe it is God, who has touched the world beyond the omnipotent universe.

Maybe I'm completely wrong and the legend is ridiculous. "

Mrs. Xanadu was thoughtful, but also surprised, and said: "What does this legend have to do with your practice?

Are you planning to realize the 'big forehead' first, and then realize the giant hand of creation and the almighty eye, so that you can replace the 'complete person'? "

Harley said: "I have no idea of ​​replacing it, I just think that the 'complete person' represents a higher realm.

Each time you gain an understanding of an 'organ source', the power in the corresponding organ of the body is transformed into the power of the connection between the 'sources', improving one level of realm.

For example, today I observed the ‘big forehead’ and sublimated the divine power of the thick skin on my forehead into the ‘power of connecting the thick skin on the forehead’, becoming a transcendent person of the first level.

Tomorrow I will observe the 'Almighty Eye' again and sublimate the origin of the thick skin in my left eye into the 'power of the connection between the thick skin in my left eye' and become a transcendent person in the second heaven.

In this way, one layer after another, until my whole body becomes the organ of the "source", and the energy source in the organ is the connection power of the "source".

In the end, Hunyuan becomes one, breaks the chaos, and achieves 'reality'. "

Even the old man from the borderlands who has lived for countless years has only heard of ancient legends and is not sure what lies outside the Almighty Universe.

But Harley originally traveled from the "real world", so of course she believes that there is at least one more real world out there.

Anyway, her foundation has always been the "defensive evolution" of being beaten and gaining experience.

Magical training is only a supplement to "defense evolution".

Even if the path of cultivation goes astray, the foundation will not be affected and the direction can be readjusted in the future.

"Isn't it true that a person can only perceive one kind of 'source'? Mr. Bianhuang, have you ever seen the existence of multiple 'sources'?" Madam Xanadu asked doubtfully.

"Haha, Witch Harley, an extraordinary person, how can she show her power by following an ordinary path?" "Big Forehead" said with a half-smile.

Harley sneered: "Of course I am an unusual person, you used all your energy to suck the milk, but you only forced me to use a black vortex.

But when facing the Source Lord, I used six black vortices.

I am not afraid that you will despair. Six black vortices are still not my limit. I still have three black vortices and nine black vortices tied for two trump cards. "

"You are powerful, you are awesome, I am not even one tenth of you, but no matter how powerful you are, can you still violate the basic laws of the omnipotent universe?" "Big Forehead" shouted angrily.

Harry continued to sneer, "You still don't understand the meaning of the nine-fold black vortex. Well, I will teach you the "Thorn Black Vortex." "

She really repeated the first three levels of the "Black Vortex" secret book.

Damian and others still didn't understand what she meant. "Big Forehead" studied the "Black Vortex" secret book for a while, and then cried out, "Impossible, absolutely impossible, the black vortex is the body, the black vortex absorbs the attack damage, that is, the body temporarily accommodates the energy of the attack damage.

A body can only have one black vortex, how can you... If you can divide the body into nine parts, each part is equivalent to a complete body, it is still impossible, the black vortex is the black vortex, the 'source' is the 'source', you can't use only part of the body to perceive a 'source' alone. "

Now Madam Shangdu understood, and shouted excitedly: "Harley can stimulate multiple black vortices at the same time. Each black vortex is located in an 'acupuncture point' of the body. The 'acupuncture points' are independent of each other and can become black vortices or perceive the 'source' alone. Harley, we can also cultivate your black vortex, right? Can we cultivate multiple black vortices?"

Harley smiled and said, "If you can't cultivate multiple black vortices, where can I get the experience of the nine-fold black vortex?"

The King Kong Spider is not her after all. His physical strength is limited, and the attack energy he can withstand is also limited. Even if he cultivates to the eighth-fold black vortex (the little spider's physical potential is developed to the limit, and he can only cultivate to the eighth-fold black vortex), it is just enough to make a big fuss in heaven.

If you want to become the king of heaven, it is far from enough to rely on the eight-fold black vortex.

One black vortex is not enough, what about two or three?

Multiple black vortices have long been in Harley's plan. After all, the inspiration of the black vortex comes from the specialty energy jar, and she has more than one specialty jar.

For example At level 150, she has 16 specialty experience jars.

Among the 16 specialty experience jars, one is a level 0 jar, which is prepared in advance for the 16th defense specialty, and the levels of the remaining 15 jars are determined by her specialty level.

She has a level 9 food defense specialty, and the food defense specialty experience jar can hold level 10 food energy; she also has a cosmic basic force defense specialty, and each specialty jar can hold at least level 10 basic force energy. Fifteen jars added together, she can withstand at least 15 level 10 energies.

Nine-fold perfection, nine black vortices of the nine-fold realm (level 9 energy) are parallel, Far from Harley's limit.

The nine-fold perfection is only the limit of the multiverse.

The King Kong Spider has good talents, and with the help of Tianming and Harley, he successfully opened the five-fold black vortex in the next four years and finally had the qualifications to fight against the Angel King.

The so-called "acupoints" are not the human acupoints in the Celestial Dynasty Xianwu, but the "Harley's exclusive acupoints" that Harley locked according to the approximate position of the "specialty jar" in her body.

They are completely inconsistent with the traditional human meridian acupoints, but can allow people to cultivate multiple black vortices.

"We can cultivate the nine-fold black vortex and also comprehend the nine kinds of 'sources'?" Shangdu said in surprise.

Harley hesitated and said, "You may not be able to bear it. The black vortex of the same nine-fold realm has different physiques and different energy limits that can be endured.

Maybe your nine-fold great perfection realm is not as effective as the third and fourth realms of my single black vortex."

The black vortex only develops the existing potential, not increases the potential.

Harley created the black vortex to develop her own defensive potential. Others can cultivate the black vortex, but their own potential is limited.

"If they can't bear it, you can't bear it either. Even if your Black Vortex Secret Technique is superb and can divide your body into many parts, each of which is equivalent to a complete body and a complete universe, your physical strength is limited.

The conflict between two different "source" forces will definitely tear your body apart." "Big Forehead" shouted.

Harry said: "At least your "Big Forehead" source power has no effect on me."

--Do you know that the source extracted from you has been used by me to activate the defensive specialty?

Pure physical body is indeed not enough to resist the "source" power, but with the defensive specialty, hehe

Harry smiled strangely, stopped talking nonsense, and only asked Shangdu and the others to concentrate on practicing.

Just as Harry was concentrating on practicing, while realizing the true form and meaning of "Big Forehead", and secretly conveying the story of "Legend of the Martial God King" to more multiverses without their own stories, the material universe gradually restored order and peace.

Even though Harry was interviewed, everyone was still skeptical about the end of the crisis.

Because the universe has not ushered in a complete restart, the edge of the universe is still broken, and the Lingbo Prison still has only half a dimension left, Many divine realms disappeared, and the sixth dimension was gone.

But everyone did not encounter a new cosmic crisis directly, and life returned to normal.

The Justice League, on the other hand, has been very busy recently.

Not only do they have to cooperate with the three creators to check for holes in the universe and repair damaged dimensions, but they also have to "liberate" the parallel universes that fell into the year of villains.

The sixth dimension is gone, and they cannot directly recycle those universes into the world furnace. They have to eliminate the believers of Pa Mu and destroy thoughts in the universe bit by bit.

There is also a trial for rapists, which is currently on the agenda. Luthor and Superman are on the list of public trials.

Of course, Harley promised Luthor that she could not help him directly exempt from public trial, but she would appear in court to speak a few fair words for him.

Before the trial of the traitor, Louise, a famous cosmic reporter, presided over the ceremony of "millions of civilizations sending the judge" for the "father of the universe" and "the closest friend of the universe".

"Millions of civilizations" is not an exaggeration.

Countless civilizations in the material universe responded to the call, holding activities to commemorate the Eagle Judge within their civilizations, and sending representatives to the solar system to pray for the Eagle Judge in silence.

Harley, who had not appeared before, also took the time to come to the memorial ceremony in person this time, and recited the "Que Bible" as a holy priest to help the Eagle Judge's soul.

Then something unexpected happened to everyone.

"Oh~~" Harley was leading the millions of civilization representatives to chant in unison, standing at the front of the team, holding the huge black and white portrait of the Eagle Judge (a huge, eagle with wings spread and crying), and the "Eagle's Daughter" Diana, who was holding flowers and wearing a black veil, suddenly shouted out of control.

Then a golden light appeared between their brows, and it left their bodies and slowly flew into the air, where a few golden lights merged together.

"Chi~~" A loud eagle cry resounded throughout the solar system, and the thought waves were still spreading farther.

Harley, who was holding the Bible and wearing a white robe, was stunned for a moment, and exclaimed in surprise: "God appeared, the Eagle Judge has returned to life!"

Oops, I haven't finished writing a chapter yet, I'll continue tomorrow

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