I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2091 Finale Part 2

After the other transcendents who were eating melons left, and seeing that the giant hand tribe remained motionless, the old man from the borderland decisively used his strongest move.

A huge head was summoned out of thin air and appeared in front of the Harley Wall.

The head roughly looked like a human head, with very vague facial features, only the forehead was "solid", and the rest of the head was outlined by light blue dotted lines.

"Another 'source'?" Harley was shocked.

The old man from the borderland was really not bragging.

The giant head, like the "Giant Hand of Creation" served by the Giant Hand tribe and the "Almighty Giant Eye" served by the story recorder, was actually a "source" in the shape of a human organ.

The "Giant Hand of Creation" summoned by the Giant Hand tribe was lifelike, with distinct lines on the surface, very clear, very complete, and the power of the "source" was also very pure.

The "Giant of Creation" released by the old man from the borderland at this moment gave people a clear sense of incompleteness, with only the forehead part having the "source" power, and the other parts were suspected to be composed of a small amount of "source residue" mixed with divine power, magic power and other miracle powers.

It's not that there is no "source" force breath, but there is only a little "source" force breath. This kind of "source" dregs with such low purity suddenly reminded Harley of the four words "poor imitation".

It is probably the appearance of the "giant" that the old man from the borderland completed himself based on his own understanding and the materials he could collect.

Well, except for the forehead of the "giant" which has the true form and meaning of the "source", the other parts are all artificial.

So, rather than saying it is a "giant of creation", it is better to say it is a "big forehead".

Only the "big forehead" is true!

Even if only the "big forehead" is true, it can reveal its true form and meaning, and it can also have its own feelings and complete the rest of the parts, which also shows that the name of the "Apostle of the Source" of the old man from the borderland is not in vain.

"I top it!"

The old man from the borderland shouted, and the "big forehead" hit Harley's wall fiercely.

Harley's wall is like a basketball, and the "big forehead" is the head of a football player.

It is not as overbearing as the "Giant Hand of Creation" covering the entire Harley Wall, but it has a direct killing force far exceeding that of the "Giant Hand of Creation". It is an impact force with the attribute of "source", which can be called the "limit of physical impact".

"Ouch, my lungs, you hit my lungs, it hurts!" Harley's scream is at least three-tenths true.

She was really hurt by the "big forehead", her head was a little numb, and her expression was dazed for a moment.

"Witch Harley, what do you mean?" She screamed, but the old man in the wilderness seemed to have suffered a great humiliation and shouted loudly and angrily.

After he hit Harley's wall, he immediately took a defensive posture, and his figure moved left and right, up and down, almost blurring and disappearing.

He was originally here to break the black vortex, so he naturally had to be prepared to face the rebound of the black vortex.

But he was ready, and the black vortex didn't move at all.

"I'm screaming, can't you hear it?" Harley screamed "Ouch ouch", as if she was laughing.

"Damn it! How dare you take it with your body without any reaction?! Don't get carried away, I was just testing it lightly just now." The old man from the borderland was a little furious.

He was prepared, but Harley didn't even open the black vortex, and used Harley's wall to hit the "big forehead".

After a head-on collision, she just screamed in pain, instead of being torn into pieces directly. Even if she wasn't crushed to death directly, you would at least spit blood and be seriously injured!

"Hahaha, you keep pushing, and when I can't stand it anymore, I will naturally start the black vortex rebound." Harley stopped pretending and laughed out loud.

In fact, the "big forehead" of the old man from the borderland is not weak. Before contacting the giant of the giant hand tribe, Harley would definitely not dare to take it with her "divine body".

However, in these short "few days", Harley has undergone too many and too big changes.

First of all, her level.

With the "help" of the story recorder, she is already level 153, with a pure physical defense of up to 153 points.

After that, using Harley's Wall to fight against the "Giant Hand of Creation" is equivalent to harvesting the experience of the Fifth Judge and a group of judges, and the level is about to be raised to 160.

When she passes through the story dimension, she will project part of her thoughts to the next door Marvel. All priests and venerables who use the holy power of the God of War to resist the enemy's damage can be beaten by themselves and give experience to Harley, just like Harley's God-favored ones.

Not to mention the thousands of venerables of the God of War, just Venerable Kang, he was focused on by all Kangs in the Kang Council. How much experience should Harley gain in just that wave?

Every Kang in the Kang Council is the overlord of the multiverse!

The moment Harley's thoughts were projected to Marvel, a huge amount of experience came to her.

Before she went there, the experience energy was stored in the statue and the river of time.

She opened the sixteenth defense specialty at that time-extracting a little energy from the power gems collected by the God of War, and upgrading the power defense specialty to level 0 (just opened).

She extracted the energy of the power gem herself, and the cause and effect were her own; she was sacrificed by the Martial God King to the DC multiverse, and the cause and effect were all borne by her followers.

Dr. Manhattan is a typical lesson. He went to another multiverse without any scruples, and took care of everything himself. He was entangled with cause and effect, and was eventually burdened by cause and effect, plotted against by the will of the universe, and trapped in the multiverse.

Harley went to Marvel next door with only a wisp of thought. If there were too many causes and effects, she might really encounter an accident. Now is the critical moment, and we must not waste time because of accidents.

So she not only did not communicate directly with Venerable Kang and King Kong Spider, but also stopped at extracting "new power" from the Divine (the treasure house of the Martial God King Church is on the Divine), only opening specialties without upgrading, even if the on-site extraction has zero energy loss and the highest efficiency.

The believers of the Martial God King Church know what their "master" needs, and the treasure house is directly placed in the "Martial God King Colossus" of the Divine, which is equivalent to placing it in Harley's stomach.

She only needs to think into her "faith body" to take any treasure at will.

And she secretly extracted the power gem two years after the "present" time of Universe 1813.

Two years after the fall of the Kang Council, Venerable Kang collected nearly 100,000 Infinity Gems for Harley.

It sounds a bit exaggerated, but in fact he only confiscated part of the dead Kang's property, especially the inheritance of the Pharaoh and the Centurion.

"God of Stories" Loki erased the "Overlord Kang plot" in the super time stream after Venerable Kang killed the Pharaoh, the Centurion and more than 10,000 "Big Kangs".

Loki wanted to tamper with Venerable Kang's story, but he failed.

After negotiating with Harley, he promised that Venerable Kang's story would be preserved intact.

In other words, the stories of the Kangs he killed are still there. Of course, although their stories are on the timeline, they were ended by Venerable Kang in the battle of the arena.

Although their stories were ended by Venerable Kang, their treasures did not disappear!

In the next two years, Venerable Kang took Pluto to search for spoils everywhere.

New power and law wisdom can please the King of War Gods. Venerable Kang understands this and naturally works very hard.

Among the nearly 100,000 infinite gems, only the power gem can open new specialties. The rest of space, time, mind, soul, and reality all have corresponding specialties.

Time and space are not to be mentioned. The soul corresponds to the black apple and white apple that enlighten the soul on the DC side, and the mind corresponds to the spiritual will.

Harley's "thick-skinned specialty" is related to spiritual will.

Of course, the Mind Stone represents a basic force of creation, which is much more advanced than Harley's own "thick-skinnedness". It is best to use the energy of the Mind Stone as a basis to "cultivate" the thick-skinned defense specialty again.

Harley only took a little energy from the Power Stone. The other gems were very greedy, but they all held back.

Even if the Infinity Stone only had the effect of inducing the power of the basic laws of the universe, which is equivalent to the switch of the switch, it would be just a beautiful gem rich in energy in other parallel universes, but their weight in the "Marvel Story" plot is too heavy, and the cause and effect involved are too complicated.

In short, when Harley came back from the Marvel Multiverse, her level had reached 163+, and then she harvested the Transcendent who was eating melons outside. At this time, her level was about to break through 170. If she had a new power to open the 17th defense specialty, she would have broken through 170.

Harley held back and did not break through.

She had to leave a specialty vacancy to prevent unexpected changes.

What does 170 points of defense mean in the omnipotent universe?

Harley didn't know before, but now she understands.

170 points of defense can withstand the "big forehead" collision of the "strongest transcendent" old man from the border.

"I'll take it!!"

The old man from the border shouted, and the "big forehead" hit Harley's wall again.

This time he still didn't use his full strength, and he still prepared for the rebound of the black vortex in advance.

"Oh, it hurts so much~~" Harley screamed and shook the void.

"Witch Harley, you are too much!"

The old man from the border was completely angry, and she still took his "source" impact.

"Old man, you should go to the border to pick up waste. With your old arms and legs, I can't push you up even if I stand here and let you push me. You still stand up for others, be careful not to break your old waist, hahaha!" Harley laughed and sneered.

"Go to hell~~~~" The old man from the border had lived for countless years, and this was the first time he suffered such ridicule, and he finally couldn't help but use his full strength.

"Buzz buzz buzz~~~"

The "big forehead" is still a big forehead, but with the slight vibration of the "big forehead", the abundant "source" power is released to fill the other parts of the head outside the forehead.

At this time, it really has the momentum of a "giant of creation", almost comparable to the giant hand of creation used by the fifth judge before.

"Be careful, if the witch Harley bounces the 'Head of Origin' to our side, immediately join forces to summon the 'Giant Hand of Creation'." The fifth judge also became serious and secretly informed his companions to prepare for defense.

"It's interesting." Harley smiled lightly, "Old man from the border, now you are qualified to see the thorny black vortex of this saint."

This time she did not use Harley's wall to block the "big forehead".

She herself turned into a dark rotating vortex, not big in size, and compared with the "big forehead" that hit it, it was like a black dot as big as a pinhole.

But the huge "Head of Origin" disappeared in an instant, all absorbed by the "pinhole-sized" black vortex.

Then the black vortex turned into Harley's body again, "God's Palm!"

She actually moved, she left the surface of Harley's wall, and like those transcendents, her movements were extremely skillful and even faster. She came to the old man from the borderland and pinched him with a white jade-like "slender giant palm".

The old man from the borderland struggled hard, and the God's Palm, which had been proven to work in the multiverse, broke into pieces.

But Harley opened her mouth, and a "big forehead" of the same style, the same breath, the same size, and the same power floated out of the black vortex at the throat, and hit the old man from the borderland.

The old man in Bianhuang actually took precautions, but he didn't expect Harley to take the initiative to approach him. Harley had been motionless before and had been sticking to the edge of the DC multiverse.

He didn't even expect that Harley also had the God's Palm. Well, the God's Palm only had the advantage of being supreme in breath, and its real attack power was not worth mentioning in front of him, but the God's Palm delayed time. When he was struggling, " "Big forehead" has crushed his body inch by inch.

Harley even heard the "sound" of his thinking body being crushed, like a car wheel slowly crushing a beetle.

"Oh, the 'big forehead apostle' can't stand up to the 'big forehead' itself." She smiled happily.

It's more than just unbearable.

After the "big forehead" ran over the old man Bianhuang, it still didn't disappear. It still pushed forward until it was beyond the range of Harry's thinking.

I don’t know if there will be a “Second Lord of the Sea”.

"Ah, Witch Harley, you are so cruel."

The "big forehead" had already flown away, but old man Bianhuang still had weak thought waves coming out.

Harley opened her eyes and looked carefully, but she didn't "see" anything. Her heart moved, and she used God's Palm again to fish it out in front of her.

Sure enough, I caught something.

When I saw it, it turned out to be a skull. Strictly speaking, it was a "big forehead."

Only the forehead part was intact and shining brightly with the "source" power, while the rest was broken and incomplete, even Naoren'er was missing.

"He is worthy of being the apostle of Big Forehead. If it had been anyone else, he would have been annihilated by the impact of the Source." Harry pinched Big Forehead, looked around, and clicked his tongue.

"Witch Harry, you -" Old Man Bianhuang subconsciously wanted to curse fiercely, but he woke up after shouting and immediately changed his words. He said very politely and humbly: "Dear Holy Aunt, I lost, and you deserve it." You are the sister of God. I admire you very much for your non-aggression, kindness and non-killing ways.”

"You old guy is quite aware of current affairs."

Harley immediately retreated outside the "Harley's Wall", put away the "big forehead", and first quietly sent a message to the Giant Hand Clan, saying: "Everyone has seen it with your own eyes, what should you say now?"

What she said had two meanings.

First of all, she didn't lie, and she didn't use the power of "the strongest melon-eating transcendent" to sneak attack on them.

She just wanted to show the power of the black vortex, but the power of the black vortex was difficult to control. She was afraid of hurting them and accumulating irreconcilable blood feud, so she angered the "loose cultivators" outside and used them to show off their strength.

Secondly, at this time, she has already tested the power of the black vortex in public, even the old man from Bianhuang who has the reputation of "Apostle of the Source" was defeated. Is she qualified to negotiate terms with them?

The Giant Hands were silent.

The Eagle Judge endured it for a while, but still couldn't hold it back, and quietly transmitted the message internally, saying: "Your Majesty, the Fifth Judge, since Witch Harley is stubborn and insists on rejecting the kindness of the 'Giant Hand of Creation', we will—— "

"Eagle!" The fifth presiding judge interrupted him in a deep voice, saying: "The 'Judge' is the executor of the will of the 'Giant Hand of Creation'. We can never compromise with the disobedient! We represent the 'Giant Hand of Creation' ',Understand?"

"I understand, but Witch Harley's black vortex is too weird."

The Eagle Judge wanted to say, "Witch Harley is too strong, we may not be able to take her down." But halfway through his words, he realized that saying this would only add fuel to the fire.

"There is nothing weird about the black vortex. I have thoroughly studied this magic and even learned it myself." The fifth presiding judge said calmly.

"What? You know how to black whirlpool?" Judge Eagle exclaimed.

"What's weird about this? I can do it too." Another judge said disapprovingly: "Didn't Witch Harley just disclose the secret technique of "The Black Vortex of Thorns"? With our realm and knowledge, it is not easy to practice according to it. ?”

The Eagle Judge was startled. He had not forgotten that Harley had disclosed the secret book of "The Black Vortex of Thorns" just now. He had also studied it himself, but he had no idea that his companions, and even the fifth presiding judge, were secretly practicing.

Studying black vortex and cultivating black vortex are not the same concept.

The purpose of studying the black vortex is to find out why Witch Harley can rebound from the giant hand of creation and practice on her own

"Can you also use the black vortex to bounce back from the giant hand of creation?"

The judge said: "Maybe we can, but others shouldn't be able to. Turn your body into a black vortex, and you must first contain the attack energy before it can bounce out.

How could an ordinary person's body withstand the power of the giant hand of creation?

Just in the stage of containing the attack energy, it was decomposed into original energy by the 'source' force.

In other words, we, the judges, are the executors of the will of the ‘Giant Hand of Creation’, and can barely resist a small part of the effect of the ‘source’ power. "

"So Witch Harley is still very weird, we..." Judge Eagle hesitated and did not continue, but everyone understood the meaning.

The realm of Black Vortex is far inferior to that of Witch Harley, and even after practicing, she cannot compete with her. It is better to acknowledge her strength and status.

"Witch Harley is very weird. This is one of the reasons why we must capture her." The fifth presiding judge said solemnly: "We have studied the black vortex. Even if the realm is not as good as Witch Harley, we can't rebound like her. 'Source' force attack.

But at least we are no longer unfamiliar with the black vortex.

It is very strong, but it is a purely defensive skill. As long as Witch Harley does not use attacks so powerful that they exceed her own endurance limit, Black Vortex is just a decoration. "

"Having said that, how can I subdue her without attacking?" Judge Eagle said.

A judge said: "It's not that we don't attack, it's that we don't attack beyond our own endurance limit.

Our attacks break the limits of the black vortex, but do not exceed our own endurance limits. "

"Or, we don't attack, we just seal it, or besiege it. In short, in addition to direct attack, we have countless ways to deal with a 'spiked turtle'." Another judge said proudly.

"Moreover, Witch Harley doesn't dare to really offend us at all. She is very cunning, but also smart. She knows that forming a blood feud means complete destruction of herself. In this case, do we still need to worry?"

"That's right, she's smart and cautious, and she doesn't dare to kill us. Let's just wait for her to die quietly!"

Judge Eagle hesitated and said: "Suffering her to death is a process. During this process, when she finds that she can't hold on anymore, won't she jump over the wall in a hurry?"

"Why is she so anxious to jump over the wall? Apart from the black vortex rebounding, she has no attack method that can hurt us at all. But as long as she doesn't take the initiative to attack, the black vortex is just a decoration."

"Indeed, the Black Vortex is stronger, but the restrictions are too great and it can only be defended passively."


"No need to argue!" The fifth presiding judge shouted lowly and said indifferently: "We will not stand up to her. The judge has the dignity of a judge. If we continue to stand up, what will those omnipotent cosmic life forms think of us?

I have already sent a message to the second presiding judge, and he will discuss reinforcements with the Council of Elders.

No matter how dignified the Giant Hand Clan is, they will not be threatened by a mere spaceman. "

"The second chief judge also alarmed the Council of Elders." The judges were more shocked than surprised.

"There's only one multiverse, why bother? It's not that the Giant Hand gave up the final right to judge the multiverse. That multiverse is not far from this void, isn't it?" Judge Eagle murmured.

"It's no longer just a matter of the multiverse, and Witch Harley is far inferior to the Source Lord." The fifth presiding judge said coldly.

First of all, Witch Harley, who can only rebound the "source", deserves the attention of the higher-ups of the Giant Hand Clan.

Secondly, things here are very noisy. Starting from Papetua, they have attracted countless attention from the Almighty Universe.

Everyone is watching!

No matter how nice the words are in the scene, once the Giant Hands gently reveal the matter and let the Witch Harley run freely, others are not fools and they all know that the Giant Hands have made a compromise.

Finally, as some judges said, Black Vortex is strong, but it is not an active skill.

As long as it doesn't take the initiative to send powerful attacks, it is a non-threatening decoration.

After mastering the secrets of the Black Vortex, they are in almost no danger.

Witch Harley can't hurt them, and taking her down represents face and huge benefits, so why compromise?

If Black Vortex can take the initiative to use the "source" power to attack, then it will be a different situation, and the Giant Hand Clan will also have a different attitude.

The judges of the Giant Hand Clan only whispered in private. Harley shouted several times but got no response, and she became impatient.

But she does lack the means to take initiative.

"Old Bianhuang? Old Bianhuang, where are you? Are you okay?"

I don’t know how much time passed before a timid call came from the distance.

He is a melon-eating and detached person who was far away from the battlefield before.

Harley was in a bad mood and couldn't vent to the bastard of the Giant Hand Clan. Now she was feeling better and the punching bag was here.

"Stop shouting. That 'big forehead' didn't even touch the deep water of the black vortex and was already crushed by me. You can choose another 'strongest' and let me try my moves."

"Impossible. Old Man Bianhuang possesses the power of the Source and is almost halfway to the threshold of the Source Lord." The man shouted in shock.

"Let alone half-step 'Source Master', the real 'Source Master' can only lament in despair when he comes to the black vortex." Harley smiled proudly.

No wonder Harley is so arrogant.

Before Old Man Bianhuang appeared, she was still in awe of the legendary "Source Master" and did not dare to joke casually.

But the "Half-Step Source Master" Old Man Bianhuang just now didn't even push out one-tenth of her black vortex limit. That's right, by fully rebounding Old Man Bianhuang's "big forehead", Harley successfully hit the target None of it was used.

How can she not be arrogant?

"Witch Harley, you are too ignorant and too arrogant. You can't even imagine the power of the Source Lord." The man shouted excitedly.

"The old man in Bianhuang only has one old bone left." Harry stopped talking nonsense and took out the "forehead bone" directly.

"Save me, help, Witch Harley is plundering my origin and wisdom. She is so cruel and greedy. She wants to eat me up. Oh, oh, oh, oh, save me, Master Source, please, I can I vaguely sense your aura, and my hundreds of millions of years of hard work will be lost in one fell swoop. Please, woo woo woo.”

It was indeed the thought wave of the old man in Bianhuang, but it was full of weakness and pain.

"Ah, it's really the old man from Bianhuang. He, he only has one bone left!"

"Hiss, Witch Harley is so vicious and strong! How did she do it? Old Man Bianhuang is a half-step source master!"

"Is it true that Witch Harley's black vortex of thorns is unbreakable? Even the half-step source master fell down."

"That's not right. Didn't Witch Harley use Old Man Bianhuang's 'source' power to attack the Giant Hand Clan? Why did the Giant Hand Clan have nothing to do, but Old Man Bianhuang was beaten into a piece of bone?"

All the transcendent people were shocked and horrified.

Harley was a little surprised, "Old Bones, I thought you would beg me for mercy, but I didn't expect you were calling the Source Lord. Is there a Source Lord nearby?"

"Big Forehead" shouted angrily: "Since I was caught by you, I have been begging for mercy and mercy. You are ruthless and indifferent to my cry. Why do you blame me for not begging for mercy from you?!

Let me tell you, the realm of the ‘Half-Step Source Lord’ may be a bit imaginary, but my perception of the ‘source’ is absolutely accurate, and there is at least one great ‘source master’ nearby.

He must have seen your callousness and cruelty, and He will not allow evil to flourish. "

After saying that, he wailed outside again, "Master Source, help! Master Source, please show mercy and take action to refine the demon~~~"

"Lord Source Master, show great mercy, support justice, and punish the witch Harley!" A transcendent person followed and shouted.

Their realm was not high enough to sense the aura of the Source Master, but since the "Half-Step Source Master" was called that, they had no reason to let go of this only hope.

Even the "half-step source master" Bian Huang old man was in trouble. With their own strength, they would definitely not be able to avenge their relatives and friends who died in vain.

"Lord Source Lord, Witch Harley is a demon who rebels against the 'Origin'. Please take action to subjugate the demon!"

Gradually, the thoughts of all the transcendent people merged into one, vast, sad, desolate, and so miserable.

Harley put the "big forehead" away again, concentrated her energy, and prepared for the end of the "Devil Refining Hero".

Time gradually passed in her heart, and the calls of the transcendent ones did not stop, but the "Source Lord" who exterminated demons and defended the way did not reveal even a trace.

"Ahem, Source Master, are you here? I don't want to be your enemy, but they are calling you, and I am waiting for you. You can't keep being a coward.

Come out and practice with the little sister. The little sister still follows the old rules, just test the black vortex, and I won't take the initiative to rebound on you. "

Harley couldn't help it anymore and took the initiative to challenge him verbally.

One is that she is indeed very confident in the "nine major perfections" of the black vortex, and the "half-step source master" has not been able to force a single success.

In addition, she is very curious about the "Source Lord" and wants to truly experience the highest state recognized by the almighty universe and determine the direction for the next path.

She has entered the Almighty Universe and is at level 170, but her divine power still has not transformed into the "power of connection" or other transcendent origins.

"as you wish."

Source Master finally reacted.

When the thought wave entered Harry's mind, it was obviously a pleasant, clear, and slightly angry female voice; when the thought wave spread throughout Taixu, it forcefully entered everyone's sea of ​​consciousness, but it was a howling sound that did not differentiate between men and women and had no emotion.

The whistling sound was not a deafening loud noise, it was very light, faint and clear. However, after entering the mind, all thoughts could only hear this sound, and no other thinking could be carried out.

A black dragon slowly flapped its huge wings and gradually appeared in everyone's minds.

But the strange thing is that they can "see" it, but they can't lock it with their thought waves, as if it is here and not here.

"Is it a black dragon?"

Harley was a little surprised. She felt that the female voice just now did not come from a giant dragon, but the black dragon did have a rich flame breath that she could not describe in words and had never encountered before. It was a fire attribute, but it was not only "fire" ".

It is different from the "source" power of the "Giant Hand of Creation", "Big Forehead", and "Giant Almighty Eye", but it is not weaker than those "sources".

The detached people eating the melon were also as surprised as she was, but they were enveloped by a scorching breath. Their hearts were filled with fear and awe, and they did not dare to speak. Their lips seemed to be stuck together with glue.

In fact, even Harley secretly used the "God's Palm" to borrow the "God's Breath" at this time.

"Master Source!" The boss of the Giant Hand Clan can also speak.

The fifth presiding judge directly revealed his whereabouts and bowed respectfully to the black dragon.

The other judges followed closely behind.

Harley also saw their appearance clearly for the first time.

She looks a bit like Pam, both have long and slender dog bodies.

However, there are two braid-like tentacles on the back of Pam's head, which are twisted into a DNA double helix structure behind her.

The judges of the Giant Hand Tribe all have bald heads, but there is a blue double helix structure from the forehead to the top of the head. They are not third eyes. They are too big and occupy a large area on the scalp.

They are not tattoo-like designs either.

They have at least six dimensions, slowly rotating, exuding an aura of "source" power of creation, birth, the beginning of all things, and the end of all things, a very authentic "source" power.

The black dragon ignored the giant hands who bowed.

The Giant Hand Clan didn't seem to be expecting its response. After saluting, they hid their figures in Taixu again.

"Master Source, please wait! Witch Harley is cunning, let us leave this battlefield first!"

The melon-eating transcendental person bowed to the giant-hand clan, then pulled away and ran away. In a moment, Harry could no longer sense them within the range of his thoughts.

"Aren't you leaving?" The black dragon's eyes that looked like flowing magma glanced at the Giant Hand Clan.

The fifth presiding judge was a little hesitant.

Harley smiled and said: "Master Source, I am a good old man who likes to tell the truth.

Those detached people are slandering me. I will never use your power to deal with the giant hand clan adults.

To be honest, I just couldn't control the power of the black vortex. I was afraid that I would kill the adults of the Giant Hand Clan and be unable to reach a peace agreement with them, so I used outsiders to test the black vortex.

Well, we are all honest people who keep our word. We only test the Black Vortex. We have no personal grudges and don't do anything secretly. "

The black dragon ignored her and only looked at the Giant Hand Clan, "You really don't want to leave?"

The fifth presiding judge said: "The 'Giant Hand of Creation' will protect us."

Although he was angry at Harley for "talking freely" and bringing down the face of their giant boss, he also believed that she was not lying.

The black dragon glanced at the giant hand tribe and Harley with eyes like boiling magma, "This is your own choice."

Harley seemed to see the figure of another person through those magma eyes.


The black dragon opened its mouth, and endless bright red flames obscured all of Harley's perceptions.

There was no stinging or burning feeling. She was like being injected with anesthetics, confused, and gradually lost the perception of her own existence.

But the next moment, she was awakened by the unprecedented strong sense of crisis.

She saw her divine body "Harley's Wall" melting, and the melted "juice" became part of the raging flames, no longer belonging to her, but completely belonging to the flames.

Her origin was rapidly lost, ignited by the flames, decomposed, and absorbed. Harley had a feeling that the secret of her divine power was about to become part of the flames.

"Ah, what a big fire!" She shouted, and the surface of the molten Harley's Wall was covered with a layer of dark and rotating black vortex.

"Buzz buzz buzz~~~"

A black vortex, followed by the second black vortex, the third, and the fourth

Harry stretched out her arms, and from her chest to her lower abdomen, more than one black vortex appeared on her body.

A total of six black vortices.

The fusion of the expertise experience jar and the thorn magic became a black vortex.

One jar, one black vortex.

Before, Harry had only one black vortex in the sixth level, but now she has opened six black vortices.

When the black vortex reached six, the feeling of uncontrolled melting finally disappeared.

Harry smiled brightly, "Sister Black Dragon, how is it?"

The six black vortices bounced back all the "source fire" sprayed by the black dragon.

"What is your black vortex? How can there be six?" The black dragon once again sent out a clear and pleasant female voice, with shock that could not be concealed in her voice.

"Hehe, the black vortex is my body, one black vortex is an 'acupoint', and one acupoint is a universe." Harry said.

"Can you continue to increase the black vortex?" Black Dragon asked.

"Sister Black Dragon, you haven't used all your strength yet?"

The Black Dragon said nothing, spewing out more flames.

Harley began to sweat profusely, and finally the seventh black vortex appeared faintly on her forehead.

"Sister, please put away your magical power!" she shouted.

"I feel you haven't reached your limit yet." Black Dragon said.

Harley hesitated for a moment, and quietly sent out a thought wave, "I still have two black vortices. Nine black vortices are parallel, which is the great perfection of the Nine Heavens, but I don't want to reveal my cards in front of the judge of the Giant Hand Clan."

"This is the truth."

Harley felt the pressure suddenly disappear, and the breath of the Black Dragon disappeared like a dream bubble.

But there was still a sea of ​​fire in front of her.

"Sister Black Dragon?"

She shouted a few times, but got no response.

Resisting the pain of being burned by the flames, she extended her thought waves to the depths of the sea of ​​fire, all the way to the outside of the sea of ​​fire.

It was empty, except for the golden red flames, there was nothing.

"Leaving now?"

Harry was a little disappointed. She was planning to establish a relationship with the other party and get the title of "Black Dragon Source Master's Sister" to show off her power.

She cheered up and said loudly: "Fifth Judge, Eagle Judge? You saw that my Source Master sister tried her best, but still failed to break the black vortex. Are you convinced?"

No one answered her.

"Fifth Judge, you can come back."

After waiting for a long time, no one answered.

Harry's heart jumped, and she had a vague ominous omen.

Just now she was sweating profusely. A single black vortex could not bounce back all the flames even if it was stimulated to the ninth level. She could only increase black vortices one by one. The black vortex bounced all the flames out, not targeting the Giant Hand Clan, but only bouncing them into the air.

Harry looked around, all red, and she didn't know what these flames were burning. Black Dragon Sister was gone, but the fire was still burning, and the whole Taixu was burning.

Now she still had to open a black vortex to bounce the flames that spread to Harry's Wall to the periphery.

"Witch Harley, you are so bold that you dare to plot to kill the fifth chief judge and twenty-three judges!"

When Harley was thinking about it, a loud shout came from afar.

The breath was a bit similar to that of the fifth chief judge, but it was more fierce and domineering, and obviously stronger.

Harley didn't know the other party's identity, but she subconsciously complained, "I am wronged, I have never hurt any judge."

"The 'Giant Hand of Creation' saw it with his own eyes. You rebounded the flames of the source master and drowned all the judges. They shouted for help, but you had no mercy." The man said angrily.

Harley smiled bitterly in her heart, her face bitter, "Brother, who are you?"

"I am the first chief judge of the giant hand tribe."

"I am the second chief judge of the giant hand tribe."

"I am the third chief judge of the giant hand tribe."

"I am the seventh chief judge of the giant hand tribe."

Harley thought she was numb, but she didn't expect that there would be something more cruel next.

"I am responsible for handling this matter on behalf of the Senate. Witch Harley, come out and accept the trial."

And the Senate?

Harley held her forehead with her hand, "My Lords, if I say that the death of the judges had nothing to do with me, and that they were just stupid, and that they were fish in the pond, but they thought they were dragons in the sea, and ended up suffering from the fire at the city gate and the fish in the pond, do you believe it?"

"Do you think we are fools?" The First Judge said angrily.

"No more words, do whatever you want, I will not serve you anymore."

Harley shrank back into the Harley Wall, and then the Harley Wall tightened and condensed into a round, round lump.

There are also epilogues and extra chapters

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