I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2080 Kang's War

Marvel Universe 1813, three months later.

Avengers Headquarters.

"The cosmic measurement has been going on for more than three months. Is it so troublesome?" Captain America asked, looking at Tony.

Today the Avengers heroes gathered at the Avengers headquarters again for the big event of cosmic measurement and cosmic collision.

After many days, Iron Man Tony Stark appeared in front of everyone again.

He was in pretty good condition, energetic, with sharp eyes and a rosy complexion. However, his suit and leather shoes were replaced by a light blue robe, which looked a bit like a researcher's white coat and a monk's uniform.

However, everyone is currently paying attention to the results of cosmic measurements. When they saw his clothes changed, they didn't think much or ask any questions.

"What do you think cosmic measurement is? Humanity has been civilized for thousands of years, but it has not yet completed a complete measurement of the earth! What is being measured now is not only the universe we live in, but also the structure of the entire multiverse.

More than three months is far from enough. At present, we can only say that the preliminary stage of measurements has been completed. "Tony said.

"We don't have much time. Another universe is approaching us and is now visible to the naked eye." Cardinal Strange said.

Tony poured himself a glass of red wine and said slowly: "Completing the primary stage of measurement is enough to determine the current and original frequency of our universe."

"Oh, finding the initial frequency is enough to solve the collision crisis." Captain America breathed a sigh of relief.

"How to change the frequency of the entire universe?" Ms. Marvel asked.

Tony muttered: "The Earth is the center of the universe. As long as the frequency of the Earth is adjusted through resonance, the vibration frequency of the entire universe can be instantly changed to avoid collisions.

This is the safest and most harmless way to resolve a crisis.

However, as the earth is the center of the universe, it is very difficult to change its vibration frequency.

It is almost impossible to do it with mortal strength.

Now we have three ways out. "

"Wow, I thought there was no way out, but I didn't expect there are three solutions to the problem." Ant-Man shouted.

"All three roads are difficult to walk." Tony sighed, "The first road is to pray for the arrival of the King of Martial God."

Doctor Strange frowned and said: "Before, it was easy to say that King Martial God often responded to the prayers of believers, but starting a few months ago, the bridge of faith between believers and King Martial God was completely severed.

It has been almost four months since I became a cardinal, and I have not received a single response from the gods. "

Tony nodded and said: "I understand that the King of Martial God is currently fighting the Giant Hand Clan and is surrounded by dozens of powerful enemies that are tens of millions of times greater than the God of Creation. He has no time to worry about us."

"Thousands of times greater than the God of Creation and dozens of Tonys, you have changed and become even more exaggerated than the Priest of the Martial God King." Thor said.

Tony said seriously: "Yes, I have changed and become religious. The wisdom of the God of War impressed me."

"Ah, you actually joined the religion, and you are wearing a monk's uniform?

You have clearly said before that you are proud and rebellious. You are the only person who is not cursed by knowledge and will never be affected by the 'Technology Master' of King Martial God's Science and Technology Department. "Captain America said.

Tony's expression was a little complicated, "I am indeed proud, but the knowledge the Lord gave me is too much and too brilliant, and I was 'cursed' by knowledge after all.

When Thanos praised me back then, he must not have imagined how addictive the ‘transcendental’ wisdom would be.

Before, I was short-sighted, so I could be arrogant and rude.

The Lord opened up my horizons and allowed me to understand the meaning and beauty of transcendence. I realized it.

I am no longer a frog in a well.

Having seen the pinnacle of wisdom and knowing that you are in the depression of knowledge, you will of course instinctively chase the peak, and the throne of the Lord is placed on the peak.

I look up to the throne and climb the mountain. This is faith. "

"Alas, the Avengers can't stay anymore. They are almost becoming the home of the God of War cultists." Thor muttered dissatisfied.

"Don't say that, even before the emergence of the King of Martial Gods, we all had our own beliefs. Previously, Tony and Strange believed in God, but now they have not completely changed their beliefs, but just shifted the focus of their beliefs, just like I believed in Christ before, but now I believe in the Virgin,” Captain America advised.

"Steve, you are wrong." Little Spider seriously corrected him: "My lord, the King of Martial Gods, is the Holy Mother! The 'Holy Aunt' is the fusion of the two identities of the Holy Mother and the 'Sister of God'."

Banner waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, stop 'my lord', we are now talking about cosmic measurements and collisions."

"Banner, I have recommended you to the Ministry of Science and Technology. You can travel the ocean of knowledge with me." Tony said.

Banner was speechless, "You still want to preach to me at this time? Hurry up and tell me the remaining two methods of changing the vibration frequency of the universe. Solve the crisis first, and then talk about other things."

"Brother, I'm 'lucky alone, not as happy as everyone'." Tony said something and continued the previous topic, saying: "My Lord has not finished the battle with the Giant Hand Clan yet, but maybe next month, Or tomorrow the battle ends and His will comes to the universe again.

Let us not give up our hope in Him.

Well, relying on the Lord for salvation is just a backup method.

There are two other methods, namely, combination of magic and science, independent frequency conversion, and joint cooperation, mutually exclusive frequency conversion.

The Lord is busy conquering the Almighty Universe and has no time to come to our universe, but we have the Divine Number, and the huge statue of the Divine Number is composed of the divine power of faith.

The presence of the gods is equivalent to the presence of the Lord.

We can activate the holy power of the idol to cover the entire earth, and then complete the frequency change. "

After a pause, Tony continued: "Changing the vibration frequency of the universe is the safest method.

But an unchangeable fact is that collision is not a matter of one person, but a crisis common to both universes.

We may be able to cooperate sincerely with each other to build a set of 'repulsion engines' on two Earths that are close to each other.

Just like two magnets, like poles repel each other, and the repulsive force pushes the magnets apart. This process of pushing each other away is frequency conversion. "

Sol frowned, "Are these two methods? We should have contacted each other in the first place, right?"

Banner said: "There are indeed two ideas. One is to directly change the frequency of our universe, and the other is not to directly change the frequency, but to indirectly complete the frequency change through repulsion."

"Okay, if you say two, then there are two. How do we guide the Divine Power's martial power now, and how do we use the Divine Power to change the vibrational frequency of the universe?" Thor asked.

Tony first explained the concept of the "Earth's basic law system", and then said: "The divine power of martial arts is not simply the divine power of exorcism, it is an 'omnipotent' power that encompasses all the basic rules of the universe.

You can use the divine power of martial arts to build a temporary basic law system.

By building a basic law system and mastering the power of basic laws, you can rewrite the vibration frequency of the earth from the root.

Or build a mutually exclusive basic law system on two earths that are about to collide. The closer the distance, the greater the repulsion, and finally complete the frequency conversion. "

"It sounds very fantasy and not scientific at all." Banner looked very confused.

"You show Newton the modern and mature quantum mechanics, and Newton also thinks it is very mysterious."

Tony patted Banner on the shoulder, "Moko Moko, naturally it will not be pure science. It is difficult for you to understand now. After you have studied "Basic Element Theory", "Comprehensive Solution to Elementary Laws", "Machines and Divine Power", " "The Optical Principles of Holy Power", you will surely be able to suddenly understand it and become familiar with it. "

"Now that the method has been determined, when do we start?" Captain America asked.

“We have a method, but there are still some difficulties in implementing it. If we can contact the Lord again and ask Him for advice, it will be safer.

A cosmic collision involves two universes and countless billions of people, so no matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious. Tony sighed.

"Be careful. The two universes are still close at present, and there is still a long time before the actual collision. Perhaps during this period, the battle between the Martial God King and the Giant Hand Clan is over.

It would definitely be safest if we could ask him to come in person. "

Captain America nodded slightly and then asked, "What can we do to help during this period?"

Tony shook his head, "You are not top scientists, and you cannot understand the 'Holy Power Theory' and 'Magic Technology' in a short time.

The so-called 'three methods' are only methods suitable for the divine religion. There may be other ways.

The methods chosen by the divine religion all require the use of the holy power of the God of War and the magic technology based on the holy power.

This is one of the reasons why I chose to join the church.

If you don’t understand the ‘Martial God Demon Science’, you can’t understand their research at all.

Once I had a deeper understanding of the Martial God Demonic Science, I became a believer in the Martial God King without even realizing it.

I believed in his holy power theory and magic weapon technology, and I became his believer. "

"In this case, I can join the religion." Banner said.

"Alas~~" Sol groaned and covered his face with his hands.

"Well, of course I welcome you if you agree to join the religion, but we don't have to rush.

Since there is a plan to cooperate with Collision Universe, it is time to send the message to the other side so that they can prepare in advance.

Let’s deal with this matter first and see how the people in the opposite universe choose.

Moreover, Kang planned to go to heaven. I thought, maybe my father is in heaven?

I plan to go and have a look, even if my father is not here."

Tony's expression was tangled for a moment, then he gritted his teeth and said, "If my father is not in heaven, the problem will be even more serious. I will go to heaven to build relationships and make connections."

"Why does Kang want to go to heaven? Can he go?" Captain America asked in surprise.

Tony said: "The King of Martial God is the Saint of War in heaven. She is both a Saint and the God of War. Even if she is not a 'king' in heaven, she is still an 'angel giant'.

As a believer in Him, it is not impossible to ascend to heaven.

If Kang succeeds, it will prove that our Lord is actually a divine flaming angel, and he will also be able to see his relatives who ascended to heaven after death, the best of both worlds. "

"I don't doubt the sanctity of the Martial God King, but he comes from outside the multiverse and is not an angel from our heaven!" Captain America said.

Tony said: "When Lord Grace established the first temple on the outer planet, an archangel came and stored a large amount of heaven's holy power in the statue of the Lord.

Later, the priests of the cult also gained the power to use the sacred magic of heaven.

The Lord is connected to the heavens of our multiverse and the heavenly bosses identify with Him.

Otherwise, holy power and power will not be given.

In fact, Kang went to heaven this time to obtain identity certification and awaken his immortal body. "

Thor's expression changed slightly, "If Kang succeeds, will he have the ability to be immortal?"

Doctor Strange said: "It's not really immortal, it's essentially just the reincarnation seal of the Martial God King.

The seal of reincarnation can protect the soul from reincarnation with memories.

No matter how many times he dies, as long as the enemy's control over the rules of death does not exceed that of the Martial God King, he cannot stop the reincarnation process.

However, King Wushen is the ‘god of the outside world’, coming from the omnipotent universe.

His reincarnation seal needs to be recognized by the ‘origin’ of our multiverse and adapt to the local rules of life and death to ensure that the reincarnation process is safe and has no side effects.

If not, although reincarnation is still guaranteed, you will be punished by the 'origin', and your fate after reincarnation will be miserable and miserable. "

"Why do you know so much about the Seal of Reincarnation? I asked Kang, but he was not willing to tell me yet." Toniqi said.

“Even if you join the Holy Cult, your current level is still too low to have access to high-level secrets.

And I am the 'Earth Lord', mastering all the divine arts of the Holy Religion. No need for Kang to explain, I can also study the magic of reincarnation myself. "Doctor Strange's tone was filled with pride unconsciously.

After a pause, he looked thoughtful and asked, "Tony, Kang agrees to take you to heaven?"

Tony glanced at Banner and said with some embarrassment: "Of course he didn't want to. I promised to recruit at least three Avengers heroes, so he agreed."

"Tony, you betrayed me!" Banner shouted as expected.

"I want to share the light and beauty with you." Tony said.

"Besides me, who else are you planning to harm?" Banner asked.

Tony pointed at himself and said: "I am one, and then Rhodes (War Machine)."

The little spider had a tangled expression, "I also want to go to heaven. Tony, you may not be able to see your father in heaven, but I will definitely be able to see Uncle Ben in heaven."

"Peter, what do you mean?" Tony was unhappy.

Little Spider glanced at his godfather: Don't you have any self-awareness?

"If I also recruit people, will Kang take me there?" he asked.

"Hey, if you keep pulling people in like this, the entire Avengers Alliance will fall soon." Thor shouted loudly: "You are not stupid, can't you see Kang's sinister intentions?

He is taking revenge on us in another way.

Today we are collaborating with him, how should we face ourselves who were enemies of the cultist Kang in the past? "

"Look at it! Kang has never concealed his purpose. The earth is the center of the world's story, and the superhero is the protagonist of the story. His desire for the 'Reunion' is undisguised, no matter which universe the Avengers are in." Cap sighed.

Two days later, we boarded the Divinity.

"Have you thought about it, do you really want to go to heaven with me?" Venerable Kangkang glanced at Tony, Peter and Doctor Strange, and said: "Since I have converted to the Holy Religion, I will naturally not deceive you.

This is my first time going to heaven. I am not sure whether I can successfully arrive or what difficulties I will encounter after arriving. "

"Since we were not confident that we would succeed the first time, why did we take the entire Divinity into heaven?" Doctor Strange said.

Venerable Kang said: “The Divine Hall is not only the main court of the Holy Church, but also the location of the Lord’s Kingdom of God.

All believers in the Lord will enter the Kingdom of God after death.

But compared with heaven, the Kingdom of God seems too simple after all.

Therefore, the Lord has sent down an oracle, and when I enter heaven to ask for the ‘identity power’ from the Great King, I would like to ask if I can open a sacred area near heaven to house the Lord’s Kingdom of God. "

Tony was surprised: "You mean, the Divinity went to heaven and never came back?"

Venerable Kangdao: "The Divine Hall is divided into two parts, the statue of the Lord, and the 'circular general courtyard' where we believers live.

The statue of the Lord is divided into two parts, one part is the pure divine power of faith, and the other part is the kingdom of God.

If the Maharaja's permission can be obtained, the statues and kingdoms composed of divine powers of belief will remain in heaven, and the ring-shaped courtyard will return to the material world. "

"But the idol that contains all the divine power of faith is the foundation of the Divine Number. Without the support of the divine power from the idol, many functions of the Divine Number will be ineffective," Tony said.

Venerable Kangdao: "The statue of the god is essentially the incarnation of the Lord's faith. Its greatest significance is to collect the faith of believers and grant priests the power of martial arts when they advance. Other functions are important but not necessary.

You already know the results of cosmic measurements.

Our universe is not the main universe, but just one of countless ordinary parallel universes.

Leaving the statue of the Lord in our universe will make it easier for the Holy Religion priests in our universe to obtain divine grace. However, there are also Holy Religion believers in other universes, and it is very difficult for them to obtain the power of the Martial God.

Placing the idols and the kingdom of God in heaven will be convenient for everyone.

This is a good thing, and it is the only way to spread the Lord’s faith throughout the multiverse. "

"You are a great venerable. You must know more than me. You have the final say on how to preach. But our universe is about to collide with another universe and the temporary basic law system of the earth will be constructed. It is absolutely inseparable from the incarnation of the Lord's faith." Tony called road.

"Wouldn't I consider this?" Venerable Kang glanced at him, "Don't spend all day in the Ministry of Science and Technology studying the scientific and technological knowledge of the almighty universe. As a 'science priest', you must at least master the basics of martial arts. force.

If you communicate with the Faithful Incarnation of the Lord through prayer, you will not be worried here. "

Tony was a little confused.

Doctor Strange whispered: "Placing the statue of God in heaven does not mean that the connection with Him is severed.

As long as the sages in the world pray together, they can still induce the power of the God of War to descend from the heaven dimension to the material world.

Placing a god statue in our universe is like placing a large water tank around us. It is easier for us to get water, but it is difficult for the people above us to get water.

Placing the idol in heaven is like placing a large water tank on the roof of a building. The whole building has "running water".

The Venerable is just a tap, which does not affect our water use at the bottom of the building, but makes the whole building more convenient. "

Tony stopped talking.

Doctor Strange had another question in his mind, "Kang, whether it's the ascension of the idol or your reincarnation seal, there's actually no need to rush it.

We can completely solve the crisis of cosmic collision in a down-to-earth manner, and then you can go to heaven for adventure.

As you said, even with the Lord’s oracle, you are not 100% sure of success.

If it succeeds, everything will be fine, but if you encounter any trouble, even if it is just delayed due to some unexpected things, it will not be cost-effective. "

Venerable Kang hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't have much time."

"Are you going to die? You look very healthy." Little Spider exclaimed.

Venerable Kang glared at him, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Didn't you say it yourself? Time is running out. We need to activate the reincarnation seal immediately. Aren't we about to die?" said the little spider.

Venerable Kang's black face twitched a few times and said: "A few months ago, you saw the reunion of the main universe, and they revealed a very important piece of news - Kang the Conqueror died in the quantum dimension.

Do you know what this means? "

"Does it mean you're about to die?" Little Spider hesitated.

Venerable Kang said angrily: "You idiot, if you don't understand, you can ask, don't talk nonsense here."

Little Spider was helpless, "We are a parallel universe, they are the main universe, and the 'world story' of the parallel universe is affected by the main universe.

These are your exact words when explaining the difference between the main universe and ordinary parallel universes.

Now that Kang from the main universe is dead, doesn’t it mean that ‘Kang’s story’ is coming to an end? "

Venerable Kang took a few deep breaths and said: "The so-called parallel universe is just the result of another option corresponding to multiple choices in an event in the main universe.

Therefore, for almost all people in parallel universes, their own story lines are greatly affected by the main universe.

But ‘Kang’ is an exception.

Most of them are beyond time, outside of time.

We established the ‘Kang Council’ outside of time.

‘Kang’ from the Kang Council can meet and communicate directly with him almost every day.

Whether it is 'Kang' from the main universe or 'Kang' from other parallel universes, they are all independent entities in the Council. The difference is only in strength and wisdom.

The wiser and more powerful Kang had higher status.

I know ‘Challenger Kang’.

He is the strongest Kang.

In the Kang Council, there are three Kangs who occupy the leadership position. They are Pharaoh Kang, Scarlet Centurion Kang, and Immortal Kang. "

"Of course, in front of me now, they are all withered bones in the grave. Sooner or later, I will cleanse the Kang Council with blood, so that 'there is no health in the world' and I am the only one who is healthy." Venerable Kang said proudly.

"Great Master, you are awesome, you are the best in the world, we all know it. You continue to say 'Challenger Kang', he dies, and then what? Why are you anxious?" Tony urged.

Venerable Kang said: "Challenger Kang is the strongest Kang and is feared by the three giants of the Council. They exiled him to the quantum dimension and have been secretly monitoring him.

However, the existence of challenger Kang also creates a fragile balance between the three giants.

If they knew that Challenger Kang died and the balance was immediately broken, they would definitely launch a multiverse-level war.

If you have never experienced it, you may think it is ridiculous.

But I assure you, multiverse-scale wars of conquest are no exaggeration.

At that time, not only will the main universe's reunion be bloodbathed by 'Kang', but Kang and Kang will also fight against each other.

The three giants are fighting for supremacy, and the other Kangs want to take over. Let me tell you, all the Kangs in the Council are the overlords of the universe, ruling at least one parallel universe.

Some Kang even ruled hundreds of parallel universes.

If they get into chaos, the sacred timeline will be completely corrupted.

It wouldn't be surprising if it eventually led to another multiverse reboot.

So you understand why I say time is running out?

I have to activate the Samsara Seal before they get into chaos, and then go on a killing spree, killing everyone. "

The Venerable Kang looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle and sighed: "It's not that I can't wait, it's really that time is not waiting for me. All the people in the world are waiting for me to save them!"

"You have participated in the Kang Council and are also a member of the council, but we suppressed you easily and you still stayed in the position for eight years." Little Spider whispered.

Venerable Kang's expression froze and he said coldly: "Low-level believer Peter Parker, what do you mean?"

The little spider hesitated for a moment, and then said frankly: "Great Master, the 'overlord of the universe' in your mouth is too much."

Venerable Kang said angrily: "Do you think I am not worthy of being called the 'Hegemon of the Universe'?"

——Aren’t you aware of yourself?

Thinking that he would have to rely on Venerable Kang to go to heaven to find his uncle later, he only complained in his heart but did not say anything out loud.

Tony said: "Don't blame Peter for being blunt. Since Challenger Kang is the most powerful Kang and makes the three giants wary and fearful, they can only form a fragile group to keep warm. Then why was he beaten to death by a mere 'Ant-Man'?" ?”

"I also want to know why, why the strongest Kang died so cowardly."

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