I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2079 Diamond Spider

The little spider in the 616 universe has experienced "three insects in the same frame" and fought side by side with "The Amazing Spider-Man" and "Old Spider-Man".

When he goes to another world and sees another "Peter Parker" who looks almost exactly like the "old Spider-Man", but is just decades younger, he will certainly be surprised, and then recounts how he met another "older you." thing.

That Peter is not strange at all. He has seen more "Spider-Man", many of whom look similar to himself.

He also told Peter from Universe 616 about traveling through the bracelet and the Spider Universe.

I heard that "Spider-Man" from countless parallel universes have formed a huge Spider-Man group, so of course the little Spider-Man from the 616 universe is eager to join them.

Before parting, he asked Peter from another world to be his introducer and introduce him to join the Spider-Man group.

"Gwen, are you here to take me to join the Spider Society?" Peter asked expectantly.

"Not all 'Spider-Man' are suitable to go to 'New York'. It is the New York of the 'Spider-Man Universe'. In fact, the Spider-Verse is just a parallel universe, numbered 928." Gwen said.

"Oh, I understand. There is an inspection before joining the Spider Society. You are my examiner." Peter said.

"That's right, but let me give Peter a message first."

Gwen recounted Venerable Kang's thoughts in detail.

Peter frowned and said: "I will talk to Mr. Strange about this, but I guess he doesn't have a good solution.

Kang had no conspiracy. It was our request to take Wanda away, not his initiative to send her away.

Kang sent Mr. Strange the magical secret book. If his judgment is correct, then the magical secret book is really our only way to solve the crisis. "

"Kang is not a good person. In every parallel universe, Kang is the biggest disaster in the world. So you'd better not touch any of the magic he teaches, and don't be tempted by him and believe in the evil god Wushen King.

If Wanda really has not given up black magic, you must tighten supervision of her so that she does not have the opportunity to harm herself or others. "Gwen said seriously.

"Well, you're right. Even if Kang guesses right, Wanda is still obsessed with it. As long as we are careful and don't give Wanda the chance to fall into darkness, all Kang's plans will eventually become vain."

The little spider nodded and asked curiously: "Does the Spider Society know about King Martial God? I heard from the Avengers in the 1813 universe that King Martial God is not a local god in our multiverse. He comes from the Almighty Universe and is fighting against the Giant Hands who are harvesting the multiverse. .

Even our multiverse is just a sapling in the Giant Hand Clan’s ‘multiverse farm’.

The Creator God of our multiverse is just the most ordinary existence within the Giant Hand Clan, one who was exploited to death. "

Gwen said: "So far, the belief in the Martial God King only exists in Universe 1813. Before Peter from the 1813 universe joined the Martial God King religion, the Spider Society didn't even notice the Martial God King.

Now after detailed investigation, we have discovered that there are sporadic legends of the God of War in other multiverses.

It's just that no mature church organization has developed, and the tribes that believe in Him have long been lost in the long river of history.

At present, we can only confirm that King Wushen is an extremely powerful evil god. No one can judge whether the stories of the Giant Hand Clan are true or false. We think there is a 99.99% chance that he is lying. "

The little spider hesitated and said: "I have been to the Divine Ship and have seen the statue of the God of War with my own eyes. The statue is completely condensed by the holy power of faith. It directly reveals the divinity of the God of War without hiding it at all.

His power is vast, great, pure, bright, tolerant, and benevolent. He is not like an evil god. "

Gwen said in a deep voice: "If it weren't for the evil god, he would lie, describe himself as so great, and slander the creator god of our multiverse—assuming that the Giant Hands are real?

If he wasn't an evil god, why did he choose Kang to be the 'apostle' and the 'only one walking on earth'?

We know very well what kind of person Kang is.

If it wasn't an evil god, why did he steal the power and wisdom of our multiverse?

As great as He boasted, He should have no desires or desires. "

If Little Spider had never been to the Divine Ship and had never been bathed in the holy light of the God of War statue, he would probably have been convinced by Gwen by now.

But having personally felt the power of the Holy Light, and having communicated with venerables and priests, he didn't quite agree with Gwen's judgment.

However, he was not a believer in the King of Martial God, and he was not interested in arguing with Gwen.

"Is the Spider Society planning to take action against the Martial God King Sect?" he asked.

From Gwen's attitude, he could see the hostility of the Spider Society towards the Martial God King Sect.

Gwen shook his head hesitantly, "I don't know."

Don’t know rather than firmly deny.

It seems that the Spider Club really dislikes King Wushen.

The little spider thought thoughtfully and asked curiously: "You didn't notice King Martial God before Peter joined the Church of Martial God. Why is it that now that Peter joins the church, will it have any negative impact on the society?"

Gwen's expression was even more hesitant, as if she didn't want to say anything.

Thinking that the 616 universe has been infiltrated by the God of War religion, and maybe Doctor Strange is now studying the magic of God of War, Gwen gritted her teeth and said: "It is said that all of us 'Spider-Man' are blessed by a goddess, they call Him As the 'Spider Goddess'.

Some people say that 'Spider Goddess' is just another name for 'Spider Totem'.

The goddess who created the concept of "Spider Totem" in the multiverse is greater than we imagine. She is almost "God".

In short, it is the spider totem that gives us our superpowers, and it is the spider totem that connects us.

Even if we do not believe in goddesses and totems, we should not worship another deity.

Spider-Man of the Universe No. 1813 only joined the Martial God King's religion and had not yet established faith in the Martial God King, causing a huge shock to the Spider Totem.

The 'Spider-Man web of destiny' woven by the spider totem is suspected to have undergone major changes. "

The little spider looked thoughtful and said: "If I understand correctly, the fate of all 'Spider-Man' is weaved by the Spider Goddess. Now that Peter has joined the Martial God King's Cult, his fate is no longer controlled by the Spider Goddess. So the spider totem is shaking violently, and the spider community is very angry? "

Gwen glanced at him and said in a slightly cold tone, "Do you think our resistance to King Martial God is because of religious beliefs?"

Little Spider did think so.

He quickly shook his head in denial, "No, I just find it strange. The Spider Club that Peter mentioned is just a simple Spider-Man gathering, just like a relaxed and happy party, but all the people participating in the party are Spider-Man."

Gwen was silent for a while and said: "New York in the 928 universe is the headquarters of the 'Spider Society' created by the local Spider-Man, but before New York appeared. In other words, before the birth of our generation of 'modern Spider-Man' In ancient times, there already existed 'Spider-Man' and Spider-Man groups across parallel universes.

Those ancient Spider-Men believed in the source of their powers.

They even built temples and developed beliefs among human civilizations.

The concepts of the Spider Goddess and the web of life and destiny also come from them.

After Peter from Universe 1813 joined the Martial God King Cult, ‘Mrs. Spider’ issued a warning to us.

Normally, the Spider Society does not have any religious or belief restrictions.

You can meet all kinds of Spider-Man in New York.

Like you and I, we are from the United States, some Spider-Man is from Mumbai, some are from China, some believe in God, and some believe in the gods of their own nation.

The Spider Goddess didn't care.

It’s just that Peter’s behavior of joining the King of Martial God has greatly interfered with the web of destiny, so..."

——Because other gods do not appear and have no interference in Spider-Man's fate, the Spider Goddess does not care. Now that the God of War has appeared and is extremely powerful, the Spider Goddess cannot fully control Spider-Man's fate, so she is getting anxious and angry?

Peter thought this in his heart but never said it out loud.

Even Gwen Stacey from the Department of Biology at MIT only met him a few times, and the two took several of the same elective courses.

The Gwen in front of him was a foreigner and a prosecutor. It was impossible for him to speak freely after meeting him.

"You made Peter recant?" he asked.

Gwen shook his head, "We didn't even tell him this. After all, today's spider society is different from the ancient 'Spider Cult'.

I believe in God, but my faith is hardly pious.

I'm like this myself, so why would I care about other people's beliefs?

However, considering that you have also come into contact with the Martial God King Sect and may fall into it, I am telling you these words. "

"Well, I understand. I will remain vigilant against the King of Martial Gods." Little Spider solemnly promised.

Even without Gwen's warning, they would still be wary of King Wu Jiao and Kang.

Then, he asked expectantly: "Is this the review completed?"

"The review started long before I found you. I inquired about you." Gwen looked hesitant. "Can I ask a few questions about your family and friends?"

Little Spider hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly nodded and said, "Just ask."

Gwen looked up at him and said, "Don't be nervous, we are both Spider-Man and have very similar experiences.

It's just that your situation is more special, and I have some doubts in my heart. "

"Well, I understand." Little Spider nodded again.

Gwen said: "Your uncle Ben is dead. He had a great influence on you when he was alive. His death also greatly affected your superhero career, right?"

"Uncle Ben is my spiritual totem." Little Spider said.

"Later you met Tony Stark, and the relationship between you was almost that of a father and son. He had a great influence on you when he was alive, and his death greatly affected your superhero career." Gwen looked a little strange.

"Mr. Stark," the little spider said with a sad expression, "I lost my father when I was a child, and I have never felt the affection between father and son. But in Mr. Stark, I feel the care of a father."

Gwen's expression became even more strange, "Your Aunt Mei died some time ago. Before she died, she taught you that 'with great power comes great responsibility', right?"

"You know this?" Little Spider was a little surprised, and then his eyes turned red, and sadness filled his cheeks. "Yes, even at the critical moment of life crisis, she still only has me in her eyes, and she only wants me to become better." Better, better.”

Seeing the little spider wiping his nose and tears, Gwen couldn't bear it, but she still said: "That's it, Peter, almost all of us 'Spider-Man' have experienced the loss of loved ones.

This is our destiny.

To transform from a mortal to a hero requires a soul-deep stimulation to reshape a correct and mature outlook on life. Of course, what I say does not mean that I agree with such a fate.

Generally speaking, 'Peter Parker' will lose their 'Uncle Ben', who taught them before his death that 'with great power comes great responsibility'.

Uncle Ben used his own death to make Spider-Man, who had just gained superpowers, grow up quickly and even become mature and stable in an instant. "

Little Spider's eyes were red and his voice was a little dull, "So? I don't understand what you want to say."

Gwen coughed slightly, tilted her head and said, "As you can see, in my universe, I am 'Spider-Man', not 'Peter Parker'.

Peter is my dearest relative and friend, and he lost his life in my arms. I want to say that we have the same experience, the same pain, and the same growth process.

But my parents are still alive, and other 'Spider-Man's often only need to 'grow up' once.

But you became a loner, and you even lost mj! "

"You think I do!" Peter was excited. "I also want Uncle Ben to be alive. Now I dream about Aunt May every night. For a long time, I couldn't accept the reality that Mr. Stark is dead.

I love mj, and mj loves me too. We should have a happy ending, but I——"

"Peter, what are you yelling at? Is there something wrong with my equation?"

The old professor on the podium in front interrupted Peter's emotional catharsis with an angry roar.

Peter's expression of grief and anger was frozen on his face, and he looked around like a wooden man.

Not only did the old professor look angry, but the students around him also looked confused.

He didn't find Gwen.

Gwen actually slipped away in an instant.

"Sorry, Professor Robert. Well, your equation is correct, but it's not concise enough. Maybe it can be."

Peter's reaction speed was very fast and he was very smart. Even though his godfather was a good teacher, he actually talked about the old professor's formula, which attracted the attention of all his classmates.

"Where did you go just now?" After class, Peter saw Gwen at the corner of the corridor.

"When I hear you roaring in class, of course I have to stay away from you." Gwen said confidently.

Peter felt depressed for a while, and then asked: "What did you mean by what you said before?"

"Peter, how old are you?"

"Almost 20 years old." Peter said.

Gwen said: "You are not yet 20, I am 24 years old this year, and I only lost my friend and lover 'Peter'.

In the Spider Society, many "Peters" are in their thirties, and they only lost their "Uncle Ben" when they were young.

Some 'Peters', like you, have lost Uncle Ben, Aunt May and Mary Jane, but they are already middle-aged, and the death of those relatives and loved ones only makes their lives more painful, rather than carrying the meaning of 'let the spider Growth's mission dies.

They are completely different from you, do you understand? "

"I don't understand. I don't need to grow up. I'm already mature. Fate doesn't have to arrange for them to die." Peter started to get excited again.

"You look like you are mature now?" Gwen said rudely: "Look at your experiences in the past few years. Uncle Ben is dead and you are not mature. Tony Stark has been taking care of you. Wipe your ass for your shit.

You still haven't matured since Tony Stark died.

If you are mature and steady, you will not struggle with the responsibilities that Tony Stark has entrusted to you. Even if you do not want to follow the path he has arranged for you to become the 'Second Generation Iron Spider', a mature and steady hero should not be fooled by Mysterio. Round and round.

As long as you understand the meaning of 'price', you will not ask Doctor Strange to erase other people's memories of your identity.

Not to mention being careless and hastily modifying wishes during the casting process, causing reality to be seriously torn apart.

Finally, Aunt Mei uses her life to teach you that there are always imperfections in life. People should cherish what they have now and should not ignore the existing happiness in order to chase what has been lost.

Now you have learned to bear the pain and loneliness in silence.

But are you really mature?

You seemed to have matured for a while after Uncle Ben's death, and you seemed to have grown up overnight after Tony Stark's death.

The Spider Club is more than just a fun party for Spider-Man, we bear a heavy responsibility.

Our time travel will not directly affect the stability of the universe, but once we affect the timeline, we may even cause the destruction of the universe.

The Spider-Society needs a 'mature' Spider-Man.

This is the assessment, there are no other complicated requirements, it only determines whether you have completed the 'price of growth'. "

"I'm already alone, what price do I have to pay? Who else can help me 'grow'?" The little spider was so angry that he began to sneer.

Gwen was silent for a moment and said a name, "Gwen Stacy."

"What?" Little Spider was a little stunned.

Gwen sighed softly: "In countless parallel universes, 'Gwen' and 'Peter' are lovers. Just like I lost my Peter, you may also lose your 'Gwen'. At least you still have 'Gwen' 'It's okay to lose."

"I've only met her a few times, and I'm not familiar with her at all." Little Spider said.

Gwen shook her head, "Peter, you are too young to join the Spider Society now."

After saying that, she turned and left.

The little spider grabbed her arm with a ferocious expression, "You can refuse me. To be honest, I have no interest in the Spider Society now. I just want you to answer a few more questions."

Gwen was stunned and asked doubtfully: "What else do you want to know?"

"You just said that the Spider Totem weaves the fate of all Spider-Man, and that every Spider-Man's life follows the trajectory planned by the Spider Goddess. Is that true?" the little spider gritted his teeth.

Gwen somewhat understood that this guy blamed the Spider Goddess for his tragic experience.

"Peter, weaving the thread of fate is just a metaphor and an exaggeration. In fact, the spider totem is just a network of life and destiny that connects the universe. Destiny is determined by God.

No one is responsible for our destiny, we are responsible for our own choices.

It is also a sign of maturity to have the courage to take responsibility instead of blaming all faults on others. "She said seriously.

"Have you seen the spider totem?" asked the little spider.

Gwen shook his head, "I heard concepts like Spider Totem and the Web of Life and Destiny from others.

I personally prefer to believe that Spider-Man's superpowers come from genetic mutations and have nothing to do with gods or destiny. "

That night, it was late.

The Holy of Holies, New York.

"Dong dong dong, dong dong dong"

After a long time, the door creaked open, but there was no one behind it.

The little spider looked around and called softly, "Mr. Strange?"

"I told you, based on our relationship, you don't need to call me 'Sir', just call me 'Stephen'." Dr. Strange's voice rang in the hall.

Little Spider walked in, but still saw no one.

"Stephen, where are you? I have something to ask you." He said.

"Oh, I'm really afraid you'll find me." Doctor Strange sighed.

"Well, don't worry, I'm not asking you for help this time. I'm just asking for a small favor." Little Spider said sheepishly.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me directly. At the critical moment when my body is practicing, I can only use a ray of spirit to communicate with you." Dr. Strange said.

"You shouldn't be practicing the Martial God King's magic, right?" Little Spider shouted.

Doctor Strange said frankly, "I'm just practicing the magic of the God of War. What's wrong?"

"Is Wanda okay?" Little Spider asked worriedly.

"She is meditating in Karma Taj, and Lao Wang is watching her! Regardless of whether Wanda has any problems or not, the magic of the God of War is real and extremely powerful. I must study it thoroughly as soon as possible." Doctor Strange said.

The little spider quickly told the story about Gwen from another world.

Doctor Strange was silent for a while and said, "Old Wang has neglected his duty."

"What?" Little Spider looked confused.

"Now Lao Wang is the Supreme Mage, but when someone from another world travels to our universe, he has no reaction at all." Doctor Strange said.

"Isn't that the point?" Little Spider was speechless. "The Spider Society understands the harm of time travel to reality. They have adopted special means of time travel. As long as they do not interfere with the timeline, they will not destroy the stability of the universe."

Doctor Strange said: "Kang's conspiracy is not the point.

As long as he doesn't take the initiative to do anything to us, it doesn't matter what he thinks.

The choice is made by us, and even if there is a price, I will accept it.

Adults should understand what they want and be able to bear the cost of their choices. "

The little spider fell silent.

"Hey, why aren't you talking? Didn't you ask me to do a little favor? Come on, I'm very busy now." Dr. Strange said.

"Are the Spider Totem and Spider Goddess real?" Little Spider asked.

“I don’t know, but since there is an ‘ancient Spider-Man’ who built a temple for the Spider Goddess, it’s probably true.

Since there are ancient religious groups, they must have received responses from the gods.

Without a response, the temple and the faith could not be sustained for long. "Doctor Strange said.

The little spider's expression was tangled for a moment, then he gritted his teeth and said, "I want to join the Martial God King sect. Stephen, please teach me the Martial God King's magic."

"What are you crazy about?" Doctor Strange was stunned.

"I'm not crazy." Little Spider clenched his fists and shouted passionately: "I am only 20 years old and have already lost Uncle Ben, Tony, Aunt May and MJ. If the spider totem is allowed to continue to weave my destiny, how many more deaths will I have to make in the future? Beloved relatives and friends?

Gwen said that Peter in Universe 1813 only joined the Martial God King Cult and had not yet established faith in the Martial God King. His line of fate had changed drastically, even alarming the Spider Totem.

I also want to change my destiny against fate.

I have nothing now, but I don’t want to be alone all my life. "

Dr. Strange couldn't sit still. He immediately stopped practicing and was carried by the red cloak. He flew out of the meditation room with a "swish" and came to the hall. He put his hand on Peter's shoulder and said in a deep voice: "Calm down, Peter!"

"I'm calm, I'm an adult, I know what I want, and I have the awareness to bear the consequences of my choices.

Gwen hinted to me that 'Gwen' might become my new love and die because of me.

I just lost MJ, and now I don’t know Gwen at all, and I may not be able to become friends in the future, but the key is not the person ‘Gwen’, but that fate will take away all the people I cherish.

I can't bear this fate. "Little Spider shouted.

"Peter, I understand how you feel. I also lost Kristen, but we can't let sadness and unwillingness go to our heads."

Doctor Strange put his hands on Peter's shoulders, "Destiny is too mysterious, even if I am a magician, I would say so.

It is our choices that lead to our subsequent destiny, not destiny controlling our choices.

We have always held our destiny in our hands.

I'm not stopping you from studying the Martial God King's magic. In fact, I don't think you can learn it at all.

What I care about is your state of mind at this time.

Placing your destiny on the magic of the God of War is tantamount to giving up control of your own destiny. "

The little spider sighed: "What if fate really exists and the so-called choices are just our wishful thinking?

I swore in front of Uncle Ben’s grave that today is my coming-of-age ceremony. I am an adult and I will become the backbone of the family and take care of Aunt Mei for Uncle Ben.

In front of Tony's tombstone, I secretly vowed again that the responsibilities left by 'Iron Man' will be borne by me, and Tony in heaven can rest assured.

Stephen, I am not a spoiled second-generation.

As the saying goes, children from poor families grow up early. I have experienced so much and should be mature and steady, but after Gwen's words, I suddenly looked back and was horrified to find that my past life seemed not to be my own.

It seemed that there was an invisible line controlling me and a director was writing my life.

Many decisions at critical moments were made by my mouth and chosen by my hands, but that me was not the real me.

I have experienced the Infinity Gauntlet War. Natasha sacrificed for the Soul Stone, Vision sacrificed to protect the Mind Stone, Thor watched Thanos kill his own brother for the Space Stone, and Gamora died for the Reality Stone. Having witnessed such a painful price, how can I not understand the meaning of the price?

But I am like a fool, only to find you to rewrite reality because of my identity leak.

I also changed my wishes many times in the middle, destroying reality.

This is not my choice, I shouldn't do this, it was the "director" who forcibly created this fate. "

"You are an idiot, and I am even more stupid to help you rewrite reality. "Doctor Strange said.

Spider-Man said, "I'm sorry for getting you into trouble. The 'director' made you a supporting role when he wrote my story."

"Even if you are right, the Spider Goddess or Spider Totem is the 'general director' of the fate of all Spider-Men. You just changed the director by choosing the Martial God King to get rid of Him." Doctor Strange sighed.

Spider-Man shook his head and said, "It's different. The Spider Totem is connected to the network of life and fate. Life and fate are His 'mind'. He likes to mess with the fate of 'Spider-Man'.

Every 'Spider-Man' has lost his 'Uncle Ben' and must understand the truth of 'the greater the power, the greater the responsibility' from the death of his loved ones.

This seems to have become a fixed routine. Different Spider-Men use the same outline, but only the details are different.

The Martial God King is not the God of Destiny. He is the Holy Light and the Holy Flame.

The Martial God King's priests are particularly good at exorcism.

As long as I don't fall into the devil's way, the Martial God King will not pay attention to me at all.

Even if he pays attention to me, he will not mess with my fate. "

Doctor Strange looked at him for a long time with strange eyes, and then said: "Peter, you really impressed me a little bit to say this."

"What do you mean?"

"Your understanding of fate, the God of War and the Spider Totem." Doctor Strange said.

"Alas, other 'Spider-Man' may only have one maturity period, but I have matured three times in a row, and three loved ones have died in a row. My mind is very clear now. While I am clear and mature now, I will quickly convert to the God of War and get rid of the fate of the Spider Totem.

Otherwise, before long, I may be like a new brother who has just debuted and make stupid and naive mistakes again.

Don't think I'm talking nonsense.

Gwen reminded me that I am not yet 20 years old!

I am too young.

If my 'Spider-Man Story' is a novel, it is still a long way from the end of the novel.

So Gwen is worried that I will be immature again and lose my beloved again-of course, she is not mainly worried about me losing my beloved.

As an examiner, she was worried that my childishness would ruin the mission of the Spider Society.

But for me, shouldn't I be more cautious than her when it comes to the life and death of my future love? "

Doctor Strange rubbed his temple and sighed, "I don't really know much about fate. Maybe when I study the Great Fate Art of the Martial God King's magic thoroughly-"

"I can't wait. I also want to learn the Great Fate Art of the Martial God King. Now, immediately, right away!" Peter said.

Doctor Strange looked strange, "Isn't your main task in coming to me tonight to warn Kang about his plan and ask me not to study the Martial God King's magic?"

Peter said, "No, I warned you to warn Wanda of her demonic possession. As long as Wanda doesn't go crazy, our friends will not suffer casualties.

As for whether you learn the Martial God King's magic, aren't you already studying it now?

Kang's biggest plan for us is to preach to us and let us believe in the Martial God King.

As long as I can rewrite the 'Spider Destiny', I am willing to join the church. "

"Okay, you are almost 20 years old and you are already an adult. "

Doctor Strange nodded, took Peter back to his meditation room, and placed all the magic arts of the Martial God King in front of him.

"The magic arts of the Martial God King are very strange. They only recite spells and study techniques, and they are completely unable to mobilize the divine power of the Martial God.

Even I can't learn it, and you, a Muggle, can't achieve anything. "

While looking through the magic arts of the Martial God King, Peter said, "In addition to magic arts, the Martial God King also has martial arts. After all, He is a Martial God.

I major in martial arts, and for magic arts, I first memorize the spells and techniques.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you can use magic arts. What's important is to convert to the Martial God King and get rid of the "Spider-Man destiny" planned by the Spider Totem.

The Spider-Man of 1813 only brought Aunt May to join the church, and hasn't established faith yet. He has already changed his fate. I only want to change my fate. I will be happy if I can practice magic arts, and I won't be disappointed if I can't. "

Since he said so, Doctor Strange naturally stopped trying to dissuade him.

Peter stayed in the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York for three nights and two days.

He spent the entire weekend learning the magic of the Martial God King from Doctor Strange.

Even though Doctor Strange did not master the magic, he was very proficient in the explanation of the special terms in the magic spells, the spells and the meditation techniques.

Peter memorized all the contents of the magic spells in a hurry, and then returned to the university with a photocopy of the "Martial God King Bible".

Even during college, "Spider-Man" still did not disappear from the world.

After Peter left the Holy of Holies, Strange continued to practice the martial arts of the God King alone.

Without the Time Stone, he can only use simple time magic such as time retrieval. He cannot use time magic to speed up his training like Doctor Strange in the 1813 universe.

After struggling for half a month, he still got nothing.

"Oh, maybe that Strange is right. To use the Martial God King's magic, you must first establish trust in the Martial God King—shit!"

He had left the Holy of Holies and changed into regular clothes in the coffee shop. While drinking coffee, he was reading the latest news on his tablet, and then he spit out a sip of coffee.

"Adamantine spider, what the hell? Did Peter succeed?"

The news headline was "Adamantine Spider Stops 'Optimus Prime' Angrily."

There are quite a few elements worth complaining about in the title, but the video is very simple: a Bilt heavy-duty truck's brakes failed and rushed down the slope. It was about to hit the middle school bus at the intersection. Spider-Man fell from the sky and blocked Bilt with two hands. On the special bumper, the body exuded a faint golden light. Without using a spider thread, he braked with both feet, crushing the cement floor, and finally stopped the Bilt heavy truck.

"Peter, did you succeed?" He quickly took out his mobile phone and called to ask.

"What do you mean?" Peter looked confused on the other end of the video call.

"Have you mastered the magic of the God of War? The editors of the Daily Bugle have started calling you 'Vajra Spider'.

You are as powerful and reckless as King Kong, not as agile and dexterous as Spider-Man showed before. . " Strange said in surprise.

"Oh, you said it was a 'Vajra Spider'." Peter touched his nose awkwardly and said, "The Divine Art of the King of Martial Arts is too difficult and I can't learn it. I have been practicing martial arts recently."

"It's not easy to practice martial arts. Without the blessing of the Holy Power, it's difficult to practice, and it's even harder to master it quickly," Strange said.

"I majored in the 'Black Vortex of Thorns', which is to develop one's own potential. After practicing for three days, the 'Black Vortex' was formed. The 'Thorn' has not been completed yet." Peter said.

"It turned out to be a black vortex of thorns. You sucked the impact of the heavy truck into your body and bounced it back to your feet, so..."

Strange was stunned at first, and then frowned, "Using cost magic to rebound damage, this martial art is strictly speaking a magic.

However, cost magic does not require the use of martial arts power, it only needs to develop its own potential. "

"That's right, I majored in this martial arts because I had no talent for magic and only had strong physical fitness." Peter said.

Doctor Strange said: "The Black Vortex of Thorns has no future. It may be easy to get started, but its potential is very limited. The attack damage that the 'Black Vortex' can absorb is determined by the strength of the physical body. How much can you absorb?"

Peter said: "I think it's not bad. I almost didn't feel anything when the heavy truck hit me. Alas, since my body turned into a 'black vortex', I seem to have lost my spider sense."

No matter what kind of danger I encountered before, I had a keen sense of danger and my hair stood on end.

Now my body has become a black vortex and I can no longer feel the danger.

This can be regarded as the only price after practicing the black vortex. "

The corners of Doctor Strange's mouth twitched and he said: "You will definitely not lose your spider sense by practicing the Black Vortex.

This defensive magic only develops the body's potential and does not take away talents.

You haven't become insensitive, and the reason why you don't have a sense of crisis is probably because the dangers you are currently encountering cannot threaten your safety.

You have become stronger, at least your defenses have increased, and the dangers of the past are no longer crises. "

"Maybe. Anyway, my main purpose of practicing divine arts is to convert to the God of War and change the fate of Spider-Man. The strength of my magical arts is secondary.

Even if ‘Black Vortex’ has no future, its current effect alone is enough to surprise me. "Peter said.

"But your body is already shining with holy light. Holy light is related to faith. You will definitely not be able to obtain the divine power of martial arts by just practicing the black vortex. The divine power of martial arts is strengthening your black vortex, allowing you to absorb more attack energy." Lan Qi said.

"Really? I thought the golden light was simply the effect of practicing the black vortex." Peter said happily: "So, I have successfully joined the religion? Become a qualified follower of the King of Martial God?"

"More than just a believer, I suspect you are about to become a priest. How did you practice?" Strange asked curiously.

"I have only practiced Black Vortex, and not other magical arts at all. Instead, I read the Bible of the God of War every day, and I feel that I have learned a lot of life principles from it," Peter said.

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