I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2046 God’s Descent

"Infinity Stone? Lord, I have a space stone now." Lord Kang shouted.

——You don’t have the space gem, your gem has been lost.

Harley thought.

Harley asked, "Is the gem with you?"

"Ah, I fell into an ambush by the Avengers before and lost both the Undead Scepter and the Space Stone." Venerable Kang finally remembered.

This guy gained wisdom and strength from the "Seal of Death". Most of the magic he practices is related to the undead. He also specially snatched a Marvel native voodoo staff from the Supreme Sanctuary and transformed it into his own exclusive weapon. "The Scepter of the Dead".

The space gem is embedded in the scepter.

Now that his Undead Scepter has been confiscated by Doctor Strange, the Space Stone has also been lost.

Harley had already seen the scene in his mind of fighting the Avengers and losing the scepter and gems.

Venerable Kang continued: "Lord, it is useless to get the space gems. Because the infinite gems are only useful in the parallel universe where they were born. If they go to other worlds, they will immediately lose their miraculous effect.

If we leave our multiverse and enter the Great Omniverse, they will only become beautiful gems.

The space gem in my hand was a tip given to me by an 'Overlord Kang' when I was attending the Kang Council. I helped him pour wine during the 'Wan Kang Conference'. I saw the Infinity Stones for the first time, and I didn't know I was there at the time. The gems from another world will lose their effect. No wonder everyone around me looked at me with ridicule. "

He became embarrassed, very annoyed and ashamed.

As he talked and thought, Harley also saw the image of "Council Kang" in his mind.

To be honest, that Director Kang really shocked her.

There were too many Kangs, and most of them looked very similar to her disciples. They were all tall black men with fat lips. They beat their chests and shouted excitedly. The scene was very spectacular.

The "overlord Kang" mentioned by the Venerable Kang is just an "overlord" in ordinary seats. It is said that he rules dozens of worlds.

The real bosses in the Kang Council are the three giants "Immortal", "Centurion" and "Pharaoh".

There may be a more powerful Kang, but Venerable Kang doesn’t know.

The first time he attended the Kang Council, he just stood on the edge of the venue waving flags and pouring drinks for others. His understanding of Kang and the Kang Council was definitely incomplete.

And everything Harley knows comes from his knowledge.

"If I guess correctly, the infinite stones correspond to the six basic laws or forces in the universe. The six basic laws together form the framework of the sea of ​​laws in our universe.

Because they represent the fundamental laws of the universe, they are extremely powerful and have unlimited power within this universe.

And because they only represent the basic laws of this universe and cannot represent the entire multiverse, they can only be used within this universe.

There may be other restrictions.

Even in different parallel universes, the basic laws should be very similar."

Harley pondered: "If they are really the incarnation of pure laws, even if they cannot be 100% adapted to the basic laws of the other world, they can still have some effect.

How much similarity there is, how much power can be exerted.

But in another world, the Infinity Stones immediately lose all their effectiveness.

It shows that gems are only the switch that triggers the law, not the material manifestation of the law.

They are not material legal entities, which of course greatly reduces their value. "

If the Infinity Stones are the incarnation of laws like the Infinite Family, Harley can still master the basic laws of Marvel by studying them while sitting at home.

"But they are at least energy aggregates. Each infinite stone contains the original power of the corresponding rules to some extent. The original power is also of great use to me." Harley continued.

After going to another world, no matter how useless the Infinity Stones are, they are at least "power stones".

If you chew them like jelly beans, you can definitely extract the pure gem energy.

"Lord, since the gems are of great use to you, when this prayer is over, I will immediately lead people to raid the Avengers Alliance headquarters. I want revenge, and I want to take back my treasures!" Venerable Kang shouted excitedly.

"Do not impulse!"

——I finally got in touch with you, please don’t risk your life.

"Gemstones are precious, but faith is even more valuable!" Harley said solemnly: "Don't forget my teachings and expectations for you! You are the only apostle of the light and holy fire in heaven, and you exercise the power to punish evil on my behalf.

You are the holy flame of wrath that burns sin and evil! "

Venerable Kang shouted: "Lord, I have not forgotten my beliefs and mission. The Avengers seem to be righteous, but in fact they are completely hypocritical. Nine out of ten disasters in the world are caused by them.

The world would be a more peaceful place without them. "

Harley sighed deeply and said: "Kang, you only saw the appearance and failed to see through the essence!

The superheroes of the Avengers may have caused various crises, but they are only the bearers of destiny, not the creators of destiny.

The universe has its own will, which can be called its ‘origin’.

‘Origin’ controls the most original power of the universe.

Maintaining the normal operation of the universe is the job of Origin.

In order to better complete its work, 'Origin' will stir the river of destiny and formulate various destiny.

As a result, various people with destiny came into being.

Those heroes are all destined by fate. Their experiences seem to be under their own control, but in fact their fate has already been arranged. "

"Why did 'Origin' arrange such a fate? What significance do the Avengers and various superheroes have to the universe itself?" Venerable Kang asked doubtfully.

“For stories, there’s power in stories.”

Harley fully and carefully told Venerable Kang her understanding of crisis power, anti-crisis power, and story power.

Then she also explained the basic laws of fate and time in plain and easy-to-understand language.

"Kang, you are not a necromancer, and even an exorcist is only the first stage of your profession. My expectation for you is to be a 'detached person' who controls destiny and time.

You need to have a deeper vision, a higher perspective, and a more ambitious goal. "

The power of faith of the Venerable Kang once again completed a transformation. He was no longer excited, but became more humble and respectful, saying: "My lord, I understand. No matter how many crises the Avengers have caused, they themselves are not evil. will.

They are not my enemies. Those evildoers in the Kang Council are the scourge of the universe that I must eliminate. "

"Strength is the ladder to climb the ideal. Now you are too weak. Don't be blind and impulsive. Do you understand what I mean?" Harley said.

“I understand that developing believers and accumulating strength are my current main tasks.

When I have enough power, I will start to collect all things rich in high energy for you, such as infinite gems and the origin of gods and demons.

In the process of improving myself and gathering strength for you, I will practice and spread your teachings, but I will not be stubborn and rigid, which affects the current task. "Venerable Kang said seriously.

Harley smiled with satisfaction.

This Venerable Kang has at least one advantage: he is very understanding.

She is not a pure benevolent god, and she does not value the teachings of kindness and justice more than interests. In fact, her teachings are not one that advocates kindness and justice.

But she also doesn't want to lose all her conscience and do bad things for the sake of profit, especially she doesn't like her beloved one using her power to do bad things.

"Don't trap yourself in the earth, trapped in the entanglement with the Avengers. The universe is infinitely vast, and other places outside the earth are far away from the destiny of the 'origin'. Instead, the sky is high and birds can fly, and the sea is broad and fish can jump. " Harley said.

There is no doubt that in the Marvel universe, the earth still belongs to the "center of the story", and the faith of the people on earth will be more "precious" than that of aliens.

However, it is too difficult to develop faith on earth.

In other words, the cost of wallowing in the mud pit of the earth is too high, and we are often involved in various crises.

Earth believers have high value and higher cost. Overall, aliens are more cost-effective.

"I understand. I have been targeted by the Avengers. Leaving the earth with the key members of the church can avoid conflicts and reduce trouble." Venerable Kang said.

"Find a world with serious demonic disasters, where you will become a true 'Saint King'.

It is also easy to lock down the demonic disaster planet or plane. You are not the 'enemy of the devil' yet. You can easily find the target by asking the hell devil. " Harley said.

"Is the power of the Martial God specifically aimed at evil spirits and demons?" Venerable Kang asked.

Harley smiled proudly and said: "You will understand after you try it yourself. The power of the God of War is the 'father' of the demons and the 'big father' of 'Kang, the Time Traveler'.

The magic power of hell, the holy power of heaven, the power of time and space, all magical powers are all restrained by the holy power of martial arts. "

Even though Marvel is a new multiverse, its level is not higher than DC, with the highest energy level being level 9.

Harley's God Defense Specialty is already at Level 10, and her Magic Defense Specialty is at Level 15. Even if she goes to a new world, she can still kill everyone.

"However, the belief in me in your world is not strong enough at present, and the divinity I can transmit to you has its limits, and I cannot allow you to obtain the full power of the God of War.

Now, the holy power in your body will specifically restrain the hell demons, and will be less able to restrain other powers.

When you develop more believers, I will give you stronger and more complete power. "

More believers, more "fake thick-skinned divine power".

Venerable Kang is essentially Harley's priest.

The more devout he is to Harley and the more he practices Harley's teachings, the closer and more stable his connection with Harley is, the higher his priesthood is, and the stronger the divinity he obtains from Harley.

"Lord, I have understood your will. I will first hunt demons to enhance my magic power, and develop my faith in the process of hunting demons. When my strength is strong enough to face the angels in heaven, I will summon the angels to register for me.

With the household registration and reincarnation seal, I am not afraid of death and can help you collect all the higher energies known to me. "Venerable Kang said very consciously.

This is indeed the development route that Harley arranged for him, but the speed seems a bit slow. It's not that Venerable Kang's development speed is slow, but that she is pressed for time and the Giant Hand Clan is coming soon.

"Can you still contact Director Kang? Maybe you can get a batch of infinite gems from them through trading or borrowing," Harley said.

"Pharaoh Kang is chasing me." Venerable Kang hesitated for a moment, but still promised: "I can give it a try, and I will help you collect infinite gems as soon as possible.

By the way, do you have any special requirements for energy attributes?

Obtaining a full set of Infinity Stones is obviously much more difficult than getting two of them. "

Harley thought for a while and said, "Six gems don't seem to make much difference to me.

If you can pick, pick the Reality Stone first, then Soul and Mind, then Space and Time, and the Power Stone last. "

In fact, the power gem may be a new energy, which is of the greatest value to her.

But she does not need to open a new specialty now, and it is not time to open a new specialty. The level is not enough.

Harley wants the "Wind of Nothingness" of the Marvel Universe more.

It is urgent to raise the level of the Wind of Nothingness, figure out the nature of the power of story, or find a way to protect the world's story.

"Lord, is there any pattern in the order you mentioned?" asked Venerable Kang.

Harley said frankly: "I am currently collecting a negative basic force called "Wind of Nothingness".

Among the six infinite gems, it seems that only the reality gem has a little connection with the Wind of Nothingness."

Marvel's mother of creation who did not rebel probably does not have a negative basic force, and it is almost impossible to find the "Wind of Nothingness" directly.

"What is the Wind of Nothingness?" Venerable Kang asked in confusion.

Harley pondered: "An energy that annihilates all traces of existence, not only the body and soul, but also the story and other people's memories of you will be erased."

"Hiss, such a terrifying power, I seem to have never heard of it." Venerable Kang said in surprise.

Harley said: "Creating the multiverse requires the power of connection and multiple basic forces. The amount of basic forces is unknown. Maybe your universe contains the wind of nothingness, or maybe not.

But your multiverse must have a mechanism to store stories, because one of the greatest values ​​of the multiverse to the giant hand tribe is the story.

As long as there is a mechanism to store stories, your universe must have the basic power to enhance or weaken the story.

You don't have to focus on the 'wind of nothingness', the key is the 'story'.

The energy related to the story is very important to me!"

"My Lord, I understand. If I find the energy you need, how can I give it to you? Can I offer a sacrifice?" Venerable Kang asked.

"Just like today, you pray devoutly in front of the statue, I will feel it and try my best to respond to you.

You should first use the universal sacrificial array in your world to sacrifice power to me. Don't sacrifice too much in the first few times, and the quality doesn't need to be too high.

When I am familiar with the sacrificial rules of your universe, I will teach you the 'exclusive sacrificial array for the Martial God King'." Harley said.

Everyone can use the universal sacrificial array, but the efficiency is not guaranteed, and it may not be possible to contact the real owner.

For example, it is almost impossible for a low-level ordinary black magician to summon the devil of hell.

But if the same low-level ordinary black magician knows the exclusive sacrificial array and spell of the devil of hell, he can at least make the devil of hell notice him and accept his sacrifice.

The exclusive sacrificial array and spell are like telephone numbers, and the universal sacrificial array is like shouting with a loudspeaker.

Gods and demons have the ability to hear the sound of the loudspeaker, but they don't want to listen, and it is more likely that they have not activated the ability of the gods to listen to the summons, so they can't hear it at all.

The phone number goes directly to the god's home. He can choose not to answer the phone, but he can't ignore the ringing of the phone.

Back then, Harley played with Satan Lucifer three times in one night. Wasn't it Satan's exclusive sacrificial array that she relied on?

Of course, the main purpose of the exclusive sacrificial array is to reduce losses and maximize the efficiency of sacrifice.

Marvel's sacrifice rules are definitely different from DC's. Harley doesn't understand Marvel's rules, and the efficiency of absorbing energy will definitely not be too high.

It is possible that Venerable Kang sacrificed the Infinity Stones, but Harley spent a lot of effort to accept the sacrifice, but the stones were lost halfway and disappeared in the Great Almighty Universe.

Practice for the first few times and observe how the sacrifice rules work in the Great Almighty Universe. When you are familiar with the rules, develop special magic circles and spells for Marvel, and then sacrifice valuable items.

For example, it is best to convert the Infinity Stones into pure energy first, and then give them to Harley through the bridge of faith.

"Lord, I pray to you every day. If you don't mind, I can sacrifice to you every day and give you the most essence of the devil. How about it?" Venerable Kang said.

——You sacrifice every day, and I have to be online every day! I don't do my job, and I stare at you every day?

Harley complained in her heart, and said: "Now you can sacrifice every day. When I develop a special sacrificial array that conforms to the rules of your universe, you won't have to work so hard!"

"Not hard, not hard at all." Venerable Kang said quickly: "It is my greatest happiness to serve the Lord."

-But your master, I, will be very hard!

"You are burdened with a great cause to complete. How can you waste too much effort and time on sacrifice?" Harley said in a deep voice.

"You are teaching me that I want to spread your teachings, practice your way, and collect high-level energy masters. You wait, I will definitely develop more believers. They are all your hands, your tongue, and your sword." Venerable Kang shouted excitedly.

"Very good, now you hold your breath and let me help you transform the divine power of martial arts."

The Great Omnipotent Universe has no concept of time, and Harley doesn't care about time.

She carefully collected all the believers' power of faith in her that she could perceive in the Marvel Universe.

Then he infected them with his divinity, allowing them to combine with the original black magic power in Venerable Kang's body and transform it into "copycat thick skin divine power".

Although the quality of divine power is very poor, not to mention the thick skin divine power of Harley's divine favor, even the thick skin divine power of Harley in the other world after activating "Hallelujah" is far inferior.

But the total amount of divine power is not small, about 0.2 small units.

After helping Venerable Kang transform 0.2 small units of martial arts divine power, Harley also taught him a set of "Martial God King High Priest Meditation Method".

This is a meditation technique she created specifically for Thick Skin Divine Power by combining the Marvel Meditation Method in Venerable Kang's memory.

It not only adapts to the rules of the Marvel Universe, but also can maximize the potential of Thick Skin Divine Power.

Venerable Kang thanked him profusely and then went offline.

He went offline, but Harley did not leave.

She felt that it was not long before Venerable Kang came online again.

A day passed in the universe where Venerable Kang was.

"Lord, the divine power of the Martial God you gave me is too, too, too powerful!" Venerable Kang's face turned red with excitement.

Harley could clearly feel that his faith in himself had been raised to another level.

If in the DC multiverse, this guy could have transformed into a "God Priest".

That is, a priest becomes a god.

In addition to Venerable Kang, Harley also sensed more than a dozen believers who chanted his name and had a devout faith in him.

Venerable Kang was not the only one praying to her, he also pulled the loyal believers of the Martial God Cult over.

Through the sight of Venerable Kang, Harley could see hundreds of people gathered in the dim underground hall.

Hundreds of people were wearing white linen robes, lined up, holding candles or flowers in their hands, and sang hymns in unison to the statue of the God of War with piety on their faces, "Once, I walked forward in a daze, on the dark road, the cold wind stung my soul, and I couldn't find the direction of life, until I met you, Holy God of War, you are like the sun, dispelling the darkness, you are like a mother, warming our fatigue in your arms."

The singing was very good, the expression was very kind and pious, the atmosphere on the scene was warm and peaceful, if it was a bright and clean cathedral, anyone who saw it would praise "saints".

It's a pity that they hid in the basement, it was very gloomy, and there was a smell of blood and mold in the air.

The more pious and peaceful they were, the more they were out of tune with the surrounding environment, looking very weird, and very much like a gathering of cultists.

But they were really her believers, and each of them had a line of faith connected to the statue.

However, only the dozen people in the front are qualified to communicate with Harley spiritually.

If Harley does not rely on the statue and Venerable Kang as signal relay stations, she can only sense these dozen people.

It can also be said that even if she leaves here, even if Venerable Kang is not there, as long as they pray to Harley devoutly, Harley still has the opportunity to build a bridge of faith between herself and them.

If Kang is a "great Venerable", they are at least qualified to be called "small Venerables".

This is the benefit of spreading faith through the story transmission talent.

As faith spreads, the power of faith can bring Harley closer to the new world. The story transmission talent can only transmit stories, and it itself cannot allow Harley to communicate directly with people in the new world.

"Holy, holy, holy, merciful and almighty Martial God King, all glory and praise belong to you!"

Faith connection is an interaction. When Harley sensed the dozen "senior cadres of the church", they also noticed the gaze of the gods and shouted excitedly.

As they behaved like this, the believers singing around them also became fanatical, and the hymns became louder.

A hazy layer of faith power gathered above their heads, forming a cloud of faith.

Miracles can inspire faith the most. At this time, Harley looked at them, which was the advent of miracles.

"Lord, do you feel it? My magic power has increased dozens of times in just one day."

Venerable Kang also felt Harley's "gaze" sweeping around the believers. This was his purpose: to let the believers bathe in the glory of God with him.

He was still excited to report his situation, "Your holy power is simply invincible!

No matter what evil magic the demons use, they can't hurt me.

And I just need to cover my fists or weapons with holy power, which can easily break their magic defense and kill them."

"You didn't sleep all night?" Harley said.

"Well, after the holy prayer ended yesterday, I immediately followed your teachings, using my own soul as bait and actively sacrificed myself to the demon.

The demons responded to my call one after another like sharks smelling blood.

I killed them one by one, my strength continued to grow, and I didn't feel tired."

The Venerable Kang pointed to a tall demon bound by chains and magic circles and continued: "But I still remember the agreement with you. Today I will sacrifice the demon essence to you.

The demons I summoned are all low-level demons, they are not qualified to be sacrifices.

This demon is my secret. The devil's partner who has been sealed by the Death God.

It has the title of Earl, and is the blood of the Lord of Hell Mephisto. It calls itself the "Son of Black Heart" and the "Demon Prince". It is the illegitimate son of Mephisto's son Black Heart.

It is not clear whether it is bragging or not, but its strength is really strong.

Before, I was able to escape from the Supreme Sorcerer and mobilize all the members of the Avengers, mainly relying on it.

It has strong magic power, can cast a city-destroying forbidden spell, and has a high hell power, which can summon thousands of low-level demons. "

Harry only glanced at the devil and retracted her gaze.

Venerable Kang did not brag. The origin of "Son of Black Heart" is indeed not weak, but for her now, it is not even a dessert after dinner.

"Even the devil partner has been abandoned. You have really cut off your past and become a new person."

The satisfaction and joy in her tone made Venerable Kang relieved.

He has been forgiven by God, and all his past mistakes have been forgiven by God.

"I am an apostle of light and holy fire, a preacher of God's teachings. I will never coexist with evil!" he shouted.

"Kang, I curse you. Your soul will burn in the flames of hell for a hundred thousand years."

Although the demon count was severely injured by the thick-skinned holy power and was already dying at this time, he still summoned the strength in anger and uttered a weak but vicious curse when he heard Venerable Kang's "shameless" cry.

Venerable Kang looked solemn and said coldly: "I gave you a chance, but you yourself refused to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side."

"Fuck you for abandoning the dark and turning to the light. You worshiped the ancient evil gods yourself, and you also asked this demon prince to believe in the Holy Light and God. Are you mentally ill?" the demon Earl cursed.

Venerable Kang Hei had a cold face, and the golden "fake thick-skinned holy power" shone on his body, "If you dare to blaspheme the King of Martial God, you will never be able to atone for your sin by dying."

He stopped quarreling with the devil and waved his hand to the "little venerables" around him, who all chanted incantations.

Scarlet magic lines lit up under the Demon Earl's body.

The moment the sacrificial circle was completed, the level experience jar in Harry's mind suddenly bubbled up.

Although she doesn’t have much experience, Harley was really pleasantly surprised.

——The universe next door can also provide her with experience! Eight achievements are a blessing to the venerable.

Venerable Kang got her thick skin power yesterday. Although it is a synthetic "beggar's version of divine power", it is still her divine power. Venerable Kang can be regarded as her favored one.

And Venerable Kang has been killing demons for the past day. He will definitely not be unscathed, and he will definitely be counterattacked by the demons.

He harvested level experience from demons.

Level experience is also a kind of energy that cannot be transferred to Harley in real time across the omnipotent universe.

When the sacrificial circle is opened and the energy channel is created, the experiential energy flows to Harley along with the devil's origin.

Well, the level experience was a surprise, and the devil's origin was successfully received by Harley.

Harley's God Defense special is a bit imminent: first of all, the Demon Count's hell magic is considered "new hell magic", which can improve God's defense expertise; secondly, its energy level is too low, and the key is that the amount is too small, and it is lost during the sacrifice process. Sure enough, it's too big to really upgrade the God's Defense feat.

"Lord, can you receive the origin of the devil?" Venerable Kang asked.

In the sacrificial circle in front of him, the demon count had completely died in the miserable wailing, and his soul was gone.

"Well, I received it. Next time you sacrifice, use an ordinary demon. You need more magic power.

I just study the laws on your side through sacrifices. " Harley said.

The demonic origin transmitted to her was less than 1% of the total magic power, and the soul was completely gone, dissipating directly during the transmission.

Eighty percent of the level experience energy is also wasted, which is too much waste.

"I understand." Venerable Kang replied, then turned to the believers and shouted excitedly: "We succeeded. The Lord received the sacrifice we offered. The Lord is very happy. Do you feel it?"

"I feel it, holy, Holy King of Martial God, holy King of Martial God." All the believers flushed with excitement.

They really felt Harley's gaze and her satisfaction.

Harry was not only satisfied in his heart, but also secretly blessed them: extracting the cloud of faith gathered in the "Temple", using the power of faith to create a new "Beggars Version of Thick-skin Holy Power" on the spot, and giving it to everyone A "little venerable".

Ordinary believers can see the "little venerable" being shrouded in a beam of holy light, and can feel their aura increasing.

Maybe not as powerful as Venerable Kang Shengli, but they are at least a qualified priest of the God of War now.

So the atmosphere was extremely warm.

This was the scene where a miracle happened. They were all witnesses, and many of them received real blessings.


A muffled sound broke the harmony and enthusiasm of the "Underground Temple".

Venerable Kang, who was sitting cross-legged on the high platform, had a blood splash on his eyebrows. He leaned back and hit his head heavily on the platform.

Harley almost instantly lost her belief in him - the Venerable Kang had half a bullet lodged between his eyebrows, and his consciousness was somewhat blurred.


"Your Majesty!"

The sudden turn of events caused the believers who were chanting carols loudly to be stunned for a moment, and then the "little venerables" shouted in panic.

"Enemy attack~~~~" Venerable Kang struggled to get up and wailed.

He had the holy power of thick skin, but he was hit unexpectedly, breaking a layer of skin, and the steel bullet flattened it into a piece.

"Boom!" The underground church door exploded, accompanied by fire and wood chips, and a hammer with flashing thunder flew in first.


Thor's hammer was like a precision-guided missile, directly hitting Kang Zhi's forehead as he climbed up in a daze.


Neng Pingkang's forehead was shining with holy light, but he was still smashed more than ten meters away. His body was embedded in the hole in the wall, buried by rubble, and he completely lost consciousness.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~~~" A macho man with flashing lightning eyes, an iron man with both palms emitting shock waves, a male mage in a red cloak, and a group of Avengers heroes rushed in.

"We are the Avengers. You have been surrounded. There are countless S.H.I.E.L.D. agents outside. Kneel down immediately and raise your hands above your head." The man with the Union Flag and round shield shouted.

"Holy, holy, holy, the God of War is infinitely powerful!"

Even if the great venerable fell, the young venerable and ordinary believers were not afraid. They glared at the avengers and rushed towards them with bared teeth and claws.

Completely fearless of life and death.

Because they are pious, and because they are walking with God at this time, even now, they can still feel the eyes of the King of Martial God.

Harley was indeed not offline. Even if Venerable Kang was "physically offline", she could still connect with the other little Venerables and attach her thoughts to her statue.

Although the images and sounds she saw through them were not as clear as when she connected to Venerable Kang's thoughts, Harley knew that the Avengers were coming.

She even distinguished their identities one by one, the tin man Iron Man, Thor with a hammer, Doctor Strange, Captain America.

She saw it, but she could do nothing.

"Don't get entangled with them. Kang is not dead. He just fainted and may be arrested.

Don't worry about him. Break through the encirclement first. Escape as many as you can." Harley conveyed the oracle to the little Venerable.

The little Venerables hesitated for a few seconds, then gritted their teeth and shouted to the ordinary believers: "The King of Martial God has ordered that the battle situation is not favorable to us. Break out first, regroup later, and come back again."

"You still want to come back, you are dreaming!" A cold shout came from outside the door.

"Kill these stubborn cultists."

"Da da da da." Machine gun bullets rained down, mixed with powerful sniper rifles. Venerable Kang was almost shot in the head before, because he was hit by a .50 caliber sniper bullet.

"Bang bang bang!" The little venerables fell to the ground, and ordinary believers' chests bloomed with red flowers and their heads exploded like watermelons.

The more than ten believers who rushed to the gate first were wiped out and fell in a pool of blood.

"Ah ah ah ah~~~" The remaining believers who were still alive also wailed miserably, and the church was stained with blood.

"Nick Fury, stop, they are just ordinary people without weapons, don't kill people indiscriminately!"

Captain America rushed to the gate with a shield and yelled at the SHIELD agents outside.

"You are going too far, do you really think I am made of mud?!" Harley in the Great Almighty Universe was also angry.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka~~~" The clay statue enshrined on the high platform began to tremble slightly.

"Whoosh whoosh~~~" A violent tornado suddenly blew up in the dark and bloody underground temple.

"What happened, Strange?" Iron Man staggered in the wind.

"It's an elemental storm, a very strong elemental storm."

"Look at the blood on the ground." Thor pointed at the ground and shouted.

"Clattery" The blood flowing from the dead believers seemed to come alive, gathered together again, and flowed in one direction.

Doctor Strange widened his eyes and shouted in shock: "It's the descent of God, the ancient evil god 'God of War' is coming!"

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