I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2045 Venerable Kang

Harley's defensive specialty is to absorb any energy and then generate defense against all effects of the corresponding energy. The main function of the Wind of Nothingness is to erase all traces of existence, so the defensive specialty of the Wind of Nothingness is to strengthen the traces of existence.

The Wind of Nothingness can erase the real characters in the story in reality, and the defensive specialty of the Wind of Nothingness can create something out of nothing, so that the world where there was no story of Harley originally has Harley's story.

But the defensive specialty of the Wind of Nothingness cannot make Harley's story a well-known legend out of thin air.

She needs to pass the story to a certain "sensitive thinking" life form, that is, the person who receives the story.

Then that person believes her story and tells Harley's story to the outside world, so that Harley's story can exist in that world.

If you only spread a joke, the other party will suddenly "flash of inspiration", and you will laugh for a while, and may forget the joke later.

If Harley spreads a philosophical fable, the other party will only have special insights at special times and special occasions.

At most, she will tell the fable to people around her, or write it into a fable book.

Even if Harley's jokes or fables spread in a new multiverse, they can't bring her much substantial benefit.

Her purpose of spreading stories is adventure, not to promote a certain philosophy, let alone to amuse a stranger.

She wants to make a profit for herself, not to enlighten others, to let strangers in a strange world gain wisdom.

So she spreads the teachings of the Martial God King instead of ordinary stories.

The spread of stories can only make others enlightened or gain a moment of pleasure; the spread of teachings will inevitably form a true belief in Harley herself.

Others' wisdom and enlightenment cannot form a clear positive feedback to Harley.

Others' faith in her can build a bridge of faith between the new world and her.

This is a real benefit, a talent so great that even the Great Lord Michael envies it.

Through the bridge of faith, Harley can communicate with her believers, feel the believers' prayers, and even accept the believers' sacrifices.

The bridge of faith directly connects Harley to the new world, not only information and spirit, but also material connection.

As long as the world has enough and strong faith in her, she can even descend to the new world.

During the tens of thousands of years of the Martial God King Era, Hari spent most of her time in the Ocean of Entropy, and her story had already been passed on.

In the "next universe", someone received the "Martial God King Bible" (similar to the Bible, telling the Martial God King's teachings through the story of the Martial God King).

After the "Martial God King Bible" spread to the next universe, faith began to form immediately, and Hari had already sensed the faith.

But her level of Void Wind Defense expertise was too low, and the scale of her faith was too small.

She could only sense that her faith existed in the distant next universe, but she could not absorb the power of faith, and could not connect to her believers through faith.

In order to help the chief believer strengthen his faith and to help him develop believers, Hari later wrote the story of Hades's will of thinking into a story and passed it to him.

It was like preparing a golden finger for him.

Even though Hades's thinking ratio was very low, he was more or less a God King with the power of miracles.

Today, Hari has absorbed the Void Wind in the combined body, and her expertise has risen to level 8!

Moreover, she has been practicing in the Great Almighty Universe for many days, and has basically transformed into a qualified Great Almighty Universe life. She is more sensitive to the stories of the "next universe".

The key is that Harley has survived the magic debt crisis and has been a magic master. At this time, she has enormous magic power (divine power). Her capture of the power of faith is countless times stronger than before when she did not dare to activate the power of blood.

Now she has finally absorbed the power of faith from the next universe, and built a bridge of faith with the believers' faith in her, and she has a mental connection with the chief believer.

This mental connection is essentially no different from the faith connection between gods and believers in the multiverse.

The line of faith is rooted in the soul of the believer. Through the line of faith, the gods can feel the emotions of the believers, listen to the prayers of the believers, and can also penetrate into the souls of the believers and see the memories of the believers.

The truly devout believers are naked and unconcealed in front of the gods.

Harley had "seen" the believer's vague appearance and the environment he was in before, and subconsciously read his thoughts when communicating with him.

The thoughts of the black believer are as vague as his appearance.

It's not that he wants to hide something, but the distance is too far, and the "faith signal" is not very good.

Harley can only see a few blurry scenes, and the blurry scenes that she can see must be the most profound memories, the strongest emotions, and the strongest thoughts of the black believers.

He is very eager for power, and he is extremely eager for the attention of the "Martial God King". He also has a strong desire for power, and seems to be very greedy, lustful, cruel and vicious. Alas, he is worthy of being the "Great Venerable" in the cult.

These emotions and thoughts are all seen by Harley.

Although she muttered in her heart, "This believer is too evil, I really became the evil god worshipped by the cult", in fact, she did not have too strong emotional fluctuations.

After all, it was within her expectations that the "Martial God King Cult" would become a cult, and what she saw at this time was not beyond her expectations.

But the next "Avengers Alliance" made her unable to remain calm.

What she saw was not just a simple term of the Avengers Alliance, but pictures and scenes, with Iron Man, Thor's hammer, Infinity Gems, and Captain America

"Shit, it's Marvel!" She screamed.

Fortunately, she was only calling out to the black patriarch, Kang the Conqueror, instead of the consciousness connecting the thread of faith.

Well, her black patriarch is also a ruthless character. Although Harley himself has never heard of "Kang the Conqueror", the memories of the Avengers in his mind are all scenes of his battles with them.

If Marvel's Avengers is equal to her side of the Justice League, it can fight against the entire Justice League, and it will be a proper big boss!

However, the current situation of this "evil cult master Kang" is not good.

"Kang, my child, I have been watching you. I can feel your piety and your desire. But I don't know you very well yet, because I am not in your multiverse, and the distance between us is very It’s very far away. Can you tell me about your situation?”

Harley didn't really want the Venerable Kang to tell her story.

If she really wants to know something, she can use verbal hints to make him actively think in that direction, and then she can read his thoughts through the line of belief.

She said this just to tell "Venerable Kang" euphemistically: Mommy loves you, but she really can't give you much strength, so don't make too many demands later.

Well, the gods can feel the strongest wishes of the believers through the faith line, and Kang's wish is power.

He was extremely looking forward to the King of Martial Gods giving him the legendary invincible power.

Harley felt his expectations, but couldn't satisfy him.

According to the current conditions, she can at best convert the power of faith in her by the believers of the Marvel Universe into "fake thick-skinned divine power", rather than the true invincible power in the story of the King of Martial Gods.

Since she couldn't make him invincible, Harley could only tell him frankly about the current situation so that he wouldn't have to talk too much and everyone would be embarrassed.

Only a short-sighted fool would use lies to deal with his followers.

All wise gods understand that although the truth is sometimes very cruel, it can minimize the backlash of faith to the greatest extent.

All miracles have a price, and the power of faith, which is known as "the magic oil of miracles", of course also has a price.

Sure enough, upon hearing the words of "Mother of the Martial God King", the cultist Kang's mood dropped significantly, and the bridge of faith became darker, but the foundation of faith remained stable, and his attitude was as respectful and humble as when he first met.

"Lord, I am willing to confess everything to you, but I don't know what you already know and what you don't know yet." Cultist Kang said.

Harry smiled gently and said: "Why don't I talk first and let me tell you my current situation.

After listening, you will probably know what you should say. "

"I will listen respectfully to your teachings!" Kang was very excited.

"You have been exposed to parallel universes and understand the concept of multiverses, right?" Harley asked.

"Not long ago, I just discovered that there is a universe outside the universe, and then I received an invitation from the 'Kang Council' to become"

Kang's somewhat excited tone became lowered, "In the Kang Council, I am just a lowly servant with no sense of existence or dignity. Even the Seal of Death you gave me was taken away by Pharaoh Kang.

Pharaoh Kang seems to be planning to eradicate the roots and kill me.

Three days ago, I was besieged by the Avengers, maybe he set up a killing trap.

I don't quite understand why he didn't do it himself if he wanted me dead.

Although I escaped by chance, my current situation is not very good. Now I no longer dare to go to the Kang Council. "

Harley said softly: "You are not a follower, you are the chosen one and the destiny of destiny!"

"My Lord." Kang started to get excited again.

Harley didn't wait for him to calm down and continued: "At least you understand the concept of the multiverse.

The world you came from is just a parallel universe. Regarding how the parallel universe is derived, the situation in each multiverse is different and there is no need to consider it.

But the birth of each multiverse is basically the same - from the seeds of the Giant Hand.

Beyond the multiverse is the even broader omnipotent universe.

There are more multiverses in the Grand Omniverse than there are parallel universes in the multiverse.”

Harley first carefully explained the concept of the omnipotent universe, and then said: "The creator god of your multiverse comes from the giant hand clan, and he gave everything when he created the world.

This is the rule of the giant hand clan.

The Giant Hands rule a large area of ​​the Almighty Universe.

Nobility is like the mother of creation, but she is just a child-rearing machine under their command. "

"Hiss~~~" "Countryman Kang" took a deep breath for the nth time, "The giant hand clan is so terrifying!"

Harley said calmly: "Now it's time to talk about my situation."

——After laying the groundwork for so long, now it’s finally my turn to show off. Boy, watch out!

"Actually, my situation is very simple. I am fighting against the Giant Hand Clan on my own.

I crushed the Giant Hand Clan's Creation God, and easily destroyed the Giant Hand Clan's gold-medal thug, the Legion of Transcendence.

Next, I have to face the siege of the main force of the Giant Hand Clan. A war that will affect the future pattern of the Almighty Universe is about to come, so I can't allocate too much energy to help you for the time being. "

"Hiss~~~~~~~~~~" Countryman Kang was so excited that he almost fainted.

Harry could see the tears welling up in the corners of his eyes - she succeeded in pretending, and "Country Kang's" belief in her suddenly rose to at least two levels. The bridge of faith was strengthened several times, and she "seeed" more clearly. .

Before, I could only see a blurry face, but now I can not only distinguish his appearance, but also see details such as tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Lord, I always thought you were a mortal who ascended to heaven, but I didn't expect you to be so great!" His thick and fat lips were trembling.

"Greatness comes from belief and behavior, not power. No matter how powerful the power is, if it is not used for the right purpose, it is only an accomplice of corruption and meanness, and cannot be called great.

As long as you have a firm and correct belief and practice it, even a mortal can be on par with the gods."

Harry's voice was ethereal and calm, which calmed the countryman Kang and made him more respectful.

"Remember your teachings." He said.

"Tell me about your situation." Harry said.

Kang thought for a while and said, "If you have enough time and patience, I would like to tell you in detail so as not to miss some key points that I have overlooked."

"Well, you tell me, I just don't have enough time and patience to deal with the giant hand tribe transcendent in front of me." Harry said.

Even if Kang talked about bedwetting when he was a child, and even told her in detail what he had for lunch and how the food tasted, it wouldn't take her much time.

Because they are communicating with each other in their minds, the faster the thinking speed is, the faster the information will be transmitted.

"I was born in the United States on Earth, probably in the future world."

He was entangled as soon as he opened his mouth, "I don't know how to say it. I think my world is 'now', but the Avengers think I am from the 'future'.

In the 'Kang Council', there are many Kangs from parallel universes, and they all come from other time points outside of 'reality'."

Harley understood as soon as she heard it. The world where Kang was born was probably similar to the 31st century Super Hero Legion Universe.

"You should be born in the future world on the river of time. On a complete timeline, in addition to the current normal time point, you can also form the future world and the past world"

"It turns out that the river of time has this characteristic." Venerable Kang suddenly realized, but Harley could feel that he didn't understand at all.

She asked curiously, "There are many Kangs in the 'Kang Council'. They have all achieved time travel, right?"

"Well, the Kangs in the Kang Council are all beings that can travel through time. Most of them are top scientists who have developed time travel machines.

There are countless parallel universes. Only Kangs who have traveled through time will receive invitations from the 'Kang Council'. Ordinary 'waste Kangs' are completely ignored." There is obvious pride in the tone and emotion of the Venerable Kang.

"Since they know so much about time, why can't you tell the difference between the real universe and the River of Time universe?" Harley asked.

"They didn't explain it to me, and I didn't ask. Lord, I only attended a meeting of the Kang Council once, and Pharaoh Kang was eyed."

-Why do they have to explain it to you? You are also a "Kang"! Your peers are all top scientific giants. Even if you are not as good as them, at least you shouldn't be so "illiterate". I explained it once and you still don't pretend to understand.

"Go on talking about yourself." Harley guessed that this "little brother Kang" of hers was probably a "waste Kang".

"Well, I was born in the River of Time universe and grew up in a church orphanage. Every time I prayed with other children, I looked at the statue of Jesus and always felt that it and the chanting around it were very unreal.

Other images seemed to appear in front of my eyes, and other voices seemed to whisper in my ears.

I told the priest, and the priest blamed me for not being focused and pious enough.

But I think I am very focused and pious.

Because I am too focused and pious, I see and hear the real voice outside the secular world.

When I follow my feelings, I discovered the truth of the Bible. The priest is wrong, everyone is wrong, and the understanding of the Bible is completely wrong."

Harry sighed silently, this is the embryo of a natural cult leader!

Venerable Kang became excited, "I am right, when I follow my feelings, I hear your voice!"

Harry's expression froze, and she felt a little embarrassed.

"I told the truth to my companions in the orphanage. I asked them to praise the name of "Martial God King" with me. They didn't listen, so I used my fists to spread the doctrine and beat them until their faces were covered with blood.

But I was very cautious and didn't let the nuns in the church find out.

The Martial God King Church quietly took shape in the orphanage."

Harry sighed deeply again: It is indeed a cult and cultists.

But only people like "Venerable Kang" can grow the number of "Martial God King" believers in such a short time.

"After leaving the orphanage as an adult, I continued to preach in the surrounding communities with 108 disciples. During this period, I encountered many setbacks. More than half of the disciples gave their lives for their faith, but our faith in you has never changed, and the number of believers has grown from 109 to 2,500!"

Harry wanted to ask: How did you preach, and how did you lose half of your disciples? Jesus was wanted by the Romans, but he didn't suffer as heavy a loss as you did.

She didn't need to ask, she saw some of the pictures in his mind.

There were no flashes of swords and sabers, only the roar of guns and cannons.

Even the Young and Dangerous fighting for territory was not so exaggerated.

“You can also feel our enthusiasm and piety, right? After we took over the nearby community, you blessed me immediately, and I got the Seal of Death.” The cultist Kang shouted excitedly.

“The Seal of Death” naturally refers to the “Thinking Hades” that Harley passed over.

The Thinking Hades was split out by Hades on his own initiative, and Harley took the initiative to send it over. Hades must know what to say and what not to say to the “local natives”.

From Kang's name for the mentalized Hades - the Seal of Death, we can know that Hades did not communicate much with Kang.

Kang did not even realize that he had obtained a living soul, he just thought it was the "Seal of Death".

This is indeed the case. Hades' own consciousness is incomplete and has been in a dormant state. He only gave his miracle power and wisdom to Kang for use.

Kang obtained a lot of extraordinary knowledge related to death, the underworld, and the soul.

As the patriarch of the "Martial God King Church", he himself is in the extraordinary circle, and of course he must put the extraordinary knowledge into practice.

Moreover, his practice of Hades' death magic is also very beneficial to Hades himself.

It can help Hades understand and verify the law of death in the Marvel multiverse.

Even the magic that Hades taught Kang was his attempt to merge the laws of death in the two multiverses.

With Hades' generous teachings, Kang quickly learned to communicate with the dead souls of hell and mastered the skills of summoning dead souls and demons.

He even got the nickname "Little Pluto" in the supernatural circle.

Then the "Martial God King Cult" became more and more like a cult.

Harley's follower Kang is the "waste Kang" in the eyes of the Kang Council: he does not have extraordinary wisdom about time, has not developed a time travel machine, has not seen parallel universes, and does not understand the concept of the multiverse.

The reason why the cult Kang can travel through time is not technology, but magic.

And it is not his own magic.

When he was studying Pluto magic, he also collected magical artifacts and books from Marvel, and then offended the Supreme Sorcerer, was exiled to another world, and was unexpectedly accepted by the Kang Council. In other words, the "Mark of Death" on this guy attracted the attention of a certain "big boss Kang".

That is the "Pharaoh Kang" that the cult Kang has always mentioned.

Pharaoh Kang knows how powerful the Supreme Sorcerer is, and the "waste cult Kang" can escape from the Supreme Sorcerer's hands unscathed, all thanks to the strange mark on his body, so he sent him an invitation letter and asked him to join the Kang Council.

"Lord, the seal of death you gave me was taken away by Pharaoh Kang. Can you help me get it back?"

After telling his story, Kang looked at the tall, magnificent, beautiful and evil "God of War" and asked.

Well, now there is a bridge of faith connecting Harley and Kang. Not only can Harley see Kang, but Kang can also see the "God of War" that he has believed in for many years in the consciousness space.

Harley's momentum is naturally not weak, and her appearance is also good. Under normal circumstances, she should be noble, elegant, beautiful and holy.

But Marvel's "God of War" itself is not holy.

The gods live by the beliefs of believers, and the beliefs of believers can also shape the image and divinity of the gods.

The faith power provided by Kang and other believers to Harley is not "clean".

The image of the gods manifested by the power of faith is naturally a bit evil.

Of course, this is just Harley's perspective and senses.

There is a saying that "dogs don't think shit is smelly, and flies don't think they are dirty." Kang certainly doesn't think there is anything wrong with his faith.

In his eyes, the "God of War" at this time was extremely holy, beautiful, noble and flawless.

"The Seal of the God of Death is just a small path. If you lose it, just lose it. It is no longer worthy of you now." Harley said.

The essence of the "Seal of the God of Death" is Hades's thinking will.

Under normal circumstances, to snatch him away, not only must you kill Venerable Kang first, but you must also crush Venerable Kang's soul before you can possibly strip Hades's thinking will.

Now Venerable Kang is alive and well, and the Seal of the God of Death can almost be said to be "missing". "Pharaoh Kang" may have clever means, but Harley is more willing to believe that Hades betrayed himself.

Or, the thinking Hades betrayed Hades himself.

Only when the thinking Hades took the initiative to break away from Venerable Kang can there be such an effect now.

It is also because the thinking Hades sought a higher position and climbed up the high branch that Hades in the DC multiverse suddenly received the information of the thinking Hades.

That "Pharaoh Kang" must have provided great benefits to the thinking Hades.

This is not surprising. Harley's follower "Honorable Kang" is just a loser among many Kangs.

A mere loser can become the big boss against the entire Avengers, and "Pharaoh Kang" is "Kang plus": there are countless Kangs who have conquered the world and time in the Kang Council, and there are three top Kangs among countless Kangs, one of which is Pharaoh Kang.

Pharaoh Kang is at least a multiverse-level crisis BOSS, and his ability to cause trouble is stronger than Hades.

"Lord, not only do you not blame me for losing the Seal of Death, but you also want to give me a power stronger than the Seal of Death?"

Honorable Kang didn't know Harley's speculation, he just thought Harley was generous and kind, and her divine power was infinite.

Not only did he think the Seal of Death was extremely powerful, but even "Pharaoh Kang", one of the three giants, coveted it.

But the King of Martial God didn't care much about it, and wanted to give him something better. What was better?

Kang's soul trembled with excitement.

"Kang, I ask you, who am I?" Harley said.

Kang was stunned and murmured, "You are the great God of War."

"What else?"

"You are the sister of God, the Saint of Heaven, the God of War in Heaven."

Harry said, "I am also the Lord of the Holy Fire of Heaven, the Lord of the Angels of Flame and Light. I have the mercy of the Virgin Mary and the bravery of the God of War. I am blessed by my brother God and have more supreme power than other archangels."

"Holy, holy, holy!" Kang was like a gorilla, beating his chest hard and stretching his neck to howl.

Harry said solemnly: "You are my apostle, my tongue to spread God's teachings in the world, and your sharp sword to kill evil spirits for me."

When Kang heard this, he became more and more excited and excited, and his roar became louder and louder, "I am your apostle, your tongue to spread God's teachings in the world, and also your sharp sword to cut off evil spirits!"

He has been personally recognized by the "Lord"!

Moreover, the "Lord" is so awesome and has so many noble identities.

He wished he could run outside with a loudspeaker and let the world hear his screams.

Harley frowned slightly.

She is not pretending, she wants to remind "Venerable Kang": Your master, I am an angel, a kind and good god. As my apostle, you must also insist on kindness and righteousness!

But she cannot directly deny the Venerable Kang's past behavior. To directly deny Kang is to deny his belief in herself.

She hopes her followers will learn well, but she cares more about her own interests.

Especially at the critical moment when the Giant Hand clan is about to come, she is honing her storytelling ability in the Omniverse, not to persuade people to do good.

She wants the benefits!

In order to deal with the giant hand clan, she is willing to give up some moral integrity, but if she can get the best of both worlds, she is even more willing.

Harley thought for a while and said: "Kang, you only received my revelations and stories before. Today I will teach you the complete "Martial God King Bible"."

"Lord, your servant has always been eager to receive your teachings!" Kang was respectful and looking forward to it.

Hari spent a long time telling the Venerable Kahn about "Hari's Word of God".

Not only is it a complete set of content in the "Kuishi New Bible", but it is also explained in complete detail.

Hallie swore that she had never put so much effort into preaching to true believers.

During the lecture, Kang had been listening carefully and slowly changed.

By the time the lecture was over, Harley could clearly feel that Kang's mind and soul had undergone a certain degree of transformation.

Faith cannot deceive people.

"Lord, I want to confess to you. I was too arrogant in the past and did many things that violated the teachings of the King of God of War. Woo hoo hoo, I am guilty. Lord, please whip me and punish me!"

Kang even started crying.

Harley doesn't have the natural "protagonist spirit", but she has more.

He has a true understanding of the way of God, a sincere attitude towards health, skillful preaching skills, the ability to persuade people with words and ideas, and the "Lord"'s persuasion bonus to believers.

Moreover, among all living beings, only the Venerable Kang received Harley's "story" because his thinking frequency can listen to and accept Harley's thinking waves to the greatest extent.

"Child, you just lost your way. When you know your mistake, when you start to regret and suffer, your punishment has already begun.

When you change direction with great courage and perseverance and return to the glorious right path, you have completed your self-salvation. "

"Lord, I will earnestly understand your way and practice it in every word and deed!" Venerable Kang Jian said.

Harley nodded with satisfaction and said: "Now that you have completed the sublimation of your thoughts and beliefs, when you get the new power I give you, you will be completely reborn and become a new person!"

"Lord, I am your new creation, and you are my real mother!" Venerable Kang shouted excitedly.

Seeing that he would definitely bring her huge benefits in the future, Harley reluctantly accepted this cheap "black son".

"Kang, I have the supreme power to allow you to transform instantly, but as I said before, because of the war between the Giant Hand Clan, I am currently unable to visit your universe in person. Across the distant Almighty Universe, it is difficult to transfer a large amount of power to you. .

I need faith.

The power of faith is not prepared for myself. The faith of all living beings in me will be collected by me, integrated into my divinity, and transformed into my ‘martial power’. " Harley said.

Pure magic power without attributes plus divinity, plus the power of faith equals divine power.

The Venerable Kang developed many believers for Halli, and their power of faith was mixed, but Halli didn't mind and wasn't worried about backlash.

She has the divine defense feat, which can cleanse the power of faith.

And the Venerable Kang universe also has elements of magic and magic.

Marvel's magical powers seem to have their own masters, and even the mighty Supreme Mage needs to borrow external power.

But the current situation is special and it is too difficult to transmit energy in the omnipotent universe.

Assuming that the "Bridge of Faith" at this time can only transmit 0.1 energy, the cost-effectiveness of transmitting magic is obviously not as good as divinity.

Venerable Kang can just ask some Marvel boss to borrow some magic power and create the "thick-skinned power" first. The price of the magic power will be considered later.

Well, Venerable Kang himself has magic power and faith, so as long as he adds divinity as an "additive", he can create "secondary thick-skinned power" in Marvel.

"Lord, I will work hard to preach and develop more and more believers for you." Venerable Kangdao said.

"The more believers you can develop, the more power I can give you. The power of faith is just the beginning."

Harley explained the "divine power synthesis formula" in detail again, allowing Venerable Kang to understand the principles.

"Get ready, I'm going to pour divinity into you."

Divinity is the deification of a certain professional wisdom.

The blacksmith's blacksmithing skill is just a skill. When the blacksmith becomes a divine craftsman, his blacksmithing skill will be sublimated into a real divinity separated from matter and soul.

The carrier of wisdom is thinking.

Harley was communicating with Venerable Kang at this time, so she could transmit divinity to Venerable Kang through the bridge of faith.

This process is much simpler than transmitting actual magic power.

"Lord, I don't have much magic power now, I'm afraid I can't exchange it for much martial arts divine power." Venerable Kang said worriedly.

He just got some hell magic when using necromancy, and he didn't borrow power from a big guy.

"It doesn't matter. Magic is the best 'base' and can be combined with faith in any proportion. You should awaken the 'divine power' first. If you feel that the power is not enough, you can borrow it from others. For now, you'd better not borrow power. Just kill demons and draw magic.

The 'Mark of the God of Death' I gave you before is just a small toy. The most suitable profession for the way of the God of War is actually exorcist.

Pioneer demon, if the number of demons is not enough, cheat and lure the demons to you.

When you kill the demons of hell and make them terrified and no longer dare to respond to your call, you can summon angels."

Venerable Kang was surprised and said, "I still need to kill angels to get the origin? Aren't we from the Heaven faction?"

"Listen to what I have to say. Killing demons is to increase power, and summoning angels is to help you 'register'.

I am the Lord of Flame and Light. For a while, I even served as the chief candidate for the Lord of Heaven."

Harry was not lying. Uriel, the Tongue of Fire, was really the number one candidate for the Lord, ranking higher than other archangels.

"Even in your multiverse, Heaven should give me some face.

My request is not much, just let the Heaven Lord of your multiverse help you determine your status.

The sect you developed is not a cult, and you yourself are not a cultist.

You are more sacred and great than St. Peter, and you are qualified to summon angels with a word.

Ordinary angels have to salute you respectfully when they see you."

Venerable Kang only imagined that scene in his mind, and his soul was about to float with excitement.

"Lord, your glory will surely shine on the Great Almighty Universe!"

"Kang, don't get excited first. Before summoning angels, you must lead the demons to improve your strength. After you have the power to protect yourself, summon angels."

"Could the angels in Heaven on my side disobey your orders?" Kang asked in surprise.

"Alas, under normal circumstances, they should not give me face. But the division of power within Heaven is very complicated, and I can't control what each angel is thinking."

Harry once borrowed Michael's authority to communicate with the universe next door, and the authority of the Lord took effect in the process of story transmission.

This means that the Lord of Heaven in the next universe has recognized her story.

But the DC Heaven is already so chaotic, she can't expect the Marvel Heaven to be harmonious and perfect like the fantasy in the hearts of Christians.

"The purpose of registering you is to protect you and ensure that you will not easily lose your life in the process of completing your mission."

Harley further explained: "Today I just give you the divinity of the God of War. When you get the 'registration', I will give you immortality.

The core of immortality is the 'Heaven Reincarnation Seal'.

With this reincarnation seal to protect your soul, you can still reincarnate with your memory after countless deaths.

But for the reincarnation seal to work, you must have a 'Heaven Registration'."

Harley doesn't care about Heaven's attitude towards the God of War. The so-called "Heaven Registration" is just to ask Heaven to do a little favor and let the Marvel Death Rules recognize the reincarnation seal on the soul of Venerable Kang.

Without the recognition of the Marvel Death Rules, the reincarnation seal will also work, but the reincarnated will be treated as a black household, and the end is miserable. Wuhuo is an example.

"What mission do you have for me? It requires an immortal body to complete it." Venerable Kang asked curiously.

He was really just curious and excited, without fear or worry.

"Anything rich in energy, such as the Infinity Stones, or the origin of a powerful god or demon, can please me.

In the process of snatching these high-level energy origins, you may encounter danger." Harley said.

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