I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2011 Who is the destiny savior?

"I didn't know Yamozo at all before, and he suddenly appeared and stole us. Fortunately, we could still hold on to our own thoughts. Shazam's thoughts and memories were stolen by him. He also wanted to rob us of our divine power, and wanted to— —”

Hera was very excited to vent her emotions, but at the end of her words, she suddenly stopped. Her somewhat swollen eyes quietly looked at Harry, and then scanned the surrounding crowd.

When Yamo Zhuo was ravaging them, the gods and demons who came over after hearing the noise were all watching from a distance, unwilling to get close, let alone help.

Now that Harley is here and Yamo Zhuo has run away, not only do they not leave, but they get closer, making it clear that they want to come and watch the fun.

Hera was very angry. These bastards were standing far away just now, but now they are coming to eat her. Do they think she has lost her deterrence after her first day in heaven?

And there is "Witch Harley" nearby. What do they mean by being so heartless?

"What does Yamo Zhuo want to do?" Harley asked.

"He" Hera was a little hesitant and a little embarrassed, and turned her head to look at her companions.

Several other members of the Essence Club are also hesitant, unsure whether to confess now and be lenient.

First of all, their power of origin judge has not been taken away by Ya Mo Zhuo.

In other words, they can still perform their duties as judges.

Just now, they had not had time to try to activate the total body. They didn't know if deriving the origin of the judge from the total body would alarm Harley or make Harley helpless. Then Yamo Zhuo came over.

Maybe they could give it another try?

In addition, there is not only Harley here, but also many other people.

Even if I wanted to confess to Harley, I couldn't do it at this time.

In the end, they had just been severely ravaged by Ya Mo Zhuo, and they were completely humiliated. It was really hard for them to reveal their identities on the spot as the "Messenger of the Origin Judge" and "the Elder of the Universe Recognized by the Transcendent Clan."

If they were ravaged by Ya Mo Zhuo in their capacity as the messenger of the judge and the patriarch of the universe, and laughed at by the gods and demons around them, would they still want their faces?

Do you still want the majesty, dignity, and character of the Origin Judge and the Creation Family?

It would be best if Harley asked nothing and they said nothing.

Heal their injuries first and pretend nothing happened. After they have tested the power of the judge and everyone has forgotten what happened today, they will discuss the judge's mission with Harley.

But this kind of beautiful vision can only be thought of in the heart, and cannot be thought about in detail. If you think about it for a moment, you will know that it is completely impossible.

They had to give Harley an explanation immediately.

But what to say?

Several members of the Essence Society were still in complicated moods, but the gods and demons beside them couldn't wait any longer and took the initiative to say: "I just heard that Ya Mo Zhuo wanted to rob them of their transcendent aura.

Hera, what kind of transcendent aura is this?

What are you doing hiding here? What secrets do you dare to hide from the great Holy Aunt? "

In fact, after the Magic Reform Conference, Harley's reputation has changed.

She had a bad reputation before and everyone was afraid of her, but it wasn't because she was cunning and vicious.

In the transcendent realm of the multiverse, there are many cunning and vicious people.

The key is that her cunning and viciousness is mainly reflected in plundering the origin of extraordinary beings.

In the world of martial arts, if an "evil skill" such as "The Great Technique of Absorbing Stars" is exposed that specializes in seizing the inner being of others, everyone in the martial arts community will inevitably cry out and beat them up; in the world of fairy tales, those who master the skills of absorbing the essence of other people's lives and the immortal essence will be exposed. , no matter what his personality or style is, he is a "devil" that everyone hates and quickly gets rid of.

The same goes for the DC Superworld, except that everyone has no choice but to deal with "Witch Harley" and cannot surround and annihilate her. They can only be cautious when seeing it and immediately retreat.

The situation is completely different now. Harley has selflessly given all her magic power and millions of light magic powers. Even the loan business of the Magic Bank has been explained clearly and without deception. Who is worried that she will rob him of his divine power and magic power? Who is a brainless fool.

Since they were not afraid of her robbing him of his origins, and they deeply admired her courage in giving up her magic power to create a magic bank and a calamity system, they naturally got closer and even took the initiative to talk to her.

They also respectfully called her "Holy Aunt in Heaven". Whether they meant it or not was not important. What was important was that they were willing to show respect for her.

"That Yamo Zhuo is too strong. He could definitely beat these five guys to death, but he didn't kill them immediately. He was torturing the transcendent aura."

"The auras of Hera and Heavenly Father are indeed not right. It's normal now. But when I came here before, they were still fighting with Amozo. At least they could fight back, instead of being completely ravaged like later when they had almost no power to parry. .

The power they displayed at that time was no stronger than before, but their momentum was very majestic, and their bodies were tens of millions of times larger than they are now.

The first time I saw them, if I ignored the bruises and blood stains on their faces, and ignored the fact that they were being beaten severely, they reminded me of Pappetua from before. "

"Yes, I was just about to say that when I first met them, I did have the feeling of seeing Papetua in the distance. This should be the aura of transcendence."

As soon as the first person spoke, the surrounding gods and demons immediately transformed into "enthusiastic people" and told Harley their own feelings about watching the game and their exclusive analysis.

In fact, Harley had been eyeing the Essence Society long before Yamo Zhuo arrived. She knew the truth of the matter better than anyone else.

She pretended to know nothing, and while listening to the stories of the gods and demons around her, she also asked questions. Her face looked thoughtful and suspicious at times.

If there were no Heavenly Father and Stranger in the Essence Society, she wouldn't be able to pretend at all.

She would openly laugh at them: You idiots, you still want to pretend to be the judge messenger and the elder of the universe in front of me, but in the end you can't even defeat a mere Yamo Zhuo, hahaha, you deserve it!

Well, the current strength shown by Yamo Zhuo is very extraordinary, otherwise the five members of the Essence Society would not be so miserable, but this does not affect her from laughing at them.

Heavenly Father and Stranger are her friends, but she hides and watches when her friends are being beaten. Even if she has reason to teach them a lesson, it won't sound good after all. Old Shazam's body was beaten to pieces, Stranger and Stranger Heavenly Father suffered "internal injuries", and there were so many spectators around, so the lesson was a bit too much.

"Tell me, what secrets are you hiding from us? What is the 'aura of transcendence'?"

After listening to the gossips of the melon-eaters, Harley's expression gradually became serious, and she glanced at the five members of the Essence Club with suspicion and anger.

She could pretend not to know anything before, but now that everyone has reminded her, she will no longer pretend to be stupid.

"Oh, tell me, there is no point in hiding it from Harry now." The other people were still struggling, and Stranger spoke helplessly first.

When he said this, the old Shazam, who only had his remaining soul, immediately raised his hands and shouted: "Harley, I swear, I have always regarded you as the most trustworthy and good friend, and I have never wanted to deceive you.

In fact, I have little status and no right to speak in the Essence Association. It was only today that I decided to join the association. "

Heavenly Father and Hera were angry and anxious.

The Stranger and Old Shazam, these two bastards, have become helpless "good friends", so aren't they "bad guys" who deserve to be hated by Harley?

"Harry, please believe me. I have always believed in you. However, this matter cannot be decided by me alone. Even if I want to confess to you, they are always firmly opposed." Heavenly Father said.

Hera shouted almost at the same time: "Sister Harley, I am just a substitute for the dead man in my family. I am able to know the Essence Society, thanks to the introduction of Heavenly Father! As a newcomer, I must do less and listen more."

They all took it out, and only the little blue man Ganser opened his mouth, looked left and right, met Harley's indifferent eyes, sighed softly, lowered his head, and did not defend himself. .

The relationship between the little blue man and Harley is not very good, and there is no way to establish friendship.

Moreover, his reason told him that there was no need to forcefully defend himself against a shrewd person like "Witch Harley".

"I don't want to hear your explanations for why you hid it. Now I just want to know what you are hiding." Harley said calmly.

Several people looked at each other, and Heavenly Father said: "Harry, we will confess to you, but it is not convenient to talk here, so let's find another place."

Immediately some gods and demons shouted, "What are you doing shamelessly? Could it be that the essence has colluded with people outside the Almighty Universe, and you plan to commit adultery at the level of the Almighty Universe?"

"Holy Auntie, you have already presided over the Human Rape Trial Conference on Earth and the Extraordinary Human Rape Trial Conference. Next, it is necessary to hold another Multiverse Human Rape Trial Conference! These members of the Essence Society are the suspects. Let's try them publicly first. .”

Anyone who can go outside the first ring to practice is not a weak person, and no one is a fool.

Even if they didn't see the eagle vision before, just the word "transcendent breath" was enough to make their imaginations wander.

Among the five members of the Essence Society, except for Hera, who has some hope, it is impossible for the rest of them to cultivate the power of transcendence on their own.

Since it is not obtained through one's own cultivation, the power of transcendence must come from others.

It was more likely to come from outside. After all, the origin wall had just collapsed, and Pam had just suffered a defeat and fled in embarrassment. There was no chance or reason to grant them the power of transcendence.

"Tell me, I don't mind letting others know what I know. And don't forget, Yamo Zhuo has stolen your thoughts and memories, and you can't hide it anymore." Harley said.

"Amozo just stole Shazam's memory, we can still keep our own thoughts." Heavenly Father said.

At least until Dachao came, they were gritting their teeth and holding on.

If Ya Mo Zhuo continues to torture them, sooner or later they will lose energy and their defenses will be broken.

"Does Shazam know less than you?" Harley asked.

The Father was silent.

Shazam is also a core member of the Essence Club and knows everything there is to know.

"We are the Essence Society of the Universe."

Hera was dejected and told them all about the birth of the Essence Society, its daily tasks, its final mission, and its power as a judge.

“Papetua violated the rules of the ‘Giant Hand’ clan and created a negative base force universe. When the Origin Judge brought order to the chaos, it was almost equivalent to re-creating the universe.

When he was reshaping the universe, he had already seen the destiny of Papetua's escape in the future.

In order to cope with today's situation, he made arrangements in advance.

That is to say, the essence meeting.

Cosmic civilization is the support pillar of the material universe, and the eight divine realms are the support pillars of the fifth dimension. Select people who can represent the cosmic civilization and divine realms to form the 'Cosmic Elders Council' to jointly deal with daily cosmic crises. When the final moment comes, we will shoulder the responsibility 'The Judge's Messenger', the responsibility to enlighten all sentient beings in the universe. "

Hera glanced at the people around her, and finally set her sights on Harley, saying: "We don't want to hide it from you, but our mission cannot be made public.

For ourselves, for all sentient beings in the universe, and for the multiverse itself. "

"If the Origin Judge has prepared for the crisis of destruction, does it mean that the Creation Organization has not given up on us, and our multiverse will not be harvested?"

Dachao only saw hope in the story of Jingjinghui, and his face was full of pure joy, without any hidden worries.

"If they don't plan to completely harvest our multiverse, why did they send the Omega Titans in?" Some gods and demons asked.

"If they plan to harvest the multiverse, what is the point of the Origin Judge's plan to re-seal Papetua?" Another god and demon asked in confusion.

Harley asked: "Did Judge Eagle tell you what the world would look like after completing the mission?"

"I have never met the Eagle Judge, and I have no chance to ask this question." Hera said awkwardly.

Heavenly Father also shook his head slightly.

Harley looked at the Stranger and Gunther.

Only these two people have experienced that era.

Stranger said: "Actually, I have never met the Eagle Judge. I represent the Lord. I will do whatever the Lord asks me to do."

Ganser pondered: "I represent the Martus Academy of Science, and I was not the one who met the Eagle Judge.

But I have all the memories of being the president of the Academy of Sciences.

The form shown by the Eagle Judge is that of a huge eagle, not a human body.

He did not tell the Essence Society about the fate of the world after it completed its mission.

He only warns us that we must do it His way, and that His way is the only way to save the world.

He did not have in-depth communication with the Essence Society.

In just one thought, representatives of the divine domain and cosmic civilization traveled uncontrollably through time and space and came to him. After listening to the tasks assigned by him, he spread his wings and flew away from the multiverse.

We are very curious about where the transcendental organization is, how many people there are, and what kind of operation mode it operates, but we have no idea at all. "

"You used to call the Transcendence Organization the 'Giant Hand' clan." Diana said.

Ganser explained: "The statement from the Giant Hand Clan came from the Eagle Judge. He said that we were appointed as the Elders of the Universe by the Giant Hand Clan, but he did not explain the meaning of 'Giant Hand' and we had no chance to ask.

In fact, at that time, the Eagle Judge was in the form of a complete transcendent, and the beings in the universe could not even look directly at him. He had a mouth and a head but could not think or speak. "

Diana looked at Harley and said, "Papetua's hands seem to be very long and very big."

"Slightly larger than ordinary people, but not 'giant', and the Eagle Judge is still a giant eagle. It only has claws and no hands, so how should we count it?" Harley guessed: "Giant hands should not be used to describe themselves. hand."

"It doesn't matter what the name is, what matters is what the judge of origin wants to do!" Some gods and demons shouted.

Names are certainly important because names can say a lot about the identity of an organization.

For example, the Justice League and the Legion of Doom show the core characteristics of the organization very straightforwardly.

Harley already had a vague guess in her mind: since the "giant hand" does not describe the members of the Transcendence Organization themselves, it must represent an "item" that is very important to the Transcendence Organization.

Considering that the "giant hand" is just a hand, and a hand has an owner, Harley thought of totem worship.

If the "Giant Hand" is the object of worship of the transcendent organization, there must be a stronger being behind them.

Just think about this idea for yourself, she must never say it publicly.

Just one transcendental organization scares everyone. There are "big guys" behind the transcendental organization. Who dares to think of resisting again?

Harley followed the words of the gods and demons, skipping the topic of the name of the transcendent organization, and asked: "The task given to you by the Origin Judge is to guide the origin of the Judge in the General Assembly, right? Who do you plan to hand it over to?"

Ganser said: "There is more than just the origin of the judge in the general body. The judge of the origin used his power of connection to combine the seven positive basic forces to create a general body and seal Pappetua within it.

At this time, the total includes the power of connection, the positive base power, and the negative base power unsealed by the Legion of Destruction.

Use the negative basic force to suppress the positive basic force and break the seal of the total body, so that Papetua can be truly free.

If we activate the origin of creation in the totality, it is probably a mixture of basic force and connecting force. Or a compound?

In short, the destined person has the talent to control every basic power.

Without this talent, it would be useless to obtain the Origin of Creation. "

Harley glanced at him and said calmly: "I asked who was the destined person, and you talked a lot in roundabout ways, just to emphasize one thing - to advise me not to interfere with the judge's origin, because I can't control everyone. a fundamental strength."

"I just want to explain it clearly." Gunther retorted dryly, then closed his mouth and lowered his head.

He's not the only member of the Essence Society.

His duty of dissuasion was accomplished, and the remaining task was theirs.

Stranger took the initiative to take over and persuaded softly: "Harley, none of us deny that you are the strongest person in the multiverse and worthy of everyone's trust.

But the Essence Council cannot disobey the orders of the Origin Judge.

For the sake of the multiverse, you'd better not forcefully fight against destiny.

First of all, except for the chosen ones, no one can fully realize the full potential of the judge's origin.

If you get the source of the judge, it won't have the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

Even if one plus one still equals one, it will have no obvious effect on you.

Secondly, you have already realized that Papetua is only the protagonist in the first half of the crisis of destruction, and the real crisis may come from the creation family later.

You didn't regard the Creation family as your enemy from the beginning.

You will fight against them when they insist on the total destruction of our multiverse.

You would prefer to get along with them if possible.

Now that you have corrupted the origins of the Origin Judge, it will be difficult to talk to and get along well with the Giant Hand Clan in the future. "

Harley raised her eyebrows, "You have been talking to yourselves, as if I have already said that you must snatch the origin of the Origin Judge.

But I don't remember when I said this.

I'm not interested in the judge's origin at all, so there's no need for you to worry in vain. "

Not to mention the five members of the Essence Club, even Diana, Da Chao, and the Melon-eating Gods and Demons next to her looked at her with strange eyes like "Do you believe this?"

Still being very honest, he said: "Harley, don't blame everyone for misunderstanding. When we discussed how to deal with the transcendent organization before, you did say that you are very good at robbing others of their origins.

As long as you defeat Papetua or other transcendents, you can quickly grow yourself by plundering the opponent's power.

Since you have this plan and have said it publicly more than once, it is reasonable for Jingjing to be apprehensive. "

Seeing that Dachao had complained publicly, Stranger couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Before the crisis of destruction started, at the magic reform conference outside the gate of heaven, when you announced the rules of the magic bank, you publicly encouraged the gods and demons to let everyone Loan magic power to improve your strength, and when the wall of origin collapses, immediately go to the edge of the omnipotent universe to find 'new power'.

As long as you discover new power, even if the opponent is a 'living life' and they can't win, you will help.

Your attitude has been very clear. Now you still blame us for misunderstanding you. Why are you saying that you are not interested in the judge's origin? "

Harry faced the strange looks from everyone and said calmly: "Just because I steal the demon's magic power from hell, it doesn't mean that I also steal the magic power from other extraordinary beings who have not provoked me.

Tell me, among the people I have robbed of their origins in this life, which one did not provoke me first, or endanger all sentient beings in the universe? "

There is a devil from hell who wants to raise his hand and say: You once fished and enforced the law against the devil from hell for no reason. At that time, no one provoked you, nor did you harm the universe. In fact, you have to eat up even the low-level lemures. How can the lemures have the ability to endanger the world and threaten you?

It suppressed the desire to speak in its heart and nodded slightly with approval, as if it agreed with the saint's words.

The holy aunt didn't pay attention to the thoughts of others and was still impassioned, "I plan to rob Papetua because I know that she is the source of the crisis of destruction and will not get along well with us.

I said that we don’t need to be afraid of the Transcendent Clan. If they dare to come, I can snatch their origins to strengthen myself, and ultimately defeat them. There is one major premise - it is determined that the Transcendent Clan is our enemy.

I let the gods and demons develop the omnipotent universe and did not let them take action against the Origin Judge or the Giant Hand clan. If they had this ability, the crisis of destruction would not have happened. "

Da Chao is an honest person, he immediately nodded and said with a smile: "It turns out it was a misunderstanding, we misunderstood what Harley meant.

The premise for Harley to take action against the Origin Judge is that the Creation family has been identified as the enemy.

We haven't determined the attitude of the Creation Clan yet. Judging from the arrangements of the Origin Judge, the Creation Clan's attitude towards us seems to be friendly.

Since the other party is very friendly, Harley will naturally not take the initiative to turn friends into enemies. "

He glanced at the five members of the Essence Club and said, "Tell me who you want to hand over the origin of the judge in the general assembly.

As long as it does not conflict with our current rescue plan, we will cooperate with you to complete the Origin Judge's legacy. "

"Say here?" Hera glanced at the gods and demons around her again.

"Tell me, they are at least more reliable than Mojo." Old Shazam said.

"Not necessarily, Yamo Zhuo has such a strong strength but has never had a reputation. He is obviously a lone ranger who practices asceticism. Even if he knows something, he will not talk nonsense." Hera said.

Diana frowned and said: "Your Majesty, you need to keep it a secret before the destiny is activated, but now that the destiny is about to be activated, why keep it a secret?

Do you plan to let the man of destiny who controls the judge's origin act secretly? Stealth against Pappetua? "

"Acting openly does not mean immediately spreading the word. To be honest, before the origin of the judge is revealed, we don't know who the destined person is," Mo Ke said.

Harley said calmly: "Within the scope of my force field, if I think it is not suitable for outsiders to know, they will not be able to hear it standing on the side."

Heavenly Father said: "The identity of the destined person cannot be revealed. We must use the power of the judge to activate the overall body, and the original power in the integrated body will actively search for the destined person."

"Then you don't need to avoid others, just activate it directly. Anyway, you yourself don't know who the destined person is," Harley said.

Heavenly Father smiled bitterly and said: "Not everyone is as powerful as you. If you avoid the sight of others and activate the total body secretly, even Papetua may not be aware of it.

If we can detect it, but others cannot, the destined person can still hide his or her identity. "

"Stop talking nonsense. If they couldn't notice it before, they still can't notice it now standing in front of you." Harley said impatiently.

The five-person group thought about it and realized that it was indeed the case. The origin of creation could not be seen with the eyes.

They held hands again, activating the "power" of the Origin Judge in their souls.

The aura on them once again became mysterious and majestic, very faint, but if you observe it carefully, the feeling will be very obvious.

"Is this the breath of transcendence?" Diana approached Harley and asked in surprise: "Can you judge his strength and realm through this breath?"

Harley said: "This is a very special kind of power, not physical energy. If it were energy, it would probably have been taken away by Yamo Zhuo."

Authority is the recognition of power.

For example, "the power of the head of state."

An individual possessing the power of the head of state does not add a special energy. If the people recognize him, the power will naturally be effective.

After all, the current positive basic force multiverse was reshaped by the Origin Judge. It is normal for him to retain certain powers.

"Are you saying that apart from activating the general body, the power of the judges has no other purpose? But I feel that they have become much more sacred and great, and I have an inexplicable urge to worship them." Diana whispered.

"Essence knows how to beat one out of five, but in the end, he was pressed to the ground and rubbed by Ya Mo Zhuo. The judge's face was completely thrown away. Even if the power has other unactivated functions, what real ability can it have?" Harley said disapprovingly.

"Yamozhuo is very powerful." Da Chao said seriously.

Diana said: "No matter how powerful Ya Mo Zhuo is, it is really shameful to still be ravaged after activating the power of the judge.

You saw it just now, the surrounding gods and demons looked at Jingjinghui with disdain! "

Dachao glanced at the gods and demons around him. They were all staring at the five members of the Essence Club.

He turned around and glanced at the Essence Club again. The five people looked solemn, like Christians praying devoutly in front of the statue of Christ. Except that their auras were more majestic and great, they seemed to have nothing to see.

"Are they communicating with the origin judge of the omnipotent universe?"

Harry frowned and said, "I don't know what they are doing. It has been so long and there is still no response. The efficiency is really low."

Waited a few more minutes.

Even the melon-eating gods and demons who had been staring at the group of five couldn't hold it back and started whispering to each other.

The five-person group was still there with their eyes closed in a daze.

"When will they be ready? Atom has sent a message to inquire about the situation for the third time. The new star has been loaded with more than 30,000 planets, waiting for me to push it!" Dachao is not lacking in patience, but he is at this moment At work".

"You go ahead and I'll let you know when they're done," Harley said.

Da Chao turned into a beam of red light and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Diana hesitated for a moment, but decided to stay and wait for the results of the essence meeting.

She cannot propel stars or planets like Superman, and her role in the rescue operation is not essential.

"Do you know where Yamo Zhuo is?" she asked, and then worried: "What if Superman meets him on the road, or he intercepts Superman halfway. That guy seems to be able to control many kinds of energy at the same time. He is now What state is it in? Could it be that he has become an apex predator like Luther?"

Harley's eyes flashed and she said: "I don't know whether Ya Mo Zhuo has activated the predator gene. I can confirm that he has at least a small degree of success in the "Thinking Sutra" and has a strong breath of thinking life.

If you encounter him again, it's best to stay away.

But I guess he won't stay in the first and second rings, and may have returned to the multiverse by now. "

"The Sutra of Thinking" Diana thought for a while, her eyes gradually became suspicious, "He was obviously determined to win the 'judge power', but when he had the upper hand, he only touched Da Chao and immediately retreated. It was very disappointing. normal.

Did you take the initiative to show your presence to scare him away?

You had the chance to stop him, or even capture him, so why let him go?

Even if you don't consider his damage to the cause of justice and only think about the truth, he is still an important experimental subject to you. Did you avoid our sight and secretly take him down?

You were afraid that we would accuse you of torturing him with inhumane and cruel methods, so you acted quietly. "

"You have such a rich imagination." Harley said.

"Then how do you explain the above doubts? Don't tell me that his sense of crisis is strong enough to predict your arrival. Even if he has a strong sense of crisis, space and space laws do not exist in Taixu. He cannot teleport in space and cannot escape you. pursuit." Diana said.

Harley smiled and said: "You guessed it right, I might be able to stop him, but he has proven with facts that in the wild state, his mind level improves faster.

The Sutra of Thought he obtained from old Shazam's mind was a fragment among the fragments.

To reach this level, he would most likely have followed his own path.

I wonder where he would have ended up without interference. "

Now that the origin wall has collapsed, gods and demons who want to break through the limits of the DC multiverse must leave the multiverse, and it is best to enter the second ring.

Ya Mo Zhuo will inevitably return to the second ring again.

He left very simply before, but his mental and life fluctuations have been locked by Harley.

She can't track him within the multiverse, but when he enters the second ring, she will be able to detect it immediately.

"In addition, the appearance of Yamo Zhuo made me suddenly think of a plan. If the plan succeeds, his role may be greater than completing the Scripture of Thought." Harley continued.

"What's the plan?" Diana asked curiously.

Harry smiled strangely and said, "It's too early to tell now. When the time comes, you will know even if I don't tell you."


A beam of red light flashed through the void, and the panting Dachao appeared in front of the two of them again, "Huhuhu, they haven't activated their destiny yet?"

"Have you sent the star out?" Diana asked.

"It was not sent to the multiverse. It is temporarily staying on the outside of the first ring."

After a pause, Dachao explained: "I know I'm a little impatient, but the Origin Judge's plan is more important for the future of the universe than rescuing planets that have escaped from the universe."

"It's no use being anxious, they..." Harry frowned and glanced at the five members of the Essence Society. Sweat seemed to be pouring out from the foreheads of Heavenly Father and Hera.

Old Shazam didn't break a sweat because he lost his body and only his soul remained. There was obvious restlessness on his face.

The stranger was wearing a wide-brimmed hat, and his face was in the shadow under the brim of the hat. His expression was not clear, and even if there was sweat, he couldn't see it.

The little blue man Gunther has always been expressionless.

"What are you doing? Is something wrong?" she shouted.

As soon as she spoke, the melon-eating god and devil beside her, who had been holding back for a long time, immediately started to complain.

"I won't talk about any fluctuations in divine power or mental fluctuations, but you are standing there as if in a daze, with no change or progress. What does this mean?"

"Even if we want to communicate with the omnipotent universe, we still need intense sound and light special effects! Are you really not fooling people?"

"We waited for more than half an hour and didn't even fart. Our expectations were in vain."

The discussion among the people made the five members of the Essence Club both embarrassed and relaxed.

The thing didn't get done and he made a big fool of himself again. It's deserving of embarrassment.

In fact, they had discovered the problem early and had been holding it in until now and didn't know what to say. Finally, they no longer had to hold it in. Instead, the entanglements and worries in their hearts disappeared, and they suddenly relaxed.

"Harry, we did encounter trouble, but I don't know where the problem lies." Stranger quietly wiped his forehead with his hand.

"You can't blame us. This is also the first time we have activated the power of the judge." Heavenly Father shouted.

"Although the cause cannot be determined immediately, we can investigate one by one." Hera said.

Harley asked: "To complete the mission of the Origin Judge, the most difficult step should be to communicate with the Origin Judge of the Omnipotent Universe.

You must at least successfully send a signal to him to activate the judge's power.

After obtaining the power, activating the creation power in the complex is a matter of course.

Why are you able to do the most difficult things, but not the easiest ones? "

Heavenly Father glanced at old Shazam and sighed: "Maybe some people are not qualified to be members of the Essence Society."

Old Shazam shivered slightly and lowered his head.

Everyone turned their attention to him, and many of them looked surprised.

"Shazam can enter the Essence Society because he is a human being and represents human civilization. But is he worthy?" A god and demon said immediately.

"It's simply ridiculous. Let this old guy represent human civilization, why not let me do it." A hell demon said.

Old Shazam's head is almost in his crotch.

"Can someone still be replaced? The power of judging lies with Shazam Wizard." Diana said.

Heavenly Father shook his head, "I don't know. It's our first time encountering this kind of thing, so we don't know any more than everyone else."

Harley asked: "What difficulties did you encounter when releasing the origin of creation in the total body? Are you unable to activate the energy inside, or are you not strong enough to control the divine power of creation?"

"Alas, we can't even do the first step - sensing the total body. You are obviously right next to us, but we can't communicate with the total body." Heavenly Father said helplessly.

Hera glanced at old Shazam and sighed: "The General Assembly rejects us, or in other words, rejects some of us. It is not enough to have the power of a judge, you must have enough 'status'."

"Judge Origin's arrangements must be perfect and will not allow anyone to cheat." Ganse said.

Everyone agreed with their faces, "Let's not talk about the Origin Judge's attitude towards our universe. His abilities and arrangements are definitely not wrong. After all, he is the 'Judge' of the transcendent clan."

Old Shazam was so ashamed that he wanted to turn around and run away, even to the end of the universe without looking back.

"You can't even sense the totality."

Harry's heart moved, and his expression suddenly became very strange.

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