I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2010 The Essence Meeting of Failed Pretending

"This, this, this is too exaggerated. The number of planets definitely exceeds 10,000. It's unbelievable that Superman actually uses this method to save people!" The well-informed Queen Hera was also stunned at this time, and her voice was a little stuttering. .

It was farther away before, and they could only see Superman pushing the star.

The identity of Superman can be determined because Superman's biological force field is too strong and distinct.

When they got closer, when their field of view was wider, they saw a group of planets orbiting outside the star.

Superman is indeed pushing the star, but the star does not exist alone, it is a star system, and there are many planets in the star system.

There are too many planets, many of them in the same orbit, which is obviously not a natural astronomical phenomenon.

They immediately guessed Superman's idea: pushing a planet alone is too inefficient to save people. It is better to send all nearby planets around the star and fix it in orbit, and then push the star and return to the multiverse with a large number of planets.

"Let's go. It's not suitable for us to be exposed in front of everyone before we see Harley." Heavenly Father said.

Thinking of Superman's super vision, which is "neither scientific nor magical", Hera nodded and said: "It's really weird for our group of people to get together. Even a fool can find something wrong."

She began to speed up and slightly changed direction to avoid Superman's "stellar path".

The others followed closely and did not fall behind.

Indeed, as Hera said before, although the approximate location of old Shazam could be locked through special means, it took a lot of time to actually find him.

"By the grace of Zeus, praise Hera, Omageder!"

Without waiting for Hera and the others to speak, just sensing their aura, old Shazam took the initiative to open the defensive magic circle, with an excited expression, a dark face flushed, incoherent words, and excited feet.

"You guys came to see me?"

He swallowed back his excited words, "After waiting for so long, you finally came to me," but he didn't hold back the moisture in the corners of his eyes.

An old tear quietly slid down the ravine-like wrinkles.

There was uneasiness and eager anticipation in his trembling voice.

"You should understand why we came to find you."

Hera's face was expressionless, and the soles of her feet were higher than old Shazam's head. She said indifferently with a majestic and sacred attitude of looking down.

Old Shazam did not pretend to be stupid, but he did not dare to be too confident. He only tried to show his loyalty and said: "Your Majesty the Queen, and everyone, your orders are my mission.

No matter what decision you make, I will comply with it meticulously. "

Heavenly Father raised his eyebrows and said directly: "Shazam Wizard, the day the Origin Wall collapses is when the Essence of the Universe will carry out the mission left by the Origin Judge.

For reasons you know yourself, we didn't plan to come to you, but time is urgent and we decided to give you a chance.

Next we have to meet Harley Quinn, as the Syndicate has fallen into her hands.

If she has a problem with you, or if you are unable to complete your mission, I'm afraid the 'Earth Civilization Representative' will have to choose someone else. "

Old Shazam's expression froze and he quickly regained his fawning smile. He nodded repeatedly and said, "I will follow everyone's arrangements."

Ganser looked him up and down and asked: "What is your current state? What the Universe Essence Association will do next requires each member to enter the best state and exert their maximum potential in order to finally activate the judge's power."

Old Shazam also lowered his head and glanced at his body, and said with confusion: "I feel very good, what do you mean by 'state'?"

Ganser said: "I heard that your divine body was destroyed by someone before, and your strength was greatly damaged. Now you seem to have regained your body. In the past six months, have you prepared for the mission of the Essence Society?

You didn't even stay in the Eternal Citadel to wait for our call.

You ran here as soon as the Origin Wall collapsed.

Didn't you ever think that you could continue to perform your duties as a judge? "

Old Shazam not only hid outside the first ring, but also found a huge meteorite, built a "cave" for practice on it, and set up defense and warning circles around the cave, making it clear that he planned to stay there for a long time.

If you have a long-term plan to practice here, you will naturally not consider the matter of the Origin Judge.

Old Shazam quickly explained: "My family knows my own affairs, and because of some misunderstandings during the Dark Night Crisis, my reputation has not been very good recently.

Moreover, more than half a year has passed since the first type of negative base power was released, and no one has come to me. I thought everyone chose another talented person and gave up on me.

That’s why I made plans to go to the edge of the Almighty Universe to practice before the Origin Wall collapsed.

I'm following Harley.

Everyone knows that she is searching for the breath of the Almighty Universe deep in the cracks of the Origin Wall, and she also takes several young heroes to practice with her.

I heard that the effect was so good that even Robin mastered a hint of the secret of God's Palm.

After receiving such news, not only me, but also many gods, demons, and wizards began to make similar plans for spiritual practice.

After all, it is safer to stay away from the multiverse, and it is more effective to practice close to the omnipotent universe, killing two birds with one stone.

But don’t worry, I am always ready to sacrifice myself for the Origin Judge.

Not recently, but many thousands of years ago, I have simulated today's scene in my mind countless times.

There's nothing wrong with my status either.

Although my flesh and blood divine body was destroyed by Ya Mo Zhuo, I don’t lack N metal artifacts.

My thunder scepter is a natal artifact made of N metal. I can transfer the essence of life and divinity into the artifact. "

He patted his chest and said proudly: "Now that I am the body of an N-metal artifact, I am more powerful than before. If I encounter that Yamo Zhuo again, I will definitely defeat him easily."

"You don't need to kill anyone. The mission of the Essence Society is not to fight, as long as you can fulfill your function as a 'representative of human civilization.'" Heavenly Father said.

"I can definitely do it!" Old Shazam said immediately.

"That's good."

Heavenly Father, Stranger, Hera, and Gunther looked at each other and said, "Let's start now."

"Now? Here?" Old Shazam asked doubtfully.

Hera said: “If we had followed our previous plan, we would not have gone to see anyone at all.

Even if you want to open the source of the judge in the synthesis next, you don't need to get or see the synthesis directly.

The Essence will only appear in front of people at the most critical and critical times. Probably in front of the Justice League to guide them in the direction.

At that time, we will no longer be our original identities. We will be unified as the messengers of the Origin Judge and the ‘Universe Elders’ who can represent the creation clan.

As messengers of justice and elders of the universe, we certainly cannot appear in front of others. "

Old Shazam nodded repeatedly and said: "I understand this. His Majesty Zeus taught me many years ago when he recommended me to join the Essence Society. Normally, the Essence Society is at best the maintainer of the order of the universe and the recorder of major events.

When the final moment comes, we will exercise the power of the Creation Gods on behalf of the Origin Judge.

First of all, we can’t just show up randomly, don’t show up right away.

We must wait until the critical moment, when the heroes inspire their destiny and show that they are qualified to receive enlightenment, then we will grant them enlightenment.

In addition, we cannot meet mortals in our original bodies.

We must bless the power of the judge on our bodies. I heard His Majesty Zeus say that after blessing the power, our body will become extremely huge, surpassing the planet and comparable to the universe.

I thought His Majesty Zeus' words were too exaggerated before.

Now that I have seen Papetua, she is standing on the edge of the main universe. The main universe is to her what basketball is to ordinary people.

Even if the Judge's Messenger is not as good as her, he is certainly extraordinary. "

Speaking of this, Shazam's old face showed obvious anticipation and excitement.

He even began to imagine a scene in his mind: when the heroes of the universe were in the most critical situation, they appeared shockingly with huge bodies, and the soles of their feet were bigger than the world where the heroes stood. of heroes speak inspiring words

Old Shazam began to laugh crazily, and even laughed out loud.

"Next we are going to see Harley." Stranger said.

His voice was very soft, but like a giant hammer beating a heavy drum or a copper melon beating a golden gong, it instantly pulled old Shazam out of his best fantasies, and then poured a bucket of ice water over his head, making him wake up immediately. I feel so cold inside.

"We can't act like the messenger of the judge or the patriarch of the universe in front of Harley!" he murmured.

Anyone who wants to show off in front of Witch Harley is doing something wrong!

Not even the envoy of the Judge of Origin and the patriarch of the universe who represents the Creation family. Harley disdains the Judge and the Transcendent Organization at all.

If they forcefully install the cross, they will only be beaten.

"We didn't intentionally put on airs and show off our prestige." Hera said quickly first, then thought for a moment, and then said: "We just naturally showed the detached majesty we deserve after the power of the judge was added.

Well, it’s not what we want to show or pretend to be, it’s how we should be.

Of course, I don’t mean that we must show the magistrate’s elegance in front of the Witch and Harley Quinn. I also don’t mean that we must temper the magistrate’s edge.

I mean, we just naturally do whatever we want. "

Old Shazam said blankly: "Then should we pretend to be the judge's messenger in front of Harley?"

"I'm not pretending - hey, you idiot, I've been thrown into a ditch by you."

Hera glared at old Shazam angrily and said coldly: "Now that the members of the Essence Society are all in place, we can try to activate the power of the Origin Judge.

Use power to open the complex and guide the source of the judge inside to flow out.

If Harley Quinn is aware and can snatch the origin, we will reveal our presence and attract her here.

If we worry too much and she can't notice it, or if she notices it and can't snatch the judge's origin, there's no need for us to see her. "

Heavenly Father nodded slightly and sighed: "Based on Harley's past 'records', we speculate that she is likely to snatch the judge's origin, but this is just a guess after all. Maybe we are lucky and guessed wrong?"

Old Shazam understands that meeting Harley is a last resort. Even the Stranger cannot deny that there is a risk of being robbed of the judge's true identity after meeting Harley and confessing the truth.

If the judge's origin is taken away by her, no matter how the subsequent crisis of destruction develops, the score of the essence from the origin judge has been determined: zero points.

Unless they have to find Harley, they still want to try the plan of having the Essence completely control the Origin Judge.

Old Shazam didn't want the judge's plan to be disrupted by Harley, so after he figured it out, he immediately said: "I understand, let's get started."

He also reaches out his hands to the Father and the stranger.

The Father took one of his hands and gave the other to Hera.

The Stranger hesitated and said: "Didn't we just say that we would first find Shazam Wizard and then summon the ghost? Now we won't look for the ghost?"

"The ghost is only a candidate, not a formal member, and it will not affect our ability to activate the judge's power." Heavenly Father said.

Stranger held the hands of old Shazam and Gunther respectively.

The five members of the Essence Club held hands and formed a circle.

"I, Hera of the old god, Ishaya, the king of light of the new god, Ganser of the Martus civilization, Shazam of the human civilization of the earth, and the stranger of heaven, in the name of the Essence Society, call upon the supreme and holy heroes. Judge Eagle."

They used the power of their souls to chant loudly the scriptures praising the Eagle Judge for rectifying his origins, saving the common people, and suppressing evil. Their voices seemed to form invisible ripples that spread rapidly outside the universe.

About ten minutes later, a dot of blue light appeared directly above the heads of the five people. The blue light gradually changed from a dot to a sheet, forming the image of an eagle spreading its wings.

At the moment when the image of the eagle was complete, a mysterious, sacred, powerful and supreme aura was born in it.

On Earth infinitely far away from the five members of the Essence Society, in the Hall of Justice, Harley suddenly stopped speaking, closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them again, with a look of surprise and confusion on her face, "You guys wait a minute, the second ring. There seems to be an abnormal energy reaction nearby, I'll go over and take a look."

Leaving these words behind, her body disappeared like a bubble.

"Hey, Harley -" Hawkgirl called out and tried to reach out to grab her, but failed. "Don't leave in a hurry. I feel it too. Please take me with you."

"What do you feel?" Neptune asked doubtfully.

A look of confusion appeared on Hawkgirl's face, and she shook her head and said, "I don't know, but I have a feeling that something is calling me near the second ring. It is the abnormal energy reaction that Harley discovered."

"You have never been to the second ring, and it is so far away. How can you sense it?" Neptune said.

"I don't know the reason. I just have a feeling. Even if I subconsciously called Harry to stop just now, I feel very strange." The Eagle Goddess said with a tangled look.

Bateman frowned and said in a deep voice: "You stay here and don't move until Harley comes back."


The five members of the Essence Club had an illusion of an eagle soaring in their minds, and there seemed to be a high-pitched and sharp eagle chirp in their ears.

The blue eagle illusion above their heads disintegrated and turned into five rays of blue light, which fell into the eyebrows of the five people.

Gradually, they have a mysterious aura that transcends the DC multiverse.

The aura was not overpowering and did not obviously increase their strength. It seemed to only make them look more sacred, noble and extraordinary.

"Ah, our bodies have become so big." Old Shazam opened his eyes, a little surprised and a little happy.

The most significant change among the five people is their appearance. Their appearance has not changed, but their body size has expanded thousands of times.

Even the smallest Ganser has a majestic appearance now.

"This is not our true form, but the external manifestation of our mental state in the illusory realm of Taixu." Stranger said slowly.

Hera moved her hands and feet a few times with a comfortable expression, and said with a smile: "You are wrong, this is our true form, the multiverse has been restricting us before.

They limit our power and realm, and use invisible ‘shaping clothes’ to suppress our condition, so that the appearance of the great God King is not much different from that of mortals.

Gods and mortals are completely different states of life, with different essences. How can they have the same appearance?

Now, with the powers of the Inquisitor of Origin activated, the multiverse restrictions placed upon us are lifted, and we reveal our true colors.

This is the natural majesty of the judge, the patriarch of the universe. We are not pretending to be majestic. This is how we should be, and mortals should look up to us. "

Old Shazam nodded repeatedly.

Now even Harley can't blame them for pretending. They really don't pretend. The judge's power can make them so majestic and noble. What can they do?

You can't pretend to be vulgar, right?

Ganser said: "Now that the power of the Origin Judge has been successfully activated, let's activate the general assembly immediately.

Although the universe outside the universe is infinite and vast, our movement is not small. If-"

Before he finished speaking, a beam of golden-red light flashed across the dark void and appeared below them.

"What are you doing hiding here? Did you create the aura of the Transcendent just now?"

When they looked down, they saw a tall, handsome, blond white man.

The others were still guessing about his identity, but Old Shazam had already shouted with red eyes, "You are so brave, you dare to appear in front of me."

The white man turned his gaze to him, his eyes shining with bright silver light.

The little blue man Ganser's expression changed slightly: This man has such strong spiritual power!

"Judge Eagle. General Assembly. Essence Meeting." The silver light in the white man's eyes became brighter and he was mumbling something.

Old Shazam's expression changed drastically, and he shouted angrily: "Are you stealing my thoughts and memories again?"

The white man didn't respond to him, but his body surface shone with golden light of divine power.

The next second, the essence will absorb the power of the five people - whether it is the power of the new gods of Heavenly Father, the power of the old gods of Hera and Shazam, or the spiritual energy of Gunther, or the holy power of the Stranger. Part of it lost control and escaped from the body, drifting towards the white man.

Now old Shazam was not only angrier, but also panicked, "Kill this bastard, he is stealing our divine power."

As he spoke he also threw a lightning spear at the white man.

Except for Stranger, who only worked hard to stabilize his own spirit and strength, the rest of them attacked the enemy in their own way.

The white man opened his mouth and blew out a breath of black gas. The black gas had the texture of smoke and was similar to light.

It expanded rapidly, covering all attacks.

The magical powers of Heavenly Father, Hera, and Shazam were like ice sculptures dropped into boiling water, quickly dissolving into nothingness.

Gunther's mental attack was not affected by the black energy and successfully landed on the white man, but it was like punching an iron plate. He didn't know whether the iron plate hurt or not, but the little blue man's face wrinkled up in pain.

"You are no match for me. I don't want your divine power. I just want the aura of transcendence in you. Give it to me!" the white man said expressionlessly.

Hera's eyes were alert and she no longer acted rashly. She only sent a voice message and asked: "Shazam, who is he?"

"He is Amodra. The Amodra of the main universe is completely different from the Amodra of the parallel universe. He seems to have undergone a mysterious mutation like Harley Quinn. Damn it, he is stronger than before. "

"Yamo Zhuo? I've never heard of this unknown person who appeared from nowhere. He seemed to have used the Tears of Death and the Wind of Nothingness just now. Was it my imagination?" Hera was surprised and suspicious.

"I say it again, give me the breath of the transcendent." Ya Mo Zhuo did not stand aside to watch their nonsense.

His body surface flashed with golden-red speed force, golden-red light flashed, and before the people on the opposite side could react, old Shazam's head was already in his hands.

Old Shazam was frightened and immediately had the urge to beg for mercy.

"We are the essence of the multiverse, and the majesty of the universe elders cannot be desecrated!" Several other people came over angrily, and this time they didn't even bother the stranger.

On the other side, the Archimedes airship is heading towards the second ring.

"I thought I saw the Stranger and Hera just now. Why are they here? Do we want to pay attention?" Superman hesitated.

"Queen Hera and the Stranger? How did they get together?" Diana asked doubtfully while staring at the radar screen looking for search and rescue targets.

"Not only Hera and the Stranger, but also Gunther and Heavenly Father. These people are very strange together, so I asked if I wanted to pay attention." Superman said.

"When did you see it? Are you sure you saw it correctly?"

Dachao said seriously: "At that time, I was pushing the Sloka star with 20,000 planets across the first ring.

You know, the first ring comes with a lot of planets and Origin Wall fragments.

In order to prevent stars and planets from colliding with meteorites and triggering large-scale interstellar disasters, I must be in a highly concentrated state at all times and scan all surrounding matter and energy fluctuations.

In that state, it was impossible for me to be dazzled by the wrong person.

I seem to hear their voices. "

After all, the Essence Club underestimated the ability of "mortal" Super.

The upper limit of Superman's strength is determined by his own thoughts. When he wants it, he can often realize the corresponding strength immediately, especially physical strength.

Anyone who has watched "Titanic" knows the dangers of ocean "icebergs" to cruise ships.

The star that Superman is pushing is like the "Titanic", and the more than 20,000 planets attached to the star are tourists on the Titanic. He will definitely be careful of the "icebergs" around him.

When he wants to avoid all "icebergs", he must be able to see clearly all the hidden dangers around him.

Before the Essence Club quartet saw Chao, he had already noticed them.

There was no space or air in the void, and he still "heard" parts of their conversation.

"What are they talking about?" Diana asked curiously.

"As if talking about me, they also saw me and pointed at me. I really wanted to go over and say hello and find out what they were doing.

If they are willing to join the rescue team, the efficiency of rescuing people will increase several times.

But I am pushing the star to move at a constant speed. Stopping hastily will cause the planets in the orbit to collide with each other, which is too dangerous. " Dachao said regretfully.

"In the past day, we have seen many extraordinary people who went to the first and second rings to practice. Probably them..." Diana couldn't continue.

If there is only Hera, it is possible that she is practicing with the help of the Almighty Universal Law. If the Stranger, Heavenly Father, and Ganser are included, they must not be practicing, because these three do not practice.

"With Stranger here, they shouldn't be planning anything bad," Diana said.

Dachao looked around and said: "The route we are taking at this time seems to overlap with theirs, so I made the comment.

You don't need to pay attention to me. I'll look around. If I can find them - Hey, Diana, look over there, is it them? "

The Taixu outside the universe is so big, and the superpower and the essence will meet before, which means that their routes must overlap to some extent.

With this in mind, Da Chao took the initiative to talk to Diana about the previous encounter on the way back.

He said while scanning around with his super vision.

Then he actually saw some people.

When Diana followed his guidance and drove the Archimedes airship over, she did not immediately see the Essence Society, but a group of gods and demons gathered together and whispering.

When they caught a glimpse of the Archimedes airship coming, the gods and demons didn't take it seriously and continued to stare in another direction and talk.

"Oh my God, it is indeed Queen Hera. She - oh, her head was beaten and deformed. Oh, the Heavenly Father is howling miserably. Who is beating them?"

Before she even got close to the melon-eating demon, Diana sensed intense energy fluctuations coming from ahead.

Obviously, the surrounding gods and demons were also attracted by the energy fluctuations in the battle.

Arriving next to the gods and demons, Diana saw a blur of light and shadow.

The place is full of divine power, bright holy light, and mixed with all kinds of messy forces. It seems to be a mess, but if you look closely, you can see that the battlefield is not messy, but very neat - a blond white man is beating up several other people.

"Yamozhuo, stop!"

While Diana was still identifying the battlefield situation, Superman had already rushed out of the Archimedes airship and rushed over in a hurry.

"Superman, help, save me!" Before Dachao entered the scene, old Shazam, who had only an illusory soul left, had already begun to plead for help.

"Superman, get out of here, what's going on here has nothing to do with you—"

Ya Mo Zhuo waved his fist and punched Dachao head-on, who came in the classic Superman flying posture.

Just when he was about to use divine power to restrain Superman, he was suddenly locked by a looming but terrifying mental power.

"Witch Harley." A look of struggle appeared on Yamo Zhuo's face, and finally he glared at Dachao fiercely, then turned into a golden-red light and disappeared in the first ring.

The battlefield was between the first ring and the second ring. Yamo Zhuo did not run out, but ran in the direction of the multiverse.

When Yamo Zhuo disappeared, when Archimedes' airship wandered to the Essence Club, and when Diana left the airship, and even some melon-eating gods and demons came over, Harry silently teleported to Dachao's side.

Dachao is helping Heavenly Father set bones.

There are five people in the Essence Club. Except for old Shazam, the other four are all bruised and miserable.

Heavenly Father had no idea how many bones were broken, and some of the joints were deformed.

The little blue man seemed to have fainted, and Hera was vomiting blood.

The stranger's windbreaker was in tatters and there were burnt marks on his body.

Old Shazam didn't have a bruised nose or face because his body was gone and he was blown apart, leaving only his soul.

"How did you end up like this?"

Harry was suppressing a smile in his heart, but there was a sincere concern on his face that made several people want to cry.

"Harley, you have to help me take revenge! Almozo has now become the number one villain in the world. He poses a greater threat to the security of the universe than Luther. You must hunt him to the end of the universe." Old Shazam cried. howled.

"Is it Amozo? The last time I heard from him, it seemed that after the Dark Night Crisis, Luther said that he gave up the Mobius Chair of the God of Knowledge and ran to the sixth dimension. What are you doing? Did you have a conflict with him?" Harley pretended to be curious.

She found the Universe Essence Society earlier than Biamo Zhuo.

When the Eagle Judge's transcendent aura aroused at the edge of the second ring, she felt it immediately from far away on Earth.

Others, even the Supreme God King, cannot teleport in the first and second rings without space and space rules. Harley is different, the second ring is her "body fragment".

The ethereal environment from the edge of the universe to the outer edge of the second ring is like her divine kingdom. She can reach any location within the range instantly.

But she didn't show up.

Even if Yamo Zhuo ravaged these guys crazily, she would only watch the show and do nothing.

These bastards are mysterious and secretive. They have hidden the secret of the judge's origin until now. Even now, they don't plan to tell her. They still want to show off in front of her and secretly take away the judge's origin from her body. They deserve this. One calamity.

Well, Harley swears, she really didn't find Yamo Zhuo.

To be honest, she was quite surprised to see Yamo Zhuo today.

That guy had a strong aura of thinking life, and he was very familiar to her. He seemed to have cultivated her "Thinking Sutra" to a very high level.

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