I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1985 The Collapse of Bateman

As soon as they passed through the sixth-dimensional space gate, all the heroes intuitively felt the huge difference between the new world and the main universe.

The world in front of them is more developed than the earth in the main universe, with uniformly planned urban buildings, and space shuttles shuttle between the science fiction-style buildings. It is a bit too modern, and it is a bit science fiction for the main universe that has long been connected with alien civilizations. .

Moreover, in such an advanced and developed world, the environment is better than that in the main universe. The air in the city is as fresh as a forest oxygen bar. The sky is as blue as blue, as if you are in a primitive prairie.

But the urban landscape and the completely pollution-free natural environment are not the reasons why they feel obviously strange.

"This world is so beautiful and holy." Dachao murmured.

"It feels like I'm in heaven. In fact, I've been to heaven, but even in heaven, it doesn't feel as good as here. It's very strange!" Louise Lane said in a daze.

The monitor turned back, with a proud look on his face, and was about to tell the Zhenglian hero about the special features of his new forged world, when he heard Louise's voice and discovered her existence.

He pointed at Louise, frowned and said, "What's going on? She's not a superhero. Why is she here? I'm inviting the Zhenglian heroes. I'm not asking you to bring your family to the 'other world' for sightseeing!"

Just after opening the door to the sixth dimension, he accompanied Harley and took the lead in entering the "New World of Eliminating Evil" without noticing the people behind him.

Dachao was a little embarrassed and quickly explained to his wife: "Your Excellency the Founder, although she is my wife, she has the status of a 'representative of the human civilization investigation team' at this time.

She is not alone, she represents the US government and humanity on earth.

It can even be said that she represents ordinary humans in the material universe to a certain extent.

She wants to investigate the new world of justice you created on behalf of humanity. "

Seeing the doubt and contempt on the caster's face, he became more and more embarrassed and helpless, "Maybe I'm a bit proud of my wife.

But our Zhenglian cannot completely make the decision for the people of the universe!

There is no way we agree to your plan and then the fate of everyone in the universe is decided. "

"Is it possible that you plan to make my plan public, let everyone know through a series of special news, and then let them vote?" the Forger said coldly.

Da Chao said solemnly: “Louise will only make your plan public under one circumstance.

That is after we are all convinced by you.

If your plan cannot convince us at all and the main universe does not implement your plan, this information does not need to be disclosed to the public. "

"Well, Superman, there is no need to be so absolute. I always believe that if we work together sincerely, we will be able to overcome difficulties and resolve crises like countless times in the past.

When the crisis is over, even if the ‘Destruction and Salvation Plan’ is not implemented, the public can still be aware of its existence, where we have been and where we almost went. "

Louise first interjected to deny her husband's point of view and kept her own important news materials. Then she turned to the caster, looked at him calmly, and said calmly and generously: "Mr. Zhou, I understand that you are doing something about diversity. Important events for the future of the universe.

I also know very well that at this time, ordinary people like me should not disturb you and waste your precious time.

But you said it yourself, the sniper war in ‘The Year of the Villain’ is a battle of beliefs among all living beings.

Not one or two supreme beings, not a group of righteous heroes, but every living being in the multiverse.

Each creature's choice of justice and evil ultimately determines the outcome of this battle.

In this battlefield of beliefs where all the people participate, if you plan to decide what all sentient beings think based on your own thoughts, you are undoubtedly seeking fish at the last moment and using the wrong power in the wrong direction.

If you really want to prevent the Year of the Villain from coming, what you have to do is not just a few people hiding in a higher dimension to discuss secretly and then quietly decide everything.

You should confess the truth to everyone, use your belief in justice to infect all sentient beings, fill the gaps in the faith of the unbelievers, clear away the confusion in the hearts of ordinary people, and reverse the evil thoughts of the wicked.

You are fully confident that justice will never be defeated head-on!

If justice is created through conspiracy and evil means, such 'artificial justice' will be extremely fragile and unstable.

Of course, I still don’t know the specific process of your method of destroying and saving the world, so I don’t dare to make any judgments.

What I mean is that no matter what decision you make on the battlefield of sentient beings' beliefs, you should not exclude dissidents and third-party observers. "

The indifference and contempt in the caster's eyes gradually dissipated.

He glanced at Louise in surprise and said, "You underestimate the ability of the Creator. My plan does not require sentient beings to know the truth at all.

Your idea is simply impossible to achieve.

Justice may never be defeated by evil, but evil cannot be completely eradicated by justice.

Half of the people in the world stand in the camp of justice, and half of the people stand in the camp of evil. This is a law of the universe and a scientific issue, not a moral issue.

Good and evil must maintain a balance in the universe.

You can't persuade everyone to choose justice.

But your insights and analysis prove that you are no ordinary person.

Lois Lane, you’ve earned yourself an interview on ‘Justice in a New World’. "

"Thank you!" Louise grinned and immediately climbed up the pole, "Mr. Zhou, can I also interview you? I don't mean now, after the visit is over."

"I believe that people who truly understand my plan will not have any doubts. If there are doubts, it means that the realm and knowledge are not enough, or the courage and awareness are not enough. However, I can answer your questions."

After a pause, the Forger added: "I have never been an arrogant person who refuses to communicate with mortals.

I just don't want to waste time on ignorant people. You are not ignorant. You have your own thoughts. "

Louise was a little flattered. If she were twenty years younger, she would definitely feel elated and relaxed.

"Mr. Zhou, through simple communication, I also see the best human qualities in you." She complimented with a smile.

Harley at the front said impatiently: "If you want to compliment each other, you can wait until the last interview. Everyone is waiting aside now, so don't waste our time."

The old man who cast the super shape glanced at her and said, "Now that we have arrived at the 'New World of Justice', you can take them around. There is no need for me to follow you all the time."

"Then don't pause the story line!" Harley said.

They're not really in a parallel universe.

Everything they saw and felt at this time was real.

It’s just that the “real” story has not yet been loaded onto the Cosmic Egg, and has not yet evolved into the real world.

In other words, they are actually in the "world plot" written by the caster.

The caster who is meeting everyone now is the image of an old Super Chao. This fake Super Chao himself is the protagonist in the plot of the story.

Since he is the protagonist, of course he cannot break away from the plot and wander around.

The Forge temporarily broke away from the storyline in order to welcome them into the storyline.

In order not to affect the normal development of the plot according to the script, he could only suspend the storyline during his absence.

The caster looked around and said: "Harley Quinn, you have to take good care of them, don't interfere with the development of the story, and don't get involved in the plot no matter how excited you are.

You are just the audience, do you understand? Whatever I want to say, the story is over. "

"We won't run around."

Barry smiled and gave him an "OK" gesture, and the other heroes nodded slightly.

The caster glanced at Harley again, then turned around and snapped his fingers, and the immersive "movie story" continued to play.

"Oh my god, that's me!" Barry pointed forward and exclaimed.

After shouting, he quickly covered his mouth, looked around, and asked cautiously: "Have I interfered with the caster's story?"

"No, as long as you don't leave my range of perception, it doesn't matter no matter how loud you shout or where you run," Harley said.

"Oh my God, there's me too!"

As soon as she finished speaking, several heroes stopped being patient and started shouting.

Because the surrounding urban environment was more sci-fi than Earth, they had not recognized it before and did not realize that they were in Metropolis, near the Hall of Justice.

At this moment, several figures quickly ran (flyed) past them and stopped in the square in the distance.

The building behind the square becomes more spectacular and gorgeous, but it is indeed the Hall of Justice, because it bears the sign "Hall of Justice".

In the square in front of the Hall of Justice, there are many familiar heroes, or in other words, many older versions of them.

There is Barry the Flash, there is the old Green Lantern Hal Jordan, there is the old Cyborg, and there is the old Martian Manhunter. It’s strange that even Wonder Woman has a few strands of white hair, as if she has aged for decades. She has obviously lived a fast life. If you live ten thousand years, you won't age at all.

The old heroes who appeared in the square of the Hall of Justice were all the same as the "old Superman" before them, wearing pure white uniforms with gold trim, which set off the sacred and noble temperament of all the old heroes.

Coupled with the calm and gentle smile on the old hero's face, they not only looked more trustworthy at this time, but also made all the heroes in the main universe admire them inexplicably.

"What kind of world has the Forger created? Why does everything here make me feel so comfortable? If this is the future world, it would be really fascinating!" Barry's face was full of longing and yearning.

"The Forger said he eliminated all the bad guys." Dachao hesitated and said, "Will the world become like this after annihilating half of the population? It's almost perfect."

As soon as he finished speaking, he shook his head repeatedly and denied it: "No, no, this is a false world. The creator must want to use this false story to deceive us."

"It's not deceiving us, it's deceiving the Justice League in the parallel world." Bateman said solemnly.

"Hey, look." Eagle Girl pointed in the direction of the caster, "The fake superman disguised by the caster is opening the door to the sixth dimension again - OMG, it's us! What's going on, there's another group of us? Is it time folding or some kind of illusion?!"

The Forge's character in the new storyline isn't himself, but Superman.

At this time, the fake Superman had joined the old heroes in the square in front of the Hall of Justice.

Moreover, the fake Superman once again opened a door of light, and the old heroes around him were all smiles, with expectations and nostalgia in their eyes.

After the light door opened, another group of Zhenglian heroes walked in.

"That's not us, we are not in the story, they are in the story. They are the Justice League of the parallel world." Bateman turned back, looked at Harley and asked: "Can we get closer and listen to what they say? "

Harley didn't speak or move, and they didn't move either, but suddenly they all apparated together, and everyone came directly to the Square of Justice half a kilometer away, standing next to a group of Zhenglian heroes with excited faces.

Although the old Superman smiled and talked to them, he quietly glanced in the direction of Harley and the others with the corner of his eye.

"Superman, is this really the future world 20 years from now?"

Barry from the other world was full of intoxication, and his expression was even more exaggerated than that of Barry from the main universe, as if he was drunk and lying in the arms of his lover, that kind of enjoyment and joy. Barry next to him blushed a little when he saw it.

"That's not me, it's Barry from another world." He whispered.

Only a few people glanced at him, and everyone's attention was focused on the "fake superman" and Zhenglian from another world.

"Yes, this is 20 years later. We have finally solved the crisis and the world has returned to normal." The old Superman smiled and turned to point at the old Justice League beside him. "If you have any questions, you can ask yourselves.

This is the world 20 years later, but it is not a false world on the timeline, and there is no time paradox conflict.

Even if you meet each other and touch each other, it will not cause the other party to annihilate and disappear.

We are in the sixth dimension, in a completely new storyline. "

"A brand new story line." Batman from another world is "Battman" after all. He quickly calmed down and asked: "Superman, you entered the sixth dimension to find a solution to the crisis.

Is the scene we see now the result of the salvation method you found, or is it an illusion of the future?

The crisis in our main universe has not been resolved!

The Wall of Origin is still collapsing, time is being destroyed, the Speed ​​Force is drying up, and the load-bearing pillars of magic and divine power are crumbling.

You can't bring us into the sixth dimension and the crisis will be over without saving the world, right? "

"Finally, we have a reliable one." Neptune from the main universe breathed a sigh of relief, "Although Bateman from another world regards his own universe as the 'main universe' and is a bit inexperienced, he is not immersed in the beautiful illusion. I can’t extricate myself from it.”

The joyful expression of Barry from the other world is indeed exaggerated, but it is not special in the main series of the other world, because everyone is full of joy, and there is yearning and longing in their eyes. In fact, it is almost the same as when the heroes of the main universe first came in. The eldest brother does not need to laugh at the second brother. The reason why the heroes of the main universe can "stand at a higher perspective" and remain calm is because they really stand at a higher perspective.

Being on the outside, overlooking the inside. Therefore, he can escape the influence of the environment and atmosphere of the "New World of Justice" and quickly regain his clarity of mind.

Cyborg looked at Batman from another world with admiration and defended him: "You can't blame him for his lack of knowledge. Even if he knows the common sense of the multiverse and even the worlds connected to our main universe, he still regards his home world as the 'main world'. universe'.

Of course we know that Old Superman is fake, but to Batman from another world, Old Superman is his partner.

When chatting with your own people, you will definitely not call your own world by the universe number prescribed by us.

That’s why it’s normal for him to say ‘main universe’. "

"Alas, no matter which universe or which Justice League, Bateman is the Dinghai Shenzhen, the most trustworthy support." Da Chao said with emotion.

Diana smiled and nodded, "The environment here is indeed weird and can deceive spiritual senses and emotions, but it cannot deceive 'Baitman'. The caster made a miscalculation."

The other heroes also agreed.

Bateman himself said nothing, and his face was expressionless, but his chin was slightly raised, and he seemed to be radiating confidence and pride.

Harley stared at Batman from another world with a complicated expression.

"Hahaha, Bateman, you are right. We came to the sixth dimension to find a solution to the crisis. It does not mean that the crisis will end automatically when we come to the sixth dimension. We still need to work hard!"

The old Superman laughed loudly with a natural expression, "But you don't have to be too cautious. This scene has proven that we will finally win.

At least we can relax for now and observe this new world of justice before discussing detailed plans to resolve the crisis.

We have plenty of time, no rush. "

The elderly "Nightwing" Dick took a step forward and said to his "adopted father" from another world: "Bruce, when you fully understand this new world, you will probably find the answer naturally."

The elderly Wonder Woman smiled and said: "Each of us has a city we protect, so why not go home first."

Barry from the other world danced, cheered and laughed and said: "Great, I want to see Central City in the perfect world right away. Old Barry, you can be my guide!"

"Whoosh!" In the blink of an eye, the two Flashes disappeared.

The other heroes also found their younger selves, talked and laughed and left the Square of Justice.

"The main story is over for the time being, and the unit drama has begun. Whose drama should we watch?" Barry from the main universe whistled, looked around at everyone and asked.

"Where is the Superman from another world?" Bateman frowned.

"Didn't you hear? Superman is going to Gotham with Batman from another world." Barry said.

"I'm not talking about the fake Superman disguised by the caster." Bateman said solemnly: "Based on their conversation just now, we can be sure of at least two things.

First of all, the parallel universe has experienced the same changes as the main universe.

The wall of origin is about to collapse, the mother river of time has broken, and the support pillars of magic and divine power have collapsed. The heroes of Zhenglian also want to save the world and have been looking for a way to save it.

This is not surprising, the crisis is not only for the main universe.

The resurgence of Pappetua is a catastrophe that affects the entire multiverse.

Secondly, Zhenglian in the parallel universe does not know the truth of the crisis. They are looking for a way to save the world, but somehow they learn about the sixth dimension and think that there may be an answer in the sixth dimension.

So they sent Superman to the sixth dimension to gather information.

Arranging Superman to enter the sixth dimension is also within my expectations.

The heroes of Zhenglian have different abilities, but in terms of adaptability to unknown environments, no one can surpass Superman.

Superman can go almost anywhere, and the otherworldly Superman should have the same ability.

And Superman is trustworthy.

It is normal for the Justice League from another world to arrange for Superman to go to the sixth dimension to inquire about information after discussion, but how do they know that the sixth dimension has the answer? "

"Obviously the caster is up to something," Diana said.

"Eighty percent of it has something to do with the caster, but what method did the caster use to convince all the parallel universes to be connected? This question is worthy of our study." Bateman said.

Louise raised her right hand, and when the heroes nodded to indicate that she could speak, she said, "Didn't you notice? In addition to the otherworldly Superman who is missing, Bateman and Harley in the elderly group are also missing."

"Isn't it strange that Harley is here? She is not a regular hero, her peers are even Gotham villains." Neptune frowned, "But it is indeed a bit strange that the old Batman is not in the 'Righteous Old Men'.

According to the caster, this world is the future of another world.

The history here may not necessarily correspond to the main universe one-to-one, but it certainly has no problem corresponding to the reality of the other world.

With the ability of the caster, there will definitely not be such rough holes left.

He also wants to use this story to replace the existing reality in the other world!

The Forger is not mass-producing stories, he is customizing each parallel universe hammer by hammer. This is a bit inefficient. Can he really complete the work before the origin wall collapses? "

He shook his head and continued: "Whether the caster can complete the work or not, we can be sure of one thing - Earth A will not use the story of Earth B.

Therefore, the caster is not afraid of the otherworldly hero meeting his old self alone.

There will be no flaws, the senior group is the future of the modern group.

Everyone has their own future. The alien Aquaman has an old Aquaman to accompany him, and Diana has an old Diana. Superman is an exception, because the Forger is pretending to be Superman.

But why is old Bateman missing?

The person who greets Bateman is not his old self, but Nightwing."

"Batman and Superman are the outliers!" Dachao said solemnly: "Let's go to Gotham and observe Batman's unit drama."

No one else objected.

So, in the next moment, they collectively transformed again, and everyone appeared next to Batman in the alien world of Gotham.

At this time, looking at the old Superman next to Batman from another world, everyone's eyes were filled with more scrutiny and suspicion.

Among the heroes from other worlds, only Bateman is personally accompanied by the Forger, which is an anomaly in itself.

But the Creator is the Creator, and "Old Superman" left no flaws.

He and the alien Batman stood side by side at the top of the science fiction-style "Wayne Tower". Looking at the giant statue in the distance that was a "head" taller than the 200-meter building, he sighed: "I'm sorry, everyone is There is a bright future, only you don’t have it.”

The giant statue belongs to Bateman and stands in the heart of Gotham City.

At this time, there are still many tourists in the park around the statue. When passing the monument next to the statue, they will stop and take off their hats to salute, or bow their heads and pray silently.

"Am I dead?" Batman from the other world said in a hoarse voice, with no emotion and no extra expression on his face.

"You sacrificed, but you will always live in people's hearts, and your ideas are completely implemented in Gotham. Look!" Old Superman pointed downwards, "They are all Gothamites, how peaceful, kind and content they are now !No trace of hostility, full of gratitude to the world.

You can go down and chat with them, go shopping in nearby streets and alleys, and see if you can find familiar people and things.

You'll see that they're almost the same as the perfect Gotham you dreamed of. "

He actually took Bateman on a careful tour of Gotham in the "New World of Justice."

Bateman used to patrol the neighborhoods and the people he once protected. He encountered many familiar street scenes, even if they had completed "modernization" and became science fiction. He also saw familiar people, even if they were very old, they were really Very happy.

Even with Bateman's meticulous level of insight, he didn't find any dissonance or falsehood.

Not to mention Batman from the other world, Batman from the main universe followed him all the way and couldn't find any flaws.

The "Just New World" is truly beautiful, not a man-made false beauty.

There is no coercion or deception. The people here are really kind, gentle, easy to satisfy, and very grateful.

"This world and the people here don't seem fake, they are too real."

There was a hint of confusion on Hal's face, "If someone had described the scene here to me in words before coming to the New World of Justice, I would not have believed it.

Even if the video is taken and shown to me, I suspect there is something hidden in it.

For example, when Sinestro ruled Koruga, Koruga was prosperous on the surface, the society was harmonious, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, happy and contented.

But as long as you enter the interior of Koruga and truly feel the life of the locals, even if you don't have any communication with them, you can still feel the obvious disharmony.

There is a depressing and cold atmosphere in the air.

There are no traces of forced transformation here, everything is so natural.”

“The Era of the God of War is also very naturally connected to real history, but no matter how natural it is, it cannot change that it is a story written by humans.

This world may be beautiful, but it is not the real world, it is just a story written by the Forger. Bateman said solemnly.

Harley glanced at him and hesitated to speak.

"Harry, what do you want to say?" Bateman didn't notice her complicated expression, but Dachao did.

"This world is not a false story written by the caster. It alas, you continue to read."

Harley sighed, not telling them the truth directly after all.

The truth is so cruel that they will never believe it unless they see it with their own eyes.

They watched the "holographic projection movie" for three days and three nights with Bateman from another world.

Batman is Batman, even Batman from another world still has Batman's characteristics of being cautious, suspicious of everything, and at the same time aware of the subtleties and discerning the truth.

He didn't notice anything unusual.

In fact, Zhenglian from the main universe followed them all the way and discussed with each other, but found no abnormalities.

This world is extremely natural. Apart from being too beautiful, there is nothing questionable about it.

But they also know the purpose of the Forger. Only such a beautiful world can completely prevent the arrival of the Year of the Villain. If the "New World of Justice" is not beautiful, it will be abnormal.

The otherworldly Batman doesn't always stay with the fake Superman.

The Forger only stayed with him for half a day, and then he wandered Gotham alone.

The next day, he met with his Zhenglian companions and talked about their respective experiences and knowledge.

They also avoided the future old Zhenglian heroes and analyzed the situation of the world in private.

"As expected of the Justice League, they are not stupid. At this time, they cooled down from the excitement of seeing the 'perfect future world' for the first time and began to seriously discuss practical methods to solve the crisis."

Diana smiled happily when she saw Zhenglian from another world using Jon's telepathy to talk secretly in the deepest part of their hearts.

Jon from the main universe also smiled, "I can hear part of their voices. They are doubting the world, but they can't find a breakthrough point, so they stay put and just observe carefully."

At this time, although the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance from another world gathered together to discuss, they did not speak directly.

Since they suspect there is something wrong with the world, of course they have to whisper it.

There is also a Martian Manhunter in the Zhenglian from another world. He pulls the consciousness of the heroes deep into his own soul, and no one can hear his whispers.

At least the heroes of the main universe nearby couldn't hear it.

But the Martian Manhunter in the main universe can have telepathy with fellow aliens from other worlds.

I don't know if the Martian Manhunter from another world can sense him, but maybe not, because Harley's methods are amazing, and they have been following them, but no one on the other side can find anything unusual.

They are not in the reality of the "New World of Justice". Although it is just a story world, there is a distinction between reality and reality.

Anyway, Martian Manhunter can capture part of the mental fluctuations of his peers and hear part of their conversations.

"They will probably never find the anomaly, because there is no obvious anomaly in this world. We can't get anything from a higher perspective, let alone them who are kept in the dark?" Neptune is not as optimistic as his two companions.

"Harley, what's the abnormality in the story world? What should we do if we encounter a similar situation?" Dachao looked at Harley and asked.

Harley sighed: "This world is indeed a story, but as long as the story is stuffed into the egg of the universe, it can grow into a real real universe.

In the past, the restart of parallel universes and the restart of the big world were carried out this way.

You have been living in such a real universe, and you naturally regard the standards of the real universe as the ‘absolutely correct standard’.

Nowadays, if we use "absolutely correct standards" to judge whether the world is substandard, how can we find loopholes?

This world is built according to the "absolutely correct standards" that you are familiar with. It is genuine, not imitation, and not fake. "

"So the Justice League from another world will always be deceived?" Da Chao frowned.

"Let's read on. The caster will definitely do something. Without plot conflicts, how can the story develop to the next stage?" Harley said.

The plot conflict comes quickly.

New World of Justice, Gotham two days later.

In the center of the city, in the park beneath the giant statue of Bateman.

A homeless man with gray hair and tattered clothes huddled behind the Bateman Monument, covered with a few old newspapers, and slept soundly there.

She didn't purr too loudly, and she didn't disturb others, but in a perfect new world, the appearance of a homeless man was too strange and eye-catching.

Bateman from another world, who was hanging out in regular clothes, stared at her.

After getting closer and taking a closer look, he exclaimed, "Are you Harley Quinn?"

"Hey, this homeless guy is Harley, an old Harley?!"

The heroes of Zhenglian who were hiding from reality and watching the "movie" were also shocked.

Harley herself couldn't hold herself tight, and her expression was a little distorted.

She knew that there would be plot conflicts in the story, but she never imagined that the point of conflict would be "herself".

"Who is it?" A long white leg stretched out from under the old newspaper, and then a head with gray hair. She was indeed old, with fine wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, but she was not senile. Just looking at her face, she was also She is in her thirties and approaching forty, and her skin is well maintained, but her eyes are very deep, as if she has experienced a lot.

The gray hair seems to be a failure in hair dyeing, and there are still a few strands of red and blue hair on the forehead!

"You are Harley Quinn!" Bateman from the other world said with certainty.

On the contrary, the main cosmic hero stopped screaming after seeing the real person, because the homeless old Harley looked obviously different from Harley.

Halle has a softer heart-shaped face, her cheeks are not big, and her facial features are not absolutely beautiful but are somewhat delicate.

The other person has a square face with deep facial features, a typical image of a European and American woman, with a high nose bridge, deep eye sockets, a big mouth and thick lips.

“It’s strange, our otherworldly counterparts often look very similar to us, and it’s not uncommon for them to be almost identical.

Why do Harley's peers have different characteristics? Not only do they not look much like her, they are often different from each other. "Barry muttered under his breath.

"I am the only one. Even people with the same name as me have a hint of 'uniqueness'." Harley said proudly.

"Shouldn't the biggest feature of uniqueness be that it has no peers?" Diana complained.

"I can live without peers, but I need them to help me earn faith." Harley said.

She actually has no peers.

This group of "Harley Quinn" is the peer of Harley Quinn, she is not "Harley Quinn".

Diana didn't speak anymore, because Harley from another world spoke.

She looked at the alien Batman for a moment and said in surprise: "Are you a stinky bat? You bastard, you have caused such harm to the world, why are you not dead yet?"

No, it’s been decades and you haven’t aged yet. Could that fake superman have dragged you from the past to the present? "

Bateman from another world was shocked, and the heroes of the universe were shocked: Was it Batman who "destroyed" the world like this?

"What do you mean? What do you mean by 'causing' this? Is Superman fake?"

"Haha, you really come from the past." The tramp Harry lay back again, his plush head resting on his arms, and his long legs that could not be covered by the tattered skirt were crossed.

"For the sake of our past 'love', I advise you to go back and take them out of here quickly. This is not a happy town."

"Speak clearly." Batman from the other world said solemnly.

"I don't even have a chance to say it." Old Harley sighed and raised her chin, "Look, he's here."

"Buzz~~~" Before she could finish her words, a faint golden light appeared on her body, and her whole body shrank into a ball, sheltered by the golden light.

"Boom!" The fake Superman fell from the sky, landed heavily on the edge of the monument, and said coldly: "Battman, you shouldn't talk to this crazy woman."

"It's none of my business, I'm just sleeping here." Old Harley shouted.

The fake Superman glared at her, turned to Bateman and said, "Let's go, she's crazy."

"Although she is called 'Crazy Harley' and often does crazy things that ordinary people can't understand, she is very clear-headed." Batman from the other world looked at him steadily, "You are not Superman, who are you? "

The fake Superman was silent for a moment and sighed: "In fact, I am the only 'Superman' who can bring you hope.

I don't want to lie to you, but hey, Bateman, let me tell you a story.

The creator of the multiverse is called ‘Papetua’, and she has three sons, namely”

The fake Superman was very patient and told Bateman from another world all the secrets of the multiverse, no matter how big or small, including the crisis facing the multiverse at this time.

"Stab!" The purple electric light flashed, and the old Superman in the platinum uniform turned into the caster of the purple armor.

Not only did he put on the battle armor, he also held a huge hammer in his hand.

"I am the Forger of the World. You already understand the work of the Forger and the principles of world forging, so you can definitely understand me, right?

As long as you replace your current broken and fallen old world with this perfect 'new world of justice', the crisis will be resolved.

You sent Superman to the sixth dimension to find a solution to the crisis. This is the only feasible way. "

Bateman from another world learned the truth about the world for the first time. He was deeply shocked and could not speak for a long time.

But he wasn't in a daze, he was thinking quickly.

After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "What do you want me to do? You have created this story, and then just put the story into the cosmic egg, and the new world of justice you want will become a reality.

You don't have to worry about our feelings at all, and you never really care about us, right? "

"You are wrong, I need you very much. I am the Forger, and in this situation, I must incarnate justice and resist the evil's erosion of the universe.

No one is more suitable to assist "justice" than the Justice League. "

The Forger extended a big hand to him, "We will become partners and complete the transformation of the new world together."

"No, just kill me. I will never be your accomplice, and I will never help you massacre sentient beings." The alien Batman shook his head gently. Although his voice was soft, his tone and expression were very firm.

"Woye! Bateman would rather die than surrender. You really didn't let us down!" Barry excitedly clenched his fists.

A look of relief appeared on Da Chao's face, and he sighed: "Even Batman from another world is still worthy of everyone's trust. The caster made the wrong idea."

The other heroes either nodded lightly or praised in low voices, with admiration and a trace of undetectable pride on their faces.

The alien Batman not only represents "Battman", "Batman" also represents the "Justice League" and represents all superheroes.

The caster's expression remained unchanged, his tone remained gentle, and he said: "I am the Creator. The Creator has powerful power, and will also be subject to restrictions equivalent to power.

If the Creator fails, no matter how good his intentions are, his actions alone will severely damage the multiverse.

My duty is to forge the world, and all I can do is to forge the world.

I have the determination to incarnate justice to resist the invasion of evil, and the courage and wisdom to formulate a 'method to destroy the world and save the world', but I cannot forge the world according to my own ideas.

I will hand over the newly forged Cosmic Egg to you, and you will write this story.

Haven't you been observing the world carefully these days?

You must be very comfortable with it and very familiar with it, right? "

"You want to carry out the plan of 'destroying the world and saving the world', but you are just a caster. You cannot write stories at will to fill the cosmic egg, so you let me do this?"

The alien Batman suddenly understood, and then became extremely excited, "Why me? You can go find someone else, I will never help you kill someone."

"Why don't you understand? You are not helping me. You are saving the world and helping yourself." The caster said loudly: "I also want to find someone else. I have tried to find Superman, but he can't communicate at all.

I want to find other Zhenglian heroes. Do you understand, I must find Zhenglian heroes who adhere to the concept of "absolute justice".

The bastards of the Legion of Destruction would certainly be ruthless enough to let them kill half of the people, even if they only kill the villains, and they would gladly agree.

But I want to create a new world of the purest justice!

Whoever writes the story of the new world will favor whomever the world's properties are.

Villains can never create a just world.

Didn't you notice?

As soon as you enter this world, you superheroes feel extremely comfortable, with an inexplicable yearning and touch. Because this world is characterized by justice and there is no evil at all.

As long as the world is created with a trace of evil intentions, the newly restarted world cannot have absolutely pure justice.

Only absolutely pure justice can completely prevent the arrival of the Year of the Villain. "

He pointed at Bateman and said in a deep voice: "Awaken, Bateman, you are the only one who can do this well, other heroes don't have this ability.

Only you can kill half of them without corrupting yourself, and they can't.

If they kill one person, their faith may collapse; if they kill ten, the person will become stupid or crazy; if they kill a hundred or ten thousand, they will either become depraved or insensitive.

They can't kill half the population and still give the new world pure 'justice', only you can.

This is your mission, your responsibility, and you cannot escape it.

If you escape, you will kill more people with your own hands, killing everyone in the entire universe. Both good and bad people will die. You will also completely kill hope and the future.

Two choices, kill half of the bad guys with a righteous heart, or watch the world go to complete destruction for the sake of a false heroic reputation and not to be stained with blood. "

The alien Batman's face turned pale and his body became weak. He took a few steps back and sat down on the ground unsteadily.

He didn't get up. He held his head and screamed in a crying voice: "No, you are lying. I don't choose. You are lying to me. There must be other ways!"

The heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance outside reality also had ugly expressions, and their eyes were full of worry and hesitation when they looked at their "companions from another world".

Harley was looking at Bateman from the main universe with complicated eyes.

The caster tilted his head and looked at Bateman of the main universe with complicated eyes, "There is indeed another way, and Bateman of the main universe will take care of everything.

As long as the main universe completes the great restart, it can drive the parallel universes that split from the main universe to restart together.

Just make one choice, one person chooses, and everyone can embrace a better future. "

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