I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1984 Dr. Manhattan’s response

"Is it because you are unable to use the power of creation because you are not at a high level, or do you lack some special power that belongs to the creation organization?" Bateman asked.

Harry said: "Maybe it has to do with many factors. Realm and power are two of the many factors."

The main reason is that when she extracted the power of connection from the Origin Wall, her own realm was too low. Let alone the God King who was at the extreme realm of the multiverse, she didn't even understand the laws.

The realm is low, the knowledge is insufficient, and the specific reason why the power of connection cannot be used cannot be determined.

"Compared with other powers, what are the obvious advantages of the power of creation? Can we face the God of creation directly?" Dachao looked a little worried, "Will it be like the magic debt crisis, where the mother of creation directly uses the power of the world to Pressure, we don’t even have a chance to participate in the battle, we can only watch from the sidelines?

She couldn't even be noticed with her eyes and mental power, she had to hide far away. "

He hated the feeling of being powerless and unable to even help when a crisis occurred.

Even if he is not the main force in resolving the crisis and is just assisting Harley on the side, as long as he can exert all his strength and do his best, he will be satisfied and will not feel that the role he plays is not impressive enough.

But if you have all your strength and fighting spirit, but don't even have a chance to go to the battlefield, it would be too frustrating and helpless.

Seeing his expression and eyes, Harley understood what he was thinking, "Actually, it's not that you can't participate in the magic debt crisis. If you hit Chao with a punch, Hecate will be blown away.

She won't die if her body is blown apart, but she will definitely be injured.

It's just that the magic debt crisis has nothing to do with ordinary people, and she won't provoke you.

You took the initiative to provoke her and brought great danger to yourself and your family, but you were unable to cause a decisive fatal injury to her. The price/performance ratio is too low to be worthwhile. "

If she is cruel and dark enough, a non-magical superhero can certainly help her a lot in the magic debt crisis.

For example, turning on the defensive force field allows Da Chao to have a weird hard anus within the range of the force field.

Before Da Chao's body is infiltrated by the power of Weirdness, Weirdness can't directly harvest him.

Coupled with force field protection, Dachao can definitely beat the upside down countless times on the physical level.

But every time he comes into contact with the weird, the weird is like a source of radiation, impregnating Da Chao's physical body with extremely high-intensity magical radiation. When Da Chao gradually acquires the characteristics of a magical life, he is harvested by it in one fell swoop.

Once harvested, even the soul cannot be retrieved, and the soul is completely lost. The price is too high, and harvest. Even if the body is pounded by Da Chao countless times, it will be difficult to damage the foundation of the upside down person.

But for Harley, she can relax a lot, and even use Super to contain the Upside Down, creating opportunities for her to sneak attack on the Upside Down and rob the Upside Down's origin: every time Super Chao blows up the Upside Down's body, the Upside Down won't die. It is transparent, but the essence that escapes after its body explodes must be plundered by Harley.

Therefore, in the magic debt crisis, Dachao and the others are not useless, but Harley can't bear to treat them as consumables, at the cost of damaging their bodies and lives to reduce her own risk.

"The power of the Mother of Creation should be very powerful, but she should not have much power." Harley pondered: "Although she is the Mother of Creation, she has been condemned as a sinner by the multiverse.

If the world does not die, she will only be suppressed by the world, her power will be negative, and she will be worse than us.

When she comes out, the world will be dead, and there will be no privileged people.

The world dies, there is no power, reality is broken, and rules collapse. I estimate that everyone will have to face each other, fist to fist, you hit me, I punch you, whoever can't hold on first will fall. "

Da Chao's eyes lit up, this is his advantage project!

As long as the unpredictable power of miracles is not involved, he is not afraid of anyone.

"Is it really that good?" He said with some anxiety in his tone.

"If the situation that Harley said really happens, it can only be considered 'not too bad', but it can't be 'so good'!" Oliver said: "We are multiverse people, and we adapt to the environment where multiverses exist. .

Papetua is an almighty universe-level transcendent, and she is more familiar with the 'lawless' scene.

It is impossible to say that her power of creation can still exert miraculous effects, but our miraculous power turned into waste because the rules disappeared. "

Dachao looked back at him with a look of disapproval, "If there are rules for us to use, the Mother of Creation will only be more convenient, more effective and stronger, because she has a higher realm and higher energy levels. The divine power of creation.”

Bateman asked: "Harley, if the universe collapses and dies, will your God descending to earth and defensive gold film still be usable?"

"Yes, not only can it be used, but it must also be able to restrain the miraculous power of the Mother of Creation." Harley said confidently.

"That's great. With Harley's defense and our punch-to-flesh output, in the future final battle with the Mother of Creation, our calculations will be very good!" Da Chao said happily.

"The force field of God descending to earth may be maintained, but the golden film ball comes from the realm of the thick-skinned god king, and is the product of the combination of the thick-skinned law and the origin of the universe.

The world is gone, the sea of ​​laws collapses, and the laws fail. Harley, can your divine king realm be preserved intact? "Diana doubted.

"Da!" Harley raised her right hand and snapped her fingers, and a layer of light golden bubbles covered everyone in it.

"Feel it carefully. Is it really the same as before?"

"It seems to have more of a sacred aura." Dachao said immediately.

"She is the god of war in heaven and a part-time saint. It would be strange if she doesn't have a sacred aura." Diana said, and then hesitantly said: "The previous golden film can also be integrated with the holy power of heaven, but the holy power is not like it is now. It seems a bit... Changes, but I can’t tell why.”

Harley smiled and said: "Before the magic debt crisis, the golden film came from the thick-skinned god king, and it was a pure talent of the old gods.

During the magic debt crisis, I tried to abandon the path of the old gods and integrate my thick-skinned way into the heaven system, such as the thick-skinned God of War and the thick-skinned saint.

The result, as you know, was not very successful.

When the crisis is over, I will get the 'name' that belongs exclusively to the archangel, the 'name' given to me by God.

Whether it is the god of war in heaven or the holy aunt, it is heaven that has planned the road, and I pave the way myself, rather than walking out a path that is completely my own.

With the ‘name’, I can walk on the ‘road to heaven’ like the angels in heaven.

At this time, my thick-skinned way has been incorporated into the heaven system, creating a path of 'thick-skinned angel'.

If I establish a sect in Silver City, there will be a clan of 'thick-skinned angels' in the future, similar to the blazing angels who specialize in the law of fire under Uriel the Tongue of Fire. "

Dachao looked confused and said: "Isn't the God of War in Heaven the way of heaven? What's the difference between the thick-skinned way now and the past? I don't quite understand."

Diana first looked at Harley with a slightly envious look, and took the initiative to explain to her: "Harley's God of War in Heaven comes from the 'Brilliant Seal of the God of War'.

The ‘brilliant seal’ of heaven can be simply understood as the godhead.

Although the God of War Seal given to Harley was completely blank, and she realized the divinity later on, the godhead came from heaven after all. "

She stretched out her right hand and subconsciously touched her forehead, looking a little unsure, "Before I was harvested by the resentful woman, I was the God of War of the Olympus God System. My godhood should be something I realized myself, not Inherited from Ares.

I only inherited his name as the God of War. He never handed over his divinity, power and godhead to me.

I condensed the godhead of the God of War myself, but he is already the Olympian God of War.

So we had a road fight, and he kept targeting me, trying to kill me. "

Diana put down her right hand and sighed: "This is the difference between Harley and me. I walked the path of the God of War completely on my own. She got the blank God of War godhead, condensed the divinity based on the godhead, and finally became the God of War in heaven.

Heaven has a practice system that is different from the old gods.

The practice system of the Old Gods is the most mainstream and core practice method in the multiverse.

The practice of worldly mages belongs to the practice system of the old gods - comprehending the rules of the multiverse, comprehending the new rules accepted by the multiverse, attaching one's own rules to the 'origin', integrating with the power of the origin of the universe, and gaining the power and talent of the gods .

Heaven also understands the law, but Huiyin is not a godhead after all.

Angels have their own 'Heaven Cultivation System'. This system is not attached to the origin of the universe, but to God.

I don’t know the specific practice process, and I don’t have a ‘name’ given by God.

Shan said that in the face of the Papetua crisis at this time, the result of the two cultivation systems is that the world is dead. The realm of the old gods will not disappear, but most of the power will be lost.

The powers and talents gained by combining with the origin of the universe will disappear.

If Hari is still the thick-skinned God King of the past, her golden film and God King power will be abolished again, just like during the magic debt crisis.

During the magic debt crisis, her 'power' was taken away by Hecate.

This time no one took away our ‘cultivation’, it was purely because our ‘support’ collapsed.

The sea of ​​laws dies, the origin dies, and the laws collapse. How can the laws of the gods still play their role in the past?

Now that Harley has walked the thick-skinned path in the heavenly cultivation system, as long as God is still there, even if the Almighty Universe collapses, it will not have much impact on her. "

Dachao frowned and thought for a moment, then sighed: "Although I don't understand it very well, at least I understand the result. Harley's thick-skinned gold film will always be effective. This is good news and is good for us!"

Neptune touched the golden beard on his chin and said with a smile: "It is easy to understand if we regard the realm of cultivation as the level of government officials.

Becoming a national civil servant is equivalent to understanding the laws and becoming a god, possessing the authority and power of an official.

Different types of officials represent different types of laws that practitioners understand.

But different departments have the same grade system. The ministers of the Ministry of Commerce, Agriculture, and Foreign Affairs are all "first-grade officials" and are divine kings.

Hecate is the magical emperor and can strip ministers of their positions.

When Harley became emperor, she made new rules.

She returned power to all the people, and ministers and other officials were no longer vetoed by others.

But if they don't do well, there will be a 'heavenly catastrophe' to send them away.

Once the government collapses and the country is destroyed, the ministers who have survived the catastrophe will still lose their authority and strength, and will only retain the professional experience and work quality they had when they were ministers.

Harley disliked our multiverse's "temple is too small" and went to find another job.

Now she has become the high official of the "Empire of Light on which the Sun Never Sets" - the Thick-skinned Minister of Holy Light. "

Harley glanced at him and said, "It's rough words but not rough words, that's what it means.

I am now affiliated with Silver City. As long as heaven is immortal, even if the world completely collapses, I can still use the golden film. "

Diana frowned and said: "The Golden Film is the talent given to you by the Thick-skin Law from the origin of the multiverse. Now that you have changed the family, you should have a new talent. Why is it still the Golden Film?"

Harley said: "First of all, gold film is very useful. A gold film bubble is almost equivalent to an independent small world, which can maintain a self-circulating energy and law system inside.

I will put a bubble on you, and as long as I allow you to breathe, you can still breathe even if the bubble floats to the omnipotent universe.

There will be no energy interaction with the outside world, including heat, and there will be no loss of temperature or deactivation.

Secondly, I didn't leave the multiverse.

Even heaven is adapting to the environment and rules of the multiverse. My thick-skinned way cannot be completely divorced from the influence of the origin and law sea.

If the multiverse is a country, Silver City is just a branch of a multinational company established in this country, not a completely independent country.

Employees working in foreign companies can receive corporate benefits in addition to state benefits, but they cannot violate the laws of their home country. "

Dachao laughed excitedly, "With the miraculous effect of God coming down to resist the Mother of Creation, and with the golden film forming a suit to protect each of us, we have a lot to do in this battle! I even see the hope of victory."

Harley nodded lightly, "If the enemy is just Papetua, we can beat her to the point of doubting her life together. Even if we face a transcendent organization, we are not helpless to fight back."

Her strength of connection defense expertise is at level 10, which is more than enough to defend against Papetua at level 9, but when faced with higher-level transcendental organizations, it does not mean that the higher the energy level, the stronger the strength.

Zha Kang has used the master level to defeat higher-level gods and demons countless times!

Higher energy levels cannot even represent higher realms.

Using the power of the little black bean to infiltrate the body and soul, Lao Zha's magic power level has increased, but in terms of realm, he is still just a magic master.

But the higher the realm, the higher the energy level must be.

There must be people in the transcendent organization whose realm exceeds that of Papetua. If they have 11, 12 or higher levels of connection power, and the corresponding realms are also improving step by step, then the level 10 defense expertise will not be able to withstand it.

Bateman suddenly spoke and said: "Harley, is there a possibility that we can convince Dr. Manhattan to become the new God of Creation?

You can't use Papetua's creation power, but you can steal it.

You give the stolen power to Dr. Manhattan and ask him to repair the Origin Wall and seal Pappetua again.

In any case, Dr. Manhattan is also a Watcher and a senior hero.

With his character, even if he eventually becomes the Lord of Creation, he will not interfere with the lives of mortals.

In this way, we don't have to worry about the Legion of Destruction unblocking several negative base powers.

Even if all seven negative base powers are unlocked, Dr. Manhattan can still resurrect the world. "

Harry's eyes flashed and he said quietly: "He may not be as idle and idle as you think, just watching quietly from the side until someone invites him to become a part of someone else's big plan."

Bateman was startled, "Are you saying that in this Pappetua crisis, Dr. Manhattan has his own plan and he is also going to cause trouble? It may even become one of the elements of the crisis?"

Harley hesitated for a moment, and then told the story about Sage Oz's discovery of "Blue Bateman".

"I'm not sure if Dr. Manhattan wants to cause trouble, or maybe the appearance of 'Blue Bateman' is just the result of the normal operation of the Dark Multiverse.

Quantum energy, which is the basic force of the multiverse, can appear in the nightmare dimension once it is dreamed by someone and the nightmare is selected. "

"Oh my God, the Dark Knight is already the devil in nightmares, and now there is a 'Blue Dark Knight' with the power of Manhattan. The world is really going to end." Cyborg wailed in despair.

"Are you sure it's 'Dark Bateman'?" Dachao glanced at the old man and swallowed, "Batterman, have you ever had a terrifying nightmare in which you have the power of Manhattan?"

Harley said: "He really did it, but he woke up as soon as the dream started, so it probably wasn't completed."

"Baitman thought that the dream was not completed, but in fact he had completed the blue Bateman's nightmare." Diana also looked at Bateman, with doubt in her eyes and worry on her face, "Think about it again. How complete was that dream, and what was its content?”

"If it refers to my dream of becoming an atomic physics scientist, I can be absolutely certain that that dream has not been completed."

Bateman said in a low voice: "You must have had similar experiences, that is, dreaming that you wake up immediately after death, or that the dream ends immediately.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for us to continue to dream that we are dead.

The dream must have ourselves as the protagonist.

You all know Dr. Manhattan’s experience. He was originally just an ordinary scientist named ‘Jonathon (Jon) Osterman’.

His body was annihilated during the quantum conversion experiment and he died completely.

After many days, his thoughts gradually returned from the quantum dimension, and then Dr. Manhattan, the god on earth, appeared.

My dream ended when the quantum transfer experiment accident happened.

When I die, I wake up with a fright, and the dream of 'Blue Batman' is not completed.

Compared to the various nightmares that gave birth to the Dark Knight, it's not even a nightmare.

It is just my personal nightmare. It does not create darkness and pain in the dream world. It has no value to the dark dimension of Barbatos. It is 80% not selected to become the storyline of the broken universe embryo. "

Oliver said: "Barbatos loves you so much that he wants to collect all the poop you poop.

It even changes from a dragon to a bat, sure to turn all your nightmares into reality.

It probably won't be able to distinguish the content of nightmares. As long as it is your nightmare, it will be selected by it. "

"But my nightmare is not complete. It is an incomplete dream. The story ends when I die in the dream, and the nightmare world should also be destroyed at that time." Bateman said.

Dachao asked: "Besides your dream of repeating Dr. Manhattan's life, have you had any other nightmares related to the power of Manhattan?"

Bateman sighed, "Early today, Harley and I discussed this issue. I'm not sure. I've had some dreams, but I didn't have much of an impression.

For example, a group of dark knights appeared in Crisis of the Dark Night.

Their experiences should all come from my dreams, but when I carefully analyzed their life experiences, I felt very unfamiliar with some of the Dark Knights. "

"Those dark knights are not all from your dreams. They may be dreams you have in the parallel universe." Diana said.

"So, is it possible for my peer to have Dr. Manhattan's dream?" Bateman looked at Harley.

Harley sighed: "What has happened has no meaning even if it can be traced back to the source.

Even the Mother of Creation is here, and there is a high probability that the Creation Family will appear. Multiple ‘Blue Batemans’ only make the scene more lively. "

"Although it is said that there is no need to worry if there are too many debts, and there is no need to worry if there are too many lice, but we can't make no preparations for the possible existence of 'Blue Bateman'." Diana frowned.

Harley thought for a moment and said, "Didn't Batman just say that he would contact Dr. Manhattan and ask him to join forces with us?

You can give it a try. With the genuine Dr. Manhattan, all counterfeit products will come to naught. "

"How do I contact Dr. Manhattan?" Diana asked.

"Ask the Atom to build a 'quantum space signal transmitter' to send the Morse code calling Dr. Manhattan to the quantum dimension."

Speaking of this, a sly smile flashed in Harley's eyes, "As long as we take action to find Dr. Manhattan, no matter what he thinks or what his original plan is, we can't continue to hide around."

As long as they do this, Pappetua will definitely find out.

Could Pappetua be afraid of Dr. Manhattan?

At least Papetua will distract part of his energy on Dr. Manhattan, and then Dr. Manhattan will have to allocate part of his energy on the people who are following him.

Let these two guys consume each other, wouldn't it be easier for Harry and the others?

Of course, it would be best to convince Dr. Manhattan to join forces with them.

The Justice League was so powerful that they called Old Laurie to the Hall of Justice that day and recorded an audio clip.

Well, it's Laurie, the last member of the Watchers, "Second Generation Silk Soul".

It has been more than twenty years since I first met Harley, and she is in her eighties.

But she's in great shape.

Over the years, Hallie has sent welfare gifts to her house a lot.

With Harley's current realm and status, if she wants to give her "big sister" a gift, it must be something really good.

After hearing that it was related to Dr. Manhattan, old Laurie was still melancholy and lamenting for a while.

The Justice League's plan is simple. Let an old lover come forward and use the most real emotions, the most plain language, and the most sincere attitude to awaken Dr. Manhattan's humanity that may have long since disappeared.

Only with humanity can he help all sentient beings in the universe.

"Honestly, Hallie, I'm not sure." Before recording the video, Old Laurie was a little uneasy, and said to Hallie with a wry smile: "You called me over, why not go find Angela? Do you still remember Angela, right?

Although I am very reluctant, I must admit that the traces I left in Jon (Dr. Manhattan’s name) have long been blurred, but Angela will probably never disappear from his memory for the rest of his life.

He even planned to use part of his power to turn her into "Blue Angela" and "double-dwell" with her forever. If you hadn't stolen his power, he would have succeeded. "

"The year before last, during the collective ascension crisis, Aunt Angela came to Lishan to find me. Her child had become a new god. She was very uneasy." Hallie said a few words about Angela's current situation, and then said: "Angela is not as good as you after all. There is absolutely no need for you to belittle yourself.”

Old Laurie's eyes lit up, he grabbed her hand, his tone was a little urgent, "You mean, Jon loves me more after all? But didn't you say in the past that he only loved my appearance and youthful vitality, but Angela?" True love?"

Harry glanced at the young woman next to him, Laurie Sr.'s granddaughter, Rory.

After hesitating for a moment, she still didn't save face for Old Laurie, "Even now, I still think Dr. Manhattan is just greedy for your beauty, and Aunt Angela is the true love.

Don’t even think about it. You were only 14 years old back then, had never gone to college, didn’t understand literature or science, and were just a spiritual little girl with an empty belly.

Apart from your amazing beauty and almost nothing, what can he love about you?

Aunt Anjida was different. She truly became his support mentally and spiritually, making him feel loved and loved.

To put it simply, he loved you when he first met you, and he loved her after going through all kinds of things.

His love for you is getting weaker and weaker, and his love for her is getting stronger and stronger. "

Silk Soul, who has just debuted, not only has stunning beauty, but also has a vitality that is as contagious as a blazing flame, which is absolutely killing the middle-aged and elderly people.

When Dr. Manhattan met her, he was a scientific researcher in his forties. It's no wonder that Dr. Manhattan couldn't control it. After all, even Hawking...

"Then what do you mean, Angela is not as good as me?" Old Laurie glared at Harley and pushed her arm away.

"Sister, your granddaughter is already so old, can you stop being so love-minded and think about love in everything?" Harley sighed helplessly, "In addition to being Dr. Manhattan's old lover, you are also his teammate and his The partner is the representative of the 'Watchmen Universe'!

I'm asking you to send a message to Dr. Manhattan, not using a 'honey trap'.

Like the Justice League, Watchmen also has its own team building concept - Watching Justice.

As a teammate, you have to help him regain his faith and let him remember that he is a Watcher, and he must not forget the original intention of a Watcher.

As a member of the Watchmen universe, it's your job to remind Doctor Manhattan of his responsibilities.

It was he who integrated the Watcher universe with the main universe of the multiverse. Now the crisis has come, and the 'Watchers' who have integrated into this multiverse are also facing the same crisis.

Is he the guardian of the Watcher world, a compatriot of the 'beings of the Watcher universe', or is he the one who stitched the two universes together, and he has the responsibility to protect everyone. "

"Oh, it turns out there are so many things in it, I understand." Old Laurie was a little embarrassed.

But she was thick-skinned enough, and the embarrassment quickly dissipated, leaving only mixed emotions in her heart, "You are right, Jon is not only my old lover, he is also my forever friend, and a partner who fights alongside me."

Fight alongside Dr. Manhattan

Harley wanted to complain, but held it back.

"There is no need to deliberately sensationalize. You can just talk about your life in recent years and your views on the upcoming crisis. Awaken his humanity by talking about everyday things. There is no need to forcefully set tasks and responsibilities for him."

Laurie is not short of sincerity and does have a lot to say to his old friend. The video recording process went very smoothly.

No one knows what the specific effects will be.

Anyway, they didn't spend much money. When Harley went to the edge of the universe to collect invisible light, the Justice League had completed the "Call Dr. Manhattan" plan.

As early as the final crisis, the Atom had already invented the technology to transmit information into quantum space.

The purpose was to search for Captain Atom who survived the self-destruction in quantum space (Captain Atom was turned into an emperor by Mar Now).

This time they spread the encrypted video of Lowry's chatter to the quantum space, as well as the unencrypted Morse code of "Dr. Manhattan, where are you? We miss you, come back to Earth."

The encrypted audio uses very advanced quantum technology, but it certainly won't bother Dr. Manhattan if he actually received the message and had the will to read it.

Unencrypted Morse code can be heard and understood by anyone.

The next day, Hallie received a call from "Little Luo Li."

"Sister Harley, my grandma is looking for you. She seems to have dreamed of Dr. Manhattan." Old Laurie's granddaughter said excitedly.

Harry moved in an instant and came to the small yard of Laurie's house.

Old Laurie's daughter and son-in-law work in the city and have always lived in the city. He only has a granddaughter who is still in school.

I don’t know whether it is the young granddaughter who takes care of the elderly grandma, or the old grandma who is still strong and strong and takes care of the granddaughter who is going to school.

"Harry, I met Jon, and he promised me that he would take action when the last moment comes."

Old Laurie was not as excited as his granddaughter, and his face was still a little confused, "But I'm not sure if this is my own imagination or if I really saw Jon."

"Didn't you see him in your dream?" Harley asked.

"Maybe in a dream, maybe in reality, I'm not sure. Alas, as I get older, I will lose my mind from time to time, take a nap, and get lost in memories and thoughts, and I can't tell whether I am in reality or in a dream. Old Laurie sighed.

"Have you ever dreamed of Dr. Manhattan in the past? Is there any obvious difference from this time?" Harley asked.

"I rarely talk about Jon with others on weekdays, but yesterday we talked so much and recalled so much. It's normal to have dreams at night."

After a pause, Laurie added: "However, whether it was a dream or a fantasy, Jon's image was clearer than ever last night. I can even recall his micro-expressions, so I have some doubts that he really responded. My calling.”

“Is he blue or blue-black, looking like Jon the white man, or is he the dark-skinned Carl (Black Manhattan)?”

"The appearance is the same as the Jon I am familiar with, pure blue."

"What did he say and what did you do?" Harley asked again.

"He suddenly appeared in front of me and said to me, 'I will take action at the last moment when the universe collapses.' Then he touched my cheek. He seemed to want to force a smile, but he couldn't. He remained expressionless. .”

Old Laurie's eyes filled with water, "Harry, Jon is really gone. Even if I am not hallucinating, the person who came to see me is not Jon, he is just Dr. Manhattan."

"He touched your face and wanted to smile at you, which has proven that he is not a pure Dr. Manhattan, grandma, he still remembers you." Luo Li grabbed her grandma's hands and said seriously.

Harley nodded and said with a smile: "Lori is right, him coming to see you actually explains everything."

Harley didn't stay long at Laurie's house.

When the caster left yesterday, he made an appointment with them to open the sixth dimension portal again.

Harley's true body remained at the Origin Wall, and it was only the clone that saw Laurie, and it was the clone that came to the Hall of Justice at this time.

"Have you all made arrangements?" With a flash of light, a door outlined by light opened in the center of the Hall of Justice, and the Forger walked out of the door.

"Who are you? Where is the caster?" Dachao was a little surprised.

Because the caster who came out of the door was not the young Asian man they had seen yesterday.

He looks like Superman 20 years older!

The uniform on his body was changed to holy white with gold trim, and there was still a huge "S". His hair on the temples was stained with white frost, and the skin on his cheeks was very smooth, his complexion was rosy, and there were no wrinkles or fatigue.

"His appearance, aura of strength, and mental fluctuations are all superhuman." Martian Manhunter said with a solemn expression.

The caster looked down at his uniform and said, "Don't you want to see the specific process of the 'method of destroying the world and saving the world'? Now I am the Superman of Universe 10068.

In my story of universe No. 10068, you are outsiders, so it is best to hide your whereabouts. "

He turned his gaze to Harley.

Harley nodded and said: "Don't worry, as long as there are no weird things in universe 10068, they will not be able to discover us."

"Then come in." The Forger turned around and pointed to the door, "Behind the door is Universe 10068, which is writing a new storyline.

By the way, yesterday I asked you to discuss it carefully and reach a consensus first. Have you come up with any results from the discussion?"

"We discussed it, but there is no plan B to replace the 'method of destroying the world and saving the world'. The issue we discussed is more ambitious, not targeting a certain negative base force, but how to use the power of creation to repair the world after the worst happens. ."

Dachao said to the caster with a face full of joy: "We successfully contacted Dr. Manhattan. You must know Dr. Manhattan, right?

He agreed to join forces with us.

At the critical moment when the universe is completely shattered, he will make a shocking appearance and help us repair the world.

We are confident of defeating Papetua, and Harley is confident of robbing her of her origins.

Harley herself cannot use the power of creation, but Dr. Manhattan is omnipotent.

It would be easy to resurrect the dead universe by giving him the power of creation. "

The caster asked in surprise: "Where is Dr. Manhattan? Has he discussed this with you?"

"We don't know where he is. He asked Laurie in a dream." Da Chao quickly told what happened.

The solemnity on the caster's face immediately turned to contempt.

He also turned his disdainful eyes to Harley, "It's okay if they don't know anything. Why are you blindly optimistic along with them?"

Harley said: "Dachao is indeed a bit too optimistic. Dr. Manhattan only said that he would take action at the critical moment, but did not promise to cooperate with us.

Maybe he has his own plans and won't pay attention to us at all, and his plans are not entirely beneficial to us.

But you have no reason to say that we are blindly optimistic!

You must be very aware of how powerful Dr. Manhattan is. As long as he takes action, no matter how he takes action, it will be extremely beneficial to us. "

The caster shook his head and said, "I don't believe the hallucinations of an eighty-year-old woman at all.

If Dr. Manhattan really wants to cooperate, there is no doubt that you are the most suitable person.

Whether he has his own plans or plans to cooperate with you, he cannot avoid you.

You should have this kind of confidence. "

Harry smiled bitterly and said, "I don't have the same confidence as you, and Laurie is not an ordinary old woman."

Because she ruined his eternal marriage with Aunt Angida, Dr. Manhattan would not treat her or come to her.

"Forget it, you should take a look at my plan first!" The Forger waved them in.

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