I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1981 News from Sage Aoqi

A hidden corner of the Genesis Star.

The tall and mighty King of Creation God Father, the majestic and noble Queen Hera, and the short blue-skinned Guardian of the Universe Ganser, the three of them sat around a large round table.

"Harley Quinn has returned." Queen Hera spoke first.

"I've been back for a few days." Ganse said calmly.

"I heard that Poseidon died. He failed to overcome the tribulation and was completely destroyed. With his divine power and godhead, he was able to benefit the people on earth?" Heavenly Father asked.

"You are quite well informed." Hera was a little surprised.

It had only been three days since Harley returned to Earth. Even she had just heard about the "new Poseidon Arthur" from Athena yesterday.

But she was quickly relieved when she thought that Heavenly Father's adopted son Orion was also a member of the Justice League.

"Poseidon is probably really dead, but even I can't guarantee that he didn't leave any other behind-the-scenes tricks. Maybe when all the crises are over, when Neptune relaxes his vigilance, Poseidon's back-ups will come looking for him. Him. Of course, it has nothing to do with us.”

Hera looked at Heavenly Father and said: "Elisa, you understand what I mean. At any other time, Poseidon's death would have shocked the multiverse for tens of thousands of years.

But at this moment, whether he is dead or alive is no longer the point.

Harley Quinn is only relevant to the 'point'. "

Heavenly Father sighed: "I understand what you want to say and what the focus is now, but what do you want me to say? Go find Harley immediately?"

Hera frowned and said: "The final mission of the Essence Society must not bypass Harley Quinn.

But we all understand Harley Quinn’s character.

If she were told about the mission of the Origin Judge and let her know that when the Judge left the multiverse, he left his own creation origin to deal with the giant thing in the origin wall, she would probably swallow the origin.

At that time, how will the Origin Judge punish us?

Whether to find Harley Quinn or not, when to find her, and how to restrict her are all difficult decisions.

The three of us couldn't make a decision, so we gathered everyone together and everyone voted. "

Heavenly Father sighed helplessly, "There are only five and a half members of the Essence Society, and now we are the only three who can be fully trusted.

The other two and a half, the stranger is the original member, equal to us, represents heaven.

Shazam the Wizard was brought in by your husband Zeus.

You also know the reason. Just to increase his voice in the Essence Club, Shazam is completely a puppet of Zeus.

Ghost can only be counted as half. He joined later and is a reserve member, still in the investigation stage.

Who can we turn to? Who can be trusted? "

There’s no point in looking for Shazam the Wizard.

Old Shazam was able to sneak into the Essence Club only because of Zeus' strong recommendation.

What Zeus's attitude is, that's his attitude.

Old Shazam is to the Essence Society and Zeus, just like the Great Britain, with its historical background, is to the five gangsters and the United States.

The reason why Zeus forced Old Shazam instead of allowing the gods of the Olympus pantheon to enter the Essence Society is because Old Shazam can represent the human race on earth.

Except for Zeus before and Hera now, no one else was willing to call Shazam over at all.

The stranger and the ghost represent heaven, and Harley is the upstart in heaven and the one who holds the "gate to heaven".

They were still hesitating whether to tell Harley about the mission of Judge of Origin. It was obviously inappropriate to call the Strangers and Ghosts into the group before making a decision.

So today, the Essence Club only has three members.

"You can call Shazam over, he represents humanity on earth." Hera mused: "Each member of the Essence Society represents a force and a power in the universe.

Heavenly Father, you represent the new gods, I represent the old gods, Ganser represents the cosmic civilization on the verge of transcendence, and humans on earth are now the protagonists of the universe. "

Heavenly Father glanced at her and said, "Really speaking, Naboodoo is more suitable than Shazam as the representative of humanity on Earth."

Hera said categorically: "Naboo is definitely not suitable! Not to mention that Naboo is dead, Shazam Wizard is alive. Even if Naboo is still alive, you don't know that the 'Great Trial of the God of Order' has just passed?"

There are countless media broadcasts in the multiverse, not only the planetary civilizations in the material universe, but also the many magical planes in the Limbo world.

The reputation of the Order God System and Naboo is so bad that even the people on earth are unwilling to admit that they are related to the earth.

Basically, it has reached the point where everyone reviles and despises him.

In the series "The Trial of the God of Order" by Lois Lane, Naboo has always been called a god. He belongs to the old god sect and has nothing to do with the current human civilization. "

Heavenly Father curled his lips and said, "How much better can old Shazam be?

He is still a prisoner out on bail, and he is still the most shameful prisoner who committed the crime of "rape."

If we call him here, won't we lower our standards?

If the Essence Organization is exposed to the people of the universe in the future, and everyone sees that there is old Shazam in our team, will they think that we are the same as him?

I also hope to make a shocking appearance at the critical moment, enlighten the world, guide the lost world in the correct and glorious direction, and ultimately win the praise of all living beings and bathe in endless glory!

Old Shazam smells worse than a drop of rat droppings dropped into the pot. He is a rotten, hideous and ugly rat head! "

"Alas, the two major protective umbrellas and representatives of human civilization in the past, Naboo's Order God System and Shazam's Council of Wizards, have now declined, and their reputations have been disgraced. They have gone from being admired by the world to being notorious for thousands of years. Things are so unpredictable in this world. It’s so sad!” Ganser, the little blue man who had been silent, sighed.

Both Heavenly Father and Hera turned their heads and looked at him strangely.

——You little blue people are not better than Shazam and Naboo, right? The Guardian of the Universe that everyone revered in the past has done so many bad things over the years, been exposed to so many scandals that shocked the world, and caused so many cosmic crises. Isn’t he now infamous and being reviled and cursed by countless cosmic civilizations?

Ganser understood their thoughts, lowered his head for a moment in embarrassment, then raised his head and looked at them calmly, saying: "You don't have to look at me like this, the civilization of the universe is about the survival of the fittest, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. This has been true in ancient and modern times. We Maltus people have always lived by this rule. Our character has never collapsed. What has collapsed is only the combat power of the universe and our status.

On the contrary, Your Excellencies, the final crisis has only passed less than three years, right?

Queen Hera, can heaven be rebuilt? "

In the final crisis, Heavenly Father clearly held the king bomb - he was almost invincible when he teamed up with Harley, but because of greed and stupidity, he ruined the good situation alive, and finally died a useless and ugly death, deeply despised by everyone in the multiverse.

The restart of the fifth world is over, and the Heavenly Father is resurrected, but he is too embarrassed to go out to meet people. He has been huddled in the Genesis Star and waited for time to pass and everyone's memory faded.

Queen Hera has nothing to be proud of.

From the Final Crisis to the Magic Debt Crisis, the Olympian pantheon has been in disgrace and humiliation.

How many times has Witch Harley blocked the entrance to Mount Olympus?

Once, he even came to the house in person and killed the three goddesses of destiny in front of Zeus and Hera. Harley patted her butt and walked away. The God King and Queen didn't even dare to fart.

"Alas, the situation has been too chaotic these years, and everyone is not living a good life." Hera's face turned green and red and she said with a smile: "We can't dwell on the sordid and miserable past, think about the future.

This ‘giant crisis’ is both a big crisis and a great future!

The entire multiverse is worried about the 'era of the omnipotent universe' after the collapse of the Origin Wall. Harley Quinn is happy and calm on the surface, but I dare to conclude that she is just as restless privately.

there's only us"

With a genuine smile on her face, she pointed at the two companions across from her, and finally pointed at herself, "We have the background of the Great Almighty Universe!

As long as you complete the tasks assigned by the Origin Judge, not to mention getting an official position and a semi-nobility in the transcendent organization, at least you don't need to worry about the turmoil in the era of the Grand Almighty Universe. "

"You are right. If we handle this matter well, we will definitely reap a lot of benefits. This is the promise that the Origin Judge left before he left.

But the problem is that we want to do this well, but the situation in the universe is hugely different from what the Origin Judge expected back then. "

The Heavenly Father said helplessly: "The judge only said that before the 'giant thing' escapes, a person of destiny will appear.

Destiny people are the embodiment of positive basic power and are easy to judge.

As long as we select the strongest among the destined people and guide the origin of the Origin Judge into his body, the crisis will be resolved and we will have completed our mission.

Now the Destined Ones are probably targeting none other than the heroes of the Justice League.

Many of them are explicit embodiments of the fundamental forces of the universe.

But no matter who we choose, the story cannot completely follow the script preset by the Origin Judge.

Because there is Harley in this world! "

Ganser hesitated and said: "Although Harley Quinn likes to snatch the source of powerful power, she is not ignorant of the overall situation.

Since she is willing to give up all her magical power and endless light magic, why don't we believe her once?

Maybe she can understand us and be on our side to help us complete our mission. "

Heavenly Father shook his head and said: "Of course Harry understands the overall situation, and he is not greedy without a bottom line.

But the overall situation in her mind is not the same as the overall situation in our minds.

The overall situation in our minds is the overall situation arranged by the Origin Judge.

The big picture in Harley's mind is herself.

What is her attitude towards the Omega Titan and the Transcendent Organization of the Almighty Universe?

She had no intention of converting to the Transcendental Organization.

She has the determination to stand up to them and gain a chance to develop independently.

I admire this determination and courage very much.

But a hero with such determination and courage will not succumb to other people's overall situation, she will control the overall situation herself.

Countless successful experiences in the past will also give her endless confidence and support.

I dare say that even if we elected 'Destiny', he would trust Harley more than himself.

With the character of the Zhenglian hero, it is impossible to actively give up the power of his origin and let Harley save the world.

But we all understand that the question is not whether the world can be saved.

The world can definitely be saved, and the Megazord Crisis will definitely end!

Even if the worst happens, the Origin Judge can reverse the situation on his own.

The Origin Judge is only a member of his transcendent organization.

The key is that the Essence will be the backup for the Origin Judge to arrange for his own plans.

Not to mention that the origin of the judge can play a greater role in Harley's hands. Even if Harley has the courage and ability to save the world independently and does not need the origin of the judge at all, we cannot regard her as the overall situation and must insist on executing the plan of the origin judge. "

Ganser was convinced, nodded slightly and said: "We must be responsible for the Origin Judge, his will is even higher than the multiverse itself.

If we cannot complete the tasks he assigned us, or even take the initiative to change the overall situation he set, the Essence Society will lose its meaning of existence. "

Hera said: "Actually, the Origin Judge's arrangement does not conflict with Harley Quinn's overall situation.

We can’t figure out what the Origin Judge is thinking, but we can be sure that Harley Quinn only wants to solve the crisis.

So, we don’t need to get too entangled.

Wait, when Harley Quinn encounters setbacks, we will appear as a 'prophet' and give them advice.

She can't do it, but we can do it. She has no other choice, and she will definitely be willing to listen to us. "

"Will Harley encounter setbacks?" Heavenly Father was a little doubtful.

"She has already encountered a setback. Two negative basic powers have been unlocked at this time, but she has no way to deal with it, right?" Hera laughed.

"Harley Quinn did not sit still and wait for death. She was not in the multiverse before, but now she has thought of a way to deal with the Legion of Destruction as soon as she came back." Gunther said.

Heavenly Father and Hera were shocked, "What method? What is she doing?"

Ganser said: "Before I came here, Harley Quinn was organizing the color light army to absorb invisible light.

Invisible light is one of the seven negative base forces, corresponding to the visible light used by the Seven Lantern Corps.

Energy is limited.

Although to ordinary people, the power of the Demon King and God King is almost equivalent to "infinite", you all know the energy units of Witch Harley.

The magic power of the entire multiverse is just a 'Kui's large unit'.

If she wanted to, she might not be able to drain the existing invisible light from the multiverse before the Legion of Destruction took action. "

"Is invisible light so easy to extract?" Hera asked doubtfully.

Ganser said: "It's difficult to extract, but Harley Quinn captured the key point - Sinestro!

Sinestro is the antithesis of Hal Jordan, who represents visible light, and Sinestro, the embodiment of invisible light. "

"Isn't Sinestro the incarnation of the yellow light?" Heavenly Father asked.

Ganser said: “Within the Seven Colored Light Corps, he is the incarnation of the Yellow Lantern, but on a larger level, Sinestro is the opposite of Hal Jordan.

Hal Jordan is the embodiment of will, but when he uses color light energy other than the green light, he also shows a talent far beyond that of others.

For example, in the original Lantern Crisis, Hal Jordan even wrested control of the Black Lantern energy from the Black Death Emperor.

Who’s to say Hal Jordan is just ‘green light incarnate’?

Since Hal Jordan can represent a greater power, Sinestro, his opposite, naturally has the same level of destiny. "

"Has Harley Quinn gotten invisible light?" Hera asked.

Ganser nodded and said: "Before I came over, Sinestro seemed to have sensed something.

If Luther doesn't have special means to help Sinestro in the parallel universe, Harley Quinn will have the advantage in the invisible light game. "

When Hera heard this, there was not much joy on her face. It was not that there was no joy at all, but she was more sad than happy.

"Luthor moved very quickly. In just one or two months, he unlocked the two negative base powers. Now Harley Quinn can at least slow down the speed at which the 'giant' escapes, giving us more time to prepare.

This is also good for us.

However, with Harley Quinn's sharp and efficient methods, what should we do if Luther is completely defeated? "

"Isn't this the case? Harley also said that the Origin Wall will collapse sooner or later, and no one can stop it." Heavenly Father was stunned, with a hint of worry on his majestic face.

They were worried that Luther had moved too quickly to unblock the negative base power.

If Harley completely defeats Luther, the process of unblocking the negative base power will be terminated, and they will also feel uncomfortable.

Because the mission assigned to them by the Origin Judge must be started after the seven negative basic powers are completely unblocked.

Only when the negative base force is unblocked and the origin wall collapses is the origin judge's back-up move effective.

If a negative base power is not unlocked, they don't have to be so embarrassed and can continue to wait for the "final moment."

But if the negative base power is unsealed halfway and then stops completely, they will be at a loss. They don't know whether to disband the Essence Association, wait for the "final moment", or do something to make amends.

"I have no confidence in Luther." Hera said.

"Why don't you have confidence in Luther? If the Legion of Destruction hadn't taken the initiative to expose him, you wouldn't have known that Luther was unblocking the negative base power!" Heavenly Father said.

"Luthor is indeed very smart and cautious, and 80% of the time he will be given personal guidance by 'Big Thing'.

Before Harley Quinn returned, I was worried that she would be too powerful and unlock the seven negative base powers too early.

But when he faced Harley Quinn, I started to lose faith in him. "Hera said.

"Don't deify Harley too much. Harley is very powerful, but in terms of understanding of negative basic power, who can compare to 'The Thing'? Luther is probably the 'apostle' chosen by the 'Thing'. He is not alone. Fighting." Heavenly Father said.

Ganser frowned, "We don't need to consider these issues because we can't do anything about them.

There is no way we can help Luther when Harley Quinn has the upper hand, nor can we directly pursue Luther.

We have only two tasks at the moment. First, gather the members of the Essence Club, so that everyone can make decisions together, act together, and take responsibility for the future together.

Once the members are assembled, we will discuss and decide who will inherit the power of the Origin Judge. "

"Share the responsibility together." Hera's mouth twitched, "Have you prepared for the worst?"

"I will work hard in the best direction, but I also have the awareness to accept failure." Ganser said.

Heavenly Father looked at the little blue man, "You mean, we call Shazam, Stranger, and Ghost over here?"

Ganser hesitated for a moment and said: "I'll talk to Stranger first and ask him about his attitude towards Heaven.

If there is no problem with the stranger, we will summon the ghost.

When the Stranger and the Ghost return, they will finally vote together whether to invite Shazam the Wizard. Alas, it is too abstract to let a convicted "rape" represent the human race on earth. "

Heavenly Father nodded and said: "Find the Stranger first, and Shazam Wizard last. Anyway, there are only two types that have been unblocked now——"

"Boom - click click~~~~"

It seemed as if Zeus's divine thunder suddenly exploded in his sea of ​​consciousness. For a moment, his consciousness was blurred and his body was swaying a little.

"What happened?" He held the edge of the table with both hands to steady his body, and the voice that came out of his mouth seemed to be moaning.

"Ouch~~~" Almost at the same time, Hera covered her forehead and let out a painful scream.

As if God's hand was pressing down on her, she slipped out of the tall chair uncontrollably and fell heavily to the floor.

"What's wrong with you?" Only Ganser was not greatly affected.

He was still floating above his seat, his brows slightly furrowed, his mind a little confused, and his mood inexplicably unhappy, "What just happened?"

He asked the same words as the Father.

He knew what had just happened, but he didn't know why. He had some thoughts and wasn't sure.


Heavenly Father and Queen Hera had not yet recovered, and before they had time to say anything, the secret meeting room where they were located began to vibrate violently, with the source of the vibration coming from both above and below.

Ganse felt that the entire creation star was beating.

"Boom - Kaka!" Not only is it beating, the earth is also cracking.

"There is also a big earthquake on the Genesis Star? No, this is not a big earthquake." Gunther exclaimed and immediately denied himself.

He seemed to hear the last cry of death in the world.

The dying wail comes from the Genesis Star.

"No~~~" Heavenly Father held his head, golden blood flowed from his seven orifices, and he screamed miserably.

"What happened?" Gunther asked again, this time with obvious panic in his tone.

"The Genesis Star is dead." Queen Hera clung to the legs of the chair with both hands and climbed up from the ground with trembling difficulty.

There was no blood spurting from her orifices, but her face was frighteningly white, as if she had just suffered a fatal illness. Every movement was very difficult and strenuous.

"What does the death of the Genesis Star mean?" Ganse was stunned and said blankly: "How could the Genesis Star die?"

"The death of the Genesis Star is just an appearance. In essence, one-seventh of the multiverse has died. Luther unsealed the Wind of Nothingness and killed the divine power and magic of the multiverse." Queen Hera gasped.

Just climbing from the ground to the chair seemed to use up all her strength. Not only was she panting, but her pale cheeks and forehead were also covered with large beads of cold sweat.

"What's wrong with you? To what extent have the magic rules been broken?" Ganser asked with concern.

“The original support pillars of magic and divine power in the multiverse collapsed, and the weight of the power of miracles all fell on the gods who understood the laws.

All extraordinary beings who understand the laws and have them accepted by the sea of ​​laws are bricks or pillars supporting the big house of the multiverse.

Therefore, in the rules of the Heavenly Tribulation, ‘contribution’ is not only determined by the daily accumulation of good causes.

The very existence of gods and demons is contributing to the multiverse.

Before, the multiverse had its own main load-bearing pillar, and we only had to help from the side. Now that the main load-bearing pillar collapsed, the weight of the entire multiverse suddenly fell on the 'tall' gods and demons like us.

Caught off guard, I was so overwhelmed that I felt like Atlas supporting the sky with my shoulders. "

A miserable smile appeared on Hera's pale face, "Don't look at me in a bit of a mess now, other gods and demons will only be worse off than me.

Even Witch Harley is having a hard time at the moment.

Most of the time, she was forced to throw herself on the street and spit out several mouthfuls of blood. After all, the newly formulated magic rules mainly came from her. "

As soon as she finished speaking, the scepter in Heavenly Father's hand suddenly flashed with bright white light, and a blurry picture flickered in the white light, followed by the voice of "Prince" Orion, "Heavenly Father, Heavenly Father, are you okay? ?Where are you? Harley came to visit you."

"What? Harley Quinn came to Genesis? Did she find out that we were secretly partying?" Hera was shocked.

"The divine power and magic rules have collapsed, and all the gods and demons in the multiverse have to share the burden. The old gods and the new gods are no exception. Don't Orion and the others feel it?" Ganser asked doubtfully.

Heavenly Father also had many questions in his mind, but he didn't ask any more questions. He just held the scepter and his consciousness instantly swept across the entire creation star, focusing on Orion and Harley next to him for a moment.

“The sky of the Creation Star is shattering, the earth is cracking, the ‘sun’ that represents the source of the light New God’s power is extinguishing, and the New God’s world is dying.

All the new protoss feel the heavy weight of their souls, and Orion is no exception.

But he wasn't too alarmed because Harley had already explained the situation to them.

Harley, see for yourselves. "

The Heavenly Father sighed, raised his scepter, and projected a picture into the air.

The background of the picture is the "Hall of Power" in the center of the floating city on the Genesis Star, where the New Protoss receives important guests.

Harley had a relaxed smile on her face, chatting and laughing with a group of new Protoss bosses.

"The taller you are, the greater the pressure you will feel when the sky falls. With Harley Quinn's strength and realm, she is the number one 'master' in the multiverse! How can she still have the heart to track us and be so relaxed and comfortable? ? I feel like she's a little bit elated, have you noticed?" Hera's face was filled with disbelief.

"I didn't notice that she was beaming, but her face was rosy and shiny, and she was obviously very relaxed." Ganser said.

Then he turned his head and looked at Heavenly Father, "Did she discover something?"

"I don't know. I'm going to see her now. You stay here and don't move. This secret room uses the most powerful defense and concealment circle of the New Gods. As long as you don't go out, no one can feel your life breath. "

The Heavenly Father wiped away the blood from the corners of his mouth and face, held the scepter tightly, and disappeared in front of the big round table with a flash of white light.

Apokolips and Creation Star are a pair of twin stars. Apokolips does not have a sun, and the sun is the core of Apokolips. The core is also the source of the divine power of the New God of Darkness.

On the surface, the Creation Star is a planet larger than the solar system. It has a sky and a sun. In fact, the sun is just a projection of energy. It is essentially the same as the core of Apokolips and is the source of power for the new gods of Apokolips.

At this time, the sun is quickly extinguishing, and the world is gradually falling into darkness.

The once blue sky and white clouds in the sky were broken into pieces, and large pieces of "sky fragments" fell off from the "sky".

It was as if the previous dome was a holographic projection ceiling, and the white clouds and blue sky were all false projections.

The fallen fragments of the sky turned into meteors with long bright red tails, falling on the undulating, cracked and broken land of the Creation Star.

The sky that lost its firmament turned into pure darkness, and you could directly see the huge Apokolips Star on the other side of the darkness.

Like the burning briquettes of Apokolips, it is quickly extinguishing and dimming.

Whether it is the dark protoss of Apokolips or the light protoss of Creation Star, they only occupy a small part of the divine domain.

The territory of the Bright New God Clan is a space city floating above the Genesis Star Continent.

At this time, a huge hemispherical defensive cover shrouded the space city.

The light golden defensive cover exudes the thick-skinned divine power that Heavenly Father is familiar with, but it is obviously different from the thick-skinned divine power of the past. It is mixed with the fluctuations of heavenly divine power.

"Harley, thank you! The divine power and magic rules collapsed, and I was hit hard immediately. Now I am unable to protect the Creation God Realm." Seeing Harley, the Heavenly Father expressed his gratitude sincerely.

Then he asked curiously: "When did you come here? Could you predict the actions of the Legion of Destruction and know in advance that the Wind of Nothingness was about to be unsealed?"

Harley shook her head and said: "The wind of nothingness was unsealed and the rules collapsed. I was horrified. Then I immediately discovered that the New God Realm was collapsing, so I immediately came over to check the situation."

Heavenly Father stared at her rosy cheeks for a while, not sure if she was lying, and then asked: "You seem to be in good condition, don't you feel the heavy pressure from the sea of ​​law?"

"Of course there is pressure, but this pressure has no impact on me. After all, I am not a New God." Harley looked around and said: "You New Gods are 'state-owned enterprise employees'. You are free and easy on weekdays and are not subject to all kinds of things." Due to the impact of the 'secular crisis', the 'country' is now on the verge of collapse, and you bear a heavier responsibility than ordinary gods and demons."

"Heavenly Father, Harley said that the Genesis Star is dead, is it true?" Beca, the God of Love, had obvious fear in her eyes.

Heavenly Father nodded with a heavy expression, "As Harley said, the creation star Apokolips is a 'state-owned enterprise' that operates and manages divine power business for the multiverse.

The negative basic force corresponding to divine power, the 'Wind of Nothingness', was unsealed, and the ones that were most affected were the laws of the universe related to divine power and magic.

When the law collapses, the Creation Star and Apokolips Star, which are the external manifestations of the law, will naturally die. "

"What about our new gods? The Genesis Star is the source of our power." asked the craftsman god Heate.

"We." Heavenly Father closed his eyes and felt for a moment, then turned his gaze to Harley and said, "Did you help us clear the wind of nothingness that entered the Creation Star?"

Harley said: "The new god's divine power is also divine power. Like the old god, it cannot resist the wind of nothingness."

If she hadn't immediately discovered that the Wind of Nothingness had appeared in the fifth world, how could she have abandoned Sinestro, who was working hard to extract invisible light, and rushed to the Genesis Star to rescue the disaster?

Disaster relief is not fake, but disaster relief is not the main purpose.

Heavenly Father sighed: "Thanks to Harley's timely arrival. If the wind of nothingness that destroys the rules of divine power is allowed to enter the floating island, you may disappear quietly, your traces will be completely erased, and you will not even be remembered."

Orion glanced at Harley and asked, "Has the Wind of Nothingness been cleared now?"

"Unfortunately, there are not many Winds of Nothingness leaked to the Genesis Star and Apokolips Star." Harley said helplessly: "I guess Circe has also joined the Legion of Destruction. She has pulled the entire Winds of Nothingness Nest into the multiverse, and will It’s all dedicated to Pappetua.”

"Even if this is not good news, it is not regrettable!" Beca, the God of Love, said doubtfully.

Harley glanced at her and said, "Although the Wind of Nothingness is an 'anti-divine power', it is also a kind of energy.

You can think of it as another form of divine power.

Now, not much of the 'alien power' has been leaked to the New God World, and I have not been allowed to recover it. Instead, it has all fallen into the hands of the biggest enemy. Shouldn't it be a pity?

You can't even bear the naturally leaked 'alien power'. Can you imagine the scene where the wall of origin collapses and Papetua controls the 'alien power' to deal with you? "

"Ah, we are the new Protoss. We have nothing to do with the world and have nothing to do with the crisis. She shouldn't come to us, right? The main universe and the earth are the main battlefield!" Beka shouted anxiously with a pale face.

Heavenly Father glared at her and shouted: "Everyone is responsible for the crisis in the universe, and the New God Clan is no exception. No matter where the main battlefield is, we will appear on the main battlefield!"

He spoke righteously, but in his heart he was very helpless: Silly wife, we are employees of a state-owned enterprise! Now that the country is about to be overthrown by thieves, everyone may have the opportunity to change their family, but we cannot surrender!

We must fight against this wave, we must not sit back and watch, and Papetua cannot let us sit back and watch.

To subvert the multiverse, the first step is to attack "state-owned enterprises". Instead, Earthlings have the opportunity to sit back and watch.

Heavenly Father actually did not answer the question asked by God Craftsman: The Genesis Star is dead, what should we do?

Heavenly Father knows the answer, but the answer is too cruel. He cannot bear to tell them: The creation star will be destroyed, and our body will die and our family will be destroyed!

"Harry, you can absorb the wind of nothingness, so you must know how to use it, right?" Heavenly Father looked at Harley with inquiring eyes and asked.

Harley mused: "I am currently researching it. I hope to master this 'anti-divine power'."

She had absorbed the Wind of Nothingness a long time ago. In addition to using it to improve her defense expertise, she also left part of it for research.

But after so many years, she has never been able to unleash the true potential of the Wind of Nothingness like she could with divine power.

She simply used the Wind of Nothingness to eliminate the divine power and characteristics of the story, using it as a means of stealth.

Covering her whole body with the wind of nothingness, the enemy will forget even her name and her memory, and all power fluctuations will be erased, so naturally she will be unable to actively discover her traces.

But the real usage of the Wind of Nothingness is obviously not so crude.

Only when the Origin Wall collapses and Papetua is freed can they see the true horror of the Wind of Nothingness.

It is conceivable that many gods and demons are not even qualified to face Papetua directly.

As long as Papetua is willing, he can instantly erase all traces of the existence of gods and demons.

"Brother, what are your plans next?" Harley came back to her senses and looked at Heavenly Father and asked.

"Repair the broken Genesis Star."

"Then what?" Harley stared into his eyes, "Where did you go just now? It seems that you are no longer on the floating island."

"I met a few old friends earlier, and I will go find them later." Heavenly Father naturally avoided her sight, "After the Genesis Star is repaired, all the new gods will be ready to face the complete destruction of the Origin Wall. The final moment of collapse. At that time, the Earth and the Genesis Star will join forces, and you and I will definitely be able to solve the crisis."

Harry raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother, please do your work first, I'll go back."

A moment later, the Seven Lantern Corps camp next to the Origin Wall.

"Buzz buzz!" The green light of Hal Jordan's lantern ring flashed, projecting the scene of Zhenglian headquarters in mid-air.

At the same time, in the conference room of the Hall of Justice, Cyborg also projected the scene in the camp above the heroes.

"Harley, why don't you come back? Bring Sinestro and several lamp owners to Earth, so they can absorb color light energy?"

Dachao first complained: "Since the end of the crisis of the sinking of the earth, we have never seen you again.

We agreed to hold a small meeting to discuss the current crisis. "

"Aren't we discussing now? I came to the Origin Wall to find the Seven Lantern Corps. I'm not just visiting the mountains and rivers, and I'm not hiding anything from you."

After a pause, Harley continued: "Da Chao, you have to understand that no one knows where the final battlefield of this crisis will be, but the starting point of the crisis must be at the Origin Wall.

I don't stay near the origin wall, but shrink to the earth. Is there a problem? "

"Well, what you said makes sense." Da Chao thought for a moment and asked, "Should the main team of the Justice League also be moved to the Origin Wall?"

"We can arrange for a group of people to come over, but we must first ensure that our hometown is not stolen by the Legion of Destruction. Luther just disappeared, not dead. He and the Legion of Destruction may return to Earth at any time," Harley said.

"If you track Luther yourself, can you find him?" Bateman asked.

Harley said: "Even if there is only Luther and the Legion of Destruction, as long as they hide in the Sky Blood Realm, the Creator will not be able to find him.

What's more, Luther is not a person, he is just the 'representative of the giant thing' in front of the stage.

The body of the ‘giant thing’ is not out of trouble, but its consciousness is almost everywhere.

Even if we find Luther's location, the 'giant thing' will warn him before we chase him.

So if you have nothing to do, you can try to track it.

For someone like me who has big things to be busy with, it is more practical to be busy with the big things in front of me. "

Diana said displeased: "Harry, if we really have nothing to do, it is not our responsibility, but your serious dereliction of duty!

If you look at Luthor, even a third-rate supervillain in the Legion of Doom can play an important role in unlocking negative base power.

And you? We have so many powerful heroes, but you don’t know how to arrange them, which is a waste of our strength and energy. "

Harley said speechlessly: "Luthor shouldn't compete with me anyway, right?

My enemy is the ‘giant’ within the wall of origin!

Luther is the leader of the Legion of Destruction, and his target is the giant among superheroes.

You are incompetent and you blame me for not knowing how to arrange your arrangements. This is totally unreasonable. "

Diana said: "The 'Giant' informed Luther of all information, giving Luther an absolute information advantage, so he was able to win battles repeatedly.

We know nothing about the crisis.

If you target the 'giant' within the origin wall, at least help us eliminate the information disadvantage between us and Luther. "

"You have unlocked the three negative base powers. You have also interrogated Black Manta. Is there anything else you don't know - eh!"

Harley lowered her head, and the dark blue horse-faced skirt embroidered with gold auspicious cloud patterns suddenly moved automatically without wind, and the hem of the skirt fluttered gently.

"What's wrong?" The lanterns nearby and the heroes on the screen all looked at her in confusion.

"Let's rest for a while, someone is looking for me."

Harley's skirt "exploded" silently, turning into a cloud of light gray smoke and disappearing into the Lantern camp with her.

"It seems Harley has gone to the Dream Kingdom, and her dress is essentially the Sandman's robe." Hal Jordan mused.

"You mean Sandman is looking for her? Why is Sandman looking for her at this time?" Dachao asked confused.

At the border of the Dream Kingdom, Morpheus took the initiative to greet Harley.

"I'm not looking for you, it's your friend, the magician named 'Sage Ochi', who should be related to the Creator of the sixth dimension."

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