I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1980 Searching for Invisible Light

After Harley's reminder, everyone remembered that three small airships had previously dived into the inner sea, intending to persuade their own Poseidon to turn around.

In fact, except for Neptune Arthur, no one else has ever seen the three alien Poseidons from beginning to end.

They know about the existence of alien Poseidon, and know that the great tsunami that sank the earth, the sea monster that alienated countless humans, and the three Poseidon giants are all related to the three super civilization fleet commanders of Hydra, Ancas, and Okali who voluntarily surrendered. Surrender yourself.

After unblocking the stasis force, Luther found the inner world.

During the crisis in Atlantis, Neptune's golden armor and golden trident both stole the show.

It not only shocked the people under the sea, but also amazed the people on the earth: the "mixed bastard" who was not recognized by the people under the sea, made all the die-hards under the sea change their stance with just a golden trident. It is simply the "legend" of the people under the sea. "National Jade Seal" and "The Sword in the Stone"!

Louise also introduced the Golden Trident at great length in "Atlantis Series: The Legend of Neptune", as well as Neptune's legendary experience of obtaining the trident from the inner earth world.

Luther had watched Lois' series and understood early on that the Inner Earth Sea was the key to unlocking the Tears of Destruction.

After going to the Inner Earth Sea and finding the sealed entrance, Luther did not see the Tomb of the Gods. He only opened the passage to the Blood Reef, released the three alien sea gods, and learned about Arrian and the key to the Tomb of the Gods from their mouths. secrets.

At that time, they agreed to raise the Blood Reef and let the "alien seawater" in the Blood Reef pour into the Atlantic Ocean, eventually sinking the entire earth.

After formulating this plan, the three alien Poseidons immediately sent beacons into the deep space of the universe, calling the "Poseidon Galaxy" hundreds of millions of light years away from the earth, and notifying their affiliated civilizations to lead their fleets to blockade the solar system.

Of course Luther knows that the alien fleet blocking the solar system is nonsense, and even the "Earth Sinking Plan" itself is meaningless. When Harley returns, all plans will be in vain.

He didn't regard the alien Poseidon as allies at all. He only regarded them as objects of use, using them to attract the firepower of the Zhenglian, so that he could draw chestnuts from the fire and take the opportunity to open the Tomb of the Gods and escape intact.

As a result, the alien fleet summoned by the alien Poseidon could not even be exploited.

After they obeyed the call of the alien Poseidon and came to Earth, they did not block the solar system. Instead, they immediately found Commander Ryan, confessed to him and told him everything they knew.

But they don't know much.

Luther didn't tell the Poseidon Triumvirate at all about their true plan to unblock the Tears of Destruction.

The three giants of Poseidon did not notify the alien fleet in advance that they would flood the earth.

——Your gods need you to bring the most elite warriors to the earth to block the solar system.

This was the only order the alien fleet received.

At first they thought that their Poseidon had disappeared for many years, but now he finally got out of trouble and was calling them to help them.

The reason for bringing the strongest fleet here is probably related to His Majesty Poseidon’s enemies.

His Majesty Poseidon has disappeared for hundreds of millions of years, which is definitely not because he lost his way while traveling and lost track of time.

He must have encountered a powerful enemy and was trapped, sealed, or maybe even imprisoned.

Now they are going to help their Poseidon out of trouble.

In order not to alert others and affect His Majesty the Poseidon's revenge, they were careful not to alert anyone or notify anyone. Until Poseidon found the key to the Tomb of the Gods, the Big Three of Poseidon teleported to the bottom of the iceberg with the sea monster. .

At the same time as he suddenly launched an attack, the alien Poseidon also sent a "divine beacon" to the alien fleet in the outer reaches of the solar system for the second time.

After receiving the news, the Poseidon Priest in the fleet almost peed his pants on the spot.

"Your Majesty, Admiral Raging Waves, wants to flood the earth, and asks us to cooperate with them in destroying the 'remnants of the earth's dead species'~~~"

The Poseidon Priest who analyzed the "Divine Power Beacon" had his legs weakened and collapsed on the bridge deck. His face was pale and he wailed, "No, Your Majesty, don't be stupid!"

"Is His Majesty Poseidon crazy? We must not invade the earth or harm any flower or grass on the earth, for the sake of the water planet (Ancas, Okali), and for the sake of His Majesty the Raging Waves Admiral (Commander Zhenhai, Captain Lonely) himself."

"Yes, yes, no one can offend the Galaxy Admiral! She is a supreme existence that no one can defeat. The true supreme is more supreme than the supreme! Our Poseidon Majesty has probably been sealed for too long. I have never heard of the Galaxy Admiral. We cannot let His Majesty make mistakes."

"That's right. As a devout believer of His Majesty Poseidon, we must not allow His Majesty to make mistakes."

"For His Majesty's sake, we must take the initiative to surrender and report His Majesty Poseidon to Admiral Galaxy."

There are more than 10,000 officers in the three giant alien super civilizations and three huge fleets with majors and above, but so many people have reached a unified idea in a very short period of time.

There was almost no opposition.

Even the most devout Poseidon priest only urged the fleet commander more urgently: Don't waste time. Delaying time is equivalent to delaying the life of His Majesty Poseidon. Hurry up and report His Majesty to the people on earth!

I only report you if I love you. The more I love you, the faster I should report you.

"We must not only report His Majesty Poseidon, but also go all out to help the people of Earth thwart His Majesty's conspiracy." The high priest of Commander Zhenhai added with awareness.

Then they contacted the Earth and took the initiative to help with the rescue. At the same time, they also exposed all the information about the Big Three of Poseidon to the people on Earth.

Only then did the heroes of Zhenglian learn the source of the "sinking earth" crisis.

"Those three alien Poseidon giants also failed to survive the tribulation and are completely gone?" A look of worry appeared on Da Chao's face.

"Alas, the three of them are the ones who caused the catastrophe, and they are not as powerful as Poseidon." Poseidon sighed.

Dachao looked back at the densely packed ships in the sky in the distance and said, "How are we going to explain to the three major civilized countries of Hydra, Ancas, and Okali!"

Harley glanced at him, "Didn't they give me an explanation?"

"It has nothing to do with those three major civilizations, they are all Poseidon giants." Da Chao paused and changed his words: "Actually, Poseidon giants are also victims.

Poseidon first tricked them and kept them out of sight for hundreds of millions of years. After finally regaining their freedom, they encountered the Legion of Destruction and were deceived by it.

Alas, they have been tricked by us earthlings. "

Diana said: “We don’t need to explain anything to the three sea god civilizations.

Those three airships completely recorded the entire process of the Poseidon giant's journey through the heavenly tribulation. As long as they were called over to watch the original video together, they would naturally not say anything more. "

Dachao asked strangely: "How do you know that the entire process of the scene was completely recorded on the airship?"

Diana tilted her head and glanced at Harry, "Isn't this nonsense? Harley always does things flawlessly and ensures that no one can make mistakes."

Harry said dullly: "You seem to have something in your words. If you want to say something, you might as well say it directly."

Diana opened her mouth and was about to express her conjecture when she suddenly caught a glimpse of the grief-stricken High Priest Poseidon beside her. She swallowed back the words that had crept into her throat and said, "It doesn't matter what you say now. What matters is Return to Blood Reef immediately and retrieve the three alien ships. By the way, how are the three fleet commanders who piloted the alien ships now?"

Neptune looked at his high priest and said with deep meaning: "Dead, killed by the gods they believed in.

The gods are everything to the believers, but the believers are nothing more than dust to the gods.

They knew how devout their believers were, but they still tortured and killed them without mercy, just because they went against their will.

Even if the believer is right, the deity feels offended. "

High Priest Poseidon wriggled his lips a few times and said hoarsely: "I have told you before that the alien sea gods sealed by His Majesty Poseidon are all evil gods and villains.

Aryan made a huge mistake.

He uses the god's trumpet to summon the alien sea god to the earth, who will definitely destroy our world.

If you even kill your own devout believers, how can you have mercy on the people of the earth? "

Neptune sighed, completely losing his mind to talk nonsense with him.

"Harley, I have the power of life connection, which can resist the tears of death in the water of Blood Reef. I will go back to get-"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Harley gently raising her hand. No spatial fluctuations appeared, but the time and space in front of everyone was obviously distorted.

For a moment, they even caught a glimpse of the dark red color of the Blood Reef.

The dark red ocean and the clear Atlantic Ocean overlapped for an instant, and then separated for an instant. Except for the three extra alien ships that appeared out of thin air, it seemed as if nothing had happened.

"Buzz buzz~~" One of the ships has started its engine and is moving "forward".

"Hey, it's Black Manta!" Neptune glanced sideways at the window and was surprised to see an old acquaintance.

Black Manta was sitting in the cockpit of the ellipsoidal airship, speaking anxiously into the communicator.

Instead of shouting into the airship's communicator, he was calling for Luther.

"Hey, hey, Fuck, Luther, answer me, Luther, mathematician, you guys are talking! I've escaped, and I'm completely safe now. Take me back quickly, do you hear me?

I snatched an alien spaceship and am now diving deep into the coral reef.

Even if Harley Quinn comes back, she will definitely not find me hiding deep under the sea. You can rest assured that I will never implicate you.

Hey, Luther, what the hell are you saying back? I know that the Fortress of Doom has the function of cross-border teleportation, which can only teleport me away, easily and effortlessly.

Luther, Falk, if you don't respond to me, I'm going to report you to the Justice League!

Luther, don't force me. I really don't want to compromise with that bastard of Alquaman, but if you insist on forcing me, I-Fake, Alquaman? ! "

Black Manta was shouting excitedly at the communicator when a "dong dong dong" sound suddenly came from the window next to him.

He looked up and saw Akuoman's big smiling face occupying most of his field of vision.

"You were not killed by the catastrophe? You were chased to the bottom of the sea." Black Manta exclaimed, gritted his teeth, stepped on the "throttle" angrily, and turned on the weapon system of the airship, shouting: "Idiot, you actually blocked the In front of my battleship, go to hell!"

Sea King's expression became even more strange. He first looked down at the gun barrel protruding from the bottom of the ship. The gun barrel was bubbling.

However, the tail flame of the spacecraft is indeed increasing, and it is obviously speeding up.

But the spaceship was floating in the sea, never moving in front of them.

"He can't see you?" Neptune looked back at Harley.

"Black Manta even thought he was in the deep sea of ​​Blood Reef." Dachao looked strange.

"It's just a simple trick to disrupt time and space."

Harley waved gently, and the ship's cabin door opened. The invisible wind swept up the black manta ray inside, rolled out, landed in the sea, and appeared in front of everyone.

"Shit!" Black Manta finally returned to normal time and space and saw the surrounding scenery clearly: he was surrounded by a group of Zhenglian giants, with Harley Quinn standing beside him.

He was so desperate that he almost cried.

——Had I known this, I wouldn’t have stubbornly refused Luther.

"This guy can be considered a personal ID." Harley pointed to the other two spaceships and said, "There is physical evidence inside, and it's a double copy."

Neptune swam forward a few times, then looked back at Cyborg and said, "Victor, it's you who do it."

Although Black Manta can also control alien ships, Black Manta is a mortal, and what makes him his lifelong enemy is technological equipment.

What Black Manta can do, Aquaman may not be able to do.

"Even if His Majesty Poseidon fails to overcome the tribulation and dies, why is his divine power still in your body?"

Even though Cyborg has just entered the alien spacecraft and has not yet taken out the video evidence, the Poseidon High Priest of Atlantis still believes most of what Neptune said before.

But he still couldn't accept that the power of his own god was in the body of a non-Poseidon believer.

Neptune scratched his head, his expression a little confused, "I don't know the specific reason. At that time, they failed to overcome the catastrophe, their bodies were shattered by the catastrophe, and the remaining souls got into my body with their divine power and godhead.

They think that I don't have any catastrophes, and they can avoid the catastrophes by occupying my sea of ​​consciousness and body.

This idea is obviously too naive. The catastrophe continues to fall, which is a catastrophe for the soul.

I suffered the calamity of a fish in a pond. Even if the catastrophe was not directed at me, it still made me confused and unconscious.

When I regained consciousness, all four Poseidons disappeared into thin air, leaving only their divine power and divinity in my sea of ​​consciousness. "

"Is it that simple?" The old priest and the people around him widened their eyes.

Especially Black Manta, the expression of unwillingness, jealousy and resentment in his heart was so distorted that he looked inconspicuous.

"It shouldn't be all the divine power and godhead, right? It's just the residue, right?" There was a sour taste in the voice of old father-in-law Nereus.

Neptune frowned, his expression still confused, "I don't know if it's full of divine power and godhead.

After the catastrophe ended, Harley pressed my head with her finger.

I didn't notice it at the time, I just thought she was awakening my soul.

Only then did I discover that at the bottom of my sea of ​​consciousness, there was a cage woven with golden threads, which stored a large amount of divine power, divinity, and four pieces of godhead.

The cage has the aura of thick-skinned divine power, but it is obviously different from the thick-skinned divine power of the past.

But it is certain that this was done by Harley. "

He turned to Harley, and seeing that she didn't deny it, he continued: "Now Harley's cage has sealed the godhead. I can't touch them directly. I don't know if they are complete, and I'm not sure whether the four sea gods can remain in the godhead." will."

"Are they dangerous? I think it's safer to take them out." He looked at Harley and asked.

"The four Poseidons are completely dead, and there is no independent will left. If they are not completely dead, the catastrophe will not end halfway.

The reason why their divine power, divinity and godhead remain in your body has nothing to do with me.

It is they who actively put power into your body.

If you want to occupy your physical body, of course you must integrate your strength and physical body.

If I did anything, it was just to seal the godhead in your consciousness sea before your consciousness returned to the sea of ​​consciousness. "

Harley glanced at Neptune and asked, "Do you still remember that you were forced to separate your body and soul by Poseidon?

Your soul has been floating outside, and your body has been occupied by the four sea gods, becoming the 'body of the sea gods'.

In other words, when the spiritual catastrophe wipes out the consciousness of the gods of the four seas, their divine power has long been integrated into your body, and their godhead is rooted in your sea of ​​consciousness.

When they fail to overcome the tribulation and I stuff your soul back into your body, your body will be almost equivalent to the 'dead Poseidon body'. "

Nereus murmured: "Arthur seems to have become the protagonist in the novel. The little qi-practicing monk was taken away by the Nascent Soul monster. In the end, he killed the old monster, absorbed the monster's Nascent Soul essence and all the memories, and became A new generation of legends.”

Harley glanced at him in surprise, "Brother, where did you read the novel?"

"An online novel written by an Oriental." As if he was worried that Harley would feel a little inferior, he quickly added: "Not only did I read it, but all the extraordinary people were reading it.

Although your system of catastrophe is a newly created magic rule, in oriental novels, catastrophe is almost useless.

There are too many novel settings and plots related to the catastrophe, as well as many cleverly conceived ways to overcome the tribulation.

For example, one of the hottest topics on the earth's Internet recently is the seventy-two changes Sun Wukong learned in "Journey to the West".

Seventy-two changes can avoid natural disasters, and it seems that they can be magically transformed into real ways to overcome disasters. "

Harley's mouth twitched and said: "Create Sun Wukong's 'Seventy-two Transformations of Tiangang' in our multiverse? You really think about it."

"It's not that we think about it, it's because the catastrophe is so terrible that everyone has to rack their brains to think of ways to overcome it." Nereus sighed.

Harley said: "Arthur may be the same as the protagonist in the novel, with the destiny to restrain the 'old monster', but his adventures are different from those of the protagonist.

The protagonist has absorbed the essence of the old monster Nascent Soul and the practice experience in his memory, and his soul will inevitably be polluted.

Arthur has no such hidden dangers.

When Poseidon went through the heavenly tribulation, his soul and body were separated, and his thoughts and consciousness were not contaminated at all.

If I had not sealed the godhead in the sea of ​​consciousness in time, the moment Arthur's soul returned, it would repel them and expel them from the body.

After all, those gods are not his, and he does not have the ability to forcibly control them.

When the godhead left his body, he was immediately taken away by the 'Origin', and in the future he was transformed into a new godhead, and was given to a new god race on Apokolips or Genesis Star. There were at least four more 'new gods of the sea' in the new god race.

This is basically how the godhead of the new gods came to be.

They are all "origins" that expropriate households, and nationalize the assets of "extinct households" and become national assets.

The ultimate benefit that Arthur got was the divine power integrated into his body.

Now that I have sealed the godhead, there is no guarantee that the godhead will be 100% fused with Arthur's soul.

Just to prevent the half-dead 'Origin' from being wiped out.

Next, Arthur needs to realize the true meaning of Poseidon in the seal day and night, absorb the wisdom of the four Poseidons, absorb the divine essence, and condense his own Poseidon's way.

Finally, use the divine essence and divine personality of the Four Sea Gods as your qualifications to grow into a new Poseidon!

Although it was a great adventure, what he achieved in the end still had to rely on his own efforts.

If Arthur has no talent and does not seriously study the way of the Poseidon, he may wait until he dies of old age and the Poseidon's godhead will still be four complete "fertilizers", and then be taken away by the "Origin". "

Nereus looked at his son-in-law with even more envy.

Harley's arrangement for him is obviously more reliable and feasible than the novel's protagonist.

The gods of the four "most talented Poseidons in the universe" are stored in my mind. As long as I study hard, I can condense at least one Poseidon law.

With a little bit of talent, in the future, if you can break through into a true god or even a main god, you won't encounter any bottlenecks at all.

Coupled with the guidance and help from the nobleman Harley, it is not impossible to dream of replacing Poseidon as the King of Poseidon - a god-king-level Poseidon.

Neptune hesitated: "Can you take out the godhead in my mind and give it to others?"

The Poseidon High Priest's eyes lit up and he immediately looked at him with expectant eyes. At the same time, he locked eyes with Harley from the corners of his eyes.

"You're stupid, this is your opportunity, why would you give it to someone else?!" The Queen Mother Hai wanted to slap her son twice, and then shouted: Wake up, this is a godhead, and an opportunity to become the God of the Sea!

Meila directly glared at her husband and said coldly: "Leave it to others rather than leave it to me. I would rather share the 'pressure' for you, if you feel that being a god is a kind of pressure."

Poseidon sighed: "Poseidon wanted to invade my body, but he was killed by the catastrophe, and his godhead remained in my body. I deserve it.

Although the other Poseidons have malicious intentions, the three alien civilizations of Hydra, Ancas, and Okali are innocent, and they even took the initiative to help us save people.

Before, their Poseidon had been sealed away for hundreds of millions of years, which was already very painful. Now that Poseidon has simply disappeared, it is even more pitiable. "

"Do you want to hand over the godhood of the three giants of Poseidon and return them to the three major alien civilizations?" Harley asked.

"Arthur, don't go crazy!" Poseidon High Priest shouted, "If you dislike the godhead too much, you can give me the godhead of His Majesty Poseidon.

The three major civilizations did not resist the orders of the three evil gods out of kindness, they were just afraid of His Majesty the Martial God King.

Their actions are decisions based on weighing the pros and cons.

I don’t believe you can’t understand such a simple truth. "

Arthur ignored him and only looked at Harley.

Harley said: "Don't you find that your thoughts are strange? At the same time, you criticize the viciousness of the Big Three of Poseidon and Poseidon, thinking that they have no positive impact on marine civilization, and at the same time, you want to create three gods for others.

Do you think that human civilization does not need the guidance of gods, and that gods will only plunder and exploit human civilization?

Or do you simply think that Poseidon and the three giant sea gods are not good people? If they were replaced by good and kind gods, it would be a kind of happiness and luck for human civilization to be ruled by them?

If you believe that others can become kind and good gods, why don't you believe in yourself?

You are not even sure that you can become a good person. How do you have the confidence that you can choose a good person, and that good person will not change in his life and will always be a good person?

No matter what, it’s harder to ask others to be good people than to insist on being a good person yourself, right? "

Neptune was stunned for a while, then smiled bitterly and said, "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"Harley, Arthur, and everyone, I have extracted the information from the spacecraft recorder. Do you want to watch it now?" Cyborg got out of the airship and said.

"Wait a minute." Dinah looked back at the alien spacecraft in the sky and said, "First notify the fleets of the three major marine civilizations of Hydra, Ancas, and Okali, and ask them to come and watch together."

"You guys take your time and watch, I'll go back to Lishan first." Harley said.

"Even if you have already seen the scene and don't need to watch the video, we have other things to do. There are many things we need to discuss with you." Dachao said.

"You have to eat in one bite and do things one by one. When you finish your chores, come to Lishan to find me. Or, we can follow our past habits and hold a 'hero meeting' to mobilize for the next crisis." Harley said.

Da Chao and several hero giants looked at each other and said, "Let's talk privately first, and then we will call all the hero organizations to hold a hero meeting."

There is more than just the United States on earth, and the United States alone has more than one heroic organization, the Justice League.

Participants in the Heroes' Meeting include every organization that can contribute money and effort in the coming crisis, including but not limited to the US government and the Justice League.

"First get rid of the alien fleet, then clean up the ocean and the land submerged by the tsunami, and then come to me."

Even if the Speed ​​Force space collapsed and the Earth sank, Hal Jordan did not return to Earth.

Because at this time, the condition of the origin wall has become so bad that everyone can see that it cannot hold on and is about to collapse completely.

Hal Jordan is "the most powerful Green Lantern in history". In the work of repairing the Origin Wall, he can defeat half of the Green Lantern Corps alone.

These days, he and Kyle Rayner are at the Origin Wall, pumping emotional energy into it almost 24 hours a day.

Not only the Green Lantern Corps, but also the other major color-light corps have once again put aside their past feuds and begun sincere cooperation with "no grudges."

That is to say, they gave up their sectarian views and started to form a group of seven people to repair the cracks in the origin wall using colored light to evolve into white light.

Of course, there is no Legion of Greedy Orange Light, only Harley, the leader of the Orange Light Legion without a ring.

But orange light has “orange light ghosts”.

Harley releases the remaining Orange Lantern Ghosts, leaving only the previous Orange Lantern incarnation, Raffles, and transforms him into the most powerful Orange Lantern Ghost in history.

Lafleeze has also been stationed on the planet Okaro, the headquarters of the Orange Lantern.

The entire Okaro planet is composed of treasures collected by La Freeze, attracting countless greedy explorers every year.

Greed is the basic condition for becoming an Orange Lantern.

Explorers who were greedy enough were harvested by Lafleeze and made into "second-generation Orange Lantern ghosts" controlled by Harley.

After years of accumulation, the Lord of Orange Lanterns has another batch of Orange Lantern ghosts under his command.

The Orange Lantern Ghost is a lantern in the form of a ghost. It has thoughts and the ability to act independently. It can cooperate with the lanterns of other colored light corps to form the "Colorful White Light".

"Our seven legions working together are only a drop in the bucket for the huge Origin Wall and cannot change the overall situation!" Sinestro said with a tired look.

The commanders of the seven colored light armies also gathered together to create white light.

The white light they create is stronger and is designed to repair large cracks.

But now the crack in front of them can no longer be described as a "crack", and even the "canyon" is a bit narrow.

The gap in front of them was huge enough to fit an earth into.

It stretches for millions of kilometers, is over 10,000 kilometers wide at its widest point, and is bottomless.

The white light created by the commander of the Seven Legions fell on the gap, like using a band-aid to treat the knife wound of the dying Titan.

It cannot be said that it is completely useless, but the effect is so poor that their confidence is shaken.

"No matter what you do, it is better than doing nothing. If we persist for one more day at this time, even if the life span of the multiverse is extended by one minute, it will add up to countless years for countless people. It is completely worth it." Hal said solemnly.

"What I mean is, can we change the method?" Sinestro cheered up and said through the voice: "Or call Harley Quinn and ask her to think of a more efficient repair method.

Or let’s consider what to do after the origin wall collapses.

After the origin wall collapses, what will happen to the civilized planets in the universe?

Is it possible to build a safe haven and create a super ship that can adapt to the environment of the omnipotent universe?

You can’t put all your hopes and energy into repairing the origin wall. "

"As long as we keep hope, we can create miracles." said Saint Walker, the leader of the blue lantern who is the embodiment of hope.

"I don't want to talk to you. You have nothing but hope." Sinestro said coldly.

"Sinestro, everyone should do what they do best. What we Lanterns are best at is not looking for other ways, or thinking about what happens after the Origin Wall collapses.

We are best at patching the origin wall.

So we have to put all our hope and energy on the origin wall. Harley and Zheng Lian will handle the other work. I believe in them! ” cried Carol, Mrs. Renner.

"Of course you people on earth don't have to worry too much. If you really can't, you can hide in the dimension of Harley Quinn's stomach, but we have to think too much." Sinestro said.

"If you really want to do something, you can go to Luther. He will definitely welcome you if you join Luther now."

"Nonsense, how could I-" Sinestro shouted excitedly for a while, then suddenly realized that the voice did not come from the seven lamp owners.

He turned his head and looked to the side, and sure enough he saw Harley wearing a knee-length blue skirt and brown low-heeled boots.

She has no powers whatsoever and appears to appear directly in a space environment.

Sinestro was stunned for a moment and then said hesitantly: "Harley Quinn, are you your real body or a projection?"

"Harley? Oh my god, Harley, you're finally here!" Only then did the other lamp owners notice Harley's arrival.

"I just returned from the Mother River of Time, and things are not going well on your side!" Harley said.

"Hal said that the mother river of time collapsed, is it true?" Carol asked.

"Well, Luthor unlocked another negative base force, one-seventh of the multiverse was 'dead' again, and the origin wall collapsed."

Harley stared at the bottomless huge gap and sneered: "The Origin Wall has actually collapsed long ago. Your efforts are just a joke in the eyes of others."

"What is the negative base force, in whose eyes?" Sinestro asked, and quickly explained: "Harley Quinn, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about the work of repairing the origin wall.

I'm not a fool, my home planet Koruga and my Yellow Lantern Corps are all in the multiverse.

If the multiverse dies, it will not end well for me either.

I want to repair the Origin Wall more than anyone else, and it is absolutely impossible for me to compromise with anyone who intends to destroy the Origin Wall. "

Harley looked back at him and said strangely: "I'm not joking, and I didn't mean to test you.

If Luther comes to see you, don't hesitate and agree directly. "

"Luthor, what do you want me to do? What do you mean by negative base power?" Sinestro asked in surprise.

Harley pointed to the crack in the Origin Wall and said, "There is a monster sealed inside the wall. That monster has a very special identity. It once created our multiverse."

"My dear, are you saying that the Mother of Creation is sealed within the Origin Wall?" Hal exclaimed, and the expressions of the others also changed.

Harley nodded, "She received a task from the organization, brought seven positive basic forces to Taixu, and created a negative basic force multiverse on Taixu.

This behavior violated the orders of the 'Creation Group', and the monitor Marnou discovered the clues.

There was no Origin Wall back then, so Marnou could go to the multiverse next door to check the situation.

He saw other universe creation gods dying immediately after completing creation, and the essence of their bodies became the energy for the development of the universe. Not only was our mother of creation not dead, she was also creating an army to fight against the 'creation group'.

Most of you have seen her army, the giant gods and demons clinging to the Wall of Origin.

Well, not all giant stone sculptures come from ordinary gods and demons.

There are ordinary gods and demons stuck to the wall, and there are also the armies of the Creator God built into the wall.

Marnou joined forces with the Anti-Monitors and the Founders to summon the ‘Creation Group’.

The ‘Creation Group’ sent a judge to our multiverse, drained the Mother of Creation of her power and sealed it in the Origin Wall.

At the same time, the Judge also restarted our multiverse for the first time, transforming the negative basic force universe into a positive basic force universe.

The Origin Wall is the ‘origin’ of the multiverse, the core.

The mother of creation who is sealed by positive basic force needs negative basic force to unlock the seal.

The mother river of time collapsed because Luther opened the Tomb of the Gods and unsealed the Tears of Destruction.

Tears of Death correspond to the power of life connection, which is a negative base power. "

Harley glanced at the six lamp owners, "The seven colors of light energy you use, 'red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple,' are all visible light, which is a kind of positive basic force, and corresponds to invisible emotional energy.

So, sooner or later, Luthor is looking for you. Well, he is looking for villains. Which one of you is the super villain? "

Everyone turned their attention to Sinestro.

"Don't look at me, Earth's super villains and I have never been on the same page!" Sinestro shouted excitedly.

Harley sighed regretfully: "You are right, the 'Sinestro' of the main universe has not been a cosmic bully for many years, and has no contact or friendship with the villains of the earth, otherwise Luther would not have come to you until now. "

Hal's heart moved, "You mean, Luther's Legion of Destruction needs 'Sinestro', but it doesn't have to be the Sinestro of the main universe. They can go to the Sinestro of the parallel universe?"

"There is only one Sinestro in the multiverse, and we share the same uniqueness as the little blue man.

In the multiverse, only the main universe has Oa, there are little blue men, there is emotional energy, there is the Green Lantern Corps, and there is me! "Sinestro said proudly.

Hal glanced at him and said disapprovingly: "In the multiverse before Crisis on Infinite Earths, it was true that only the main universe had the Green Lantern Corps, because the little blue man had a unique attribute.

But after the Crisis on Infinite Earths is over, Oa is no longer the center of the universe, the uniqueness of the little blue man."

He hesitated for a moment and said uncertainly: "Maybe the little blue people with special status, such as Ganser and Crona, can still maintain their uniqueness, but the little blue people as a group have lost their uniqueness.

On the eve of Final Crisis, the Monitor corrupted Captain Atom and turned him into the Emperor, who controlled the Skyblood to abduct countless heroes from the multiverse. "

He laughed at himself and helplessly, "Among them, Hal Jordan, the greatest Green Lantern in history, has a group! I, a 'time demon', have lost my uniqueness after the multi-dimensional reboot. Why are you special?"

"Even Harley is not unique! There is a Harley in every parallel universe." Carol said.

"No, I'm different from you. I'm really unique. Those 'fake Harleys' are nothing like me except for their names." Harley said.

"You're right, those Hal Jordans have nothing to do with me except their name and identity as Green Lantern." Hal's expression looked much better.

"Well, I'm just me, the only firework." Carol grinned.

Although Sinestro said nothing, there was a relieved smile on his face.

Harley was a little speechless, I am the real only fireworks, you are just deceiving yourselves!

"Hey, Sinestro, although you can't become a 'Mission: Impossible' and infiltrate the Legion of Destruction for us.

But you are the Sinestro of the main universe. Compared with other Sinestros, you have an absolute advantage in terms of talent and life experience. "

"That's for sure. The sum of all the 'Sinestros' in the parallel universe is not as good as one of my fingers." Sinestro was full of confidence.

"Very good, start unblocking the invisible spectrum!" Harley said.

"What?" Sinestro was stunned, "What did you want me to do?"

"I just explained so much, but you didn't listen? Luther asked you to unblock the invisible spectrum, one of the seven negative basic forces, which is the 'ultraviolet emotional energy' besides red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.

Since he wants to find a counterfeit from a parallel universe to replace you, it’s better for you to strike first. " Harley said.

"But we have to protect the Origin Wall and stop Luther!" Sinestro said puzzled.

Harley said: "Luthor has a total body, which is a fragment at the core of the Origin Wall.

Unblocking the negative base force is not simply finding the negative base force.

It is necessary to introduce the found negative basic force into the total body and eliminate the positive basic force suppressing the mother of creation before it can be considered 'unsealed'.

Before Luther takes action, find the invisible light emotional energy and give it to me.

You absorb unlimited amounts and leave them to me to store in the stomach pouch dimension.

Energy is limited. Let's absorb the invisible light energy first. Luther's fake Sinestro will have no energy to absorb. "

"What a great idea!" Hal's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Even if it can't absorb all the invisible emotional energy, it can at least slow down the pace of the Legion of Destruction and give us more time to prepare."

"No wonder you came to Sinestro as soon as you came back." Hal was stunned at first, and then asked curiously: "By the way, how did you know this news? You never told us before."

"As early as decades ago, when I first fell on the Origin Wall, I knew about the existence of the Mother of Creation. She wanted to seduce me at that time, but I didn't agree.

Since then, I have been looking around for news about positive and negative basic forces. I have seen a lot of positive basic forces, but negative basic forces seem to be rejected by the multiverse, and the source has never been found.

In the era of the King of Martial Gods, I even saw the 'Total Complex', not the one in Luthor's hands. "

Harley sighed: "I guessed that Splash wouldn't let it go, but I didn't expect that she was targeting Luther."

"Did you know before that I could find invisible light emotional energy?" Sinestro asked.

Harley shook her head, "Before, I only vaguely discovered that the positive base power is related to the positive heroes, but the correlation is not absolute.

The Flash is the embodiment of the Speed ​​Force, Hal is the embodiment of willpower, Neptune has the power of life connection in his body, Wonder Woman has the power of reversible lightning and the Speed ​​Force. Yellow Lantern, Orange Lantern, and Red Lantern can still use emotional energy even if they are not heroes.

It wasn't until Luther formed the Legion of Destruction and the two negative base powers were unblocked that I found the pattern.

The multiverse requires a balance of good and evil. There may be others who use the Positive Basic Force, but the incarnation of the Positive Basic Force must be a hero.

A hero may not be unable to use negative base power, but the incarnation of negative base power must be a villain.

You are Hal's enemy, Hal is the incarnation of emotional energy, and you correspond to invisible emotional energy. "

"Isn't this inference too imprecise? I can't be simply defined as 'who is my enemy'.

Hal Jordan was just a passer-by in my life, and he didn't even matter. "Sinestro said displeased.

"I'm glad you think so. I don't want to be tied to you either." Hal complained.

"Stop talking nonsense. You will understand if I am right or not. Try it for yourselves. Sinestro, take off the yellow light ring and carefully sense the energy that is different from the colored spectrum."

I guess Luther has already chosen your peer. You must hurry up and not let the peer defeat the real master. Harley urged.

"There is no way I will lose to those fakes from parallel universes."

Sinestro took off the yellow light ring with a determined expression.

Harley turned to the other lamp owners and said, "You also take off your lamp rings and search for invisible light with him."

"We are not villains," Carol said.

"Energy is just energy. You are not villains or incarnations of negative basic power. You can still use energy."

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