I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1967 Preparation (Happy New Year, everything goes as you wish)

"The writing of basic magic spells has already begun. Once written, it will immediately become part of the basic magic rule system. At that time, everyone can already use the newly written magic spells.

It's known that the new spell contains a tribute to Harley.

The Heaven's Gate Magic Conference lasted for more than a week, during which no extraordinary person raised any objection.

The magician did not find the three representatives BoBo, Neilong, and Queen Hera, nor did the three representatives take the initiative to question Harley about the complimentary sentences of the new spell.

This shows that the divine magicians don't care about this, and the content of the new spell has no real negative impact on them.

Since they don't care themselves, why should you worry about them? "

Dachao looked at his wife and persuaded him politely.

Louise said anxiously: "I'm not being sentimental and taking the initiative to help them. If they hadn't found me, how could I, an ordinary person, understand what's wrong with the new magic spell?"

She glanced at Harry, hesitation flashing in her eyes.

In the end, she gritted her teeth and said: "And they didn't find Harry in person. It's not that they have no problem with the cumbersome eulogies in the new spell.

Not everyone dares to give advice to Harry.

Even if Harley is now a saint, finding bugs in the rules from the tribulation system and the magic bank, and questioning the eulogy in the new spell are not the same concept.

The Heavenly Tribulation System, Magic Galaxy, and New Magic Spells are all part of the magic reform.

But Harley doesn't know about the bugs in the Tribulation System and the Magic Bank. If everyone can help her find the loopholes, Harley will only be happier, and the Tribulation and Magic Bank will be more perfect.

The eulogy in the new spell cannot be an unknown bug.

If Harley hadn't done it intentionally, the goddess and fairy who wrote the spell wouldn't have done it.

Since the eulogies in the new spell come from Harley's will, questioning the burden of the eulogies is not looking for bugs, but looking for faults with Holy Aunt Harley.

Who dares to find trouble with Harley in public, question her in public about her self-interest and using a magic spell to pretend to be an eternal pussy? "

Dachao also glanced at Harley, and seeing that she had no intention of speaking, he said to himself: "Harry has dedicated all his magic power and more than one million light magic powers, just pretending to be cool and letting the mages praise her. It's nothing, right?

And Harley also said that she was not doing it entirely to show off her power.

After all, she has sacrificed so much. Both the extraordinary beings and the extraordinary world have received her favor, and there is cause and effect between them.

Praising Harley in the spell is equivalent to completing the cause and effect. From now on, the two will owe nothing to each other. It is also good for the mages to be debt-free and light-hearted. "

Harley glanced at him and said, "I didn't expect you to understand the law of cause and effect now."

A happy look appeared on Dachao's face, "It seems that my analysis is correct!"

After a pause, he continued: "Harry, it has been three full days since you entered heaven. During this period, I have been paying attention to the conversations between Louise and the interviewees with my super hearing.

The starting point for overcoming the tribulation is the 300-year-old master.

Only magicians who need to overcome the calamity will get together to discuss the topic of calamity very enthusiastically, so the discussants are all experienced top experts, and their words often touch the truth.

They talked about a lot of conjectures and analyses, and although I couldn’t understand them all, the more I listened to them, and the super brain analysis, I now really have some insights into cause and effect. "

Harry glanced around the outside of the medical floating island. The extraordinary group was not too far away from the floating island, and the farthest was only dozens or hundreds of kilometers.

But the thing between them and the floating island is not air!

This is Limbo Prison, where only the spirit can transmit sound, and sound cannot be transmitted.

Dachao can actually use his super "hearing" to listen to other people's mental waves.

Spiritual sound transmission is similar to wireless broadcasting. Wireless broadcasting can be broadcast publicly. Similar to wireless television and radio, mental power can also be used.

Mental sound transmission can also be encrypted and spread like wireless broadcasts. Only fixed targets can receive and understand it, and others may not be able to perceive it; it may also be technologically advanced and detect mental fluctuations, but cannot decipher the information of mental fluctuations; it may also be technologically more advanced and The power of one's own mind is extremely powerful, and it can not only detect hidden mental waves, but also know its contents.

When extraordinary people gather together to discuss, they will definitely not encrypt the information. It is not surprising that others can receive mental fluctuations.

But others rely on the mental power within the sea of ​​consciousness to receive mental waves, but Dachao relies on "hearing".

His super hearing is obviously not really "ear power".

In other words, his hearing power transcends sound waves in the physical world.

Louise was howling miserably on the other side of the world. As soon as the sound wave was emitted, it did not reach the end of the street. However, Chao at the end of the world immediately "heard" it and rushed over to protect her within his own biological force field.

"It is indeed a good thing to understand the law of cause and effect, but will it not affect your concept of heroism if you understand the law of cause and effect?" Harley asked curiously.

It was okay that I didn’t understand the law of cause and effect before, but now that I understand it, I naturally understand that certain heroic actions under the concept of absolute justice have always created the cause of sin for the hero.

Dachao sighed with a complex expression, "I am willing to bear the cause and effect for my concept of justice! I firmly believe that for the large system of human civilization, the concept of justice will definitely reduce the entropy of chaos and reduce the total amount of cause and effect."

Harley nodded and said nothing more.

Although she didn't say it clearly, he understood it.

There was no euphemism in his answer. He was unwavering, straight to the core, and crisp.

The concept of absolute justice that justice heroes adhere to will bring a lot of cause and effect to themselves, which they did not realize before.

Now that he understands the law of cause and effect, at least Dachao admits that his philosophy of not killing the damned villains and his actions of saving dying villains will bring a lot of evil causes to himself - the villains he spared and saved by him If they do not repent (basically they are unrepentant), part of the sins committed by the villain in the future will be attributed to the heroes and become the cause of their sins.

But Dachao's concept of justice has not been shaken, and his belief is actually stronger than before.

Because he believes that although the causes of his own sins have skyrocketed, for the entire society and human civilization, the concept of justice he adheres to and his actions guided by the concept of justice are reducing the cause and effect of the larger system.

Treating workers as an isolated system, he provides labor and receives wages. He works harder, but his salary decreases. Is it because hard work reduces returns?

If capitalists are added to the system, workers will work harder. Although the workers themselves will gain less, the social wealth of the entire system will actually increase, but the increased wealth will flow to the capitalists.

Treat Superman as an isolated system. When he is practicing the concept of justice, the causes of evil in himself are increasing. Is it the concept of justice that is creating the cause of evil?

If the world in which Superman lives is treated as a large system, and the timeline is extended enough to ignore certain special points in time, the total amount of cause and effect in society will actually be greatly reduced.

The causes of evil in Dachao have not decreased, but the number of evils committed by the general public in society has decreased.

Dachao firmly believes that absolute justice can infect more people, make people on the edge of creating evil hesitate, let them find hope again, be inspired by justice again, move closer to justice and stay away from evil, thus greatly reducing the evil of the entire society. reason.

Therefore, after understanding the way of cause and effect, and knowing that the cause of evil will not dissolve itself in the form of a single chain, and that if it does not form a closed loop, it will eventually accumulate to cause disaster for all living beings, Dachao did not hesitate and worry about his own situation.

Instead, he became more determined in his ideas of justice.

He is willing to be a laborer who works harder, gets lower wages, and makes the capitalists richer.

He enjoys it because the "capitalist" he serves is not an individual entity but the entire people.

Harley and Chao contained too much content in just two sentences. Some of the heroes next to them were thoughtful, and some didn't understand it at all.

Louise glanced at the faces of Harley and her husband with complicated eyes, and after a moment of silence, she added: "Tens of millions of extraordinary beings came to the Heaven's Gate Magic Conference, and now only a few hundred thousand are left. There are even fewer people who express their opinions on the mantras and chants. Does anyone else understand the cause and effect?"

Harry said: "You don't need to understand the law of cause and effect. Even in the material world, if you help a homeless man casually, as long as he has a little conscience, he will say things like 'thank you' and 'god bless you' to you." auspicious words.

There are many bastards in the supernatural world, but that doesn't mean that all of them are ungrateful and ungrateful bastards.

Holy Aunt, I have worked hard and paid so much for them. People with conscience will see it and remember it in their hearts.

They just wished they could be grateful more, and did not care about the content of the new spell, nor did they think deeply about the cause and effect.

It is precisely this pure feeling of gratitude that can truly complete my good deeds to them. "

Oliver looked at Louise and said: "Actually, magic spells are not essential. Some highly skilled wizards do not need to recite spells at all when casting spells.

Gods and demons can even cast basic magic instantly.

For them, no matter how many eulogies are included in the magic spell, it will not make much difference.

So no one raised any questions in front of Harley.

It doesn't make much sense but it will really offend Harley seriously, so why bother? "

Louise explained: “I actually know the thoughts of those who ask me to help spread the word.

They were actually afraid of Harley, and the Hex was not the central issue.

The main reason why I helped them pass the message was for Harley. "

She turned to Harley, her expression and tone were sincere, and said: "Harley, your Heavenly Tribulation System and Magic Bank have truly changed the extraordinary world.

Not to mention normal mages, even an ordinary person like me feels that the future of the extraordinary world is full of hope and brightness.

Before today, the supernatural world was always associated with darkness, blood, deformity, weirdness, and unknown evil.

It can be said that you have brought new life to the supernatural world.

Your tribulation system and magic bank have a huge positive and beneficial effect on the material world and the entire multiverse.

This great reform is destined to make you the greatest person in the supernatural world.

It would be unworthy of one of the greatest and most respected men to have his reputation tarnished by a less important eulogy of a curse. "

Harry felt that she was not completely lying. Louise had the purpose of making news, but it was true that she was worried about her reputation. There was no contradiction between the two.

"I am very grateful that you have this idea, but it is completely unnecessary. When I think that I am the greatest person, no one can deny it, and no one's denial is useless.

When I don't care about this title, even if the whole universe cheers for me, I..."

Harry paused and then told the truth, "I may feel elated for a moment, but that emotion decays faster than boiling water naturally cools down.

Things I don't care about don't mean much to me.

I don’t expect to get the things I care about from others.

I will take what I want myself. "

——Witch Harley is still Witch Harley, even if she now has an extra coat of "saint aunt".

Louise's cheeks twitched slightly, "Okay, I understand. I will also record your words in the series of special programs "The Greatest Magical Reform in Collective Respect" so that everyone can understand what you mean. ,how?"

Harry was a little indifferent, "Do you need to use such an exaggerated title? You can just use "Magic Reform Series" or "Heaven's Gate Magic Convention".

“Journalists should report the most authentic news fairly, but journalists should also cry out against injustice and sing praises for good deeds that promote justice and light.

The reporter's attitude and passion can arouse people's emotions, punish crimes and praise kindness.

Both titles you mentioned are too neutral and fail to express my inner excitement. "

Louise's expression was very serious when she said this, and she was not joking at all.

Harley was made a little nauseous by her.

"Whatever you want, use whatever name you want for your news." She waved her hand and prepared to leave.

"Hey, Harley, don't go!" Louise quickly stopped her and said quickly: "I still have a question.

The extraordinary beings in this world include not only magicians, gods and demons, but theoretically Superman and The Flash are also considered extraordinary beings.

Can extraordinary beings with genetic mutations or control of other energies survive the catastrophe? "

"You think it's not bad enough for Superman to suffer a catastrophe once, and you want him to cause catastrophes frequently and show the cause of his evil in public?" Harley said.

"No, Superman doesn't have much evil in him. At most, he's not as good as Oliver and has so many good deeds.

In fact, in the entire magical world, there are more than ten million people who have survived the tribulation, and only Oliver has achieved obvious and huge good results.

Others are at best like Superman, with good qualities in them, but the number is limited and cannot be condensed into good results that will last forever. "

After a pause, Louise continued: "And I definitely don't want superheroes such as Superboy and The Flash to survive the tribulation.

To be honest, after interviewing a group of divine magicians, I have more and more admiration for your tribulation system and magic bank.

Did you know that now even the evil god has given up all his unruly and unrealistic fantasies and started to honestly plan his future 'career as a good god'?

They do not necessarily want to be good people who are willing to help others, but they firmly give up their past style of doing whatever they want and killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Even if they want to maintain their evil and vicious divinity, they will only use evil and insidiousness on evil people. They will not specifically torture good people like in the past, so that good people will not get good retribution. Instead, they will take in evil people who have the same bad taste as themselves. souls, let them enjoy the highest bliss. "

"So?" Harley raised her eyebrows, "Just get to the point. There's no need to flatter me."

"I'm not flattering you, I really feel it." Louise explained eagerly first, but after saying it, she felt that this sentence was more like flattery. She couldn't help but sigh and said: "Okay, I'll be more direct, what I mean is Yes, can super villains also enjoy the taste of catastrophe?

No matter how evil the villain is, there is always some humanity left in him, as the previous Pandora's Box crisis has proven.

Evil gods can be inhumane.

Even the inhuman evil gods have curbed their evil deeds because of the catastrophe. If the villains suffered a catastrophe every three to five years, the world would be a better place and the superheroes would be much more relaxed. "

Harry shook his head and said: "Your idea is good, but it's a pity that the magic rules only apply to extraordinary people who use magic.

Even in the previous magic debt crisis, the Resentment Man and the Inverted Man were unable to harvest those with powers without magic power.

Magic mark and magic debt also belong to the basic magic rules, and they are the top and most unchangeable rules.

The top-level basic rules cannot affect the non-magic side of the superpowers, let alone the artificially created secondary magic rules? "

"But there is no absolute boundary between magical beings and ordinary people. At the Colu High Civilization Congress, as long as the magic power reaches a certain standard, it will also be harvested by the Upside Down."

Louise pursed her lips and said: "If a 'forced magic impregnation' machine is built in the prison, and all the villains in prison are stuffed into the magic machine, and they are forced to be impregnated with harmless high-level magic, they will If they transform into magical beings, won't they be able to survive catastrophes frequently?"

Harry's eyes widened and he looked at her in surprise for a long time, making Louise feel embarrassed, and then sighed: "You can think of such a ruthless method, I really underestimate you."

Louise was a little proud and a little embarrassed, and said: "I didn't think of this method alone.

During the interview, I came up with the idea of ​​letting the villains survive the catastrophe, so I asked those magic experts who talked about the law of cause and effect.

They are all gods, at least at the main god level. They have lived for countless years. They are extremely experienced and are true experts. Their attitude towards me is also very nice.

After hearing my question, they barely thought about it and opened their mouths to tell me how to forcefully impregnate it. "

After a pause, she continued: "However, some experts have questioned it, believing that forced immersion also depends on talent and one's own will. Not everyone can become a magical being after forced immersion.

No one can be sure whether he can be judged as a person who has overcome the tribulation.

Then they put forward a second suggestion, adding a "transcendence of heavenly tribulation" death penalty method to the law.

Gather together the villains who have been sentenced to undergo the tribulation, and wait for a certain mage to pass the tribulation, and let them take advantage of it.

Even if ordinary people fall into the scope of the heavenly tribulation, as long as there is evil in them, the heavenly tribulation will be activated.

This has been proven.

However, some people still questioned that there is no 100% certainty that other mages will survive the tribulation.

If the villain's calamity is forcibly detonated, the mage himself may not necessarily fail to overcome the calamity 100% of the time, but the success rate of overcoming the calamity will definitely be reduced.

Finally, everyone brainstormed and thought that a legal provision could be added to "retain bail for practicing magic."

As long as the criminal practices magic seriously, he will be given the opportunity to be released on bail.

If you train from an ordinary person to a formal apprentice who can inspire magic, you can even be released without charge immediately.

If you practice to the master level, you no longer have to worry about villains committing crimes.

Due to the sins of the villains, they would most likely be struck to death by the thunder of Zeus the moment they were promoted to Grandmaster.

For villains, practicing magic means accepting punishment. "

Harley turned to Superman, Oliver, Martian Manhunter and other superheroes, and asked with emotion: "Did you hear that? This is the correct way to deal with super villains.

No wonder some great people said that to deal with a traitor, you must be more traitorous than the traitor.

The evil gods are indeed the ancestors of villains, or they know how to manipulate villains better. "

"What's the difference between letting villains forcibly escape the tribulation and killing them directly? As long as we kill people on sight, the intimidation effect is more terrifying than the tribulation. Is the method of killing evil on sight more correct than the tribulation?" Martian Jon said.

Dachao nodded and said: "We don't kill villains not only to give them a chance to complete redemption, but also to redeem the world itself.

Punishment and killing will not push the world towards justice, but will only attract the world in the direction of killing like an iron block meeting a magnet. "

"It's up to you." Harley shrugged, "I'm not a superhero. I don't do things beyond my abilities. It's not my responsibility to redeem villains. You can do it yourself."

She turned to Louise and asked curiously: "Would you put forced villain-infused content into a special series?"

Dachao immediately advised nervously: "No, it's not necessary, this is just a guess."

Louise thought about it seriously and said: "If you want to put it in, you not only have to put it in, but you also have to have a separate theme, which must have at least three episodes.

The first episode presents opinions, the second episode convenes experts for discussion, and the third episode illustrates feasible solutions. "

Da Chao shouted: "The villain will be furious after watching your special program and launch a crazy and bottomless revenge on you.

They are not the Supreme, the Supreme cannot sneak up on the earth, and Harley doesn't care about the daily crimes. "

Offending the Supreme Being and being hated by the Supreme Being is certainly a horror story.

But the earth has its own special national conditions. The earth has Harley, the supreme nemesis. Even if the supreme hates a certain earthling, he would not dare to go to the earth to cause trouble in person. In the past, all the supremes who caused trouble on the earth were killed by Harley.

But super villains are already on the earth, and super crimes happen every day on the earth. This is the responsibility of the heroes of the main alliance, and Harley doesn't care.

"Don't get excited. First of all, I have you and everyone in Zhenglian to protect you, so I'm not afraid! Moreover, I'm just a news reporter, only responsible for interviews. The previous content about forcing villains to escape tribulations all came from gods and demons from other worlds."

Louise smiled slyly at her husband, pointed at the Archimedes airship, and said: "There is video to prove it! I will only play the interview video with the gods and demons and Harley, and then let the experts in law and magic express their opinions.

I'll even throw out a few invitations in the preview for the first episode to bring in face-to-face discussions with famous villains and experts. "

"Dear, you are so cunning, very good, very good!" Dachao smiled reassuringly.

Louise, who was about to run five, did not continue to gossip with her husband. She immediately turned to Harley and asked, "You have been in Silver City for three full days. What have you been doing? Can you tell us?"

——I was discussing the research and development of "The Good Fruit Sutra" with a group of low-minded archangels. The discussion lasted for three days and three nights with no results. It was a waste of my time and energy.

Harley murmured in her heart, but did not take the initiative to expose the fact that angels were also implicated in the catastrophe and suffered heavy casualties.

"I'm having a meeting with the Archangels, mainly related to the 'giant thing' in the Origin Wall," she said.

The heroes' eyes lit up and they quickly asked: "Is Heaven determined to be involved in the next crisis?"

Although none of them knew the true identity of the giant thing in the origin wall, from Harley's solemn attitude and the relationship between the "giant thing" and the omnipotent universe, they could guess that the crisis caused by the "giant thing" would be far away. It must be a level of power that surpasses any previous crisis.

Eighty percent of it will surpass the "multiverse level" and reach the terrifying "omniverse level".

In a crisis at the level of the Almighty Universe, they cannot say that they are completely unsure of the power of the Transcendent. They can only say that their only source of confidence is the awareness that they are not afraid of death and Harley, who has repeatedly created miracles.

But they all know that "God" is a great being beyond the multiverse.

If heaven is willing to intervene, then——

"Don't think about it, heaven will be closed again soon." Harley interrupted their newly aroused beautiful fantasy very simply and cruelly.

"This crisis is more terrifying than any in the past, but this crisis also has one similarity with the past - without any external aid, we can only survive by ourselves, and the main universe and the earth are 80% the main battlefields," she said. He added cruelly.

"Oh, why is Heaven so irresponsible? It shrinks when it encounters a crisis. God obviously has no shortage of power!" Oliver cried in disappointment.

"Why didn't Heaven take responsibility?" Harley pointed to herself, "I am the Holy Aunt of Heaven and the True God of War of the Eight Realms. I am the representative of Heaven and the physical manifestation of God's power in the human world."

Dachao looked expectant and asked: "The archangels will continue to let you control all the power of the king as they did during the magic debt crisis, and will also provide unlimited divine punishment support from heaven?

We have all seen the divine punishment in heaven, and it is indeed very powerful.

Like silver spears, they instantly penetrated the entire Limbo Hell from the Gate of Heaven, landed directly on Weird's head, and beat it to ashes.

What is even more terrifying is the persistence of divine punishment, which is enduring, continuous, and terrifying!

But the 'giant' inside the Origin Wall should be stronger than the Upside Down, right?

Can Heaven’s Divine Punishment continue to increase in power? "

Harry shook his head and said: "There will be no divine punishment from heaven this time. The reason Silver City was willing to support my divine punishment last time was only because the worst thing - the strange impact on the gate of heaven - had already happened.

And the worst case scenario - I and the Silver City Angels couldn't stop the weird goal, but it didn't appear.

They have the confidence and courage to completely break up with the upside-down people.

In the next 'giant crisis', unless the giants, like the Upside Down, attack the gate of heaven arrogantly, Silver City will not take the initiative to provoke the 'giants'. "

Even during the magic debt crisis, Silver City had the idea of ​​closing its doors.

Heaven is indeed closed.

If the Upside Down never comes close to the Gate of Heaven, Silver City may not be able to provide Harry with the power of a king.

If Harley could not hold the gate of heaven later and did not achieve a win-win situation, there would be no divine punishment in heaven.

Of course, if Harley can't even guard the door to heaven, it's impossible to get enough magical power to help heaven repay its debt.

The magic debt redemption was not completed, and the divine punishment from heaven could not hurt the upside-down man, so it was of no use to Harley.

"With God's backing, Heaven still lacks confidence and courage?" Louise said.

Harley said: “Heaven is not a war machine whose purpose is to exist as a violent institution.

It is the destination of God's devout believers and the ultimate direction of God's way.

It does not exist to fight.

It is like a cathedral, not a military camp, not a war temple, not a general's palace.

Heaven has the confidence and courage to face anyone.

But the angels in heaven do not have the confidence and courage to bear the responsibility for the destruction of heaven.

Pulling an angel out alone, as long as the Silver City has orders, he is not afraid of anything and dares to attack hell alone.

But if the price of the angel's death in battle is that the lower heaven falls, countless devout spirits wail and dissipate, the city of holy sounds that houses the Holy Spirit is crumbling, and the Holy Spirit is in danger, then the angels will start to look forward and backward, and have a heart of fear. "

Dachao nodded thoughtfully and sighed: "That's right. The responsibilities that heaven bears are too heavy, but angels are not absolutely invincible, so it's normal to have concerns."

"God will certainly not allow heaven to be destroyed." Louise said.

Harley said calmly: "You want to use the survival of heaven to force God to take action? What the Lord gives you is yours. If the Lord doesn't give it to you, and you use treacherous means to coerce Him, it is the greatest blasphemy and a great evil!"

Louise's face turned pale and she quickly denied it loudly, "No, I just said that angels don't need to be afraid."

She is no longer a young person in her twenties who rushes forward fearlessly.

She has seen the majesty of heaven, knows how serious the sin of slandering God is, and has personally experienced how terrifying the consequences of punishment for the cause of sin are.

For herself, her husband, and her family, she doesn’t have to believe in God devoutly, but when facing any god, she must have basic courtesy and humility.

Not to mention slandering God at the gate of heaven, when she went to interview evil gods and demons before, she also had a gentle smile on her face, used honorifics throughout, and tried her best to appear neither humble nor arrogant, but also polite and courteous.

When she was in her twenties, she might have had the will but not the power, but now she can do it with ease and have a natural attitude.

"If God will take action when heaven is in crisis, he will definitely bless me before heaven is in crisis and protect me from spreading the crisis to the interior of heaven." Like a real saint, Hallie's expression was pious and solemn.

"So there's no need to worry about Heaven, right? They should help you." Da Chao said.

Harry looked up at the Gate of Heaven, which was shining with a faint holy light, and said quietly: "Do you know that in the past history, the Gate of Heaven has been lost many times.

Heaven did not have the title of ‘Head of the Eight Realms’ from the beginning.

Not all gods and demons feared heaven at first and did not dare to provoke Silver City.

The Pantheon established by the gods, and the ‘Limbo Elves’, the native race in Limbo Prison, have all been enemies of Heaven and have also severely damaged Heaven (ps).

The earth is the Garden of Eden, and the Garden of Eden is no less important to God than heaven. Is it true that the earth has never been disaster-free?

God even personally caused a great flood to destroy the world.

The meaning of God’s existence has never been to protect everyone from disaster.

God simply provides a way forward for all beings, a path to salvation.

The roughness and dangers on the road are all our own responsibility.

But as long as we have enough faith in our hearts and unwavering faith in the Lord, we can overcome any difficulties on the road, Amen~~~”

After the sermon, Saint Aunt Hallie faced the gate of heaven with a face filled with holy piety and skillfully crossed herself on her chest.

Her words, her expression and her demeanor all frightened the old guys around her.

When facing the Gate of Heaven, their faces showed more awe and piety; when they looked at Harley, they suddenly felt that she was much more sacred.

After a while, Oliver broke the sacred silence, twisted his body a few times uncomfortably, and asked, "So what did you talk about with the archangels? It took three full days!"

Harry said: "Heaven will close its doors, and the power of the Great King that was given to me in the past will be taken back when my blood clone returns from the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Lest the ‘giant’ misunderstand that Heaven is honest on the surface but deceitful behind the scenes.

Of course, I am now an archangel and have my own share of the power of a king.

At least the power and power of the previous generation's 'Tongue of Fire' will be given to me.

I cannot control the power of the holy flames of the Flame Angel clan for the time being.

I'm not a fire mage, and even if I mastered it, I wouldn't be able to exert much power.

But the power will definitely be retained.

In addition, the Maharaja also hinted to me how to win the crisis of the ‘giant object’.

As long as I master the method of winning, I can at least guarantee victory without defeat. "

"What's the way to win?" Everyone's eyes were shining again, full of expectation.

"It's not sure yet. The Lord didn't clearly say what the way to win is. He only gave a hint. I have to follow the hint to find the answer." Harley said.

"What's the hint? How can we help?" Dachao asked.

Harley didn't hide it, and recounted the entire conversation between the Maharaja and herself, as well as her plan to go to the Ocean of Entropy to practice tomorrow.

"The essence of the world is told through stories." All the heroes frowned, looking confused.

"Can training in the ocean of entropy improve your storytelling talent? Forget about other times. Now everyone knows that the origin wall is about to collapse and the 'giant' is about to escape. What if the 'giant' jumps while you are away? Come out, can we stop him?" Oliver asked worriedly.

"This time I will take World Tree with me to the Ocean of Entropy."

Harley smiled and said: "More than a month ago, in order to prevent the magic of chaos from flowing into the multiverse, the World Tree was infiltrated by the power of the thick-skinned war god, and the soul and trunk bark were imprinted with the thick-skin mark.

The thick skin mark probably cannot guarantee her independent survival in the ocean of entropy.

The roots of the tree extend into the ocean of entropy, 80% of the spirit is annihilated, and the life is exhausted.

But the tree roots themselves will not completely dissipate, at least a corpse will be left behind - a 'dead tree root' that has lost its spirit and life. "

Oliver thought thoughtfully, "As long as the tree roots can be preserved, regardless of whether they are active or not, they can become a 'signal line' for transmitting information?

You can even wrap dead tree roots around your body, soak in a place very close to the end of the mother river of time, and let the world tree pull you out. If there is a big change in the main universe. "

"Absolutely." Harley nodded and said, "When the Origin Wall collapses, no matter how careful the 'giant' inside is, it will cause huge shocks in the multiverse.

It shook more violently than a magnitude 10 earthquake in the ground beneath the house.

No matter in any space, in any dimension, or at any point in the river of time, something will be felt.

World Tree does not need to convey too complicated information, and the changes in the world may be directly revealed in her.

I estimate that even without the World Tree, as long as we don’t go too deep into the ocean of entropy, we might still be able to sense the changes in the multiverse. "

"Is it because the sea of ​​entropy and the sea of ​​chaotic magic both 'grow' outside the multiverse? Just like a few strands of hair on a bald head, the head is the multiverse, and the hairs are energy dimensions outside reality?

The skull is like a wall of origin. If the skull is broken, the hair on the bald head will vibrate violently. "Da Chao Dao.

He heard the term "bald hair" from Harley.

At the celebration banquet when the strange nest was destroyed by the magic of chaos, Harley explained the structure and state of the strange nest and the sea of ​​chaotic magic.

Harley pondered: "It might be a hair growing on a bald head, or it might be a body lying on the edge of the swimming pool with one foot stretched into the pool filled with water.

I feel that the size of the Sea of ​​Chaos Magic is far smaller than that of the Ocean of Entropy. It may be larger and the significance it represents is greater. Although I still don’t understand the significance of the Ocean of Entropy to the multiverse. "

In fact, just soaking in the ocean of entropy, if she cannot receive special information, it will be difficult to improve her storytelling ability.

Story transfer comes from the Winds of Nothingness defense feat.

The Wind of Nothingness eliminates all traces of existence such as body, soul, and even story, while the corresponding defense expertise is to enhance the traces of existence and spread one's own story.

To improve the ability to convey stories, the most direct way is to absorb the wind of nothingness and increase the level of defense expertise.

After learning that Hecate was sealed in the Wind of Nothingness Nest, Harley was full of expectations, hoping that when the Resentment broke free from the seal and returned to reality, she would release a large amount of Wind of Nothingness into the multiverse, and even blow up a big storm of Wind of Nothingness.

It would be better to blame her for controlling the wind of nothingness, standing in the center of the big storm, triumphantly showing off her power, threatening to destroy all the foundations of her existence, and then Harley opens her mouth and suffocates the entire wind of nothingness, killing three birds with one stone: Resolve dangers, increase your expertise level, and make the nagging woman's jaw drop. She pretends to be awesome.

It's a pity that when the magic debt crisis ended, Harley didn't wait for the wind of nothingness, not even a wisp of it.

During the period of mastering the power of magic, she also searched for the Wind Nest of Nothingness outside of reality, but still found nothing.

There is certainly no wind of nothingness within the ocean of entropy.

Waiting for information from the universe next door in the ocean of entropy is also full of uncertainty.

Harley's real purpose is to go deep into the ocean of entropy, find higher energy levels of entropy, and upgrade the entropy defense expertise to level 11, 12, or even higher.

The higher the level of the Entropy Defense feat, the more sophisticated Harley can control level 10 entropy.

If she could really use entropy as a conventional weapon, she would no longer be afraid of facing more detached people.

If he couldn't beat him anymore, he would just open his mouth and spray out a sea of ​​entropy, which would not kill them and prevent them from chasing him.

(PS: The setting of Pantheon and ‘elves’ attacking heaven is not a second creation.

In the comics, heaven even fell, and the lower level of heaven was broken by the 'elves', and they were killed all the way into the Silver City.

The 'elves' are not elves in the fairyland. They also have pointed ears, but their power is very, very ancient, even older than the ancient gods.

Originally, I planned to write this plot, which also foreshadowed the Pantheon, but later deleted it along with other details (such as the coming of the Rotten Kingdom, Superman Horror, Lucifer's retirement and continued being tricked to death by the old god, etc.) , I only write about major DC events so that they can be completed as soon as possible. )

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