I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1966 Praising the Saint Aunt Causes and Effects

"Why are you still here?" Harley landed next to Dachao, looked up and down and asked, "How do you feel now? According to your previous situation, returning to Earth as soon as possible is the best choice."

At this time, the Heaven's Gate Magic Conference has come to a successful conclusion, which lasted for eight days and eight nights.

Regarding the details of the magic bank, the meeting was adjourned several times, allowing the three representatives and the magicians of the gods to discuss it in detail for a long time.

The calamity system and magic bank are basically all of Harley's magic reform.

There are other modifications, but they are all adjustments to the previous magic rules, unlike the Tribulation and the Bank, which are groundbreaking.

After the discussion at the Magic Bank was over, Harley announced the adjournment of the meeting.

Some magicians left immediately, while others took advantage of the good atmosphere of the venue to stay and form gangs to prepare for the new magic rules of the new era.

When Harley returned to the "Medical Floating Island" outside the gate of heaven, she found that Dachao and several other superheroes were still there.

The Medical Floating Island was specially pulled out by Harley from the inside of Heaven after the catastrophe, and was used to house extraordinary beings who had successfully survived the tribulation but were seriously injured. It was equivalent to the "Limbo Medical Aircraft Carrier".

At this time, other tribulation transcenders have left. Dachao is also considered a tribulation transcender. He is still there, but there are not many superheroes around him.

"I feel fine, and I originally planned to return to Earth immediately, but Louise's interview work is not over yet, and the interviewees are all extraordinary beings with bad conduct. I am a little worried, so I will stay here to keep an eye on her and protect her. "Da Chao Dao.

Harley glanced at Oliver next to him and said strangely: "She is quite courageous. She has just experienced a natural disaster and seen the malice of a group of people who have overcome the tribulation, and yet she dares to continue to deal with them."

"Louise is actually a little worried. If it weren't for Rachel's protection, she would definitely not dare to go there alone." Dachao said.

"Since you know how powerful it is, why should you go there and be afraid? The magic conference lasted for eight days and eight nights, and she didn't stop doing interviews during the recess. Isn't the news material enough?" Harley said.

When Da Chao heard this, his expression became a little embarrassed and awkward.

He groaned and said: "Perhaps Louise is a little too intoxicated with the reputation of 'The Names of All Heavens'."

Speaking ill of his wife behind her back made him embarrassed and awkward, but when facing Harley, he didn't want to deal with it with lies.

But once I opened my mouth and uttered the first sentence, the rest of the words immediately became smooth and natural.

"Louise has also come into contact with extraordinary beings in the past, mostly extraordinary beings from Earth. This was the first time she encountered a multiverse-level extraordinary conference. As a result, she received a huge surprise when she attended the extraordinary conference for the first time.

First, her reputation is bigger than she expected.

Not to mention that everyone in the world knows it, at least 70% of powerful gods and demons have watched her series of special programs.

Those extraordinary beings who have developed journalism in their home world even said that in their world, they can often see commentaries and video news reprinted from ‘Famous Louise’.

Louise was very excited and moved.

Since she became famous, editors from all over the world often plagiarize her news content and opinions.

The worst part is even stealing the video of her series intact.

But in the otherworldly world, whether it is the world of knights or the world of magic, whether it is humans or other creatures, none of them has stolen her works, and they all respect her as the original author.

Although the copyright was not paid, her name and photo were marked in the most obvious position.

It indirectly expanded her reputation and transformed her into a well-deserved ‘famous person in the heavens’. "

Harry curled her lips, "Don't Louise have any self-awareness? Which magical news department in their right mind would dare to steal her series of special programs?

Let's not mention the previous "Darkseid Series Special Topic", but just talk about the "Hecate's Past and Present Life" currently being played. How many gods and queens have been offended by the real name?

Fortunately, the Order God System has been destroyed, and the Demon Governor also died in the catastrophe.

Otherwise even they would hate journalists who dig up their dark past.

Louise is basically broke now.

She has reported too many breaking news that could kill people. She has become desensitized and numb, and cannot feel the terrifying threats from the supreme and evil gods.

But others are not numb!

What if a reporter from a magical plane misappropriated Louise's news and told the public about the gods' sin of deceiving Hecate in his own name.

It's not surprising that any ancient god got upset and slapped the news department to pieces.

If the other magicians knew about it, they would not blame the ancient god, but would only mock the reporter who deserved it. "

Oliver said with a strange expression: "So, Louise has embarked on a track that others dare not set foot on?

It is almost unprecedented, and it is unlikely that there will be any successors.

Across the entire mother river of time, it is unparalleled throughout the ages and will never be surpassed. "

Harley thought for a while, and her expression became strange. "In a way, she has indeed become the only one that is difficult to surpass. Even if others are equally desperate, they don't have the same opportunities and luck as her."

First of all, the news reported by Louise, especially the series of special topics, often involve a large number of absolute secrets of the Supreme Being, which others have no chance to know.

Even if you know, you won't be able to survive.

Secondly, it’s okay to risk your life to report the supreme secret once. As long as you are not afraid of death, anyone can try it. The problem is that Louise has been in the industry for more than 20 years and has never stopped reporting all kinds of breaking news, but she is always alive.

If someone tries it once, they may be brutally retaliated and lose their lives.

But she is like an evergreen tree, always living well.

Finally, there is good luck with news material.

It is only in the past few decades that the DC multiverse has experienced frequent crises.

There is universe-level news only when there is a universe-level crisis.

In the past tens of billions of years, the multiverse has generally been peaceful, with many evil people and evil deeds, but no universe or even multiverse-level crises have occurred.

Without a multiverse-level crisis, it would be impossible for everyone to be interested in this news.

For example, the war between Rann and Senagan had a greater impact on the two major civilizations of Rann and Senagan than any multiverse crisis in the past. However, for civilizations on other planets far away from the galaxy, the Rann-Senagon War even You may not even get the headlines on the front page.

As for the magicians from all over the world in Limbo, Lann and Senagon have nothing to do with them and have never heard of them.

"Actually, Louise is not completely intoxicated with the glory of the 'Names of the Heavens'" Dachao said sarcastically: "Harry, didn't you notice? There are still many magicians who have not left the scene.

Some of them are holding new ‘Heavenly Tribulation Seminars’.

Everyone expressed their opinions, discussed their experiences in overcoming the heavenly tribulation, and their conjectures on how to pass through the heavenly tribulation perfectly.

What they discuss is useful to all transcendent beings.

There are also gods and demons discussing forming a group to develop the Infinite Frontier and find new power, which is also important to the multiverse.

By the way, Louise said that some gods and demons came to her specifically and wanted her to conduct an exclusive interview with them.

In short, Louise is really busy, she has been busy with serious things, and she is not just enjoying the praise of other people's names in the world. "

After a pause, Dachao stated his position again: "As her husband, I am very proud and happy to see her so welcomed and respected by all the worlds. Even if it may delay my work for a few days, I am not in a hurry. "

"Then you continue to be proud and happy, I'll leave first." Harley glanced at the Gate of Heaven and said.

"Ah, you are going back to Earth now? What will Louise do if you leave? Her greatest confidence in facing the evil devil and god king is not Rachel and me, but you!" Da Chao was a little anxious. .

Rachel was just protecting her from being killed instantly by gods and demons. As long as she took a breath, Harley's rescue could arrive immediately. This was the main reason why Louise was confident and calm in front of all gods and demons. reason.

"I'm not going back to Earth for the time being. I have to go to Silver City to talk to the Lord. He seems to have some opinions on my Heavenly Tribulation System." Harley glanced back at Louise, who was able to cope with the group of gods and demons easily, and said: “Even if I wasn’t there, even if I returned to Earth immediately, they wouldn’t take action against Louise.

I have now achieved a reputation that transcends time and space.

Even if you go to the future or the past, let alone Limbo, which is just around the corner, the gods will respect me and give you some face. "

Dachao felt that she was showing off again, but she was not showing off for herself, she was showing off for them.

He wanted to complain but knew he shouldn't, so he could only smile awkwardly, his expression a little distorted.

Green Arrow on the side also smiled awkwardly when he heard this, but soon showed a thoughtful look on his face, and said in surprise: "Harry, you mean that the Heavenly Tribulation and the Magic Bank are effective on all magicians, no matter who they are." In present reality, or in past or future reality?”

"if not?"

"You're awesome!" Oliver gave a thumbs up.

She might be pretending to be cool, but she really wasn't bragging.

Nowadays, the extraordinary beings in the entire multiverse, no matter where they exist, must maintain a certain degree of awe towards her.

No one dares not to fear the catastrophe, and there is no extraordinary person who does not desire the free benefits and zero-interest loans of the Magic Bank.

A moment later, on the Holy Sound Tower.

"Did you know that a small number of angels also survived the previous catastrophe?" Lord Michael looked at Harley and asked.

"They are hiding behind the door to watch the fun. The distance is too close and there are too many causes and effects on them. It is not surprising to encounter a natural disaster, right?"

Harley originally planned to play dumb and pretend not to know, but before she spoke, she suddenly realized that she was now the "Guardian of Heaven's Gate".

It is impossible for her to know nothing about what happened near the gate of heaven. After all, she herself was not far from the gate of heaven.

However, there are angels in heaven who are going through the tribulation, and they have not been noticed by the magicians outside.

The Gate of Heaven not only blocks the view of outsiders looking in, but also prevents the internal energy from flowing out.

But within Silver City, the incident of Angel's Tribulation did cause a great sensation.

So without waiting for the Lord's call, Harley took the initiative to rush to Silver City after the Magic Conference.

"Angels and villains and evil gods go through tribulations together. What will others think if word spreads about it? How will they organize us?" Michael's expression was quite calm, and there was no hint of emotion or anger.

"My Majesty, you really have nothing to worry about." Harley said in a casual tone, not hiding her disapproval on her face, "Fallen angels have existed for countless billions of years. Who doesn't know that those who first fell from hell were originally holy angels in heaven?

Would outsiders suspect the impurity of angels in heaven because of the existence of fallen angels? "

Michael said calmly: "Fallen angels and angels suffering tribulation are not the same concepts.

The existence of fallen angels proves that Silver City has a mechanism for self-improvement and self-purification.

The fallen angels were immediately relegated to hell, which just proves that the existing angels in Silver City are absolutely pure and almost perfect.

The appearance of the Heavenly Tribulation in a team that has completed self-purification shows that there are major flaws in our Silver City's self-improvement and self-purification mechanism.

If the Heavenly Tribulation System can really complete our purification mechanism, we will admit it.

But the angels chosen by the Heavenly Tribulation did not fall.

They have only done missions in the human world, cleaning up the filth in the world for Silver City, and fighting evil planes for heaven.

They are all great contributors to Silver City.

The karma on them is not evidence of sin, but a medal of glory. "

"My Majesty, you are right, whether or not one has survived the tribulation cannot be used as evidence to determine whether a person is good or bad.

Good people who are infected with karma also need to overcome tribulations. If the bastard evil god tortures the souls of evil people, he will also accumulate good results.

It's common sense, you know, and everyone understands it.

There is no need to worry that the catastrophe will affect the reputation of our Silver City!

As for those angels who survived the tribulation"

Harley showed real concern on her face and asked, "How are they doing? Are there any angels dying?"

"More than three thousand angels have triggered heavenly catastrophes, with a mortality rate as high as 80%, and there are several 'candidate angel councilors' among them." Michael said.

"Three thousand angels, 80% of them failed to overcome the tribulation. This is the cause and effect." Harley grinned, "Majesty, don't be angry when I tell the truth. Not only can you not blame me for this, you also have to reward me. The one who is really responsible is you."

Michael could no longer remain calm and looked at her with wide eyes, anger gleaming in his eyes.

Harley immediately explained: “There is no doubt that angels are good angels who are loyal and brave.

The more karma they have on their body, the greater their contribution to heaven.

At that time, Maharaja, you haven’t retired yet!

Your Majesty, when you are in power, your will is the strategic direction of Silver City.

To put it bluntly, everyone is working for you and running for your orders. "

Michael did not deny this either.

A large part of the reason why he was angry was that the people who had overcome the tribulation were all his old subordinates and old buddies.

The better the relationship with him, the greater the merits of hard work, the greater the cause and effect, the lower the chance of successfully overcoming the tribulation, and the more heartbroken he is.

"They have spent half their lives in the army for heaven and for you, your Majesty. They have definitely worked hard and made great achievements, and they deserve to be rewarded.

Regarding the rewards, they not only include promotions and salary increases, but also the elimination of all safety hazards for them.

For example, the cause and effect of contamination during the execution of tasks.

Cause and effect that cannot form a closed loop will only accumulate and will not dissipate on its own.

Every cause must have an effect.

The evil causes that failed to complete the closed loop gradually accumulate, and eventually they will form calamity, which will bring uncertainty to angels, to heaven, and even to the human world.

You should have discovered this hazard at that time and eliminated it. "

Harley didn't avoid his glare at all, looking directly into his eyes and said.

"Just relying on the small amount of cause and effect on the angels will not cause a catastrophe until the universe reaches its end." Michael said.

Harley lowered her eyes, sighed, and said: "Your Majesty, arguing about something that will never happen again has no meaning except to vent your emotions.

Let's talk about something meaningful.

For example, it regulates the behavior of angels and helps meritorious angels who are contaminated by cause and effect eliminate the causes of sin. "

Michael glared at her again, waved his hand and said, "Go talk to Raphael."

Harry didn't move, shook his head and said, "Raphael is too lowly and knows almost nothing about cause and effect, so I can't talk to him.

For example, when the angels passed through the tribulation before, he actually watched the angels turn into ashes in the tribulation without doing anything.

You must know that angels are not weak, and they will not die as soon as the catastrophe falls.

When they can no longer hold on, they and you will definitely notice it.

He can completely arrange angels with good results to help them resolve the heavenly calamity. "

Michael couldn't help the anger rising in his chest again.

——You think I’m low and you’re mocking me in the name of Raphael, right?

He was also in Silver City, and like Raphael, he watched the entire process of the angels' tribulation at the scene.

It's not like he didn't do anything.

He did two things: First, he blocked the aura of heavenly tribulation from the inside to prevent outsiders from noticing that the angels in heaven were also suffering from the disaster.

Second, he planned to go into battle personally to break the catastrophe and save the angel who was about to lose his strength.

Unfortunately, the catastrophe could not be broken up. When Michael entered the scope of the catastrophe, he triggered his own catastrophe.

Uh, yes, the king was also struck by lightning.

But the prince is very powerful, so there is nothing wrong with him.

But his attempt to dispel the catastrophe failed.

Even if he opens his mouth, sucks lightly, and swallows the thick calamity cloud on the angel's head, there will still be a new calamity formed on the head of the calamity-crossing person, and it will be more powerful.

Judging from the actual results alone, a prince who makes more and more mistakes is worse than an acting prince who is at a loss and achieves nothing.

If Raphael is defined as a cheap guy because he has done nothing, then what does Michael mean if he does more and more wrong and is better off not doing anything?

"You put it nicely, which angel can judge whether there are good consequences or sinful consequences in one's body?"

These words were spoken out of anger without careful thought, and the Maharaja regretted them as soon as he said them.

Others can't judge, but he seems to have this ability.

The art of cause and effect is not a particularly partial profession.

In fact, most magicians know something about cause and effect.

Many magicians will study divination after encountering a bottleneck. Divination is almost as common as black magic.

To study divination and destiny, we cannot do without cause and effect.

Michael also understood fate and cause and effect, but at that time he really didn't expect to use the angel of good results to offset the catastrophe of the angel of tribulation.

"Even if we find an angel with good deeds, who can force him? If he is even a little unhappy in his heart, not only will he not be able to eliminate the catastrophe, but it will worsen the karma of the person who overcomes the tribulation." The monarch immediately added.

"Earth's superheroes are willing to sacrifice part of their good deeds for their companions. Angels are not as enlightened as humans? Your Majesty, you must have confidence in everyone."

At this point, Harry's heart moved and he was surprised: "Isn't it possible that there is not even one good person among the angels?"

Judging from the Maharaja's current performance, at least when the disaster hit heaven, not a single angel showed any good results.

If a good fruit appears and shows an obvious weakening effect on the heavenly tribulation, they don't need her to remind them now. They will naturally think of using the good fruit to help other angels overcome the tribulation.

They didn't realize at the time that good results never appeared in heaven.

With more than three thousand angels undergoing the tribulation, more angels will be affected.

This huge group of angels can't even find a single good result. Perhaps only when this matter gets out will it really arouse criticism and doubt from outsiders.

If devout Christians knew this, their faith might be shaken.

Seeing her expression, the Lord guessed what she was thinking, and his tone turned cold and said: "Even Superman, who is known as the 'Head of the Zhenglian' and the 'Pioneer of Justice', seems to have no good results.

Good results are not directly related to character.

If the evil god works hard to torture the villain's soul and is determined not to be involved in cause and effect on weekdays, he can probably gather a bunch of good results on his head. "

Harry said: "Dachao's situation is quite special. He has a wife who is not very worry-free, Louise, the Mingji of All Heavens.

Louise is not a bad person, but she has accumulated a lot of sins in her youth.

Before the Heavenly Tribulation System was established, Louise had already been judged as guilty by the Heavenly System.

In order to prevent his wife from going to hell, Dachao used his own merit to help his wife offset hundreds of thousands of sins.

Although the sins and merits in the heaven system are not equal to the calamity system, Louise has indeed eliminated many causes of sin.

If it were replaced by several other Zhenglian giants, they would probably be able to achieve good results. "

In fact, eliminating Louise's sins is only one of the secondary reasons why Dachao has no good results.

There are two core reasons why Da Chao has no good results: first, Da Chao adheres to the no-kill principle; second, he is too charming and attracts too many super villain fans.

Adhering to the principle of no killing is of course a symbol of high moral character.

Killing is difficult.

It is countless times more difficult to eliminate the murderous thoughts in the heart, completely eliminate the murderous thoughts, and not kill people at all than killing people.

But some super villains are really damn good, and they're even crueler than demons.

Ending their lives would end the causes of countless evils.

Killing them is not the same as killing people, but completing the "results of punishment" through killing people.

If you don't kill them when you can, maybe you won't be stained with much evil.

But if you regularly prevent others from killing the damned villain, you will share some of the evil caused by future villains.

And real heroes like Da Chao and Bateman often do such "great bastard things."

Green Arrow Oliver is also a hero and insists on absolute justice, but he has experienced the era of the God of War.

At that time, the "no-kill principle" was completely forgotten by him. When he encountered the bastard, he would strike more swiftly than Harley.

As long as the bastard doesn't take the initiative to bump into Harley's hands, Harley is usually too lazy to waste time and energy on him.

However, Oliver turned a just and heroic heart into a chivalrous heart. He was very concerned about the daily safety of the tribe. He took care of every detail and took care of it personally. He took the initiative to find out where the harmful bastards appeared every day, and then immediately got on the space motorcycle to kill the evil ones. These people must be brought to justice - not locked up, but beaten to death.

After returning to the modern world, he tried his best not to kill anyone, but he would not stop those who deserved to die.

This is completely different from Superman and Batman who would rather take risks than sacrifice themselves to save villains whose lives are in danger.

When the Joker falls from the roof, Batman will really rush out of the rooftop without risking his life.

Dachao blocks explosions and collapsed buildings for the villains who are wreaking havoc in the metropolis, and can often be seen on TV news.

They are indeed promoting the spirit of justice, but their actions do cause a lot of consequences.

And their stubborn spirit of justice is particularly attractive - not that Harley finds it attractive, but very attractive to some potential villains who are also mentally disturbed.

How many villains are not villains at all, but choose to debut just to attract idol heroes and play with idols?

Although she knew the real reason why an absolutely kind and righteous heroic giant like Da Chao failed to achieve good results, Harley never explained it publicly.

In front of Da Chao and other heroes, she didn't say anything.

Now faced with the Maharaja's doubts, she did not explain.

No need.

They have known each other for 20 to 30 years, and we have known each other decades ago. What are her views and what are their ideals?

Repeating it now can only mean that she never really knows her friends.

Moreover, the Heavenly Tribulation only targets divine magicians, so Dachao and Bateman do not need to care about the rules of the Heavenly Tribulation.

There are no absolutely correct rules in this world.

There is nothing wrong with the absolute justice that superheroes insisted on in the past, but it is not suitable for natural disasters. But they don’t need to survive the heavenly tribulation, so why should they care about the rules of the heavenly tribulation?

Of course, they may not care about the rules of the Heavenly Tribulation, but it does not mean that the cause and effect on them will be eliminated naturally.

Unless cause and effect form a closed loop, a single chain will never end on its own.

The consequences of their actions will be borne by the society in which they exist, and may affect the course of human civilization.

positive effect? Bad influence? None of this is what Harley cares about, and it has nothing to do with the Heavenly Tribulation System.

“Majesty, we cannot pursue the past, we should open our minds and embrace the future with enthusiasm and passion.

Well, what I mean is that we must work hard to make changes now so that the tragedy of angels being hacked to death by a catastrophe will no longer occur in the future.

When I heard that the Green Arrow's good fruits on his head are untouched by all disasters and that all demons can ward off changes, I came up with an idea - to create a "Good Fruit Sutra".

Treat the good fruit as a kind of cause-and-effect magic to practice, cultivate a large pile of good fruit, turn it into a colorful halo and carry it behind your back, or shape it into a nine-grade lotus platform and sit under the butt drum.

From now on, when angels go out and reveal a halo of good fruits, or step on the ninth-grade lotus platform of good fruits and run fast, they will definitely be very impressive and astonish all the magicians.

All magicians who see us can’t help but sigh: We are worthy of being a master in heaven, we are not as good as us! "

Harley's eyes flashed with excitement, and she looked at Michael and asked, "What do you think of my idea?"

Michael became a little more interested and asked curiously: "Have you created the Good Fruit Sutra? Tell me about it."

Harley shook her head, "This is an idea that just appeared. In just a few days, no matter how powerful I am, I can't turn it into reality.

What I mean is that next I have to concentrate on dealing with the ‘giant’ within the Origin Wall, and I can only write the secret book yourself, the Great Lord.

The name is "Michael's Technique of Great Good Fruit", which not only benefits the Angels of Silver City, but also gives me an advantage. "

Michael regained his casual demeanor, waved his hand and said, "Go find Raphael."

"Isn't it difficult for him to be given such a difficult task to such a lowly person?"

Harry paused and asked: "Your Majesty, do you still want to proceed with your plan to spread the 'story of spiritual will' through the ocean of entropy to the next universe?"

"Is the story delivery plan related to good results?" Michael asked rhetorically.

"If you give up the story delivery plan, you will have to stay in the current multiverse for a long time, and you may encounter a catastrophe during the period." Harley said.

Michael raised three fingers and said, "First of all, I will not help you study the Good Fruit Sutra. This is the responsibility of you and Raphael.

If you think he is low, do it yourself.

Second, the story delivery plan is our previous plan and your promise to me, which must be completed.

Finally, don’t scare me with heavenly tribulations. Heavenly tribulations are nothing to me. "

Harry said solemnly: "Your Majesty, don't underestimate the heavenly tribulation. Even if you survive the heavenly tribulation, you can't be said to be unable to be harmed by the heavenly tribulation.

The fact that you can survive the catastrophe only shows that the causes of your sins are limited. "

"You mean, the limit of the Heavenly Tribulation System exceeds the upper limit of my power?" Michael said lightly.

"The Heavenly Tribulation System has no limits at all." Harley said.

She really wasn't an alarmist.

The limit of the catastrophe is the limit of the transcendent beings in the multiverse who understand the laws.

Harley herself is one of them, and the laws she understands can also become a catastrophe.

During the period of becoming the master of magic, Harley has taken back her thick-skinned God King's law.

If necessary, her defensive feat effects can appear in "Thickhide".

Defense expertise is not included in the rules, but the Heavenly Tribulation System was built by her after all, and she left more than one backdoor in it.

One of the backdoors is the thick-skinned power stored at the bottom of the public magic bank.

Those who overcome the tribulation can draw part of the pure magic power from the tribulation clouds above their heads. The pure magic power comes from the public magic bank, so the thick-skinned divine power in the public magic bank can also affect the tribulation of the person who overcomes the tribulation.

If the tribulation transcender is too strong and has too many sins, he deserves to die, and the ordinary tribulation cannot kill him. The tribulation system can send a request to Harley through the Sea of ​​Laws, and then activate the thick-skinned divine power left in the public magic bank. Generate a defensive specialty force field during the catastrophe.

Harley has no active control over this process, and she cannot assign anyone to survive the "thick-skin disaster".

Only when the Heavenly Tribulation system determines that someone deserves to be killed and should be struck to death with the Thick-skinned Tribulation, Harley will react, and then activate the Thick-skinned Divinity in the public magic bank to satisfy the Heavenly Tribulation's need for defensive expertise.

Because of this, Harley confidently promised all magicians: There is no need to worry about the power of the tribulation, it can definitely kill anyone.

Now Harry really wanted the Maharaja to personally try the horror of the complete body catastrophe.

Level 10 God's Defense Specialty, Level 14 Magic Defense Specialty, coupled with Luther's understanding of the Painful Man Defense Reduction Special Effect, reducing physical resistance and magic resistance to the minimum, and then being bombarded by countless God King's Forbidden Curses, the scene must be very enjoyable. .

It's a pity that the king is strong enough, but he doesn't have so many sins, so he probably won't be able to activate the "thick-skinned calamity" in his lifetime.

Michael didn't know what Harry was thinking, so he just smiled noncommittally and said, "Unless there is nothing else in this world worth your attention, don't waste your time on my catastrophe."

Harry sighed with regret and stopped continuing the topic.

"Your Majesty, the origin wall is about to collapse, why are you still working on a story delivery plan? When the wall collapses, you can just pat your butt and go on a trip at your convenience. Wouldn't it be more chic and safer?"

Michael leaned back in his chair, raised his head, and looked at the "Holy Sound Place" above his head with slightly hazy eyes, which was as bright as the scorching sun. "To me, to heaven, to yourself, to this world." How much do you know about the essence?”

This question was a bit confusing, but Harley had a vague feeling that the prince was going to reveal something shocking.

"To be honest, I thought I had a relatively deep understanding of heaven, you, and the nature of this world. But from what you're saying, my understanding seems very shallow?"

Michael still looked up at the sky, smiled slightly, and asked: "How much do you know about the 'giant' in the origin wall? In addition to her name and rough experience, her deeper background, her origin, did you know?"

Harley immediately showed a very interested expression, "I really want to know."

"She's coming out soon, and I don't want to cause too much trouble for the brothers in Silver City. So I do know some things, but I can't say them openly. I can only give you a very vague hint.

Of course, I don’t know much about her origins or her past history.

It’s just that the secrets I know about her reveal the truth about me, heaven, and the world. "

Michael sat up straight again, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes, "Wait for the origin wall to collapse, wait for her to come out, don't rush up and shout to kill, first find out her story, understand her background and history .”

"Is this a hint you gave me? It's not too subtle." Harley raised her eyebrows, "And I don't need this 'hint'.

I am indeed very confident and have the idea of ​​having a fight with her.

But I'm not a fool. I know she comes from an organization in the Omniverse, but I still regard her as the only threat.

When the origin wall collapses, the multiverse will no longer be an isolated system.

I'm more worried about outside interference than the giant thing itself. "

"Very good, you are very sensible and smart." Michael nodded first, then shook his head and said: "The hint I gave you has nothing to do with giant things.

My hints are related to the nature of the world.

Only by first understanding the nature of the world can you achieve true victory.

Simply defeating the giant thing, or even the team behind the giant thing, does not equal victory.

On the contrary, if you grasp the essence of the world, even if the giant escapes and the organization behind it makes you embarrassed, you can still win. "

Harley's eyes were bright, and there was a bit of urgency in her tone, "Your Majesty, please tell me quickly, I can't wait any longer."

Michael said: "Explore the power of delivering stories. You are lucky, don't waste your good luck."

Harley looked at him with wide eyes and waited for a long time without waiting for the next sentence.

"Is this a hint? This is a direct suggestion."

Michael glanced at her and said calmly: "This suggestion is a hint to the nature of the world."

Harry was stunned for a moment, then fell into deep thought for a long time.

After being silent for about ten minutes, she asked softly: "Even if the origin wall collapses, you still want to leave the multiverse through story transmission?

Even if we can reach any multiverse through infinite frontiers in the future, you still have to go next door? "

"You seem to understand." Michael smiled slightly, nodded and said, "That's right."

"Tomorrow I will go to the Ocean of Entropy, and then I will speed up the research on story delivery technology." Harley said.

Why does Michael still not take the right path even though the Origin Wall is about to collapse?

There was only one possibility: by passing on the story, he could gain additional benefits that she didn't know about.

That benefit is also related to him and the nature of the world.

It’s all related to the essence, and the benefits must be huge.

Harley thought about the dead ghost Hades again.

That guy has passed through the story, passing a part of his consciousness to the universe next door.

That consciousness has probably received huge benefits, and can transmit messages to Hades himself across the omnipotent universe.

And it's encouraging Hades himself to pass on more of the "spiritual will to record stories" in the past.

The third day after the Heaven's Gate Magic Conference.

Medical suspended island.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Harley frowned.

Superboy, Oliver, Martian Manhunter and several Teen Titans heroes are still on "Medical Island".

Dachao glanced at his wife next to him with some embarrassment, "We are waiting for Louise."

Louise huddled in the Archimedes airship and was editing news materials on the airship's main unit.

"No, my work has been completed. You don't need to wait for me. The main thing is to wait for you. Harley, we are waiting for you."

Hearing her husband's voice, she immediately stuck her head out and shouted to Harley.

"What are you waiting for me to do? Is there anything you can't say before returning to Earth?" Harley asked.

Louise reached out and pointed into the distance. Far away from the gate of heaven, there was still a large group of divine magicians gathered together, not knowing what they were discussing.

The number is quite large, hundreds of thousands of people!

"About magic reform, mainly about magic spells, they still have a few questions that bother them, so they entrusted me to come over and find the answers."

Harry wondered: "The Magic Conference lasted for eight days and eight nights, and they adjourned more than a dozen times. How could they still think of new problems?"

Louise jumped off the airship, waved her hands and said: "It's not a new problem, they have thought of it before, but they just didn't dare to ask it in public.

It seems a little embarrassing to want to find you alone.

If they don't ask clearly, they will have trouble thinking.

They said that I was passionate and sincere, insisted on truth and was not afraid of power, so I could be their representative. "

At the end of the sentence, a proud smile appeared on her face.

"Don't be afraid of power. That 'power' refers to me, right? What questions need to be asked without fear of power?"

Harley glanced at her and said, "What's the problem? Just tell me."

"You handed over the writing of magic spells to the 'Paradise Mountain Song and Dance Troupe', right? The writing work is still in progress." Louise paused and asked curiously: "You have handed over the magic power, and you still Can you continue to write magic spells?"

Harry said calmly: "Does this stupid question really come from those gods and demons?"

"Well, this is just my own question. Is it stupid?" Louise looked embarrassed.

"When I became the master of magic, I had already written the lowest level code of magic spells. They just filled in the content within the already written framework and did not need magic power.

When I had magic powers before, I didn't always stay in Lishan to cooperate with them. " Harley said.

"Why are they the only ones who can write magic spells? If magic power is not needed, everyone can write it." Louise was still a little confused.

Oliver said: "Of course everyone can write magic spells. How can we create new magic without writing magic spells?

The goddess of Paradise Mountain obtained the 'Basic Magic Language Code', so she could write basic magic.

This is why Harley erased their memories after the spell was written. "

Harry felt a little impatient, "Are you still a 'magic representative'?"

"Oh, they want to ask why there are nonsense words like 'Praise to the loving and merciful Saint Hallie', 'Awesome! Saint Hallie', 'Ah, the great and merciful Saint' in the new spells?

For example, to cast basic fire magic now, you need to recite the magic spell 'Holy Aunt of Mercy, I praise you, please let the element of fire respond to me, the humble me, with the big fire ball spell'.

This is the basic spell.

Even if you rewrite your own special spell, you must refer to the corresponding format and add the words "Holy Aunt of Mercy, I praise you" before the spell. "

Harley said: "What's the problem with this? Who do they praise if they don't praise me for the magic rules and spells I wrote?"

"But except for divine magic, there were no words of praise in the 'Public Magic' before." Louise said with a frown.

"In the past, Hecate didn't write the magic rules seriously at all. The magic world only had the rules of magic price that cannot be violated. Extraordinary people grew completely barbaric, cruel, bloody, and barbaric.

Now I have spent a lot of money to write a new program that brings civilization, fairness and endless opportunities to everyone.

I haven’t asked anyone to pay, why can’t you praise me?

Some capitalists even turn the startup screen of their own electronic products into their own headshots!

Like Lex Luthor.

His electronic products not only require consumers to pay, but also force consumers to look at his bald head.

Even the startup sound has the sentence "Luthor plus technology equals everything".

If I want, I can also ask all mages to visualize my benevolent and beautiful appearance in their minds when casting spells and meditating. The more the appearance and temperament match the true saint, the higher the success rate of spell casting.

Otherwise, the spell will fail.

Even if I dare to be disrespectful to Saint Aunt me in my heart, I will be met with magical backlash.

I didn't do that.

I only ask you to be a little grateful to settle the cause and effect of my providing you with a new order of magic. Everyone should be grateful. Why do you have any objections? "Harry said confidently.

"My dear, every time I cast a spell, I have to visualize your appearance as a saint in my mind. It's terrible." Oliver shouted with a distorted expression: "Fortunately, you are not as narcissistic as Lex Luthor." degree."

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