I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1962 The first natural disaster in the DC universe, the first natural disaster in the DC uni

Harley actually told a little lie.

The idea of ​​the Heavenly Tribulation System did not come from her conversation with Luther, although the conversation with the Luther brothers and sisters solidified her idea.

If one must find a specific source for the idea of ​​calamity, Selina is far more reliable than Luther.

Selena once lamented that today's supernatural world is too dark.

She also whispered to Harley that it would be great if the rules could be changed and the system of the supernatural world could be regulated.

Selena saw Harley restarting the world many times and thought that she could change the rules of the world when she restarted the world.

Harley knows that restarting the world and changing the rules of the world cannot be equated.

You can write your own timeline by restarting the world, but the new timeline only changes the content of the "world story" and cannot modify the basic laws of the multiverse.

The mark on magic cannot be erased by writing a new story.

If the multiverse is a jar, restarting the world is just changing the pickles in the jar.

You can decide what vegetables to pickle in the jar, but you cannot change the jar to something else.

The jar comes from the sixth dimension and is produced on an assembly line, with specifications and parameters already set.

At the time, Halle scoffed and dismissed Selena's idea.

The fundamental reason for the darkness in the supernatural world is not that people's hearts are old and their morals are corrupt, but that the living environment of mages is too harsh, and the debt of magic leaves no one with a choice.

At the same time, Harley also agreed with Selena's idea from the bottom of her heart.

She also feels that today's supernatural world is not "fairy" enough, too dark and despairing.

At that time, she was thinking in her mind, what would she do if one day she had the power and had the opportunity to change the rules of magic?

One month after the magic debt crisis ended, it took her half a month to extract all the magic power from the chaotic magic power in the "World Tree Bucket Dimension".

But the idea of ​​the Heavenly Tribulation System has been around for a long time, and it doesn't take too long to think about it.

Half a month was enough for her to turn her mature idea into a practical magic rule.

At this time, at the Heaven's Gate Magic Conference, Harley held the completed "Heavenly Tribulation System" in hand. As long as the three representatives had no objections, the loading could be completed immediately, and she could enjoy the joy of overcoming the tribulation that day.

The reason why we need to solicit their opinions and wait until no one can raise any questions before officially loading the system is mainly to troubleshoot bugs.

Even if Harley is very confident in her Heavenly Tribulation System, she cannot guarantee that it is 100% perfect.

100% perfection is a fallacy that does not exist.

Nothing is 100% perfect.

The calamity system she created is related to the future of all divine magicians. If there is a bug, all divine magicians will bear it. Can't they still be allowed to raise questions?

If they can really find any mistakes, Harley will only be happy, and the Heavenly Tribulation System will only be more perfect.

"Harley, don't worry, we already have a general understanding of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, but the specific operation process is not yet clear.

For example, the scale and scope of the disaster will affect innocent people.

Another example is, are there any advance warnings about the triggering conditions of the natural disaster so that we can prepare in advance? "Hera said.

Harley said: "These details are actually not important. You have not experienced the catastrophe now, so you think it is very mysterious, and everything seems to be full of unknowns.

When you actually experience the heavenly tribulation, I am not saying that the tribulation is complete. Before the tribulation, you will feel it in your own hearts and understand some of the more specific details.

Such as the scope and scale of the disaster.

The natural disaster will mainly target you, but it will not affect innocent people.

The people who have overcome the tribulation are different, their merits and demerits are different, and the power and scale of the tribulation are also different.

Before the heavenly tribulation arrives, you can receive vague information from the Sea of ​​Laws, gain some understanding, and know the intensity and scale of the heavenly tribulation, and even the specific year and month of the tribulation.

Now that you know the time, scale, and intensity, you can avoid everyone and find a place to prepare for the disaster. "

A cunning light flashed in Neilong's scarlet eyes, and he said: "If someone is in a catastrophe and the power of the catastrophe is still very powerful, and rushes to the enemy's house to trigger the catastrophe, what will be the consequences?"

"Ah, it's too much to cause catastrophe and kill people, isn't it?" There were exclamations all around.

"He is an inner dragon, a devil."

Harley glanced at him and said: "If you know that you are in danger of escaping, and plan to pull a few backers before you are killed by the catastrophe, you may indeed succeed.

But I want to remind you of two things.

First of all, before you kill someone with a catastrophe, you may die; after you kill someone with a catastrophe, you will most likely die.

Because you are creating new cause and effect, and the cause and effect is still very large.

If the other party is also guilty of a lot of sins, you may trigger the heavenly tribulation in advance. If the two heavenly tribulations are superimposed, you can imagine the result.

Secondly, the Heavenly Tribulation System does not prohibit such thoughts and behaviors.

The purpose of the existence of the Heavenly Tribulation System is to forcibly eliminate the causes of evil in you.

The way to remove the cause of evil is to impose a corresponding punishment.

Only the consequences of punishment can remove the cause of sin.

Since someone else has come to your doorstep and is willing to risk your life to kill you together, it means that you and him have a great cause and effect.

The cause of your hatred is the result of being dragged through the tribulation today. The same cycle of cause and effect has a beginning and an end. "

Neilong looked at Harley with a very strange look, and his lips moved as if he wanted to say something.

Not only him, but also Hera next to him and the divine magician in the crowd, after thinking for a moment and noticing the way others looked at Harley, their expressions also became strange.

The orangutan detective hesitated again and again, and Nana reminded: "Harley, although you are the 'Saint Aunt in Heaven' now, after today's meeting, you may once again become the 'Witch Harley' in everyone's mind.

Witch Harley is very hateful. Is it possible that your Lishan will always be covered by catastrophe in the future? "

Harley was not surprised, and just sighed with emotion after hearing this, "I have only one purpose in creating the Heavenly Tribulation System, fairness!

I will do my best to make the world more fair and just.

As a member of all sentient beings in the world, I naturally cannot allow myself to become a destroyer of the fair system.

If there is any sin in me, disaster will come to me.

Under the heavenly tribulation, all living beings are equal, and there is not much difference between you and me.

If there is a cause and effect between me and some of you, and you hate me so much that you even risk your own life, this is my cause and effect, I admit it.

I just want to warn you that when you are going through a tribulation, you can find an enemy who has great karma with you and die with him, but you must not implicate innocent people.

If there is no big cause and effect with you, for example, you run into a mortal city with a catastrophe.

Your end will be very tragic, but your desire to drag the world along with you to be buried with you cannot be realized. "

Harley looked around and said, "Don't doubt it, this is not a system bug, I have already considered the relevant issues.

In other words, the evil plan Neilong racked his brains to think of was not clever at all. You should go to the Tianchao novel website and read more. The plot of using heavenly tribulation to drag the enemy to death is almost a mess. "

"Uh, have you really finished reading those novels?" Neilong said in shock.

Harley gave him a look that said, "You're very low." "Do you know the core of the Heavenly Tribulation System now?"

Neilong thought for a while and said: "It seems to be the law of cause and effect."

"Since you can guess that I used the Great Karma and Destiny Technique to write the Heavenly Tribulation System, why do you still ask such a low question?

I am above the river of destiny, overlooking the fate of all living beings and all things in the multiverse.

I stretched out my hand, and my fingers were like the needles of a loom, picking up the threads of cause and effect and fate from the river of destiny, and weaving them into the basic rules of tribulation magic.

I need to read a novel? Need to know more about the Heavenly Tribulation?

All the information about the catastrophe that has existed in the past and will appear in the future has turned into threads dancing between my fingers.

When there is a loophole in my Heavenly Tribulation System, the cause of the loophole turns into a thread, and a whole thread is drawn from the river of destiny. The thread is full of various consequences that will be caused by this loophole in the future.

I am not overlooking the past, my will runs through the past, present and future along the line of cause and effect.

You can't even imagine how awesome I am. "

If she hadn't raised her neck to say the last sentence, they would have been deeply shocked.

The process of her weaving the rules of the Heavenly Tribulation was beyond their imagination. They couldn't even think about it, let alone what they could do.

But the last sentence of self-promotion brought them back to reality from the shock.

Neilong's expression was distorted for a while, and he said: "Since you have seen the future of forcing people to escape the tribulation, why don't you modify the rules and fill the loopholes?"

Harley said: "This is not a loophole. Let me say it again, I created the Heavenly Tribulation System with the purpose of punishing evil and promoting good, and bringing fairness and justice to all low-level mages.

But the Heavenly Tribulation System itself has no attributes of good or evil. It is just a cold causal elimination machine.

Good people pull their enemies to perish together through catastrophes, and bad people feel unlucky and pull good people and their enemies to survive the catastrophe together. This all stems from cause and effect.

Without antecedents, there would be no such result. "

BoBo frowned and said: "Good people in despair die together with bad enemies through natural catastrophes, which is in line with your purpose of punishing evil and promoting good. But bad people drag heroes who have offended them to die, which completely goes against your purpose!"

Harley said calmly: "Whether it is good or bad, no one needs to define it.

People can deceive people, but cause and effect can never deceive people.

If he is really a good person, and bad people pull him through the tribulation, the bad person will die more simply and tragically. If the good person has good karma, the catastrophe will not be harmful to him at all.

Now that I say this, you may still have doubts.

When the Heavenly Tribulation system is loaded, you can observe for yourself. There will be countless examples in the future to prove what I said.

In the future, there will be very, very few lunatics who force others to go through tribulations together.

Because the success rate of deceiving others is lower than the probability of successfully overcoming the tribulation himself.

A lunatic who is not truly desperate would never do such a thing. "

BoBo and Neilong were silent.

Hera asked: "What is the time interval between tribulations? If you go through tribulations at one time and eliminate all the causes of evil in your body, and insist on not being affected by cause and effect in the future, will there be no tribulations?"

Harry said: "After you understand the rules of the Grandmaster, you will be qualified to survive the Heavenly Tribulation. Generally, the first Heavenly Tribulation will officially begin after 300 years.

After that, there will be a catastrophe every three hundred years.

The law is accepted by the sea of ​​law, and the throne is raised high and promoted to a god, representing the god's outstanding contribution to the multiverse law system.

Therefore, gods have more preferential treatment than masters. The interval between transcending tribulations is one thousand years. The higher the realm, the longer the interval between tribulations.

The main god is almost ten thousand years old, and the god king is one hundred thousand years old.

However, when it comes to individuals, the time to overcome the tribulation will be quite different from the above standards.

If the masters and gods are guilty of monstrous crimes and have accumulated too many evil causes, the time of tribulation will be advanced.

Let me give you an example. If someone starts committing sins after becoming a master's apprentice, and after being promoted to a master, he has already committed too many sins, and he may suffer a catastrophe on the day he becomes a master.

On the contrary, if the God-King is a free and uncontested person, free from cause and effect, even if a hundred thousand or millions of years pass, there may not be a natural disaster.

Of course, being ignorant of cause and effect cannot completely escape the catastrophe.

The multiverse does not support idlers. You are not involved in cause and effect, and you will no longer make any contribution to the multiverse. One million or ten million years is fine, but does the multiverse have to support you for one hundred million or one billion years? "

"In the past tens of billions of years, 'Origin' did not care that we were content with our duties and did not want to make progress." Hera said.

"It's not that 'Origin' doesn't care, it's just that you don't understand its methods, and you think it doesn't care at all." Harley looked at her and asked: "You are the first queen of the Heaven Realm, so you must be familiar with the history of the Heaven Realm. Could it be that in the past In tens of billions of years, has no god fallen from heaven?”

"Yes, but not all those who perished were unprogressive." Hera said.

"What you think of as being 'uninterested in progress' is not equivalent to a useless person under the standard of 'origin'.

You see a certain god who has not understood a new law for billions of years, and you think he is useless.

But 'Origin' believes that the new law he spent billions of years slowly creating just fills a loophole in a certain law of the multiverse. If he adds 10 billion to his credit, he will be considered a useful person even if he accomplishes nothing in the next 10 billion years.

You see a certain god-king understand a law every tens of thousands of years, and you feel that he must make outstanding contributions to the multiverse.

As a result, the laws he understood are not needed in our multiverse, and it is almost useless.

'Origin' will not think that He is completely useless, but it will not think that the God-King has outstanding achievements like you do. "

Harley glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice: "My rules are better than the past rules of Origin. They will not only make the big house of the multiverse more stable, but also make us in the house more comfortable.

But my rules are just more perfect than 'Origin', and they don't completely violate 'Origin''s will.

The Heavenly Tribulation System conforms to the rule of the Origin multiverse not to raise idlers, and implements this rule very well.

I didn't create this new rule for you.

In the past, 'Origin' thought that a certain god or demon was useless, and would use the complicated and inefficient destiny system to make him unlucky and die.

Using destiny to eliminate useless gods and demons will inevitably involve many things, and the process of issuing destiny and fulfilling it will be very complicated.

The gods and demons who have been abandoned by the 'Origin' now do not need to work hard to toss their destiny, the disaster will come directly, and they will kill you neatly.

Improve efficiency, save resources, and not affect others.

Do you understand what I mean?

Even ‘Origin’ praised my Heavenly Tribulation System for its usefulness and decided to give it the responsibility of eliminating gods and demons.

The purpose of my creation of the Heavenly Tribulation System was to eliminate cause and effect.

If there is no good or evil cause and effect on you, theoretically, heavenly calamity will never find you.

Now the Heavenly Tribulation still eliminates cause and effect, but it does not only target the causes of evil and kindness.

You are of no use to the multiverse. You are a waste of food and air. You have become the 'cause' for the origin to eliminate you and added to the cause and effect system of the catastrophe.

Therefore, I will tell you from the beginning that the heavenly tribulation will eliminate those who have made negative contributions.

The criterion of contribution combines good and evil cause and effect and direct contribution to the multiverse. "

Hera thought thoughtfully, "If I don't get involved in cause and effect, and understand a new law every tens of millions of years, the heavenly calamity will never find me?"

"That's right, if you can really avoid causing and effect on the outside, and cultivate the laws internally to stabilize the foundation of the miracles of the world, even if tens of billions of years pass, the heavenly calamity will not find you. If it does find you, there will only be benefits and no harm." Harley said.

"Is there any benefit from the heavenly tribulation?" Hera asked in surprise.

"Well, 'Origin' can reward you through the Heavenly Tribulation System." Harley looked at her and asked: "After your first day in the Heaven Realm, you should have enjoyed the benefits of 'Origin', right?"

"What kind of benefits, can you be more specific?" Hera asked doubtfully.

Harley pointed at herself, "My thick-skinned law is of great value to the multiverse. Before the thick-skinned way even started to condense the laws, Origin was extremely enthusiastic to help me condense the laws, and even sent my thick-skinned law to me immediately. The law of skin is imprinted into the sea of ​​law and gives me a thick skin and golden film.

The special defensive effects on the gold film come from my thick-skinned divinity, but the defensive force field condensed into the gold film comes from the benefits of the cultivation realm. "

Hera looked at her with obvious envy.

Not only her, but those around her who understood the law, whether they were masters or gods and demons, also looked at Harry with envy.

There is only the calm envy of "Sure enough," without surprise or jealousy.

With "Witch Harley"'s current invincible performance, it would be strange if her thick-skinned ways are not strong and not favored by "Origin".

"I've seen similar situations." Hera said vaguely.

She had no similar experience, but her husband's experience back then was almost exactly the same as what Hallie said now.

As soon as Zeus's way of thunder showed its signs, "Origin" took the initiative to help him condense the law of thunder and make him the God of Thunder.

Later, Zeus used the power of his thunder to tear open Limbo Prison, and the prototype of the heavenly realm was formed.

Harley said: "If your laws are of great use to the multiverse, Origin can make your realm soar through the catastrophe, or even directly break through a major realm.

You can study it slowly as to how it works specifically.

If your talents are mediocre and you don’t expect to receive the ‘Origin’ award, as long as you don’t taint the cause and effect and strive to be a useful person to the multiverse, heavenly calamity will not come to you. "

The greatest impact of the Heavenly Tribulation System on the supernatural world is not to make bad people become good people, but to make bad people dare not do bad things and to prevent divine magicians from interfering in the lives of ordinary people at will.

The best way to avoid karma is to stay at home and be a homebody and not go out to do anything.

If the evil gods and demons stop messing around in the world, the world will be much more peaceful.

Hera thought about it again and again, but couldn't think of any problem, so she looked at the orangutan detective and the inner dragon.

The two were already silent.

After a long moment of silence, Hera asked: "Harry, can you adjourn the meeting for a while so that our three representatives can listen to everyone's thoughts and questions?"

"We can adjourn the meeting for half a day. You don't have to worry. We can discuss it slowly."

Harley nodded, and after explaining the situation to tens of millions of viewers, she stepped back a short distance and disappeared inside the Gate of Heaven, leaving the conference scene completely to everyone.

According to Earth time, the entire Heaven's Gate Magic Conference lasted for two days and one night, with five adjournments during this period.

At this point, even the audience can’t think of any problems.

It’s not that they are already familiar with all the basic rules of the Heavenly Tribulation.

The Heavenly Tribulation System is really too new. They have never experienced it, so they cannot form specific concepts and cannot express their true feelings.

Harry faced all the divine magicians, holding his right hand flat, and dots of light blue light spots quickly gathered in the palm of his hand.

Countless light points eventually condensed into a dark blue light ball the size of a basketball.

"Gudong!" Hera swallowed.

She felt a power in the ball of light that was so powerful that it distorted the very foundation of her existence.

That's magical power!

Incomparably huge magical power.

Even ordinary mages who have never seen magic power, after seeing the blue light ball and sensing the power fluctuations from the light ball, they immediately realized: This is the root of the magic debt crisis, and it is what all mages long for. Ultimate power.

“The main purpose of today’s magic conference is magic debt redemption, and I promise to help everyone complete magic redemption.

But all miracles come with a price.

The price for completing your magic redemption is to abide by the new magic rules.

In other words, if I want to promote the Heavenly Tribulation System, I must pay the price of devoting all my magic power.

In my case, the rule 'all magic has a price' still applies.

If I want to reform the magical world, I must pay this price.

If everyone is still burdened with magic debt, cannot even control their own destiny, and has no right to choose, the disaster system will be a joke and impossible to implement.

Therefore, before loading the Heavenly Tribulation System, I must fulfill my promise and use all the magic power in my body to complete the redemption of magic debt for you.

From this moment on, the magic within you will be entirely yours.

Even if your magic power and your soul are imprinted with the marks of other extraordinary bosses, I will help you clean them up.

Their power is not as good as mine, at least not as good as mine who still have the power of magic at this time.

As for how magic power will flow among extraordinary mages in the future, it is determined by another magic rule written by me. We will talk about it later.

Now fulfill your promise and let you be free of magic debt at this time. "

Harley gently threw her right hand upwards, and a hole opened above the dark blue ball of light, and the rich aura of law poured out from the gap.

"Sea of ​​Laws!" Some gods and demons exclaimed.

"Whoosh!" The dark blue ball of light turned into a beam of blue light, passed through the cracks in time and space, and entered the interior of the Sea of ​​Laws.

There was no change in the color of heaven and earth, and no vision was revealed.

The scene was quiet, and the divine magician looked at Harley eagerly, looking at the cracks in the Sea of ​​Laws that had healed around her.

Nothing seems to happen, nothing changes.

"There seems to be something wrong." After a while, a mage twisted his body and muttered with a blank expression.

"Yes, it seems that something has happened to us, I - Holy Aunt, it's magic power, the magic power in our bodies has changed!

Ah, I have become more flexible than ever before, running without any sluggishness.

The magic breath is also completely consistent with my natal magic spell. I understand. The dark magic power I borrowed from the devil in hell has been washed away from the magic mark. It now completely belongs to me. Praise Saint Hali! "

"It's true. The mark in the magic has disappeared. Harley Quinn has really fulfilled her promise and helped us all complete the magic debt redemption."

At first, only the wizard with keen sense noticed the abnormality of magic power.

But soon, thousands of divine magicians were excited and surprised, and even Hera could not control the tears in her eyes.

"Boom - click~~~~"

Just as millions of extraordinary beings were shouting excitedly and cheering for themselves and Holy Aunt Harley, the quiet and gray Limbo suddenly lit up with dazzling lightning.

The bright red thunder and lightning did not move around, but emerged like a coiled dragon, slowly circling in place.

It seems to be extremely slow, but in a few breaths, a sea of ​​thunder dragons with a radius of one kilometer is formed.

It seemed that thousands of thunder and lightning dragons gathered in a small radius of one thousand meters.

The lightning dragons alone had already shocked all directions and shocked everyone at the scene.

Because a single thunder and lightning dragon also has god-king level energy fluctuations.

At this time, tens of millions of thunder and lightning dragons condensed into a small ocean.

But above the sea of ​​thunder, there is a gray and inconspicuous "cloud", and the aura leaking from it is more violent and makes people's souls tremble even more.

As powerful as Hera, she also released her mental power and directly touched the gray cloud, causing the spirits to shiver.

"This, this is the divine thunder of Zeus, this, this is...ah, I understand, this is a catastrophe!" Hera's beautiful face was distorted, and her noble and elegant temperament could no longer be maintained.

She lost her composure and screamed: "That's a natural disaster. Someone wants to go through a natural disaster. It's so scary. There are at least a thousand Zeus thunders. Is this a natural disaster?!"

"Ah, it turns out to be a Heavenly Tribulation. No wonder. But why is the Heavenly Tribulation so terrifying? Just watching from the side has made my mind confused and my laws unstable. If it appears directly in the center of the Heavenly Tribulation."

"Who is going through the Heavenly Tribulation? Isn't it too fast? Has Holy Aunt Hallie loaded the Heavenly Tribulation System? I didn't see it!"

Before Hera screamed, others had vague guesses, but they just couldn't believe it or be sure.

When the first thunder and lightning dragon appeared, even if no one knew what it was or why it appeared, just by the fluctuation of the god-king level power, the people around it ran away like wolves.

"There is indeed a figure below the thunder sea. He is really going through the catastrophe. Who is he?"

"The Heavenly Tribulation system started to go through the Heavenly Tribulation as soon as it was loaded. Is there a bug?"

"Either it's a system bug, or the guy who went through the Heavenly Tribulation is a ruthless person with too many sins on his body."

"But when it comes to the number of causes and effects, who can have more causes and effects than the Witch? I mean Holy Aunt Harry, who can have more causes and effects than her? Why can't the reputation of 'the first person to overcome tribulation' be passed on to others?"

While they were talking about it, they looked at Harley, hoping that Harley would stand up and give everyone a standard answer.

Harley looked at the place where the thunder tribulation occurred with a strange expression.

Seems a little surprised, but not too surprised.

"Harley Quinn, what's going on?" An angry question came from below the sky.

"I thought I had explained it clearly before. If you had any questions, you should have asked them then!"

Harley turned her head and looked at the surprised Neilong, "Neilong, this is your responsibility and has nothing to do with me."

Neilong was stunned and asked: "Why is it my responsibility? I also want to ask you, is there a bug in the Heavenly Tribulation System?"

"Hey, don't you know him?" Harley said with a strange smile.

"It seems to be the Demon Governor, is it you?" Neilong shouted.

The aura of law and power around Jie Yun was too strong, and he didn't dare to let go of his mental energy and go straight inside, feeling a little unsure.

"Ah, it's the Demon Governor. It turns out to be the Demon Governor, the Lord of Chaos."

"If it's the Demon Governor, it doesn't seem too surprising."

They screamed and continued to look at Harley with doubtful eyes.

Harley said: "Neilong, you are the representative of the evil god and the devil. Now the devil has not even understood the basic rules of the tribulation. Isn't it your responsibility?"

"Witch Harley, don't be pretentious, you are targeting me." Below the calamity cloud, the Demon Governor roared angrily.

Neilong wanted to nod his head repeatedly: Yes, it was probably the Witch Harley who had caused the mischief.

Harley said sternly: "I have handed over all my magic power, how can I target you?

At this time, there is no need for me to target you. I didn't even notice you hiding in the crowd.

Haven't you already completed your magic debt redemption? What are you doing here? "

"Yes, the Holy Aunt has helped us solve the magic debt and all the magic power has been consumed. We have seen and experienced it with our own eyes. In theory, the Holy Aunt is no longer the master of magic and cannot control the basic rules of magic." The magicians of the gods suddenly realized. .

"If it wasn't you, why did Heavenly Tribulation find me immediately?" Demon Governor was approaching her.

He took a step forward, and the calamity clouds and sea of ​​thunder in the sky immediately followed suit.

"Neilong, you explain." Harley crossed her arms and said lazily.

Neilong just wants to watch the fun and doesn't want to be watched by her, but he is indeed a recognized representative of evil gods and demons.

"Demon Governor, you have done many evil things, and you are stained with so many evil causes that the catastrophe will appear immediately. Alas, how can you be so vicious at this speed? Even more evil than our Demon King?"

At the end of the sentence, some real curiosity appeared on Neilong's face.

"What nonsense, you demon kings didn't immediately bring down the heavenly tribulation. I have clearly completed the magic debt crisis. I should jump out of the heavenly tribulation system. Why did I have the heavenly tribulation and trigger the heavenly tribulation earlier than you demon kings?" Demon Governor was unwilling to accept it. roared.

Harley coughed twice and explained: "Magic Governor, you have misunderstood. There is no difference between completing the repayment of the magic debt in advance and completing the debt redemption with my help at this time."

"There's no difference? Then my previous hard work and hard work are nothing?" The Demon Governor had already arrived in front of her.

"Hey, don't come any closer. Although I have a lot of karma, I'm not afraid of Zeus' thunder.

In the end, it’s you who suffers.

And you just encountered a natural disaster, which is not equal to a death disaster. You must survive the disaster well and don't run around. "

The calamity cloud was thick, the thunder snake flickered, and the Demon Governor himself held up a purple-grey chaos magic defense shield, making it difficult for people to see his expression clearly. However, after hearing Harley's words, his movement speed slowed down significantly.

"There is no need for you to complain. You only worked hard for a few points of magic power. I gave away tens of thousands of magic powers for nothing. I didn't even complain. What are you crying for?" Harley asked again.

"The price for them to complete magic redemption is that they must abide by the rules of heavenly tribulation. But I already have magic power and have completed magic redemption. I don't need to pay any price. Why do I still have to have heavenly tribulation?"

The divine thunder has begun to fall. The Demon Governor's breath is unstable and his voice is a little muddy, but the resentment in the muddy voice is stronger than before.

Harry smiled and said, "What you said is childish. Does it mean that during the magic debt crisis, if I redeem myself in advance, I don't need to abide by the magic rules set by Hecate?"

The price of the Heavenly Tribulation Rules is borne by the entire extraordinary world. You are a member of the extraordinary world, so you will definitely not be able to avoid it.

This is not against you alone. I, like my friends around me, completed the magic redemption in advance, and are still shrouded in the new magic rules.

If you really want to step outside the rules of magic, you must at least become the new master of magic, right? "

Neilong shouted: "Demon Governor, stop complaining and concentrate on dealing with the catastrophe!"

The Demon Governor was tired of dealing with the falling divine thunder, so he stopped shouting as expected.


One after another, Zeus's divine thunder fell on his head, exploding the chaotic magic power and causing the Demon Governor to scream in agony.

"Is the Demon Governor actually so strong? He seems to be able to cope with the continuous thunder of Zeus." Some gods and demons exclaimed.

"How did you see that he was so comfortable? His aura was obviously disordered and he was screaming repeatedly. I dare to swear that he must have been blown up by the divine thunder right now until his flesh and bones were charred and he was no longer human." Zeus, who was wearing a hood, couldn't bear it. Stop shouted.

To admit that the Demon Lord is at ease is not to belittle the ineffectiveness of the divine thunder of Zeus, his god king?

"Screaming is appropriate. Zeus himself would have screamed in agony when a divine thunder bombing of this scale came. The key is that the Demon Lord persevered. There is hope for him to survive the disaster!"

"Yes, looking at the situation, Demon Governor will probably be the first to survive the catastrophe."

Zeus was silent.

In his heart, he wanted to continue to belittle the Demon Governor, saying that he would not be able to survive it.

But Zeus's divine thunder was his specialty, and he knew that the divine thunder below the calamity cloud had stabilized, and its power would no longer increase, and there was even a vague trend of decline.

Zeus was right.

Two minutes later, the thunder sea formed by Zeus's divine thunder dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Divine Thunder Tribulation is coming to an end, and everyone can see it.

"The Demon Governor is too powerful. I can't withstand such a terrifying divine thunder, but he actually persisted until the end." Many divine magicians sighed in awe.

"The divine thunder is indeed terrifying, but it's a little better than I expected. I'm not saying that the divine thunder is weaker than I expected.

The power of the divine thunder is not weak, but the tricks are too monotonous.

You are all extraordinary people, you should understand what I mean, right? "

"Indeed, the power of magic is not only determined by the total amount of magic power, but also the skills and methods of casting spells are also very important. It is too monotonous to bombard with divine thunder all the time. As long as the first shot is blocked, it will be a protracted battle, purely a competition of endurance.

If Zeus himself were here, he would be able to defeat the Demon Governor in about 100 moves, instead of thousands of divine thunders raining down, leaving the Demon City howling miserably. "

Zeus couldn't help it anymore, "Zeus himself took action, and the Demon Governor couldn't even withstand three attacks. Zeus's divine thunder and Zeus's personal action are completely different concepts."

"That's nonsense. The Demon Governor has already withstood at least three thousand divine thunders. How could he not be able to withstand even three moves? You are not a divine king. You don't understand."

——Fuck you, I am the number one god king in heaven.

Zeus was cursing secretly in his heart, when suddenly the Demon Governor's cry came out from the center of the tribulation again.

"Witch Harley, I'm going to kill you, old wood. If you play with me, I'll fight with you!"

Compared with before, this time the cry was a little less breathy, but it was more angry and resentful, and it flew towards Harley faster.

Harley stood there without moving, and the "three representatives" who were relatively close to her quickly dispersed and fled.

Hera ran and cursed: "Modu, you idiot, what are you crazy about? You are about to complete the tribulation, and you are going to be the first person to overcome the tribulation!"

"I'll finish you old wood!"

Seeing Harry standing motionless with his arms folded with a faint sneer on his face, the Demon Governor hesitated.

After hesitating for a moment, he changed direction and accelerated toward Hera. As he approached Hera at a high speed, he roared in grief and anger: "My catastrophe is not over at all, it only ends with the thunder of Zeus.

Halle, the witch of Mahler Gobi, you are plotting against me. "

"What are you doing, idiot, don't come close to me! I am the first day after the Heaven Realm, and the karma on my body has been detonated. Can you handle it?" Hera was frightened and angry, and her screams were a little distorted.

"Demon Governor, don't go crazy. Your catastrophe is almost over. Don't go to your own death!" Other magicians also panicked and shouted again and again.

Too many people came to the Heaven's Gate Magic Conference this time. All the magicians from the multiverse came, tens of millions of them.

Tens of millions of people are crowded together, with no place to run if they want to.

While the Demon Governor was chasing Hera, a group of divine magicians entered the movement range of the Heavenly Tribulation.

They also began to curse and run wildly, and their wild running disturbed the people around them.

The place was in chaos.

"Hahaha, you are so naive. You can't even imagine how cruel Witch Harley's hands are and how dark her heart is.

Yes, the catastrophe of Zeus’ divine thunder is about to end, but my catastrophe is the special code of ‘three-nine catastrophes’!

Three-nine-twenty-seven, a full twenty-seven levels of the God King’s forbidden curse!

What just passed was the first level, and there are 26 more levels to come, each one more powerful than the last, hahaha, I'm done!

I was tricked by Witch Harley.

I can't drag her to be buried with her, but I can drag you to the underworld together. Come on, die with me.

Hahaha, I thought that I, the Demon Governor, had been running around the universe for billions of years. I had obviously tried to seize the magic power to fulfill the magic debt, but I didn't expect that the crisis was over, but I ended up here in a daze. I am not willing to accept it! "

The calamity cloud obscured the Demon Governor's appearance, and the strong aura of calamity also interfered with his spiritual transmission.

But the unwillingness, grievance and resentment in his voice can make people imagine what he looked like at this time.

He must have shed tears of sorrow and hatred while laughing.

"What? The thirty-nine heavenly tribulations, the Zeus divine thunder that just passed was so terrifying, but it was only the first level? There are 26 more levels next?"

Hearing the Demon Governor's cries of grief and indignation, all the magicians were shocked and horrified.

Then I instantly understood why the Demon Governor suddenly went crazy.

Although the Zeus divine thunder just now did not kill the Demon Governor, from his screams and aura fluctuations, it can be clearly inferred that he suffered serious injuries and injured his origin.

Perhaps gritting one's teeth can withstand the first, second, and third levels of catastrophe, but it is absolutely impossible to survive all 26 levels.

The Demon Governor is dead.

So before you die, you should help someone to support you.

"Ah, no, Demon Governor, don't come here. Mom, I can feel it too. I finally feel the breath of the heavenly calamity. Woohoo, my heavenly calamity is coming too."


The second cloud of gray dust, inconspicuous in appearance but with a strange and powerful aura, appeared in Limbo Prison, above the head of an evil god two kilometers away from the Demon Governor.

Even though he was so frightened that he shouted "Mom", he still couldn't stop the robbery cloud from taking shape.

"Thunderbolt crack~~~" It was also the divine thunder of Zeus, and its aura was much weaker than that of the Demon City.

But which true god-level evil god only held on to three divine thunders before he was involved in the second level of the Demon Governor's catastrophe.


Multiple heavenly tribulations are superimposed, and the scope of the tribulation cloud suddenly expands ten times!

That breath and movement were like detonating a large-yield nuclear bomb over a city on Earth.

Almost at the same time, more than ten other masters of gods and demons were triggered into a catastrophe.

"Demon Governor, what the hell, you old man, you will die if you die, why do you want to hold me back? I don't accept it, I won't accept it. I finally survived the long magic debt crisis and finally got rid of the magic debt. Why, why do you do this? for me?

I want you to die with me, hahahaha, hahahaha, let’s go through the tribulation together! "

"No, don't chase me. Stay away from me. Help me. The power of the tribulation is too strong and I can't open the space portal. Oops, my old mother, I can feel it too. The tribulation energy is taking shape above my head. , the information about the heavenly tribulation came into my mind, it was just the 'triple minor heavenly tribulation'. No, I don't want to die, I'm not willing to do it!

I clearly only have three levels of heavenly tribulation, why do you want to implicate me?

If I survive the tribulation normally, I will definitely not fail.

Now I can't bear it anymore, I want revenge, hahaha, you guys die with me! "

What kind of scene would it be like to hang a long firecracker with 50,000 rings, light the fuse and pile the firecrackers into a pile?

Now Limbo outside the gate of heaven is just a lot of firecrackers exploding randomly.

The calamity clouds that quickly formed above the head of the magician were like firecrackers.

A firecracker can only explode once, but a calamity cloud can explode several times in a row - as long as the magician under the calamity cloud can withstand it.

"Oh my God, it's so spectacular." Harley was dumbfounded.

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