I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1961 Don’t worry, my calamity is of high quality and can definitely kill anyone.

Harley glanced toward the back of the crowd and saw that the mental scream was coming from a group of First Fallen demons.

They are quite conspicuous. Although they use the magic power of hell to form thick clouds to hide their figures, they do not hide the tyrannical aura of the First Fallen.

The magicians around them deliberately stayed away from them, leaving a lot of space in the crowd.

"Neilong, come out and speak. Don't worry, don't tell me that you are just a timid clone now. Even if the real body comes, I am a compassionate and faithful saint today. I will not harm anyone who comes to participate in the magic conference. People, including you, including all demons." Harley said.

The demonic cloud rolled like boiling water for a moment, and there seemed to be chaotic spiritual waves passing through inside.

It must be the First Fallen inside who are arguing fiercely.

After a moment, a beam of scarlet light shot out from the billowing magic cloud, revealing the inner dragon a hundred meters away from Harry.

Compared with the past, Neilong's appearance and style have not changed much. He has pale skin, a face as handsome as the sun god, golden shawl curly hair, and a big green cloak.

Because he is a clone, it is impossible to tell whether his original strength has declined or improved based on his breath.

“Evil is the nature God gave us to the devil, and the devil can only do evil things, just like a tiger must eat meat and cannot eat grass instead.

Your heavenly calamity system is violating the instinct of life, distorting the nature of all living beings, and even blaspheming the Lord you believe in. "

Even if it was just a clone, Neilong wouldn't dare to be so presumptuous or tease Harley too much.

But now he was in public, and he was being watched by tens of millions of divine magicians, and almost all the extraordinary beings from the multiverse were present.

Just now inside Moyun, the reason why his brothers who were First Fallen were arguing fiercely was because they were trying to persuade Neilong to be tougher and never fall into the trap of First Fallen.

Even if something really happened and they offended Witch Harley, they would still help him. Well, the point of the quarrel was here. Neilong asked them to swear, but they were unwilling. They were also angry that Neilong didn't trust his brother.

"I just said so much, did you not listen, or is there something wrong with your brain that prevents you from understanding?" Harley mocked.

Although "Holy Aunt Harley" will not directly shoot anyone to death during the Heaven's Gate Magic Conference, she does not need to be too polite when facing the devil and her "old friend" Neilong.

“First of all, the Heavenly Tribulation System does not encourage you to do good deeds.

It simply removes from you on a regular basis the good and evil karma of your own making.

Whoever has the cause and effect is responsible for it. No matter how heavy the cause and effect is, you have to bear it yourself. It is absolutely fair and just, and there is no exploitation or oppression.

Second, God never gave anyone an evil nature.

It is true that evil is the nature of the devil, but it is not what God has given you.

Our Lord God only wishes that he could not redeem everyone. Even the undead souls and demons in hell would only receive alternative education and transformation in hell.

Not only does the Lord not allow you to do evil, nor does He allow you to have an evil nature, but He wants to save you and help you get rid of evil.

Of course, you are a devil and it is not your fault for not understanding the Lord’s teachings. "

Neilong was very restrained and did not get angry because of Harley's ridicule, and even his expression did not change much.

Well, he was very self-aware and didn't expect Harley to be polite to him at all.

As long as he is not slapped to death and can let him speak freely, he will be content.

"No matter who the devil's nature comes from, evil nature does exist, and you agree, right?

Although you keep claiming that the Heavenly Tribulation System does not encourage mages to do good, doing good is obviously more beneficial than doing evil.

No matter whether you can get good results by doing good deeds or not, at least there will be no bad consequences.

Ordinary mages can do good deeds, but for gods and demons who are evil in nature, you have forcefully distorted their nature, and you have truly distorted God's will.

God created hell and at least allowed demons with the most evil nature to exist, but you want to destroy us.

Of course, with most of the magical power you now have, you are the new master of magic. You also think that you are the second in command and the boss. You can transform the world and reform the supernatural world according to your own will.

But you keep saying that you make the lives of all mages more comfortable and make the big house of the multiverse stronger.

Your slogans are completely inconsistent with your actual actions.

You are a human being, and you design the rules of the catastrophe based on human moral ethics, but the world is colorful.

There are human civilizations that adhere to hypocritical morals such as benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust.

There are also civilizations that insist on the law of the jungle and survival of the fittest.

There are also civilizations that define themselves as cutting-edge predators and take preying on and enslaving other civilizations as a matter of course.

You can define those civilizations as heretics, but you cannot say that they are a wrong cancer to the world.

Just like you can like the docility of sheep, but you cannot regard the brutal tiger as an unnatural existence.

Because of your own selfishness, you killed all the tigers, and the natural ecological balance was broken.

Your favorite sheep loses its enemies and wants to eat up the whole world, so the world becomes barren and withered.

The destroyer of the world is not an evil tiger, but a docile and lovely sheep. Isn’t it ridiculous? "

Neilong became more and more excited as he spoke, his voice gradually becoming more passionate, and his hands waving rhythmically - he was still calm inside, and his surface excitement and excitement were just to arouse the emotions of the audience.

He succeeded.

Many people in the audience became excited and couldn't help but cheer loudly. Some evil gods even shouted: "Long live Neilong, Neilong, you are the representative of our evil gods!"

"The representative of the evil gods of the multiverse, the master of the demons of hell, and the inner dragon of eternity!"

Neilong was very proud and happy, but he did not mess up his rhythm and did not stop to accept the cheers of thousands of evil gods.

He continued: "Let me give you the simplest example. Human-made carbon-based life on Earth will naturally have parents and brothers, and these blood relatives will evolve into the original social system and moral ethics.

But there are more other species in the world, including silicon-based life and innate spirits with no father or mother or a heavenly father and an earthly mother. They do not need to reproduce at all, or they do not need to reproduce in the same way as humans.

If you ask them to abide by human morals and rules, aren't you destroying life and the world itself? "

"Inner Dragon, although I am not a human being and do not have a penis, I love you and I am willing to devote myself to you!" A stone man mage yelled crazily at Inner Dragon.

Neilong pretended not to hear, looking at Harley with a serious and righteous expression.

Harley's hands were a little itchy and she wanted to slap him in the mouth a few times.

"Oh, it's so tiring to talk to you lowlifes."

In the end, she didn't make a move, and just sighed slightly tiredly, "You are not mature enough and your abilities are limited. Even if what I say to you is a wise saying, you still can't understand it."

Neilong was unhappy.

The cheap evil gods and demons that everyone was cheering for were not happy either.

"Holy Aunt Harley, even if your fighting power is unparalleled, you cannot look down on His Majesty the Inner Dragon, who is at the peak of the Demon King's realm! Combat power is not equal to the realm, let alone knowledge and wisdom." The stone man mage who admired the inner dragon said excitedly.

"Shut up, everyone!" Neilong shouted, and the voice spread in all directions, "Harley Quinn has set the rules. You can speak, but you must elect a representative to speak on your behalf.

Now that I am your representative, please do not interrupt randomly and disrupt the order. "

There was silence.

Harley glanced at him and said calmly: "I'm afraid you are not convinced, but what you said just now does seem very ignorant, ignorant of the law of cause and effect.

Let me emphasize again, the Heavenly Tribulation System does not involve moral ethics from beginning to end.

Not to mention the moral standards of human beings on earth, the morals and laws of any civilization have nothing to do with it.

It has only one core, which leads to the completion of the chain of cause and effect.

On earth, human beings have established moral standards of benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust.

If you do something unkind, rude, or dishonest to them, they will create a negative causal chain with you, which is the birth of a "cause of evil."

To put an end to the cause of sin, the consequences of punishment are needed.

If you are punished at that time, whether by the person involved personally or by a fair judgment of the law, the cause of the crime and the consequences of the punishment complete the closed loop, the chain of cause and effect ends here, and you are no longer stained with cause and effect.

If the Heavenly Tribulation cannot sense that there is any unfinished cause and effect on you, it will not look for you.

If you escaped punishment at that time and the cause of your sin did not usher in the consequences of punishment, the Heavenly Tribulation would link the consequences of punishment to the cause of your sin and force you to eliminate the cause and effect.

By the way, when the heavenly calamity eliminates the cause and effect, it will be "fruitful". A sinful cause may have ten or a hundred times the fruit.

Therefore, if you have really done something wrong, don't run away, just raise your hands and surrender honestly. You will be punished as you want. The cause and effect should be settled as soon as possible to avoid double punishment. "

Harley looked around and said seriously.

After a pause, she continued: "If we were in another 'unjust civilization', where people had established a moral code that was contrary to benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, and trust, then bullying the weak would be perfectly justified.

You have committed evil in the local area, but you are very powerful, and the victims will feel that their experiences are justified, and there will be no negative causal chain between you and them, and you will not be contaminated with the cause of evil.

If there is no cause of sin and no consequences of punishment to complete the closed loop of karma, heavenly calamity will not come to you.

If the 'unjust civilization' is even more weird, if you commit evil, they will not only take it for granted, but also respect you, love you from the bottom of their hearts, and treat you as a 'good person', and a positive causal chain may arise between you. That is the cause of kindness.

When you go through the tribulation, those good causes will bear good fruits and prevent part of the catastrophe for you.

Of course, I don’t think such a race exists in the world. If it did exist, it would have been wiped out by disaster long ago.

If human heroes go to "unjust civilization" with sincerity and kindness, and bring to the local people the equality, freedom, and democracy that the heroes think are absolutely beautiful, human heroes may not necessarily be able to create good karma.

If you mess up, you will end up with the cause of evil, and you will end up with the same fate as a devil who goes to the moral earth to commit crimes.

So, you understand, my calamity system does not target any civilization and does not involve any moral rules, but it applies to all civilizations and all races.

It is only responsible for cleaning up the causal chain that fails to form a closed loop. Good causes produce good results, and sins produce bad results.

The specific definition of good and evil causes is not determined by the calamity system, but by the nature of civilization and life.

The moral norms formulated by human beings may be full of hypocrisy and fraud, but the essence and original intention of life will not deceive people. "

Neilong was stunned.

The evil god and the inhuman mage who had excitedly cheered for the inner dragon before were also stunned on the spot, speechless for a long time.

Hera looked at Harley with complicated eyes, and there seemed to be a hint of admiration that she didn't even notice.

Harry seemed to remember something, and added: "I want to remind you evil gods and demons, don't fantasize about bugs and making a lot of good deeds just because of what I just said.

For example, using violence to rule an "unjust civilization" that is inherently cruel and degenerate, distorting the life essence of the local people with more evil thoughts and dark divinity, causing them to fall from "disobeying benevolence and morality" to "being committed crimes and violations" For the sake of glory and grace', let them be abused by you and at the same time provide you with great benefits.

This won't work.

Don't even think about raising a "moral civilization" that is benevolent, righteous, propriety, wisdom and trust, and provide them with all living and entertainment materials, so that they will be grateful to you and provide you with a lot of good fruits.

The way of cause and effect is mysterious and mysterious.

The water is too deep and the waves are too high, and you cannot control it.

Taking the above two models as examples, when you distort the life essence of the "unjust civilization" race, you have actually planted the biggest evil cause.

The cause of this sin is the ‘first cause’.

In the magic world's parlance, it has the highest energy level, and all causal chains established on this basis are 'below' it, extending the cause of this evil.

Unless this first cause is eliminated, the continuing chain of cause and effect will all be evil causes. You will not reap endless good causes, but you will only sin heavily and continue to sink.

In other words, when you tempted them to fall, you had already fallen first, fallen deeper than they did, and your ending would definitely be more miserable.

The same principle applies to raising a certain moral and civilized race.

You feed a civilized race with the malicious intent of being selfish and benefiting yourself at the expense of others, and you started the cause of evil from the beginning.

Their gratitude to you is an illusory bubble born from lies and cannot form good causes.

At most, the sins on your body are better than that of the evil god who twisted the 'unjust race'.

But compared to yourself who does nothing, it is much worse.

After all the hard work, I got myself into a quagmire of cause and effect, so why bother? "

Hera wondered: "Why can't the gratitude of the entire race form good causes?"

"Can't you understand this?" Harley gave her a look of disgust, and her tone was not very good, "Gratitude was born out of lies, or was it a malicious lie, how could it create a good cause?

Don't think of cause and effect simply as human emotions.

Human emotions can extend the causal chain but cannot be equated with cause and effect.

Hatred does not necessarily lead to evil, but gratitude does not necessarily lead to kindness.

If you deceive a person and make him think that you have helped him and that he has given you a benefit, the benefit does not come from a "good cause". It appears because you have successfully deceived him.

And "getting benefits" is just the result of you deceiving him, and it does not mean that all cause and effect are eliminated.

"Getting benefits" will create new causes of evil.

When combined with the sinful reasons for deceiving him before, it gradually accumulates and causes more harm to you.

If you sincerely help someone, but he misunderstands you, treats you as a bad person, and kills you, the cause of your death is a misunderstanding, not the cause of your good deeds. '.

As long as the cause of kindness is still there, even if you die."

At this point, Harley frowned and paused for a moment.

According to the rules of the DC multiverse in the past, if you die with a good reason, you may not have a good ending.

If you believe in God or some gods of justice, it would be okay. They will complete the cause of good in the deceased, give the deceased a bright future, and form a closed loop between the cause of good and the fruit of good.

However, if the deceased does not believe in the righteous gods, or has no faith, all the good causes may be wasted.

Just like those bastards who get no retribution for their sins, the chain of cause and effect cannot form a closed loop. If the cause and effect are not eliminated, calamity will accumulate, eventually leading to a big crisis and catastrophe.

"What happened in the past has happened and I can't control it, but now the good causes must also try their best to produce good fruits, so that the cycle of karma and retribution can run smoothly." Harley said.

The core of the major reform of the magic rules is the catastrophe, but there is more than one element of the catastrophe.

“There is a lower heaven in heaven, and even good people on earth who do not believe in God can go to the lower heaven after death.

Before entering the first level of hell, there is another area called the 'Hall of Sages'.

Even non-believers or pagans, as long as they leave great achievements in human history, can enjoy eternal tranquility and peace in the Hall of Sages.

I suggest that when you build the Kingdom of Death, you should also refer to the system of the lower heaven and the Hall of Sages and build a 'soul shelter' next to it.

When encountering wailing spirits who have good karma but are homeless, take them to the shelter and place them properly. This will not only end the good karma in them, but also leave new good causes for yourself. "

"How do we judge whether the undead have good deeds?" Hera asked.

"Before you pulled the soul into your own kingdom of God, wouldn't you look at his memory and understand his life?" Harley said.

"What if the judgment is wrong? After all, you also said that it is very difficult to fix bugs and the technical content is very high." Hera said.

Harry said: "If you make a wrong judgment, you will be punished. If you take in an undead with evil causes, the evil causes on him will of course be transferred to you.

It's like if I want to kill someone, but you have protected him and you want to protect him, I can only kill you first and then him. "

Hera's expression changed, "The price-performance ratio is too low, not even cost-effective."

Harley sighed: "I created the Heavenly Tribulation System just to eliminate the good and evil karma in the mage, so that kind people will be rewarded with good things, and sowing evil causes will have evil consequences. It is not to completely negate other karma.

For example, in the past, the supernormal world insisted on "wisdom karma", where smart people get great benefits and fools suffer.

How to judge whether an undead body has evil or good causes requires wisdom and experience.

At this time, it is the turn of "wisdom cause and effect" to come into play. If you are smart, you will get good results; if you are stupid, you will end up unlucky. "

"But I went to save the souls with good intentions. Didn't my good intentions sow good karma?" Hera said.

Harry said: "If you save the dead with purely good intentions, you won't care about good causes and good consequences.

Moreover, if you have pure good intentions, you must have the divinity of good order, and you will not misjudge the evil causes and good consequences of the undead at all.

Just like heaven will not take bastards to the lower heaven and send good people to hell.

If you take in the dead out of profit and with the purpose of making a lot of money in business, you can certainly make a lot of money, but if you make a mistake, you should honestly accept the fact that you will lose money. "

"No, you just said that the 'unjust race' that does not conform to the hypocritical moral values ​​of the people on earth can also have good causes.

If you judge the undead from an unjust race according to the standards of kindness of the people on earth, wouldn't it be completely different and completely wrong? "Hera said.

"Hey, even if you are not the God of Death, you are still the number one God Queen in the Heaven Realm. Why do you ask such a layman's question?" Harley frowned.

"Why am I a layman?" Hera was puzzled and dissatisfied.

There was a God of Death in the crowd who couldn't help it anymore and interjected: "Undead souls that don't agree with your three views will not float to the door of your house.

Just like people who don’t know heaven and God, or who subconsciously resist God’s teachings, even if their souls have nowhere to go after death, they will not come near heaven.

The Holy Aunt asks us to imitate the system of heaven and collect the undead souls that come near our own Kingdom of Death, instead of the God of Death wandering around Limbo looking for homeless undead souls.

Even gods cannot have unlimited time and energy, and cannot search for them one by one. They can only establish rules to allow the Kingdom of Death to actively screen out the approaching undead.

Those souls who are close to the Kingdom of Death will never have serious conflicts with the three views of the Kingdom of Death.

After all, Limbo is the dimension of thought, and the force that draws souls to the realm of Death is similar to thought. "

Hera cursed twice in her mind, one of which was that her brain was rusty and she had forgotten this common sense.

Another sentence called the God of Death a bastard for daring to embarrass her in public. Didn't he know that she was the representative of the gods and only she could speak?

"I understand the rules of the Kingdom of Death. What I mean is what to do if you encounter homeless undead on the road." Her expression was calm and her tone was natural.

"If you can encounter them, there must be other Death Gods or Death God Kingdoms around. They are not your responsibility. There is no need for you to be sentimental and unnecessary." The Death God shouted.

Hera took his mental fluctuations to heart.

"If there is a God of Death who realizes that his abilities are limited, can we not build a shelter?" She ignored the God of Death and only looked at Harley and asked.

"Okay, I just said it, I'm just giving you a suggestion." Harry sighed, "Strictly speaking, souls without faith and homeless have nothing to do with gods, nor are they contaminated with magic, and have nothing to do with me. Magic reform has nothing to do with it.

It just happened to be on my lips, so I said a few words casually.

Although I am a holy aunt and have benevolent thoughts for the world, but now I have only obtained the magic power, reforming the magic world is the limit, and I have no ability to rewrite the basic rules of the entire multiverse! "

"However, since we are talking about the Kingdom of Death, I will say a little more and give you one more suggestion."

Harley looked around with sharp eyes. Some gods and demons, especially the god of death, felt that she was staring at him specifically.

"If there are too many karma in the souls of your believers, before accepting them and bringing them into the Kingdom of Death, it is best to cut off the karma on their bodies, especially the good and evil karma.

Indeed, I am only the master of magic and have no control over all living beings in the universe, and the reformed new rules of magic have nothing to do with mortals.

But the mortal world and the supernatural world are not completely unrelated.

If mortals believe in gods or offer sacrifices to evil gods, they are no longer pure mortals.

They are the vassals of the gods and demons. Their spirits and beliefs belong to the gods and demons, and the cause and effect on them also belongs to the gods and demons. "

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the gods and demons on the scene changed drastically.

"Harry, you mean that if our believers do evil and are stained with a lot of evil, we will also be implicated? Isn't this too unfair?" Hera exclaimed.

Harry glanced at her and asked calmly: "If a mortal with no moral bottom line commits many evil deeds throughout his life, he will be smart enough and have enough resources to successfully escape legal punishment without any uneasiness in his conscience.

Before his death, as long as he continues to be smart and satisfy the evil god with his huge resources, he can successfully land. Even after death, his soul will enter the Kingdom of God and enjoy endless divine grace.

Is this the right thing to do? Is this the right world? "

Hera said excitedly: "But the mortal world has nothing to do with us! You also said before that the supernatural world only has 'wisdom karma'. Unlike the mortal society, which has laws and police, it can perfect 'karma for good and evil', so it was reformed Magic rules.

But it only rewrites the magic rules. Mortals without magic are not affected by the magic rules. "

Harley sighed softly and asked, "Guess what Lex Luthor said to me that led me to have the idea of ​​rewriting the rules of magic?"

Hera was stunned. I don’t even know Lex Luthor. How could I know what you said?

She was carefully searching for memories related to Lex Luthor in her mind. The orangutan detective beside her who had not spoken for a long time asked curiously: "I wanted to ask before, how did Lex Luthor enlighten you with his sinful nature?" , made you have such a great and sacred idea of ​​magic reform?"

"Fuck, that chimp is slandering me!"

Among the crowd, Luther, whose identity was hidden, turned his head and said to his sister: "Harley's calamity system is very powerful, with almost no obvious loopholes. Well, I haven't found it yet.

But she was able to give birth to such a great idea entirely due to the wisdom collision with me, the top wise man in the universe.

In a way, I also have partial patent rights on the Heavenly Tribulation System. That stupid orangutan doesn't even understand such a simple and easy-to-understand principle, and is not qualified to be a mage representative at all. "

"Alas, Harley should have asked me to represent the human mage!" He sighed regretfully.

Not to mention that Luther himself is considered a transcendent, possessing divine power and divinity, so he should be interested in the Heaven's Gate Magic Conference.

There were even many real mortals present, such as the famous cosmic character Lois Lane.

"Although it is an orangutan, it has a very smart mind and didn't say anything wrong." Lina said.

The Luther brothers and sisters murmured in the crowd. Harley did not hesitate and roughly repeated the conversation with Luther that day in front of everyone.

“I felt very uncomfortable at the time, not that they escaped punishment, but I felt bad for them.

I just love God so much that I can’t bear the thought of Christians teasing my Lord like this.

The rules of the Magic Master can only govern extraordinary beings with magical powers, not mortals. This is a fact.

But I can't control mortals, but I can control you.

I cannot prohibit them from betraying their faith in the Lord, nor can I prohibit sinners from making bloody sacrifices, but I can punish you for accepting their faith and sacrifices. "

Harry said it was natural, but the gods and demons felt as if they were being beeped by dogs.

Damn it, you can't stand the depraved behavior of mortals, and you don't have the ability to rewrite the rules of the multiverse and prohibit their depravity, so you reform magic and try your best to torment the gods and demons. But who do we gods and demons provoke?

Harley slowed down her tone and added: "Actually, I didn't do anything specifically, although at first I was very angry and wanted to do something.

I just discovered a fact and then tell you the fact - you who accept believers who are responsible for huge sins will bear all the sins for them.

I'm really not targeting everyone.

It is not for me to take matters into my own hands or rewrite the rules to transfer the cause of sin from you believers to you.

Before I reformed the rules of magic, this was already happening. It was an established fact.

From the beginning to the end, there is only one thing I do, which is to forcefully complete the karma of good and evil on you through the Heavenly Tribulation System at regular intervals.

After doing this, I was surprised to find that I didn’t need to do anything at all, and all disharmony would be eliminated in the catastrophe. "

Although there was a bit of joking and pride in Harley's tone, the surprise on her face was a bit real.

She now feels like a student of physics who has discovered that a very simple, very beautiful, and very harmonious physical formula can represent almost the entire type of complex physical phenomena.

Very surprised, very happy, very emotional.

"Perhaps, this is the greatest simplicity. I don't need to modify the magic rules and magic spells that suit my own will one by one to stipulate what you can and cannot do.

Without instructions of hundreds of thousands or millions of words, my magic reform only forces the karma of good and evil to form a closed-loop system of natural disasters.

Everything I wanted to do, everything I wanted to do but didn’t expect at the time, has been accomplished. The world will be a better place, and I am very satisfied. " Harley sighed.

——You are satisfied, but our hands and feet are really tied up, and we will suffer even more than we expected!

Hera and the gods and demons thought bitterly.

"Harry, you are right. Although you only created the Heavenly Tribulation System, and the function of the Heavenly Tribulation System is very single, it involves almost every aspect of the lives and work of the gods.

It's possible that we haven't noticed it ourselves, but we have already violated the big taboo of the Heavenly Tribulation Rules.

For example, the problem of believers.

Can you say both ‘reminders’ and ‘suggestions’? Hera asked.

"Hey, the Heavenly Tribulation System has just been established, so there will inevitably be some unfamiliarity. Don't panic, don't be anxious.

You are the ones who have survived the old rules of ‘wisdom and cause and effect’, and what you don’t lack most is wisdom.

By slowly exploring, one can finally fully understand the law of heavenly calamity and the karma of good and evil. " Harley comforted.

Hera asked: "How to find out?"

"Besides testing your own calamity, how else can you explore? For example, even if I don't remind you, when accepting believers, you must pay attention to removing the causes of sin in them.

When you experience the heavenly tribulation, you will find that the heavenly tribulation is more terrifying than you expected.

Obviously you have been trying your best to avoid the world and not be involved in cause and effect, but when you are going through the tribulation, you can clearly sense a large number of evil causes, form mental illusions, physical illusions, interfere with you, and even attack you. As long as you can survive, you will definitely find something is wrong. and make improvements. "

"What if I can't survive?" Hera asked.

Harley shrugged, "It's destiny, what can I do?"

Hera's expression was distorted, "We are not familiar with natural disasters, why can't we rehearse them a few times so that we can understand the rules?

We are not trying to exploit bugs, we just want to figure out the basic rules. "

Harry said softly: "Actually, most mages don't need to worry.

As I said before, the minimum standard for a calamity is an old master who has survived for more than 300 years.

Before becoming a Grandmaster, there is no need to consider natural disasters at all.

You can spend hundreds of years slowly watching a group of old masters and gods and demons go through tribulations, and learn from their experiences and lessons. "

"Do the old masters and gods and demons deserve to be guinea pigs?"

Before Hera could speak, gods and demons in the crowd couldn't help but scream.

"It's not that I want to target the old master and the gods and demons. Actually," Harry paused and asked, "You mean to let those ordinary mages who don't even understand the law use the 'Zeus Divine Thunder'?"

"Zeus' divine thunder?" Zeus in the crowd was shocked. How could it be related to him?

"No, no, no, we don't even have laws. Compared with the gods and demons, we are just apprentices who have just started! It is too cruel to experience the catastrophe so early, and it is completely unbearable."

There are many people who are as surprised as Zeus, but at this time, there are more ordinary mages whose realm is lower than the "300-year-old master" who are calling urgently.

"Don't argue anymore. I am the representative of the gods, BoBo is the representative of the mage, and the inner dragon is the representative of the evil gods and demons. There are three of us representatives here, so you don't need to shout on your own."

After dispersing the pressure of the "First Day Queen" and scolding her, Hera turned to Harley and asked doubtfully: "What does Zeus' thunder mean?"

Harley asked back: "Have you never read the fairy novels from the East? There are descriptions of natural disasters in the novels, and the natural disasters I created are roughly the same."

"I don't like reading oriental fairy novels." Hera shook her head and said with a tangled expression: "I think their fairy king and an ordinary fairy fall in love, which will make the three worlds uneasy and destroy the world. It's too It’s too exaggerated, even a little bit stupid, so..."

The corners of Harley's mouth twitched slightly, "You're not reading a regular fairy tale novel, are you?"

Most of what Hera watched were brainless romance dramas disguised as immortals.

Not to mention the Queen of Heaven, even Harley herself looked down on such a world of immortals.

"Are there formal or informal fairy tale novels? Hey, I don't understand. Harley, just tell me." Hera said.

"There is no doubt that the Heavenly Tribulation is a punishment system. The means of punishment come from magic. Magic is not fixed, but the power of magic comes from everyone.

You all know that when the resentful woman is still there, there is no need to recite a spell, and she can directly use magic power to activate the corresponding rules to form a forbidden spell-level magic effect.

For example, she can activate my thick-skinned god-king law in a single thought and without my permission, and put a golden film defensive shield on herself.

She can also activate the thunder law of God King Zeus, forming a sea of ​​thunder and lightning to drown the enemy.

The effect of thunder magic is almost the same as that performed by Zeus himself. "

There is no difference between the lightning magic and Zeus's, but if I put a gold film defense shield on myself, the difference between it and the original one will be huge.

The special feature of the gold film defense cover is the defense expertise.

Simply providing 120 points of defensive magic shield will not have much impact on the resentment or the battle situation.

"So you understand? What the grudges could do in the past, I can do it too, with little effect at most." Harley looked around at everyone and continued: "When I hand over my magic power and complete your redemption, I will He is no longer the master of magic and cannot control the laws to form magic effects at will.

But the tribulation magic rules I wrote will continue to operate until the next magic master is born. Regarding this point, you can relax. With Harley Quinn in one day, it is impossible for the third generation of magic masters to appear. After her birth Before that, I would slap her to death. "

——Don’t worry, we only feel despair, mmp, if there is a change of dynasty, we can at least hope that the new magic master will cancel the catastrophe system, now. Alas!

The expressions of the magicians around him were blank, and they were lamenting in their hearts.

"The magic rules of the heavenly tribulation will mobilize the power of the rules to form various magical effects to attack those who overcome the tribulation. This is the heavenly tribulation.

Zeus is the number one god-king in the sky, and thunder is the most threatening disaster, so using his thunder power to test you will be the norm in the future. "

When Hera heard this, her face immediately showed joy.

Although she cannot be equal to Zeus, when she becomes the God King of Olympus, she can control the power of the gods under her command.

The God-King can borrow the power of the pantheon of gods.

For example, Harley is the Martial God King, and her "True Martial Emperor" state is to mobilize the power of the human Martial God into herself.

There is no doubt that using the power of Zeus to fight against the thunder of Zeus is extremely effective.

But the next moment, Harley added: "Of course, the Heavenly Tribulation System is absolutely fair and just, and it is impossible for some God Kings and Queens to cheat.

If they were to overcome the tribulation in person, the tribulation would call upon the power of laws of the God Kings and Queens of other gods. "

The joy on Hera's face immediately froze.

"Harry, if different people go through the tribulation, it cannot be absolutely fair!" BoBo hesitated.

"Don't worry, it will be absolutely fair and just." Harley affirmed in her tone.

BoBo said: "As we all know, the highest state of the multiverse is the God King.

When the God King overcomes the tribulation, the strongest force he faces is only a magic attack of the same level.

But those who are at a lower level than the God King, especially those who have not become gods, may face forces that exceed their own level.

It is definitely easier to resist attacks from the same realm, especially the powerful God King Queen who has the honorific titles of 'First God King' and 'First Queen of Heaven'.

If they can become the first god king and the first queen of the sky, they must be invincible in the same realm.

Even the other God Kings and Queens could not defeat the First God King and Queen in person.

If you only trigger their God-King Law to cause a catastrophe, the effect will only be worse. "

——This stinky gorilla dares to provoke this "First Day Queen"!

Hera stared at the orangutan detective, the anger in her eyes undisguised, only a trace of murderous intent was still hidden deep in her heart, and she did not dare to show it in front of Harley.

Harley smiled and said: "BoBo, you are worrying too much. There are indeed a group of powerful 'First God Kings' and 'First Queens' in the Heaven Realm, and they are indeed invincible in the same realm.

But if you can't defeat them one-on-one, it doesn't mean that other God-Kings can't kill the so-called 'First God-King' and 'First Queen' if they join forces.

The Zeus divine thunder activated by the resentful woman is as powerful as Zeus's, but she can activate more than one Zeus divine thunder.

She created a large sea of ​​forbidden spells.

As long as the God Kings and Queens dare to seek death, no matter which God King they are or how many days after they are, my Heavenly Tribulation can guarantee that they will be completely killed. "

Speaking of this, she glanced at the powerful gods, kings and queens including Hera with strange eyes, and even Zeus, who was hiding, felt cold all over.

"Which of you is willing to volunteer? As long as you have no doubts about the Heavenly Tribulation System, I will immediately load it into the basic rules of magic.

Then volunteers can take the initiative to activate their own Heavenly Tribulation, so that everyone can see whether the Heavenly Tribulation can kill the 'First God King' and the 'First Heavenly Queen'. "

There are tens of millions of divine magicians nearby, including many divine kings and queens, but almost all of them hide their identities. Only Hera stands openly in the center of the field and has the reputation of "the first queen of heaven".

Therefore, everyone looked at her with expectation and anxiety.

Hera wanted to curse.

It's a wonderful thought for you to use your own life to verify the power of the heavenly catastrophe, but even if I am "the most stupid queen in heaven", I will not take the initiative to be such a volunteer!

"Harry, can you load the calamity system now? Have all the magic rules and magic spells been written?" She smiled reluctantly.

"There are only two or three new magic rules. They are almost completed now and are just waiting to be loaded. The writing of magic spells is relatively complicated and will take some time. However, there is no need to rush as many spells as you can write and use."

Harley glanced at the three representatives and asked: "Do you still have questions about the Heavenly Tribulation System? If not, I will legislate three chapters with you now and complete the loading immediately."

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