I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1946 After Harley left

"Are you sure that the Upside Down wants to cut off the part of the limb that extends into the multiverse? Is there any evidence?" Doctor Fate asked.

Zha Kang shook his head and said: "The above is just my analysis and speculation on the current situation. The recovery speed of reality in this world has slowed down dozens of times. It may be that the upside-down people are amputating their limbs to survive.

The direct connection between this world and the strange real body is cut off. This world can no longer obtain energy support from the strange source, so the recovery speed becomes slower.

There is also a reason for a troubled person to cut off his wrist.

If it is not decisive, we can continue to enter the weird motherland through the part connected to the reality of the multiverse, go deep into the weird and real body, and continue mining crazily.

However, I can't find direct evidence that this world was cut or broken by it.

Since Harley had already prepared to send us away, she must know more, right? "

Harry said: "Being in this world, I don't know any more than you do. I just don't want to bet that the Tricksters are stupid."

Xiao Zha let go of his old father's hand and asked: "What if the ninth layer of reality we are in at this time is a limb that weirdly extends into the reality of the multiverse.

Can it retract its limbs without having to cut off its wrists?

After all, if it becomes a strong man who breaks his arm, he will definitely leave his arm in reality, allowing us to eat it clean and extract the dark magic and magical power from it.

If it can be retracted, the loss will be minimal. "

Zha Kang shook his head and said: "It probably can't shrink back. Our multiverse is like an eel basket, it can only go in but not get out.

As powerful as Dr. Manhattan, isn't he also trapped in reality forever due to the reset of Crisis on Infinite Earths?

Is it magic power or a virtual currency issued by "Origin"? How could it be possible to allow the Upside Down to escape unscathed?

The 'Origin' would even prevent it from retreating, and now that Harley is stopping it, it is destiny and blessing. "

Harley glanced at Lao Zha, who was looking thoughtful in the saint's aperture, and then glanced at several of his companions, and said: "We don't need to analyze the means by which the Upside Down blocks our return to this place.

Whether it's a strong man cutting off his wrist, or forcibly withdrawing his hand, it will definitely never allow us to enter the core of the strange motherland again.

Chaos Irony Magic is not omnipotent.

Anyway, I don't want to gamble.

I believe in subverting people's IQ and judgment.

So I will cherish the opportunity in front of me as my last chance.

Anyway, now that everyone has been rescued, I will make a lot of money if I win the bet, and I will not lose anything if I lose the bet. "

Xiao Zha nodded repeatedly, faced her husband and father, and said, "What Harley said makes sense. After we left, she no longer had any burdens and scruples. She could use all means to seize magical power and dark magic power as she pleased, until the strange motherland was completely destroyed. "

Lao Zha's eyes flickered slightly, but he still did not join in their conversation.

Zha Kang turned his head and glanced at his wife and old father-in-law. There was contentment and happiness on his face and eyes, and he said with relaxation and joy in his tone: "Let's go back, Xiao Zha, you come and open the portal.

We've accomplished our mission.

The next task of completely eradicating the Inverted Man and the Strange Motherland is left to Harley, and we can completely trust her. "

Harley said: "You leave together with the Angel Souls."

As she spoke, she extended her right hand to the Archangel of Fire beside her. The holy light flashed in her palm, and a ball of light the size of a coconut and in the shape of an urn appeared.

The light ball has two colors and two energies, light and dark.

The two energies are not in harmony and integrated into one, but like the Tai Chi diagram, although they are distinct, they together form a harmonious whole.

"Udon, you go with Xiao Zha and the others. Xiao Zha's chaotic irony magic channel has been verified and is more stable and safer than other methods."

Udon looked down at the "Angel Urn" and asked, "You want me to take Master Uriel back with all the angels and fallen angels? Have they completed the infusion of the thick-skinned holy power?"

——Only you are infected. When I see Michael the Great again, I may be told by him. If all the angels are infected, the old God will go crazy.

Harley muttered in her heart, shook her head and said, "Their situation is different from yours. The Upside Down was on the opposite side when I rescued you, and it wanted to compete with me for control of your remaining soul.

If I don't imbue you with the power of the thick-skinned war god, you may be taken away by it.

Now the Upside Down has curled up, silently surrendering.

No one is trying to snatch these remnant souls from me, and there is no need to impregnate them with the power of the thick-skinned war god.

And there are too many angel souls, so I don’t have that much energy and time to mess with them. "

Udon took the "Angel Urn" from her hand and held it respectfully and solemnly like holding his father's urn. He solemnly nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely bring the souls of Uriel and all the brothers with me." Go back to heaven!”

Doctor Fate suddenly said: "Without Harley entering the teleportation channel with us, what if the Upside Down attacks us, distorts the teleportation destination, and pulls us into another unknown reality world far away from Harley?"

Xiao Zha hesitated and said: "The upside-down man probably wants us to leave, right?"

Doctor Destiny said: "It only wants Harley to leave, but it doesn't need to be too afraid of us."

Zha Kang said thoughtfully: "If Harley doesn't leave and we open the teleportation channel, we may encounter something unknown. It may capture us and use us to threaten Harley, who is still in the strange motherland."

He raised his head and looked at Harley who was outside the saint's aperture, "What's your plan for both worlds?"

Harley said: "You can relax, I will attack the weird and real body next, find its core, pose a fatal threat to it, and make it unhappy.

Previously we were just stuck in the 'flesh' of the real body.

Even if you extract 10 units of dark magic power, you won't get even one ten thousandth of the magic power.

You must know that a little magic power can only redeem the debt of 100 points of pure magic power.

The rich mine we dug is still not rich enough, and we have not touched the spiritual space with the highest concentration of strange will.

I didn’t go deep inside before because we had a mission.

Now that my goal is achieved, I can attack its core without restraint.

When I hit its core, you open the transmission channel, and it should have no time to be distracted.

If it is distracted, it will be more beneficial to me, and it will be easier for me to get to its core. It is not stupid and will not sacrifice the basics for the sake of the weak. "

After a pause, she continued: "And your strength is not weak. Udon has 200 points of heavenly holy power, and the power of the king to control these holy powers. He can protect the teleportation circle.

In the strange motherland, Xiao Zha's reaction magic and Dr. Destiny's order power have been strengthened. The three of you join forces to choose the teleportation point in Lishan, and you can also get the support of my body. "

There is another thing she didn't say - there is no way you can become the hostage that the Upside Down threatens me. Even if it really ignores my threat and distracts and distorts the transmission channel to pull you into a newly created real world, I will not Maybe by stopping the attack on its core, I would just kill it while it was distracted.

By completely annihilating the Upside Down, there is still a chance to save their last remaining souls just like the remnant souls of Angel and Lao Zha. If she is threatened by the Upside Down and has no choice but to let go, even their last remaining souls may be completely lost.

Of course, these words were very rational and objective, but they didn't sound good. She would only think about them in her heart and not say them out loud.

She believed that with the reputation of "Witch Harley", no one would think that she could give up the huge interests in front of her at a critical moment and be held hostage.

Xiao Zha and Zha Kang both nodded slightly, with no doubts on their faces.

Doctor Fate couldn't see clearly the expression under the helmet, but there was still obvious hesitation in his tone.

"Harry, if we don't leave, but continue to stay in the saint's aperture and serve as your 'automatic magic artillery', will it be safer and can we help you?"

Harley glanced at him and already judged in her heart: Doctor Fate at this time was no longer Khalid, but "Khalid Naboo" of Naboo's will.

Khalid will not resist retiring now that he has succeeded.

Only Nabu hopes to enter the strange spiritual space with her.

If she can penetrate the weird and real body and enter a place similar to the spiritual space of the location of the Wrathful Moon, then the real mouse will fall into the rice vat.

The content of magical power in the real body is far less than the content of power in the spiritual will. This is common sense that has been verified.

"You want me to take Master Zatara and a group of angel remnant souls to face the core will of the Upside Down? Isn't this taking the initiative to send the hostages to it?" Harley said.

Doctor Destiny almost blurted out and said: Let Udon take Angel, Xiao Zha and John take Lao Zha back, and I will stay to help you.

After all, he was not completely stunned.

Harley was not interested in continuing to talk nonsense with him, and directly opened the Saint Aunt's aperture, completely releasing them into the "weird real world".

The aperture of the Saint is like the circle of light behind the Bodhisattva Buddha in Journey to the West.

It's just that the Buddha's halo is colorful and has a very large range. Halle's Saint Aunt's halo is pure holy light, pure white with some gold, round, one head shorter than herself, and hangs on the back of her head.

The essence of Saint Aunt's halo is Harley's Saint Aunt's Seal.

The Heavenly Seal is a combination of divine personality, divinity and divine kingdom, with a certain amount of "divine" space within it.

They had been hiding in the space before, and the space was not completely closed. A crack in the door was opened, allowing them to poke their heads out and "shoot with machine guns."

From an outsider's perspective, the aperture behind Harley's head turned into a large mirror and a TV screen, with several people crowded together inside.

Well, it looks like Harley is carrying an LCD screen on her back, which looks a bit weird.

Now, a hole opened in the center of the display screen, and the person on the screen changed from 2D to 3D and walked out.

"You guys wait for a while, wait for me to enter the weird real body of the 'lower level', wait for me to start impacting its core, and then you can start the teleportation." Harley scanned the faces of several people, and finally her eyes fell on Zha Kang On the body, "You have the divine power of true knowledge, please help Xiao Zha seize the opportunity."

"Well, I know what's going on. Don't worry." Zha Kang said solemnly.

"Harry, do you know where the weird core is?"

Before Harley turned and left, Dr. Fate couldn't help but ask one more question.

"I don't know its specific location, but I know where it is away from the 'origin' and away from the multiverse."

Harley pointed at the squirmingly restored reality in front of her, "This veil of reality is a dividing line that divides the weird motherland and the weird itself into two. The upper reality connects us in the multiverse, and the lower reality is the multiverse. outside of cosmic reality.

The further down I go, the weaker my sense of the 'origin' becomes, the further away I get from the reality of the multiverse, and the closer I get to the core of the weirdness. "

"Maybe the weird will is not in the part farthest from the reality of the multiverse." Dr. Destiny said: "If the weird motherland is an earthworm, the multiverse is like a ball of mud.

The earthworm's tail is buried in the mud ball, and its body and head are outside. It wants to cut off its tail to survive, but the mouth farthest from the mud ball is not the core. "

Harry said: "During the defense battle of Maya, the Upside Down gave me 10 million dark magic points for free.

But it said that the light magic power Hecate brought into the multiverse was only 5 million.

Now we enter the strange motherland and find that the Upside Down does not lack dark magic at all.

So, where does the dark magic power of more than 5 million come from? "

Doctor Fate pondered: "Even if Hecate brought only 5 million light magic powers into the multiverse, and the Upside Down only had 5 million dark magic powers at first, how many mages and gods and demons have they harvested over the years?

For example, the Angel Legion and the Fallen Angel Legion.

Wasn't their heavenly holy power and hellish origin plundered, integrated into the strange motherland, and transformed into dark magic? "

Harley chuckled and said: "Other miraculous powers can indeed be transformed into dark magic.

Just like the giant ferocious beast crisis, when the divine magician approached the body of Little Black Bean, it immediately turned into a wisp of pure hell magic power and became part of Little Black Bean's magic power.

The convertible process has a major premise - the energy level of the energy being converted is much lower than the energy level of the predator.

The magic energy level of those divine magicians is much lower than that of the little black beans, so they can be transformed. When it is said to be transformation, the essence is that the low-energy magic power is infiltrated by the high-energy magic power, and the energy level is forcibly raised.

An iron lump of 20 degrees Celsius is thrown into an iron stove with a temperature of 2000 degrees Celsius. The temperature of the iron lump rises to 2000 degrees Celsius.

Not only does the temperature of the furnace need to be higher than that of the iron lump, but it also needs to continue burning to supply energy so that the iron lump's 'energy level' jumps without its own energy level falling.

If an iron lump of 20 degrees Celsius is thrown into molten iron of 2000 degrees Celsius, and the molten iron is not continuously heated, the 'energy level' of the iron lump will eventually increase, but it cannot rise to 2000 degrees Celsius, and the energy level of the molten iron will decrease instead.

So, how can the upside-down man digest the heavenly holy power of the archangel? "

"Is there a 'furnace' deep in the core of the Inverted Man that has an energy level much higher than the holy power of heaven? The holy power of the Archangel is already the highest energy in the multiverse, and it can be even higher than the holy power."

You can't see the expression under the helmet of destiny, but you can hear the slight trembling in his voice, as well as the deep-seated enthusiasm and excitement.

"Now do you understand? The more powerful the magic power is beyond the limit allowed by the multiverse, the more it is rejected by the multiverse and the farther away it is from the reality of the multiverse.

So I drilled in a direction away from the multiverse, and I was sure to find the weird core. "

Harley took a deep look at Dr. Destiny, and then nodded gently to Udon, Xiao Zha, Zha Kang, and even Lao Zha.

"Boom!" She smashed the reality in front of her with a punch, took a step forward, passed through the hole in reality, and immediately disappeared in front of several people.

They opened their eyes wide and wanted to continue looking down, but they couldn't see, feel, or understand.

If you force yourself to watch it, you will only feel dizzy and dizzy.

"We can just wait and see, Harley never disappoints."

Seeing that his old father was dizzy and shaky, Xiao Zha quickly stretched out his hand to support him.

"Harley Quinn." Lao Zha rubbed his temples and looked complicated for a while before slowly sighing: "The world has really changed, it's changed so much.

It’s hard to imagine that she could achieve so much in just a few decades. "

"Harley's achievements are indeed amazing. Let alone you. We have witnessed every step of her growth and are still shocked by her explosive improvement in strength." Xiao Zha said.

"Even if she is so crazy, just over twenty years is too exaggerated. The last impression of her in my mind is that of a slightly talented, courageous, and wild magic apprentice.

At that time, I didn’t think her future achievements would reach your level. "

Now that Harley has left, Lao Zha doesn't have to hide it and can directly speak his mind.

"Father, are you exaggerating?"

Xiao Zha was very embarrassed, both for himself and for his father.

"Even at the end of the Little Black Bean incident, Harley had already emerged and became famous in the multiverse. At that time, she completed the unprecedented 'Three Acts of Satan'!" she said.

Lao Zha died in the joint channeling, which occurred at the peak of the Little Black Bean crisis.

And Harley played with Lucifer three times a night, but it was before Little Black Bean woke up.

Humiliating Lucifer three times in a row is enough to shock the world.

The key is that that night she also defrauded Lucifer's origin and upgraded the God's Power Defense Specialty to level 9.

At that time, he used this expertise to trap and kill countless masters, gods and demons.

Later, she directly killed several masters who were planning to hunt her down. At that time, she was just a magic apprentice without magic power.

Lao Zha knows all these things.

"I thought she was just a lucky person, and the three demon plays were just the beginning. She might die young, and no matter how talented she was, it would be useless after she died.

But you and Nick are truly blessed. There is no luck, only hard work and visible talent. "Lao Zha said.

You can't blame him for being ignorant.

Harley was only level 30 at the time, not even considered an "elite monster" and could be killed by a rifle.

No one would believe that she could trick Lucifer three times with her true skills. Everyone thought she was lucky, but she could not always be lucky.

"Actually, it's not too difficult to adapt to the new world. Teacher, you just need to recognize two points."

Zha Kang approached his old father-in-law with a smile, raised two fingers, and said: "First of all, you have to realize that Nick is a thing of the past. Now I am Xiao Zha's lover and your good son-in-law.

Secondly, Harley is now the number one person under God, and she is the most awesome in the world!

Don’t think about the reasons. If you encounter something you can’t figure out, blame it directly on God who loves her too much.

Knowing these two points, the other changes are just minor embellishments and harmless.

When you return to Earth, download a complete set of "Louis the Famous Cosmic Series" and watch the program carefully. You will be no different from contemporary people! "

Hearing that he was going home and seeing his father again, Xiao Zha couldn't help but get excited and said: "While Harley is attacking the weird core, we can draw the Seal of Solomon's Guardian first.

Once Harley takes all Wei's attention, we will activate the portal immediately. "

With that said, she took out her magic tools and started working.

There was hesitation in Lao Zha's eyes.

When he was about to say something, a voice came from the "urn" in Udon's arms, "Udon, let me out."

Udon lowered his head and said to the "jar": "Master Uriel, we haven't left the strange nest yet. Please wait. I will notify you as soon as possible when we return to heaven."

"I know you haven't left. I can hear and feel what's happening outside."

Uriel's voice was full of energy, and you could tell that his condition was not bad at this time.

"Sir, before you leave the strange nest, you'd better stay safely within the protective circle condensed by the power of heaven and hell." Udon's attitude was very respectful, but he still did not open the "urn".

The "urn" in his hand was made by Harley using the "Sacred Power of Light and Darkness Tai Chi God", and it was also blessed with the energy field of her defensive specialty condensed with a force field (equivalent to blessing the Thick Skin Way into the holy power). The safest and most comfortable "remnant soul residence" here and now.

"Tongue of Fire" Uriel ignored his younger brother's well-intentioned dissuasion and said directly and domineeringly without further explanation: "Open the holy power light ball and give me the power of the king in you."

Uriel looked shocked, "What did you say? What are you going to do? Sir, we are going back to heaven soon. When we return to heaven, I will definitely hand over the power of the king, and Lord Raphael and Lord Michael will also It will definitely help you regain your strength.”

Not to mention him, even the few people listening looked over with different expressions.

"Udon, I know exactly what I am doing, and you cannot question what I am going to do. Or are you going to disobey my orders?" Fire Tongue's tone became stern.

Zha Kang opened his mouth with a sarcastic look on his face, planning to stab his old rival.

Lao Zha, who was standing next to him, flashed his eyes and had quick eyes and hands. He gently tugged on his son-in-law's trench coat, shook his head slightly, and said through a mental message: "Don't interfere in the affairs within Heaven. They are all big shots in Silver City. , we can’t afford to offend him.”

Zha Kang wanted to tell his old father-in-law: What's the point of mocking "Tongue of Fire"? During the advent of the Son of God, I also fucked the Virgin destined by Fire Tongue. While being a cousin with Fire Tongue, I also indirectly polluted his holy dick, which made him cover his crotch and scream in pain!

Then he thought that he was now his son-in-law. They had just met him, and it was not appropriate to show off such old and rotten things to his father-in-law and his most admired mentor.

Zha Kang, the most foul-mouthed and trouble-making person in the room, did not speak, and the others remained silent.

Udon looked horrified and said quickly: "Sir, how dare I disobey your order? It's just that we are about to leave the strange motherland, and I have to be responsible for protecting you back to heaven——"

"We won't leave right away, don't talk nonsense, giving me your power is not throwing it away.

I will only be stronger than you and be more effective in exerting the power of the Maharaja. "Tongue of Fire said.

Udon looked "downward" eagerly again and again.

Unable to see Harley's figure, Uriel was urging and urgent. He had no choice but to open a crack in the "Tai Chi God's Holy Power Light Ball" and release Uriel.

Uriel is in very good shape, second only to Lao Zha and Beelzebub.

Well, there is a little black bean mark on Lao Zha's soul, which is stronger than the heaven mark on the angel's soul.

Coupled with the irony magic that is very suitable for the rules of the strange mother realm, even though he entered this realm more than 20 years ago, his condition is better than that of all angels and fallen angels.

When she first found Lao Zha, Harley also wanted to stuff him into the "urn", but he declined.

He said he could still help her by staying outside.

Lao Zha really didn't brag.

He still has strong magic power and can still cast irony magic.

"Sir, what can you do with the power of the king? Although the power comes from Silver City, it was given to me by Lord Guard. I have to give her an explanation!"

Uriel's remaining soul was released, but Udon did not immediately hand over his power.

Uriel said lightly: "Didn't you hear Harley Quinn's analysis? It's easy to leave the strange motherland, but it's almost impossible to come back.

Like her, I don’t think Weird is an idiot and will let us in in the future. "

Udon wondered: "Isn't our current mission to return to heaven as soon as possible?"

Uriel stared into his eyes, his voice soft but firm, "The mission of the Angel Legion is magical power!"

Udon was stunned for a moment. The angel army was formed in Silver City and the demon army was formed in Hell. The purpose was indeed to gain magical power, but now...

"Sir, Lord Guard has obtained enough magical power and handed it over to Silver City.

The mission that the Angel Legion failed to complete has been easily completed by the Lord Guard, so we don’t have to worry about it! "

Uriel almost raised his hand and slapped him.

"The mission that we tried our best to fail to complete was easily completed by Harley Quinn. Are you very glorious and proud of it? Have you forgotten your identity? You are also in the Angel Legion, one of the glorious Flame Angels one of!"

Uriel was very angry but worried that Zha Kang and others were nearby, so he switched to spiritual sound transmission, and the roar of the soul roared in Udon's sea of ​​consciousness.

"You can never have too much magical power."

The shameful words were hidden in the spiritual message, but Uriel never thought of hiding his plans.

He said directly: "Even mortal mages can be miners. If you hand over the power of the king to me, my efficiency will be second only to Harley Quinn.

Harley Quinn digs deep in the mine. We are not as good as her and dig near the mine.

There has only been one such opportunity since the birth of the multiverse.

According to Harley Quinn's unit of measurement, if we dig out 100 points of magical power, we can wash away the shame of being destroyed by the strange group.

If we dig up 500 points of magic power, we can return to Silver City with our heads held high and full of honor.

If I can dig up 1,000 points of magic power, I—"

"Do you really dare to think that after 1,000 points, there will be 10,000 points?" Zha Kang endured it for a while, and finally couldn't help but sarcastically said, "You might as well just rush into the weird and real body and let Harley get out of the way. Go, use your remaining soul to completely end the weirdness and end the magic debt crisis."

Lao Zha glared at his son-in-law, immediately stepped forward, and said to Uriel apologetically: "Your Majesty, Fire Tongue, forgive me, but my disciple has no ambition, so I don't understand your great ambition."

Uriel's face softened slightly, and the roar that rushed to his throat disappeared immediately, and he said: "I don't think there is any need for you to leave immediately. You are all mages and you all need magic power.

Those of you who have personally experienced this magical debt crisis know best the horror of magical debt.

If we don’t work hard to strive for the opportunity of great freedom and transcendence now before us, will we continue to be the slave of the ‘new magic master’ in the future? "

Doctor Destiny turned to Xiao Zha and Zha Kang and said: "I think His Majesty Uriel is right. Harley did give you some magical power. You have also mined a lot of magical power before.

But the realm of the mage will improve, and you will have children.

Now is the time when the magical debt crisis is at its strongest, so Harley gives you magical powers to help you save your lives.

When the crisis is over, the new master of magic must be Harley.

Harley certainly deserves our trust.

She will not harvest us.

But we can obviously seize our own destiny and be truly free, so why should we hand over our lives and future to others? "

Zha Kang narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Are you Nabu now? You can stay and work as a miner with Uriel, but you can't continue to use Khalid as a filter for the 'weird remaining will'.

No one is stopping you from seizing your destiny, but we will never allow you to harm Khalid.

You let him go and we part ways. "

Lao Zha immediately said: "John, put aside your prejudices, don't the words of Dr. Destiny and His Majesty the Fire Tongue make sense?"

"Teacher Zatara, you" Zha Kang was only stunned for a moment, and then turned his eyes to his wife.

He has a certain beauty filter for his old father-in-law, but it's not as serious as Xiao Zha's.

He had already seen through his old father-in-law's plans and ambitions, and his shock just now was only a moment before he could react.

"Father, Harley has given us some magic power. A little magic power is enough to meet the needs of 10 god kings." Xiao Zha advised.

Zatara was a little moved.

Previously, I had only heard that Harry gave his daughter and son-in-law 1 point of magical power, but he had no idea about the "Que's unit of measurement".

He was still muttering to himself: More than 20 years have passed, and his daughter and son-in-law are almost fifty years old. How come they are still so simple and content with just a little magic power?

He just thinks 1 is too small.

But he knew what 10 god kings were, and only then did he understand the true value of one point of magical power.

"Generous, so generous! Harley Quinn is indeed your best friend." After sighing, he asked: "How much magical power does Weird have in total?"

"More than 30,000, less than 50,000, probably more than 40,000." Xiao Zha honestly told Harry's analysis results.

"I bought it!"

Lao Zha's eyes were so bright that even Xiao Zha was dazzled. For a moment, he felt that the middle-aged man in front of him was a little strange.

"Xiao Zha, John, what are you still doing? Hurry up and dig!"

Lao Zha could no longer remain calm, and directly began to use irony magic to destroy the already riddled reality in front of him.

It's a pity that his irony magic is not enough for self-protection and mining, and it cannot destroy the reality of the strange world at all.

He turned his eyes and stared at the ruby ​​of life on his daughter's forehead. Sensing the rich chaotic magic power inside, he stretched out his hand and the ruby ​​flew out of his daughter's forehead and fell into his hand.

"Father, you-" Xiao Zha was stunned and subconsciously reached out to grab, but his grasp was empty.

The Life Ruby, which was originally like an arm and a finger, like a part of the body, not only no longer obeyed her will, but also changed its flight path and actively avoided her palm.

"Your body is already full of chaos magic. Give me the ruby ​​​​first."

After a pause, Lao Zha continued to explain: "Although I transferred the Life Ruby to you in reality, I don't just let you use Chaos Magic Power alone.

According to my original plan, you will have at least two companions, Wonder Woman and Circe, who can also use chaos magic. "

"Do you know that there is a fragment of Hecate's soul in Circe's body? What is your plan?" Xiao Zha asked.

While sensing the chaotic magic power in the life ruby, Lao Zha nodded and said: "I know that Circe may have a fragment of Hecate's soul that contains magical power.

Our ancestor Leonardo da Vinci once used alchemy to invent an instrument to find the fragments of Hecate's soul.

That year he found Circe and Wonder Woman.

Of course, he didn't dare enter Paradise Island and was unsure of Wonder Woman's identity.

He only saw Circe and asked Circe about the conjecture about the fragment of Hecate's soul.

Circe hated men and was shocked that he could discover her secrets, so she destroyed the alchemical instruments and cast an evil spell on Leonardo da Vinci.

In the end, Leonardo da Vinci, who had the most hope of breaking through to the realm of gods - I mean relatively immortal gods - died young.

But Leonardo da Vinci is worthy of being the ‘first mage in the past thousand years’.

At the last moment of his life, he also created a protective formation specifically to restrain Cirsi.

Speculative information about the guardian formation and Hecate's soul fragments were all recorded in the notes.

I got the notes and made a plan. Oh my God, the Demon Lord was so generous. There was much more chaos magic in the ruby ​​than I expected. "

Sensing the specific amount of chaotic magic power in the ruby, Lao Zha was shocked and yelled out of control.

"The Demon Governor is not generous, Harry is the one who is generous."

Xiao Zha had a complicated look on his face and told the story about the Demon Governor exchanging chaotic magic power for magical power.

"So that's it. When I went to see the Demon Governor, that stingy man heard that I wanted his Chaos Magic Power. He got angry and sent me to——"

He skinned him alive and then put the skinless man on the demon flames to roast him. It was very difficult to convince the demon governor.

Lao Zha paused and continued: "According to my plan, Cirsi should become Weiwei's next target at this time.

The resentful woman was devoured, and Weird was bound to target Circe next.

To protect herself, Circe must cooperate with us sincerely.

Unexpectedly, the world changed so quickly, and Harley Quinn rose up rapidly and became the main force against the Grudges and the Upside Down.

Alas, Circe did nothing but followed Harley Quinn to take advantage, and became the biggest winner step by step. "

He did not go into detail about his plans.

His plan is complicated, insidious, full of ambitions and conspiracies, and even includes backstabbing his teammates - Circe, who is not suitable to confess to his daughter.

"In your plan, there should be no mining part, right? As long as we are content with what we have, we can follow Harley and become the real big winner." Xiao Zha tactfully persuaded.

"Xiao Zha, I'm not a greedy person, and I don't have Circe's ambition to replace Hecate as the new master of magic.

But if God cannot take it, you must suffer the consequences.

Moreover, we are idle now, so why not wait for Harley Quinn’s signal and mine at the same time.

If you can dig a little, you will get a little bit, and if you can dig a little more, you will make a lot of money. "

Holding the ruby ​​of life in his hand, Lao Zha naturally thought of his old buddy and said: "No, it's not killing two birds with one stone, it's killing three birds with one stone!

While mining, I can also look for Sargon.

After passing on the Ruby of Life, Sargon disappeared without a trace, but I don't believe he was really dead.

Like me, he accidentally completed the magical infusion of giant ferocious beasts during joint channeling. I want to find him! "


After a loud noise, Lao Zha completed the chaos magic transformation, and the ruby ​​​​was embedded in his forehead.

He is just a soul body, and his appearance and clothes are all based on his imagination, so they have not changed much.

Previously, the ruby ​​was tied to a rope and hung on Xiao Zha's forehead, but this time, like the wizard Sargon, it grew on his forehead, like a third eye.

"Tear apart the reality before your eyes!"

He said this in turn.

"Stab it!"

The purple-gray chaotic magic power flickered, and the reality in front of him was indeed torn apart into a large piece.

He took a step forward, as if grabbing a piece of cloth falling from the sky, grabbing the piece of reality. The chaotic magic in his hand flickered, and reality slowly turned into nothingness.

Lao Zha frowned and sensed it for a long time, and then said in surprise: "Although the content is very low, there is really magic power in it."

Seeing this, Dr. Destiny also began to tear up reality. He also pointed at the "weird real body" that was invisible, unperceivable, and incomprehensible under the veil of reality. He said meaningfully: "The veil of reality can only be regarded as a poor mine. Under reality, The weird real body is the rich mine. The content of magical power is dozens of times that of the veil of reality, and the content becomes higher as you go down, but the difficulty of mining is reduced by more than ten times.

The weird and real body is a weird physical body, but the reality is connected to the reality of the multiverse. It is blessed by the basic laws of the multiverse. It is very hard and very laborious. "

"Really?" Lao Zha tried to use Chaos Irony Magic on the weird real body below, and a "green smoke" came out from below. He knew nothing about it and took the initiative to absorb it with meditation.

"Hahaha, it's really a rich ore, a super rich ore, and the mining difficulty is extremely low."

Lao Zha, who was elegant in appearance and temperament, lost his composure. He was ecstatic, laughing wildly, and waved the "magic pickaxe" again.

Xiao Zha quickly grabbed him and shouted in panic: "Father, the upside-down man just chose to shrink and is not dead!

If it decides to cut off a strong man's wrist, it may not care if we dig at the wrist it gave up, but if you dig at the weird and real body underneath, it will definitely alarm it and also annoy it. "

Doctor Destiny stared down and said in a faint voice: "Giovanni just pounded an iron pickaxe, and there was no reaction.

It seems that Harley is making good progress. Even if it has not entered the core, it is quickly approaching the core, leaving Weird with no time to care. "

Lao Zha took a deep look at him and was secretly annoyed: he had just been impulsive and was used as a weapon by this bastard to test the weird reality.

He stood there motionless, his expression changed several times, and he no longer waved the "magic pickaxe".

Doctor Fate turned his attention to Udon and Uriel aside.

Udon had handed over half of the king's power to Uriel.

"Sir, let me retain some of my power to protect the remaining souls of my brothers."

"Don't I think I will protect everyone after you give your power to me? A great king's power can be placed on you, and you can exert 10,000 points of combat power, but if it is placed on me, you can exert a million points of combat power. This kind of Simple truth, don’t you understand?”

“When I use the power of the king to dig out the magical power, and when I absorb the magical power, I can transform the dark magic power into the holy power of heaven.

The upside-down people harvest our holy power, and I can also take back the holy power with the power of the Great King.

When I have more and more holy power and magical power, my power will naturally become stronger and stronger. Do I still need you to protect everyone? "

Uriel also pointed to the urn in Udon's arms and said: "How many angel souls, how many fallen angel souls, how many ancient demon souls, and how many potential demon king souls from outside are there?

Not even Beelzebub is in it, Harley Quinn's heart is obvious to everyone passing by.

When mining, I will find them all, kill two birds with one stone, and kill two birds with one stone. "

Udon whispered: "Master Guard has no selfish revenge, she is fair, and those who are abandoned are demons who are very active in the world.

Their hands are stained with the blood of innocent people, and there is no need for us to save them. "

"Those remnant souls are not demons, they are fallen angels! Fallen angels have great evil, and both Harley Quinn and we can punish them, but the punishment does not include their complete demise.

Only the Lord can truly annihilate an angelic spirit, whether he is an angel of light or a fallen angel. "

"The power of the Lord cannot be overstepped, and the majesty of the Lord requires us to protect it." The tongue of fire has a majestic expression and a voice like thunder, full of power and oppression.

Udon had no choice but to hand over the remaining power of the king and the holy power of heaven.

He turned into an illusory soul body again and was put into the "urn" by Uriel.

"Congratulations to His Majesty Uriel on regaining his position!"

Dr. Destiny complimented him and asked softly: "Your Majesty Uriel, do you plan to just tear up reality, or dig deeper?"

Zha Kang next to him was very unhappy. He frowned and said to Xiao Zha: "Naboo, this bastard, can't even pretend now. I really hope that Harley will suddenly jump out and look at these bastards." How to behave.

When Harley was here just now, they didn't even dare to say a word, Fake, a bunch of villains. "

Xiao Zha mentally agreed with her husband's words, but still pinched Zha Kang's arm with an awkward expression, so hard that he almost screamed.

Xiao Zha pursed his lips to the side.

Zha Kang swallowed back the scream that hit his throat. He also looked embarrassed and smiled.

Lao Zha, who was standing next to him, was glaring at the young couple. He was also the inconsistent "villain" in Zha Kang's words.

ps: The finale of Magic Debt Crisis is tomorrow, don’t worry, everyone will die.

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