"Hey, what's going on? Why can't the veil of reality in this world be pulled apart?"

Ever since Xiao Zha took them to teleport into the strange motherland, Harley has used the "Maelstrom" many times to roll up the reality of the world and eat it like a scallion pancake.

When she was squeezed out of the "weird reality body" by the Upside Down like a pimple, she fell back into the real world created by the Upside Down, intending to roll up the veil of reality in this world and eat it again as before. I never thought I would fail.

She stared provocatively at the upside-down man hanging in front of her, thinking that the difficulty would come from the upside-down man in front of her.

Could it turn into its true form and shatter her maelstrom again, or use some other trick?

The Upside Down was still there with an angry expression and seemed to be a little hesitant. Harley didn't pay attention to the "maelstrom stirring the veil of reality", but instead it caused a big problem.

Without much effort, she tore up the reality around her and put the "Whirlpool of Devouring" reality patch in the holes of the veil of reality, just as easily as before.

When the vortex began to rotate, it seemed as if the fan blades had become entangled in the rag strips and were stuck, unable to rotate.

The reality patch of the whirlpool was supposed to pull and tear the "veil of reality of this world" connected to it, but this time the large vortex had difficulty turning from the beginning, and the resistance increased as it turned, and finally it was completely stuck and unable to move.

As Harley looked around, the veil of reality in her world became noticeably tighter.

You can clearly see the folds, with her as the center, twisting in a positive spiral direction to form a chrysanthemum.

The reality of the world is like a painting on gauze. Before, the gauze was spread out flatly, and the four sides of the gauze were sewn to the wall of the world. In Harley's big whirlpool, she grabbed the center of the gauze and twisted it hard. The force of the rotation was too strong, pulling the gauze torn from the wall of the world, tearing it into strips of tulle, winding around the "bearing" of the maelstrom into a ball, and finally being swallowed completely by the maelstrom.

Now Harley's big whirlpool still grabbed the center of the gauze and twisted it hard, turning it around and around, but it stopped moving after two turns.

The maelstrom tugs at the veil of reality, but it cannot tear it from the world, nor can it tear the veil of reality into pieces.

"Has the world become stronger, or has the veil of reality become stronger, or both?" Harley wondered.

First of all, she can be sure that her strength has not been reduced.

The power to tear and stir the veil of reality comes from the power of the Maharaja.

The power of the Great King has not been reduced, but the "Sacred Power of Light and Darkness Tai Chi" after merging with the power of Little Black Bean is even stronger.

Since her own power has not decreased, but the veil of reality cannot be pulled apart, there must be something wrong with the veil of reality and the world.

"Haha, are your old tricks useless? You know nothing about the Dark Demon Realm or my true power."

Seeing that Harley was deflated, the upside-down man, who had a look of obvious anger and hesitation on his face, began to ridicule her again.

"The expression on your face just now didn't look like you were confident or confident." Harley stared at its face, thinking quickly in her mind.

Judging from the previous reaction of the Upside Down, it was obviously very wary and annoyed about her behavior of swallowing the veil of reality with the maelstrom again, and even a little hesitant and undecided.

After seeing that she couldn't pull the veil of reality, the Upside Down was not shocked or showed any ecstasy. Obviously, although this result surprised her, it was not too unexpected.

"I just left your real body and fell into this layer of reality. According to the structure of the original nine layers of reality, I am now on the ninth layer?"

Harley asked and then shook her head, saying: "It doesn't matter which layer you are on, but I must be in the layer of reality closest to your real body now.

Below this layer of reality is your real body.

There may be multiple layers of reality above, or you may not have created a new reality after I devoured and destroyed the nine layers of reality. "

She looked at it, and a thoughtful look gradually appeared on her face, "I seem to understand that the reason why I can't roll up this veil of reality easily like rolling onion pancakes is because this veil of reality is not entirely made of You create.

Of the nine levels of reality, only the upper eight levels are created by you using your magic power.

The ninth layer of reality is naturally formed after the strange mother domain enters the multiverse and accepts the rules of magic and the basic rules of the universe. "

The power that rolls the veil of reality comes from the power of the King.

In Limbo, Harley also punched the Upside Down and the reality within a smaller area around it, but it was impossible for her to use the "Maelstrom" to roll up the entire reality of Limbo.

If she really tried to do this, the maelstrom would get stuck faster than in this world at this time.

The maelstrom couldn't turn at all. At most, visible wrinkles would appear within a certain range around Harley. There wouldn't be "chrysanthemums" with obvious wrinkles like origami flowers like now.

Because her power, the power of the monarch in her hands, is not enough to tear apart the reality of the entire multiverse.

The reality of the multiverse is maintained by the basic laws of the universe. The more basic and "simple" the laws are, the harder they are to distort and destroy.

Limbo is a dimension of thought, a dimension of magic and miracles, and it is relatively easy to be distorted by magic.

In the physical universe, even destroying reality is very difficult.

In other words, Harley, who holds the power of the Great Lord, can punch out the reality in Limbo Prison and create a hole in the veil of reality. The hole will quickly repair itself; but if it enters the material universe, Harley can break time and space. , but it cannot break reality, and time and space are just a thread that weaves the yarn of reality.

Comparing reality to a painting on gauze, the people and things in reality are the people and things in the painting.

Then the yarn used to weave the gauze is a basic rule.

The "base" in the basic laws does not describe the low level of the laws, but refers to the basic elements that make up the world.

The basic laws of the magic plane were created by the God King. The level of the laws is low. The yarn of reality woven by the laws is relatively fragile and easier to destroy.

Although the material universe has only four dimensions and its energy level is lower than that of the five- and six-dimensional worlds, its basic laws are very "basic" and are almost at the level of the Endless Family.

The goddess Moro Kushna is the god of death. She has her own law of death. Which one is easier to destroy her law of death, or to destroy the "basic law of death" represented by the second sister?

The answer is obvious.

To destroy the law is to destroy a thread in the veil of reality. To destroy all the basic laws is to tear the entire veil of reality.

The reason why Harley was able to roll up the reality veils of the first, second and third worlds like scallion pancakes and stuff them into her mouth to eat was because the realities of the first, second and third worlds were created by the Upside Down , created with magic.

It is a magical creation, not the "endless family-level" reality of the material universe, so Harley can "roll onion pancakes."

Now that she has fallen into the real world on top of the "weird and real body", she cannot wrap up the veil of reality, which only proves that the basic laws that make up the veil of reality have become stronger.

It is impossible for the Upside Down to suddenly have an epiphany and make the basic laws stronger, so there is only one possibility left. This veil of reality was not created by it.

At least not entirely.

Considering that the strange motherland has already plunged into the multiverse,

".As long as part of the strange motherland enters reality, then the part that enters must be within reality."

Harley's tone became more and more certain, and the look she looked at the Upside Down became more and more strange, "This sounds like nonsense, but it is the truth of your situation at this time.

Without entering reality, there will be no reality at all in the entire strange motherland. You can't even create the veil of reality to fool us.

Once it enters reality, the strange motherland must have reality.

Inside the strange motherland, there must be a layer of reality connected to the reality of the multiverse.

This is the real world we are in now. You used to cover it up with eight layers of reality veil, but now it is finally exposed, hahaha."

At the end of the story, she couldn't help but burst into laughter. There was joy and gloating in her laughter.

Before, she was just stuck in the monster's body, smashed the ninth layer of reality veil, hit a hole in it, and fell into the weird real body below. She had not directly experienced the ninth layer of reality, so she did not discover it. abnormal.

Upside Down's expression changed several times, but he finally suppressed the urge to roar and scream, pretending to be indifferent and said: "Even if you guessed it right, even if it is exposed, so what?

In fact, I didn't even think about covering up this fact. It wasn't revealing at all.

How can there be exposure without concealment?

I even despise you, a fact I have only now guessed.

You are pretending to be wise now, but it makes you look very low. Since I swallowed Hecate and took away all the magical power, of course I have to enter the multiverse. Who can use the magical power if I don't enter the multiverse?

Go ask around in the magic world. Does anyone know that I want to enter the multiverse?

Since you want to enter the multiverse and become part of reality, of course the Dark Demon Realm also has a layer of real reality.

The previous eight layers of the real world are not for hiding, I just want to play with you better.

Regardless of whether you discover the secrets of this real world, it does not affect the fact that you can do nothing but I cannot. "

"John, Xiao Zha, what do you think? Is there really nothing we can do about it?"

With a playful look on her face, Harley crossed her fingers and clasped her hands together, making a "clicking" sound with her finger bones, as if she was ready for a big fight.

The Saint Aunt's aperture cracked open again, and the three people inside were also eager to try.

Zha Kang also provoked again: "Stop pretending to be strong, you are a fool, you are finished, your blue egg has been exposed in front of us, we will kick it out soon, hahaha!"

The Upside Down looked furious, but before it could get angry, Harley took a step forward and punched him.


The holy power of light and darkness covers a small half of the "sky", directly smashing the reality within the range.

Just because the whole veil of reality can't be rolled up like a scallion pancake doesn't mean that Harley can't destroy reality.

Limbo is so closely connected to the basic laws of the universe that it can still be broken by her.

The reality in the strange mother realm is at best stronger than the reality in the magic plane, but it is definitely not stronger than Limbo, let alone the material universe.


After punching the reality within the range of perception, Harley did not stop at all, nor did she look at the reaction of the Upside Down. She punched and kicked the veil of reality in other directions that still remained intact.

Not only her, but also Xiao Zha, Zha Kang and Doctor Destiny within the Holy Aunt's aperture, all used their own methods to tear up the reality they perceived.

When he rescued the magic plane before, Xiao Zha had penetrated the veil of reality with his hands and tore off a large piece of the veil like a curtain.

Naboo even tore up the veil of reality in the multiverse and released the Upside Down.

Now among the three of them, Zha Kang is the only one who is a bit clumsy, like using scissors to poke at the sheets, which is very inefficient.

Harley was like a cannon that shattered the ice, punching and kicking, rumbled, and shattered a large area.

Xiao Zha and Dr. Destiny shot the window glass with rifles, and the speed was not slow.

"I'm right across from you. Instead of attacking me, you're doing useless work here. What an idiot, hahaha!" The Upside Down looked up and laughed with a livid face.

There are pale fish scales on the outside of its skin, and its face cannot turn red, blue or black like normal people.

But its wild laughter at this time was very unnatural, and it was obviously using its wild laughter to hide its true inner emotions.

The true emotion shown on its face at this time can be described as livid.

Although it is twisted and weird, its various expressions are the same as those of humans.

"Inverted Man, although you have the most human-like will in Weird Body, as a human being, you are still too naive."

Harley kept moving and sighed: "You really want to pretend that our broken reality has no impact on you at all. You shouldn't laugh lamely to the sky. You should fold your arms and smile leisurely and silently. "

Zha Kang said with a smile: "Even if it really smiles and doesn't say a word, will we be deceived?

The Hanged Man that appears before us is just a strange shadow.

At this time, the reality displayed by the strange mother domain in the multiverse is its essence.

It is roughly equivalent to the 'skin' of the real body exposed in the multiverse.

Only a fool would give up the powerless body and not attack, and instead entangle with the cunning, changeable, and strangely powerful shadow. "

When the God of Order who had taken refuge in the Inverted Man harvested the Magic Plane, it directly stripped off and destroyed the veil of reality in the Magic Plane.

For example, Maiya, the hometown of Master Dark Night.

The Order God System is like peeling an onion, destroying the reality of the world bit by bit from the periphery of Maia. When BoBo comes with Harley, only a few hundred kilometers around the royal city are left in the huge world of Maia.

The core of the world is difficult to find, and the defense is often very strong. Destroying reality becomes the most efficient and direct way to destroy the world.

Once reality is completely destroyed, the characters in the picture of reality will naturally cease to exist, and the God of Order can calmly harvest the original power of the world.

The current situation is very similar to the previous one where the God of Order harvested the magic plane for the Upside Down.

The reason why the Upside Down can be accepted by "Origin" and can control magical powers and control the power of laws is because it has become a part of the reality of the DC multiverse. Perhaps the Upside Down is not completely accepted by "Origin". Only part of the Upside Down has entered DC and Accepted by Origin.

In other words, some of Weird's limbs have become part of DC reality.

If the weird left hand reaches into the DC multiverse, then the weird left hand becomes part of DC reality.

In DC's reality, there is a weird left hand. If that part of reality is destroyed, the weird left hand can theoretically be destroyed.

The left hand is the portrait of the person on the scroll of the veil of reality. The veil of reality is destroyed and the scroll is gone. Of course, the characters on the painting will be destroyed.

Just like the earlier attack and defense of Heaven's Gate, Harley gained the advantage of the home court with the help of the angels behind the Heaven's Gate, exerted the power of the king to the limit, and smashed the small piece of reality where the upside-down person was with one punch. Broken, upside down people die.

The key is that Harley's fist hits the reality where the Upside Down lives.

If she punched the Limbo space hundreds of kilometers away from the Upside Down and shattered reality, it would obviously not hurt the Upside Down.

Now Harley has found the reality where the "weird left hand" is located - the ninth layer of reality covered by the Upside Down Man's eight layers of veil of reality.

The essence of the ninth layer of reality is the part of the body that the Upside Down extends into DC reality.

Harley, Zha Kang, and Xiao Zha have entered the real body of the Upside Down before.

That part of the real body is outside reality, unseen, untouchable, incomprehensible, unperceptible, and extremely strange.

When the intangible and incomprehensible real body enters DC reality, it transforms into a real existence that can be seen, touched, and understood, which is the ninth level of reality.

The ninth layer of real space is just desolate and broken. Here, Xiao Zha and Zha Kang can see with the naked eye, hear with ears, and even the five senses can work normally.

On the surface it is the real world, but in fact it is the limbs of the Upside Down that extend into DC reality.

Destroying reality is equivalent to destroying this limb.

If this part of the real body is destroyed, the Upside Down can of course be severely injured.

Harley understands this, and Zha Kang, Xiao Zha and Dr. Fate also understand it, which is why they are so excited.

The upside-down man himself knew it, so he was livid.

"Wow, there is magic power in the veil of reality! It is indeed part of the weird and real body. Not only is the magic power in it more powerful, but it also contains a small amount of magic power."

After absorbing and digesting the veil of reality on her lips, Harley immediately laughed in surprise, "Xiao Zha, John, Khalid, you can also try it. The veil of reality is 'sweet'."

"Witch Harley, you are going too far!"

The Upside Down Man was stimulated, his expression changed several times, then he gritted his teeth and manifested his strange true form again, turning into a giant, deformed monster.

Just like before, it used its tentacles as a whip and whipped it at Harley. The veil of reality rippled like water waves under the fierce attack. It was as if someone outside the scroll was gently lashing the scroll with a small whip.

"Whoosh~~" This time, Harley did not have sex with it. She dodged and avoided the tentacle's whipping, and appeared directly under the monster. She continued to punch and kick, shattering the reality connected to the monster in front of her.

"Boom!" The reality is like the surface of Lake Baiga being bombarded by artillery.

Part of the body of the deformed monster is immersed in the lake. Under the ice, the reality of its existence is shattered. How can the skin and hair be attached?

As the skin turned into powder, the hair on it also turned into pieces.

After the reality was smashed by Harley, the monster was like a painting on a scroll, with a large piece of flesh and blood wiped away by an eraser.


A large piece of flesh and blood was forcibly wiped out, and the giant monster roared in pain, and seven or eight huge tentacles on its body were waving randomly.

Harley is like a fly on a cow's butt drum, nimbly dodging every intentional or unintentional slap from the cow's tail, continuing to crazily shatter the reality of this world.

She specializes in picking out realistic attacks where monsters are hiding, killing two birds with one stone.

It not only destroyed reality, but also severely damaged the deformed monster.

In just a moment, the already ugly and deformed monster became even uglier and more deformed, and its appearance was very pitiful. It was covered in bruises, dripping with blood, and had no complete skin. In fact, it was originally just a pile of exposed muscles without skin. Now, Even more terrifying.

Harley still didn't stop, and continued to be a fly near the cow's tail, until the cow's tail was completely smashed by her.

She smashes the reality near the tentacles, the reality she lives in is shattered, and a piece of flesh is dug out of the tentacles.

It's like using an eraser to directly erase part of the tentacles on the scroll.

I don't know how long it had been, but Harley could no longer hear the Upside Down's roars and howls of pain, and she couldn't see the deformed giant monster's body before her eyes.

Surrounded by only large fragments of reality that are slowly healing, it's like being in a foggy mosaic glass world.

Well, the "naturally formed" veil of reality connected to DC can be restored after being broken.

Just like the cut skin will heal and new skin will grow.

Only by killing the person completely can the wounds on the person's body stop healing completely.

Injuring someone affects the source of the injury, and the wound recovery speed is extremely slow.

The strange body enters this part of DC reality. It has a very strong origin and its recovery speed is not slow.

It's just because Harley shattered reality too quickly and efficiently, and her recovery speed was a bit slow in comparison.

"You beat the Upside Down into nothingness?" Xiao Zha murmured.

Harley stood still and began to pant.

"Well, no matter how big the monster is, if I keep cutting it with a big blade, it will run out sooner or later."

"Is it dead? I mean the 'Inverted Man' who is part of a strange collection of consciousnesses."

Xiao Zha looked "down" and said, "It didn't come out again. At least it was severely injured, right?"

Harley also lowered her head and looked "below" the veil of reality, "I'm not sure whether she was severely injured.

But after waiting for a long time, it did not regain its strength and return to this level of reality, which means that it must have been tortured by me and had no choice but to do anything. "

The veil of reality is like a picture scroll, covering the strange and real body.

Break this veil of reality, and then there is the weird real body.

"What to do next? Continue to destroy the reality of this world, or explore the weird real body again?" Xiao Zha asked.

"What do you think?"

Doctor Destiny immediately said: "The content of magical power in the Veil of Reality is too low. If the previous weird and real body was a rich gold mine, the Veil of Reality is a super poor mine, and it is extremely difficult to mine.

Now that the Upside Down has been seriously injured, the rich ore will inevitably become more 'crunchy' and easier to mine than before. "

Zha Kang nodded lightly and said: "Our ultimate goal is to completely eliminate Weirdness. The ninth level of reality is just the part of Weirdness that enters our multiverse reality.

The real core is still the weird true body below.

To destroy reality is to cut off its arms, to seriously injure it but not to kill it, to destroy the core and it will die. "

Xiao Zha bit his lip and said: "If we are miners carrying iron drills, and the rich ore below is the Himalayas, how long will it take to dig it to death?"

Dr. Destiny said: "We are not short of time. No matter how long it takes, as long as we can completely eliminate the weirdness, it will be worth it."

After a pause, he continued: "And we have verified before that when Weird becomes weak, Weird's true body will also become fragile.

So it can be predicted that as long as we keep digging, it will only get easier and easier. "

Xiao Zha was a little excited and said: "We are indeed not short of time, but my father and the remnant souls of the Angel Legion cannot hold on forever!"

Doctor Destiny hesitated and said: "Of course I know it's important to save people, but where can we save people? We destroyed a large area of ​​the veil of reality and didn't see a single soul. Apparently they were hidden by the Upside Down."

"Harry, can you find them?" Xiao Zha turned his expectant eyes to Harley.

Harley looked down at the soul ball in her hand and asked via voice transmission: "Udon, how do you feel now?"

"The thick-skinned war power of the Lord Commander is indeed extremely domineering, and the upside-down man's magic mark has been suppressed.

Moreover, I feel very good now that I am nourished by the holy power of heaven with the same attributes as the adults. "

Udon's mental fluctuations were very stable, and his tone was full of gratitude and joy.

While she was fighting against the strange real body, the fight for Udon's remnant soul never stopped.

Harley didn't want to waste too much energy on Udon, so after asking for his opinion, she began to infiltrate his soul with the power of the Thick-skin War God and add the Thick-skin mark to his soul.

The effect is very good.

Although the holy power of the thick-skinned warrior is violent, it is the holy power of heaven after all. As a noble flame man angel, Udon can withstand the holy power far more than Xuanlan and Enduo.

"Udon, let me remind you again, the thick-skinned God of War mark is somewhat different from the original mark of pure heavenly power on your body. I cannot guarantee any side effects of returning to Silver City in the future," Harley said solemnly.

Udon said nonchalantly: "Sir, you have explained it very clearly, and I understand it very well.

Not to mention the critical situation at the time, without your thick-skinned God of War mark, I couldn't have persisted at all.

Let’s talk about the thick-skinned God of War mark itself. Although it is slightly different from the Heaven mark, it ultimately belongs to the power of God descending to earth. It is even purer than the original Heaven mark. What side effects can it have? "

——Based on your words alone, if you dare to say that my thick-skinned way is more pure than Brother God’s power, you will definitely encounter “side effects”.

Harley muttered in her heart and asked: "Now that I have destroyed a strange 'giant true body', I can at least be at peace for a while. I plan to take the opportunity to rescue all the angel brothers who have fallen into this realm. Do you know about them?" Where is the last remaining soul?"

Hearing Harley talk about rescuing the fallen Fire Angel, Udon became even more grateful and excited, shouting loudly: "Sir, before you appeared, we were not all together.

We are like beans falling from the sky, scattered everywhere. I have been burning in the sky for countless years without meeting a single brother.

But I can sense their presence.

You release me and I will help you lead the way. "

Harley spread her right hand and canceled the defensive force field effect on Udon.

"Xiao Zha, your father may be placed with the angel soul. If you find the angels, you can also find your father." She tilted her head and said to Xiao Zha.

Xiao Zha immediately said: "You release me too and cancel the protective effect of God's descending to earth, so that my spiritual sense can spread freely."

Harley did as she was told.

Unfortunately, the effect of remote sensing is not very good. Neither Zha nor Udon can directly sense the target.

"Sir, I swear to the Lord that I am not lying. I could really sense the auras of Lord Uriel and several archangels before." Udon said excitedly.

"Of course I believe you. It's the Upside Down that's causing trouble. It has indeed hidden all the targets we want to rescue."

Harley sneered, clenched her fists and said, "It doesn't matter, without the weird and deformed giant monster causing trouble, we can calmly destroy the reality of the entire ninth-level world.

As long as this layer of reality is completely destroyed, there will no longer be a place to hide those remaining souls. "

The ninth level of reality was formed naturally after Weird entered the DC reality. At least it is certain that Udon and the souls of the angels have been in this world before.

And Udon and all the angels have been harvested by the Upside Down and become part of the weirdness.

The ninth layer of real world is the "hands and feet" that weirdly extend into the DC reality. The hands and feet are part of the body, and Udon and the angels are part of the "hands and feet".

Therefore, it has become a part of DC reality, and it is difficult to shrink back to the weird and real body under the veil of reality.

"Udon, you are in good condition now. I will help you regain your strength first, and then you and I will destroy the reality of this world."

Before punching the veil of reality again, Harley paused and turned her gaze to the angel soul floating in front of her.

"Sir, I am definitely happy to serve you, but it may be difficult to restore my strength. My Holy Glory (similar to the sum of divine personality and divinity) and my Holy Power have all been harvested by the Upside Down." Udon said helplessly.

"Of course it won't work if I just give you the holy power of heaven, but I give you more than just the holy power."

Harry chuckled and cut off one percent of his power as a king, which is roughly equivalent to the power of 200 units of heaven's holy power.

100 units is already the power of the God King, and the power of the King who can control 200 units of holy power is enough to transform Udon's remaining soul.

"Ah, ah, too much, sir, too much power!"

Udon is like a light bulb connected to a wire. The voltage and current gradually increase, and the light bulb becomes brighter and brighter.

"You can bear it, I'm watching, you are an archangel." Harley said.

"I can bear it, but such precious power, God, is the power of the king. How can I possess your power of the king? Sir, you don't have to treat me like this!" Udon was moved to tears.

"Without the power of the great king, you can't move in this domain. How can you help me?"

Harley poured two hundred points of heaven's holy power, along with the corresponding power of the king, into Udon's soul body. Without any more nonsense, she turned around and continued to punch the veil of reality.

The power of the monarch is not hers, and it will be returned to Silver City when the crisis is over. What should be given to her will be neither less nor more, and now she has no shortage of strength.

Udon's soul has been imprinted with the seal of thick skin. Giving him the power of the king is just a transfer of power from her left hand to her right hand. She has a grateful thug who will die to serve her. Why not?

Although Udon was harvested, he still had experience in manipulating the Holy Power. After he joined the team, his efficiency in destroying the Veil of Reality increased a lot.

And their efforts soon bore fruit.

"Save me, Witch Harley, save me."

After destroying a piece of reality, Harley discovered a "reality package" underneath reality.

The essence of the world is the same as the Eight-layered Veil of Reality, which is a small piece of reality created by the Inverter using magic.

It’s just that the real world is very, very small and can only accommodate the remnant soul of one person, which is equivalent to a small package.

Compared with the previous first and second levels of reality, it is like a drop of water in the ocean.

If it weren't for Harley's keen perception, she would have almost destroyed the "drop of water" under the veil of reality.

What would be the effect if Harley, instead of protecting Xuanlan and Enduo, slapped them and beat them to pieces after entering the inner space of the location of the Moon of Resentment?

Harley really wanted to try the remnant soul in front of her, because this guy was not only a fallen angel, but also the king of fallen angels - Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies.

The big fly is in much better shape than Udon. Not only can he scream, he can also struggle to get closer to Harley.

"Sorry, I promised your son that I would never save you until death."

"My son? Is he Etrigan's traitor?" The Lord of the Flies was frightened and angry, and shouted: "Witch Harley, no matter what my traitor promised you, I will repay you tenfold, as long as you are willing to save me.

You are a smart person, and you must understand that the net worth of a Satan is far more valuable than the promises of a mere demon king. "

"You are just an empty shell now, and all your roots have been harvested by the Upside Down. What else can you give me?" Harley said disapprovingly.

"My will was created by God. As long as my will is still there, I can regroup my strength when I return to hell." The Lord of the Flies said eagerly.

"Sorry, I still think the decades of friendship between your son and me are more valuable."

The big fly's expression changed several times, and he said in a low voice: "Witch Harley, I can swear allegiance to you.

The loyalty of a Satan is more valuable than any friendship.

If you refuse, you are the biggest fool in the multiverse! "

"Haha, you are the only one here, and you are the only one who thinks I am a fool."

Harley hesitated for a moment. After all, she did not add insult to injury. She just flashed away from this world of broken reality. Letting the big fly fend for itself would most likely not be directly annihilated. After all, it had persisted for so long and had died countless times. times, dying again will not completely wipe out its self-will.

"Udon, we didn't meet Beelzebub, remember?" Harley warned after leaving.

Udon hesitated, "If it were another fallen angel, Silver City probably wouldn't pursue it, but Beelzebub. I can't lie to the Lord."

"If your Majesty asks you alone, you can tell the truth. I am friends with Beelzebub's son Etrigan. Your Majesty knows that and understands it," Harley said.

"I see."

Meeting Beelzebub was just the beginning. After that, they successively found the "package of reality" hidden under the veil of reality.

At first, there was only one angel in a package, but later a large package exploded, containing hundreds or thousands of undead angels.

Basically, they are angels from heaven and fallen angels from hell, mixed with the remaining thoughts of a very small number of ancient demons and "foreign demon kings".

Harley only saves the souls of angels, and the fallen angels from hell are also selective, choosing only those with little fame and low activity in the world, and discarding the rest.

Even if those fallen angels, ancient demons, and foreign demon kings begged, she would ignore them.

How could Harley care about the Lord of the Flies when he ignored them?

After she completely peeled off the ninth layer of the world from east to west, from south to north, Harley basically completed the task assigned by heaven and found the remnant souls of 80% of the angels in heaven, including the "Tongue of Fire" "Uriel.

Thirty percent of the souls of fallen angels in hell, uh, 50 to 60 percent were abandoned.

The most important thing is that even the old Yinbi Giovanni Zatara has been found.

Harry didn't even know how he felt. Disappointed? Xiao Zha is finally relieved, and she is finally relieved of her burden, feeling relaxed and satisfied?

She was at least certain that she was not satisfied because Lao Zha was saved.

"Harry, something is wrong. The process was too easy."

When Xiao Zha and Lao Zha hugged each other and cried, Zha Kang suppressed the smile on his face and said with a frown.

"It's not surprising. When the Upside Down can't help Harley, and every time Harley destroys reality, it can bring real harm to it, surrendering and admitting defeat becomes an inevitable choice.

When the 'reality package' is hidden under the veil of reality, it actually has a meaning.

It just doesn't want to give in, and wants us to kill the remaining souls we want to save by mistake, and make us sick again.

Now we find that we can't even make it sick. It can only hope that we will finish saving people and get out of here. "Dr. Destiny analyzed.

"You are right, the Upside Down has admitted defeat, but it is not only admitting defeat." Zha Kang pointed at the reality that was as turbid as mosaic glass around him, "Look, the recovery speed of the veil of reality has slowed down, much slower than before. Dozens of times.

If its recovery speed hadn't slowed down, it wouldn't have been so easy for Harry to rummage through the entire Veil of Reality. "

The veil of reality is not the land, nor is it plowed to find the "package of reality" beneath the veil of reality.

When plowing, it will be obvious which areas have been plowed and which areas have not been touched.

The veil of reality cannot be marked or located, because the reality carried by the veil of reality can be changed.

For example, if the reality of the giant mountain at coordinate A is shattered, when it slowly recovers, it may turn into rivers and lakes.

In other words, the eraser erased the landscape painting at A, and when the Upside Down took the pen to paint again, he might have painted a modern metropolis.

Seeing a modern metropolis, Harley may have mistaken it for untouched ground and turned over it over and over again.

Of course, if the upside-down person really wants to hide the "reality package", he may not be able to find them all even if he reads it ten or a hundred times.

In fact, Harry was digging through the ground with the consciousness of searching ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times until the upside down person couldn't bear it anymore.

"The slowing down of recovery is just a further indication that the Upside Down wants to surrender and deliberately let loose." Dr. Destiny said.

"No, I don't think it's that simple." Zha Kang frowned and thought for a moment, then asked, "Harley, what should we do next?"

Harley glanced at Lao Zha in the saint's aura and said: "You take Master Zatara back. Udon has the power of a great king to bring the remnant souls of angels back to heaven. I will stay."

Zha Kang thoughtfully said, "It seems that you have guessed it, and you have already realized it."

"What did you guess, what enlightenment?" Dr. Destiny asked in confusion: "Harley, why did you stay? Make it clear, don't play charades!"

"She is afraid that after leaving this time, she will never be able to enter the strange motherland again."

Zha Kang's expression was relaxed, with a smile on his face, "If you just surrender, you can't get rid of the crisis by turning people upside down.

The results of the successive battles have shown that if it has a hard anal with Harley, it will be worn to death sooner or later.

Therefore, the only way it can survive now is to break off its arms.

It can be said that the magic debt crisis is basically over.

The slowdown in the recovery speed of this world's reality is intentional, but it is not its purpose. It wants to completely cut off the part of the body that has entered the reality of the multiverse.

At this moment, it should have begun to castrate itself, and this world is about to be completely separated from its weird true body.

Once the strange true form hides behind the veil of reality in the multiverse again, we will never find it again.

But it can guard its magical power, lurk and be patient, waiting for the next major crisis in the multiverse, waiting for Harley to be exhausted, and waiting for the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to Harley. "

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