I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 198 Green plums cooked in wine, discussing the future

Although she thought Gordon was a bit shameless, Harley could clearly see that he was really embarrassed and embarrassed at the moment.

Therefore, she did not tell the truth to humiliate him for the time being. She only asked: "You are just an ordinary agent. You don't see Lob on weekdays. How did the conflict arise?"

"In the earlier Du Ping case, a Korean elderly man cooperated with the police investigation as a witness, but was silenced at the police station. Do you remember?"

Harley thought for a while and nodded: "It seems that because of this, you were transferred to Arkham Asylum as a security guard?"

"It was the police officers from the anti-narcotics team who did it!" Gordon looked ugly, "Every time they seized a batch of Du Ping, they would sell half of it themselves.

Not only did I find the police officer who murdered the witness at the police station, but I also followed the clues and collected conclusive evidence of drug trafficking Sergeant Fras.

Then Director Luobu came to me and asked me to stop investigating the case immediately.

I didn't agree.

He was angry but couldn't stop me. "

"Flas is still in office, and the hawkers raised by the GCPD on the street have not disappeared." Harley said.

Gordon held his head and said with a painful expression: "At that time, Flass had been dismissed and investigated, and I thought I won.

But a few days later, he returned to the police station as if nothing was wrong, and the prosecutor's office declared him completely innocent because "

"Because Harvey, as the investigator of Du Ping's case, proved his innocence for him!" he said bitterly.

Harley chuckled and said, "I've said it before, Harvey Bullock can't be trusted. It's not about his character, it's that he doesn't have the right to choose at all."

Gordon sighed: "That's right, he couldn't help himself, Loeb has his certificate of surrender in his early years.

Fras was reinstated and I was sent to Arkham Asylum.

But this was just the beginning of the conflict between Loeb and me.

Remember the ‘Ogre’ case two months ago? "

Harley frowned and said: "Your ex-girlfriend Barbara Jean was bewitched by him and murdered her parents. I visited her in Arkham today.

She made several powerful boyfriends and became a big sister in the lunatic asylum. "

There seems to be a virus called "Madness" in the air of Gotham.

Square-faced Barbara. Who would have thought that such a gentle and soft girl would kill her own parents?

Bai Fumei, a top-notch person with high education and high income, owns her own large villa in a high-end apartment and runs a slightly famous art gallery.

I can't find any reason for her abnormality.

Well, she fell out of love and Gordon found a new girlfriend.

Her parents were very indifferent to her and refused to give her a word of concern except money.

She was also unlucky enough to be captured by a perverted ogre, locked up, and secretly trained for a period of time.

But there are countless people in Gotham who are more unlucky than her, but there are only a few who are luckier than her.

When Harley went to Arkham to visit Constantine, she also chatted with her.

She felt like a different person, her weakness and depression leaving her.

After killing her parents, she seemed to be reborn and became a lively and cheerful little girl.

Harley could only sigh: This is Gotham!

"Barbara was targeted by the ogre, not by accident, but by Captain Luo's conspiracy." Gordon said with a sad expression.

"I don't know, what did he do?" Harley asked curiously.

"Ogre is not a new criminal. He was responsible for the serial murders a few years ago.

Therefore, the inside of the police station knew the characteristics of his crimes - if any detective dared to investigate him, he would kill the detective's girlfriend or wife.

I don't know this.

The Ogre case was not originally mine, but Loeb deliberately arranged for a rookie police officer to tell me that he admired my behavior of upholding justice and defending the law."

Gordon covered his face, too embarrassed to look at Harry.

Harry said with a dull face: "He said he admires you and wants to defend justice with you and investigate the ogre case together.

You think your noble sentiments have finally influenced some young police officers.

So, with your brain burning, you take the ogre's case.

Then Loeb lets the media hype it up - heroic detective Gordon, challenging the ogre.

Then, the ogre got the wrong news and thought that Barbara, who was engaged to you, was still your lover. "

Gordon nodded slightly and said with a wry smile: "I'm too naive, but I don't regret taking the ogre's case.

It is my responsibility to protect the people. No matter how difficult it is, I will try my best to do it. "

Harry had heard too much about his "ideal", and there was no emotion on his face at this time. He just said lightly: "This alone is not enough for Loeb to fire you, right?"

Gordon gritted his teeth and said: "I am very disgusted by the GCPD's performance during the United Hospital incident.

I'm not unhappy that they were defeated by you.

You didn't even force Loeb to randomly shoot half of the police officers present to submit their names.

I'm dissatisfied with the GCPD's positioning in Gotham.

GCPD is like a blunt knife with a curled edge.

Anyone can use it without any personal ideals or pursuits.

Even if Lobu is ambitious and surrenders to you and Owl on the surface, secretly plotting to catch you all and then become the boss himself, I will still admire him.

But he is content with the status quo and even tries to maintain it.

I want to defend the dignity of the law, and I want to change the atmosphere of the police station! !

I admit that when the young police officer in the ogre case pretended to admire me and said to me, ‘I gave him hope of justice,’ I felt extremely happy and satisfied.

The contrast between reality and ideals makes me hate today's GCPD even more, and I want to change everything.

Changing all this cannot be done from the bottom up.

Loeb, who maintained all this, became my number one enemy. "

"I want to overthrow him!" Gordon said excitedly.

"Then you got kicked out," Harley said coolly.

"Harry, are you willing to help me? Help me reinstate myself and help me bring down Lob. Don't rush to scold me for being ungrateful. Please listen to my next explanation."

"you say."

Harley looked at him with interest, wondering what nonsense he could tell.

Gordon said solemnly: "The era of the Romans is over, and your era has come.

But Harley, have you ever thought that the system of the Roman era is no longer suitable for you now?

For example, your positioning of GCPD.

The Romans feel that having the GCPD completely in their hands can better maintain their rule.

First, times have changed.

The Internet makes news more timely, spread faster, and become more difficult to block.

For example, in the past Maroney and Falcone fought over ownership of a certain street.

Even if there are journalists present, as long as you say hello in advance, or call the newspaper office afterwards and send a bullet, the news can be suppressed easily.

Now, any Gotham citizen can record a video with a mobile phone.

Then upload it to major forums. Before you react, the video has been watched, liked, and forwarded by countless people.

Even if you are the Emperor of Gotham, you can't stop this trend, right? "

Harley nodded slightly, "So I started to form a marketing team and a review team a long time ago, and I was even preparing to invest in it or develop my own self-media platform."

"What? What kind of army is the navy army?"

Gordon, who was showing off his new ideas, couldn't keep up with Harley's thinking.

"You continue." Harley did not explain.

“It doesn’t matter if the whole universe knows you’re the Godfather of Gotham.

But once the whole United States sees you, or your little brother, taking a gun and killing someone on the street.

Even as you said, American law is just a decoration for big shots.

But there are some things that can be done and said, but cannot be made public for everyone to know.

If you kill someone, even if it is just to maintain your own rule, the American ruling class will give up on you.

By sacrificing you to defend the apparent dignity of the law, right? "

Harry nodded again and said: "You are right, so not only did I not lay off the legal team left by the old Camai, but I also tripled the size.

Over time, I will also invest in major law firms.

In short, I am the future ‘Gotham Pizza Hut’!

In addition to lawyers, I also created a few new rules for the ‘Harley Family’.

For example, when communicating through mobile phones, you must use incisions, and you must not directly say sensitive words such as "killing people" and "laundering money" to avoid being recorded as evidence in court.

For example, there will be no daytime mergers in the future.

Be sure to wait until night, wear a hood, and do whatever it takes to hide your identity.

For example, if you train a group of hackers to do big things, they can hack into the monitoring system in advance and don't leave any clues.

for example"

Gordon's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

This new godfather was prepared for a rainy day and thought far more carefully than he did!

Can she still be persuaded?

He suddenly lost confidence.

Harley kept talking and talked a lot. After she stopped, she looked at Gordon's dull and stupid look and couldn't help but frown and said, "Keep going!"

Gordon said with a dull face: "Even if you take every precaution, there are some things that you won't be able to guard against.

For example, the GCPD has a tradition of accepting investment certificates.

As we fully enter the information age, this tradition will one day be discussed openly.

Then, you will become the source of evil in the eyes of people all over the world, and the US government will have to take action against you.

Secondly, you can never control GCPD alone.

You can threaten them with a certificate of surrender, but as long as the big shot reaches a tacit agreement with other Heibang families and kills you, the certificate of surrender will be smoothly taken over by others.

Most of the time, the GCPD is very obedient.

But at critical moments, they can also become your noose.

For example, in the United Hospital incident, the GCPD backfired on Kamai and almost backfired on you. "

"Do you have any good ideas?" Harley asked curiously.

Gordon said seriously: "To sum up, GCPD is not a good knife, and using it in the future will have huge side effects.

In this case, it's better to just give it up.

Let it have its own position, be impartial, and will not harm you because of things other than the law.

Instead, it defends your fundamental rights. "

"Bah bang bang!"

Harley clapped lightly and praised: "I thought you would talk to me about friendship, then kneel down and beg me to help you.

I didn't expect you to come up with such a theory. "

"If friendship and begging work, I will definitely do it. In order to defend the law, I have the consciousness to become a lawbreaker first." Gordon sighed.

Harley pondered for a moment and said: "Unlike old Kamai who holds the GCPD firmly in his hands, Cobot and I share this power."

Seeing Gordon's confused look, she smiled strangely.

"Don't doubt it, I just dragged him in to take the blame. Even the future you can think of, I have already thought about it thoroughly.

I have self-media and trolls, but he doesn’t.

Naturally, the blame will fall on him, and I didn’t lie completely anyway.

In order to establish the character, in the next few years, I will successively establish the 'Harley African Poor Children Relief Fund', 'Black and Ethnic Minority Protection Fund', 'Women Care Fund', 'Disabled Life Fund', and 'Amazon Rainforest Protection Fund'. fund'.

In short, women's rights, black people, and environmental protection are the three major killers in hand. Who dares to slander me!

From now on, people will say that despite what Harley Quinn was like in her early years, she just made the same mistakes that every Gothamite makes. Look at her now.

My reputation will definitely be better than Bruce Wayne's, because I am far less rich than him, but more inspiring than him. "

Gordon was stunned again.

"Now, you go to Copot, as long as you can convince him. I don't care if you want to reform the GCPD." Harley said.

After getting half of what he wanted, Gordon felt even heavier.

He began to doubt that even if he could achieve his wish, could Gotham really become bright in the future?

Or, under the illusory light, is there a deeper, larger, and more unbreakable dark dynasty?

On that throne, Harley crossed her legs, and the toes of her leather boots under her skirt swayed toward them below. She was still triumphant, sticking out her tongue and making faces at justice and law?

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