I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 197 Talented Arkham, DC’s Strongest Weapon Research Institute

"Harry, I have an idea that may be able to force the court to reconcile with you." Dr. Hugo said.

"Just reconciliation?" Harley frowned.

“If we don’t reconcile, how can we eradicate the court?”

Dr. Hugo looked disapproving, "The ballad of the Court of Owls has been sung in Gotham for hundreds of years.

Even a sow, after hundreds of years of reproduction, should give birth to millions of ‘ferocious pig warriors’.

Can you challenge millions of wild boars by yourself?

You can't beat a wild boar, let alone a smart human being?

In particular, the court takes an absolutely elite route.

If the average IQ of the members of the court were half that of mine, it would take a few hundred years to rule half of the United States.

No matter how strong you are personally, you can't challenge the US government, right? "

Harley patted the bald doctor on the shoulder and sighed: "Doctor, don't underestimate yourself, the owl's IQ is only one-tenth of yours."

"Oh, you think so?" Dr. Hugo grinned.

"The owl (bird) that cuckoos." Harry said with a wooden face.

Dr. Hugo was stunned, and then his face twisted. He was ten times smarter than a cooing owl. How could he be praised?

"What did I say wrong?" he asked unhappily.

"A sow has been reproducing for hundreds of years, and in the end there may not be a single pig hair left. The world is not just about that sow and the endless pigweed. There is more than just the Court of Owls on the earth."

Dr. Hugo argued: "I'm just metaphorically telling you that the courts are powerful."

"Do you know how many members there are in the court?" Harley asked.

Dr. Hugo shook his head.

"Know their exact wealth?"

The bald doctor shook his head again.

"Do you know the claws?"

He still shook his head.

"So, apart from scaring yourself that 'they are invincible,' how much do you know about the courts?"

Dr. Hugo smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Okay, I'm too timid. But it won't do you any good to break up with the court, right?"

"Let's first talk about how to force them to reconcile with me." Harley said.

"Respect yourself!" Dr. Hugo said with an excited expression and his eyes shining: "A stable and unified underground world is actually the most beneficial to the rich men in Gotham.

Because ordinary criminals are incapable of committing crimes against them, societies and gangs with sufficient capabilities, families and businesses, are under your rule and cannot act arbitrarily.

If there are several criminal gangs in Gotham now, specifically targeting the big shots in the Upper East Side, and you, the Godfather of Gotham, just ignore them and let them do whatever they want.

What if. Among the dead big shots, there happened to be a few owls - not cooing owls. "

He glanced at Harley resentfully, "Do you think the court is in a hurry?"

"This idea is not new." Harley shook her head slightly, "There are two reasons why I didn't implement it.

First of all, I am not in a hurry, I have enough time to spend with them.

You also said that instead of developing a business, I have been focusing on my martial arts practice.

The longer time passes, the stronger I become and the more elite my younger brother is trained.

However, after decades or hundreds of years of development, they have reached the maturity stage of power, or even the decline stage, and their strength will no longer increase significantly.

Secondly, every time a criminal gang acts recklessly in Gotham's underworld, the cornerstone of my rule collapses.

Because I am now the queen of the underworld.

Many times, the subjects were willing to listen to the king, not because the king's words were wise, but because those who disobeyed were punished.

Once someone is disobedient and gets away with it, the number of disobedient officials will grow like weeds. "

Dr. Hugo was silent.

"Forget it, let's not talk about the court." Harley asked with great interest: "Can you replicate the fear gas of 'Mr. Horrible'?"

Mr. Horrible Klein is the "Fear Killer" who caused havoc in Gotham a few months ago (Chapter 151, Scarecrow's father).

Fear killers kill their victims in the way they fear most and then remove their adrenal glands.

The ordinary people of Gotham only know that he is a pervert, but they do not know that he is actually looking for materials to deploy fear gas.

Well, create poisonous gas from the adrenaline glands of the feared person as he dies.

GCPD did not release this information.

Before being killed by Gordon, the fear killer Klein had already prepared fear gas, and the first victim of the gas was his son.

Old Klein believed that only by awakening the biggest fear in the subconscious through fear gas can we defeat fear and gain transcendence - this is the same idea as Batman facing his fear and then defeating it.

Therefore, he injected all the fear venom he had just invented into his son's body.

Then, young Crane was admitted to Arkham Asylum.

At first, Harley simply thought that the fear killer was an ordinary pervert and had no value.

Thanks to Dr. Hugo for discovering its major "business opportunities".

He assured Harley that fear gas was definitely a weapon with greater potential than the "arc bomb."

Well, the arc bomb was invented by "Electrocutor" (Chapter 146), who once destroyed Maroni's lair and brought down the entire police station.

Harley still doesn't understand the principle of arc bomb.

In short, a large amount of electrical energy (pips) is stored in a device the size of a grenade. When thrown out, it will produce an arc effect similar to a Tesla coil - the exploding electric sparks actively attack living people within the range, and the voltage is particularly high.

Harley's record of single-handedly defeating hundreds of GCPDs in the police station left a deep impression on the Electrocutioner.

After becoming the Godfather of Gotham, she secretly ordered Dr. Hugo to obtain the "patent" for the arc bomb that electrocutes people.

The process went smoothly. Dr. Hugo promised better dormitories and meals, and Harley signed a check for $500,000. The electrocutor readily handed over the full set of techniques.

After seeing the power of the bomb in person, Harley was "overjoyed" and immediately recognized the statement that "Arkham is full of talents" and asked Dr. Hugo to be a "headhunter" to evaluate the value of each "XX person"'s unique skills.

Gotham lacks everything from Electrocution Man, Balloon Man, Gas Man, Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Two-Face, Scarecrow, and Riddler, but it does not lack these "XX people".

The poisonous man is dead, but his "Double Snake Gas" formula (Chapter 141, the failed soldier-strengthening potion) still falls into Harley's hands.

Some time ago, Dr. Hugo told her that Mr. Fear's fear gas was even more promising.

After hearing about the specific effects of fear gas, Harley immediately realized: Isn't this the Scarecrow's "exclusive weapon"?

What a good thing, it can even topple Batman, so you must get it!

At this time, after hearing Harley's inquiry, Dr. Hugo said proudly: "After months of careful care by me, little Klein (Scarecrow), who went crazy in extreme fear, has partially recovered his consciousness.

At least remember the recipe for fear gas his father invented.

I have to admit that Old Klein is a genius in biochemistry, and I am amazed by the ingenious idea of ​​the fear gas. "

Harley nodded with satisfaction, smiled and asked, "How much does little Klein cost?"

"His mind is confused and he doesn't have a strong sense of autonomy. I extracted the formula from his brain through special means." Dr. Hugo said.

"The rules must not be broken! Let's give him a guaranteed minimum price of $500,000. If he returns to normal in the future, we can slowly negotiate." Harley said kindly.

"What if he refuses to sell?" Dr. Hugo frowned.

"Anyway, I've got the formula. If he doesn't want to sell it, I'll kill him quietly."

Harry still had a peaceful expression on his face.

Hugo was dumbfounded.

After a long time, he said: "The electrocutor seems to know the taste by eating the marrow. He came up with a set of 'electric shock therapy' and wanted to sell it to you. I wonder if you are interested?"

"What do I want with that thing?" Harley asked with a look of disgust.

"It can turn people into puppets and do whatever they want."

Harley asked hesitantly: "You are an expert in this field. How technical do you think it is and what are its application prospects?"

"The technical content is very high. If it is published in Nature, it will definitely become the cover theme of the magazine. What a prospect."

Hugo frowned, "It's difficult to directly help you improve your strength, but knowledge itself is priceless."

"Okay, buy it and use it as a technical reserve. One day, my 'Arkham Civilian Research Institute' will surpass Luther, Wayne, Quinn (Green Arrow), Red Room (DC's strongest, Weapons laboratories such as Cyborg’s father (where Cyborg’s father is) and Top (The Flash).” Harley said proudly.

The corner of Hugo's mouth twitched, he took out a jar the size of a thermos bottle from the cabinet and handed it to Harry.

"This is the fear gas I improved based on the formula. Not to mention inhaling it, you will go crazy if it gets on your skin."

Harley took the stainless steel can and whispered: "I need more fear gas, at least in tons."

Hugo's pupils shrank and he said in a trembling voice: "It only takes one ton of poison gas to destroy half of Gotham. How many tons of poison gas do you want to slaughter the city and destroy the country?"

"Bronze Tiger comes from an assassin organization, you know that, right?" Harley said meaningfully.

"Can't we reconcile?" Hugo's face turned pale.

"It's been so long and no one has come to see me." Harley said calmly.

Hugo frowned and said: "With the conditions of Arkham's small laboratory, it is almost impossible to complete your mission.

It would be better to build a small, workshop-style chemical factory secretly in a lunatic asylum or Indian Hill.

However, it costs a lot of money. Even if you don't count the raw materials and only the equipment, it will cost at least 20 million US dollars.

The factory not only produces gas, but also assembles it into weapons such as grenades, shells, and missiles. "

"Build it." Harley barely hesitated.

"I can only promise to build a factory within half a year, with an annual output of no less than ten tons." Dr. Hugo solemnly said.

Returning to the fighting arena with a jar of fear gas, Harley was about to take a taste of it for herself when Jim Gordon, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, came to the door with a look of exhaustion and embarrassment.

"Harley, I. I'm not a police officer now, you know that?"

He stammered, eyes twinkling.

"Really? I really don't know. You won't be fired, right?" Harley said in surprise.

With his insistence on protecting the law, he should not resign voluntarily.

Gordon nodded slightly, "I had a conflict with Director Luo. He first looked for an opportunity to demote me from a detective in the crime squad to an ordinary patrol officer.

Half a month later, they immediately revoked my position with random excuses. "

"Are you looking for me to restore your identity?" Harley asked.

Gordon's face turned the color of pig liver, "If possible, it would be best to kick Lob away."

Harley looked at his face speechlessly, and it wasn't that big at all.

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