I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1941 Goodbye Giovanni

"How come I don't know about Silver City's arrangements?" Harley asked.

"It is the personal arrangement of some archangels in Silver City, not the overall plan of heaven."

There was hesitation in Stranger's tone, but he explained in detail as much as possible: "From the moment they learn about the magic debt crisis, every visionary transcendent will prepare their own way to overcome the disaster in advance.

The gods in heaven are like this, the mages on earth are like this, and heaven is still like this.

Earlier, the angels in heaven and the fallen angels in hell also united with the extraordinary people on earth to hold an 'Earth Magic Alliance Meeting'.

You attended the meeting in person and know that Heaven strongly encourages everyone to brainstorm and come up with their own ways to overcome the tribulation.

This is true for mages on earth, and it is true for angels in heaven.

Heaven encourages all archangels to use their wisdom and power to provide a new way to overcome the tribulation that is different from the "Angel Legion Plan".

In short, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a white cat or a black cat, as long as you can achieve what Heaven wants and get enough power, Heaven will support you. "

Harry's heart stirred, "You mean, Nabu is some archangel's way to overcome the tribulation?

Could it be the ghost? Naboo and the ghost have a very good relationship, and the ghost is shameless and cold enough. "

The two had a mental exchange in private, and the stranger did not nod.

"Well, even Nabu who led the God of Order to join the Upside Down got permission from the Archangel in Heaven. I can't say it's permission.

Heaven did not agree with the surrender plan.

Everyone else can surrender, but Naboo, who masters the basic law system of the earth, cannot surrender.

However, Heaven does know about Nabu's plan to lead the God of Order to defect to the Upside Down.

Naboo reported this plan to Heaven.

The angels behind Naboo are not only ghosts, but also many archangels including Gabriel, the angel king on earth.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?

The God of Order has been with us for millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of years, and we have some degree of friendship. "

"So?" Harley asked: "Just because I told Heaven that Naboo betrayed the multiverse and betrayed magic, can it be revealed?

If there is no me in this world, will the God of Order continue to control the basic law system of the earth like a normal person? "

At first, Harley just said it sarcastically, but later on, she couldn't help but think of the "Slate of Destiny".

Listen to what "Dr. Destiny" said and planned.

The God of Order also wants to restart the Parliament of Life and the Parliament of Elements to regain its former power over the earth and its authority over human civilization on earth!

The plan of the God of Order headed by Naboo made Harley very angry. What made her even more angry was that she clearly saw the fact that she had once again broken the destiny. The original destiny was for the God of Order to restart the basic law system of the earth.

Without her, it would be destiny to forgive Naboo and allow the Tower of Destiny to once again rise above all living beings on Earth.

The so-called destiny means that no one else can accomplish this except him.

Without her unexpected factor, in today's multiverse, only the God of Order can clean up the old mountains and rivers.

In the eight divine realms, the heavenly realm has been destroyed.

Even if they are not disabled, the old gods will not participate in earth affairs for a long time.

Even if the New Gods have ideas, they have no power.

The Archangel in Heaven not only cared about the old relationship, but even acquiesced in Naboo's betrayal as a way to overcome the disaster.

The Endless Family does not interfere in human affairs.

The remaining people on Earth must have complaints against Naboo and the God of Order.

Not only the people on earth, but also the many planes harvested by the God of Order must also hate the God of Order (ps).

But they were unable to clean up the collapsing Parliament of Life and the Parliament of Elements, so they could only bring back the God of Order.

This inevitable thing is destiny.

Even though his destiny had been broken by him before it even started, Harley still felt unhappy, and the sarcasm in her words turned into angry questions.

"No, they are not endorsing Naboo. It is not that after Naboo informed them of his plan, no matter what he does next or what consequences he causes, he is innocent. If he is guilty, heaven will help to cover it up."

Stranger quickly and firmly denied, then sighed softly and continued to transmit: "Now that you have seized the basic law system of the earth, no one said anything, and no one asked you to return it to the God of Order?

The God of Order must have its own interests in seeking refuge with the Upside Down.

Since they have selfish motives, they should certainly pay the price for their actions.

Regarding this point, even angels such as Ghost and Gabriel fully agree.

But we are not discussing the crime of the Order God System taking refuge in the Disruptors. They are guilty and no one denies it. I agree that they are wrong. Otherwise, I would not rush to stop them as soon as I notice the anomaly. "

——Your biggest mistake was to choose to rush to stop it as soon as possible instead of taking me to stop it.

Harley thought.

If she had been at the scene at that time, she would have killed those guys in Naboo.

Well, if she hadn't had this idea, Stranger wouldn't have called her and just passed by himself.

Unaware of her inner murmur, Stranger continued: "As for the crimes of the God of Order, I will not protect them.

I have promised you earlier that when the crisis is over, you will take the lead in convening the second Magic Alliance Conference to call all victims to accuse the crimes of the Order God System.

The trial will be held in public, and no one will favor the pantheon of Order.

The God of Order will be punished accordingly.

The only thing I disagree with you on is one point: Do you want to kill Naboo and all the Gods of Order immediately without trial and just based on the anger in your heart?

We have already talked about whether to kill them immediately.

I gave you the promise of a public trial of the Order pantheon, and you agreed.

We will only talk about one topic today, whether Doctor Destiny will be involved in the next action.

I share the same view with my old friends of the Naboo Angels - give 'Doctor Fate' a chance to make amends. "

"Do you think Naboo just wants to make amends?" Harley asked.

Stranger sighed: "In the strange motherland full of unknowns and dangers, no matter what he does. Even if he does nothing, just standing there as a target for the upside down people, he is helping you and making up for his mistakes.

With this credit, when the public trial begins, the God of Order can retain some dignity.

After all, the God of Order has represented human civilization for millions of years. If they lose face, so will human civilization. "

After a pause, he immediately said: "Or are you so confident that you can handle everything with just one bloodline clone, and any help is superfluous to you?"

Harley was about to ask a question: Even if Naboo goes to the strange motherland, even if I need help, what can he help me?

When the words reached her throat, she suddenly realized that she had gone astray.

If she needs help, their trip must be in danger.

And Nabu is in the team, and his situation will only be more dangerous than hers.

So why would she object to Dr. Fate joining in?

Nabu must have some thoughts, but he must also take a lot of risks on this trip.

Even if he secretly plans to join forces with his "old master", the Inverted Man, to plot against her again, he is still risking his life.

"Doctor Destiny" stayed in the Tower of Destiny, waiting for the end of the magic debt crisis. Although he was worried about being collectively judged by extraordinary mages and gods from all over the world, his life was worry-free.

No matter what the outcome of the trial is, at least he can save his life.

Now he might lose his life.

Thinking of this, Harley became more open-minded.

She stopped communicating with the stranger in private, turned to look at "Doctor Destiny", and said: "Khalid, to be honest, I have no idea what is going on in the strange motherland.

The environment inside and the enemies we are about to face are almost all unknown.

Even though I have fought against the Upside Down many times, it is no longer the same thing that is devouring resentments now.

Therefore, I cannot give you 100% safety guarantee. "

Speaking of this, her eyes also shifted to Xiao Zha and Zha Kang.

She wouldn't protect Naboo's helmet, nor would she backstab him.

Even if she could be happy for a long time after he died, she would not give up the bottom line and take the initiative to plot against her teammates, even if this teammate was not what she expected.

She will try her best to protect Xiao Zha, Zha Kang and Xiao Kent, but to be honest, she is not very sure.

After seeing the determined expressions on the faces of Xiao Zha and Zha Kang, Harley turned her attention to "Doctor Destiny" wearing a Naboo helmet, "Khalid, you are still young, there is really no need to take risks."

"Sister Harley, thank you for your concern, but now I am 'Doctor Destiny' and I really want to do something to help you." Khalid's tone was sincere and complicated.

He wanted to help them, but he didn't just want to help them.

He also wanted to restore the reputation of "Doctor Fate" and alleviate the sins of the Order God System by helping them.

"Well, you must protect yourself, put your own safety first, and do your best for the rest." Harley patted his shoulder and said.

"Buzzing buzzing" her body vibrated at high frequency, and the blood power in her body was split into two, like shadow clones, and two Harleys suddenly appeared in the living room.

"Xiao Zha, come and open the portal, and I will help you stabilize the space channel."

"Wait a moment, I want to draw a magic circle to protect the teleportation."

Xiao Zha first took a pen and drew a complex formation with overlapping four-pointed stars and six-pointed stars on the training ground outside the house.

Then place five candles around the circle and light them one by one, then stand in the center of the circle and wave to them.

"You can come in. Once I pour the chaos magic into the magic circle, I can use irony magic to open a space channel between reality and the strange motherland.

This array can ensure the stability of the space channel and prevent it from making too much noise after tearing open the strange mother domain space.

Maybe it can be hidden from the upside-down people?

Even if we can't hide it, if it wants to destroy our transmission channel, the chaos magic array can block it to some extent. "

As Xiao Zha spoke, purple-gray magical light began to glow from his body.

Magic power poured into the magic circle beneath him, and the runes of the magic circle began to slowly light up one by one.

According to the current speed of instilling magic power and the complexity of the magic circle, it will take about three to five minutes to actually activate the magic circle.

Harry watched the whole process of Xiao Zha drawing the magic circle from the side. At this time, he lowered his head and glanced around from the overall angle, and instantly understood its function.

Indeed, as Xiao Zha said, it is a god-level magic circle that stabilizes space transmission.

Stabilizing space fluctuations and defending against Upside Down attacks from within the strange home domain are just two of the most basic functions. It can also help strengthen the soul connection between Xiao Zha and his father, Lao Zha.

This "Weird Homeland Expedition Team" has four members. Harley has the idea of ​​​​finding out the reality of the Homeland. "Doctor Destiny" may simply be to make up for his mistakes or may have ulterior motives, but Xiao Zha and Zha Kang's goals are very simple and very... Clear: To save Lao Zha.

Since the purpose is to save Lao Zha, of course the location of the teleportation channel must be chosen on Lao Zha.

The best thing is to come directly to Lao Zha. Even if there is a deviation, it will be easier to find Lao Zha.

"Is this a new magic circle you created, or an improvement on the previous magic circle?" Harley asked.

Everyone has completed magic modifications from the underlying code. The magic circles and magic in the past, no matter how awesome they were, can no longer be used normally.

That's not to say that all magic and magic circles in the past have become waste paper. They contain to some extent the secrets of the basic laws of the universe and have certain reference value, but they can't be used directly.

Xiao Zha glanced at her husband and said: "John helped me find the Seal of Solomon designed by the legendary occult master Alphonse Constantine in the 19th century.

The original Seal of Solomon was mainly to strengthen the soul connection between blood relatives.

We have improved it and added many functions while adapting to the existing magic rules. "

"Your ancestor?" Harley looked at Zha Kang.

Zha Kang blew out a smoke ring and shrugged, "I also hope that I can have such an awesome ancestor, but unfortunately there is a high probability that I don't. Otherwise, I wouldn't have a poor family, and I didn't even inherit a set of basic magic books."

Harley walked into the "Seal of Solomon" magic circle, hesitated for a while, and then asked: "Xiao Zha, have you ever thought about how we can rescue your father after we find him?

Now his soul may be relatively intact and he can still resist the complete harvesting of the Upside Down Man, but he has been harvested after all. "

Xiao Zha must have considered this issue a long time ago. Hearing this, without thinking, he immediately said: "Harry, I completely trust you. My father may not be familiar with you, but he must trust me completely.

So you can use your thick-skinned war divine power to infiltrate my father's soul just like you did to Diana, Endo and Xuanlan. My father will definitely cooperate fully and take the initiative to accept the infiltration. "

"This was not your father's original plan." Harley said.

Xiao Zha sighed: "My father's original plan only targeted grudges. He had been planning for decades with only one purpose - to protect me and let me survive the magic debt crisis safely."

——Xiao Zha, you are also a middle-aged man in your forties and about to turn fifty this year. Why are you still so naive? Even if he is your father and has the blessing of super "beautiful face", you should not think of him so innocently and beautifully!

Harry sighed inwardly and moved his lips a few times, but in the end he didn't say what was in his heart.

Just listen to Xiao Zha continue: "In his plan, there is no content of rescuing himself. Of course, my father must also want to get rid of the tragic ending of being harvested by the weird.

He had some expectations that he would be rescued, but he didn't prepare a detailed plan.

His plan ended when the grudge was devoured by the Upside Down. "

Zha Kang pondered: "According to Zatara's plan, Cirsi should be our teammate.

Perhaps the rescue operation requires Circe's participation and the use of the power of the 'Seal of March'. "

"Do you think that with Circe's character, she would take the initiative to help us? My father would only have expectations for Circe if he had a broken brain," Zatanna said.

"Cersei will definitely not be happy to help others, but what if there is huge benefit in return?" Zha Kang said.

Xiao Zha shook his head and said, "Don't think so wildly. We only have a conflict of interest with her now."

Even if her father really made a secret agreement with Cirsi, allowing Cirsi to gain huge benefits, judging from Circe's current behavior, the interests that can impress her must be related to the power of the basic laws of the earth, or even to ruling the world and disrupting the existing world order. related.

Xiao Zha is willing to pay everything to save his father, but all the price paid should come from her, not the world.

She can sacrifice her own life to bring her father back to life, but she will not sacrifice other people's lives to save her father.

Zha Kang said: "What I mean is that if Cirsi is a key part of the rescue plan, we may not be able to replace Cirsi."

He turned his head and looked at Harley, "If Sersi can save Zatara's soul, it must be related to magical power. Now, Harley, you also have a lot of magical power."

Harry said: "I have magical power, but the amount is not large, probably less than one-tenth of Circe's."

"As long as you have magic power, it's enough. I guess if you just save Zatara, you won't need much magic power." Zha Kang said.

Harry raised his eyebrows, "You mean, I only need to give Zatara a certain amount of magical power to allow him to complete magical redemption?"

"It doesn't take much. With Zatara's total magic power, it doesn't even have one thousandth of the power."

Zha Kang then explained: "This is my guess, it may not be accurate. I just hope you can be mentally prepared."

"It's just magic power. I don't need to make any mental preparations in advance."

Harley pressed her finger on his forehead, a light blue light flashed, and a ball of pure soul power was sent into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Then she tapped Xiao Zha's forehead with another finger and sent a ball of pure soul power into him.

"A total of 1 unit of magic power can theoretically repay the magic debts of 10 heavenly kings. It is more than enough to satisfy yourself, Xiao Zha and Zatara."

"One unit has too much magic power, we can't use it." Xiao Zha said nervously, touching his forehead.

Her expression was both grateful and a little uneasy.

Harley said: "Perhaps you can completely change your profession into a Chaos Irony Mage.

Your own magic power is not too much, but with the chaos magic power in the life ruby, one unit of magic power may not be enough.

However, with your current state, you cannot completely get rid of the Life Ruby in a short time, digest and absorb all the chaotic magic power, and completely turn it into your own use. "

Xiao Zha is very talented and has more magic power in his body than any mage in the same realm. It can be converted into a "Kui's small unit" and can barely even get 0.1 points of magic power.

Zha Kang has now become a three-series god, and his total magic power still does not exceed 0.1.

One unit of magic power can allow 100 units of "rich and pure" magic power to eliminate debts, and hundreds or even thousands of points of divine power can eliminate debts.

Giving them 1 unit of magic power is indeed a bit wasteful, but Xiao Zha also has a life ruby, which contains 150 points of chaos magic power. 1 unit of magic power is not enough.

Of course, Xiao Zha's realm is still too low to truly incorporate all 150 points of chaos magic power into his body.

Even if she transforms into "Chaos Little Zha", only a dozen points of chaotic magic power will be poured into her blood.

There is no need to redeem the magic debt of the unused chaotic magic power now.

After all, the ruby ​​of life belongs to the wizard Sargon, so it’s not certain how long Xiao Zha can keep it.

"Harley, the magic power you gave me is still integrated with pure soul power." Zha Kang opened his eyes and frowned.

"I also want to give you pure magical power, but no, magical power cannot exist alone.

Magic Power is a virtual currency, similar to Bitcoin, Wayne Coin, Luther Coin, and Paradise Mountain Recharge Coin in our real world.

Magic power is a real general equivalent, like coins made of gold and silver.

Magical power is very strange. It is the virtual currency of our multiverse.

The multiverse fully recognizes the value it represents, so the magical power is real and holds much more value than the Luther coins and Wayne coins in the real world.

In reality, virtual coins exist in electronic networks, and magical power exists in the consciousness of living entities.

‘Origin’ detects magical power through fluctuations in mental power.

Your consciousness has absorbed the magical power, your mental power will not change qualitatively, and your soul will not transcend.

In fact, your soul state has not changed at all, it is exactly the same as before.

The only difference from before integrating the power is that the magic rules of the multiverse can detect the power in your soul and give the power represented by the corresponding power based on your mental fluctuations.

If you use an old computer from 10 years ago to store $100,000 in virtual coins, your computer will still be junk and the value of your virtual coins will remain unchanged.

If you use the latest 'Real Alien' console to store 100,000 US dollars in virtual coins, your virtual coins will not be superior to others. At most, they will run faster, and the value will not increase. US$100,000 will not become 200,000. . "

Zha Kang murmured: "If Wayne Technology goes bankrupt, Wayne Coin will be worthless, and Luther Technology will go bankrupt, and Luther Coin will also lose credibility.

If our multiverse goes bankrupt, will magical power be useless? "

"The multiverse is bankrupt, do you still need to consider magical power? Anyone without transcendence cannot exist without the multiverse." Harley said.

"But now we have seen the omnipotent cosmic visitor"

"Ordinary netizens have seen Wayne and Luther's luxurious life, are they also in trouble?

We have to worry about the possible failure of magical power after leaving the multiverse. Not to mention reaching the realm of transcendence, at least it must be close to transcendence. It's still too early for you. " Harley said.

Xiao Zha wondered: "Why is magical power a virtual currency? Back then, Hecate actually brought the concept of light, magic and miracles to the multiverse.

Hecate paid real money, and 'Origin' only used virtual coins of her own hair style to fool others? "

"Magic power is a privilege within the multiverse. When the commander-in-chief of the United States goes to the planet Rann, he can still mobilize the local army, modify magic, and formulate new national policies?" Harley said.

"Oh, I suddenly feel that magic power is not very valuable anymore." Zha Kang sighed.

Harley asked: "Did you realize today that the effectiveness of magical power is only effective within the multiverse?"

Regarding the nature of magical power, she did not hide it from everyone after learning about it.

Zha Kang is not the first person to accept the gift of magical power.

Zha Kang shook his head and said: "I used to think that magical power was a physical currency, like copper coins.

Copper coins of country A cannot become the "national currency" of country B. At least they are precious metals and have the value of copper itself.

Even if we leave the multiverse, magical power is a powerful force, not a virtual credit currency. "

Xiao Zha lowered his head and looked at the magic circle at his feet again and again, and said: "All the runes in the magic circle have been input with chaotic magic. I can start the space teleportation."

While a few people were talking nonsense, the giant magic circle with a diameter of more than 10 meters was all lit up.

The training ground, which was larger than a football field, was now awash in purple. The space above the square was rippling like water waves and became very unstable.

"Are you ready?" Xiao Zha asked.

"I'm always ready," Harley said.

"Doctor Destiny", who had been silent before, nodded slightly, "I'm OK!"

Zha Kang was a little hesitant, "I don't really want to merge into other people's soul power."

"It's not someone else's soul power, it's the 'fake soul power' I created with my emotional energy."

Zha Kang asked doubtfully: "Didn't the soul power integrated into the magical power come from the resentful woman?"

"Of course not. I have already used the 'Debtor Filtering Method' to purify all magical powers."

Harley explained: "First, give the pure soul power of the resentful woman with magical power to my God's Favorite, and let him absorb it and obtain the magical power.

I then harvest the magical power from the God's Favorite through the thick-skin mark, and transfer the magical power into my soul.

You know, after surviving the nightmare demonization perfectly, my fantasy person can sense and absorb emotional energy.

My own emotions are completely absorbed and used, integrated into my soul, self-satisfied, and my soul power is self-generated.

The emotions of others are converted into emotional spectrum energy.

Before the demonization of Perfect Nightmare, I could only absorb other people's fearful emotions and transform them into yellow light energy. Now I can transform all seven types of emotional energy.

But the amount is too small to have much practical significance.

As for emotions that cannot be transformed, they will not be absorbed.

Now I want to transfer the magical power to you, and I will absorb part of the emotional energy from you and turn it into false soul power. In fact, emotions and mental power are the same, and they are essentially soul power.

In short, I use your emotional energy to create a mimetic 'emotional soul' as a computer host, store virtual coins in it, and then integrate the computer host into your CPU - your sea of ​​consciousness. "

"Well, you can still do this. Your mind is so flexible."

A relaxed smile appeared on Zha Kang's face, and while integrating the magic power, he asked: "The emotions of the virtual soul power come from me, and now that it is reintegrated into my soul, there should be no side effects at all, right?

Hey, if I live with you for a long time, and you always collect the emotional energy that overflows from my sea of ​​consciousness, and then return it to me, wouldn't I be able to enjoy the benefits of perfect nightmare demonization like you, self-satisfaction, and self-generation of soul power? "

Harley shook her head and said: "The side effects are not as big as before, but they still have some impact. After all, it is the 'virtual soul power' I created. In essence, it already belongs to me. I just didn't absorb it."

"What impact?" Zha Kang asked.

"Soul power can be considered a kind of power. There should be a faint mark of mine on your souls." Harley said.

"Obviously the emotional energy that creates soul power comes from us." Zha Kang said.

Harley smiled and said, "You can find some reason with the 'Magic Price Rule'."

"I'm going to activate the magic circle." Zatanna's mouth was dry, and her heart was both nervous and full of anticipation.

She has always had a little secret in her heart that she has not told anyone.

Ever since she got the Ruby of Life, she would dream about her father almost every night, probably every time she fell into deep sleep.

As before, he wore a magician's black top hat, a white shirt and a tuxedo.

He even performed a top hat trick, conjuring rabbits one after another from the hat.

But suddenly he began to burn.

Just like a repeat of the old joint channeling incident, the magic power in his whole body began to burn, and magic flames spurted out from every pore. His wide eyes were full of pain, and he was calling her name, "Xiao Zha, Xiao Zha" "

Then Xiao Zha woke up from the nightmare. After waking up, her determination to rescue her father became more urgent.

She didn't tell anyone about it. She was afraid that they would worry, and she was even more afraid that they would persuade her to rest for a while and wait until her mood and state stabilized before seriously considering whether to enter the strange motherland.

She didn't want to wait a second longer.

Now she finally stood on the magic circle and was about to open the transmission channel.

Xiao Zha had a strong hunch that she could be teleported directly to her father.

"Open the door to the strange motherland and take us to Giovanni Zatara!"

She said this sentence again.

"Boom - stab la la~~"

The next moment, the Chaos Irony Magic was activated, and the Chaos Magic in the magic circle exploded, and half of Lishan was covered in bright purple lightning.

"Whoosh!" Xiao Zha, Zha Kang, Harley, and Doctor Destiny disappeared in front of everyone.

I don't know how other people feel, but while protecting the space passage, Harley can sense in detail that the power of space operates in a strange way that is familiar and unfamiliar.

It is very different from the past space rules. Even the space power itself is very special, even giving Harley a sense of strangeness.

She had a hunch that if she absorbed this space power, her level nine space defense expertise would be greatly improved.

It probably won't reach level 10, but the experience increase of more than ten percentage points should be no problem.

In other words, the power of space she encountered at this time was very "new".

But Harley felt that the "power of new space" was a bit familiar.

Although they have changed, they have not separated from the multiverse itself. They still fit in with the DC multiverse.

This made her confused and delighted.

They were currently teleporting to the strange motherland. The power of space, the rules of space, and the operating rules of space magic that she sensed all belonged to the strange motherland.

The space power of the Weird Mother Realm is very new, which is not surprising.

It's new but not completely new, and it still fits the basic rules of the DC multiverse.

What about other fundamental laws outside of space?

If the rules in the Weird Mother Realm are closely related to the DC multiverse, does it mean that the Weird Mother Realm has become part of the multiverse?

Is this how the Weird Mother Realm should be, or is the Upside Down really being absorbed by "Origin"?

"You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

The spatial fluctuations had just dissipated, and before Harry and the others had time to clearly see the new surroundings, the Upside Down's familiar voice sounded above their heads.

"Inverting people?"

Harry looked up first, and sure enough he saw the Upside Down hanging upside down in the sky. He looked around again and said, "We have really entered the strange motherland, which is a bit disappointing to me."

There is sky and earth here.

They landed in mid-air, four or five meters above the ground, with the magical radiance of the "Solomon's Seal" array at their feet.

Surrounded by a vast desolate desert.

Among the dilapidated ancient buildings on the Gobi Desert, squares and temples can be identified. They have an ancient Greek style.

The scenery is already very mediocre, and the energy aura and law fluctuations are no different from ordinary "God King Kingdom".

The laws that forge the Kingdom of God come from the God King and are different from the basic laws of the universe, but they are closely related.

The divine power of the Kingdom of God also comes from the God-King. It is very different from the natural elements of the universe, but it is just more distinctive.

The strange motherland that Harley sees now is like a divine kingdom created by the dark magic god king.

It's just that the laws of this domain are far more powerful than those of the Kingdom of God, and the magic power is more corrosive. Even the mother domain itself is like a mouth full of teeth, chewing them, trying to crush them, digest and absorb them.

If an ordinary mage falls into this realm, he will be directly digested into a wisp of energy, and even his soul will disappear.

"Disappointed? I'm not disappointed with you yet. Why are you disappointed?" The Upside Down seemed to be smiling.

"It's disappointing that you can't slap me to death, but I can slap you to death. You and your homeland are so weak and low, so disappointing."

Harley raised her right hand, and the holy light energy was swayed freely, directly smashing the reality around Weird body into pieces.

That was the reason for her disappointment.

The strange motherland suppressed her, but the suppression was not strong enough and did not meet her expectations.

She can even break the veil of reality in the strange motherland. There is even a veil of reality in the strange motherland, which is also an important reason for her disappointment.

There is reality here. It is clear that the strange motherland is outside reality, and its way of existence should be more advanced. It is so advanced that even people in the multiverse cannot adapt to it, and all five senses and spiritual senses are disabled.

"Hahaha, you are disappointed too early. You can beat me to death and shatter reality, just because I created an environment that 100% simulates the rules of the multiverse in order to make it easier for you to understand."

The reality shattered by Harley returned to its original state in the blink of an eye, and the Upside-Down Man hung upside down in place as if nothing had happened.

"Here, I am the world, reality itself!

I am infinite and have no limits. Laws and energy are not enough to describe me or limit me.

I turned into this form and created an environment that you and other beings in the universe can understand, just to make your tiny minds bear the cost of perceiving me and so that you can communicate with me, do you understand?

Facing the real me, you cannot even receive, let alone bear, my will.

I don't want to be beaten to death by me when you are unconscious and confused.

I want you to experience the full process of fear, failure and death.

To do this I took great pains to create reality where there is no reality. "The Upside Down said proudly.

Harley looked at it indifferently and said, "I really want to know if you are showing off. Can you fulfill my wish?"

"Oh, how do you want me to satisfy you?" Inverted Humanity said.

"Let the unknown Giovanni Zatara go, and let's let our hands and feet go and do something big.

If you are really awesome, I will definitely give you two thumbs up. " Harley said.

"Hahaha, you are indeed the Witch Harley, very cunning, but I am willing to satisfy you."

"Bang!" The Upside Down snapped his fingers, and Lao Zha, who was burning all over, appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah~~Xiao Zha, Xiao Zha. Hey, are you Harley Quinn? You have grown up. Oh my god, the aura on your body is so terrifying?!"

Of course it was very painful for Lao Zha to be burned in the demonic flames.

Before seeing Xiao Zha, he had been screaming heartbreakingly. After seeing Xiao Zha, he forcibly silenced his voice. But before he could speak, he was shocked by the terrifying aura naturally emanating from Harley next to him.

At this moment, Harley wasn't in full swing, but in front of the Inverted Man, it was impossible for her to remain normal.

"Hahaha, poor Giovanni, the outside world has become completely unknown to you, and you are still playing tricks in front of me." The Upside Down laughed.

(PS: Nabu betrayed the human mages with the God of Order and became the leader of the Upside Down. This is the original plot of the comic. Nabu led the God of Order to harvest the magic planes of the world, which is also the original plot.

But in the original comics, there is no behavior of the survivors of the magic plane hating the God of Order, not even the thought of revenge.

Like the orangutan detective Bobo, he was originally the successor to the identity of "Master of the Night" and the guardian of Maiya.

In the original comics, Maiya was miserable, with only a dozen people surviving, but in the end, the orangutan detective seemed to have forgotten this revenge. Not only did he not take revenge, he also took the initiative to seek cooperation from "Doctor Destiny".

I feel that the comics author did not regard the God of Order as sinners at all, and did not regard their actions of harvesting planes and causing countless casualties as crimes. This is very strange. I don’t know what they think.

But in this book, they will end miserably. The reason why they were not directly killed by Harley before was because it would be too cheap for them. )

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