I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1940 Silver City Arrangements

Virginia, Layton, outside an "old castle" that has been abandoned for many years on the outskirts of the city.

"We have received several "donations for the reconstruction of cities damaged in the crisis" from alien allies. Why hasn't this ghost place that is almost connected to hell not been demolished?"

Harry frowned slightly as he looked at the still gloomy building under the scorching sun, "However, it would be reasonable to say that this place is connected to the Kingdom of Decay."

The building covers a large area, with a total length and width of more than 100 meters. However, on such a huge building ground, the houses and towers are built very densely, with almost every house next to another.

It's as if the architect has a gun to his head: he must accommodate more people in this space, even if there is no open space or yard, it doesn't matter if all the houses are connected together and it looks like a big Rubik's Cube.

Even before entering the interior, Harry could guess that most areas in the "castle" had never experienced direct sunlight in their entire lives since the house was built.

After a hundred years, it seemed to have grown two century-old soul rings: the cold soul ring and the dark soul ring.

Even the sunlight cannot dispel the coldness and darkness on it.

In fact, it is not a military castle. A hundred years ago, it was a juvenile detention center.

"This building has been abandoned for a long time. I guess the city government has been complaining about why the United States encounters crises every year and why no crisis has spread to it and completely destroyed it so that they can also donate from extraterrestrial allies. Get a share of the donations.”

Swamp Thing raised his right hand, and the salad-like arm quickly grew into a huge tree trunk. The trunk spanned the rusty iron door with the corroded keyhole outside the juvenile detention center.

An arch of trees was built over the door.

With his other hand, he motioned for Harley to cross the large iron gate through the arch of trees.

Previously, he took the Green Channel of All Things and teleported Harley and himself here through green plants.

He also wanted to enter the building directly, but after passing the big iron gate, there was no grass inside, not even a weed. He could not teleport directly in.

"I can already smell the stench of the rotten country. No wonder Abby doesn't want to be the incarnation of the blackness of decay."

Harley didn't pinch her nose, but held her breath immediately after entering the building.

"Abby doesn't want to be the black incarnation of decay, not because the country of decay is like a pool of corpses piled up with animal carcasses.

When I was Alec Holland, I knew that Swamp Thing could always enjoy the fragrance of grass and flowers and taste the sweetness of all the fruits in the world, but I still didn’t want to be Swamp Thing. "

Swamp Thing led the way, and they didn't go far before they came to a wall.

There were many cracks in the wall, and a sticky, smelly black liquid seeped out of the cracks.

After the liquid flows out, it will condense into ugly and deformed tumors of different sizes.

Dirty, disgusting, stinky.

Even a toilet that has been used by a city for 100 years but has never been flushed is cleaner and more comfortable to look at.

Harry began to retreat in his heart: Maybe he could let Swamp Monster go in alone, awaken Abidal through love, and then Abidal himself would come out and be infiltrated by the thick-skinned holy power?

Swamp Thing moves very quickly.

When you reach the wall, immediately raise your hand and press your palm against the wall.

"Susu!" Green roots as thick as chopsticks grew out of his palms. The roots penetrated the rotten and deformed tumors, penetrated deep into the cracks in the wall, and then slowly opened a space portal that emitted green light.

The moment the door opened, it seemed as if the entire building had turned into a giant beast, and the wall in front of it was the beast's butt, and the cracked space portal was the hole in the butt.

The giant beast itself was a rotting corpse with a stinky smell, but now its fart eyes were opened, and it let out a long and silent fart towards the two of them.

The farts are continuous and continuous.

Even if you hold your breath, the blackness of decay is a kind of energy, not only with smell, but also with breath and energy fluctuations.

It's impossible for Harley to completely close her perception.

With your senses closed, how do you deal with the enemies inside, and how do you find Abidal?

She didn't retching, but her face turned pale.

When she heard Swamp Monster's self-pity, she was ready to offer some words of comfort.

Now she won't even want to speak even if I beat her to death.

Harley changed to spiritual transmission.

"Alec, it's time to change the dynasty! I have become the master of the earth's life system, and I will no longer be as ruthless as in the days of the Order God System.

First of all, in the future, the incarnation of life energy will completely follow the principle of voluntariness. If the person concerned is not willing, they will never force it, let alone conspire to make their family ruined and lose the opportunity to choose.

Secondly, even if you become a life incarnation, you can still go home after get off work and enjoy the joy of human relations.

Finally, if you have worked for decades and no longer want to be the incarnation of life, you can return to the human body and become a human again. "

As she spoke, she had already followed Swamp Monster through the Gate of Green Plants and entered the interior of the Rotten Kingdom.

Under their feet was a road piled with bones. The road stretched forward infinitely, and on both sides was a black ocean with a strong smell of corpses.

The seawater in the ocean is the sticky corpse oil after corpses have decomposed.

There are still dead heads floating on it.

The heads had different degrees of decay. Some seemed to have just died, while others had turned into bones.

Harry turned on the halo of the Saint, and even the soles of her feet were covered with a layer of holy light, without stepping directly on the road of bones.

"Did you sense Abby?" Swamp Thing asked.

"No, it should be far away from the core, right? Let's walk further." Harley said.

They did not teleport directly into the Corrupt Country, but smuggled in through the connection point between the Corrupt Country and the real world.

Therefore, they must be at the outermost periphery of the corrupt country, far away from the core.

Harley can directly cover the entire death energy space with holy power as she did before in the red space of all living beings.

The total size of the Corrupt Kingdom is only at the level of the main god, and the power of Lord Harley is larger than that of the God King. It is more than enough to fill up the mere Corrupt Kingdom.

But she hasn't found Swamp Thing's wife, Abby.

Instead of bringing Abby into the protective circle for special treatment, and directly using the power of the overbearing thick-skinned war god to burn down the rotten country, perhaps before Harley even noticed it, Abby's "last remaining soul" had been wiped out and her soul was scattered.

Swamp Thing walked along the bone passage and said, "Your idea is good, but it is unrealistic.

Those who can be chosen as the incarnation of life basically have a destiny and the strongest talent.

If they are unwilling to become swamp monsters or other life incarnations, others may not be able to control life energy.

like me.

If I didn't become a swamp monster, Ivy, whose talent is second only to mine, wouldn't be able to perfectly control the green of all things. "

Harry immediately said: "If one person can't manage it, you can choose more people. For example, divide the green plants into trees and flowers. One person manages the trees and the other manages the flowers. The Life Council is responsible for coordinating and unifying multiple 'life incarnations'." 'work."

"It seems feasible, but it sounds troublesome, and it will only be more troublesome to do." Swamp Monster said after thinking for a while.

"It's better to be in trouble than to force someone else and ruin the other person's family," Harley said.

Swamp Thing nodded, "Since you don't mind the trouble, we won't give up the opportunity to choose."

"Why am I bothering? I only give out ideas. It must be you, the old-timers, who will arrange the specific steps." Harley said matter-of-factly.

Swamp Monster was speechless for a while, and then added: "The second one seems to have a big problem. Look at me, I've turned into a walking pile of vegetable salad. How can I go home and live a normal life?"

Harley looked at him sideways and said, "The reason why you are a walking pile of vegetable salad is not because Swamp Monster must be a walking pile of vegetable salad.

Just like my Tianshan mobile phone has a small battery and serious heat generation, it does not mean that a mobile phone should have a small battery and serious heat generation.

But compared to the Tianshanshan mobile phone, which is frantically introducing alien technology and insisting on 100% domestically produced parts from its rivals, its craftsmanship and technology are a bit behind.

Naboo's God of Order isn't even a God-King, and it's not even a Heavenly Mountain cell phone.

But I am far beyond the God King and Creator, and the latest alien technology will be eclipsed by my 'swamp monster'. "

Swamp Monster muttered: "What you said made my heart surge with passion, but when I looked down, I was still a movable vegetable salad with outdated technology.

Now you have completed the control of the green of all things! "

Harley said: "Don't worry, you have to eat one bite at a time, and your skills have to be improved step by step.

When the crisis is over and I regain the power of the God King, we will slowly discuss and reform.

I guarantee you, the swamp monster of the future will at best have some green skin, or a green head, and will never be a complete monster like it is now. Well, Alec, you understand, I don't mean anything else. "

Swamp Monster said: "I'm looking forward to it. But the third point is, after becoming Swamp Monster, how can you still become a human?

After becoming the green incarnation of all things, Alec Holland's soul and self-will are no longer complete.

Now, I am essentially the green of all things with Alec's memories and some of his emotions.

It's just that Alec's emotions were too strong, causing his remaining will to become my main consciousness now. "

“Before he became Swamp Thing, Alec Holland’s soul and life energy was only part of what was ‘soon to be’ the Green of All Things.

When Alec becomes a swamp monster or dies, his soul and life energy return to the green of all things and have become part of the green of all things.

Whoever is the master of the green magic mark of all things can separate the green talent of all things from Alec, who is "part of the green of all things".

This is the basic principle behind how the witch boy deprived Ma Kexin of his vitality and soul talents.

Now I can basically do that.

If a swamp monster wants to retire, I can strip him of his natural spirituality and vitality and let him pretend to be an ordinary person and live an ordinary life.

I then passed on his gifted spirituality to the next less qualified Swamp Thing.

The process is a bit complicated, but I don’t think many people are willing to give up their identity as Swamp Thing on the premise of achieving the second point. "

She will definitely not take away other people's talents and vitality through magic mark harvesting.

That would be equivalent to fusing the pure soul power of the resentful woman with magical power, which would destroy the purity of Harley's own soul and talent, and even greatly affect the potential for unlimited future development.

But the upper limit of Swamp Monster is right there, and it is impossible to surpass the contemporary Green of All Things itself, so it doesn't matter whether the soul power is pure or not.

Harley glanced at the Swamp Monster and said, "If you are willing, I can help you get back all of Alec's private emotions now, and then suppress the green of all things and let Alec's will become absolutely dominant. "

Swamp Monster hesitated for a while, shook his head and said: "Forget it, at least for me, this is best now.

I'm not the real Alec Holland, and I'm not exactly the greenest of all things.

Me, Alec, and All Green are three people. I love Abby too, and I don’t want to become another person, even if he is the original Alec Holland. "

"You're quite sober." Harry said with a strange smile.

The next moment, her smile faded and she said, "Did you feel it?"

"What's sensing? Have you found Abby?" Swamp Monster asked nervously.

"Not sure if Abby is in there, but I think I've found the core of the Rotten Nation."

Harley put her hand on his salad-like arm, and with a flash of holy light, the two of them instantly crossed the infinite road of bones and came to a huge heart composed of bones, blood, and rotten organs.

The misshapen and ugly heart was beating regularly like a normal heart.

It is not connected to the cardiovascular system, and spurts streams of ink-black juice directly from the tentacle-like sarcoma holes - pure decayed black (death energy with the attribute of decay).

At the same time, below, on the sticky sea of ​​death that was like boiling asphalt, there was faint black smoke gathering from all directions and being absorbed by the heart.

"Yes, this is the center of the Corrupt Kingdom. It is the Heart of Corruption. I have seen it many times."

Swamp Thing pointed at the rotting heart and said with some excitement, "Abby used to live in the sea of ​​corpses under the heart.

Whenever I come here, she jumps out of the ocean like a mermaid and we embrace and kiss beneath the heart of decay."

Harley fantasized about that scene in her mind. If she completely gave up on human beauty, there would be an alternative kind of beauty and romance.

It was a hell of a dark romance.

"Witch Harley, you, you... how is that possible? How could you find this place directly?!"

As soon as they landed, before they had time to call Abidal, a panicked and angry voice came from the black sea of ​​death under their feet.

Unable to pinpoint the specific location, it seemed as if the entire black sea of ​​carrion was speaking.

But you can tell it's a man.

"It's you, Anton Akane!" Swamp Monster recognized the person and shouted: "Akane, why are you here? Now you have become the new black incarnation of decay? Where is Abby, you What did you do to Abby?”

"Swamp Thing, it's you! It must be you, you quietly brought Witch Harley in through the back door."

A splash of water rose above the black sea of ​​carrion. The corpse oil was too viscous, and the water splash didn't splash out. It could only be regarded as a big bulge.

The big swollen mass of the black sea of ​​corpse oil turned into a tall giant.

The giant is 10 meters tall, has no lips, is naked without a single hair, his skin is a dead gray color without the luster of life, and he wears a cloak woven from the hair of the dead.

"Witch Harley, leave my domain!"

The giant yelled at Harley first, and when he saw Harley's cold look on her face, as if she was about to take a step forward, he quickly trembled and took ten steps back. With some slight grievance, he shouted: "Abby is just the previous generation." The black incarnation of decay!

Now she has been rejected by the blackness of decay, and the blackness of decay calls my name.

I am the incarnation of death, this is my domain, you are not welcome! "

"Akain, don't talk nonsense, tell me where Abby is immediately?" Swamp Monster shouted.

Every superhero has at least one lifelong enemy.

One of Swamp Thing's lifelong enemies with Abby is Anton Arcane.

Abidal also had the surname "Akain" before marrying Alec, and Anton was her uncle.

Similar to Swamp Thing and Woodrue, Abby has the most powerful talent for the blackness of decay, but she is unwilling to become the incarnation of the blackness of decay.

His uncle Anton is not talented enough, but he is extremely obsessed with the Blackness of Decay. Becoming the incarnation of Blackness is his greatest ideal in life.

Woodrue has a close relationship with the Tree Council. He has done a lot of dirty work for the Tree Council and is very popular with the Tree Council. Anton also has a close relationship with the Death Council and has done a lot of dirty work for the Death Council.

Woodrue is just a thug of the Tree Council, and his status in the heart of the collective green consciousness of all things is not high.

Anton can even incite the Death Council to compete for territory with the Red of All Living Things and the Green of All Things, breaking the internal balance of the earth's life law system.

If Anton wasn't really talented enough, the Death Council would have preferred him to be the black incarnation of decay.

In his early years, Anton had even considered giving birth to a more powerful black incarnation of decay with his niece Abby.

"You will never find her, hahaha, Abby finally proved to be unqualified to be the incarnation of the Blackness of Decay.

Like thousands of ordinary people in the history of the earth, she had died completely. Her body had been completely integrated into the Kingdom of Corruption, and her soul had become a part of this place. "

Anton laughed heartily at the swamp monster while staring nervously at Harley out of the corner of his eye.

"Your name is Anton Akane? I am not interested in your feud with Alec and Abby. I only make two demands. If you meet them, I will leave."

Without waiting for his response, Harley raised two fingers and said to herself: "First, help me find Abby.

Even if it's just the last obsession.

Even if she really dies completely and merges into the Black of Decay, there will still be a will belonging to her in the collective consciousness of the Black of Decay.

Or, you find her last bones.

Secondly, cooperate with me honestly and let me imprint my holy power mark on the blackness of decay.

In other words, from today on, the Blackness of Decay belongs to me. "

Anton Akane was still trying his best to endure it at first. Even though he looked unhappy and was about to explode, he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

But when Harley finished her last words, he couldn't bear it any longer and roared angrily at Harley: "Witch Harley, you are indeed as arrogant and greedy as the rumors say!

The Blackness of Decay will always belong to me alone. It belongs to me, and I also belong to it. No one can snatch it away from me.

Whoever dares to snatch the Blackness of Decay is my enemy! "

Harry asked curiously: "Has Circe not come to see you yet?"

"Cersei~~" Anton's pupils shrank, and a look of rage suddenly froze on his face.

"It seems that you have already met her." Harry nodded thoughtfully and asked: "With Circe's character, she will definitely not give up the Blackness of Decay. The reason why you are alive is because you chose to show her love to her." surrender?

Since you can rely on her, why don't you want to change the family again? "

"I did not take refuge in Circe! The Black of Decay will always belong to me. Circe only wants my loyalty. She is not as greedy as you, trying to take away the Black of Decay completely." Anton shouted.

"Do you think you can refuse me?" Harley said lightly.

——Alec, I didn’t feel Abby’s breath, what about you?

The reason why she didn't directly shoot Anton to death was that Abby's location was still unknown.

Another reason is that the giant Anton in front of him is just the condensation of the power of death, not the true body. Since he has become the incarnation of the blackness of decay, there is no true body anymore. In the rotten country, Anton is the world itself.

"As soon as I got close to the heart of the Rotten Kingdom, I felt a sensation, as if I was at the bottom of the ocean of death." Swamp Monster responded secretly.

Harley tilted her head and said in surprise: "Did you really find Abby? Can you confirm the specific location?"

She didn't even use mental transmission this time and asked directly.

One was too surprised. She originally just asked casually and didn't have high hopes. After all, with her semi-transcendence mental power and the power of the Great Lord, she could not find any trace of Abby despite countless searches back and forth across the Rotten Country.

Another reason is that now that Abby has been found, there is no need to talk nonsense with Anton.

You can start directly.

The swamp monster didn't speak, and stretched out his right hand directly forward. The salad-like arm turned into a bunch of vines, extending directly to the dark sea of ​​death, growing rapidly toward the bottom.

Harley's spiritual will was attached to the vines, and she followed the vines all the way to a mysterious space in the deepest part of the ocean of death. She did not find Abby's bones, nor did she touch Abby's undead. Harley's spiritual power followed the swamp. The monster's vines enter a "spiritual bubble."

A tiny bubble at the bottom of the ocean of death.

Like a small bubble left behind when Abby's body and soul melted in the ocean.

Inside the bubble is a small world, Abby's spiritual world.

There are birds singing and flowers fragrant, the forest is dense, and there is a large swamp.

Abby, who was much younger than Harry remembered, sank at the bottom of the clear and deep swamp. Her long silver-white hair was like seaweed, like a recently drowned corpse.

"Obviously, this is the Amazon forest, the swamp where you lived together.

It should be a memory from more than ten years ago.

This is also the spiritual exterior space where her last remnant soul was formed.

Her last subconscious mind is hidden in this spiritual exterior space.

The swamp is the lake of the heart, you go down and wake her up. "

Harley looked around and sighed with a complicated expression: "You really love each other!"

You must know that Abby at this time is no longer human Abby Dal Holland.

Twenty years ago, when Harley, Abby, and Alec first met, they were both still humans.

Later, Alec was plotted by the Council of Trees and was forced to "voluntarily" give up his human body and become the incarnation of the green of all things.

At that time, Abby was still human, and the two still loved each other. They also gave birth to a daughter with the help of Zha Kang's body (the soul of the swamp monster entered Zha Kang's body and had sex with the human woman Abby).

That girl almost became the "second generation Son" in the Son's prophecy.

Within a few years, Abby was forced to give up her human body and become the embodiment of the blackness of decay.

As Swamp Thing said before, the current Swamp Thing, the former Alec Holland, and All Green can be counted as three people.

Swamp Thing is a fusion of Alec's consciousness and the Green of All Things.

Abby, the incarnation of death, is in a similar situation.

But as the incarnation of death, Abby's inner space is not a place of death, but full of green, a forest swamp, not black at all, but very green. Her love for him has transcended the essence of the soul. limit.

This kind of love is not only deep, but also very "advanced".

Only if the energy level is high enough, the love of the mortal Abby for Alec can be imprinted in the mind of the death god (the black incarnation of decay) without fading at all.

And Alec returned Abby's love.

Only he can find the "little spiritual space" hidden deep at the bottom of the ocean of death.

Harley's mental power swept back and forth countless times without detecting any trace of Abby. He found it all at once.

The love of mortal Alec is also undiminished in the mind of the god Swamp Thing.


Just as the swamp monster jumped into the swamp, intending to wake Abby up, the inner space of the rainforest swamp suddenly shook violently.

Harley looked up at the blue sky of the rainforest and said calmly: "Anton Akane also followed your vines. Don't worry, I'll take care of him."

She said this but made no move.

At this time, what was projected into the mental exterior space was just a wisp of Harley's mental power.

Harley's body has been slapped on the giant's body.

As she had expected before, the giant Anton was just transformed into the energy of death.

Even though she destroyed the giant, Anton did not die or stop moving.

"Witch Harley, I know you are strong, but this is the Kingdom of Corruption and my domain. You will never be able to kill me, but I will definitely bring death to you, I swear!"

After the giant Anton was defeated, Anton's resentful voice came from all directions.

Along with the sound came tens of thousands of densely packed zombies.

Animals and human corpses like zombies.

They have deformed bodies and are made up of a chaotic combination of numerous animal carcasses.

Their bodies were rotting, as if corpses that had been dead for half a month were coming back to life.

They are numerous in number and look terrifying, with their mouths wide open and their cloudy eyes reflecting a fierce and cruel light.


"Buzz~~" The next moment, the holy light filled the entire world, golden and white, and silently, they turned into nothingness in the holy light.

"Ouch, no, no, don't, don't kill me, I, I surrender, Witch Harley, Master Harley, don't-"

Anton Akane persisted longer than the living corpse he controlled, and finally had time to let out a long series of screams.

Screaming until the end, he found that he couldn't bear it anymore and began to beg for mercy.

He is the "lifelong enemy" of Alec and Abby. They have been entangled since Alec was still in college and have been entangled to this day. He is a veteran villain who has been active on the front line for decades.

Today is the most powerful moment in his life. He is the embodiment of the blackness of decay. He is death itself.

The Dead Sea never dries up, Anton never dies!

Today he met the most powerful enemy in his life. Harley stood there without moving. She just cooperated with the monarch to release the holy power of the thick-skinned war. She did not attack anyone with the holy power, but just let the holy power of the thick-skinned warrior naturally spread over Fuguopu. open.

It is equivalent to stretching in an extremely relaxed manner. The Dead Sea is not dry, but it is boiling.

Anton's consciousness was like wax paper falling into a stove. It didn't last long before it vanished into ashes.

If an outsider appears outside the Layton Juvenile Detention Center in Virginia, USA at this time, they can see wisps of holy light shining through the interior of the building that is surrounded by two "spirit rings" of darkness and coldness all year round.

If you enter the building and come to the wall, you can directly feel the burning heat of the holy light coming from the cracks.

If he were not a god, but just an ordinary mage, standing under the holy light coming from the gap, he might be burned, or even his body would spontaneously combust, turning into a wisp of magic power from the holy breath.

It’s not that the country is corrupt and not strong.

The earth's life system, which even Harley is indifferent to and even the grievances cannot make much improvement on, is already perfect.

However, Harley is too buggy at this time.

Harley almost stayed in the Kingdom of Corruption for a full day and night.

Mainly for Abidal.

Not just to save her.

It is not difficult to save Abby, just like rescuing Maxin in the Red Space of All Beings. In fact, saving Abby is much easier than saving Maxin.

Ma Kexin was robbed of a large amount of her soul by the witch boy, and it would be very troublesome to get it back.

Abby didn't have this problem. After Harley forcibly infiltrated the entire Corrupt Kingdom with the power of the thick-skinned war god, and then returned the power of death to Abby, Abby initially recovered.

The total time spent was less than two hours.

The reason why it was delayed for a day and a night was because Abby, the incarnation of death, was too ugly.

She became a black man.

It's not the kind of black skin, it's the kind of blackness that occurs when the skin has rotted and turned black after being dead for too long.

Although she can extract bones from animal carcasses to forge armor that fits the skin, the rotten nature of her body has not changed. Only the smell is intolerable to a normal person.

Until she truly understands her love for Swamp Thing, Harley may be letting her make do, and that's how she always has been.

Now Harley has a good impression of these two couples and wants to do something for them.

If it is the red of all living things and the green of all things, she can't do anything she wants to do, she has no ability, and her expertise is inappropriate.

Black of Decay has a slightly more professional counterpart.

Because Harley is the only Death God in the multiverse who is directly subordinate to the second sister!

The real God of Death should be in charge of death and rebirth at the same time, just like the second sister.

The second sister's name is "Death". In fact, she is also the embodiment of the law of life in the multiverse.

Harley is also in charge of death and rebirth, and her reincarnation seal contains the "life" rules.

The blackness of decay is the pure death of decay.

It is not a pure law of death, its main attribute is actually decay.

The second sister is death, the second sister is beautiful and fragrant, and Harley is the god of death, also beautiful and refreshing.

The "Black Incarnation of Corruption" is also the god of death in theory, but Abby is rotten, dirty and smelly.

It has nothing to do with the death godhead, it is purely a side effect of the decaying godhead.

As the "incarnation of rot", it must rot.

When it rots, it stinks.

Harley spent a day adding two divinities to Abby through the reincarnation seal: reincarnation and rebirth.

In fact, the level 9 life defense expertise and the level 9 death defense expertise are used as seals, and the holy power of war blessed by the monarch's power is used as ink pad, leaving a "reincarnation of life and death" holy power mark deep in Abby's soul.

Compared with the comprehensive "thick-skinned holy power", the holy power of reincarnation is more targeted and professional, and its "distortion" (change) of Abby is more positive.

Now Abby no longer smells or is dirty and rotten.

She even exudes a faint holy light, giving her a holy beauty.

Regardless of appearance, temperament or aura, she is like a goddess.

"Alec, how do you feel now? Are you satisfied?"

Harley looked at the newly minted Abby with admiration and satisfaction.

It's like a master craftsman looking at the work he created in a lifetime.

"More than satisfied, I feel a little ashamed of myself now."

Swamp Thing looked away with difficulty and murmured: "Harley, can you help me transform myself? It doesn't need to be as young, energetic, holy and elegant as Abby, as long as it has a human appearance."

"Oh, just wait a little longer. I happen to have the God of Death, but I don't know much about the rules of the Green of All Things. If I forcefully transform it, it will only make me less and less like a human being."

"Goddess Abby" walked up to Swamp Monster, held his hand tenderly, and leaned into his arms, "You should understand that I will never dislike you the way you are now."

"Abby." Their lips pressed together.

"Abby, Alec, you can continue to stay in Fu Country to reminisce about the past, I won't disturb you anymore."

Harley admires the love between the two, but doesn't want to be a light bulb.

With all the life systems under control, she waved to the two of them and disappeared into the rotten country that had become bright and clean.

After a while, Lishan.

"Didn't you say you would be back soon? Why have you been gone so long?" Xanadu asked curiously.

Harley looked around. Both Zha Kang and Xiao Zha had anxious expressions.

Zha Kang was fine, but he looked a little tired.

Xiao Zha seemed to have not slept, and there were obvious dark circles around his eyes.

In addition to the original people of Lishan Manor, Stranger, Old Kent and "Doctor Destiny" were also there.

They haven't left yet.

"I saw Abby in the Kingdom of Decay. She was not in good condition."

Harley didn't hold anything back and recounted her experience in the rotten country in detail.

"No wonder, I feel that the earth's life law system has undergone obvious changes." Old Kent suddenly realized.

Little Kent, who was wearing a Naboo helmet, hesitated and said: "This change is not very good. The black of decay may have become stronger, but its balance with the red of all living things and the green of all things is broken.

The operation of the life law system is obviously not as smooth as before.

Problems will definitely occur over time.

Especially now that the Council of Elements has been abolished.

On the surface, the Elemental Council and the life system have no direct connection, but they form a large system together.

Like two legs of a human being, now the earth is missing one leg, and the only remaining leg is still a little lame.”

Dr. Destiny's analysis is very accurate.

No matter his combat power, no one can surpass him in terms of his understanding of the earth's basic law system, not even Harley.

"If you're lame, just be lame. At least now this leg belongs to us, to humans on Earth, and it will never turn its elbow outward." Harley said with a faint smile.

Dr. Fate stopped talking, and Old Kent also lowered his head in embarrassment.

Stranger said: "Wouldn't it be better if both legs belong to you and humans? Why do you want to destroy the Parliament of Elements?

Is it because the Elemental Council is unruly?

In fact, you don't have to worry about it. The Elemental Council's unruliness is not directed at you.

Even when facing the God of Order, they are still full of character.

But they are not bad people, and it is not that they cannot be convinced by reason.

Even if you can't be convinced, there's still Dr. Fate.

After discovering that you had begun to incorporate the Earth's basic law system, he took the initiative to bring the 'Oath Slate' to Lishan, intending to hand it over to you. "

He looked at Little Kent, who spread out his right hand, golden light flashed in his palm, and a stone tablet with ancient writing on it appeared in his hand.

The stone slab is as big as a basin. Both the front and back are densely engraved with hieroglyphs, and it also emits the power fluctuations of the divine order.

Not only does it have the aura of elemental power, but it also has the power of life.

"This is a contract and the general outline of the earth's basic law system." Doctor Destiny held the slate and introduced to Harley: "Activating the power of order in the slate can completely restart the entire earth's basic law system.

Even if the elemental spirits disobey, their will will be restarted, and their spirituality will not weaken at all, but they will no longer have the consciousness of resistance.

Even if the elemental spirits and life incarnations are left with magic marks by the Resentful Woman, as long as the Resentful Woman eventually disappears or is sealed, as long as the elemental spirits cooperate with the life incarnations, they can refining their power.

That is to say, the elemental spirits and life incarnations hand over their power, and they become human bodies again. Their miraculous power completes the order restart in the stone slab, and is refined into a new and pollution-free power.

Then give the power back and everything will function normally as before. "

Harley reached out and took the slate over, and while reading it up and down, she said, "It's a good idea, but it's a pity that the past has become a shadow. The past days can never come back. We all have to face reality and accept it."

This slate is indeed powerful. It not only has the final control backdoor of the Parliament of Life and the Parliament of Elements, but also contains the original data of the basic law system of the earth. After the crisis is over, the basic law system can be restored to factory settings, thereby regaining control of the power of order.

Harley turned her hand and the slate was put away by her.

Both Kents, old and young, stared wide-eyed and murmured: "Harry, where are you, the slate?"

Harley in turn glared at them, "Didn't you come here to give me the slate?

Although it is useless, it is even more useless to you. The basic law system of the earth already belongs to me! "


Sending a slate does not mean giving a slate to you!

But she was right.

If the slate is used to complete the system restart, the slate will not only be useful, but "Doctor Destiny" will also be in charge of the earth's basic law system again.

Now that Harley has made it clear that she will no longer hand over the earth's basic law system to the order "Dr. Destiny", and she does not rely on the slate to control the Parliament of Life, the slate will be useless.

Of course, the tablet itself is an instruction manual on the earth's basic law system, and it is not useless in any way.

Otherwise, Harley wouldn't be able to get it.

She will not rebuild the system of the God of Order, but with the design drawings of the old buildings in hand, it will definitely be easier to rebuild.

"I abolished the Parliament of Elements, not because they were unruly, but because they wanted to be unruly, but they didn't even look at who I was.

The reason why I got rid of those four low-grade products is because they are too low-grade and are not worthy of me or the earth with me.

What, waves, steam, could represent water and wind? "

The expressions of all the mages were a little distorted.

"In the past millions of years, it has been those four elemental spirits, and no one has ever thought they were inferior." Xanadu said.

"In the past, there was the King of Martial God, there was the God of War in Heaven, and there is me who is about to step into the omnipotent universe?" Harley asked.

Zha Kang said: "Didn't you thrive in the environment created by the four elemental spirits in the past? You can achieve what you have today, and you have to say that they also have a share of the credit."

"No, my growth has nothing to do with them. As everyone knows, I have no magic power and do not use magic. I am a pure martial artist and have never really used elemental power." Harley said.

Old Kent said sincerely: "Even if you despise them as low, you haven't found a replacement yet!"

"You're right. I can hold my nose and tolerate them for a while, but let's forget they are low. They don't have the knowledge that they are low. Not only do they bow before me, but they also dare to play tricks with Circe. Hook up and hook up.”

Harley once again told Circe about secretly seizing the earth's basic law system.

Old Kent sighed, completely speechless.

"Cersei is indeed the last 'Witch Fire'. Now that the grudge is dead, she has completely controlled the magical power of Hecate in her body." The impression we had of her in the past.”

Zatanna said worriedly: "Harley, now that Circe has replaced the Grudge and become our new threat, can we still go to the Weird Motherland as originally planned?"

"Haha, I had some doubts before, but don't worry now, Circe is just a clown, nothing to be afraid of." Harley said with a confident smile.

"She conspired against you, the Grudge, and the Upside Down. She plotted against the three top bosses at the same time during the magic debt crisis, became a real oriole, and acted like a clown?" Xanadu looked at her suspiciously and asked.

Harley said: "A dog is staring at you closely, thinking that if you poop, it will rush up and feast on you. You know what it thinks, but you can't hold it in anymore. Will you poop?"

You pooped on Daddy and it happily ate a meal. Would you feel annoyed and frustrated because you were plotted against and suffered huge losses? "

Xanadu looked disgusted, "If you have something to say, just say it. As for using such a disgusting metaphor?"

Harley ignored her, turned to Xiao Zha, and further explained: "I have competed with Circe before in the Red Dimension of All Living Beings. She was so angry at the time that she probably didn't have any energy left.

Her magical power is not low, and she even has the ability to rewrite magic, but she is not a grudge after all, and the pressure she puts on me is less than one-tenth of the grudge of the 'Half-Step Peak' grudge.

Not only is her magical power far inferior to that of Grudge, but her magic level, her control over magic marks, magical powers, and the magical rules of the multiverse are all inferior to Grudge.

I even doubt that she can harvest magic power from beings above gods. "

"Even harvesting the gods is a problem. You only have 50% of your strength left, so you should be able to deal with her easily." Xiao Zha breathed a sigh of relief.

"I deal with her? She doesn't deserve it!" Harley curled her lips and said with contempt: "In the past, she was a fan and lifelong enemy of Wonder Woman, but now she is still Diana's mission.

I'll call Diana later and ask her to deal with the affairs of Paradise Island as soon as possible, and then solve her 'own' trouble. "

"Can Diana do it alone? Circe is a 'little Hecate' after all!" Selina said worriedly.

"Cersei is no longer the same as before. Is Diana still the Wonder Woman before? She has the magic power of chaos and magical power. Like Circe, her souls were burned with the Seal of March by the Grudge herself.' The Chosen One'."

Old Kent nodded slowly and said: "If Harley's judgment is correct and Circe has difficulty harvesting gods, then she obviously cannot harvest Diana.

As long as she is not harvested directly, Wonder Woman, who possesses the power of thick skin, will not lose. "

Xiao Zha suddenly stood up and said: "In that case, let's set off."

"Now? You need to have a good sleep." Harley frowned.

"I can't sleep. I'm very excited right now. You don't have to worry about me." Xiao Zha said with a firm expression.

"Okay, let's go to the strange motherland now."

"Harley, Xiao Zha, I'll go with you." Dr. Destiny stood up and said.

"You?" Harley's eyes flashed with suspicion and thinking, and then turned to Old Kent, "You want to go too?"

"No, with only 'Doctor Destiny', I am just an ordinary mage now." Old Kent smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Stranger, what about you?" Harley asked again.

Stranger said: "I won't go, but I suggest you take 'Doctor Destiny' with you?"

"Why? What on earth are you doing? What does Nabu want to do?" Harley asked via voice transmission.

The stranger looked hesitant.

After a while, he responded softly: "Just think of this as Silver City's arrangement!

Once you go to the Strange Mother Realm, Naboo will not be able to affect you no matter what. "

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