I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1937 Incorporation of “APP”

Hearing that Lord Michael took the initiative to ask what help he needed, Harley was very happy and immediately said: "For me, the biggest difficulty in entering the strange motherland is the safety issue at home.

After all, the strange homeland cannot be equated with the strangeness itself. I didn't enter their homeland. They immediately returned to the city to defend their home like the characters in the tower guarding game. "

The current confrontation between Harley and the Upside Down is a bit like fighting games such as "DOTA" and "King of Pesticide".

Both sides have their hometowns, Harley's hometown is Lishan, and the Upside Down's hometown is the core of the strange motherland.

At this time, Harley's side seems to be in an advantage, but all the defense towers in front of her hometown have been destroyed. In other words, from the beginning, there are no defense towers on her side at all, and the map is fully open.

The Upside Down on the other side has a full set of defense towers, and the defense towers are the mother domain itself.

The strange motherland is a general term. It does not mean that entering the strange motherland will directly lead to the lair of the Upside Down.

Just like entering hell is not the same as arriving at a certain devil's lair.

The "Spring" (core lair) of the Upside Down must also be inside the strange motherland, but it is still shrouded in fog, and Harley can't even figure out its location.

The Upside Down's side has defense towers and a complete fog of war. Harley's side has no defense towers at the beginning and is also equipped with a "super eye". There is no fog of war to cover up. What happened to Gotham and Lishan will be immediately known to the enemy. .

Entering the strange motherland at this time means forcibly passing through an unknown area protected by defense towers and stealing people's hometown.

Her theft behavior must not be hidden from the upside down people.

The Upside Down also knows that she won't be able to find her core lair for a while, so she can calmly steal the "Harley Spring" that opens up the fog of war, has an unobstructed view, and has no heroes guarding the home.

Harley doesn't have only disadvantages but no advantages.

Her "game hero" development is relatively good, and she has six levels of divine equipment when she reaches the highest level.

The upside-down man on the opposite side has just received a wave of bonuses and seems to be growing rapidly. He is about to reach full level. He has to fight to find out if he has any magical equipment.

"As long as I can ensure the safety of Lishan and Gotham, don't penetrate the strange motherland, and don't rescue Uriel and other angel spirits, I vow not to return them!" Harley stared at Michael and said firmly.

The situation she was currently facing was obvious enough to anyone watching.

No need to elaborate, Michael can understand.

After pondering for a moment, the Maharaja said: "Extraordinary mages who do not believe in the Lord are generally not allowed to enter the interior of heaven.

It’s not that heaven discriminates against them.

Basically, mages are involved in black magic, contaminated by the power of hell and the power of evil gods from outside. If they stay in heaven for a long time, it will pollute the original holiness of heaven.

It is real pollution, not conceptual embellishment.

Especially the 'bottom paradise' at the lower level of Silver City has been affected the most, and they are the ones who are least allowed to be disturbed or harmed.

But hell has no such restrictions.

Maybe you can send your family and friends who don't have magic power to heaven, and your magician friends who have magic power to hell, and let them hide in the depths of hell.

After obtaining the magical power, heaven and hell will definitely no longer have the Upside Down rushing through the doors unscrupulously. "

Harley wasn't too happy with this "help."

Basically what Michael said, she could think of it herself, no surprises, not much help.

"If it was before the magic debt crisis started, there would be no problem with my arrangement like this, but now I have made promises to too many people.

In addition to my own friends, there are tens of millions of undersea people, hundreds of wizards, goddesses, and fairies who have taken refuge in me, the alien ambassador block in the metropolis, the Grand Commander's mansion, and the Amazons

I have made so many promises during this time that I can’t remember them all. "

"Even if I can't remember clearly, I will keep my promise. As everyone knows, Harley Quinn promises a thousand pieces of gold!" Harley said solemnly.

Several archangels couldn't hold back any longer, and their expressions became a little distorted.

Michael touched his nose, tried to maintain a calm expression, and said: "You should understand that heaven can currently protect itself, but it is impossible to protect the entire earth."

After a pause, he continued: "Are you planning to arrange for a bloodline clone to enter the strange motherland?

What do you think? You leave your bloodline clone to station in Gotham, and the main body goes to the strange motherland.

Of course, you can arrange in advance for a group of people to enter the protection areas of heaven and hell.

The bloodline clones are in constant contact with the Voice of Heaven, and Raphael and the others will be on call at any time.

Just like before when you guarded the gate of heaven, they used their strength and power to help you behind the gate.

This time the door to heaven is no longer closed, not completely closed, leaving a larger energy channel.

If something strange attacks Gotham, your bloodline clone can summon Heavenly Punishment to help.

The bloodline clone does not need to drive the power of the monarch by itself.

As long as you can speak, speak the Dharma, and the power of heaven will naturally respond.

It’s equivalent to having an extra ‘plug-in king’.

I guarantee you that this ‘plug-in king’ will perform no worse than when you personally control the power of the king. "

Since it was promised by Michael himself, the effect is definitely guaranteed.

Harley thought for a while and asked, "Can you take the 'Checker King' to the strange motherland?"

Michael said flatly: "Definitely not! Don't you understand what I mean?

The main universe, Earth and Gotham, are both within the reach of Heaven, so there can be a cheat king.

It is equivalent to the entire heaven becoming your artillery support.

Your bloodline avatar is connected to the Voice of Heaven, just like maintaining contact with the rear during a battle at the front. When encountering a tough battle, it will give the coordinates of the bombing target, and the rear artillery brigade will immediately rumble and clear it at the designated location.

But in the strange motherland, we are beyond our reach, our vision cannot see through, our knowledge is incomplete, our power cannot reach you through the air, we cannot even contact you with the voice of the sky, we cannot project artillery, and we cannot help you. "

Harry waved his hand and said, "I understand what 'The King of Cheats' means.

What I mean is that there is no need for detailed coordinates, just bombard the strange nest.

Since we have already broken up with the upside down people, there is no need to hold back.

When I enter the strange motherland, I will be merciless, use all my strength, and destroy with all my strength. If I can break the dimensional barrier with one move, I will definitely not only break time and space.

The one who can destroy the dark rules in the Brood is not just killing people and setting fires.

What the Upside Down wants to do to Gotham and Heaven, we must not only do it all, but do it even harder.

What kind of precise positioning is needed?

When I tear apart the sky and break the dimensional wall in the strange motherland, you will fire at me immediately, without worrying about my safety, and directly put the maximum power at my exposed position.

Use as much force as you can.

Don't stop until I take the initiative to say stop, even if the strange motherland has become a white field. "

Michael stared at her for a while and then said: "As expected of the Witch Harley, she is so ruthless and stunning."

"Being kind to evil is cruel to justice. I would rather harm evil than do justice to be violated." Harley said righteously.

Michael raised his right hand, interlocked his thumb and index finger, and showed three fingers, "I have three questions. First, do you know what is going on in the Weird Mother Realm?

Are you sure there are dimensional barriers and dark laws inside?

Your "bombing" plan has two major premises: first, the strange motherland is like a pocket, with space inside and dimensional walls outside the space, just like the normal dimensions in the universe; second, you have the ability to penetrate the pocket at will. wall ability.

What can you guarantee?

I've heard of your 'small unit' and 'large unit' magic power measurement methods.

One ‘big unit’ equals a multiverse of magic.

You said you grabbed the magic power of two large units from Weird.

Have you ever thought about it, the Upside Down is the reflection of Hecate, and there is as much dark magic as there is light magic.

Why do you absorb twice as much dark magic power as light magic power?

You are definitely not lying. The magic power you stole is actually 10 million small units, and the light magic power is indeed only 5 million, so there is only one possibility left - the situation inside the strange mother domain is very complicated, beyond the cognition of normal people. "

“The second question is, how effective can it be to attack outside reality from within?

Heaven and earth are both within reality, but the strange motherland is outside reality with no direction or location.

When divine punishment is sent from heaven to the earth, the accuracy and intensity can be guaranteed 100%, and the effect you expect can be achieved 100%.

Putting Divine Punishment outside of reality, to be honest, I'm not sure whether it can hit the target. "

Michael put down his right hand and said: "The third question is, do you know what fate is like at this time?

In the event that the Upside Down gets the destiny, the Origin accepts it as the new master of magic, and its lair becomes the new 'source of miracles' in the multiverse.

Our heaven is going all out to attack the newly appointed ‘Frontier Official’, wouldn’t we be turning into traitors?

Protect Gotham, protect the earth, no matter what we do, we have a reason.

I am not afraid of the "court reaction" when attacking a 'court official', but there is no need to make myself uncomfortable. "

Harley patted her chest and said: "The three questions can be grouped into one point, and I only need to give one answer - if something goes wrong, I will take care of it!

No matter how strange the nest is beyond normal people's cognition, I promise to penetrate its barrier and send information so that you can lock it.

It doesn't matter if the lock fails.

I just fell into a bloodline clone, and the worst I could do was to do it all over again.

Destiny is simpler.

Now you canonize me as the ‘Generalissimo fully responsible for the magic debt crisis’.

Lord Michael, you consider yourself my deputy and a deputy marshal.

If something happens, you rush to "Origin" to remove me from my post and investigate. "

Michael frowned and said: "You are not afraid of the bloodline clone being trapped, so why don't you come in person?

If you are here in person, even if you fail, I believe you can escape.

Protecting the earth is indeed a heavy responsibility, but didn’t I say that important people should be transferred to heaven and hell?

Those who don’t matter.”

After hesitating for a moment, he said frankly: "Are those unimportant ordinary people more important than Uriel and the Flame Angel Legion?"

That's the point.

Heaven fully supports Harley's attack on the strange motherland, not for morality. Or it is somewhat moral, but the core interest appeal is to save the angel army that was harvested before.

Harry himself went over, hoping for greater success.

It is also easier and easier for the "Cheater King" to defend Gotham, and the negative effects of Paradise are minimal.

Using "cannons" to cleanse the strange motherland is not only extremely difficult and costly, but has an extremely low chance of success, it will also endanger the remnant souls of angels such as Uriel.

Harley can yell "shoot at me, I'm not afraid".

Uriel and the others are lonely ghosts, and they will definitely not be able to bear it.

Harley thought for a while and said: "The Upside Down will probably become our long-term enemy. There is no need to rush to defeat it and save Uriel and other angels.

I first arranged for the blood clone to follow Zatanna to the strange motherland, provide them with protection while she rescued her father, and also inquire about the situation inside the motherland.

Understand the situation first, then make a plan. When I finally take action, I will definitely go all out. "

"Well, this is safer." Michael nodded lightly.

Half a day later, Lishan Manor.

"Why have you been gone for so long? Heaven is unwilling to hand over its magical power. Are you arguing with them?" Zha Kang asked.

There was a bit of anxiety on his face, because his wife Zatanna couldn't hide her anxiety.

Even Diana's face was no longer as bright and confident as before, she seemed restless and full of melancholy.

Harry originally planned to brag about how he was received with high standards by the archangels in heaven, how he enjoyed the millions of angels' welcome in the Silver City, and how the scene was filled with loud gongs and drums and waving flags. It was almost the same as the Romans welcoming Caesar's triumphant return to the city. , "Saint Aunt in Heaven" is worthy of her name.

Seeing them like this, it was hard for her to say anything about her indulging in pleasure and wasting time.

"Magic power is not a big deal, it can be solved in two sentences. The key is the next action. After learning that I planned to attack the strange motherland, the Great Lord Michael and all the archangels gave me advice.

In the end, they decided to form a "Super Angel Artillery Array". A group of archangels are always stationed at the gate of heaven, with their sharp and determined eyes always staring at Gotham.

Just waiting for my order, they will immediately work together to use their strength and power to bring down divine punishment on my enemies."

Harley kept talking and explained the plan of "The King of Cheats" in detail.

"I spent two hours getting familiar with, adapting to, and cooperating with their array and power. Now everything is ready, and the cheat king is already hanging on me.

At this time, I can, in a single thought, call for divine punishment from heaven that is far beyond that of an ordinary king. "

She only acted as "Silver City Caesar" for half an hour, and the rest of the time was spent doing business.

After the conversation with Michael and the others, she personally cooperated with Raphael and the others to form the "Check-in King" array, and became familiar with the entire process of the "Check-in King" operation.

After confirming that every detail was OK, Harley returned to Earth with confidence.

It is better to become familiar with the power of the "Checker King" now than to improvise and learn while fighting.

"With the 'Plug-in King', can you put more power into the bloodline clone?" Zha Kang said happily.

"Yes, if I only dared to use 30% of my strength to invest in the strange motherland before, I can use half of it now." Harley said.

Zha Kang glanced at his wife and asked: "Since the cheat king is ready, can we start taking action now?"

Harry raised his eyebrows, "You decided to take action immediately?"

Xiao Zha understood that it was up to him to make the decision to enter the strange motherland, and said: "Let's wait a little longer. According to Harley's original plan, we will gradually master the basic laws of the earth."

Harley nodded and said, "I'll start now."

With that said, she stood up and left the warm sofa, ready to take action immediately.

Seeing Diana also getting up, she looked over suspiciously and asked, "Diana, have you contacted your mother? How is she doing now?"

From the moment she entered the door, she saw Diana looking worried.

But when the topic of "entering the strange motherland" was discussed, she said nothing and was still absent-minded.

Harley guessed that it might be related to her mother, so she took the initiative to ask.

"I don't know, Harley, how do you think my mother is doing now? Can I go back to Paradise Island to find her now?"

There was worry and uneasiness in Diana's eyes, "Your bloodline clone told me earlier that if she hadn't appeared in time, the bodies of Xuan Lan, Endo and Wu Huo would have been absorbed by the Upside Down along with the consciousness of the resentful woman.

My mother has been harvested by the Resentful Woman and is part of the Resentful Woman, will she——"

She shook her head vigorously, "No, no, my mother must be fine. Harley, can you go back to Paradise Island with me?"

"Okay, let's go to Paradise Island now."

Harley turned to Xiao Zha and Zha Kang and said, "Just wait for me here. I'll be back soon."

She took Diana and took a step forward, traveling through space from Mount Li to Paradise Island.

Directly lock onto Hippolyta and appear next to her.

Queen Hippolyta is not a "crude" Amazon warrior.

At this time, she was wearing a golden crown, and her dress was also very gorgeous, with jewelry made of gold, silver, jade, and gems dotted on her hair and body.

It's not a pure queen's crown dress.

In fact, the Amazon Queen does not need too gorgeous and complicated clothes.

At this time Hippolyta was presiding over the sacrificial ceremony.

She knelt on her knees, prostrate under the statue of the Three Phase Goddess, with Amazon female warriors beside and behind her.

There's even a deity that Harley is familiar with - Athena, the goddess of wisdom! (ps)

Athena wore a blue ancient Greek dress and knelt down together with Hippolyta. She was closer to the statue than the others, but half a step behind Hippolyta.

"Diana, why did you come back before we separated? I warned you - Witch Harley, ahem, His Majesty the King of Martial God, you are here too."

Harley can cover up the spatial fluctuations during teleportation, and can easily cover up the aura on her body.

This transmission was without any cover-up, and even deliberately leaked the space atmosphere. The space fluctuations had spread before she landed, alarming Hippolyta and others.

As soon as she saw her daughter, Hippolyta stood up excitedly.

He was halfway through his scolding before he noticed Harley next to him.

After a few pleasantries and greetings, Hippolyta asked Athena for instructions, and then asked the other Amazons to continue praying to the statue of the three-phase goddess until the ceremony was completed.

She and Athena took Harry and Diana to the back garden.

"I thought you were staying in the forest behind the mountain."

Harley looked at the dignified and elegant Athena with doubts in her eyes.

If it were more than twenty years ago when she first debuted, or when she first met sisters Clio and Calliope, if she had the opportunity to meet the famous God of Wisdom, she would be very looking forward to it, happy, joyful, and solemn.


When Cleo took Athena to Lishan Manor earlier, Harry only took the time to see her once and dismissed her with a few polite words.

"I thought about it, but I still feel that I am not suitable for the 'Paradise Mountain Song and Dance Ensemble'. I didn't swear, so I didn't stay any longer." Athena smiled beautifully, but she couldn't hide her embarrassment.

Harley asked suspiciously: "Are you not a grudge spy who went to Lishan several times to inquire about information?"

Athena contacted Cleo very early, and her intention to go to Mount Lys was very obvious.

Before, Harry didn't expect that not only did the Resentment have followers, but the followers also directly conducted public activities on Paradise Island, so she didn't think much about it.

Now that it is known that there are gods who survive the magical debt crisis by becoming followers of the Grudge, Athena's earlier strange behavior is questionable.

"No, how dare I go to Lishan to be a spy?" Athena shook her head repeatedly and quickly explained: "I haven't met you or talked to you at all, right?

I'm just worried about Cleo and the others' safety, and want to find another way out.

If it weren’t for the fact that the contract period for the Paradise Mountain Song and Dance Ensemble was too long, I would have stayed in Lishan and not left. "

Harley was noncommittal, took another deep look at her, and then turned her gaze to Hippolyta.

The purpose of this trip is not to catch spies, Hippolyta is the key.

"Queen Hippolyta, do you know that the Grudge is dead? How do you feel now?"

"Ah, grudge - the goddess of three phases is dead? It's impossible, right?!"

Hippolyta and Athena both had very strange expressions.

When they heard that the complainer was dead, they were thoughtful and enlightened for a moment, but soon became shocked and suspicious.

Diana quickly recounted the battle three days ago.

"Harry, have you checked? How is my mother's condition?" She turned her questioning gaze to Harley again.

Harley said strangely: "Your mother is very normal, which is in line with my previous expectations. But she is too normal, so normal that it is a bit abnormal."

Diana was obviously relieved, "What does it mean to be too normal?"

"I had guessed before that if the resentful woman could be killed with lightning speed, your mother would not be greatly affected.

Like if I were killed by someone else, you wouldn't be affected immediately.

Well, if I am harvested and the person who harvests me absorbs and digests all my miraculous power, and finally masters the thick-skin mark, then if it has any ill intentions towards you, you will be implicated.

Although the Upside Down Man swallowed the Grudge, it has not even completed its digestion and absorption. Whether it can inherit 100% of Hecate's magical power is unclear. It is impossible to attack your mother across the world dimension, at least for now. "

There is still a difference between Hippolyta and "Xuanlan·Grudge".

"Xuanlan · Resentful Woman" is really a part of Resentful Woman.

Although Hippolyta can be said to be a part of the Grudge, it is a part that has been cut off and divided. There is no direct connection between the two, only the connection through the magic mark.

"If I am completely killed, the thick-skinned divine power in your body and your soul will change significantly, which you should also feel deeply.

When I was harvested by the resentful woman in the battle of heaven, you felt it immediately. "

Harley pointed at Hippolyta and continued: "Look at your mother again. She is not the favored one of the God of Resentment, but she has been harvested. In theory, all her divine power comes from Resentment.

But she is almost the same as before, even the fluctuations of her soul are as stable as before, which is a bit abnormal. "

Hippolyta's current state made Harley wonder whether she had lied before or had hallucinations. She had not been completely harvested by the grudge at all. She had always been the same as an ordinary Amazon female warrior.

But the statue of the three-phase goddess placed in the hall also shows that Paradise Island has indeed begun to believe in Hecate very early, and there are many devout true believers among them.

Even if Hippolyta had hallucinations, was deceived by the resentful woman, and was not harvested thousands of years ago, she would still be harvested at this moment.

"Mother, how do you feel?" Diana became nervous again.

Hippolyta hesitated and said: "The battle between the King of Martial God and the Three-Phase Goddess was very fierce, and we all sensed the elemental storm from Limbo in the material world.

The huge and high-energy magic is entangled with the holy power of heaven, causing the world 'below' to tremble slightly.

In the end, when the Three-Phase Goddess was eaten by the Upside Down - we didn't know the result before you told us. At that time, we were also praying to the Three-Phase Goddess in the temple.

We have been praying to her these days.

The miserable wail of the Three Phase Goddess came from the head in the center of the statue. The wail lasted for a while, but it was just a wail, with no clear oracle left.

We were so frightened that we were trembling, the fear in our hearts could not be suppressed, our consciousness was a little confused because of too much fear, and we did not dare to take the initiative to contact Him.

We only knew that the Three-Phase Goddess was in big trouble, but we never thought that she was completely dead because the faith in the statue was not broken.

As you saw just now, only the middle head of the statue has a few deep cracks. The other two heads, no, only one head is intact at this time, and the other one was cracked earlier. "

"Why is the Three-Phase Goddess the 'Three-Phase Goddess'? The Three-Phase Goddess has three heads and three faces."

The Amazon Queen looked at Harley with wide eyes, and her voice seemed to mean something.

Harley fell into deep thought. The goddess of three phases was just a priesthood of Hecate. Originally, the three phases represented girls, couples and old women.

The old woman should be the original complaining woman.

The Grudge obviously cannot be equated with Hecate, especially after she sent Twilight away and so on, Twilight, with a split head.

"When did the first head crack?" Harley asked, staring at Hippolyta.

"Probably after Xuanlan, Enduo and Diana were visited by the resentful woman, at the specific time... Otherwise, I will share my consciousness with you." Hippolyta said and took the initiative to open the sea of ​​consciousness.

"As expected." Harley's suspicion was verified.

When she cut off Dusk from the resentful woman, cracks appeared in her head for the first time. When she sent Dusk away and into reincarnation, the cracks began to appear one after another, and the head of the "girl" on the left became dim.

Now another head is split open, the old woman's head in the middle.

Only the last "adult" head remains.

Harley thought about that "weird" Circe!

She glanced at Athena, who kept her head down and pretended to be dead, and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Athena raised her head, which had been lowered, with a confused expression: When did I say what I wanted to say? Or, which expression of mine indicates what I want to say?

I don’t want to say anything, I don’t dare to say anything, I don’t even dare to think about it.

It's best for you to stay away from me, even if you bring me news of the resentment's death.

"I feel that the fusion of the Upside Down Man and Her Majesty the Three Phase Goddess is not simple, and it does not mean that the Upside Down Man has an absolute advantage.

Her Majesty the Three Phase Goddess will never truly die.

The magic flame of miracles will never be extinguished, and the master of magic will never die! "

Athena hesitated again and again, but finally did not dare to fool Harley, so she expressed her basic point of view vaguely.

Harley nodded slightly and asked, "Now that the grudge is dead, what are your plans next?"

"Plan." Athena hesitated for a moment and said: "My words are probably the same as before. I will continue to serve the three-phase goddess on Paradise Island."

"Me too, even if the crisis is completely over, I will not give up serving the three-phase goddess." Hippolyta said.

——If the crisis is completely over and you, Witch Harley, have a great victory, the Three-Phase Goddess is just a wooden sculpture, and serving her will have no side effects; if you cannot win a complete victory, the Three-Phase Goddess is not dead, and serving the Three-Phase Goddess is even worse. No harm.

Athena and Hippolyta both thought so.

One is the God of Wisdom, and the other is an old politician (Queen) who has lived for millions of years, both of whom lack the wisdom to survive.

Harry said calmly: "It would be fine if the grudge is completely dead. If she is in a bad situation but not completely dead, your faith will be of great benefit to her.

Previously, she had great ambitions and great courage. She focused all her energy on the power of the basic laws of the heavenly realm, and she never even glanced at you.

Waste of time, waste of energy.

Now that she is in a desperate situation but has no cards, she will need you very much and will naturally pay great attention to you.

In other words, she may only have one choice left: relying on you. "

The faces of the Goddess of Wisdom and the Amazon Queen suddenly turned white, and their lips trembled slightly.

The belief in the idol has not been cut off, and the three-phase goddess has not died completely. They have also taken the initiative to establish a faith connection with her. Is it true that as "Witch Harley" said, they have become her only support?

It sounds terrible to be the only support for a resentful woman.

"Your Majesty the King of Martial God, what should we do now? Can we go to Lishan for a while?" Athena asked shamelessly.

"Are you willing to sing and dance?" Harley asked.

Athena struggled for a moment and said: "Sometimes singing and dancing are quite good."

Harry glanced at Hippolyta, who was hesitant to speak, and said: "The worship of the three-phase goddess on the island can continue, but please do not promote it on a large scale.

To separate the devotees who already believed in the Three-phase Goddess from the rest, the two groups temporarily lived in different places.

Devotees continue to pray to the statue of the Three-phase Goddess as they did in the past, and the rest of the people live their lives normally.

Queen Hippolyta, the scenery in Lishan is not as beautiful as Paradise Island, but it is also interesting. Why not stay there for a few days? "

"Thank you. Is there really no problem with Paradise Island after I leave?" Hippolyta was both grateful and very worried.

Harley took the initiative to invite her, but she would definitely not be allowed to sign a contract to join the "Paradise Island Song and Dance Troupe".

This is a face that even Athena doesn’t have!

“In the past, your stay on Paradise Island was a kind of refuge for the Amazons, but now it has become a hidden danger.

If a ray of resentful woman's consciousness enters your body, you will have no resistance and will naturally become a new resentful woman.

The first thing the new grudge has to do is to regain her strength, and the Amazons around her become the best resources."

"Ah~~~" Hippolyta exclaimed and said anxiously: "We can no longer believe in the three-phase goddess!"

Harry shook his head and said: "Faith cannot be said to be gone. We can only separate the two parties and try to reduce the damage as much as possible after the worst happens."

Paradise Island has secretly believed in the Three Phase Goddess for so many years, and there must be devout true believers among them.

Now ask them to stop believing in order to prevent the resurrection of the resentful woman. Not only will they not obey, but they will find ways to actively resurrect the resentful woman.

At least he will try his best to guide the resentful woman's consciousness to come to him.

"Can the worst-case scenario not happen?" Diana asked.

"Yes, kill all the Amazons who believe in the Three-Phase Goddess. But you obviously won't do that. In other words, the ending of killing all the believers is worse than the worst-case scenario."

Harley sighed: “The only thing we can really do is end the crisis as soon as possible.

If you take care of the Upside Down together, you won't have to worry about anything. "

Diana made a decision in her heart, turned to Queen Hippolyta and said: "Mother, you go to Mount Li with Harry immediately.

You don't have to worry about the rest, I will stay on Paradise Island until the crisis is over. "

"No, I would rather let the three-phase goddess come to me than to put you in any danger." Hippolyta shook her head repeatedly.

Diana put her hands on her mother's shoulders and said with firm eyes: "I'm different from you, and I'm different from everyone else. Even the complainer in his heyday can't even think of harvesting me again.

The only person in the world today who can harvest me is Harley. If the resentful woman is reincarnated into an Amazon believer, I will kill her with my own hands! "

Hippolyta glanced at Harry.

Harley frowned, "Diana, are you sure you want to stay? You won't be harvested instantly, but you may still be in danger."

"As the princess of Paradise Island, I must do something for my people." Diana said softly.

"Hey, don't be brave. Don't act in a hurry when something happens. Let me know first."

"I understand, thank you." Diana nodded, as if remembering something, and then said: "Tell Xiao Zha for me that I'm sorry that I can't accompany her to the strange motherland."

"What can you do if you go? Even if the 'Witch of the March Seal of Chaos' can do something to Zatara's plan, after entering the strange motherland, it is more likely to be a sacrifice."

According to Lao Zha's plan, the rescue operation took place after the battle with Hecate.

The war is over. What contribution can the "Witch Fire" with chaotic magic power make to Lao Zha in the strange motherland?

It's really better not to contribute anything and not go at all.

Diana stayed on Paradise Island, while Harley returned to Leshan with Hippolyta and Athena, and then rushed to the Amazon rainforest carrying a bright peony.

The original small dimensional space of the Hundred Flowers Council has been smashed to pieces by the resentful woman. All the Hundred Flowers Council members were wiped out, leaving only the last "Holy Peony".

"Where are the new council members?" Harry looked around, but couldn't find even a blade of grass. The surrounding area was deserted.

Holy Peony called out in a sweet voice: "Great and sacred Lord of Flowers, after the previous Parliament of Trees was destroyed, the Parliament of Flowers did not appear out of thin air. They were all selected and created by the evil Hecate.

Now that you have become the new owner of the green of all things, it is naturally up to you to create a new representative of the green of all things.

With your name as 'Witch Harley', mere flowers are too weak to express your momentum and style.

Only man-eating vines, poisonous weeds, and iron-needle cactus are suitable for you. You can form a 'Killing Plant Council'. "

"Killing Plant Council. So you are completely useless to me? You are just a weak peony and can't kill anyone." Harley said.

"Ah, no, my beloved master, I am of great use to you!" Holy Peony's face turned pale and she shouted urgently: "Although you are the witch Harley, you have a face like a hibiscus. The so-called fairy appearance and black hands, It's you.

You need the Killing Plant Council, and you also need my all-powerful peony to decorate the facade and cover up the poisonous hands! "

Harley resisted the urge to crush it to death and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense and contact me immediately, the Green of All Things. I haven't really controlled the Green of All Things yet!"

"Master, please wait a moment, I will send you to the Green Core of All Things immediately."

The holy peony suddenly swelled to two meters high, its petals opened widely, and a road paved with flowers appeared inside the flower.

After Harley stepped on it, the flower path was still like a conveyor belt, taking Harley's initiative to quickly travel through the colorful green space of all things.

Harley has the Druid talent of "tree walking" and can freely travel through the green energy dimension of all things by herself, but walking by herself is definitely not as good as standing on the back of a "mount".

At this time, Holy Peony is her mount.

"How did the green of all things become like this?"

Harley was sent to a colorful "mud lump".

Like the surrounding green space of all things, it also changes from pure green to the colorful colors of flowers.

Before today, Harley had never seen the core of the Green of All Things, which was the demon embryo that was originally stolen by the God of Order and made into the Green of All Things.

But she heard it from Ivy and Swamp Thing.

They often see the green of all things itself, which is a huge tree stump with thousands of long and dense root systems growing on it. It is numerous but not chaotic at all, and has a sense of orderly beauty.

"Alas, the rules of order have collapsed. The mother of magic is the sinner Hecate! The sinner Hecate's heart is dark and chaotic, and the greenness of all things she shapes is also like her heart. The so-called inner appearance is like this. "

"Does Green of All Things have self-awareness? Can he talk to me?" Harley asked.

"The Parliament of Trees and the Parliament of Flowers are the manifestations of the self-consciousness of the Green of All Things. What I am saying now are the words of the Green of All Things." Sheng Peony said.

"I mean its original will. I don't understand the laws of the green of all things. I can only let it surrender to me. Do you understand what I mean? You are already mine, but it is still it." Ha. Li said calmly.

Sheng Peony hesitated and said: "Master, this is a bit difficult to handle. The earth's life law system, including the green of all things, is all created by the God of Order.

The God of Order manages the life law system through the Law of Order.

We are equivalent to an APP software, running in the Android system.

The Android system is a system of order and law.

You can either take over the "Android system" of the Order God System, or you can create your own "Paradise Mountain System" and then convert our apps into ISO format. "

"How can I have the time and energy to mess with the 'Heaven Mountain System' now? Didn't the grudge just use the magic mark to rob you?

All of you must surrender to me honestly and barely allow me to control the basic law system of the earth. " Harley said.

"Master, you are just an expert speaking in layman's terms. The sinner Hecate is the mother of magic!

She doesn't need any Android system or Paradise Mountain system at all.

Both the Android system and the Paradise Mountain system are part of the magic system.

Her 'multiverse magic system' is the largest, most advanced and most basic system, capable of accommodating everything and embracing everything.

The operation of our group of apps in the "Magic System" is many times smoother and more comfortable than the previous Android system!

If she hadn't been a sinner, I would have missed my old master. "Sheng Peony said reluctantly.

"Do you want me to take you to see her?" Harley said calmly.

"Well, she is a sinner, and I am Holy Peony, born to be your slave!"

Sheng Peony first expressed her attitude quickly, and then took the initiative to share the Lord's worries, saying: "Master, don't worry, if you just want to dawdle, uh, I mean, you just want basic power, and don't want to have complete control over us. Enfeoffment can be adopted.

That is to ask all the people in charge of a single system - members of the Hundred Blossoms Council like me to surrender to you and completely obey your instructions.

As for you, you only need the power of the basic laws of the earth and don't care about anything else.

You are like a feudal king, and Naboo was also a feudal king in the past. But Naboo centralized power, and you are the king of the princes. "

"Well, that's right, right now I just want to be the king of princes. You are very smart." Harley praised.

"Hey, I am the green of all things. Plants have witnessed the rise and fall of countless dynasties and remembered the stories of countless emperors and generals." The holy peony swayed and said proudly.

(PS: During the magic debt crisis, did Athena hide on Paradise Island? There is no drawing in the comics, and there is no plot in this regard.

But in other incidents, when the gods in heaven were in danger, Athena often ran to Paradise Island.

Athena even stayed on Paradise Island and opened the "Athena Women's Self-Strength Mutual Aid Chain Club" on earth. )

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