"Why should I fight you now?"

The Upside Down waved his hand, and the remains of the "alien brothers" who were still struggling and howling in the sea of ​​gastric acid mist turned into reality, leaving the real world and returning to the strange motherland.

It itself slowly faded into nothingness, leaving only a sneer that contained anger and hatred, "I have to admit, your act of sacrificing the head of the resentful woman to the dog god was beyond my expectation, and the effect was good. I snatched a part of Hecate's power from my hands. I thought you would not be willing to struggle, but I didn't expect that the Dog God and the Heavenly Dog were so bold that they actually dared to respond to you, and they really dared to snatch the magic power from me."

The upside-down man seemed extremely unwilling, and at the end he couldn't help but find an excuse for himself and cursed.

"But even the Dog God can't stop the fusion between me and Hecate. With me as the leader, it can be regarded as a fusion that I devour.

Now I have obtained the magical power and all the miraculous power of the 'Mother of Magic'.

Soon I will be able to digest them completely, and your multiverse will no longer be able to firmly reject me. To reject me is to reject the concept of magical power and miracles.

No matter how much you and your 'origins' fear me, you have to open the door and acknowledge my new identity as the 'Master of Magic'.

Until then, Witch Harley, I will play with you slowly.

Hehehe, I'm afraid that by then you won't even have the courage to face me. "

There was a lingering sound, and the person disappeared, leaving only Harry holding three ugly and blackened skulls with a gloomy expression.

Xiao Zha, Diana, and Zha Kang were floating in the distant void with chaotic magic power, their expressions were very solemn and worried.

"Harry." Diana called softly.

"Wait a moment, let's talk again after I send away the witch's ghost."

Hallie sat down cross-legged again and continued to recite the "The Salvation of the Dead Chapter of the Bible" which she had newly compiled based on her own three views and understanding of God's teachings.

The skeleton in her arms continued to burn in the flames of heaven's holy power, and wisps of gray thread floated out, branded with the golden Kui's reincarnation seal by her.

Just like before, some witches have slightly recovered the memories of their previous lives, while more witches are in a state of confusion. Even their last obsessions are gone. Only a ray of resentment is left, which is separated from the collective consciousness of the resentful women and is extracted as a remnant soul. Enter reincarnation.

Xiao Zha and the others thought that Harley would end soon, but they actually waited in Limbo for three full days and nights.

Several times they couldn't help but want to ask. They resisted, but only half-didn't disturb Harley, but returned to Earth.

After confirming that there was no crisis in Lishan and that the main universe was at peace, they ran back and continued to "care" for Harley.

"Is it over?" When the holy fire burning the three skulls in front of Harry went out, and when Harley finished chanting and stood up with a sigh of relief, the three of them leaned over and asked.

"Oh, it's finally over. I didn't expect it to be so troublesome."

Harley lowered her head and looked at the three "Grudge's Heads" connected together in her hand.

At this time, they had completely turned into three skulls, and all the hair, flesh, and other objects on them had disappeared.

Before they were charred, ugly, and huge, but now they are the size of an apple, as white as jade, shining with a faint holy light, and even have a transparent texture, as if you can see the liquid holy power flowing inside the bones, which is very magical.

If the three of them didn't know exactly what they were, they would have suspected that they were holy relics of the Holy See at first glance.

"What did you do?" Diana asked, staring at the Holy Light Skull.

"Didn't you see it? You should have heard it if you didn't see it. I was chanting sutras to save the 'grudges', separating the souls of the witches in the collective consciousness, sending them into reincarnation, and reborn as human beings in the next life." Harry said .

"Wasn't the witch's soul digested and absorbed by the resentful woman? Even her last obsession was completely dissipated." Diana asked doubtfully.

Harry lowered his head to study the three white jade skulls in his hand and said: "First of all, the last obsession did not dissipate, but merged into the pan-consciousness aggregate and was completely absorbed.

Dissipation means complete non-existence, and being absorbed is just a change in the form of existence.

Secondly, I said that the soul of the witch is separated just to facilitate your understanding.

In fact, what I extracted was just a wisp of 'grievance' that was different from the collective consciousness of resentful women.

Even if the witch's soul is digested and absorbed, her hatred towards the resentful woman will never dissipate.

Ordinary people definitely can't tell the difference. I survived the nightmare demonization perfectly. The emotional illusion person is very sensitive to emotions and can distinguish them and pick them out.

You have seen that even I spent three days and three nights before I was sure that there was no longer a distinguishable trace of the witch's resentment in the 'Head of Resentments'.

Time can kill everything, including resentment.

The only ones I sent into reincarnation were the remnant souls of witches who were harvested during the magic debt crisis. "

"Even the last obsession is gone. There is only a trace of hatred. It's not even a remnant, right?" Diana said.

Harley put away the skull and said: "I am only responsible for sending them into reincarnation. How to repair the remaining souls and how to make a ray of hatred reincarnate is the job of the second sister Death."

Zha Kang frowned and said: "There is only a trace of hatred left, is it necessary to go through such trouble?

Even if you do nothing, they will still naturally dissipate, return to their origins, and integrate into the reincarnation system.

It's not worth wasting three days at such a critical moment. "

Harley said: "I sent away about 30 billion resentful souls, and 29.9 billion were left in a state of confusion. Even the instinct of resentment was almost gone.

The remaining 100 million remnant souls have regained a little consciousness, and the 99 million only have the consciousness of hatred and only know resentment.

The last one million, out of about 100,000, may have died in a shorter period of time. Although they only have resentment towards me, they can still express their gratitude to me.

They were unable to speak, but out of their resentment, they felt grateful to me and grateful to God for redeeming themselves.

If you think it's not worth it, they must think it's worth it. My three days will bring them the end of this life and the beginning of the next.

If I don't cleanse the consciousness of resentment in the Head of Resentment, the skull will become the most vicious magic weapon in the world, and the resentment on it will never be reincarnated. "

Zha Kang was startled, and said slowly: "The ratio is a bit low. Those who can produce gratitude should be very obvious, and you will pick them out immediately."

"That's true, but I don't save them to gain their gratitude." Harley said.

Zha Kang glanced at her and said, "You want to say that you are the 'Saint Harry, the great compassionate one who saves all sentient beings'?"

“Am I not the Holy Hari who is so kind and compassionate to save all sentient beings?”

A circle of light slowly rose behind Harley's head. The aperture was composed of holy and pure light. Harley's face and body also revealed traces of holy light, and her whole body exuded the aura of perfection, holiness, purity and purity. It was very soft. , was also very powerful, forcing Zha Kang to take a few steps back uncontrollably.

Now looking at Harley's face and meeting her eyes, that kind of compassionate gaze and expression almost made Zha Kang recall his mother's tenderness and love, and then he cried "Mom" with tears streaming down his face.

The reason why it is "almost" is because Zhakang's mother had a difficult delivery when she gave birth to him, and he has never seen his mother since he was born.

"This is not you, Harley. Don't pretend to be the Virgin. I know you have compassion and can affect our emotions." He tilted his head and shouted loudly.

"I am the Holy Mother. The Holy Mother's seal is here. Brother God has stamped it. Heaven has issued the certificate. Even 'Origin' has recognized my way of mercy and wants to give me a rule!" Harry laughed. .

The Seal of the Holy Mother is an unexpected blessing.

At first, Harley really had no intention of actively helping the harvested witches gain redemption.

Before getting the Head of the Resentful Woman and sacrificing the Head of the Resentful Woman, I didn't think about it at all.

When she started to sacrifice the resentful woman's head, she encountered a small problem: Heaven only wanted the magical power in the resentful woman's soul, and did not want to interfere with the "fusion" of the souls of the Inverted Man and the resentful woman.

If Harley is willing to put in some effort to cut off the resentful woman's remnant soul from the collection of consciousness, and then digest and purify it, heaven will definitely be willing to accept the pure soul power extracted.

But Harley sacrificed the head of the resentful woman to Brother God. In addition to hoping that Brother God would snatch the food from his mouth, the other and main reason was that she couldn't eat it herself.

At that time, she could have imitated the Upside Down Man, opened her mouth and swallowed the head of the complaining woman, and forcibly digested and absorbed it with her ninth-level food defense expertise.

Forced digestion and absorption cannot interrupt the process of fusion between the Upside Down and the Resentful Woman, but the magical power obtained through digestion will fall into her own hands.

But I was a real person with flesh and blood at that time, not a soul projection, not a lump of unconscious energy.

After all, Harley is a human being, not an inverted person.

When heaven descended the holy power, burned the head of the resentful woman with holy flames, and forcibly extracted the magical power from it, Harley felt that the resentment that was different from the collective consciousness was burned away in the holy flames, and then she suddenly realized and thought thoughtfully, Then he felt compassion and began to use the seal of reincarnation to help those with resentment.

This is not the Heart of Mary.

But on the way, he saw the old lady falling on the road. Harley was very rich and didn't care about money, so he reached out to help her up.

It can only be regarded as normal human behavior, and what she did just proves that she is still a human being, not an animal.

That's all.

But her behavior unexpectedly pleased Brother God.

At the end of the third day, the Holy Mother's Seal that she had kept at the bottom of the box jumped out of her own accord, sparkling in her sea of ​​consciousness, and all the filth of the past was washed away.

Even the traces of the previous generation’s Holy Mother Zed have completely disappeared, and it has become a pure, brand-new Holy Mother’s Seal.

What's even more incredible is that this Holy Mother's Seal fits Harry so well, as if it was condensed by herself.

Previously, Zedd's Holy Seal would be contaminated by Harley's "evil thoughts".

As long as her thoughts and actions are not in line with the Holy Mother's Way of the Holy Seal, the Holy Seal will be tainted.

In the end, the Seal of Radiance given by Zed turned black, and Harley was too embarrassed to show it to others.

The Seal of the Holy Mother at this time is completely Halli's own "Way of the Holy Mother." Well, Harley herself is a little doubtful. Does she really have the Way of the Holy Mother?

In short, the Seal of the Holy Mother is Harley's own Tao at this time, her conscience can perfectly control it, and her "evil thoughts" have no impact on it.

My feet don't stink.

Zedd's Seal of the Holy Mother is "Zed's nose and Harley's feet", and the current Seal of the Holy Mother is Harley's nose and Harley's feet.

The reason why Harley thinks this is a gift from the old God is because she doesn't think Raphael has this ability.

Raphael is just an acting prince and has some of the power of the prince. Harley also has the power of the prince, but she can't even refine the Seal of the Holy Mother.

The Maharaja only has management rights, and the only one who can really adjust the basic heavenly rules of "what is the Holy Mother" from the "underlying code" is the old God himself.

Harry did not continue to pretend to be a Holy Mother, and carefully explained the process of obtaining the "Seal of the Holy Mother of Queen's Mother".

"Although I am not the 'pure Holy Mother' you expected, I have also walked my own path of mercy.

You don’t need to call me ‘Holy Mother Harry’. What kind of Virgin is she who didn’t give birth to a son?

My Duoduo is the true Holy Mother. You can just call me ‘Holy Aunt Heaven’ or ‘Holy Aunt’. "She said cheerfully.

Now that she has walked her own path (actually it was Brother God who forcibly cheated and defined her path as a qualified path), of course Harley wants to distinguish herself from the "pure white Virgin".

They call her Holy Aunt, and the angels in heaven also call her "Aunt", which fits her status as "Sister of God".

Diana's expression twisted for a while, and she asked again: "You sacrificed the Head of the Resentful Woman, and you only got the trivial benefit of 'Saint Aunt in Heaven'?

We have been busy for a long time, but none of the benefits have been lost. What should we do next? "

"How much magical power did you seize by cutting off the head of the resentful woman?" Constantine asked.

Harley glanced at Xiao Zha.

From just now until now, it was Zha Kang and Diana who were talking, while Xiao Zha remained silent with a depressed expression.

"There are about 300 points of power in the Head of Resentment, and I sacrificed them all to heaven." Harry paused, and then quickly said: "I will go back to Silver City later to see if I can get some power back. .”

"There are three big heads, and the head is the core point. How come it only has 300 power points? Is the old God corrupt?" Zha Kang shouted excitedly.

Harley glanced at him, "Just for those words, you deserve to go to hell!"

"But three hundred points of power are too little. You said before that I have at least 10,000 points of power, and three heads only have 3% of the power?" Diana frowned.

Harley pondered: "In today's battle, I estimate that the magical power in the hands of the resentful woman is not less than 20,000, and may be more than 30,000.

There are approximately 50,000 points of magical power in the entire multiverse.

If it were the 'Light Hecate' who first came to the world, she would have more than 40,000 magical powers in her hand. "

"Where did you get these figures of thirty thousand and fifty thousand? Did the voice of heaven tell you?" Diana asked.

Harley said: "In the Upside Down, I got about 10 million points of dark magic power.

According to the Upside Down himself, it is equivalent to almost twice the total amount of magic in the multiverse.

Well, magic is not equal to the power of miracles. The power of miracles includes magic.

Magic power only brings the concept of miracles to the multiverse, not that the total amount of miracle power in the multiverse is only 5 million points.

According to my calculations, one point of magic power can offset the debt of 100 points of 'pure magic power'.

So the multiverse should have fifty thousand magical powers.

The half-step peak of the power of the resentful woman exceeds 30,000, which is a comparison of the pressure that her magic power put on my power several times before and after. "

"What does half-step to the peak mean?"

"Literally speaking, aren't we guessing that Circe still has some magical powers? Only when Circe is harvested can the Grudge truly reach its peak." Harley said.

"How much magical power is needed in heaven?" Diana asked again.

"About 100 points are enough to meet the needs of all the angels and ancient demons in heaven and hell."

"With the size of heaven and hell, only 100 points of power is enough?" Diana said in shock.

Zha Kang thoughtfully said: "Heaven and hell have the power of heaven and the origin of hell. Only a small amount of magic power can be fused to meet the needs of miracles in the multiverse, which is enough for angels to adapt to the magic rules of the multiverse."

Harry sighed: "With the body of 'Half-Step Peak', which has more than 30,000 magical powers, three heads only have 300 points of power, which is indeed a bit small.

But you also heard what the Inverted Man said at that time.

The fusion has begun, the fusion of concept and energy, even cutting off the head is useless.

It's not how much power I can seize based on how much my head weighs in my body. "

"Is it because of my chaos reaction magic that the Inverted Man and the Resentful Woman merged?" Xiao Zha finally spoke, his voice was very soft, but there was deep self-blame and pain in his tone.

"Your reaction magic is indeed an introduction, like a catalyst in a chemical reaction, but this is not your fault."

Harley patted her shoulder, "The Demon Governor did not hide the process of obtaining and creating Chaos Magic.

His Chaos Magic is the energy produced when Hecate and the Upside Down are about to merge.

I know this, and I have also considered whether the fusion that was interrupted back then would be restarted after applying the magic of chaos to the resentful woman.

Using Chaos Irony Magic is a decision we make together after discussion, and is not your responsibility alone.

Moreover, this result is not a complete victory, but it is not a loss either.

We made some money, but we didn't make as much money as others. "

To say that she expected today's outcome would be a lie.

But today's ending was indeed not too unexpected for Harley.

She was mentally prepared.

After all, when the Ruby of Life had just landed on Xiao Zha's doorstep, she had guessed that the Upside Down was behind Lao Zha's plan.

The fact that the Upside Down allowed the Life Ruby to escape can only mean one thing: Lao Zha's plan is beneficial to him.

Harley had already guessed that when she had sex with the resentful woman, someone would become an oriole and take advantage of the situation.

The only thing that made her miscalculate was the speed with which she died, which was too fast.

Harley originally expected to be the mantis first and let them get a big advantage. When the resentful woman was desperate to fight back, she would jump out and be the hunter behind the oriole.

She felt that with Grudge's strength, even if she was restrained by the magic of chaos, forced into a desperate situation by the Upside Down or other "oriole", she would not be destroyed instantly.

The grudge should resist with all her strength. Even if her fatal blow does not severely damage the opponent, it can still create opportunities for Harley.

As a result, the chaotic magic was tainted in her body, and the resentful woman was directly swallowed by the Upside Down.

There was no fatal blow at all, no desperate resistance, only a desperate struggle.

It can only be said that if you gamble, you will lose.

Harley accepted that she lost the bet and would not blame others randomly.

"The Upside Down has almost completely devoured the Grudge. Will it become a new master of magic?" Xiao Zha worriedly asked.

"It has been three days since the battle ended. You have returned to Lishan. Have you asked about the changes in the magic rules of the World Tree multiverse?" Harley asked.

Xiao Zha was stunned and said: "We went back the day before yesterday, just to make sure that Gotham was safe and sound, and after recruiting the bloodline clones you left in Lishan, we returned to the old battlefield.

Don’t you have a bloodline clone in Lishan?

She also stopped and captured the three clones of the resentful woman, namely Xuanlan, Wuhuo and Enduo.

Don't you know Lishan's current situation because you can't share your thoughts and memories with her? "

The power of the bloodline clone is determined by Harley's mental will and energy left in the clone.

Her total power will not change. If the power left in the clone is too much, the main body will have insufficient combat power; if the power left in the clone is small, there will be no combat power and no meaning of existence.

During the earlier battle to defend Heaven's Gate, Harley had left a blood clone in Lishan Manor.

Even though she left a blood clone behind, she still ran between Paradise and Gotham, as tired as a dog.

The bloodline clone did not have much spiritual will and little fighting power. It could barely maintain the defensive energy field around Lishan and did not participate in actual combat.

Same thing this time.

Since Harley was going to tease the resentful woman and knew that the resentful woman had three living clones, of course she would not be defenseless.

Her plan was also simple, leaving a bloodline clone behind only to be responsible for the defense of Lishan.

It cannot be said that the area outside Lishan is completely ignored. We only ensure that the energy field is maintained.

If the three resentful clones of Xuanlan, Enduo, and Wuhuo rush into the energy field, cross Gotham City, and are about to enter the area of ​​Arkham Island, Harley's body will definitely return to the rescue in time.

If she wanted to face off against the resentful woman, she couldn't leave much power in her bloodline clone. The bloodline clone didn't have much fighting power.

However, when the irony chaos magic fell on the resentful woman, the three clones immediately "failed" at the same time: just like the resentful woman, the three of them held their heads and howled miserably.

As the Inverted Man said, its fusion (devourment) with the Resentment is a comprehensive fusion of concept, energy and spirit.

Physical division cannot interrupt the process of fusion.

The Head of the Hatred whose head was chopped off by Harley was still deprived of a lot of power by the Upside Down. Harley could only take away the food from the tiger's mouth by sacrificing to God, and only took away 300 points of power - maybe God thought it was enough, not Kill him.

The consciousness of the resentful woman stored in the physical bodies of Enduo, Xuanlan, and Wuhuo is also the ending of the "head of the resentful woman". Even across the entire material universe, it is still unable to resist the devouring of the Upside Down Man.

Of course, separated by a large dimension and far away from the Upside Down, their situation is definitely better than that of the Head of Resentment.

They can also scream and struggle.

While they were struggling, Harley's bloodline clone ran over and took a big advantage.

Not much magical power was found (the blame woman didn't store much power in the three women's bodies originally), but they saved the three women's bodies and prevented their bodies from being devoured by the Upside Down.

If Harley doesn't stop them, the bodies of the three women will be swallowed up by the Upside Down along with the consciousness of the resentful women in the sea of ​​consciousness.

After all, their physical bodies are now part of the body of Resentful Woman, and all the flesh and blood of Resentful Woman has been swallowed!

Harley said: "I don't need to share memories with the bloodline clone, and I don't need to ask the World Tree.

When I was saving the souls of the witches, I was also perceiving the changes in the magical rules of the universe and the power of the basic laws of the heaven.

I want to remind you that it was three days ago that the upside-down man devoured the resentful woman.

Whether it can become the new master of magic, the results have already come out.

If it has become the master of magic, the World Tree will definitely tell you about the changes in the law in panic. "

Xiao Zha hesitated and said: "We didn't ask World Tree, we only exchanged a few words with your blood clone.

From my own perspective, the rules of magic seem to have changed little, without any earth-shaking changes.

Even if my realm is low and my perception is not as sharp as the World Tree, the drastic changes in the foundation of magic should not be hidden from me.

It cannot be hidden from any qualified official mage.

So turning people upside down didn't get what they wanted? "

Harry sneered and said: "The Upside Down probably hasn't finished digesting the blame at this moment.

If it is completely digested, no matter how effective it is, it will immediately jump out and cause trouble, and the world will not be so peaceful.

It is so difficult to digest the magical power in the body of the resentful woman. It still wants to become a 'new magic master' who controls the rules of magic. It is dreaming! "

When Xiao Zha heard this, he did not breathe a sigh of relief. Instead, he doubted: "Could it be that there was too much magic power in my body, which caused indigestion for a while? Three days is not a long time."

Harley said: "Indigestion itself is a problem. I have received magical powers. Diana, World Tree, and even Xanadu and Demon Lord have all received magical powers.

Do you know who has experienced digestive disorders?

Analogizing magical power to the political power of a country, the Mother of Magic is the head of state.

The people of this country can use the power when they get it. Now, if a traitor wants to be the head of state as a 'foreign gangster', will the people of this country recognize it? "

Diana immediately said: "A country can be without a head of state, but the multiverse cannot be without the power of miracles, just like the people of the country cannot be without food."

"You are right, the people can live without a head of state, but they can't live without food. Now the Troublemaker is competing with the Origin. Is it true that except for the food sent by the foreign gangster, the Troublemaker, we can't have enough food to eat?

With only the magical power in his hands, the Upside Down will definitely be able to get a green card from our multiverse and be able to participate in some political activities, but will he be able to become the head of state in one step?"

Harley shrugged, "Honestly, all I can say is that the Upside Down isn't as optimistic as it could be.

I'm not sure what the final outcome will be, whether or how much the 'origin' was compromised.

After devouring the grievances, the Inversion Man has abundant capital, but ‘Origin’ is no longer a poor bumpkin.

Today is different from the past. At the beginning of creation, the magic of light was needed to bring miraculous elements other than technology to the world.

Now there are 50,000 magical powers, but the grudge only got more than 30,000 and less than 40,000. Where is the rest?

From the beginning of the crisis to now, it has been several months, and we are busier than anyone else, and the total power in our hands is less than 500. "

Diana frowned and said: "We are not sure whether 1 plus 1 can be greater than 2 after the fusion of the Upside Down and the Resentment, but 1 plus 1 is definitely greater than 1.

They were hostile to each other before and had no cooperation. Now we are about to face a stronger enemy. "

"Stronger. Maybe."

The "2.0 version of the Upside Down Man" that fully digests the power of magic is definitely stronger than the original Upside Down Man and the Grudge, but whether it can threaten Harley is not certain.

To pose a fatal threat to Harley at this time, the Upside Down's power must undergo at least two qualitative changes. One is a qualitative change in magical power, at least achieving the same level of control of magic rules as Hecate; the other is a qualitative change in energy level. A qualitative change, from level 10 to level 11, or even higher.

Harley felt that neither qualitative change would happen to the Upside Down.

Constantine glanced at his wife and said: "We can't let the Upside Down leisurely complete the 1 plus 1 superposition process. We should take advantage of its indigestion and immediately enter the strange mother domain to catch it off guard, right?"

——What you want is not to catch someone off guard, but rescuing your old father-in-law is the key, right?

Harley gestured with her eyes, and Constantine's eyes flickered, but he did not avoid her gaze.

Harley glanced at Zha again from the corner of her eye.

Just now, Xiao Zha returned to a thoughtful silence. Now when he heard Zha Kang's words, his face immediately glowed, his eyes were bright, and there was expectation and anxiety in his eyes.

Obviously, Xiao Zha wanted to immediately carry out the final rescue step in Lao Zha's plan. Constantine saw her thoughts and difficulties and spoke out for her.

Harley asked: "Are you sure you are ready to enter the strange motherland now?"

Since she promised Xiao Zha to arrange at least one bloodline clone to follow her into the strange motherland, she would not break her promise.

Moreover, now that the Resentful Woman is gone, we will definitely have to deal with the Upside Down Man with all our strength next.

To deal with the Upside Down, you may have to enter the strange motherland.

"What other preparations are needed? We seem to have nothing to do." Constantine said.

Harley pondered: "We can wait for the Upside Down to show up and first determine its state after digesting the Grudge.

As the head of state, of course you can enjoy the powers and benefits of the head of state.

But the restrictions on the head of state must be greater than those on 'foreign gangsters'.

If it wants to be the magical master of our universe, it must adapt to the rules of our universe and accept the supervision of 'Origin'.

For example, should its dark home realm be integrated into the multiverse and become a dark magic plane with a fixed location, fixed scope, and fixed rules?

At this time, the strange motherland is still the opposite of the "light magic". The chaos and degenerate energy in it cannot be adapted to the people in the multiverse.

If the Weird Motherland becomes part of the multiverse, its internal rules and the nature of its magic will change.

It won’t turn into a paradise, but at least it will make it easier for us to adapt. "

Zatanna immediately asked: "When will the Upside Down show up? Does it mean that it has reached a compromise with the Origin and that it has officially merged with the Weird Motherland into our universe?"

Harley shook her head slightly, "I don't know, for now I can only take one step at a time and try my best to do my job well.

Next, I will go to heaven to discuss the matter of magical power and inversion of people, and see if heaven has any arrangements and can provide us with some help.

Then I will take down the green of all things, the black of decay, and the red of all living things according to the original plan until I completely control the basic law system of the earth.

No matter what happens to the Upside Down, doing this will at least keep Gotham safer.

The safer Gotham is, the more power I put into my bloodline clones.

However, this trip to the strange motherland is mainly yours. You decide the specific departure time, and I will try my best to help you. "

"I understand, you go to heaven first." Constantine said.

Harley has made it very clear that she understands that the purpose of this trip to the strange motherland is to save Lao Zha. She cannot guarantee the outcome, but she will try her best to cooperate with them.

How much they can do depends on the actual situation. The safer Gotham is and the more prepared it is, the greater help they will get.

A moment later, in Silver City, on the Tower of Holy Sound next to the Golden Hall.

"Harley Quinn, you did not disappoint us. You did a very good job this time. Heaven has finally completely forgiven the magic debt." Michael praised with a smile on his face.

This time Harley returned to heaven and was solemnly received by all the angel bosses.

Before she entered the gate of heaven, a group of little angels were already playing trumpets and lined up at the gate to greet her.

Behind the little angel are the Acting Lord Raphael and a group of archangels from the Angel Council, all of whom are rare bosses.

Even Amra, the angel of fate who had been deliberately avoiding Harley, stood in front of the crowd and greeted Harley with a smile. The smile was a bit embarrassing.

Seeing them giving themselves such respect, Harley was very surprised and enjoyed it very much.

On the way from the gate of heaven to the golden hall of Silver City, she showed off her power.

Even when she came to the Tower of Holy Sound and saw Lord Michael, she was still smiling.

"Your Majesty, I sacrificed 300 points of magic power this time. Heaven can't ask for so much. Can you return the rest to me?"

As happy as she was happy, Harley did not get carried away and forget her current situation.

"300 points." The smile on Michael's face faded slightly and he mused: "If the total amount of power you sacrifice is 300, probably 100 points will be enough to meet the needs of heaven and hell.

It’s okay to give you the remaining two hundred points, but..."

He hesitated for a moment, glanced at all the archangels, and whispered: "Do you know that this sacrifice alarmed the Lord?"

"Of course!" Harry thought, and the "Saint Aunt Halo" rose again on the back of his head.

"Look, this is the brand new 'Holy Lady's Seal', which is a high-end product that has been purified and evolved from the previous generation of Holy Mother's Seal!"

Harry's breath was fully opened, allowing all the archangels to bathe in the holy aunt's warm and benevolent light.

"Obviously, this is the Lord's approval and reward for me. When I recited the Bible to save the souls of the witches who were harvested by the resentful women, the Lord felt that I was free and uninhibited on weekdays, but at critical moments I was compassionate and compassionate to save all living beings. "The way of truth and kindness," so I revised the basic rules of heaven and made me a saint."

All the archangels frowned and stopped talking.

"This is the Seal of the Holy Mother. Even if the name needs to be changed now, why is it 'Holy Aunt'?" Acting Lord Raphael's tone was filled with dissatisfaction.

Lord Michael also looked at Harry with a serious face.

Before the era of the Martial God King, "Saint Aunt" had no special meaning.

But after Hallie claimed to be "the sister of God and the aunt of all angels", the "holy aunt" not only had a special meaning, but also had a status that surpassed the king.

Previously, "Sister of God" was Harley's self-proclaimed name, and "Sister of Angels" was Harley's bragging - at least the angels thought so.

If the angels in heaven call her "Holy Aunt" now, wouldn't it mean that she is recognizing her identity as the sister of God and her aunt?

Even Michael is just their eldest brother, but she wants to be the aunt of all the angels. This is too much!

"I'm really not suitable to be a 'Mother'! Let's not talk about whether the Virgin has a husband. At least she has to be pregnant and give birth to a Son. How can I be a Virgin without giving birth to a Son?

Obviously I can't be the Holy Mother. The Lord understood this, so he changed the Holy Mother's radiance seal to the "aunt" who is the same generation as the "mother". "

The saintly nun's halo behind Harley's head became brighter, her compassion and compassion became stronger, and the expression on her face became more holy, "God is the greatest, God has arranged it this way, I can only accept it, praise the Lord, Amen!"

Raphael shouted: "You said that when you recited the Bible to save the souls of witches, the Lord gave you the 'Seal of the Holy Mother' as a reward for your kindness, but there is no doctrine of saving the souls of the dead in the Bible at all.

Only souls that believe in the Lord and practice His ways will be saved by the Lord.

There is nothing redemptive in the Bible for pagans, especially for unbelievers sorcerers.

There is even no concept of ‘converting the dead’ in our heaven.

We only have salvation, and the Lord and the Son provide the way to salvation. Believers must walk the road themselves, and there is no such thing as salvation. "

"In the past, the Old Bible did not contain any content for the salvation of non-believers. The New Bible clearly recorded the doctrine of 'helping all living conscious spirits regardless of sects and to the best of our ability.'" Harley said sternly.

"You're talking nonsense! Don't think that I haven't read your "New Bible", there is no such doctrine in it at all," Raphael said.

The angels also showed disdain. It was so stupid to show such panic in front of them.

Harry's expression remained unchanged and said: "Since you know that the author of the "New Bible" is me, why do you still question the author's words? I didn't write this in the past, why can't it be added in the next version 2.0?"

"The Bible is a Christian holy book. How can it be modified, added or deleted at will?!" Raphael said angrily.

"Of course the Bible cannot be modified at will!" Harley said seriously: "Even I am only the Lord's pen and the Lord's mouth. I can only convey the Lord's will and promote the Lord's spirit.

I didn't have this idea at first, but today the Lord praised and affirmed my good deeds of saving the souls of the dead, and also gave me the 'Sacred Aunt Seal'. Of course, I will follow the Lord's will and make further supplements to the Lord's teachings. over.

You must understand that the Lord is infinite, an existence that can never be fully understood or glimpsed.

What we see and hear is always only a part of the Lord.

As we strive to expand our horizons and improve our knowledge, we only see the Lord more completely.

We must not be proud or complacent. We must insist on improving ourselves. Only a higher self can see clearly the part of the higher Lord! "

Raphael opened his mouth wide and was speechless for a while.

She mocked them for being low-level and said that they were not as advanced as she was, but every word she spoke was praising the Lord's greatness, leaving them feeling aggrieved and unable to refute.

"Okay!" Lord Michael shouted softly and said decisively: "Each sect has a different understanding of the Lord's teachings. If you want to modify the Holy Scriptures of the Heavenly Mountain Sect, it is your own business.

Your radiant seal also comes from the previous Madonna, and Silver City will never recognize its other name.

It is not the Holy Aunt Hui Seal of Silver City.

You can be a 'heretic saint', such as the 'Arkham saint', similar to the previous position of God of War. "

"But Lord——"

Harry wanted to fight for it again. Saint Aunt Arkham was really disagreeable, but Lord Michael raised his hand to interrupt her and said, "If you have any different opinions, you can go to the Lord and let Him talk to me."

Fake, you said this in public, you are truly worthy of being a great king, you are so treasonous!

Harley complained in her heart, but she could only give up the thought of being called "aunt" by the monarch for the time being, and said: "Master, what did you just say that you can't return me another two hundred points of power?"

"I just wanted to say that the Lord has responded to your sacrifice. Silver City only received 250 power points. I can return 120 points to you. You can go to the Lord for the rest." Michael said lightly.

"Oh, the Lord took 50 points." Harley nodded slightly and said, "No need to look for it. It is my greatest honor to be accepted by the Lord. I am very happy."

She also had a big smile on her face.

"But Silver City only needs 100 points, 250 minus 100, isn't it 150?"

"If you send power to Silver City, we only need 100 points, you are not sending power directly.

In the process of your sacrifice, Silver City also made great efforts and needs some benefits.

The remaining 30 points of power are used as backup in case of emergencies. "Michael said bluntly.

"Is 30 o'clock enough?" Harley asked.

Michael was stunned for a moment, "I thought you thought 30 points was too much."

Harry smiled and said: "There are mountains of gold and silver outside the door, but what's the point of still being crazily inflamed at home?

If I hadn't planned to attack the strange motherland and needed power to prevent accidents, I wouldn't have asked for power today. I would give all 300 points to Heaven. I think that's not enough! "

Including Michael, all the archangels looked at her a little strangely.

"When do you plan to take action and what help do you need?" Michael asked.

His tone returned to the gentleness before talking about "Saint Aunt", and he also actively hinted that he could provide some help.

The other archangels looked at her with less hostility and became very gentle and approachable.

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