Chapter 1919 Explosions one after another

"Xiao Zha, John, you are here, I am planning to go find you!"

It is already the morning of the next day.

At noon the day before yesterday, Harley and Hecate had a decisive battle at the top of the sky. In the early morning of the next day, something strange happened to the "Night Blade" in the hands of the orangutan detective. In the morning, Harley entered Maia and started the "Battle of Maia". The "Battle of Maia" ends at noon and the battlefield is moved to Heaven's Gate and Gotham.

When the sun sets, Harley and Raphael complete the exchange of power, travel through the mother river of time, and store the blood clone in the ocean of entropy.

Then he went home and chatted with Xanadu and Diana for a while, and then went to the Oblivion Bar.

It's already the morning of a new day after returning from the Forgotten Bar.

When they went to the Oblivion Bar, there were Harley, Diana, BoBo and Surtin. When they returned, only Harley, Diana, and a familiar strange female swordsman were left.

Selena and Ivy don't know each other.

Xiao Zha, who was sitting on the sofa, and Zha Kang, who was lying on the stretcher, shouted in surprise when they saw the blonde swordswoman in purple.

"Amaya, what's wrong with you?"

"Amethyst, why are you here?"

The couple said almost in unison.

Amethyst Princess Amaya briefly joined the Justice League Dark during the Book of Magic incident, fighting alongside Kang, Xanadu, and Zuckerberg.

Harley turned her head and glanced at the purple-clad swordswoman with a sad face and red and swollen eyes, then looked at the confused faces of everyone, and said to Diana: "Explain it."

Diana helped the purple-clothed swordswoman sit on the sofa. She first whispered to Selina to prepare a glass of red wine, and then sighed: "This is Amaya, the magic plane Niela, which is what the Earth mages often say. The princess of the Crystal World, her hometown was harvested by the Upside Down."

Harley and the others did not stay in the Forgotten Bar for too long, but they did not return to Earth immediately after leaving the bar. Instead, they followed the advice of the orangutan detective BoBo and walked around the nearby magical plane.

Limbo has countless different worlds and small planes created by gods and demons and born naturally. It is impossible for Harley to visit every magical plane.

And only by giving her the coordinates and direction can she find the corresponding magic plane.

If she has never been to a magical plane, she cannot teleport there immediately.

So she can only choose a magical plane that is closer to the earth and where Diana or BoBo can lead the way.

The main one is BoBo, the orangutan detective. He has been hanging out in the Forgotten Bar for decades. He has been a bartender and a boss. He knows many magicians from other worlds and often goes to other worlds to purchase goods.

The Forgotten Bar has special drinks and food from all over the world, and they are not created out of thin air. Sometimes the mage comes to the door to sell products to the bar owner, and sometimes the Forgotten Bar will arrange for people to go to various planes to buy supplies.

So BoBo has been to many magic planes.

Under the leadership of BoBo, Harley walked around the magical plane that was familiar to him and close to the earth.

".The result was even more tragic than we expected. There is almost no magic plane left near the earth.

Just like the original Acharath, just like Maiya, the entire world was harvested, the sky, the earth, the forest, the ocean, mages, ordinary people, humans, animals, trees, houses. The reality of the entire world was directly erased. "

There was deep sadness in Diana's eyes, and uncontrollable anger and excitement on her face.

"It's too tragic if you don't save one out of ten. How long has it been?" Selena murmured.

Xanadu glanced at Amethyst Princess Amaya and sighed: "It should only be the plane near the earth, not the entire Limbo.

The earth planet is rich in origin and has more affiliated planes than other planets, but their number is not unlimited.

There are only a dozen famous different worlds near the earth, and there are dozens or hundreds of small planes.

With the strange speed of harvesting the legions of heaven and hell, and with the ferocity with which the Upside Down attacked the gate of heaven before, it is normal to not survive even one out of ten. "

Princess Amethyst suddenly raised her head and said with hatred in her eyes: "It's not Weirdness who takes action directly, it's the God of Order! It's Nabu and the God of Order. They teamed up to seal the Crystal World and didn't even allow us to escape."

"It turned out to be Naboo." Shangdu was stunned and sighed: "He still couldn't escape the outcome of being controlled by the darkness."

"Do you still sympathize with him?" Harley glanced at her.

"Looking at the matter, it is definitely wrong for the God of Order to help the Upside Down harvest the magic plane, but Naboo must also be in pain. His actions violate the way of order." Xanadu said.

Zatanna asked doubtfully: "Of course Naboo and the God of Order are very strong. With the support of the Upside Down's infinite magic power, they will only become more powerful, but they are not so powerful that the plane world cannot resist at all, right?

I remember that there are gods living in many magical planes, and those gods can even be equal to Naboo in ordinary times. "

Diana glanced at Harley and said: "I'm not sure how strong the Order God System is at its peak, but the Naboo we met this time is strong enough to erase reality at will.

I saw with my own eyes a god-level dragon roaring and rushing towards a god of order. He smashed the dragon and the reality around it like an ordinary person wearing a fist to smash the window glass.

The dragon was like a painting painted on glass. When the glass was shattered, the reality of the dragon's existence was also shattered. The powerful dragon's breath jet could not be used. The entire battle was powerless, and he died in a very aggrieved manner. Very miserable.

Probably even the soul cannot be preserved intact. If the fragments are sucked into the void "below" reality, the soul will be completely destroyed.

If Harley hadn't been there, I would have suffered a big loss if I faced them alone. "

Zatanna was shocked: "They can break reality at will. Why are they so strong? The Upside Down can't do this. Yesterday, Harley and Weird fought in the sky over Gotham. Although it was fierce, it didn't tear reality apart. Degree."

"I don't know. Harley said that the power of the God of Order has undergone a qualitative change under the infusion of the dark magic of the Upside Down." Diana looked at Harley with some doubts in her eyes.

Harley said: "Tearing apart reality does not rely on strength, it is a skill in using power and magic.

Of course, we can't rule out the existence of bugs like Superman's, which explode one day and just punch reality with their fists.

The God of Order system is not lacking in skills.

They can use the earth's basic law system to cut through reality and release the Upside Down into the multiverse in advance. As long as they are given enough power, they can easily perform magic that tears apart reality.

Well, the way they tear apart reality is a kind of magic, a more advanced kind of magic.

Although the Upside Down does not have Hecate's power to completely control the rules of magic, he does have higher-level magic and has absolute control over magic. "

To put it bluntly, the Upside Down gave Naboo and the others his level 10 dark magic power.

The God of Order absorbed level 10 magic power, and its own energy level immediately changed qualitatively.

The same magic technique, performed with different levels of magic power, will definitely have different effects.

Judging from the current results, the God of Order can easily destroy the reality of the magic plane with high-level magic power.

"The Upside Down has a higher energy level, but its existence is not allowed by the multiverse. It is very difficult to even maintain its own existence, and it is even more unreasonable to use magic in the multiverse.

Didn't you notice? The Upside Down has never used magic before."

Speaking of this, Harley paused for a moment, thinking of the "Magic Light Pillar" used by the Upside Down before when he stormed the Gate of Heaven.

Stimulating magic power to form a beam of light is almost the crudest form of magic, but it still belongs to the category of magic.

The Upside Down is growing!

When its own problems are solved, it will gradually gain access to the use of magic rules.

"The Upside Down's state is very similar to that of me who was deprived of my miraculous powers by Hecate. Do you know my current situation?" Harley glanced at Zatanna and Zha Kang and asked.

Xiao Zha nodded and said: "We have been here for a while, and Shangdu and Rachel have asked about what happened in the past few days.

In fact, I called Lishan Manor yesterday afternoon and had a few words with Selena. "

"If you are willing, you can explain it again. Listen to yourself. I understand it more accurately and clearly." Zha Kang was lying on the soft couch, looking at her with bright eyes.

He even used the Law of True Knowledge on her now.

Harley frowned slightly.

It is actually quite simple to explain her current state, just use Laozi and Zhuangzi in the real world as examples.

In reality, I am not the "Head of the Three Pure Ones" (he has never admitted it himself, and he cannot be what future generations say). He does not know Taoism and cannot even use the most basic fireball technique. But if he is released In an extraordinary world with Taoism and cultivation rules, he can ascend immediately after adapting to the rules, and even directly become the supreme Taoist.

In reality, Laozi and Zhuangzi are "mediocre" and can only use the power of their bodies. It's not that they are incompetent, it's that the world doesn't have the rule of cultivation.

In other words, the real world does not introduce the element of miracle (light magic) as the basic force that constitutes the universe.

Harley is now in a fantasy world, but was forced into the real world environment by the master of miracle elements, becoming the "mortal boss" in the DC multiverse.

It's not difficult to explain these words, but Harley can't say this to Zha Kang and Xiao Zha.

The world they are in now is the "real world".

Laozi and Zhuangzi in this real world are probably not ordinary people.

"Even if I say it myself, it's no different from the explanations given by Xanadu and Selina. If you really can't understand, just think of me as Xanadu. Didn't she have her skills revoked and have to practice again?

At this time, I am a Xanadu with magic in my blood, the power of the Great King in my hands, and the favor of Brother God. I have nothing but the power to use it. " Harley said.

Xanadu said: "It's actually not appropriate to use me as an example. My divine nature has been lost. Even if you give me Hecate's magical power, I can't return to the original state.

You are different. Even if you are like a mortal whose power has been deactivated, as long as you gain access to Hecate's magical power, your thick-skinned god king's power can be quickly restored. "

Xiao Zha wondered: "I heard that you integrated the magical power you received from Hecate the day before yesterday into the 'Power of the King of Silver City'. Why don't you give priority to getting back the power of your thick-skinned god king? The power of the King must always be returned to Silver City, the power of the God King is yours."

Zha Kang said disapprovingly: "In that situation, the priority must be to activate the power of the king. The combat power of the 'Heaven King' far exceeds that of the 'Thick-skinned God King'.

To deal with the Upside Down and Hecate, attack-type powers are far more useful than thick-skin powers.

Moreover, to restore the power of the God King, Hecate's magical power must be integrated into the soul.

That is not pure magical power, it is actually a group of souls from Hecate.

No one knows what side effects may occur in the future.

Integrating into the power of the Maharaja is the best choice. Harley is very smart and very lucky. "

Harley looked at Xiao Zha and said: "In addition to what John said, there is a more realistic problem.

Even if the magical power is integrated into the soul, the power of the God King cannot be immediately regained.

If magical power is integrated into the power of the God-King, it will not be easily taken away by Hecate.

But it is very difficult to use magic power to get it back after losing the power of the God King.

Hecate relied on her own power to deprive me of my power as a god-king.

Assuming that her power at that time was 2000, I hit her conscious forehead several times during the Battle of Heaven Realm, and there was only 1 point of power left in the chaotic consciousness that I captured.

How can I use 1 point of power to get the authority of the God King that has been locked up by 1999 points of power?

If I integrate 1 point of magic power into the authority of the God-King, it will give the authority of the God-King wings and legs. I can escape and struggle before the 1999 points of power lock me.

The power has a little time to struggle, and I can immediately stay away from Hecate, or punch her a few times, so that she has no time to pursue the power of my god-king with legs with the 1999 power. "

"Oh, that's it, it makes sense." Xiao Zha suddenly understood, and the others also looked like they suddenly understood.

"Xiao Zha, you-" Diana just shouted and then suddenly stopped, looked around, and said: "Harry, since Xiao Zha is here, let's start directly.

But before I begin, I think it's best to get everyone else out of the way.

Hecate certainly doesn't want to see what we're about to do. "

"Start with what?" Xiao Zha was confused.

Harley shook her head and said: "This matter cannot be hidden from anyone. We just speculate that there is a second witch fire, and Xiao Zha may not be the second witch fire.

If we are lucky and she is the second witch fire, we will continue to look for the third and fourth witch fire.

Every gifted witch has checked it out, how can the news be kept hidden? "

Diana looked around again, looking at Princess Amethyst, who had her head lowered, as if she had lost her life, and said softly: "Amaya needs to rest, let her go back to her room and take a nap."

Princess Amethyst has just drank several times of red wine, but she still hasn't recovered.

Selena was very conscious of being a hostess, so she immediately sat down next to Amaya, whispered a few words of persuasion, and helped her walk to the guest room on the second floor.

"Amaya is the only one left in the Crystal World?" Xiao Zha said softly after Princess Amethyst left.

"When we arrived, the Crystal World was like a pizza box that had been visited by gluttons. Not even the pizza residue was left. If it were a second later, not even Amaya would be gone," Diana said.

"Except for Amaya's crystal world, have you ever rescued people from other magical worlds?" Xanadu asked.

Diana shook her head and sighed: "The world of the planes that have not been visited by the God of Order is well preserved and peaceful; the planes that have been harvested by the God of Order have turned into nothingness, not even a burnt meteorite is left, so where can we go?" Save people?"

"What I mean is that after the Crystal World, the God of Order did not continue to invade other magical worlds? You have been there for so long, you must have been entangled with the God of Order, right?" Xanadu said.

Diana squinted at Harley and said strangely: "What makes you think that after meeting Harley, the God of Order can continue to wreak havoc on other magical worlds? It's not like you don't know her attitude towards them."

"Uh, there is no need for trial, just kill them. The whole army of the God of Order has been wiped out? Has the God of Order completely become history?" Xanadu asked in shock.

"Dead, but not all of them. The number of Order Gods is quite large." Diana said.

Khalid, who had been sitting in the corner without speaking, immediately became nervous and said tremblingly: "My uncle is fine, right?"

"Don't worry, Nabu is very keen. He immediately noticed when Harley approached and immediately ran away. Even if Harley is fast, it is impossible to catch up with everyone.

In fact, she only hit two. Or was it three? "

Diana glanced at Harley with a questioning look, and when she saw that she didn't speak, she continued: "The other Gods of Order will at most be affected by the aftermath. They may be injured, but their lives are not in danger."

Xanadu looked at Harley with strange eyes, "I thought you would capture the thief first and capture the king first, making Naboo your primary target."

"Of course Harley regards Naboo as her primary target, otherwise she would never let so many people go.

But Harley's Holy Light magic seems to be ineffective against Naboo, right? Diana asked.

Harley's expression was a little gloomy, "Naboo has been blessed by an archangel and is extremely resistant to holy light magic.

My cross slash is not completely ineffective.

His internal organs had been shattered by me, and the reason why he didn't spurt out blood was because he was wearing a helmet. "

"Sister Harley, the one with broken internal organs and blood spurting out is my great-uncle, Kent!" Khalid said excitedly.

"I know it was Kent, but Naboo's soul was in his body at the time, so throwing a weapon at him would be tantamount to aiding the evil," said Harry.

"Kent is innocent. He can be separated from his helmet. There is no need to directly blast King Naboo and the God of Order. They can be captured and sealed," Khalid said.

Harley glanced at him and thought to herself: Selina sent Princess Amethyst to rest too early.

If Princess Amethyst were here, she would scold Khalid so hard that he couldn't even open his mouth.

However, she does not consider that the Martial God King Era is now in his thirties, so she will not get angry with a young man in his early twenties.

"Next time if they don't run away and surrender honestly, I will just suppress them instead of beating them to death." She said casually.

Khalid's expression was tangled and he wanted to say something else, but Xiao Zha spoke first.

"Why is there an archangel blessing on Naboo? You have the power of the king. What blessing can resist the power of the king?" she asked doubtfully.

"I met you just after I came back, and I haven't had time to inquire about the voice of heaven. However, Naboo has always had a close relationship with heaven, and is still close friends with ghosts. It's not surprising that he has the blessing of an angel.

The blessing on him only reduces some damage from the power of holy light, and cannot resist my power as a king. " Harley said.

Naboo was able to escape this time mainly because of his own strength. To be more precise, it was the strength gained from the Dark Origin of the Upside Down.

Although the power of the King is not as easy to use as the power of the thick-skinned god king, Harley's special force field to assist the power of the holy light in solidifying the space is not bad. If Naboo is in a normal state, it will definitely be difficult to break free and escape.

At that time, Harley suddenly came out, but Nabu reacted immediately and was not caught off guard.

He and the God of Order turned into a golden light of order as thin as a gossamer, following the cracks in the reality barrier, twisting and turning, the path was unpredictable, the speed was faster than light, and the effect of space solidification was very poor.

Seeing that the spatial confinement was ineffective, Harley once again used her body as a cross sword, activated the power of the monarch with all her strength, and slashed at Naboo with the Cross of Holy Light.

The Holy Light Cross Slash was enough to tear reality apart, and the attack range was very large. Nabu was not able to completely escape, but it was not a frontal hit and was only severely injured.

"Naboo and the others were just injured. They can still harvest the magic plane after taking a short rest." Constantine said.

Diana said: "We rescued Amaya at midnight yesterday, and after that we patrolled around again and never encountered the Order God System again. They probably won't take action in a short time.

After all, two members of the God of Order died, and the others were also seriously injured. Finally, they could give an explanation to the Upside Down.

According to Nabu's true intentions, he definitely didn't want to do such an evil deed that was destined to be infamy for eternity.

If it weren't for the intruder's persecution, the God of Order would not take the initiative to help Weird harvest the magic plane. "

"Surrender and become someone else's dog, how can you have any choice?" Constantine sneered.

Diana said: "We never expect bad guys to give up doing bad things. Sertin and BoBo will stay in the Forgotten Bar and gather members of the 'Shadow Pact Team' to continue to monitor the movements of the strange and order gods.

If you find any trace of them, notify Harley immediately. "

"Is it too dangerous to stay in the Forgotten Bar now? They themselves are the harvest targets of Hecate and the Upside Down." Ivy frowned.

Harley sighed: "But they are also superheroes. When have you ever seen a superhero who is afraid of death?"

Of course she persuaded BoBo and Sertin, but they didn't want to hide in Lishan doing nothing when everyone needed help and they could do something themselves.

"This is not a question of whether you are afraid of death or not. Useless sacrifices are completely worthless and unnecessary." Ivy said.

Diana said: "Harry left half of the energy field in the Oblivion Bar."


"If the energy field covers the Forgotten Bar, the magic will be invalid. People outside the bar can't come in, and people inside can't get out, so only certain areas inside the bar are covered by the energy field.

In addition to the energy field, Harley will also establish a direct connection between the Forgotten Bar and Lishan Manor later. "

Normally, to enter the Oblivion Bar, you only need one door. Activate the spell with magic and open the door to enter the bar.

In order to save magic power, or to facilitate apprentices with no magic power or low magic power to enter the bar, veteran mages in the city will solidify teleportation magic on a certain door, and all apprentices in the city can enter the bar through this door.

No matter which way you enter the Oblivion Bar, you cannot open the teleportation channel for a long time.

Not long after chanting a spell to open a certain door, that door will lose its magical effect. Even if the door is open, it will also lose its teleportation effect.

If you want to maintain the teleportation effect of the door at all times, you must continue to input magic power.

"Harley holds the power of a king and has a lot of magic power. She can maintain the portal connection between Lishan and the bar for a long time. She can even hang on the World Tree and look up to see BoBo behind the bar." Diana smiled.

"What should I do when I leave the bar and go to Limbo to inquire about information?" Ivy asked again.

Diana pondered: "There will definitely be risks, and the Shadow Pact team is also willing to take this risk.

And the main source of information is the guests in the bar. BoBo will inform everyone who comes to the bar, telling them about the Order God System and the Upside Down harvesting the magic plane.

Once the news spreads and the major planes become vigilant, secret sentries will be arranged outside the plane.

After the God of Order sealed the magic plane, the spies in the secret sentry immediately went to the Forgotten Bar and reported the news to the Shadow Pact team. The Shadow Pact team shouted at the door, 'Harley, XXX plane, coordinates XXXX'. "

"Hmm, it sounds pretty reliable." Xanadu smiled and nodded, and the worry on his face was replaced by ease.

Ivy glanced at Harley and sighed: "It's just hard for Harley. She has to guard Gotham and especially protect us on Mount Li, but she also has to wait for the call from the voice of heaven and be ready to set off to rescue Heaven at any time.

If there is a problem in other cities on Earth, she should be called upon to deal with it.

Now that the heavens and worlds have been added, can they be busy? "

"Although there are many places that need my care, the enemies are always the Upside Down and Hecate. If I go to rescue one place, I can rest assured in other places."

After a pause, Harley continued: "Protecting those magic planes not only saves people, but also prevents the growth of the Upside Down and Hecate.

If we just stick to Gotham and sit back and watch the Upside Down and Hecate harvesting the world, we will not grow but will face the strongest enemy in the end.

On the contrary, if I go all out to protect all heavens and realms now, not only will the Upside Down and Hecate grow slowly, but I myself will also grow quickly.

The Upside Down's magic power is of little use to me now, but Hecate's power is a huge treasure!

As long as I can severely inflict heavy damage on Hecate again in the defense battle of all heavens and realms, my power as a king will become stronger and stronger. "

"Both Hecate and the Upside Down have the ability to fight on multiple fronts. I'm afraid you will be overwhelmed."

A look of worry appeared on Constantine's face, "You put a lot of energy into the defense of the world, Gotham must have been neglectful, and our Long Island villa seems to be unsafe.

How about Xiaozha and I also move to Lishan? Let's go to the back mountain. "

Xanadu complained: "The back mountain has become a paradise for goddesses and fairies in the heavenly realm, and there is no place for you to live.

In just one or two days, the number of members of the 'Paradise Mountain Song and Dance Ensemble' exceeded 200.

If Harry didn't quickly increase the length of the 'sale contract', the back mountain would be overcrowded.

Even if the time of prostitution increases to 100 million years, after yesterday's battle to defend heaven, Athena also called Lishan to ask about the living conditions of the sisters, seemingly wanting to take refuge. "

The expression on Diana's face was a little unnatural.

"Athena called you?" Harley asked in surprise.

Xanadu shook his head, "I heard what Cleo said."

Diana reminded: "Harry, business is important! Please check Xiao Zha's body quickly."

Xiao Zha wondered: "What's wrong with my body? By the way, what did you mean by the second witch fire just now?"

Diana quickly recounted Harley's analysis of witch fire.

Zha Kang frowned and said, "No one knows Xiao Zha's body better than me. There is nothing abnormal about her."

Xiao Zha's face was red and her watery eyes glared at him.

Diana said: "Magic power will definitely not appear on the surface. If it really exists, it must be in the deepest part of the soul."

Zha Kang glanced at her, with a hint of pride on his face, "As early as 10 years ago, my communication with Xiao Zha went deep into the deepest part of my soul."

"Stop talking nonsense." Xiao Zha couldn't bear the shame and punched him in the buttocks.

Little fists and butt drums, almost flirting.

But Zha Kang's face instantly turned pale, his expression became exaggeratedly distorted, and his forehead was instantly covered with a bead of cold sweat.

"Puff, puff~~~" A strange sound came from behind his butt drum, like a tire deflating intermittently.

It must have been trying hard to clamp but failing.

A thin stream of black smoke gathered above the butt drum.

"Ah, John has an anal fissure again. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Xiao Zha exclaimed.

Harley frowned and used a layer of holy light shield to cover the stretcher where Zha Kang was alone.

"It's been so long, and your problem still hasn't been cured?"

Zha Kang gritted his teeth, as if he was holding in his feces, but actually he was tightening his buttocks. He had no time or energy to talk.

Xiao Zha said for him: "The dirt in the stomach is almost empty, but the remaining consciousness of the House of Miracles has endless hatred and resentment towards John. It is desperately entangled with his soul and refuses to be excreted easily."

Harley said: "Put him in the yard and spray slowly, we have business to do."

"In the yard" Xiao Zha glanced outside. There were the heroes of the Teen Titans training in the yard.

Even with the current magic debt crisis, the Barbatos training camp has not been closed.

"There are many people outside. It would not be good for them to see John's anal fissure squirting." Xiao Zha said.

Harry really didn't want his house to be polluted by the filthy air, so he said, "Put it outside on the mountain path near the top of the mountain."

Ten minutes later, in the meditation room.

Harley shook her head and said, "Xiao Zha, you don't seem to be the 'Second Witch Fire'."

"Is it possible that the inspection method is wrong? If there is really magical power, it must be deeply hidden, otherwise Xiao Zha would have checked it out by himself." Diana asked.

Xiao Zha frowned and said: "Are you sure that Hecate got a large part of the magical power in the Witchfire Soul? This is unreasonable, not magical and illogical!

If there really is magical power in the soul, it is more than just a gift.

Harley, you yourself also received a small part of the magical power from Hecate. You must be very clear about its significance to mages. "

Harry said: "Wuhuo himself will definitely not be able to use the magical power placed in Wuhuo's soul."

Diana asked again: "Are you sure you didn't make any omissions? Perhaps it is hidden in the deepest part of the soul that is difficult for ordinary people to reach."

Harley mused: "I have perfectly completed the nightmare demonization. The strength, toughness and sensitivity of the soul are almost transcendent. Coupled with the power of the king, Xiao Zha also completely trusts me and completely lets go of the soul to let my thinking probe If you drive straight in, there shouldn’t be any oversights.”

"But Xiao Zha is already the first witch in modern times. If there is a second witch fire, who else could it be besides her?" Diana looked a little impatient.

Xiao Zha thought for a moment and said, "Diana, I'm glad you praised me like this, but I think you can think more highly of me.

There is a clear gap between me and Wuhuo.

Not only in terms of realm, her understanding of the mysteries and control of the laws, and her spell-casting skills are not as good as mine.

I'm not boasting. In a head-on battle, I can fight 20 witch fires by myself.

If she has 100 points, I have at least 150 points.

If there is a second wizard fire, you should look for it at the 100-point level. It does not mean that the higher the talent and level, the easier it is to become the 'second wizard fire'. "

Harley nodded slightly, "What Xiao Zha said makes sense, we may have been thinking wrong before.

T0-level witches are too eye-catching, and it is easy for them to explore their full potential and discover the magical power in their souls, but they are not suitable to become "living storage cabinets".

T1T2 level, especially the 'stupid' who is slow-minded and uses more force than wisdom, is more likely to become the second 'Witch Fire'. "

"Do you think Wu Huo is stupid?" Diana's expression was a little twisted.

"There is no absolute value for 'smart'. Whether you are stupid or not is all determined by comparison. Compared with Little Zabi, Wuhuo's creativity is indeed far behind," said Harley.

The practice in the DC multiverse is very different from the practice in the world of celestial beings.

The older the secret book in the world of Xianxia, ​​the closer the power cultivated is to its origin, the closer to the avenue, and the more powerful it is.

Basically, the secret arts created by the ancients are always better than today's secret arts, and archeology is better than innovation.

The DC universe is also divided into ancient magic and current magic, but there is no difference in power or mystery between them. The only difference is that the longer time passes, the more and more complex the imprints on the magic become.

Magic power is like an enoki mushroom that can never be digested. You eat it today and pull it out tomorrow (when the mage dies, the magic power is dispersed or recycled). He continues to eat it. After he finishes it, he pulls it out and gives it to the new person the day after tomorrow. Every time he pulls it out, The enoki mushrooms will be stained with the smell of their predecessors.

Passed down for billions of years, today's "Enoki mushrooms" are smelly and full of dirt (imprints).

The ancient magic power may not have been used by anyone. Even if it has been used once or twice, it is still considered "pure natural magic power".

Whether it is clean magic power or "Enoki mushroom magic power", the difference is only in the number of imprints, not the power.

Therefore, the strong DC players rule the roost more with their skills. Whoever can create more magic to target the enemy's magic faster and more quickly is the strong one and will be sought after by others.

Typical examples are Kang and Phoenix Faust.

Because of this, Xiao Zha can proudly declare that Wuhuo is not on the same level as himself.

Witchfire has strong magic power, but she hasn't created many new magic or new theories.

"How can it be considered to be on the same level as Witch Fire?" Diana asked.

"There is no need to choose specifically. The lack of magical power in Xiao Zha's body just proves that magical power is not necessarily in the body of the most talented witch.

A witch who is worse than Xiao Zha, or even worse than Wuhuo, may become the 'second Wuhuo'. " Harley said.

"Do we need to check all the witches? Can they be checked? There are millions of people in Gotham alone." Diana said.

Harley said: "Only people from Earth will be checked, alien mages and alien mages will be excluded. Anyone who is somewhat famous will be called over."

"Why only check people on Earth?" Zatanna asked doubtfully.

"Because Earth is the center of 'stories of crisis and heroism.'"

"This reason doesn't sound very reliable," Xiao Zha said with a tangled expression.

"The plan to find the 'Second Witch Fire' is not very reliable. The conclusion relies entirely on speculation and assumptions, and whether it succeeds or not depends entirely on luck." Harley said.

Diana said: "Xiao Zha, you have completed the examination and can take Constantine home to recuperate. We can complete the next investigation work."

An hour later, Cape Town, Africa.

On the street in front of the United States National Bank, a fight had just ended.

The passers-by who had been running wildly and scattered gradually gathered around. They also took out their mobile phones and focused their cameras on the female spear warrior standing proudly in the center of the battlefield, still shouting wildly.

"God Enduo, Goddess Enduo, you are so cool!"

"The light of Africa, the spirit Endo!"

"Enduo, I love you~~~"

The Goddess Endo is not a god. "The Goddess Endo" is the name of the African-American superheroine Endo.

She wields a spear and dresses like a warrior, but she's actually a witch.

"Everyone, please step aside. I want to take him to the police station."

God Endo has been debuting for many years, and he is still enjoying the cheers of the people, but he will no longer be so intoxicated that he forgets his work.

She picked up the bank robber lying on the ground and shouted: "This is the super villain 'Wolverine'. He has used extremely dangerous alien weapons. Please don't get too close.

The mecha is damaged and there is very strong radiation energy inside—"

"Didi-di-di" her watch hidden under the bone bracelet suddenly made a high-frequency bass sound, and her wrist was also vibrating slightly.

Divine Enduo was stunned, looked down at his wrist, and continued to trot toward the police station with the mecha robber while turning on his earbuds and answering the call from the Hall of Justice.

"Hello, Endo? I am Firestorm, please come to the Hall of Justice immediately."

"I'm Enduo. I'm on a mission right now. The Wolverine is wearing the newly built 'Wolf Armor' to rob a bank. I have to send him to the police station." Enduo said.

"The Wolverine is just an ordinary person. All you need to do is dismantle his mecha, then put him on the roadside and wait for the police to come by," Firestorm said.

"What's the matter, so urgent?" Goddess Enduo asked strangely.

"Harry is looking for you. He has something very important. Come here quickly." Firestorm said.

"Harley? Harley has never looked for me, are you lying to me?" the god Enduo said in surprise.

"I'm not the only one looking for you, but your priority is higher."

"Can you tell me something?"

Firestorm hesitated and said, "Harry specifically told you not to let you know the reason, saying it was for your safety."

The god Enduo asked again: "Then do you know the reason?"

"Superman is the only one in the entire hall who knows why Harley is looking for you. Now do you understand how urgent and important the matter is?" Firestorm said.

"I understand, I'll--"

Just as Shen Duo was about to hang up the phone, an unprecedented fear suddenly arose in her heart.

In an instant, a memory that had never been remembered before appeared in her mind: it was decades ago, when she was only eight years old, and the tribe's witch doctor had just taught her meditation techniques. She followed the witch doctor's instructions and closed her eyes slightly. She was meditating alone in the tent when suddenly a pair of sinister and vicious old eyes appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness. She was so frightened that she opened her eyes and actually saw those eyes and that twisted old face. She was so frightened that she screamed, but she could not utter a word. The old woman took a red-hot iron and stamped it hard on her forehead.


The spirit Endo screamed in pain and fear, and a bright March Seal appeared on her forehead. Every pore on her body was spraying out blazing magic flames. She became a person of light, with black eyes dripping. Blood and tears.

"No, no, please!" She begged weakly with the last of her consciousness.


Like a nuclear bomb explosion, the magic flame storm centered on the god Endo, burning all the ground and houses around one kilometer into flowing magma.

"Fake, there really is a second witch fire."

In Gotham, Harley's expression changed suddenly, and when she was about to teleport to Africa immediately, a second magic explosion suddenly came in her spiritual sense, in Metropolis!

"The third witch fire, damn it, why did Hecate react so quickly!"

Harley hesitated for a moment and finally chose Metropolis.

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