Chapter 1918 Finding Hecate’s key

While looking at the slate in his hand, Harley asked in surprise: "Have the traces of Hades' existence been singled out and erased in the entire mother river of time?

No wonder I rarely think of him recently, and others seem to have forgotten him.

According to the timeline of the main universe, when was Hades found by Hecate?

Hades should have been caught by Hecate, right?

Otherwise, Hecate would not have been able to erase all traces of Hades' existence from the entire timeline. "

"Probably the day your teacher Assar was harvested by that woman, right here, at the end of the mother river of time, Hecate directly found Hades hidden at the end of the mother river.

But Hades had arrived at the end of the mother river earlier.

That was after Goddess Asael was rescued from the Origin Wall by you, she noticed that the gods in the heavens had the idea of ​​killing Asael, and vaguely sensed something ominous, so she has been hiding here and waiting for you. "The time trap said.

"Waiting for me? The multiverse has begun to have a magic debt crisis. He has also sensed the ominous situation, and is he still thinking about "the story transmission of the omnipotent universe"?

Isn't he afraid of death?

Being erased bit by bit from the mother river of time, being slowly tortured for 3 billion years, just thinking about it makes you realize how painful it is. He has made him unconscious and brainless? " Harley said puzzled.

In the past, she would indeed come to the Ocean of Entropy once at the beginning of every month or at the end of the previous month.

Observe the development of the "Martial God King Story" in the multiverse next door through story perception.

However, perceiving the story requires her to enter the ocean of entropy, and each time lasts for a relatively long time, ranging from a few hours to several days. During this period, she cannot take into account the information of the main universe in real time.

Therefore, she would only go to the ocean of entropy to toss in the ocean of entropy only when the crisis has just ended and a large-scale crisis has not yet emerged.

After all, spreading stories is just a side job, and her foundation needs to be protected.

Hades also understood her habits and consciously did not disturb her when there was a crisis. After the crisis was over, he quietly arranged a projection to ask about the next time to enter the ocean of entropy.

"It is precisely because he is afraid of death, so scared that he came to the end of the mother river of time early." said the Time Trap.

Harry asked strangely: "Is it possible that his way to overcome the disaster is to hide in the mother river of time?

Although the mother river is vast, it cannot be an obstacle to Hecate. She controls the entire set of time magic.

She could instantly know all the magical and forbidden arts of the God of Time, and then pick them up at her fingertips, easily controlling any gods and demons in the mother river. "

The Time Trap said disapprovingly: "Before telling Lao Shizi's story to you, he must have had his own unique way of overcoming the calamity.

But the most essential part of his soul has been spread to other multiverses by you as a story carrier.

How can there be enough power to execute the complex method of overcoming the tribulation that was designed over hundreds of millions of years?

He is hiding at the end of the mother river of time, just looking for you to seek refuge.

After the Asal incident, he wanted to go to Lishan Manor to find you in person.

But after hesitating several times, I didn't dare to really move forward.

That woman first harvested Asal, obviously intending to use Asal to blackmail you.

This shows that the woman has already set her sights on you, and her eyes have been focused on you and Lishan.

And Hades is almost one of the gods that the woman hates the most.

As long as he quietly approaches Lishan, I am afraid that the woman will immediately wait for him.

Therefore, he stays at the end of the Mother River of Time, hoping to meet you when you come to the Ocean of Entropy to investigate the situation. "

Ha Li asked: "You know him so well, is it possible that he has been chatting with you while hiding here?"

The Time Trap said: "He tried to talk to me, but I ignored him and he was the only one chattering.

Probably sensing that the crisis was coming, he asked me for help and called you over, but I still ignored him.

Finally, he left a stone slab beside me and dived into the mother river beneath me, keeping his body close to the edge of the ocean of entropy.

He said he must not be caught by that woman.

If the woman really chases her here and finds him, he would rather take a leap of faith, jump into the ocean of entropy, and be melted into energy essence by the entropy. In the future, you may be able to collect it and return it to his main consciousness.

You should know what his main consciousness is, right?

Hades is crazy.

He actually believed that his own body was not his real body, and the story of being sent away was his main consciousness.

But he was so crazy that he still underestimated how terrifying that woman was.

When the woman arrived, I didn't even notice it. Hades was still whispering to me in the mother river beneath me.

Maybe he also sensed the crisis and was too nervous.

Just like how she harvested your teacher Asal, when the woman completely controlled the miraculous power in his body and was about to seize his body, he realized that his magic debt had expired.

He howled miserably and begged loudly, but the woman had no mercy.

She told him that now she was the 'Grudge', and the Grudge loved to hear him wailing and repenting, and would not show any mercy.

She controlled his body and followed the mother river to clean up traces of Hades in the river.

There is no 'time' in the mother river of time, but in Hades' personal perception, a full 3 billion years have passed.

He was tortured for three billion years.

All the secrets in his heart have been squeezed out by the resentful woman, including the "story spreading" between him and you. "

Harry raised the slate in his right hand and said, "Does the grudge also know about the existence of the slate?"

"Maybe I know, maybe I don't know. The whole process of the execution of Hades by the resentful woman was in the mother river. I can sense some information, but I don't dare to really get close to them. I don't know the specific details." Time Trap said.

Harry held the slate and thought for a few seconds, then said: "I understand, thank you for telling me this information. Now please leave the end of the mother river of time. It doesn't take too long, half a minute is enough."

"Why do you want me to leave? My responsibility is to guard the end of time." The time trapper, who had always been indifferent, finally had some emotion in his voice.

"If I don't want to cause destruction, no one will be able to destroy the end of time in front of me. You can safely avoid it for half a minute; if I want to cause destruction, you will be just a wooden stake here."

The rotten cloak covered the Time Trap's face and body, but it couldn't hide the slight trembling of his body, which seemed to say: I'm not a wooden stake. Look, I can at least be stimulated by you until I tremble all over.

Well, this is definitely not what the Time Trap is thinking.

In fact, he had nothing to say except "Mom sells batches".

Because although Harley's words were very unpleasant, they were completely truthful.

Harley shook the slate in her hand and continued: "I'm not targeting you, I just can't trust you.

You have also seen that Hades left his last words to me, and I have to help him complete his 'final redemption'.

It's about his life. It's best not to let anyone else know about it, except for me. It's for his own good and for your own good.

You have also seen that woman, or the resentful woman has also seen you.

But Hades has been tortured for 3 billion years, and you are not only alive and well, but you can also keep his last relic——"

The time trap finally had something to say.

He said excitedly: "I am different from you extraordinary beings. I am a time trapper, the gatekeeper of the mother river of time, the incarnation of time power recognized by 'Origin'. I am more sacred and inviolable than the rules! I have no qualifications or ability to blame you. Harvest me!”

"Previously, your 'imperial' background might have been a talisman for you. But when you master the shocking secret that could affect Hades' life and death, do you think that old godly woman and old madman will still care about your identity as a member of the imperial court?" ?" Harley said.

"Affecting Hades' life and death?" The Time Trapper was stunned and said, "He is already dead, completely dead.

Moreover, the slate is just an ordinary stone with a few lines of words carved on it, and I can see the words on it clearly.

The content is very simple. If he is killed, please inform the main consciousness that has already been thought, and let it work hard to improve itself. Don't come back before you are truly transcendent. When you are transcended in the future, you must come back to avenge him.

It has absolutely nothing to do with being resurrected again. "

"The content of the slate is very simple, but the cryptic language inside is only understandable to me, otherwise Hades would let you see it directly?"

Harley waved her hand impatiently, and the time defense force field enveloped the time trapper's body. The power of the holy light turned into a giant hand, grabbed him and threw him back, and he disappeared with a "swish".

Then, Harley turned on all her defense specialties, but the high-frequency vibration of her blood was divided into two different frequencies.

The blood vessels with the same frequency as the main body still remain in the body, while the blood vessels vibrating at another frequency are naturally separated from the main body.

From a macro perspective, Harley's body suddenly became blurry, and then she took a step back, leaving another Harley in place.

Harley's original bloodline does not contain any magic power, and the other Harley is a clone that contains more than 9 million units of bloodline power.

Although the power of separating the bloodline cannot completely erase the mark left on the soul, it can greatly reduce the negative effects of the magic mark bursting when facing creditors.

Harley put her hands on the bloodline clone's shoulders, and spent half a minute condensing a hybrid defense field containing level 10 magic defense expertise on her body.

Then with a gentle push, the bloodline clone fell outside the mother river of time and was swallowed by the ocean of entropy.

In fact, the bloodline clone is a part of her body and is also protected by defense expertise.

Harley condenses an additional force field, which has two main functions: reducing the consciousness content in the bloodline clone and increasing the "volume" of the clone.

The strength of consciousness in the bloodline clone determines the degree of control the clone has over the huge power of the bloodline.

For example, the bloodline clone staying in Lishan at this time.

Harley deliberately controlled one-tenth of the bloodline with the consciousness of one-thousandth of her body size. However, the control was insufficient, and the bloodline force field leaked, making Wonder Woman, Xanadu and others uncomfortable. Harley succeeded in pretending.

In order to make the bloodline clone with 9 million units of magic power more stable, she should leave a huge consciousness in it.

But the more consciousness remains in the bloodline clone, the more incomplete her body becomes and the more incomplete her power becomes.

In order to maintain the combat power of his body, Harley cannot stay too conscious.

In order to keep the clone stable, a force field "box" was added to store the bloodline clone as an item.

In addition, "big boxes" are also easier to recycle.

A "little human" with a height of 1.7 meters and a spherical energy field with a radius of 100 kilometers fell into the dark ocean at the same time. Which one is easier to find?

Harley's mental power can spread within the ocean of entropy, but its range is limited.

Staying in the ocean of entropy, unable to sense the information from the mother river, the blood clone cannot connect with the original consciousness, and does not know when to return to the mother river, so it can only wait for Harley to go down to find her.

Condensing a layer of energy field will make future salvage and recycling more convenient.

When the blood clone submerged into the ocean of entropy, Harley crushed the stone slab casually, and the figure suddenly disappeared.

The words in the slate are very straightforward, without any hidden meanings.

She just didn't want anyone to see the process of hiding her bloodline clone into the ocean of entropy.

Harley's bloodline clone left in Gotham was driven to the top of Mount Lee.

Driven away by Selina, Madam Xanadu and the others.

Because the bloodline power of 1 million units of magic power is so powerful that it forms an energy field.

All existences containing miraculous elements within the scope of the energy field began to lose control of their magic power.

Not only is the mage affected, but even the magic device placed in the room is "smoking" - the magic power contained in the magic device breaks away from the magic device and floats in the direction of the bloodline clone, but the spirituality of the magic device itself is still there. Pulling the dissipated magic elements, the smoky magic elements are visible to the naked eye, causing a smoke-like phenomenon.

In short, the magic power within the bloodline force field began to lose control, and the magician's mental power became unstable.

This is the result of the bloodline clone's efforts to suppress it.

If you completely let go of the restraints, it will be like a little black bean visiting the earth in person.

In fact, even the little black bean does not have 1 million units of magic power.

The complete Lucifer after fusion with Little Black Bean only has 1 million units of magic power.

Before today, 1 million units of magic power was already an exaggeration. After all, the average level of an ordinary demon king was only 100 units of magic power.

According to the Upside Down, the total magic power (not the total miraculous power) of the entire DC multiverse is approximately 5 million units.

"Did you really steal the equivalent of two multiverses of magic from the Upside Down?"

Harley's body directly landed on Lishan and overlapped with the bloodline clone. The two Harleys merged together without any obstacles and became one Harley.

When she returned to the villa halfway up the mountain, Wonder Woman, Madam Xanadu, and everyone else looked at her with ghostly eyes.

"Didn't you doubt my ability to show off with your power as a king before? Why do you suddenly believe it now?" Harley said with a proud smile.

"I'm still very doubtful now." Wonder Woman pursed her lips and said with a strange expression: "But I saw the battle that just passed, and the Upside Down almost went crazy.

Like a kamikaze carrying explosives to attack the enemy's bunker.

All kinds of grotesque aliens are attacking Gotham and heaven without stopping, risking their lives.

Knowing that the tactics had failed and the strategy could not continue, the Upside-down Man still crazily filled his life inside.

This extremely angry and broken mentality shows that it suffered a huge loss in the battle of Maya.

I'm now somewhat convinced that you stole a lot of the roots from it.

But in terms of total numbers, you're definitely bragging.

Perhaps 2,000 or 20,000 small units are not as much as the total amount of magic power in two multiverses. "

"Oh, it's so hard to talk to you poor people," Harley sighed.


"Poverty in magic limits your imagination and structure. You are like the old farmer who said firmly, 'The emperor must use a golden pole to carry firewood when he chops it, and he must eat 10 white-flour steamed buns at night.'"

Harley's tone was very calm, and only her eyes showed a little bit of superiority, which still hurt them deeply.

Diana said solemnly: "Even if you are the 'Magic Emperor', we are poor magic farmers.

But the emperor could not deny that he and the peasants were both human beings!

Peasants would only say that the emperor ate 10 white-flour steamed buns, but would not say, 'The emperor ate 10,000 steamed buns every day.'

Even if the emperor himself said to the peasants, "I eat 10,000 bowl-sized meat buns every meal," the old peasants could tell at a glance that he was bragging.

Because the human belly is only that big, no one can hold 10,000 giant buns in their belly. This is common sense.

Even if the emperor's family has 1 million meat buns, it's useless. If you can't eat them, you can't eat them.

Your ability to rob the source of magic is well-known and recognized by everyone in the multiverse.

But you are still a life in the multiverse, and it is impossible to eat magic power that is larger than the multiverse.

This is also common sense. "

Diana's analysis actually makes sense.

Even if the amount of magic power is unlimited, the mage cannot absorb unlimited amounts of magic power.

Even the universe will be exploded by too much energy, and the mage's body will definitely be inferior to the universe.

In particular, the bodies of human mages are more fragile than those of otherworldly and alien mages.

But Harley is already level 148. Before today, she was level 147. During the Battle of Maia and the Guardian Battle of Heaven's Gate, she gained a lot of level experience.

A level 148 body has 148 defense points.

Relying on 148 points of pure physical defense, which far exceeded the limit of the multiverse, the power of blood could not burst Harley's body.

At that time, facing the frightened and angry Reverend, Harley didn't brag. She really didn't have enough to eat.

According to the speed at which the crisis sensor in her mind was strengthening at that time, it would take another thirty or forty large units of magic power before her body could no longer bear it and there would be a very high risk of being burst.

"I was wrong. You are not old farmers, you are unruly people. Honest and diligent farmers believe that the emperor is the real dragon and the emperor, and that the king's power is divinely authorized.

Even if you believe in the divine right of kings, you still doubt that the emperor blessed by the power of God can eat 10,000 meat buns?

Only unruly people would question the sanctity of monarchy. " Harley said.

"You mean, you didn't get blown out because you relied on the power of God?" Diana frowned.

Harry waved his hand and said: "There is no point in arguing about this matter. Anyway, I have 10 large units of magic power, and you will not enjoy any benefits. There is no harm to you if I brag and lie."

She looked at Waller and said, "Have the statistics been calculated? How many mages died in Gotham today?"

"Thirty-eight thousand and seventy-two people, a total of 57 agents and police officers and 104 civilians were killed by the mage's alienated zombies." Waller immediately gave accurate data.

"A lot of people died." Harley frowned.

"Thirty-eight thousand. It's really an exaggeration."

Selina, Xanadu and others also showed shocked expressions.

Waller said: “Considering the overall size, it’s not too exaggerated.

Today, the total number of registered mages in Gotham, Jersey City and other surrounding cities exceeds five million!

Add in unregistered stowaways and those with hidden identities, and the number will only increase.

In fact, the mages who were harvested this time were all on the outskirts of Gotham, or even in the city next door to Gotham.

It's not that those mages don't want to come to Gotham City.

If possible, they would love to stay in a hotel on Arkham Island, but unfortunately the city is already overcrowded.

There was no place to live, so I had to go to the suburbs, so I encountered something strange. "

"The total number of mages exceeds 5 million, and all the mages from the entire galaxy have come to Earth?" Selina exclaimed.

Xanadu raised his chin towards BoBo, "There is only one Maiya, but there are originally more than ten million people, and they are all targets for harvesting.

Even now, more than 200,000 Maiyars have come to Earth. How many ‘Maiya’ are there in all the heavens and realms of Lingbo Hell? "

BoBo lowered his head and said bitterly: "I failed Luke and the people of Maya. I failed to protect Maya."

"Even Harley can't completely protect the small Gotham. In the huge world of Maia, you can save more than 200,000 people, which is already great." Surtain comforted him, then looked at Waller and asked: "After Harley comes back, Weird shouldn't have a chance to harvest mages again, right?

The ratio of casualties between mages and ordinary people was a bit outrageous and strange. "

Waller nodded and said: "Masters and ordinary people basically die before Harley takes action.

Ordinary people are killed by alienated corpses.

When the aliens started to act, Harley had already returned and didn't have much chance to take action, so the casualties for ordinary people were not high.

Mages were harvested in patches by strange things, and often all the mages in an entire street or entire neighborhood were wiped out.

It's not that they are killed one by one, but wherever the mage walks strangely, there is no grass.

Especially outside the Harley force field, that is, more than 100 kilometers away from Lishan, most of the city's mages have been harvested. In the other half of the city within 100 kilometers, only the mages on the scattered streets have been harvested.

According to the harvested position of the mage within the range of Harley's legacy force field, the weird activity path can even be accurately estimated, and the weird harvesting range can be inferred.

The force field cannot prevent Weird from approaching and harvesting, but it can greatly affect Weird's perception.

By making it unable to sense him, the mage's life is saved. "

"How big is the range of weird perception?" Madam Xanadu asked.

"Outside the force field, the range of Weird's harvest is too large to be accurately estimated; within the force field, the range is about 10 meters around Weird's body.

In other words, if you leave Harley's force field, as long as you are in the city and something strange comes to the city, you may be harvested. If I can survive, it's just because I didn't go all out because of the weirdness.

But 100 kilometers around Lishan, as long as you stay 10 meters away from the strange thing, and are not seen by it with the naked eye, and you don't use magic, and there are no magic waves on your body, you have a high chance of surviving. "

Speaking of this, Waller looked at Harley and sighed: "Well, there is a huge difference between having a force field to protect you and not having a force field.

Gotham with you is just as different as Gotham without you.

You are in Gotham, and Gotham is the safest fortress; once you leave Gotham, Gotham becomes a free lunch buffet for aliens and Hecate, and is more dangerous than other places. "

"Can you inform me in advance when you leave Gotham again?" she asked in anticipation.

"I don't have time to inform you. Let Ivy or Selina inform you. Besides, didn't you say that there is a huge difference in safety with my residual force field protection and without it? Even if I leave Even though we have left Gotham, there is still a force field left." Harley said.

Waller shook his head and said: "The above is just a theoretical analysis, and theory does not equal reality.

In reality, other factors must be considered.

Other cities are far less safe than Gotham when encountering something strange, but other cities have less chance of encountering something strange.

The multiverse is so vast, what is the probability that Weird will happen to come to a certain city at a certain point in time?

Close to zero.

Just yesterday, you offended Hecate to death and stole her magical debt.

Today, it continued its efforts and stole the magic power of two large units of the Upside Down. It was so angry that it almost lost its mind and attacked the gates of Gotham and Heaven desperately.

With their hatred for you, as long as you are not in Gotham, they will definitely come. "

Diana's heart moved and she said: "With their hatred for Harley, as long as Harley is not in Gotham, they will definitely come, so how to judge that Harley is not in Gotham?

As long as Harley fights one of them outside the earth, the other party will definitely be able to sense the battle fluctuations.

But the reality is that when Harley fought Hecate in the Heaven Realm yesterday, the Upside Down did not react at all——"

"The Upside Down reacted. It immediately teamed up with Naboo to set up an ambush in Maia and ambushed Harley." Selina said.

Diana shook her head and said: "The reaction I'm talking about is to confirm that Harley is not in Gotham, and the Upside Down will come to Gotham immediately.

But the Upside Down went to Myers to set up an ambush and did not come to Gotham.

When the Upside Down and Harley fought desperately on the Maia battlefield today, only the Second Weird approached Gotham, but Hecate was nowhere to be seen.

Isn't it strange? "

Harry looked thoughtful and nodded: "It's indeed a bit strange when you say that."

"Is this strange? They are not teammates, they are enemies. Of course they will not cooperate with each other. At least they have not been forced by Harley to the point where they have to join forces." Mrs. Shandu said.

Diana said: "They are enemies, and they may not compromise each other for the common enemy - Harley, and they will not join forces to fight against foreign enemies before fighting internally.

But even if they are enemies, there is no need to deliberately avoid them.

Their behavior made me suspect that neither of them wanted to meet each other at this time. "

"Isn't that right?" Xanadu turned to Harley and said, "Harley also said earlier that on the battlefield of Maia, the Upside Down revealed an important secret - it was hunting Hecate, and Hecate was on the run, even if she was intact Hecate is still food before her.”

Harley pondered: "I also said 'in the octagonal cage, until death'! It's normal to brag about magic conchs in front of the enemy on the battlefield. If the Upside Down could really swallow Hecate, it would definitely not do anything in the battle in the heaven yesterday. View from the wall.

But at that time, the upside-down man thought he was sure of victory, so there was no need to lie completely.

It and Hecate should be afraid of each other.

The Upside Down could indeed bite Hecate to death, but Hecate might also seal it away again, just like in ancient times billions of years ago. "

"But they will eventually have a battle." Xanadu said.

"There will eventually be a battle in the future. The banquet has just begun and everyone is not perfect. Take the time to eat as hard as you can. The more you eat, the stronger you will be and the higher your chance of winning the future battle." Harley said.

BoBo asked: "How to eat it? Only eat the magician, or also eat the magic plane? Is what happened to Maiya not a special case?"

"I still count on you to answer this question!" Harley said.

"Me?" Detective Orangutan pointed at his nose and asked with confusion on his face: "Why can I answer this question? I don't know anything."

Harry glanced at his and Sertin's faces and said, "Common knowledge about the supernatural world on earth. To find out the latest news from all the worlds, where is the best place?"

"Forgotten Bar!" Sertin clapped his hands excitedly and said, "Haley has now obtained the power of the King. We can go back to Forgotten Bar to check the situation!"

The Oblivion Bar is the "crossroads" of the DC multiverse.

This "crossroads" is the literal meaning, not the concept of a crossroads.

It seems that it is very similar to the House of Mystery and the House of Secrets, a collection of house concepts, but it is very different from the House of Miracles.

The House of Miracles is a complete magical creation. The "Crossroads of the Multiverse" originally existed. It was part of the structure of the multiverse. After it was discovered by the magician and transformed and decorated with magic, it became the Forgotten Bar.

Therefore, it was not completely harvested by Hecate.

It's like a fire broke out in a human house in the material world. The magical creations, magical decorations and magical transformations in the Forgotten Bar were all burned down.

The fire scene was very tragic. Even the steps at the front door were burned down. The ground was scorched black and smelly, with pits and corpse oil dripping from it.

Most of the tables and chairs were also damaged, and the remaining carbonized wood was piled haphazardly in the corner.

Well, the Forgotten Bar was roughly cleaned up. Harley and BoBo were not the first group of people. When they went there, it was already the second day after the disaster, and there were already hundreds of people gathered in the bar.

They piled the burned waste aside, placed tables and chairs that could still be used in the open space, went to the counter to get the wine bottles, and poured themselves wine.

"When did you come here?" BoBo asked in surprise.

"BoBo? You - Gods above, Witch Harley, look, Witch Harley is here!"

Hearing Detective Orangutan's cry, few people were willing to pay attention to him.

Even if she turned to look at him, she just planned to have BoBo return to the bar immediately to prepare drinks and food for them.

But when they turned their heads and saw "Witch Harley" standing next to the orangutan detective, they couldn't help but shout with excitement.

But he only shouted once and then closed his mouth because Harley looked over.

The remaining guests, whether gods, demons or mages, all immediately stopped talking, eating and drinking, and gently left their chairs, straightened their bodies, stood with their hands down, and looked at Harry quietly.

Harley didn't speak, just looked around as she walked forward. They didn't move and didn't say anything, they just followed her movement with their eyes, and when she came to him, they quickly moved out of the way.

"Don't you know that Hecate was here yesterday?" Sertin asked doubtfully.

After only one day at Lishan Manor, she changed the old habit that she had persisted in for many days and directly replaced "that woman" with "Hecate".

Hearing her directly say "Hecate", the otherworldly mages opposite showed visibly frightened and nervous expressions.

One of the black-cloaked mage said helplessly: "So what if the woman has been here? It's not safe anywhere now, even Gotham."

He turned his head and looked at Harley cautiously. Seeing that she had no reaction, he lowered his voice and continued: "I heard that many mages died in Gotham, hundreds of thousands! Obviously, Gotham is not a safe place either. .”

"There are not hundreds of thousands, only more than thirty-eight thousand." Sertin said.

"Thirty-eight thousand is quite a lot. Even if the floor of the Forgotten Bar is full of corpse oil and corpse residue, the total number of people seems to be less than a thousand. Many people successfully escaped at that time. In other places, I encountered the strange and that woman. No chance to escape," the black cloak mage said.

The non-mainstream female mage at the other table said with a frightened expression: "I used to live in Gotham, and I saw with my own eyes the process of weirdness impacting the city. It was so scary.

The whole world fell into the most depraved darkness and the most twisted fear. I was almost scared to death. When the sky cleared, I quickly escaped by car.

Alas, the devil—ahem, His Majesty the God of War has sealed off the entire city with the power of God. No one in the city can use magic. Even if he wants to come to the Forgotten Bar, he must leave the city dozens of kilometers away. "

Diana frowned and said, "You have to understand that Harley deployed the forbidden magic field within Gotham for the benefit of everyone.

If any of you use magic in the city, the Upside Down or Hecate can come directly to the scene and appear directly next to you in the form of magic itself. "

Strange first appeared in Gotham on the stage of Zatanna's magic show.

At that time, Zatanna was supposed to summon the white rabbit from the top hat, but the strange power directly contaminated the magic itself.

If Harley didn't ban the magic casting in the city, and there were wizards at the foot of Lishan Mountain seeking death and secretly casting magic, then the Upside Down could pass through the defensive barriers and force fields and directly descend at the foot of Lishan Mountain in the form of alienated magic.

If Harley doesn't open the forbidden magic realm, wizards will cast spells at will throughout the city, and weirdness will bloom everywhere.

"But the Upside Down Man is still coming, and the Upside Down Man is even going to devour the entire Gotham City with dark energy. For now, it's better to stay away from Gotham." The non-mainstream female mage said.

Diana opened her mouth, but finally stopped trying to persuade her.

She could not be persuaded.

The closer it is to Lishan, the safer it is, but Gotham is already overcrowded.

Living on the outskirts of Gotham is really better than leaving Gotham.

"Well, if even Gotham is not safe, where else can we go? We can't hang up the Origin Wall, right?"

There was a four-armed "Naga" who secretly glanced at Harley and sighed loudly: "I heard that many magicians are rushing to the Origin Wall now.

There is no way, the magic debt crisis is more terrifying than we imagined. Even the witch, ahem, and the god of war in heaven with the power of the king, cannot really eliminate Weirdness and that woman. "

Harley didn't speak. Diana, Sertin and BoBo also understood that there was something in the words of these mages, so they were also silent.

Finally, after hesitating again and again, a slim-faced mage in crudely dressed clothes had the courage to ask directly: "Your Majesty, King of the God of War, what are you looking at?"

"I'm looking for Hecate's secret, are you interested too?"

"If you are willing to say it, we would certainly be grateful." The thin-faced mage said.

Harley tilted her head and gave him a strange look, "Is there something wrong with you? Are you grateful that I sent you to see Hecate?"

"Well, weren't you talking about that woman's secret?" the man asked in confusion.

BoBo sighed: “Idiot, if you knew Hecate’s secret, would she let you go?

If Hari directly tells Hecate's secret, unless you follow her from now on, Hecate will come to you when you separate. "

The thin-faced mage turned pale and waved his hands repeatedly: "You don't need to tell me, I have no interest in that woman's secret at all, I just want to survive.

His Majesty King Wushen, I actually want to ask, when will the magic debt crisis end?

You have already fought against the woman and the upside down people. Do you have a plan to end the crisis completely?

You don't need to talk about plans, I just want to see hope and be comforted. "

Harley shook her head and said: "Unfortunately, I really can't give you comfort and hope now.

I won't hide it from you, I am also very troubled.

Although I am not afraid of them, I have never been able to find a way or opportunity to completely eliminate them.

Neither the Upside Down nor Hecate seems to be complete at the moment.

As the saying goes, they prosper and then decline. They have not yet reached their strongest state. Perhaps they will have to wait until they reach their perfection before fate can enlighten them. "

Harley would not place her hopes on destiny, but she did not find a complete solution to the crisis now.

If there was only one Inverted Person in the world, she would definitely try to attack the strange bathing crack, tear open the crack, and enter the mother domain.

But this crisis has two main cores. An attack on the strange motherland may force the Upside Down to retreat, but it will definitely not affect Hecate.

If she enters the mother realm and Hecate harvests the earth wantonly, the gain will outweigh the loss.

If there is only one Hecate and no one is upside down, it will be easier, just chase Hecate and punch her.

There is no need to deal with her at once. Today, she will tear off a fragment of her soul, tomorrow she will blast her spirit body, and then harvest part of her magical power. As time goes by, one will decrease and the other will increase. The road to victory can be seen with the naked eye extending to the end.

But reality does not allow her to focus solely on chasing Hecate. She is afraid of tricking someone into stealing her home.

"I firmly believe that the confusion and difficulties at this time are just tests given to us by the Lord. As long as we firmly believe in our faith, we will eventually embark on the road to victory under the guidance of the Lord." Hallie thought a lot in her heart, but her mouth immediately added a high-sounding sentence. Scene words.

Although it was a scene, she spoke with righteousness and sternness, her face glowed with a faint holy light, and with the vague power and pressure of the monarch, it was still quite bluffing.

"Harry." BoBo patted her arm gently.

Harley nodded to the mages in the bar and followed BoBo to the backyard of the bar.

Diana followed, and Sertin stayed at the bar obediently and took on the job of bartender.

"What did you find?" BoBo asked.

Harley pondered: "Both the river of time and the river of destiny are blurry. Even if I bite the bullet and try to watch despite Hecate's malice, I still can't find many useful images."

"Hecate is really watching here?" BoBo asked in surprise.

Harley nodded slightly, "From the moment I stepped into the bar, it touched her senses. It's not that I did anything taboo, I didn't have time to do it at the time.

Hecate had been watching my every move and I alerted her by coming to the bar to check on this behavior. "

"Alas, you are now the source of crisis. The group of mages, gods and demons outside are going to be in trouble." Diana sighed.

"We'll remind them later." BoBo said, and then asked: "Harry, you've been checking for so long and you found nothing?"

"That's not the case. I sensed magic fluctuations that surpassed Hecate's in the Battle of Heaven at the last place where the Witch Fire stayed. It's hard to tell how much it has been enhanced, but there should be a qualitative change." Harry said .

"Just magic fluctuations?" BoBo looked confused.

Harley said: "It's not just the magic wave, it's the magic wave that is the only useful information left at the scene.

I also want more direct and core information, but unfortunately I can't find it. Hecate is not stupid. "

"After Hecate descended into Witchfire's body, she burst out with intense flame magic. There were traces of the magic explosion everywhere in the bar. Every trace had strong magic fluctuations. The fluctuations were strong or weak. What could that mean?" Diana road.

“During the battle in Heaven, Hecate had all kinds of powerful forbidden magic at her fingertips, and those magics were very powerful.

But in the Oblivion Bar, I sensed stronger magic fluctuations than during the Battle of Heaven, right where the Witch Fire stayed. "

Harley glanced at each person and the orangutan, "This means that after successfully harvesting the witch fire, Hecate's magical power has increased!

In the battle of heaven, she will undoubtedly explode with all her strength when facing me.

But the magic fluctuation was still not as good as the change in the Forgotten Bar an hour later.

Where did the change come from?

Witch fire! "

Diana's eyes widened and she said in shock: "You mean, there is powerful magical power in Wuhuo? After Hecate found Wuhuo and harvested the magical power of Wuhuo, the flame magic that broke out unconsciously, its magic fluctuations also Stronger than the wave of forbidden curses during the Battle of Heaven?"

Harley nodded slightly.

BoBo was surprised: "Harry, you said that every mage gets part of the power to use miracles from the Origin."

"The power of a single mage is to Hecate what a drop of water is to the Atlantic Ocean. As powerful as the God King, it is difficult for Hecate to have a qualitative change in the power in her hands." Harley said.

"But how is this possible? How can Wuhuo have such high magical power?" Diana still couldn't understand.

Harley's eyes flashed slightly and she said softly: "I don't know the reason, but we now have a direction to defeat Hecate."

"How to do it?"

Harry's mental message said: "Search among the female mages of the earth one by one, and give priority to the outstanding witches with extraordinary talents. There may be second, third or even more 'Witch Fires' among them.

Find the remaining 'witchfire' before Hecate does.

Find out the magical power hidden in their bodies, extract it, and integrate it into my body.

I can erase the existence of Hecate - if my dream comes true, the magical power hidden in the body of the "Witch Fire" can exceed Hecate's. "

Her eyes sparkled and she spoke the last sentence with passion.

"Even if your dream doesn't come true, as long as we really find the second 'Witch Fire', our situation will be greatly improved." BoBo also looked excited.

"Zatanna!" Wonder Woman spit out a name, "She is the most talented wizard on earth today."

"Harley is also a witch." BoBo looked at Harley strangely.

"What are you thinking about? How could such a good thing happen?" Harley asked angrily.

"We are going to find Xiao Zha now, not only because of the hidden magical power of the 'Second Witch Fire', but also because Xiao Zha, who has this power, is in very danger." Wonder Woman said and prepared to walk out.

BoBo grabbed her and reminded her, "Do you still remember our original intention of coming to the Forgotten Bar?"

"The original intention was not to check - oh, it was to get information." Diana suddenly realized, "None of them seems to have suffered from the 'Mea Disaster', which is good news."

"I think this is bad news!" BoBo looked at Harley hesitantly, "Maybe they have no chance to escape at all, just like in Maia, without Harley's help, I can't activate the night blade to start the teleportation.

Harley, look, should we go to the magical plane near the earth first?

Zuckerberg is in Gotham. If Hecate takes action against her, it will definitely alarm you, right? "

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