Did Harley deliberately trick Raphael?

She didn't realize it.

"Raphael, you are just the acting king, not the real king. King Michael has the core power and can deprive you of the position of 'acting king', right?

Even if you have great ambition and directly hand over the authority of the Acting Lord to me and make me the 'temporary Acting Lord', when the magic debt crisis is over, is it possible that I can't give the authority back?

Why would I go to all the trouble to set up a trap for you for something I am destined not to have for a long time? "

Raphael's anger remained unabated and his suspicion remained, "You mean, now that the news of the transfer of the power of the King has been leaked, it was a complete accident that the Upside Down or Hecate set a trap to kill you in Maia, the magic plane. ?

The cunning witch Harley was finally tricked by someone else?

Do you think I believe it? Or, what idiot would believe it if I said this? "

Harley's expression and tone were very calm, and she said: "It is indeed an accident that the news leaked out. I know that Lishan is the focus of countless extraordinary people in the extraordinary world today, and I also found that there are many extraordinary people coming to Gotham to take refuge.

But I didn’t expect that they could collect confidential information from the giant Zhenglian.

Of course, I don’t feel like I’ve been cheated by the heroes of Zhenglian.

When I told them about the authority of the king, I was purely happy in my heart. I wanted to share the good news with everyone, and it was also to appease people's hearts and let them not worry. I kept thinking about Hecate, and finally I was sensed by her and was attracted by her. They were killed and harvested.

As for whether they will leak the news, to be honest, I don't really care, otherwise I wouldn't have warned them to keep it secret for me before we parted.

I don’t care, and it’s not like I lied and said that everyone would relax their vigilance after receiving the power of the Maharaja in a week.

I understand that you are only dividing the authority of the king, but it does not mean that you cannot hand over the authority to me immediately.

If there really is any idiot who plans to plot against me before I get the power of the army, I don't mind taking the opportunity to counterattack and let the opponent lose the rice instead of stealing the chicken.

If no one plots against me in advance, I don't care and continue to study magic power at home. "

Raphael sarcastically said: "You are quite confident. You are very sure that if something unexpected happens, I will definitely agree to hand over the undivided power to you."

"I am indeed confident because I believe in the courage of you and the Archangel in Heaven." Harley said lightly.

Raphael was silent for a moment and said: "Since you know that Maiya has a trap, you can sit still in Lishan and wait for one more day to get the power of Cross Alley."

"Yes, I can ignore Maiya. I don't know any Maiya people and have never been to that magical world.

In addition to Maia, there are many planets and small planes in danger in the world.

I am not the Justice League. I am attracted to the victims when I see them. I am obsessed with saving the great cause and cannot extricate myself.

But have you ever thought about it, there are so many magical planes in Limbo, why is Maia in danger?

The enemy wanted to ambush me and lure me out of the material world and into Limbo, a world with higher power limits, so it targeted Maia.

To put it another way, Maiya was in danger of being wiped out, and she just suffered the same disaster as a fish in a pond.

I don’t say that it is completely responsible for its disaster, but there must be some cause and effect.

I can't choose to stand by and watch my friend die alone when I have the ability to help. "

Raphael said nothing.

Harry continued: "Do you know why Hecate came to the Forgotten Bar immediately after the Battle of Heaven, and why she had sneaky eyes, looking for special targets among the witches, and scared the novice witches to tears? Can she start from What did Rebecca get from 'Witchfire'?"

"The gate of heaven is closed. I only left a little energy to pay attention to Lishan and the area outside the gate of heaven. I didn't pay attention to the forgotten bar." Raphael said.

“But you must understand that the benefits Hecate gets from the Witch Fire can enhance her strength, or in other words, increase her winning rate in the battle with me.

Since Hecate is busy strengthening herself all the time, of course we must seize every opportunity to weaken her. It is impossible for you not to understand such a simple truth. " Harley said.

"Since you have made up your mind, then come on, and I will hand over the authority of heaven to you." Tianzhi's voice returned to an indifferent and ethereal tone.

Harry smiled and praised: "As expected of the acting king, no angel in the entire Silver City can compare to this magnanimity, this overall view, this awareness, this spirit, this mind!"

Two minutes later, a gap opened outside the gate of heaven.

"Raphael, can you have some courage and open-mindedness? At least keep your word and don't be deceitful or short-changed.

This authority is obviously wrong. Many areas of Silver City are beyond my perception. exclaimed Harley.

As she expected, the process of handing over authority in heaven was not cumbersome.

Opening the door to heaven takes only a few seconds, and delivering authority is even faster, completed in an instant.

In an instant, power fell on her, entered her body, and merged with her soul.

The next step is just to take the time to slowly take control.

In less than half a minute, Harley became slightly accustomed to the power, and relied on the heavenly origin in the power to bless her body, allowing her physical fitness to reach the extreme value of the multiverse.

Very strong, almost constant at the extreme value of 120 points.

Don't think that a constant 120-point extreme value is simple.

Even for the supreme being, the specific values ​​of power and attack cannot be stabilized at 120 points.

Similar to when testing the performance of a mobile phone at the highest frame rate of a game, no matter how powerful the mobile phone is, the frame rate cannot be stable at 60 frames without fluctuations.

Mobile games only support a maximum of 60 frames, which is equivalent to the extreme allowed by the multiverse.

In fact, in terms of mobile phone chip performance alone, it can theoretically support higher frame rate image quality, but the game is severely limited. It can only open 60 frames.

Those powerful CPUs that can support higher frame rates are the most powerful.

But even with such a powerful CPU, the frame rate will fluctuate, because many factors such as mobile phone performance, screen resolution, heat dissipation, game optimization, etc. can affect the frame rate in actual games.

Even if the machine is like this, people will be more affected and the fluctuations will be more obvious.

But now Harley can almost stabilize at the extreme value of 120 points of physical fitness, which means that her strength, speed, and reaction speed can all be maintained at the extreme value of 120 points for a long time.

In addition to the fact that Harley's own realm is high enough, her level is 147+, which is much higher than level 120, the main reason is that the power of the monarch is too strong, and the power given to her is too sufficient.

It was enough to make her sigh in her heart, "It's such a waste to only use authority to improve your body."

It's like traveling through time and space, getting an Apple A65 processor in 2073, and playing the "Genshin Impact" online game in 2023.

But the authority given to her by the Voice of Heaven was still not complete.

Standing at the gate of heaven, she could neither control the voice of heaven nor control every location in Silver City instantly.

At this time, more than 90% of the area in Silver City was very vague in her perception, and the power that could be called upon was very rare (relatively).

This shows that although the authority in her hands is powerful, it is very incomplete.

"What I entrust to you is not the authority of acting king."

The voice of heaven was still empty and indifferent, but Harry could hear a triumphant smile, "In addition to the acting king, the 'angel councilors' in the Archangel Council also have 'heaven power' with varying weights.

Since the authority of the Great King cannot be divided in a short period of time, I can only transfer the authority of the Angel Councilor to you. "

Harry said with a dull face: "In other words, I actually got the fake authority of the king?

I only wanted ordinary heavenly authority from the beginning, but it was you who offered to give me better ‘kingly authority’.

Now you are using the authority of an archangel to fool me. What's the point of doing this? "

"It can't be false," Raphael said seriously: "When Lord Michael handed me the position of Acting Lord, he also allocated a large part of the power that originally belonged to the Lord to the 'Parliament of Angels'.

The ‘Great King’s Authority’ entrusted to you at this time was raised through crowdfunding by all the angelic council members.

They have dedicated their authority to you, you must not let down everyone’s expectations and dedication! "

Hearing this, Harry's face brightened slightly.

She did feel that the "power of the king" in her hands did not look like a fake, but the quantity was just wrong.

"As long as I join the 'Archangel Council', can I get a part of the king's power? If I can win a big victory and get the magic debt for Silver City and Brother God, can I become a formal member of the Angel Council with this merit?" Ha Li asked.

She was annoyed by Raphael's "candidate councilor" before, and she no longer pursued the position of councilor in Silver City because she didn't know that becoming a councilor would give her a part of the power of the monarch.

Now that I know it, of course I have to strive for the best interests for myself.

Raphael hesitated for a moment, then promised: "Yes, if the magic debt you provide can meet the needs of heaven and rescue the angel spirits that were taken away by the Upside Down, you can become an angel councilor."

Harley said: "Magic debt and saving people are two different great achievements. If I complete them both, I won't return the power you gave me now. How about that?"

"No!" Raphael was determined and eager, "Your current power was obtained through crowdfunding by dozens of archangels. Even if you have two contributions, you cannot take away the power of dozens of angels!"

Harley said: "What do you think? Give Uriel's share as a reward for rescuing the Angel Legion, give it all to me, and then send Uriel to reincarnate and start from scratch?"

"Ulie does not need to be reincarnated. As long as you save his spirit, heaven will have its own means to restore him to his full glory in an instant." Raphael said.

Harry frowned and said: "Ulie first messed up the coming of the Holy Son, and then ruined the plan of heaven, losing his master, humiliating the country, and making people laugh for thousands of years. Shouldn't he be punished?

Just punish him by being reincarnated as a human and starting all over again. As long as he can ascend to the Holy Spirit as a human, even if he comes back from the calamity, he will be given the honor, power and power of an archangel. Forget about it.

I have earned some power through my tremendous merit. If he wants power, he can also get it through merit. "

Raphael said: "Since the establishment of Silver City, there have been no examples of angels committing crimes and descending to earth to be reincarnated as humans.

If an angel really commits a heinous crime, he will be thrown directly from the "well of fallen angels", fall from heaven to hell, and become a fallen angel.

Uriel just didn't do things well, he didn't mean to do anything bad, and he never had any mistakes in principles or beliefs. He was not suitable to be demoted as a fallen angel. "

"There is no precedent before. Can't we re-establish the rules now? If an angel is really bad-hearted and has no faith, letting him go to hell is like letting the evil dragon return to the sea or letting the tiger enter the mountain. He will be free and happy without any pain." Harley said.

Raphael said calmly: "Except for the Lord and Lord Michael, no one can change the rules of Silver City. I can't, so don't think too much. Go back. The orangutan is screaming anxiously."

Harley opened her mouth, sighed, took out the key to the door to heaven, closed the door, stepped out, and returned to the top of Mount Li.

Taking the Battle of Heaven as the time point, all the miraculous powers obtained before this time point will disappear, and Harley cannot even use the color light energy.

Colored light energy opens a space-time wormhole, which is also considered a miraculous effect.

But what Hecate took away was only the miraculous power from before the point in time.

After this, the miraculous effects mastered by Harley can still function normally.

For example, after obtaining the "High Imitation·Monarch's Power", she can control the power of heaven's holy light to leverage the laws and create miraculous holy light magic effects.

The power of the Great King is similar to the power of the God King. The power of leveraging the laws is its own ability. Anyone who gets it can lever the laws. Until she meets Hecate again, Harley can take advantage of the miraculous effects of the Great King's power.

The only thing is that she just got the power of the King and is not familiar with it yet. She is not used to the Holy Light Magic of Heaven, so it is not as efficient as her own thick-skinned God King Power.

"Harry, you seem to have become like a saint."

The orangutan detective stared blankly at Harley walking out of the holy light, his words were a bit awkward.

"Saint? The saint is just a junior who has just debuted." Harry restrained the holy light and holy aura that naturally came out of her body, and said disapprovingly: "Even my pastor Barbara is several levels beyond the 'saint' .”

If placed in the world of oriental fairy tales, Harley would have long been an ancestor-level existence, and only Barbara could still be called the "Saint of the Heavenly Mountain Sect" when she first debuted.

The orangutan detective asked: "Have you obtained the power of a king? Just now, your aura was sacred and majestic, as if I saw God coming to the mortal world, and I didn't dare to approach you."

"Alas, the power of the Great King is too powerful. Even if I try my best to suppress it, the power that escapes is still at the highest level. There is no way, who made me the number one person under God now? The divine light cannot cover it up." Harley sighed.

BoBo's orangutan face was slightly distorted, "Since you have obtained the power of the king, let's go to Maya immediately!"

He raised the night blade in his hand and said anxiously: "Look, the blue magic light on the blade is beginning to flicker. Maia must be in big trouble and the situation is critical."

Harley looked down at the magic sword and said, "The Night Blade is the 'World-Suppressing Artifact'. Although it cannot speak, it has the instinct to protect the world of Maya.

Even now, it still does not recognize you as its master.

This shows that Maiya may be in a critical situation, but it is not that the building is about to collapse. "

BoBo said: "It doesn't recognize me as its master, maybe it has something to do with my bloodline being inconsistent.

Jim is an American, but he has the blood of Maia. His ancestor is the 'King of Maia' in the past, that is, the controller of the Night Blade.

Except for members of the Jim family, Night Blade seemed to have never chosen a master from another bloodline.

I'm just a talking orangutan, I don't have Maia blood, and I'm not a member of the Jim family. "

Harley shook her head and said: "You must be qualified to become the master of Night Blade. Bloodline is by no means the only choice, otherwise Jim will not give the sword to you.

As the true master of the Night Blade, his consciousness is completely integrated with the sword spirit. Doesn't he still know the characteristics of the Night Blade and the conditions for choosing its master?

The Night Blade doesn't recognize you now, or it's too arrogant to look down on you as an Earthling, let alone say you're not human. In the magical world, non-human races are very common.

Or, you're not up to par in some aspect.

In short, if Maiya really reaches the last moment of danger, even if it is "hungry and unwilling to eat", it will recognize you as its master.

In other words, we don’t need to be anxious until it takes the initiative to recognize you as its master. "

The orangutan detective glanced at Night Blade, which was still flashing blue magic light at high frequency, and said: "How about you come and try? You are definitely qualified to become its master. After becoming its master, we can at least know what happened to Maia. What happened? Is there an enemy setting up a trap to ambush us?"

——It doesn’t dislike me, I still dislike it!

Harley disapproved in her heart and said seriously: "Don't worry, I have now obtained the power of the Great King. Next, I only need to go to the Tower of Destiny, say hello to Nabu, and then I can go to Maia immediately.

No matter who the enemy is or what traps there are, we don’t need to be afraid. "

Even 10 years after her debut, Night Blade would have been the "peerless sword" she longed for.

It can take her through the Maia world of swords and magic, plunder magic power and magical supplies at will, and control the power of the entire magical world. It is definitely a "newbie's artifact."

It's a pity that she has already left the Novice Village. Not to mention a mere magical plane, not even the Divine King's Kingdom can move her slightly.

"What are you looking for for Naboo? Does your Lishan Manor still need Naboo's care after you leave?" BoBo suggested: "If you are worried about Selina and the others' safety, you might as well do the same as the last battle in the Night Realm. Send them into the Shadow Realm to hide.

I have no right to look down on Nabu, but I am certain that he is not as powerful as Uriel the Tongue of Fire and Beelzebub the Lord of the Flies. "

Harley shook her head and said: "When I went to the Realm of Night, I was very uncertain about the actual combat power of the Upside Down, and I couldn't be very clear about the attitude of the Mother of Night, so I couldn't guarantee that I could return instantly.

Maia is different from the Realm of Night. It is a small plane, and its overall volume is far less than the energy in my body. Now that I have the power of the Great King, even if I am deprived of the miraculous element by Hecate again, I can still burst Maia with pure power in a single thought.

Once the Maya world is broken, nature can immediately return to the earth. "

In fact, she couldn't get a golden ball to send her family into the shadow world like she did before.

Her golden film shield was gone.

The defensive expertise is still there, and the force field formed by the expertise is still effective, but the force field cannot be condensed into a physical gold film shield.

The golden film shield cannot be said to completely come from the DC multiverse, but it is indeed a product of the DC multiverse's cultivation system.

"Upgrading to increase defense value" is considered by the multiverse to be a brand-new practice method and has been accepted into the DC practice system. After Harley's realm (defense level) reaches a certain level, the rules of cosmic magic (rules of practice) condense the body's pure defensive force field into a substantial shield, which is a defensive golden film.

No matter what kind of force it is, it can form a force field if it is strong enough to a certain extent. This is a basic rule, not a practice rule.

For example, Dachao and Kryptonians are so naturally powerful that a biological force field can appear around them.

Harley's physical defense is still strong enough to form a pure defensive force field, but there is no gold film visible to the naked eye.

"Harley, we must not break the world of Maya. Our purpose is to protect Maya!" BoBo shouted.

Harley said: "When I have no choice but to break Maia's world, it means that Maia is hopeless."

She glanced at Night Blade again, and continued: "Do you know the reason why Sam Lane is looking for me? The world of Ipeko was destroyed, but the people of Ipeki world were sent into the space channel and traveled to the earth.

If you can control the Night Blade 100%, you will be the Lord of Maia, and you can send the people of the Maia world away in a single thought. "

BoBo hesitated and said: "I'm not sure whether Night Blade has this ability."

"There must be. If you don't believe it, you can ask -" Harley paused and asked: "Where did Jim's soul go after he died? Did he go to Hero Island?"

The orangutan detective said firmly and quickly: "No, his soul has returned to Maia. Many years ago, when I talked to him about Hero Island, he once said this. He said that after the death of the Lord of the Night Blade, All the souls will return to Maya.

It’s just that I’ve tried several times, but I still can’t find his soul in Maia. "

"Let's go to the Tower of Destiny. The God of Order created the basic laws of the earth. God King Nabu has very high power within the scope of the earth. If the battlefield spreads to the earth, with his help, I will be able to fight more easily."

Harley stood on the top of the mountain in silence for a while before leaving.

The orangutan detective had no magic power in his body, but he still noticed something strange.

The light emitted by the night blade in its hand dimmed instantly, becoming as ordinary as a piece of iron.

"Harry, what are you doing? Is this the forbidden demonic realm where God descends to earth?"

"Well, I used God to descend to the earth to cover the entire Gotham. Whether it's Hecate or Weird, as long as I'm 100 kilometers away from Lishan, I can generate a reaction, and the God's force field will suppress them for a period of time."

"Weren't you deprived of the miraculous element by Hecate? You can't even use the golden film shield." BoBo wondered.

"The golden film is only the external manifestation of the defensive force field. Being deprived of the gold film does not mean that the force field will also disappear."

"I don't quite understand how the invisible force field can still be left when the gold film is gone." BoBo wondered.

"When the force reaches a certain level, an invisible energy field will be formed around it. Can you understand this?"

BoBo nodded slightly.

"What will happen if the power that is enough to form an energy field continues to increase until it undergoes a second qualitative change?" Harley asked again.

BoBo thought for a while and said in surprise: "Could an energy field remain in a certain area for a long time, like you do now?"

"Well, if the power continues to increase and the force field undergoes a second qualitative change, even if the person involved has left, traces of the powerful force field will be left on the scene.

Just like after removing the stove, the high temperature still remains at the scene.

The temperature is transmitted to the air molecules, and if the force field is too strong, it will also distort the surrounding matter and space-time, causing force field remnants.

In fact, the basic principle of my golden film ball is also the same.

Now it has just lost the golden film that was born from the rules of the multiverse, and the force field function has been weakened a lot. "

Without the gold film, only the effect of defensive expertise is left. It cannot block physical attacks, cannot form a barrier in an independent space, and cannot move freely. The effect is really poor.

The orangutan detective frowned and thought for a while, then said: "There are extremes of power in the multiverse, and Superman's physical strength has reached its extremes, but he can only form a biological force field around his body, and cannot let the force field remain.

If the strength increases again to the point where a qualitative change occurs, wouldn't it be already transcendent? "

She really got the "Golden Film Independent Existence" skill at level 130, and she is already transcendent at level 130.

"Masters are inherently nobler than warriors, divine mages are more noble than ordinary mages, and the power of God is the pinnacle of divine magic. So, is Da Chao worthy enough to compete with my God?" Harley said proudly.

The orangutan detective was speechless.

After a few seconds, the ‘force field afterimage’ solidified.

Harley took one step forward and took BoBo away from Lishan and came to a small town called "Selin" in Massachusetts.

On a small slope outside the town, there is a ten-story square prismatic stone tower with no door or window.

In essence, it is a gate, a gate that connects the Tower of Destiny to reality.

The old Tower of Destiny was destroyed in the dark night, and the newly built Tower of Destiny was moved here. It should not be completed yet.


Harley shouted, and a golden portal opened in front of her.

"Kent, why are you wearing the Naboo helmet again and becoming 'Doctor Fate'? Where is Khalid?"

What appeared in front of her was not the second-generation Doctor Fate "Little Kent", but Old Kent who put on the Naboo helmet again.

"Khalid is still too young, and his experience and willpower are not enough to deal with the complex and changeable magic debt crisis."

After a pause, Old Kent sighed: "When the heaven was still there, the earth was not too conspicuous.

Now that Heaven has been harvested, the Earth is likely to become the center of crisis and the focus of attention from the Upside Down and Hecate.

Apart from you, the Tower of Destiny is the most conspicuous on earth.

‘Doctor Destiny’ not only has a great responsibility, but is also the most dangerous.

Khalid is still a child and this is not a responsibility or risk he should take.

So I arranged for him to study the knowledge of order magic in a hidden and safe place, hoping that he could avoid the magic harvest. "

Old Kent's words were reasonable and his feelings came from the bottom of his heart. His sincerity was touching, but Harry always felt that something was wrong with his state at this time.

After careful inspection and perception, Old Kent was indeed Old Kent. There was no abnormality in the fluctuations of his aura and soul, and the Naboo helmet also shone brightly, just like in the past.

She suppressed some strange emotions in her heart and explained: "Kent, I'm going to take BoBo to Maia soon, where I might meet Hecate or the Upside Down.

They might ambush me in Maia.

I am confident that I can defeat any of them, but Maiya is too small. Even if BoBo completely controls the night blade, he cannot restrain the magic creditor who is trying to escape.

So, I might not be able to kill them.

If the fighting spreads to Earth, I hope Naboo can activate all the powers of order to suppress them. "

Old Kent nodded and said: "This is what it should be. Even if you don't say it, if you encounter Hecate and the Upside Down entering the earth, Nabu will help you suppress them. If there is no skin left, the hair will be there, and the God of Order will I must have realized it a long time ago.”

"That's it, I'm leaving."

Close to the shadow realm of the main universe.

"BoBo, are you still unable to fully control Night Blade?"

Harley teleported away from the Tower of Destiny with BoBo, but did not go to Maia immediately.

In fact, she didn't know where Maiya was.

After mastering the power of the King, she can activate instantaneous space teleportation across dimensions, but it is impossible for her to teleport to places she has never been before.

Maiya is as concealed as the former "White Magic World" Iper Carved. It is extremely closed and its location is very secret. Under normal circumstances, outsiders cannot enter it and must use special media to transmit it in.

The world of Ipok needs the "Book of Magic", and the world of Maia needs the Night Blade to open the transmission channel.

"I'm probably about to control it, Harley, let's go quickly, Maia's situation must be very bad now. Damn, you are right, when Night Blade has no choice, he can only choose me, a talking gorilla, as his Master." The orangutan detective jumped excitedly holding the night blade.

The pupils in Harley's eyes were replaced by an obscure light gray light.

"Let's wait a little longer."

"Still waiting? Why?" BoBo saw her eyes, and its consciousness seemed to fall into a deep and huge whirlpool, being pulled into endless darkness.

It staggered a few steps as if drunk, turned its head away, and looked away before regaining its footing.

"Harry, are you observing fate with your eyes? What do you see?"

BoBo doesn't understand divination, and has never peered into the River of Destiny, but it somehow understands that the endless darkness it just saw represents an unknown destiny.

"Kent has a problem, maybe Naboo is unreliable." Harley said.

"What do you mean, what happened to Kent?" BoBo asked confused.

Harley pondered for a long time, her red lips slightly opened, and a crystal clear bead floated out of her mouth.

It is the pure "power of Hecate's soul" that contains magical power.

"I don't know what happened to the Tower of Destiny, but after meeting Kent, my spiritual sense was cast into a shadow. It is very likely that the God of Order has fallen."

"Fall. Do you mean Hecate and the Upside Down?" BoBo's voice was as light as the falling snow in the cold winter.

"I'm just guessing that this possibility exists, it's very unlikely, and I very much hope that I'm wrong.

Always prepare for the worst.

If even the God of Order fell silently without our knowledge, then Maia's ambush must have a killer move beyond our expectation.

No matter what killing move the enemy prepared, I was just interested and not too afraid.

But I am not alone. There are more than a hundred people in Lishan who rely on me to protect them!

I must not be stuck in Maia for too long, even one second is too long. "

"I want to make sure that I can leave Maia at any time and return to Gotham instantly." Harley spoke firmly, and her eyes staring at the beads dispersed all hesitation and entanglement and became determined.

BoBo also looked at the beads, and his originally determined expression gradually became hesitant, "You want to fuse Hecate's soul? Is it too late now? There are also side effects. The soul is impure and the poison is endless.

How about you wait here for news from me and I go in alone?

Or, call Wonder Woman and Dinah to help me. They have thick-skinned powers, and you can sit in the rear. "

"I just hope that Hecate and the Upside Down will focus all their attention on me and not pay attention to them at all." Harley shook her head gently, raised her right hand, and patted her forehead gently, and the beads blended into the center of her eyebrows.

Five minutes later, Bobo looked solemn, held the sword in both hands, and swung forward vigorously.

"Wow~~" The dark shadow space seemed to have become a curtain, with one side of the curtain being the shadow world and the other side being light blue.

The space curtain automatically opened a portal, sucking in BoBo holding the night blade and Harley next to him.

After a moment of spinning, the two of them landed in an extremely vast and crowded place.

The place is very open, a large square paved with bluestone strips, but at this time the square is crowded with people and livestock.

White-skinned Europeans, dressed in medieval style, are dirty and messy. They are either sitting on the ground listlessly, lying dying on the straw curtain, squatting directly on the ground to defecate, or lying next to the central fountain to drink water. , or holding the child and humming a song.

The chickens and ducks flapped their wings, leaving a pool of hot moisture on the heads of the crowd, the cattle and sheep bleated, and the horses trotted happily carrying the "tin can knight".

Harley seemed to have traveled to another world. Uh, no, she just traveled to the Maia world of swords and magic.

We also went directly to the square in the center of the city.

"It's the Night Blade, Maiya on top. I dare to swear on my mother's virginity that this orangutan is holding the Night Blade!"

"The one holding the Night Blade is the Dark Night Master. The Dark Night Master is here to save us!"

"Master Dark Night finally answered our prayers, woo woo woo~~"

"But why is Master Dark Night a gorilla?"

"It wears a cuckold and plaid clothes. It should not be an ordinary orangutan."

"Wearing clothes and a hat, he is still an orangutan!"

"More than one orangutan is here, and there is also a distinguished lady. She is the real master of the night, and the orangutan is just her pet."

"But she has thin arms and legs, and she doesn't have strong magic power fluctuations on her body. She is useless except for her appearance. She doesn't look like a brave knight who saves the world! Rather, she looks like a trophy after the knight's victory."

Harley's face was expressionless, and she only carefully perceived the state of Maiya's world.

BoBo is very embarrassed.

It doesn't know what kind of disaster Maiya has encountered, but just looking at the atmosphere at the scene, it is obvious that it has not reached the final moment of complete destruction. The worry in its heart is gradually replaced by embarrassment, embarrassment, anger and other emotions.

"Shut up, all of you!" Just as BoBo was about to say a few words, a loud shout came from the direction of the city gate.

Then the crowd made a way, and a knight with blue skin and devilish horns galloped in on a fat black horse.

"My dear, Harry, you came here in person. That's great. Maiya is saved."

"Blue Devil? Why are you here?" Harley asked in surprise.

The Demon Knight turned out to be the superhero "Blue Devil" on the magical side of the earth.

The Blue Devil is not a devil, he is a human being. Because the devil's power was fused with a set of Blue Devil-style clothes, it was equivalent to being soaked in the magic of hell. Later, he got a devil's trident containing the power of Satan. He finally lived up to his name and had the power of the devil.

Just after asking, Harley reacted again, "Oh, by the way, you joined Jim's Shadow Pact team earlier."

There are many superheroes on Earth, and not all of them join the Justice League.

There are more than 100 heroic organizations recorded, and the "Shadow Pact Team" has not registered with the Sky Eye Society yet!

However, Harley was more impressed by the Shadow Pact Team.

Because in the incident of the Ghost Harvest Ninth Magic Era, it was the Shadow Pact Team that resolved the crisis.

One member of the Shadow Pact Team, "Black Alice," can even forcibly borrow all of the ghost's magic power, completely paralyzing it.

"After Jim passed away, I stayed in Maia and guarded the world for the 'Master of the Night'."

The Blue Devil looked at BoBo meaningfully, "Maia needs the Dark Night Master. The real Dark Night Master can't come, so I have to come, even though I don't have the approval of the Night Blade."

"Dan, I really think you are more suitable to be the Master of the Night than me." BoBo lowered his head and said with some shame.

"What's going on with Maia now?" Harley asked.

Blue Devil looked around. The surrounding refugees, citizens, knights, and guards all opened their eyes and looked at them curiously.

"Harry, the square is a little dirty. Let's go to the palace to talk."

"Is there still time to go to the palace and chat? Is Maiya going to be destroyed?" Harley said.

Maia has Maia's own language, and Harley can understand Maia. However, she is speaking in English with fellow earthlings at the moment, so the Maia people around her still stare at her curiously and do not scream in panic.

"Ah, Maiya is really going to be destroyed?!" The blue devil shouted a little uncontrollably.

"Dan, what's happening outside? Why are everyone crowded behind the city wall?" BoBo asked.

The blue devil said: "I don't know what happened to Maiya. Bad news comes from all directions every moment. The whole world seems to have turned into an isolated island. All kinds of inexplicable natural disasters are like sea water, slowly turning the island into a Devour.

I couldn't even find the enemy, so I could only lead the knights to rescue and rescue people, and transfer the people who encountered the disaster to the royal city.

This process has been going on for a week, and now the disaster has come to the edge of the royal city. A big storm blew up on the outskirts of the city this morning. Large tracts of forest were lifted up like quilts and involved in tornadoes. The scene was no different from the end of the world. . "

"It's been a week?" BoBo exclaimed, then turned to Harley and asked, "What is the time flow rate ratio between Maia and the main universe?"

"About 5 to 1, five days here and one day on Earth."

"That is to say, the disaster started one day ago, one day." BoBo's face changed. "It was about the time when the war in Heaven Realm started."

"The battle in the sky? What happened in the main universe? Harley, what happened to Maia?" Blue Devil was a little confused.

Harley was about to explain when she suddenly raised her head and her pupils shrank, "BoBo, activate the night blade immediately and send everyone in the city away."

"Where to send it? I can't control Ye-shit, Ye Ren suddenly became obedient!"

Just as BoBo asked, the night blade in his hand suddenly emitted bright golden light, and a lot of information came into his mind in an instant.

It knows the function of the night blade and can control it!

And just as Harley said, Night Blade can let its consciousness cover the entire Maia and control the laws of the Maia world.

It only takes one thought to send away the people on Maya Continent.

"Harry, how about I send everyone to the United States?" BoBo was about to try to send the Maiar people away, when endless pressure and unspeakable fear suddenly fell on its soul, making it unable to help but let out a "whisper" The orangutan screamed.

Moreover, the control it had just gained over the world of Maya was like a flame falling in an icy lake, extinguished in an instant and gradually solidifying.

"Harley, I - ah ah, upside down man, upside down man!"

When it looked up, it saw a hanging man hanging head and feet.

It has never seen the Upside Down Man, but it has heard Harley describe it.

Coupled with the endless fear of the first sight, it recognized it immediately.

"Witch Harley, how does it feel to be the prey?"

The Upside Down slowly fell from the sky, his big mouth split to the base of his ears smiling happily and proudly.

"Prey? Are you talking about yourself?" Harley sneered.

——BoBo, don’t panic, Night Blade has not lost its power and power of miracles, it’s just that Maiya is now shrouded in another more powerful and advanced world. When I tear a gap in it, you can take them away immediately. Maia is dead, completely hopeless, but as long as the Maia people are still there, Maia will always be there!

She also sent a message to BoBo instantly.

"Omag, Kent, Doctor Fate, what are you doing?"

BoBo heard it and tried to calm down, but he couldn't help but scream in disbelief.

Because more than a dozen golden shadows slowly descended from the sky, each of them exuding powerful power of order.

One of them is Doctor Fate who just had a conversation at the Tower of Destiny.

They all surrounded the Upside Down Man, as if they were loyal servants waiting for orders.

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