I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1911 The end of the universe is live streaming

Clio and Calliope brought a group of celestial fairies and goddesses to Lishan to seek refuge with Harry. It wasn't that they were ignorant, but they relied on their old friendship with Harley to get into trouble.

They brought a group of people to find Harley for three reasons.

First of all, when Hecate came to Heaven at noon today, in addition to boxing with Hecate, Harley also fished out a group of goddesses from the Kingdom of Heaven that was about to collapse.

Mainly because when the Olympus pantheon collapsed, Clio and Calliope screamed so loudly that Harley happened to hear and see them, so she rescued them.

Not that he escorted them all the way to safety.

Zeus and Hera are both specially customized semi-independent willpower clones. Clio and Calliope have little divine power, but they also rely on the faith of human believers in them to accumulate a large amount of faith and divine power to cast their respective clones. Their bodies also left. In the heaven realm.

Harley could tell at a glance that they were not their real bodies, so he just used his time and space defense expertise to help them move through space, move out of the realm of heaven, enter Limbo outside, and then let them run wildly on their own.

At that time, in addition to Clio and Calliope, there were other goddesses, more than the 40 goddesses who come to Lishan now.

Calliope and Clio were like soybeans mixed in a handful of green beans to Harry at that time. She could distinguish them clearly, but it was too troublesome to pick them out. The others screamed miserable anyway, so she just picked the ones around them. Everyone was sent out.

It seems that even Athena is among them, but Athena has not come now.

This seems to create an illusion for some goddesses: In fact, Witch Harley is a good person, at least very kind to fairies and goddesses, and very compassionate. She is also the Queen of Goddess. Can girls help girls? Isn't this kind of culture popular among Americans recently? Maybe she can save them?

Of course, they may have this idea, but they also understand Harley's rules. Not all of her friends are admitted to Lishan Manor.

After all, Lishan Manor is so big. If too many people live in it, she knows it will be very inconvenient, and she will definitely not be happy with it.

The direct reason that prompted them to come to Lishan overnight was that Harley took in Dr. Mist and other "Lanruo Temple survivors" one after another.

They only served as Harley's little brother for a few days during the Battle of Destiny Garden, and their relationship with Harley was not very close later. If they can enter the manor, they should be able to, right?

The third reason was the destruction of the Heavenly Realm today. After truly facing Hecate, they were very sure that their method of overcoming the disaster was unreliable, and they couldn't help but be very frightened.

It might be embarrassing and embarrassing to ask Harley for help, but being embarrassed is better than losing your life anyway.

After considering various factors and hesitating for a long time, they finally encouraged Calliope and Clio to take them to Lishan Manor.

A bit surprised, Harry didn't reject it at all.

Since Harley made the request, does it mean that they really have a chance to stay in Lishan?

They were also a little surprised and at a loss as they didn't know what price they had to pay to satisfy the "greedy, cunning, ruthless and evil" witch Harley.

"Harry, what can we do for you?" Cleo asked cautiously.

Everyone knows that Witch Harley is extremely greedy for magic and divine power, but these low-level goddesses and fairies combined are not enough for her to eat, so they should not ask for power.

They are very confident in their appearance, figure and temperament, and they are also very proud of satisfying the desires of men and women. Harley seemed to be very "indulgent" when she was a student, but in the past twenty years, she has been so steadfast that she seems to have no desire. The ascetic monks probably would not make such requests to them.

If it was really proposed, they would be overjoyed, rushing to get the first prize, and enjoying it immensely!

That was the Witch Harley, and just imagining it in their minds made them excited!

Harley did not give an answer immediately, but asked: "What plans does your father Zeus have for you?"

Clio, Calliope and other "muses" looked embarrassed.

"Father God has no arrangements." Cleo lowered his head and sighed: "He said that the magic debt crisis is a personal disaster, and no one can help anyone. All he can do is try hard to prevent that woman from finding him.

As long as He is alive, that woman will not pay more attention to us juniors. "

The disdain on Harley's face was undisguised.

“It’s not like Father God didn’t do nothing.”

As if wanting to save some dignity for the Olympus pantheon, Calliope quickly added: "Not long after we became adults, God the Father summoned us to his side and told us in detail the horror of the magic debt crisis. It warns us to prepare in advance how to overcome the disaster.

God the Father not only reminded us, but also imparted very profound mystical wisdom to us. It’s just that we are stupid and cannot find a better way to overcome the tribulation. "

After hearing these words, Harley looked down on Zeus even more.

Doesn’t Zeus not know the virtues and divinity of his daughter?

Allowing them to prepare their own way to overcome the disaster is tantamount to delegating the responsibility of guardianship to individuals, leaving them to fend for themselves.

"What was your original method of overcoming the tribulation?" Harley asked calmly.

Calliope hesitated awkwardly for a while, then lowered her head and said, "It means condensing all the divine power into the avatar and placing it in the heaven to wait and see what happens.

I try to reduce the fluctuations of my divine power as much as possible, hide in human society, and avoid disasters. "

"This method is actually not bad."

At least it's not useless at all.

Harley turned her gaze to Cleo, "What about you?"

"I also pretended to be a human and hid in human society." Cleo smiled awkwardly.

Harley looked at the other goddesses.

"My method of overcoming the disaster is the same as Cleo's. In fact, after we came to the world, although we lived in different cities, we followed each other on social networks, added each other as friends, and often video chatted."

Almost all the goddesses gave the same answer, they all hid in the human world.

Now Harry didn't know how to evaluate it.

A grain of rice dropped into the sand may be covered by the sand.

A sack of rice is scattered on the sand. Even if it is stirred vigorously, some rice grains are always exposed.

If a grain of rice is exposed, a sack of rice will be implicated.

As long as Hecate or the Upside Down spend a little time, not a single grain of rice will escape.

After all, there are still many human mages who are harvested silently.

"It can be said that you have been abandoned by your own gods. The God King and Queen of your gods no longer bear the responsibility of protecting you, right?" Harley said.

"It's not an abandonment, Father God is just helpless." Calliope corrected.

"Okay, your Father God is powerless and cannot bear the responsibility of the God King. Now that you seek refuge from me, it means that I have fulfilled the responsibility of shelter that the God King of the God System should bear.

I assume the responsibility of the God King, and of course I must enjoy the benefits of the God King. "

The expressions of the goddesses changed slightly, "You want us to join your 'thick-skinned god system'?"

"Thick-skinned gods. It's really ugly."

Harley frowned, "Could it be that since Zeus is good at thunder and lightning, his divine system is called 'thunder and lightning divine system'?"

Calliope looked around and asked with a strange expression: "Is it the Lishan God System?"

"Lishan Divine System sounds a little nicer. However, I am the God of War in Heaven and the temporary acting king. I must not abandon Silver City and seek independence.

If you want to stay in Lishan, you must join my ‘Heaven Mountain Art Troupe’ and serve your life to spread the faith of God. "

"Ah, Harley, are you too dark to ask us to sell ourselves to you for the rest of our lives? We just want to build a wooden house in the forest behind Mount Li to survive the magic debt crisis." Calliope and Clio both She screamed, and the other goddesses also looked excited, as if Harley had turned into a villain who forced good girls into prostitution.

Harley looked at their excitement with a calm expression. After they calmed down, she asked: "You just said that the reason why you thought of coming to Lishan to seek shelter from me was because you saw the agents of the Sky Eye Society leading a group of people. The mage entered Lishan's front yard.

Then you think about it differently. If I take you in without any conditions, other goddesses and fairies from the Heaven Realm, goddesses, fairies and mages from all the realms of Limbo Hell, and even male gods and wizards come to you. Will I take them in?

Of course, Clio and Calliope are old friends of mine. If they come to me, I will not make any demands.

The problem is, except for them, I didn’t know anyone else before today.

To be honest, you don't have a very important position in your own god system, otherwise your god-king would not send you to the human world at will. To me, you are even less indispensable.

But I have to give a standard as a reasonable excuse to reject latecomers. "

Seeing that they were lost in thought, Harley added: "Don't think that the mages in Lishan's front yard are of low strength and low status, and they have no friendship with me. I took them in just because I am a good person.

Their strength and status in the supernatural world are not important.

The key is that they once accompanied me in the Garden of Destiny. "

Even though they didn't play a big role in the Battle of Destiny Garden, their strategic value was very high.

As the saying goes, only by thinking about defeat before thinking about victory can a general be able to fight without danger.

Harley is not a fool. She uses her defensive expertise to charge forward and fight fiercely, confident that she will be invincible in every situation.

She knows how powerful destiny is in the Garden of Destiny.

She is confident that her chances of winning when going to the Garden of Destiny are not low, but she also understands that failure may not be impossible.

Success, what to do? This question is far less important than "What to do if it fails?"

Harley stuffed a group of masters who were proficient in the law of destiny into the stomach dimension, mainly to prepare for failure.

If she loses, fate cannot kill her, but can only seal her away for tens of billions of years, until the universe comes to a complete end.

Those group of masters are the trump card to escape the seal and regain freedom.

First, help some of them become the God of Destiny. In the years after being sealed, the God of Destiny will continue to provide her with the source of destiny, just like a cow producing milk. One day, it will help her improve her destiny defense expertise to the point where she can tear apart. Open the seal.

Although she had left no stone unturned and successfully plotted against the God of Destiny hiding in the Garden of Destiny, and the masters of the stomach dimension were completely worthless, it could not be denied that they had a very important position in her original plan.

Just because of this, she couldn't leave them alone.

Not that she felt like she owed them anything.

If participating in the Battle of Destiny Garden was regarded as a trade, she would have already repaid them at that time.

She provides them with pure magic power, reveals the secrets of the Book of Destiny directly to them, and helps them attack the Seat of Destiny.

But after the deal was completed, friendship remained.

There was friendship, and when they encountered difficulties, she would reach out to help them. Those mages who were not harvested by the magic users just lived in Gotham like other mages and did not enter Lishan.

Except for Calliope and Clio, the status of the other goddesses in Harley's heart is far inferior to those of the wild mages!

In fact, Harry also felt that he was extremely kind to Calliope and Clio. Wasn't it just for their sake that he kept the youngest of the three destiny sisters?

After a group of goddesses huddled together and whispered, Calliope and Clio came forward again and asked: "Harry, what does the Paradise Mountain Art Troupe do?

It can't be like the song and dance troupe or art troupe of your human bosses on earth, doing dirty things that are destined to go to hell, right? "

"Do you also know about the human boss's song and dance troupe and art troupe?" Harley asked in surprise.

"I have been in the human world for a while. I often browse video websites when I have nothing to do. I know all about you humans very well." A look of pride appeared on Cleo's beautiful face.

"Don't worry, the Tianshan Mountain Art Troupe belongs to the Tianshan Mountain Sect. Their main job is to spread the teachings of Brother God and the gospel of Sister Hallie. They definitely cannot imitate human bosses and engage in activities that deserve to go to hell.

Our Heavenly Mountain Sect is incompatible with the evil thoughts and styles of hell! " Harley said.

"What exactly should be done?" Calliope asked.

"You know, I have several gods under my command, such as the Pox God who is an expert in viral diseases, the Yellow Lantern Pox Queen, the God of Faith who holds the torch of freedom, the Goddess of Liberty, and the former super villain and now the Weather Wizard and Le Piper.

Although they are my followers, they are woven by the Heavenly Mountain Sect. They are essentially divine pastors who spread the "Quish New Bible".

The ‘Paradise Mountain Art Troupe’ you are about to form has a similar function.

They are functional pastors, and you are literary pastors. "

Calliope frowned slightly, "I still don't quite understand our work."

Harry said: "Actually, I arranged for those gods to go out to preach. The main purpose is to collect faith power.

In recent years, the crisis has become more and more terrifying, and more and more heroes have died. The grass-headed god on Paradise Mountain has a weak body and lacks faith.

A few years after those gods were released, I discovered that the flute player who joined last had gathered the most faith.

Pox gods and weather wizards are only believed in primitive planets.

The Statue of Liberty is ostracized by most interstellar empires and considered a 'cancer of civilization'. Only the God of Music is welcomed wherever he goes. No matter high-level government officials or ordinary people, everyone is crazy about his flute sound.

Alas, today's galaxy is also a decadent era where people are entertained to death and their faith collapses!

People would rather pursue the beautiful beasts on the stage who are beautiful and beautiful on the outside, but they are not willing to spend a little effort to understand the heroes who have truly contributed to the country and the nation. How sad! "

Sighing, Harley continued: "Since times have changed, we preachers can only keep up with the times. While adhering to our faith, we can slightly change the means of spreading our faith."

"You want us to sing and dance with the flutist? Harley, it's not that I look down on your flutist. With his level of skill, there is no chance that he would even be invited to the table in heaven." Calliope said.

Harry frowned and said: "The flute player once used the sound of the flute to induce the anti-life equation. He could activate the most primitive and original emotions of life through the flute. Even I would call him back to play a song every now and then.

Is your heavenly banquet so high-end that even a flute player is not qualified to participate? "

"We have also studied the flute player. When it comes to playing the flute, his skills are probably unmatched by anyone, but he can only play the flute well. He can play other instruments, but they cannot inspire original emotions, and his voice is even harder to hear.

But we sisters are as good as any musical instrument in the world. We can pick up any one of them at our fingertips, and each instrument can bring out the radiance of divinity.

Moreover, we also have strong originality ability and can create different new music according to different situations and moods.

In addition to playing, playing and singing, we are also good at astronomy, geography, poetry and songs.

Any philosopher or writer will be impressed by our talent after communicating with us. "Clio said proudly.

The goddesses behind her also held their heads high, their eyes bright, and their faces looked proud.

Like a group of hens that have just laid eggs.

"I'm not asking you to assist the flute player. You will work with him in different fields. He will be responsible for the elegance and you will be responsible for it." At this point, Harley suddenly hesitated. "I originally planned to let you take the traffic route and become a big Internet celebrity in the Galaxy. Now. It seems that my requirements for you are still too low.

Your capabilities exceeded my initial needs. "

Calliope frowned and said: "You mean, you originally planned to let us wear sexy and cool clothes like the female Internet celebrities on Earth, and shout 'little brother' and 'mommy' in a changed voice to the camera. ?”

Cleo said unhappily: "Harry, you look down on people too much. After all, we are also famous goddesses in the sky. How can we behave like female Internet celebrities on earth?"

Harley waved her hand and said: "You are female internet celebrities, but you don't need to dress coolly and call yourself 'little brother'. What I mean is that you become a top internet celebrity in a certain profession based on your own divine responsibilities, and then live broadcast to sell goods."

What you are selling is not coquettishness, you are selling faith in God. "

"Bringing goods live?"

Not to mention this group of heavenly goddesses, even Angela, Selena and others who were watching enthusiastically had distorted expressions.

"You are Harley, the powerful witch in the multiverse. The big thing you want to do is to promote God's teachings. How can you be connected with something like live streaming that sounds infinitely cheesy?"

Harley said sternly: "Don't say that I am a powerful person in the multiverse. Even if I become the overlord of the omnipotent universe, I will still need to live broadcast to bring goods when I reach the end of the omnipotent universe.

As long as human nature remains unchanged, as long as the people still need education and good faith to save them, live streaming will not disappear.

Don’t think that live-streaming is low. I publicly preach the secrets of the Bible. Strictly speaking, it is also live-streaming.

In ancient times, Jesus led his disciples to preach, and now priests travel long distances to alien civilizations to preach, all through live streaming.

It’s just that now there is an additional medium called the ‘Internet’, which delivers the scene of bringing goods to more people at the same time. It’s just that others sell goods, and we sell beliefs. "

Cleo struggled for a while and asked: "How do we bring goods? I watch short videos every day and have seen anchors bring goods, but none of them sell faith."

“First of all, build your reputation. If you want to bring products, you must first become famous. If you are not famous, who will watch your live broadcast, who will believe your words, and who will buy your products?

You are a muse, good at playing music, chess, calligraphy, painting, and literary and artistic creation. You show off your talents through live broadcast.

Didn’t you say you could impress any philosopher or writer?

Connect with them during the live broadcast, or invite them to come over for a poetry meeting, art exhibition, etc., and then live broadcast the poetry meeting process to the Galaxy audience, or you can edit it and post it to major video websites.

There are goddesses who are good at playing and singing, and can be singers, and there are goddesses who are good at dancing, and can be dancers. In short, you are goddesses, absolute experts in your own vocations, and you will definitely become the top Internet celebrity in the universe. "

A goddess in the crowd raised her hand and said: "King of the God of War, not everyone is good at performing arts. I originally took care of the garden for the Queen in Heaven, so I'm afraid I won't be able to become an internet celebrity."

"I used to take care of the golden apple trees in Heaven, and I didn't know how to perform."

"I am the maid of the Queen of Heaven, and I only know how to serve people. Your Majesty King Wushen, please let me stay and serve you. The Queen of Heaven once praised me for my thoughtfulness!"

The rest of the people also spoke.

Harley smiled and said: "As long as you have divinity, it means you are top experts in a certain field.

It's easy to take care of the queen's garden and become a pastoral anchor who grows flowers and trees.

Being able to take care of the diva's daily life and make the diva very satisfied, he must be very good at dressing, makeup, home decorations, and luxury appraisals.

All you have to do is show your talents.

How to turn your talents into popular products is up to professionals.

When the time comes, I will hire a group of ‘alien think tank experts’ to ensure that your natural talents will be useful!

Once you all become top internet celebrities, it will be easy to bring goods.

You can include personal goods in the live broadcast content, you can directly recite the "New Bible", call your fans to join the faith in God, and let their spirits meet you in heaven. "

"If you love a female anchor, you should try your best to believe in God, and then fly to heaven to date the female anchor?" Selena's mouth twitched and said, "The believers developed in this way will not be too devout, right?"

“Look at the earth, the earth is still the core area for the spread of God’s faith!

But how many devout believers are there among the people?

Less than a hundred saints have been born on the entire earth in thousands of years.

Look at those live-streaming Internet celebrities. A small eyebrow pencil costs 79 US dollars. They clearly treat their fans like leeks. The fans have no money and they scold them for not knowing how to work hard to get a higher salary. But the fans still love him, support him and help him. His annual revenue is tens of billions.

As long as a believer's love for Christ is half as great as that of a crazy fan's love for an Internet celebrity anchor, it will be enough to enter the lowest level of heaven! If you study God's teachings a little bit, you can basically pass the threshold of a devout believer. "

Selena said weirdly: "According to your method, the goddesses will definitely have hundreds of millions of fans. Even if only one ten thousandth of the fans believe in God, Silver City will also believe in the Big Bang!"

She looked at the goddesses in confusion and asked: "I heard that the gods in the heavens need faith very much. Why didn't you come out to sell faith on live broadcast before?"

"Faith is extremely sacred, so doing this is a bit downgraded." Cleo hesitated.

"The grade may be a bit low, but the money comes quickly! And you are goddesses, you can take the initiative to push your pussy to the highest level. You don't have to please the fans like ordinary people, and you will still have fans to fawn over you." Selena said.

Cleo thought for a while and said: "The Internet economy has not yet reached Tianjing, and everyone is not so open-minded yet."

"So, if Harley's 'Paradise Mountain Art Troupe' is a big success, will the gods in the heaven imitate them one after another in the future? When you turn on the live broadcast, you will be able to see gods and goddesses, and they are so professional. How should ordinary anchors live? Ah! I can't roll it at all." Selena frowned.

Harley said disapprovingly: "Complex beliefs are not nourishment, but poison. If the gods really imitate me, they will die miserably."

Calliope nodded and said: "We, the old gods of Heaven, need faith, but we have very high requirements for the quality of faith.

The deviation of believers' understanding of gods will directly distort the nature of gods.

Belief in gods, in particular, was born from the people's beliefs, and their nature changed with the people's hopes and resentments.

Like your superhero Uncle Sam.

He is the embodiment of the beautiful spirit and patriotic belief of the United States. If Americans regard honesty, trustworthiness, hard work and thrift as virtues, he shows the character of honesty, trustworthiness, hard work and thrift.

If Americans are addicted to money and desire, give up their past virtues, choose to indulge themselves, and pursue material comfort, Uncle Sam will change accordingly and become bohemian and indulgent in enjoyment. "

After a pause, she glanced at Selena, Angela and other Americans with a strange expression, and said: "Uncle Sam in the main universe is quite normal. He has always been a hardworking and enthusiastic old man.

In the parallel universe, there is no Harley, the earth has not entered the interstellar age, and the United States has always pursued political correctness and gender freedom. Their Uncle Sam has turned into a dark-skinned, fat and bloated man wearing lipstick and nail polish and wearing a skirt. monster.

Not only is his appearance extremely distorted and exaggerated, his character is even more difficult to describe in one word and unforgettable in one glance. "

Selina was a little itchy and wanted to meet that unconventional Uncle Sam.

Calliope continued: "The old gods of Heaven need people to burn their own beliefs to worship themselves, rather than burning themselves to meet the needs of believers.

For gods of faith, if the people change their minds, the nature of the gods will also change; for the gods in the heaven, if the people change their hearts, they will destroy the world and create new humans that meet the needs of the gods.

Of course, this is what the old gods did in the past.

Restarting the world consumes too much, has a bad impact, and may leave consequences. Most of the time, we will only try to show our true selves.

We would rather people not believe in us after seeing the real us, but we must not pretend to be true to please the people and deceive them into believing in us.

That kind of belief is meaningless.

If you absorb all the power of faith without being selective, you will be poisoned and the end will be miserable. "

Selena turned to Harley, "You have absorbed mixed beliefs, won't you be affected?"

"She has absorbed so many types of sources of miraculous power. Mere beliefs will definitely not affect her." Calliope looked at Harry with strange eyes.

Harley said: "Now that you have clearly explained your work content, do you want to join the 'Paradise Mountain Art Troupe'?"

"Can you extend the service period? You can't stay in the art troupe forever and never return to heaven, right?" Calliope asked.

"What length of time do you think is appropriate?" Harley asked.

Calliope said anxiously: "Ten million years, is that okay?"

"Okay, just ten million years." Harry agreed without even thinking about it.

"Harry, thank you!" Calliope, Clio, and other heavenly goddesses beside them all smiled happily.

Selena couldn't help but said: "What's the good thing about returning to the Heaven Realm? Even the magic debt crisis can't be dealt with. When the 'Great Almighty Universe Era' comes, the crisis will only become more terrifying. Even if the gods in the Heaven Realm can survive until then, , and it will inevitably be even more unbearable.

By following Harley, not only is your safety guaranteed, but in the future she will thrive in the Almighty Universe, and by following her and being promoted to the number one anchor in the Almighty Universe, you will have achieved transcendence. "

Calliope's smile froze, she hesitated for a moment before shaking her head and said: "We are just little muses, with no transcendent ambitions. As long as we can continue the carefree and idle life of the past, we will be satisfied."

Calliope and the others did not occupy a room in Lishan Manor. They moved to Madam Xanadu's mansion overnight.

Tomorrow, they will build a new home by the spring.

The arrival of the heavenly goddesses is indeed not the end.

That night, several waves of people came over, wanting to follow the old example of the Goddess of Heaven, join Harry, and live in Lishan.

Among them are gods and demons from heaven and other dimensions, both men and women, as well as the God of Destiny who was released by Harley earlier.

In the battle in the Garden of Destiny, Harley first destroyed the God of Destiny Group before finally seizing the "Book of Destiny" and defeating Big Brother Destiny.

Among the hundreds of gods of destiny who were wiped out by the group, only a small part were completely killed and had their godhead and divinity taken away. The rest just lost their divine bodies and origins, and their souls were thrown away. Many gods still retained most of their origins in the end. .

Harley's Destiny Specialty has reached level 9. There is no need to search for the origin of the God of Destiny. It is useless to keep them. He can simply be kind and copy their wisdom and magic related to destiny and release them all.

They felt that being forgiven by Harley and being released by her could be regarded as a kind of friendship, and they wanted to come over to establish friendship.

Knowing that the Heavenly Goddess was enjoying the protection for no reason, they happily expressed their willingness to sign a service contract for twenty million years or even longer.

But Harry didn't accept any of them. He only argued that the power of the God King had been abolished and that the more than 100 people who protected Lishan had reached the limit of their strength, so he drove them out of Lishan.

To Harley's surprise, in addition to the gods and demons who came to seek shelter that night, there was also Sam Lane.

At that time, she had turned the World Tree upside down again, leaving Xanadu responsible for receiving and rejecting the gods and demons seeking asylum.

At about two o'clock in the morning, Sam Lane was led to the top of Mount Leigh by Harry, the son of Angela, the housekeeper.

"Harry, something happened in the world of Ipok! Thousands of people from Ipok are now entering the small town of Nanda Peak through the space channel. The town is already overcrowded and has begun to move to the outskirts of the Himalayas.

People from China called the White House in the middle of the night and asked me about your arrangements.

What they mean is that you'd better go there in person to at least determine the situation in the world of Ipeko. "

"Did the Ipok people say why they suddenly entered the Nanda Peak realm in large numbers?" Harley asked.

"They said it, but they didn't explain it clearly. Some said that the world of Ipece encountered a great flood, and that the ocean was about to submerge the continent. Others said that the continental plates were like crushed biscuits, and the cities were reduced to ruins. People could only flee. home.

The reasons they gave for their escape varied, but they generally said that the natural environment of Ipoca had suddenly deteriorated and that the world was showing signs of collapse.

And when those refugees encountered disaster, they were very lucky and bizarre to fall into the space tunnel and travel directly to the earth. "

Sam Lane looked thoughtful and speculated: “I don’t think this was a natural accident.

The changes in the world of Ipoca are man-made.

That person is destroying the world of Ipok, but he doesn't want to harm the people in the world.

So while he was bringing disaster, he also immediately transferred people to our earth.

Harley, is it Tim Hunter, the ‘Magic User’?

On the way here, I had heard the Shadow Bureau agents report on the situation of the magic user.

Did you find Tim Hunter? "

Harry said: "Don't worry about the magic envoys. Just settle those Ipok refugees."

"Don't worry, I am self-aware and will not want to provoke the magic user. I came to you late at night just for the sake of the Ipok refugees.

If the world of Ipeko is completely destroyed, there will be tens of millions of refugees. Which country can handle it? "

Ryan looked at her eagerly and said, "Look, do you want to ask for help from alien allies again?"

Harley sighed: "We are not beggars in the universe. Don't ask aliens for help whenever we encounter trouble. One country cannot settle tens of millions of refugees, so why can't we cooperate globally, and those who have money will provide money, and those who have people will provide help."

"Harley, it's okay to provide money and people to rescue them, but the Ipekos are not Earthlings, so they can't stay on Earth forever, right?

We have taken in the Ipok people today, but what will we do if other refugees appear on Earth in the future?

In fact, just taking in the Ipekos was very troublesome.

Again, the Ipok people are not earthlings. The international community can accept earthly refugees into the country, but it is difficult to accept "aliens" as its own people.

It doesn’t matter that everyone’s language, culture and habits are different. The key is the recognition of the ‘earth civilization’.

There are many countries and ethnic groups on the earth, but every country and every nation has no doubt about their identity as earthlings, but the people of Ipeko will always miss Ipeko. "Ryan said seriously.

Harley pondered: "The top priority now is the magic debt crisis. After we have overcome the magic debt crisis, we can then discuss how to resettle the Ipok people."

"After the magic debt crisis is over, can the world of Ipok be automatically restarted? Or will you restart it?" Ryan asked.

Harley sighed: "The world of Ipeko is a bit special. I'm afraid it will be difficult to restart, but you can tell the heads of governments of various countries who have concerns. If I win, it will not be difficult to create a different world to settle the Ipeko people."

"What if you lose?" As soon as he asked subconsciously, Sam Lane slapped his cheek a few times and shouted loudly: "Harley, you will definitely not lose. Although I am not a transcendent, I also know that you will kill him first." If you turn people upside down and defeat Hecate again, you are already in sight of victory!”

Harley glanced at him and said: "If I lose, you can honestly accept the Ipok people as compatriots on Earth. You will definitely need them very much by then."

"Why do we need them?" Ryan asked doubtfully.

"If I fail, it will mean that the Upside Down or Hecate succeeds in harvesting the entire transcendent world. The population of the earth will suddenly drop by more than 20%, and society will need a large number of outsiders to supplement it." Harley said.

"There are so many extraordinary beings on earth?" Ryan asked in surprise.

"No eggs are left intact when the nest is overturned. The earth loses its miraculous elements, and the rules of the world will inevitably change. Ordinary people will not be able to bear the natural and man-made disasters that come with it."

Before dawn, the orangutan detective Bobo jumped to the foot of the World Tree with a long sword emitting blue light, and shouted urgently: "Harley, Harley, something happened to Maiya too!"

"Maiya." Harley opened her eyes, looked at the sword in his hand, and asked, "Is it the magical world where Jim's ancestors lived?"

"Yes, it is the world guarded by the 'Dark Night Masters' of all generations."

The long sword in the hands of the orangutan detective is called "Night Blade". It is a powerful artifact that contains the highest power of the magical world.

That magical world is "Maia", and whoever can become the master recognized by Night Blade is equivalent to the "Creation God King" of the Maiya world.

The current owner of the Forgotten Bar is the orangutan detective Bobo, and Surtin is his heir. If the orangutan detective burps in the future, Surtin will become the new bar owner.

But before Detective Ape, the owner of the Oblivion Bar was Jim Luke, the "Master of the Night."

The first friend Harley made at the Oblivion Bar was Jim Luke.

The Forgotten Bar connects all the worlds. The boss, Jim, is not only a native of Earth, but also an American. When he met Harley, a fellow countryman, he gave him a lot of care.

Unfortunately, Jim Luke is not only the owner of the Oblivion Bar, but also a magical-side superhero.

During the Dark Night Crisis, the Forgotten Bar once became a stronghold for the Earth's resistance forces, but was eventually targeted by the Dark Knights. Jim, the master of the dark night, fought to the death and gave the rebels a chance to escape at the expense of his own sacrifice.

After Jim's death, his magic sword "Night Blade" and the management rights of the bar were inherited by the orangutan detective.

The owner of "Night Blade" has a destiny: to become the king of Maia and defend Maia to the death.

"Did this sword tell you what happened to Maia?" Harley asked.

"Although it is a divine weapon, it cannot speak, and I just inherited it, but I cannot 'fuse the sword with the man' like Jim, and the soul and the sword can be integrated.

But it was flashing, sending me a signal that Maya was in crisis. Hallie, something serious must have happened to Maya, and we must go to rescue immediately. "The orangutan detective said excitedly.

Harley looked embarrassed, "Now that I have lost my miraculous power, I can't even complete inter-dimensional teleportation. How about I wait two more days? I lied to you before. I don't need a week, I can get the power of the king in just two days." able."

What she didn't say was that when she heard that Maia was to be rescued, her spiritual sense was immediately shrouded in a shadow, and she had an ominous premonition in her heart: it was either the Upside Down or Hecate, and Maia might be an ambush.

Then she immediately thought of one thing: the First Fallen from Hell already knew that she would gain the power of the Great King in a week.

"Two days." The orangutan detective stared at the flashing blue night blade, the expression on the orangutan's face changing, "Harry, I'm afraid Maia won't be able to hold on for two days.

Jim gave this sword to me because he trusted me and believed that I could take over the responsibility of the 'Master of the Dark Night' and protect the safety of the world of Maya. Now that Maya is in danger, I--"

"You can wait at least an hour, right?" Harley interrupted.

"One hour? What are you going to do?" The orangutan detective asked: "Is it the fusion of magic debt?"

"Wait a moment, up to an hour." Harley warned him, and then took the initiative to call the voice of heaven.

The Voice of Heaven has probably been paying attention to Lishan. When she called, it responded.

Without her asking, Raphael said simply: "Don't think about it, it's impossible to complete the split of authority within an hour! I didn't mean to delay the time, it really takes two days to split the authority."

Harry said: "If you only plan to give me the power of Cross Alley, then just dismantle Cross Alley, there is no need to completely separate it."

"The authority of the king is not Shaobing. I will give you as much as you want." Raphael said angrily.

"Tell me the truth, you really can't take off part of it immediately? Even if it's more or less, it doesn't matter." Harley said.

"What does Maiya have to do with you? Why are you anxious?"

Harry said: "Ipeki was destroyed, and Maia was destroyed next. I don't think it's normal."

"None of them have anything to do with you."

Harry was silent for a moment and said: "I have a hunch that Maiya is a trap, and someone is going to ambush me before I can get the power of the king."

"You shouldn't tell others the news before you get the power of the king." Raphael complained.

Harry said calmly: "What's the use of talking about it now? Solving the problem is the key! It's very simple to change from passive to active. Don't split the authority. Just hand over all the powers of the acting king to me. I'll do it." They were caught off guard."

Raphael wanted to get excited and yell.

Just as he was agitated, he suddenly reacted and said angrily: "Harley Quinn, you did it on purpose, right? You deliberately transferred the authority of the King to the public to make Hecate or the Upside-down anxious. I am going to ambush you within two days, and you will use the bandit’s self-respect to force me to use all my power as a king?”

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