I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1902 The loyal and tenacious Uriel

Harley had no intention of going to the Hell Guard House to argue with the group of First Fallen.

I've had too much trouble with the Voice of Heaven just now near the Gate of Heaven.

She couldn't bear to talk nonsense with the Voice of Heaven. Those first fallen ones were worse than the Voice of Heaven!

Moreover, they are so insincere that they even refuse to come over. They are just a shadow with extremely weak magic power. Well, it’s not like Harley dislikes the low content of the projection source. Even if they come to the guard house in person, she probably won’t tolerate it at this time. Keep taking action against them.

"Robert, you-"

As soon as Harley was about to ask "Oliver's dad" to send away the First Fallen on her behalf, she immediately remembered that at the Tower of Holy Sound, Lord Michael alluded to the smoky atmosphere in her hell garrison.

There are two "lords" in the garrison (they themselves, together with the Hell Demon and the American Super Hero, all think that the hereditary "Hundred Households" and "Thousand Households" with military power are titles), one is Oliver's father, Robert Query. Well, Kyle Rayner's dad, Aaron Rayner.

Old Reiner was probably not the one who made the Hell Guard House a mess.

Harley hasn't been to the Hell Guard House for several years, and she doesn't care about the work and daily life of the fathers of the two heroes, but she still heard that old Reiner was diligent and had been conscientiously hunting down demons who tried to sneak out of the gate of hell.

Since it's not the old Reina who is "a mess", it can only be the old Quinn.

If old Quinn is allowed to represent him again, even if Harley has no other intentions, I am afraid that the town will become even more chaotic in the future.

"Robert, do you know I'm coming to hell? Where's Aaron, he's entertaining the group of First Fallen at the town house?"

Old Quinn quickly shook his head and explained: "I didn't see Aaron Qianhu, he was probably still patrolling near the Gate of Hell.

I was stationed at the garrison, but suddenly the First Fallen Kings came over and said they wanted to discuss the Hell Legion with you, and asked me to go out and find you immediately.

They said you were definitely going to hell, so I came to greet you. "

Harley narrowed her eyes slightly and secretly activated the key to the door of hell. With a thought, Aaron Reiner appeared in front of her instantly.

Old Reina was still stunned for a while, and then he had a clear understanding in his heart that it was the "Hell Guard" who pulled him over.

He bowed first and then asked: "Master Guard, what do you want from me?"

Harley looked him up and down and said, "What are you busy with recently?"

Old Reiner and old Quinn are very similar in appearance.

They all wear plate armor forged from black metal. They are simple and unpretentious, but have strong magic power fluctuations, and their defense should be good.

Harley didn't provide them with equipment, and she didn't know where they got the magic armor.

There were obvious and dense marks on old Reina's plate armor, like a chopping board that had been used for many years.

Old Quinn's plate armor was so smooth that it could reflect the faint black light, and there was a gorgeous cloak hanging behind him. He looked majestic and noble.

Both Quinn and Reiner have swords. Quinn's sword hangs on his waist, and Reiner has a two-handed sword behind his back, with only a short sword on his waist.

There is also a very big difference in the aura of power between the two.

Harley herself is not a demon and cannot integrate with the power guarded by the Gate of Hell, but she gave part of her power to old Reiner and old Quinn.

After all, they carry the name of the town guard and are also nominally responsible for guarding the gates of hell. If they are bullied by a fierce ghost, Harley will be disgraced.

Initially, the powers given to the two of them were basically the same. Harley did not give more to Reiner just because he was a Sento. In fact, Harley's criterion for giving them powers was not their position or status, but the limit they could bear. , that is, "eat as much as you can."

Harley can be as greedy as she can when it comes to robbing others of their magic and power.

But when giving power to acquaintances, she never cared about it and was very "lavish".

Back then, she gave them the power to control their own limits. They were both ordinary people with similar powers, barely equal to the Demon Viscount.

Several years have passed, and Old Quinn has mastered the power of the Demon Viscount.

If Harley were to instill more power into his body at this moment, he would probably be able to push him to a level close to that of an earl.

But old Reina already has the power of an earl!

His powers have not increased, they are still the ones given by Harley, but he has actually understood the "devil nature", the demon nature related to fighting and guarding.

The demonic nature he comprehended leveraged the "Guardian Power" to achieve the effect of one plus one being far greater than two, and his actual combat power underwent a qualitative change.

Harley's observation of old Reiner and her own thoughts only lasted a moment.

Hearing her question, Old Reina immediately replied: "I was just patrolling inside the Gate of Hell today as usual, but for some reason, the shadow world outside the Gate of Hell suddenly boiled with magic and a group of demons danced wildly.

Although most of them are little demons with no title, little strength, or even little intelligence, the Shadow Realm is close to the human world, and even a small evil demon can threaten human life.

So I plan to drive them back to the gate of hell, or kill them as many as I can, at least I can't let them gather together and rush around anymore. "

Harley glanced at Old Quinn out of the corner of her eye.

He was still smiling, without any embarrassment, embarrassment, admiration or admiration.

He seemed to be numb to old Reina's attack on the demon group alone and had no feeling at all.

Harley said: "The legions of hells left in the world were all wiped out, and the high-level demons who received the news fled in panic.

The low-level demons under their command have no one to manage them, and they follow the crowd back to the shadow realm. Maybe some of the demons are too low-level and have little IQ. They don't know how to fall into hell immediately, but instead run around like headless flies. "

After explaining, Harley said to the two of them: "Aaron, you go back to the townhouse now to meet the First Fallen on my behalf. Robert, you are the 'deputy envoy' and assist Aaron in completing the 'Hell Gate Negotiations'." "

"Okay, I will definitely complete the task." Robert accepted the appointment of "deputy envoy" happily and simply.

Old Reina was a little hesitant, "Lord Guardian, I don't know what to say, how should we talk?"

"You don't need to say anything, just let them understand my attitude. First of all, the door to hell will not be closed no matter what; secondly, I am still sitting in Gotham, but if hell finds any strange traces, I will come immediately to deal with it. It. They can rely on me and calculate it into their own defense system."

If the gate of hell is opened, the nine hells will be like a glass bottle with the lid unscrewed.

The devil in the bottle can project his own shadow through the transparent glass wall, but to leave the bottle, he can only go through the mouth of the bottle, and both small and large devils are no exception.

If the gate of hell is closed, the nine hells will be like a sealed net bag. The big hole is sealed, but the devil can squeeze out through the net mouth.

The single universe is also a big net with no direct opening, but many gods, demons, and wizards can penetrate the dimensional barrier of the single universe and enter Limbo or other worlds.

It's a similar situation in another world.

Of course, hell is ultimately different from a single universe or a different world. The door to hell is closed, but to the demons in hell it is like a sealed net bag. To the people and demons outside, it is a completely closed iron knot.

Hell also closed its doors during the early multiverse crisis.

There was Lucifer in Hell at that time, and with Lucifer's order, no demon dared to leave the nine levels of hell with the closed door.

Now that Harley has closed the door to hell, she can only believe that the demons keep their promises and will never quietly escape from hell or cause harm to the world.

Can she believe the devil's promise?

Even though this is a special time, demons are afraid of "weird" things. But not everything is "weird" in the world, and even one of the 10 demons may not encounter "weird". Can Harley believe that demons will not take risks?

Therefore, the door to hell must be open, even if "weirdness" may sneak through the door of hell.

Anyway, there is no lower heaven in hell, so what is Harley afraid of?

"You go and talk to them first. If the differences are too big, you can summarize the opinions of all parties and write a report and give it to me, and wait for my next instructions."

After arranging the affairs of the Hell Guard House, Harley introduced the first-generation Star Man on Hero Island to the two "Hell Gate Guards" and said: "This is the Star Man, you should all know him, and you also know the grass-headed god of Paradise Mountain. thing.

He is currently still the Senhu of the Paradise Guard, responsible for guarding Hero Island during the magic debt crisis.

As before, I will hide the Hero Island not far from the gate of hell, but in a place where there are few demons.

Aaron, Robert, you two need to help Starman more.

Although he also has the power of a thousand households, he is not within the scope of the 'Heaven's Gate', and his power is greatly reduced. "

Even for herself, after leaving the range of Heaven's Gate, the power of "Heaven Guard" was suddenly reduced by 90%. Just relying on the power of Heaven Guard can no longer maintain the peak physical condition, and now the strength cannot even reach 110 points.

This can also be regarded as the limitation and price of power.

Similar to the Endless.

In the realm of the Endless, Destiny can suppress Harley, the Mother of Night can suppress the Upside Down, and Morpheus can seal "Satan" Belial in a single thought and leave his own domain. Even the Demon Marquis dares to laugh at Morpheus.

"You also established a garrison in heaven?" The two hell gatekeepers were surprised.

Harry felt a little proud, but his face remained as calm as ever. He briefly told the story of being personally appointed by the Great Lord.

They looked at her with even more awe, and when they turned to the gatekeepers of heaven, the awe in their eyes changed to deep envy.

"Miss Quinn, congratulations."

Robert came to his senses first and told Harley a lot of elegant and unconventional flattery. Then he asked eagerly: "The Heaven Guard and the Hell Guard should be considered one department, right? People in the same department can Parallel transfer?”

Harry's flattery was somewhat useful to him, but it was impossible to satisfy his wish, "If someone in the Heaven Guard House makes a mistake, they can be demoted to hell and become a hell errand.

Of course, the future of Hell Ghost is not completely lost.

As long as you firmly believe in and practice God's teachings, complete redemption in hell, and ascend to heaven, you can transfer to the Heaven Guard House.

I guarantee you that no matter who can complete the redemption, he will be promoted to three levels in heaven and his power will be doubled! "

Robert was disappointed: "After countless years in hell, it seems that no one has been saved on their own."

"It didn't exist before, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist now. When the Holy Dog Yabi becomes enlightened, the door to heaven will open, and there will definitely be many undead souls redeeming themselves in hell."

After a pause, Harley added: "Actually, doing things that you like and find meaningful is the source of happiness.

Isn’t it also to be happier and happier when going to heaven to enjoy the glory of God?

You are now working as ghosts in hell with very few restrictions, so you may not be able to adapt to the rules of heaven. "

Old Reina was thoughtful, and Robert said nothing more.

After Harley settled on Hero Island, she went to the Shadow Realm to retrieve a huge golden bubble, and then returned to Earth with two bubbles and a World Tree.

She first went to Lishan to open the huge golden bubble, and released Ivy, Selina, housekeeper Angela, the Bat Family and hundreds of other people inside.

When Constantine summoned her earlier, she only had a wisp of consciousness descending on Constantine's body. She did not appear in her true body at that time, because she was worried that her hometown would be stolen by the "weird" or the mother of magic after she left.

Judging from the current results, her worries are indeed not unfounded.

"Weird" can visit the Legion of Heaven and Hell, and she will definitely not mind harvesting her relatives and friends along the way.

When the World Tree sapling later emerged from the Swamp Monster, Harley had no other choice but to descend in her true form. Of course, even if she finally arrives in her true form, she will not engage in a crude and meaningless struggle with the Mother of Night. Instead, she will use the World Tree to attract "weird" descendants and make a lot of money.

Before the real body came, Harley sent all her relatives and friends in Gotham to the Shadow Realm in advance and hid them in gold-film bubbles.

In addition to family and friends, there was also half of Harley's little stomach inside the gold-coated bubble.

The Arkland in the stomach bag is itself a magical creation. Encountering the mother of magic and "weirdness" will not bring good results.

It was also because of this awareness that Harley refused to bring Zha Kang and the others into Arkland.

Putting it in would not only fail to protect them, but would also harm Harley herself.

At this time, there are no relatives and friends of extraordinary people settled on the Ark continent, but there are still many construction teams and administrative personnel from various countries on the earth on the Ark.

The permanent population on Ark Continent exceeds 300,000!

If it were just Arkland, it wouldn't be too important in Harley's heart.

Destroy it today, and she will work hard to create it again tomorrow, but nothing can happen to the people on Ark Continent.

Even the "shelter communities" they have built over the years cannot be destroyed in one fell swoop.

So when Harley was settling her relatives and friends, she also vomited out half of the golden, glass-textured world in her stomach.

She went to the realm of night alone and without any worries.

Now coming back, the golden film ball is untied, the people inside return to life, the dimension of the stomach bag also returns to the stomach bag, and the people on the Ark continent barely notice the change.

After placing the big gold-coated bubble and the World Tree in Lishan, Harley didn't chat with Selena and the others, and then went to Constantine's house with the blackened gold-coated bubble.

Strictly speaking, this is still the wedding night of Constantine and Xiao Zha.

The rampage in the House of Miracles happened in the latter part of the night, around one or two in the morning.

A lot of things happened after that. When Harry took them back to the beach on Long Island, it was only about five or six o'clock. The sky in the east was bright, and they could still get some sleep and continue the "Flower Night".

"Chichi~~" The moment the top of the gold film cracked, high-pressure gas spurted out from inside.

It sprayed out a column of black smoke that was as thick as an arm and ten stories high.

The smoke column was not made of dust and water vapor. It seemed to have life, hovering and struggling in the sky like a poisonous dragon, twisting and expanding into strange shapes, and a faint and terrifying roar could be heard.

"Ah, I'm finally out, I'm finally alive again~~~"

As the "Black Demonic Dragon" poured out, the people inside the golden film bubble also emerged one after another. Their voices clearly contained the joy and joy of surviving the disaster, and there was a hint of crying in the joy.

It really wasn't Harley hearing things, the nightmare nurse was crying.

"It's so miserable. I've lived for thousands of years, and I've never experienced anything so tragic and disgusting - I was buried in shit, vomit~~~"

She lay on the ground, retching, vomiting out the dirty stuff, and wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Harley saw that her body was blackened.

She originally had blond hair and was wearing a bright purple leather nurse uniform. Now her hair was wet and sticky, dripping with black and smelly liquid, as if she had rolled several times in a latrine.

"This is not shit, it is Constantine's undigested House of Miracles." Harley was a little embarrassed and a little guilty.

"Listen, I just said it was the House of Miracles, and you still insist that John is possessed by something strange and wants to infect everyone with 'weird feces'!" Xiao Zha is also pitch black and covered in sticky black mucus.

She was worse than the Nightmare Nurse because she was wearing a complicated white wedding dress.

At this moment, she had taken off the cumbersome skirt, leaving only the safety pants and bra, and was struggling to drag out another dark "thing".

While dragging, she also shouted: "Harley, come here and take a look, John is suffering from vomiting and diarrhea and has been unconscious for a long time."

Harley definitely doesn't want to go there.

She stood ten steps away and covered herself with another gold-film bubble. After hearing this, she just said: "You don't have to worry about John's safety. He is a third-line god after all. Not to mention vomiting and diarrhea, even if he suffers from vomiting and diarrhea, Even if his internal organs are pulled out, he will not die."

"Pfft~~~" As soon as he finished speaking, a big dark man tripped to the ground, "Ouch, something is wrapped around my feet and it's so soft - ah, it's intestines, Constantine's intestines , shit!”

It was Frankenstein. His dirty green skin was also jet black, like a black man who had been smeared in a cesspool of excrement and then coated in soot. It was like the flour coating before fried chicken legs.

He sat on the ground, holding a soft "tube" with both hands, and followed the clues until he finally touched Constantine's butt drum.

"Oh my god, Constantine has pulled his intestines out, Harley, he's had anal prolapse," Frankenstein shouted.

As he rubbed the black "tube" in his hand vigorously like washing fat intestines, he rubbed off part of the dirty black liquid, revealing the purple-red casings inside.

Harley tilted her head and shouted: "John is a three-line god. He just has anal prolapse. Just put it back and rub his belly, and that's it."

"It can't be stuffed back. It's still spraying out abnormally toxic gases. It's not a gas. What he pulled out is very weird. It's neither a gas nor a liquid. It's like a gas or a liquid. They're magical substances. Shit, they seem to be alive. Still growling at me, drilling into my mouth, damn - vomit~~~"

Frankenstein grasped the intestines in his hand, as if he was shaking with a python as thick as a bowl.

The python kept struggling, wrapping around his body and seizing the opportunity to burrow into his mouth.

"They are the remaining limbs of the House of Miracles. They may still have the consciousness of the House of Mystery and the House of Secrets, so they have deep resentment towards you." Harley guessed.

"Why is the House of Miracles like this?"

Harley sighed and explained: "When I descended into John's body, didn't I eat the House of Miracles?

Constantine does not have thick-skinned divine power in his body, and I only have a ray of consciousness, so I cannot digest it in a short time.

When my consciousness left Constantine, he became increasingly unable to digest the House of Miracles.

My guess is that immediately after losing my hold, the House of Miracles began to fight desperately in Constantine's belly. "

Zatanna immediately said: “That’s right, as soon as you left, John suddenly held his stomach and groaned in pain.

He was smiling and lighting a cigarette, very leisurely and contented, but when his stomach growled, his face turned pale in pain.

At first he wanted to sit cross-legged and use his own power to suppress the abnormality in his stomach.

But when you possessed his body before, you consumed too much magic power, exceeded the body's endurance limit many times, and exploded with powerful magic power, causing his body to be as tattered as if it had been hit by more than a dozen sacks.

He couldn't hold on anymore, so he lay down on the ground and started spraying messy things out of his butt drum."

There was no expression on Xiao Zha's dark face, but the emotions revealed in his tone were very complex, not only heartache, but also embarrassment and disgust.

Harley said: "You can block his buttocks. The House of Miracles is essentially a lump of magic energy mixed with endless resentment. It is not very big in the stomach, but once it is pulled out, it will expand infinitely."

Swamp Thing walked out of the "dark shit swamp" holding a slender "corpse" and said in a sullen voice: "I used a cork, which was my thumb, to block his butt hole.

It's no use, the contents of his stomach are out of control, blocking his butt drum and spurting out from his mouth and nostrils.

At first, he was still conscious and could think of ways to save himself while trying to suppress it.

Later, there was a terrible wail from his stomach, and his butt was like a cannon barrel, which broke my corked fingers. The other person gradually lost consciousness, and a torrential river spurted out from behind his butt, soaking the gold film in an instant. Fill the bubbles.

Alas, I'm lucky enough to be able to use a wooden shell to protect my body, but they..."

He placed the "corpse" in his arms in front of Harley and said, "Xanadu seems to be dying. You should try your best to save her."

"No way, your upper body has been smoked out of breath?" Harley looked at the "corpse" on the ground with a strange expression. Her chest didn't rise and fall, but there were streams of black liquid coming out of her mouth and nostrils. .

"She's fine, she just fainted. Let her have some air here and she should wake up naturally."

"What's going on with the House of Miracles now? Can it still change back?" Swamp Monster asked, staring at the expanding and distorted "Black Dragon" in mid-air.

Harley mused: "Part of the House of Miracles was completely digested and was severely damaged. It must be incomplete at this time, and the digested part of the magic power was absorbed by Constantine. He and it seemed to have a strange... connect."

"What's the connection, did Constantine become part of the House of Miracles?"

Harley said: "It's a soul connection. The specific situation needs to be studied carefully by Constantine after he wakes up."

"When will Constantine wake up? He hasn't even finished squirting out, and it seems like he can't stop squirting." Swamp Monster stared at Constantine's butt drum and said.

"There will always be a time when the spray is finished, just wait. Anyway, it is completely complete now. The unknown of the House of Miracles has disappeared, and the Mother of Night will not look for you again. We have plenty of time." Harley said.

Xiao Zha shouted: "Harry, why don't you put the broken House of Miracles back into your stomach and digest it completely?"

Harley waved her hands repeatedly, "I will never touch this damn thing again in my life."

She felt sick even after looking at it. How could she swallow it again?

Even if she just spit out a breath of stomach acid at it, she wouldn't be happy.

Anyway, Constantine is a three-line god, he is strong and durable, and he will never die.

Swamp Thing said: "Harry, the House of Miracles is no longer in shape, but the magic power it emits is too strong, will it attract 'weird' eyes?"

By the way, is the upside-down man who crawled out from a small stab in his mouth dead? "

"Haha, you should know the result just by looking at my relaxed and happy look."

Harley's face was full of joy and joy, and she carefully told the story of the battle in the Night Realm, not even missing her psychological activities.

"I'm sure something weird will happen, because the temptation of the World Tree is too great, and the miraculous element of a World Tree is even more than that of a large pantheon.

I also expect that the Mother of Night will definitely compromise. The Endless One cannot indulge in grudges and grudges as she pleases. If she ignores the overall situation, the Origin will definitely expel her from the overall situation, just like her original fate.

However, I don’t need to use ‘Origin’ to pressure her.

The Mother of Night is the Mother of Night after all. She understands the overall situation and will never allow 'weird' to act arbitrarily in the realm of night. "Harry said proudly.

"So, you are using us as bait now, and you want to continue to wait and see?" Xiao Zha said with a wooden face.

Frankenstein had gotten rid of Constantine's "anorectal viper", looked around, and said: "We are not in Lishan now. Does Harry want to use this place as a battlefield when he sends us to John's house?"

Harry said: "Don't think too much about it, I just love cleanliness. Even if I don't smell it myself, I can guess how stinky you guys are now. I can't bear to have my manor being blackened and the building being ruined by the House of Miracles." The ghost takes over the body.”

Xiao Zha sat next to Zha Kang, caressing her husband's face, and said sadly: "Today is our wedding night! In just half a night, so many misfortunes happened one after another."

"If you think about it from another angle, you will find that you are actually very lucky." Harley said: "Look, no one has ever escaped the unknown in the House of Miracles before you, but you have completely avoided the unknown.

Maybe the pulled-out remnants of the House of Miracles will still bother you for a while, but they are just minor troubles. You can trust John’s wisdom and he will be able to take care of everything when he wakes up.

You have also encountered weirdness, and weirdness crawled out of your mouth. If it were any mage, he would have completely turned into a "alien" now, and you are still alive.

Not only is he alive, your friend, that is, me, has also defeated Weird and gained extremely valuable experience in dealing with Weird.

Next time something strange comes, I promise you that even if it comes out of your mouth again, it will never hurt you at all. "

Xiao Zha doubted: "Only relying on the experience you have gained now? If experience is so effective, can't we also rely on experience to save ourselves?"

"When you finish repairing it, I will pass on all my experience to you." Harley said boldly.

Swamp Thing asked suspiciously: "Did you get other benefits from the Upside Down, such as 'magic debt'?"

Harley glanced at the red sun rising deep in the ocean to the east and said, "It's dawn, and the surrounding neighbors are about to go out. Let me build you a house first."

After saying that, she closed her eyes and opened them again about three seconds later, her eyes filled with light.

"Whoa!" A ten-meter-wide golden film silk ribbon floated out from behind her, as if invisible scissors and hands were cutting and folding the ever-elongating gold film into a two-story building at an extremely fast speed.

The whole process took less than half a minute, and a house made of folded gold film appeared on the original foundation. It fit perfectly with the foundation and was similar in appearance to the original house.

Even the mid-air "Black Smoke Poison Dragon" was compressed and locked together with Zha Kang in a bedroom on the second floor.

Harley turned her attention to the swamp monster and said: "Don't leave any traces of magic or any magic fluctuations. Use all the power of all things to help John and Zha build a beautiful garden, and cover the walls of the entire house with ivy vines."

Swamp Monster put his hand into his chest, grabbed a handful of colorful seeds from inside, and said, "I encourage the seeds to germinate and grow without leaving any traces of magic, but your gold-coated house itself is a magical creation."

Harley smiled and asked: "Then you sensed magic fluctuations?"

"There is no magic fluctuation at all." Xuanlan said with a surprised expression: "Even the 'House of Miracles' that Constantine pulled out. The magic power was so strong that it almost caused elemental fluctuations throughout the city. Now it is completely gone." Can’t sense it anymore.”

Harley said with a proud smile: "My golden film force field is a miracle creation, but it is not a magic creation. Not only does it not emit magic power fluctuations, it can also prevent the internal magic power fluctuations from leaking out.

If not, why did I use the golden film ball to protect you and the people in Lishan Manor when I had a decisive battle with the Upside Down Man? "

Within the golden film ball is the scope of defense expertise.

She can also choose to activate some of her defensive feats, or run them at full power.

Except that the golden film ball itself has a certain degree of durability and will suffer irreparable wear and tear during attacks, it is almost the same as living next to her.

Of course, Xiao Zha and Constantine are both mages. If their magic defense expertise is stretched to the limit, they will have big problems in the operation of their own magic power.

At this time, the God's Defense Specialty has been raised to level 9, and the Magic Defense Specialty is only effective at levels seven or eight.

"The gold-coated bubble released by you alone can only withstand a certain degree of attack. If the accumulated damage from the attack exceeds a certain limit, it will disappear, right?

If John and Zha's night activities are more intense, will they suddenly end up naked on the street? "Nurse Nightmare touched the wall of the golden film house with a strange expression.

Harry glanced at her and said calmly: "Even if you join in, the three of us will build it day and night. I promise you, this house will not be broken down in a million years."

"This is the famous defensive gold film in the multiverse. It is stronger than any building material. I am afraid that I can live in a gold film house forever." Xuanlan said with emotion.

While they were talking, the swamp monster also quickly created a flowerbed. Emerald green ivy vines covered all the walls, front, rear, left and right, but left a few open spaces on the roof, allowing sunlight and moonlight to pass through the golden film and directly Shine into the house.

Green vines are dotted with purple morning glories, and the sun sets, casting mottled golden light in the house, like a dream or a fairy tale.

A happy smile finally appeared on Xiao Zhawu's dark face, "It's so beautiful, thank you Hallie, thank you Alec, this is the best wedding gift I have ever received."

Harley originally planned to continue chatting with Zak, Swamp Thing and the others, at least until Constantine woke up before leaving. However, less than ten minutes after the gold film house was built, the Justice League came first to find it.

She didn't let Dachao and the others disturb the exhausted mages, and "Constantine's Cabin" was not a good place for conversation.

A moment later, the "Cathedral of the Holy Advent" was on the outskirts of Jersey City next door.

It was not the church orphanage where Harry stayed. That historic orphanage had long been taken over by the city government and transformed into a modern welfare institution a few years ago.

However, "Holy Advent Cathedral" and "Holy Advent Crusade Orphanage" do belong to the same Christian sect. In addition to Christ on the cross, the only statue worshiped in the church is Uriel, the "Tongue of Fire".

"Tick tick tick." The church door was closed tightly, and only the rancid yellow-green liquid seeped out from the crack in the door and dripped down the steps.

Harley was floating in the air, with Superman, Wonder Woman, Hal Jordan and many other heroes floating on both sides of her with solemn expressions.

"You haven't been here yet?" Harley asked.

"Without you by our side, how could we dare to break in? Whether it's the First Fallen from Hell, the 'Tongue of Fire' from Heaven, or the 'Weird', we can't mess with them at will," Hal Jordan said.

Harry glanced at Da Chao, who had a strange expression, and said: "This is the territory of the Holy Advent Crusaders. When the Holy Son came, the top leaders of the Holy Advent Crusaders were burned to ashes by the punishment of heaven, but the Holy Advent Crusaders It has not completely disappeared per se.

Well, they fell into complete silence. If the 'Tongue of Fire' hadn't shown another miracle, I'm afraid that in another three to five years, this church would have become the property of the 'Heaven Mountain Sect'. "

"So, what do you want to say?" Dinah asked doubtfully.

"I want to say that this is obviously the residence of the 'Tongue of Fire'. Are you still afraid of the 'Tongue of Fire'? He is someone's old friend, right, Da Chao?" Harley said with a smile.

Dachao touched his chin awkwardly and said: "To be honest, I'm really afraid of him. If I beat him, no matter I win or lose, my father in heaven will suffer."

"Haha, that's the truth, but you don't have to worry about Jonathan now." Harley pointed at herself and said proudly: "I have been officially crowned the God of War in Heaven and the 'Guardian of Heaven's Gate' in the area outside Silver City. They are all under my jurisdiction, including the lower heaven.”

"You were promoted? Why?" All the heroes were very surprised when they heard the news.

Harley didn't mind the trouble, and proudly recounted in detail the story of how she had cleverly plotted to eliminate the weird in the Night Realm and was rewarded in the Silver City.

The sound was conveyed spiritually, with full details and supplemented by pictures, which really aroused everyone's amazement.

"I didn't expect so many things to happen in just one night." Wonder Woman said with emotion.

Hal pointed to the church door and said, "What plans does heaven have for this place?"

"What arrangements can be made? The angel group has been destroyed, not even a hair is left, and this place is just an empty space. I came here as a routine matter and didn't have any expectations."

Harley waved her hand gently, "Squeak~~"

The church's thick oak doors opened to either side.


The yellow-green corpse water behind the door is one meter deep. As soon as the door is opened, the green water pours out, and a strong putrid odor spreads out.

The smell seemed to be alive, and it penetrated into the hero's nostrils and mouths. In an instant, their faces turned green, their eyes were dull, and they almost fell from the sky.

"This water is poisonous and is emitting poisonous gas!" Diana and Dinah had thick skin to protect their bodies. Like Harry, they were almost unaffected.

"These corpses are 'foreign objects' left behind by angels who were robbed of the power of miracles by strange things. They are essentially no different from the 'alien' corpses stored in the Hall of Justice.

If you can't bear it, you can leave the church first. "

Harley wrapped herself in the golden film bubble, put her hands behind her back, and slowly drifted into heaven.

In addition to the yellow-green corpse water, there were also many broken bones and feathers.

Even the remains of bones are distorted and unable to regain their original appearance.

The pure white angel feathers are distorted into small black claws or poisonous snake tails, which is very strange.

In addition, there were no other relics. The weapons and armors of the angels completely disappeared, not even leaving any residue.

"They were all angels originally? How many people in the angel legion were there in total, and how did they die?" Diana looked around and said, "The interior of the church is very complete, and even the mosaic glass images on the dome are well preserved, which shows that nothing too violent happened here. battle.

But there was so much corpse water flowing out just now. It was strange! "

Harley asked: "When did you realize that something happened to the Legion of Heaven and Hell?"

"About two hours ago, agents from the Shadow Bureau contacted us urgently, saying that something happened to the Hell Legion, and that the demons on the earth were in a panic and were eager to escape from the earth and return to hell.

We were shocked when we received the news and immediately called Jersey City to inquire about the Angel Corps.

When no one answered the call, we determined that the Angel Legion had also suffered misfortune.

Dachao also wanted to use his super vision to observe from a distance, but I stopped him.

Being able to destroy the two super legions of heaven and hell in a very short period of time must be able to detect the prying eyes of others.

We did nothing but sit in the Hall of Justice and wait. In order to prevent strange things from coming to the Hall of Justice, I burned all the 'alien' corpses that had been stored in the underground morgue to ashes. "

There was no need for her to burn it herself, as the morgue had prepared an incineration device. If the deformed corpse loses control, the flamethrower will automatically turn on.

Harry nodded and said: "What is the most correct and safest thing to do is not to do anything. Facing the strangeness——"

She focused her eyes on the surveillance camera in the upper left corner of the church, and said with a strange expression: "You were able to get through the phone before. Did you call the person in charge of the church directly?"

"I can get through, but no one answers." Diana followed her gaze and asked in surprise: "Is it possible that the electrical equipment in the church can still be used normally?

It's impossible. The corpse water is so deep and so filthy and evil. Even the cross and the statue of Christ were corroded into slag in the corpse liquid. "

"Do you think a cross and a statue of Christ are stronger, or an oak door?" Harley asked.

"Of course -" Diana was stunned and puzzled: "Why is this happening?"

"The cross and the idol are worshiped by believers, absorbing the faith of all living beings, and possessing some extraordinary characteristics. The 'weird' power only targets extraordinary things. Of course, this is when it is not specifically targeted." (ps)

Harry had already taken out his mobile phone and hacked into the surveillance network of Holy Advent Cathedral.

As expected, the monitor is still running, and the captured images are also stored in local storage and cloud space.

She pulled up the surveillance footage from last night with little effort.

The picture is not clear, not because the pixels are low, but because there are too many angels.

There were more than 10,000 densely packed angels. They lined up neatly and knelt on one knee to recite the Bible. Their bodies exuded such holy light that the camera lens was blurred.

"I want to purge the fire. Witch Harley eats me. I want to eat you to purge the fire."

Very suddenly, the "strange" humanoid can appeared directly in front of Uriel, the "Tongue of Fire" without any warning, and pinched his head.

In an instant, the holy light that filled the church dissipated, and the picture suddenly became very clear.

Harley and the superheroes who put their heads in front of the screen of her mobile phone clearly saw Uriel's head deflated, and he wailed piteously, "Please, please have mercy~~~"

Before he could finish his words of begging for mercy, there was a "bang" and it exploded into a puddle of yellow-green corpse water.

"Gudong." Dinah swallowed and said in confusion: "The leader of the Angel Legion, the famous 'Tongue of Fire' Uriel, didn't even resist a single move and was killed in an instant?!"

Harley shouted seriously: "Don't talk nonsense, Archangel Uriel has obviously persisted for so long. At least 0.5 seconds!"

"But 0.5 seconds is less than one second, faster than an instant kill."

Harley lowered her head, called up the video editing software, quickly moved her hands on the screen, and then replayed the video, "Watch it again."

The video was muted, and you couldn't hear what Uriel and "Weird" were saying.

It can be seen that after Uriel's head was grabbed by Weird, his expression was first very surprised - surprised for half a minute, then angry - angry for half a minute, and then a cold expression of gnashing teeth (obviously using power) - he activated The original confrontation was strange for a full minute, and then the expression on his face turned to confusion - confusion for half a minute, and finally pain - pain for a full three minutes, and finally his head exploded.

"How do you feel now? Do you deeply understand the unyielding will of Archangel Uriel and the great power that shakes the world and fights against the strange?" Harley looked at them and asked.

The expressions of the heroes were distorted.

ps: This is also the original comic setting. If Weird does not use magic specifically, its power will not interfere with the normal operation of non-miraculous rules, that is, the physical rules will still apply and electronic devices will still be effective.

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