I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1901 The essence of billions of years of angel wisdom

As soon as she walked out of the gate of Silver City, Harley immediately discovered the benefits of "Heaven's Gate Guard": as long as she is willing, her perception can touch any location outside Silver City, and call upon all the sacred power within this range, and can even form a Similar to the power of "God's Domain".

Just like hell is not a bare "nine-story building" built in Limbo. There is a large area outside the gate of hell where the reality of the earth is projected in Limbo. The projection forms the "shadow realm".

Outside Baiyin City, there is also a projection of human beings' beautiful fantasy of heaven, the bottom heaven.

The bottom paradise is located outside Silver City. It is not completely spread out, but hidden in the "lower dimension".

After leaving Silver City, you can see an unlimited number of floating islands. Most of the floating islands are bare, with no vegetation or traces of life on them. The floating islands almost completely block the view of Silver City from the Gate of Heaven. .

Leaving the huge floating island area is the Limbo area close to heaven.

The reason why there are large floating islands is because for tens of billions of years, heaven has not been very comfortable. The war between heaven and hell has never stopped since Lucifer fell into hell. In addition to the demons of Hell, angels also fought against the forces of gods and demons in Limbo.

It can be said that the current reputation of heaven and hell is all achieved by angels with real swords and guns.

The floating island ring outside Baiyin City is equivalent to a moat and city wall.

Now, the entire floating island ring is shrouded in Harley's perception.

It's not that her perception has become stronger, but that she has obtained the power of "Guardian of Heaven's Gate".

Because of its special protective effect on Silver City, the floating island ring itself has the function of suppressing the spread of spiritual power and hindering spiritual perception.

Foreign gods and demons cannot make contact with Silver City. Even if they are lucky enough to pass through the gate of heaven, they are likely to get lost in the floating island ring.

Before, Harley could only "see" areas that were not blocked by floating islands.

If there is a floating island directly in front of her, and the distance is beyond the range of God's defense field, then she will not be able to "see" the scene behind the floating island.

Now as long as she steps into the floating island ring, every stone island in the ring will naturally appear in her mind space. If she concentrated, she could even make out the dust falling from the stone island.

As soon as she thought about it, the floating stone island was instantly rearranged according to her will.

She can also transfer her own power to any location, including the defensive specialty force field.

In other words, as long as she is willing, the floating island area outside Silver City, which is larger than the Milky Way, can be covered with gold film.

It's not that her golden film force field has become stronger or its range has increased.

Just because Harley, who possesses the power of "Guardian of Heaven's Gate", is the "Gate of Heaven" itself.

In other words, Heaven's Gate became a part of her, and the defensive force field just extended along her "limbs".

The scope of the force field did not change, it became her, and her "body" became extremely large.

Harley looked down at her hands.

The small palms were gently clenched into fists, and the fists gradually became crystal clear, like golden crystal castings.

She did not enter the "True Martial God King" state, but she had already entered the state of extreme power. This punch exerted an effect close to 120 points of extreme power.

This is the "power of power and blessing" that she had not obtained when she became the "Guardian of Hell's Gate".

She is an "angel" and has the establishment of Silver City. Every year, "God's power" is paid to her as a salary. The origin of heaven fully recognizes her, so the power of heaven is given to her, and she can use it without any obstacles.

"Hell's Gate Guard" also has real power, but she is not a demon. The origin of hell only recognizes demons. She has the power (the key to the Hell's Gate) in her hand, but she cannot fuse with it.

She can use the power of "guarding the gate of hell" to a limited extent, but in order for "power to bless my body, I am the heaven and earth (the heaven and earth near the gate of hell), and heaven and earth are me", she needs to be integrated with the power.

This fusion requires 100% approval from the hell source.

Unless she transforms into a fallen angel, it's impossible for Harley to get this kind of recognition, and it's useless to ask Little Black Bean for help.

Not only her, Duma and Lemuel, who were "exiled" from Silver City when Lucifer ran away in the early years, also held the power of Satan, but could not become the real Satan.

Duma and Remiel, who have the noble status of "Twelve Archangels", are also different from Harley.

Harley only helps manage the Gate of Hell, and her identity is still the "Archangel".

Duma and Lemuel were somewhat expelled from the "Angel Organization".

Until now, Harley still doesn't know whether Duma and Lemuel committed the "crime of homosexuality" and were actually "exiled" in the name of "transfer", or whether they sent these two bosses away in advance to support the "boyfriend" Phil's rise to power paved the way.

Anyway, Duma and Lemuel are almost "reclusive", no trace, no show of strength, and hell has not changed at all. It is not as earth-shaking as when they ran away on the old road, and there has never been a forced restart and update of the "new hell system".

If one day Harley also runs away with a bucket and hands the "key to the door to hell" to another person, hell will remain plain and unchanged.

On the contrary, at this time, Harley merged with the power of "Heaven's Gate Guard", and the "heaven and earth" near the Heaven's Gate have been marked with her mark.

To put it unluckily, if Harley burps one day, there will be a huge earthquake outside Baiyin City.

"The Gate of Heaven is only a void space, and there is only a floating stone island created by the power of God. It is enough to push my power to the peak of the God King. If it is the Silver City where the power of God is even more vast."

Harley clenched her fists, a little afraid to imagine how powerful Lord Michael could be at this time.

Looking back at the Silver City bathed in the holy sound and light, the excitement in my heart about obtaining the "supreme power" quickly subsided.

"Power can be transferred, but your hard power will always belong to you and no one can take it away."

Just as Harry sighed to encourage himself, he immediately felt something was wrong.

Today's magic debt crisis has proved with ironclad facts: the power you work hard to cultivate is not necessarily your own.

She shook her head with a wry smile, and took a step lightly without any space fluctuations or using any of her own power. It was just the power of "Heaven's Gate Guard" plus her will to "go to Paradise Island", and she Arrive at Paradise Mountain Island in an instant.

The "Paradise Town" that had only one two-meter-wide stone street more than ten years ago has now lived up to its name and almost looks like a small town in reality.

There are wide "asphalt roads" with two or three-story buildings on the roadside. Pedestrians and "carriages" pass by on the streets. There are also shops and restaurants on the streets.

In the center of the "Cross Street", there is also a fountain square.

At this moment, in the center of the square, a group of "dead ghosts" were pointing around Harley's golden ball.


"Harry, you're here~~"

Seeing Harley appear, they immediately shifted their gaze and greeted her enthusiastically.

Harley responded to them one by one with a smile.

Most of them are old acquaintances.

Except for the first batch of old men and women from powerful families who chose to stay in Paradise Mountain and follow Falcone to convert to God, the rest are the superheroes who have sacrificed their lives to dominate the universe and earth over the years, as well as a small number of family members of heroes.

Well, if a superhero dies and their family members are heartbroken and unable to start a new life, they can apply. If the application is approved, they will be taken to Heavenly Mountain to accompany the heroic spirits.

However, Harley did not approve of this behavior.

The spirits of heroes have been transformed into religious gods who "live as long as heaven (Paradise Island)", while their family members are just mortals, who will grow old and experience changes in cognition, outlook and emotions as they grow older.

Harley generally only suggested that heroic spirits take over their underage children and raise them, or that old mothers and fathers who had no one to look after them take over and take care of them until they die.

If you are in love, whether you are married or not, starting a new life is a more beneficial choice for both parties.

After exchanging pleasantries with the group of people, Harley said goodbye to them with a gold-coated bubble.

The World Tree was larger in size, and half of its body turned into an "alien", so it was not sent to Heaven Mountain by Zaulie. Harley found her in the void outside Heaven Mountain.

"Harley Quinn, wait a minute!" Before Harley pulled the World Tree and the Golden Bubble away, the indifferent and ethereal voice of the Voice of Heaven entered her mind again, "You are now the 'Gate of Heaven' Guard', the power to close the gates of heaven is in your hands.

If you leave heaven and return to earth now, you must first close the door to heaven. "

Harley asked doubtfully: "Didn't the Lord just say that closing the door to heaven is useless?"

"Whether it's useful depends on how you use it."

Tian Zhisheng explained: “I didn’t close the door before because I didn’t have time to close it.

The magic debt crisis concerns all users of the power of miracles, and no one can escape or escape it.

When the Legion of Heaven and Hell still existed, we didn’t even think about closing our doors.

When they were targeted by Weird for too short a time, before Silver City could react, the two legions had been completely wiped out, and Weird also arrived near the Gate of Heaven.

The Gate of Heaven, like the buildings in Silver City, is also a miraculous creation.

Miracle creations cannot stop the ‘weirdness’.

If he had forcefully closed the door at that time, his timidity would have been lost, allowing the hesitant 'Weird' to make up his mind and rush forward.

So it is better to be still than to move. "

"As the saying goes, 'this time and that time', at that time there was no 'guard at the gate of heaven', but now there is a guard, and you, the guard, are still outside the gate of heaven.

The Gate of Heaven cannot completely block the 'weirdness', but it can delay it for a certain period of time, allowing you to arrive in time to fight it to the death. "

"The idea is good, but what about you? You must be safe hiding behind the door, but what about the 'power support' I need?" Harley said.

"Don't forget, your 'Heaven's Gate Guard' only has the power to close the door, and the power to open the door is still in my hands. If something 'weird' comes to your door, I will open the door of heaven and bring all the archangels of Silver City to the door." The strength and power will be guided to the gate of heaven to help you suppress the 'weirdness'." Tianzhi said.

"Wouldn't opening and closing the door delay the fighter's flight?"

Harry was not worried that Raphael and the others were deliberately holding back. The magic debt had not yet been collected. Even if they ignored the overall situation and their own fundamental interests, Michael, the king of the Tower of Holy Sound, would not allow it.

But her battle with the Upside Down lasted only ten minutes. How long would it take to reopen the Gate of Heaven?

“It may be a little waste of time, but Silver City has received the guarantee of ‘absolute safety’.

As long as the door to heaven is closed, there is no way that 'weirdness' can sneak in.

The angels of Silver City are actually not afraid of 'weirdness' sneaking in quietly.

No matter how weird its methods are, it can't pass through the gate of Silver City silently.

But it can harm the pure and pious mortal souls of the lower heavens.

The closure is mainly for them. "

Harley was silent for a while and asked: "Now that the Angel Legion and the Hell Legion have been destroyed, apart from me, do you have any other plans to seize the magic debt?"

Tian Zhisheng was silent for a while and said: "There is no real big plan, and there are many random arrangements without much hope. At present, you have the best hope of success."

Harley asked curiously: "What kind of random arrangements are there?"

"Those arrangements have nothing to do with you, or even me. There is more than just you, me and Lord Michael in heaven. Every angel has his own thoughts and encounters. I don't care about them, and you don't need to care about their intentions. An unintentional arrangement.”

Harley frowned and added: "Since I have now become Silver City's biggest trump card and plan, shouldn't the 'informatives' prepared by Silver City for the magic debt crisis also be handed over to me?"

"What does it mean specifically?" Tian Zhizhi asked.

Harry said: "All the 'intelligence' that has been prepared for a long time but has not been used by Fire Tongue, such as Dusk.

Back then, during the Sun-Eating Beast crisis, Stranger was busy and struggling, and he must be preparing for today, right? "

Tianzhi Sheng seemed to be hesitant, but after a moment of hesitation, he still said frankly: "This card of Dusk can probably only be used once, and the effect is not as good as you expected, and it may even make you disappointed."

Harry cheered up, "My expectations may not be what you think. Just tell me directly, try to be as detailed as possible, and explain your understanding and usage of the 'Twilight Card'."

The voice of heaven said: “Twilight is Hecate’s last and most sincere kindness.

Judging from the results of the Sun-Eating Beast Crisis, she did not disappear, but instead completed a sublimation and became even more indestructible.

Therefore, after the seal is completely unlocked, part of the mother of magic that descends still belongs to Dusk.

It’s just that the mother of magic has endless resentment in her heart. Even if the ‘Twilight of Goodness’ is in her body, it will be deeply buried by the ‘Grudge’.

Our plan is to use the angel's own "pure heart and sincere kindness" when facing the resentful woman, to resonate with Dusk buried in the resentful woman's heart, and finally awaken Dusk, allowing Dusk to briefly control the body of the mother of magic.

It can only be controlled for a short time, and it is impossible for Mu Mu to completely overwhelm the resentful woman.

The Grudge is already the ultimate form of the Mother of Magic.

Where the Mother of Magic was born, she was as pure as a ray of moonlight, a state of pure goodness.

This state is not the norm, just as the innocence of a newborn baby is not the norm.

After a baby grows up, it can never return to its original purity and innocence.

From the moment it came to the world, the 'light of the moon' has changed under the influence of the new environment.

The resentful woman who fell completely into darkness after being betrayed by the ancient god is like the wrinkles on an old man's face. When wrinkles appear, youth is just a memory.

There is no going back. "

"But the dusk has sublimated." Harley said.

“Sublimation only ensures that the ‘last purity’ does not disappear, it cannot make a pool of already filthy water clear again.

The Mother of Magic is different from human beings. Human beings were created by the Lord. Even if they fall into darkness, they still have the chance to return from the lost path and obtain salvation with the last bit of conscience.

The Mother of Magic is the consciousness born from the source of magic.

The changes in magic power are irreversible, and the fall of the Mother of Magic is also irreversible. "

Harley asked: "Can the Mother of Magic be saved with God's teachings?"

"If you can convert the Mother of Magic into the embrace of God, you will be the first saint of Christianity, and the position of the Lord of Silver City can be given to you!"

I don't know if he was stimulated by something, or something else, but there was obvious sarcasm in Tian Zhisheng's tone.

Harry didn't think about "The Lord gave up his seat", and only mocked: "You are so enlightened, you don't even believe in God's teachings, why would you give up to the Lord of Silver City?"

"Do you dare to issue a military order?" Tianzhi said coldly.

"Why should I issue a military order? I firmly believe that God's teachings are the only truth in the world.

I will influence the Mother of Magic with full confidence and sincerity, save her from the sea of ​​suffering, and bathe in the glory of God.

This persistence and belief will not change due to anything or any result.

Even if the mother of magic is stubborn, it’s just that my ways are limited, not that God’s teachings are ineffective. "

Harley's eyes were determined, a faint holy light shone through her cheeks, and she made a cross on her chest with her right hand.

Raphael was speechless.

He had to admit that in terms of verbal awareness alone, he was indeed inferior to the shameless and cunning her.

"Go away, close the door to heaven, and leave quickly." He didn't want to talk nonsense with her anymore, nor did he want to see her again.

"You haven't explained how to use the 'Twilight Card' yet."

Harley actually didn't want to mess with him.

If he didn't still have the information she needed, she would have raised her middle finger and left Brick.

"The Twilight card is only a life-saving card used at the last moment. When you encounter a magic debt crisis, the essence of a miracle will be taken away. Use a pure heart to awaken Twilight and let her temporarily suppress the resentment and buy you time to escape.

But you don't have a pure heart, and you can't wake up the dusk.

Secondly, your own situation is very special. Judging from the process of your battle with the Upside Down, either you took it easy and even had the advantage, and did not need to buy time to escape, or you could not escape at all.

At that time, you have become one with the Upside Down, that is to say, you have been eaten by it, and waking up at dusk cannot help you.

Because your body becomes a part of it. "

"Is there a spell that activates the pure heart and resonates with Twilight?" Harley asked.

"No spell will be ineffective in front of the Mother of Magic and the Upside Down. If you really have a pure heart, you only need to completely open your heart when facing a grudge and show your kindness to him

I think you should stop trying randomly.

Originally, you were able to kill the Inverted Man and obtain all its origins, so you would at least have the strength to fight against the Mother of Magic.

If you give up your own advantages and use the "Twilight Card" that you are unfamiliar with and the effect is difficult to determine, it will probably be counterproductive. When you open your heart, the weird will take advantage of you and defeat you. "

"Besides the Dusk Card, are there any other trump cards? Let's talk about them together." Harley said.

The Voice of Heaven went on to talk about 198 very powerful techniques, such as purifying one's own "power of God" and reducing the magic mark component in the "angel's origin".

For example, how to use the power of God possessed by the Archangel to fight against the magical debt of the magic mark.

Each one sounds awesome, but it must be very difficult to learn. Harley feels that the techniques and theories are very reasonable and should be very useful.

But now Fire Tongue Uriel is dead.

The legions of angels and the legions of hell were also completely wiped out.

“How successful are ‘Tongue of Fire’ Uriel and ‘Lord of the Flies’ Beelzebub in these profound and difficult theories and skills?” Harley asked.

If you have the theory and skills, but fail to learn them well, and end up being eliminated, it is still reasonable.

The voice of the sky was silent for a few seconds, and said somewhat dryly: "The old gods of the sky began to prepare for the magic debt crisis billions of years ago.

The angels of heaven and the first descendants of hell are equally concerned about the mother of magic, magic debt.

So we put our heads together and teamed up to create the above tips and theories. "

Harry was speechless, "I gathered the wisdom essence of all the angels, and the help of the 'Voice of Heaven', and practiced for billions of years, but I was instantly defeated by one move."

"Angel Uriel lasted for 0.5 seconds!" the voice of heaven solemnly emphasized.

The corner of Harley's mouth twitched, "So, those skills are still very effective?"

——If the skills are still effective, wouldn't "Tongue of Fire" look even more inferior?

The Voice of Heaven asked: "How long did you hold on? I mean from the time the Upside Down attacked you to the time your body was completely swallowed by it."

Harley said: "As soon as it appeared in front of me, I lost control of my body. The magic in my blood rebelled and swallowed my whole body instantly."

"You were killed in an instant, but Uriel still persisted for 0.5 seconds. What does this mean?"

Harley said with a dull face: "You mean, 0.5 seconds is countless billion times longer than an instant, so those skills are infinite?"

She was instantly swallowed by the Upside Down for two reasons. First, she wanted to fully experience the entire process of the magic mark being activated; second, she planned to trap the Upside Down and kill it completely.

So when the magic mark was activated, she did not use her defense expertise to resist or struggle.

After the Upside Down swallows her and her body becomes part of it, and then activates the specialty, it will have no way to avoid it and can only bear it completely.

Such as stomach acid mist.

Stomach acid mist needs a medium to conduct it and requires direct contact to work.

If the Upside Down is enveloped in gastric acid mist when they first meet, it will definitely be injured if it doesn't pay attention for a moment, but it is not stupid and will definitely dodge and avoid the gastric acid mist.

If it dodges, Harley can't stop it.

Normally, if Harley plans to use gastric acid mist to deal with an enemy, she will first swallow it into the stomach bag dimension, leaving it unable to escape. If she is sure that she cannot trap the opponent, she will not use gastric acid mist as her main killing move.

During the battle in the Night Realm, Harley immediately determined that she could not take the initiative, so she changed her mind: Since she couldn't swallow the Upside Down, let the Upside Down swallow me. The effect would be almost the same.

If she struggles desperately, let alone 0.5 seconds, 5 million seconds will be no problem.

It's just that kind of struggle that can't pose a threat to the enemy and has no meaning.

Tian Zhisheng also understood that she was deliberately swallowed by the Upside Down to bite him back, and said: "What I mean is that if you practice those skills, you can get a chance of 'nine deaths and a life'; if you don't practice, you will die in ten. There is no way to survive.”

Although Harley felt that it would take several days to read "Essence of Angels' Wisdom" once, several months to fully understand it, and tens of thousands of years to become proficient in it. It seemed useless, but she still accepted the "Voice of Heaven" Good intentions,” and packed into his mind “the essence of billions of years of wisdom of the angels of heaven and hell.”

Then she prepared to close the gates of heaven.

"Harley, what should we do after the gate of heaven is closed? Do we want to release Hero Island?"

The grass-headed gods were happy to learn that Harley had become the "Guardian of Heaven's Gate" with real power, but when it came time to close the door, they became entangled again.

"Hero Island is also a miraculous thing. If something strange happens, it will inevitably end badly. It's better to hide in the floating island first." Harley said.

"How long will the magic debt crisis last?" Ralph, the telescopic man who was on duty as "Judge of Hero Island" that day, asked.

This guy is actually quite a live person.

"There is absolutely no sign of the end." Harley shook her head and sighed: "It may be a few months, it may be a few years. If the mother of weirdness and magic is careful enough and deliberately avoids me, it will last for dozens or hundreds of years. It may not be impossible.”

"Does the door to heaven have to be closed for dozens or hundreds of years?" The second-generation "torch" looked incredulous.

Harley pondered: "You can be sure that if the mystery is not completely resolved, the door to heaven will not open.

You already know the end of the legions of heaven and hell.

The strange ability is so evil that it may not be possible to avoid the surveillance of the Voice of Heaven and sneak into the bottom of the heaven.

Once it enters the lower heaven, the thousands of ‘good souls’ in heaven are finished.

Closing the gates of heaven is to protect the lower heaven.

But you don’t have to worry too much. Weiwei hates me to the core, so he won’t deliberately delay time. "

"Can the Hero Island be moved to the gate of hell like the Dark Night Crisis?" asked the second generation "Time Man".

"Even heaven has to be closed to avoid disaster, but hell is even less safe." Harley shook her head.

"Without the Hero Island, wouldn't the souls of the heroes sacrificed during this period have to dissipate in Limbo? Heroes can be sacrificed, but they can't be so miserable!" Ralph shouted.

The reason why Hero Island has this name is because it is specially prepared for heroes who sacrificed themselves in crisis.

This isn't the first time Earth has faced a large multiverse-level crisis, nor is it the first time Heaven has closed its doors during a crisis.

Once heaven is closed, the spirits of heroes who should have gone to heaven after death can only naturally dissipate in Limbo.

This ending was undoubtedly tragic, so Harley established Hero Island.

After the death of the hero, the soul takes the lead in reporting to Hero Island. Because Hero Island is outside the gate of heaven, even if heaven is closed, there is no need to worry about the ending of Hero's Soul.

The first-generation "Star Man" gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "I would like to sit on the Hero Island and continue to attract the souls of heroes."

"I do too!" Immediately many heroes who had died once stood up.

Harley waved her hand and said, "Don't worry. In addition to Hero Island, there is also a 'Hero's Paradise' in this world. The Hero's Paradise will not be closed. The heroes who sacrificed during this period can go to the Hero's Paradise."

"Heroes' paradise." Some grass-headed gods were thoughtful, and more grass-headed gods frowned slightly.

As early as the end of Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Creator created the "Heroes' Paradise" to house superheroes who had lost their homes.

But at that time, the rules of Heroes Paradise were not yet complete, and admission tickets were extremely expensive.

In the Crisis of Infinite Earths, countless parallel universes were destroyed, and thousands of heroes' home universes were swallowed up by antimatter energy. They could only seek refuge in the main universe. They also saved the world and fought against the anti-monitor king.

But the only ones who finally entered the hero's paradise were Alexander Luthor Jr., Superboy-Prime, and the old Superman and Lois of Earth-2.

Other heroes, such as the middle-aged "Nightwing" and the young "Batwoman" Helena Wayne from the parallel universe, have all been erased from reality.

They did not die in the crisis, but disappeared from the source after the crisis ended, without any resistance or even a struggle. From now on, except for the memories of Harley and others, there are no more stories or traces of them in the world, which is more miserable than death.

At that time, the Heroes' Paradise was completely isolated from the outside world. People outside could not enter and people inside could not get out. It was not until a few years later that the multidimensional restart crisis occurred. Little Alexander Luthor lured Old Super to break the dimensional barrier and destroy the "first generation heroes". Heaven".

After the multi-reboot ended, Harley led a group of heroes to rebuild the "Second Generation Hero Paradise".

The new Hero's Paradise is completely controlled by old Superman and old Lois. They will actively accept homeless superheroes and suitable heroic souls.

The Heroes' Paradise has also become the "morning star" for lost "loving people", and a beautiful legend about love was born in the material universe.

But the second-generation hero paradise also has a too-perfect "flaw": only pure heroes of justice can enter.

If the mind is not pure and cannot achieve absolute justice, evil will be like a plague, polluting the heroic paradise itself.

Not even Harley can change this rule.

She is only the designer and engineering contractor, not the original creator of Heroes' Paradise.

At this time, the grass-headed gods were also struggling with this rule.

It is too difficult to adhere to the theory of absolute justice and have flawless thoughts and actions.

Hero Island is just a transit station. The grass-headed god "Judge" stationed on Hero Island can determine the original destination of the soul of the hero who landed on the island: go to heaven, go to hell, or go to Hero's Paradise.

Hero Island has existed for more than ten years, and only a handful of people are qualified to go to Hero Paradise.

It is likely that until the end of the magic debt crisis, no one will enter the hero's paradise, and in reality hundreds of heroes will die.

The standard for becoming a grass-headed god is much lower. The standard set by Harley himself: just be a good person.

You can have sins, as long as the merits are higher than the sins, or you are young and have no time to earn merits, but your thoughts are good and recognized by the "Golden Hall", you are considered a "good person" and can enter Tiantian Mountain and get free "Martial God King Faith Divine Power" "Create a body of faith and live a happy life from now on. Caotou God himself said that Heaven Mountain is the real paradise, more real than Silver City and Heroes' Paradise.

"Harley, will the gate to hell be closed?" After a moment of confusion, the first-generation Star Man asked.

Harry said: "The Gate of Hell is different from the Gate of Heaven. The Gate of Heaven is to prevent outsiders from entering Silver City, and the Gate of Hell is to prevent the demons in the Nine Hells from escaping.

One restricts entry and the other restricts exit. They have different functions, and the effect of closing the door is also different.

If you close the door of heaven, angels cannot get out; if you close the door of hell, the devil will have no restrictions and will escape immediately. Hell will be empty and demons will dance wildly in the world.

As the guard of the Gate of Hell, my only responsibility is to ensure that the Gate of Hell is open and the devil cannot go to the world to do evil. "

The reason why she became the guardian of the Gate of Hell is because the demons went out of control several times in a row, causing heavy casualties on the earth. Humanity was full of complaints, the reputation of God and heaven was damaged, and the Christian faith was in danger.

"However, I guess that the first descendants of hell will formulate some preventive measures against the 'weirdness' just like heaven." Harley added.

The first-generation Star Man added: "If the Hero Island is moved near the Gate of Hell, I will also join the defense strategy of the First Fallen. The Hero Island will at least be safer than those First Fallen, right? Their targets are larger and more obvious. , but Hero Island can hide in the corner.”

Seeing Harley's hesitation, he said simply: "I have been a judge on Hero Island for more than ten years, and I have never met anyone who meets the standards of Hero Paradise.

Maybe I'm unlucky, but I really don't feel like I'm unworthy of going to Heroes' Paradise and deserve to wail away in Limbo. "

Harley nodded and said: "Okay, I will appoint you as the Hundred Household of the Heaven Guard House, responsible for leading the Hero Island to join the 'Heaven and Hell Defense Alliance'."

They themselves are not afraid of death, so what else can she say?

"Is the Heavenly Guard House newly established? What's its use?" Xing Xia asked in confusion.

"For now, it's just a reason for you to hide in the protective circle of hell. In the future, you may be able to share some of your power and become a 'fake angel' and an 'auxiliary policeman' at the Gate of Heaven."

"What's the point of fake angels?" Star Man frowned.

Harley asked: "Who do you think you are now?"

"We are grass-headed gods."

"I mean your status in heaven."

"This" Xing Xia thought for a moment and said hesitantly: "Does this count as your god?"

Harley shook her head, "You are the gangsters who entered Heaven through the back door, and you are the private armed forces of the Lord of Heaven Mountain.

Caotou God originally means "irregular god". In fact, you are barely even "gods". You just have a body of faith and no belief of your own.

Also because your status is a bit embarrassing, you cannot move around freely in paradise. You cannot enter Silver City or the lower paradise. Even the floating stone island outside Silver City can only travel between Paradise Mountain and Hero Island at two points and one line. .

But if you become a "Hundred Household" in the Tiantian Mountain Guards House, you will be considered to have entered the Tiantian system, at least as an auxiliary police officer, with higher power than some angels.

If someone joins the heaven system and is not an angel but enjoys the power of an ordinary angel, isn’t that a ‘fake angel’? "

The eyes of all the grass-headed gods shone brightly, and they shouted excitedly: "Harley, I also want to be a 'Hundred Households'!"

Harry rolled his eyes at them, "'Hundred Households' is an official position, how can everyone be an official?

We are all friends. I have never thought of creating a 'level difference' among you. Star Man's 'Hundred Households' are just prepared for the current special situation.

There are not only hundreds of households in the Hell Guard House, but also "thousand households" with a higher level. If Xing Xia is "white body", it will not look good and it will be inconvenient to do things. "

"After the magic debt crisis is over, the 'Hundred Households' will be completely cancelled?" "

Harley thought for a while and said: "You guys can relax, now that I have become the guard of Heaven's Gate, everyone will benefit from it, and the days in the future are destined to get sweeter and sweeter.

Perhaps the 'Thousand Households' can be made a rotating seat, and all the grass-headed gods on Paradise Island will automatically be included in the defense force of the 'Paradise Guard House'.

Heroes who have completed their duty on Hero Island will take up the position of 'Paradise Guard Thousand Households' after returning to Paradise Mountain, and will not step down until the next hero arrives.

Qianhu can take you all around Paradise. Well, I mean, patrol all parts of Paradise. As long as you don't go to Silver City and cause trouble, no one will care about you. "

"Harry, you have a flexible mind, so that's great." The telescopic man immediately smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Other grass-headed gods were also smiling and looking forward to their future careers as "auxiliary police officers."

"Harley, although the system of rotating the Thousand Households is good, it has a huge loophole." Star Man suddenly looked serious and said: "The position of Thousand Households should have power, right? Power is power.

On normal days, anyone can be a Senhu, but if they encounter enemies while patrolling, it turns out that the power of Senhu is in the hands of a weaker hero, which is not good for everyone. "

Harley said angrily: "Where is this? This is paradise! Can the person who dares to force his way into paradise be an ordinary character?

If you don't run away as soon as you meet each other, you will still think about whose "power" will be more effective. Remember, you are here to retire and enjoy happiness in heaven, not to fight for your life! "

Star Man's expression was a little distorted, "Are we just taking benefits and not doing anything serious? Then how can we have the face to face all the angels?"

"I just ask you to run away when you see the enemy. It doesn't mean you don't do anything. You can run away while shouting, 'Come on, there are enemies invading heaven.' Oh, don't shout, shouting will anger the enemy, and you will just run away in confusion. , quietly used the mobile phone to call the 'housekeeper dog' and send me a message.

When I arrive at the scene, I promise you that no matter who the enemy is or how strong they are, I will provide you with the opportunity to cheer and cheer at close range, or even go into battle to kill the enemy in person and make contributions. "

A scene immediately emerged in the minds of the grass-headed gods: Harley, the god of war in heaven, charged in front. They were tightly wrapped in the defensive golden film and hid behind, roaring with ferocious expressions, always separated from the enemy's attack by a hundred thousand. Qianli. After the enemy was surrendered by Harley, they rushed over in disguise, poked the enemy with their spears several times, and finally won the "illustrious military exploits".

"Isn't it too indecent?" Youcaotou Shen asked embarrassedly.

"You can rest assured that your behavior will not be obscene when the time comes, because there are people who are more obscene than you."

Just like now, when the gate of heaven is closed, the angels are huddled in the Silver City, and she is fighting the "weirdness" alone. The grass-headed gods are rushing to garrison the Hero Island. Who is more insignificant?

Harry exercised his power silently, and the door to heaven closed silently. The breath of Silver City and heaven disappeared, leaving only a palm-sized light-colored vortex with a faint energy breath.

It has only one purpose, to ensure that the Voice of Heaven works properly.

If the door is completely closed, Harry will not be able to find the voice of heaven.

Of course, she is not looking for the voice of the sky now, but the voice of the sky will immediately call Harley for help when the strangeness knocks on the door.

Harley stared at the energy vortex for a while, then stretched out her hand, and a completely transparent gold-film bubble with a diameter of 10 kilometers enveloped the vortex.

The God's Defense specialty is not turned on, otherwise the Voice of Heaven may be sealed.

After doing all this, Harley took the Hero Island to the gate of hell.

"Lord Guardian, you are here. There are many demons coming to the castle, all of them are First Fallen, and they are all Demon Kings." Before Harry's feet even touched the ground, "Oliver's father" stood outside the gate of hell and looked anxiously. shouted.

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