I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1896 Turning people upside down

In fact, the days after the death of the previous generation Destiny Portmos were not difficult or lonely.

Taixu is the land, and the Night Realm is the foundation of the multiverse.

In construction projects, there is a saying called "piling soil into piers." Before officially building a house, materials such as soil or stones are first piled into piers of a certain height to solve the problem of insufficient bearing capacity of the foundation soil and excessive foundation settlement. Or problems such as uneven settlement of the foundation.

In rural areas a few decades ago, basically large brick houses were built on a high earth platform.

In ancient times, cities and city walls also needed to be built with earth as mounds.

Mother Night is the "dirty child" of the DC multiverse.

You can build an "earth platform" without building a house, but you can never have a house without a foundation.

Therefore, Mother Night and her realm of night appeared before everything in the universe was born.

But this does not mean that the realm of night is pure darkness and nothingness.

As the land of Taixu, just like its name, any existence that can be perceived or recognized does not exist. It is absolute nothingness, so that even the thoughts escaping from the head can form a mirage visible to the naked eye. scene.

As the foundation, the Realm of Night would originally be the same as Taixu. At most, it would be more "dark" than Taixu. However, the "foundation" of the multiverse is similar to the mother's womb, just like the DC multiverse of a three-story building is built on the foundation. The front yard of the building The "Crooked Neck Tree" - the Tree of the World - is also planted on a high platform made of earth.

The World Tree can literally create the world.

It is not a grand world like a single universe, but various small planes.

Because of the special nature of the Night Realm, the time and space rules of those small planes are very imperfect, but at least Portmos doesn't have to be alone.

After he was taken away by the Second Sister of Death, he was completely dead, but his soul had a new destination, which was the realm of Mother Night.

In the Realm of Night, if you don't take into account the unwillingness and hatred in his heart, from the perspective of material conditions alone, his life should not be too bad.

He can be an unknown tourist in this small plane today, go to another small world tomorrow to show his identity, and accept the warm hospitality of the people of the world. He can even be the king of a newly born world the day after tomorrow, and meet the queen of a certain world the day after tomorrow. Have a romantic love affair

His "ghost life" after his death could have been exciting, but he has been responsible for his fate for tens of billions of years, and once controlled the fate of all life in the multiverse, he looked down upon those incomplete small worlds growing on the branches of the World Tree.

Those worlds have incomplete space laws, and their geographical scope is often very narrow. There may only be a few people in the whole world. If you encounter a world with incomplete time rules, the entire world may be stuck at a certain point in time and cycle endlessly.

He was not interested in those small worlds and had been following his old mother with a dull expression.

To be honest, Black Night's mother was very happy to have a son to accompany her.

In the early years, Sandman Morpheus also came to the Realm of Night to seek help from Mother Night. Mother Night asked him to create a dream world in the Night Realm and stay with her as an empty nester, but Morpheus flatly refused.

Lao Mo is not a bad person, but he is quite selfish. When he asked his parents for help, he didn't hesitate at all, but when his parents asked him for help, he completely looked at his own feelings and refused decisively if he didn't like it.

Mother Night was still very angry after being rejected, blaming Lao Mo for being selfish, and kept him in the Domain of Night, preventing him from leaving. It wasn't until Big Brother Destiny discovered that there was no "dream" in the multiverse that he summoned Lao Mo to the Garden of Destiny through the summoning spell. , which can be regarded as getting rid of the old mother's forced stay.

Now that the boss's destiny has been determined by himself, he will be with him forever. How could Mother Heiye be unhappy?

Hmm, maybe it was to make the old mother happy that the eldest brother was sent here after the second sister "died"?

"Hey, Witch Harley has actually come to the Realm of Night."

When Constantine used the thick skin magic hidden in his body to summon Harley's consciousness, the Mother of Night sensed it immediately.

Her consciousness also focused on the mysterious house that she had not paid any attention to before.

Well, although Xiao Hong has been helping her collect stories, calling her "Master", and bringing "owners of mysterious and secret houses" who are in unknown situations to the Night Realm every now and then to "kill people and steal goods", the Mother of the Night doesn't care about Xiao Hong. The service of Red and Black.

On the earth platform of a rural home, in addition to the brick and tile mansion, there are trees in front of the door, flowers and plants, chicken coops, doghouses and other odds and ends.

The House of Mystery is not even a chicken coop or a kennel on the earth platform, it is barely an ant nest or a cockroach nest.

The Mother of Night did not pay attention to the House of Mystery and the House of Secrets, nor did she care about the "Masters of the Magic House" such as Zha Kang and Xiao Zha inside.

But she can't help but ignore the most popular bombshell in the multiverse today - "Witch Harley".

She was still a little surprised, but the former Destiny Portmos beside her immediately got rid of his sluggish and taciturn state, and quickly asked the old mother about the situation excitedly.

The Mother of Night also knew about the relationship between her boss and the Witch Harley, so she directly showed him the scene of "Constantine" fighting the House of Miracles.

"Mother, you must not let go of Witch Harley and her group of magical friends." Portmoss shouted excitedly: "Fate favored me after all, and the opportunity for revenge was presented to me so quickly.

Even if I can't kill the Witch Harley herself, as long as I can make her suffer a tragic failure, lose her best friend, and be miserable, I can feel happy. "

The Mother of Night is a noble lady with sky blue skin and gorgeous clothes.

Hearing this, she raised her brows slightly, glanced at her son, and said, "If you only hurt her friends, what's the point besides inciting hatred and causing trouble for yourself?"

"Making her suffer is the most significant thing in itself!" Portmos pointed at himself and said excitedly: "Mother, look at what she did to me.

I was originally the most noble and the controller of the fate of the multiverse. Now I have not only been abandoned by fate, I have lost my authority forever and become an ordinary dead soul like a mortal. My position has also been replaced by another lowly——"

Mother of Night shouted: "Daniel is also my son now, the elder brother of your brothers!"

The hatred in Portmos's heart deepened, but he did not dare to go against his mother's wishes, "Yes, Daniel has now become destiny, transforming from an ordinary mortal into the 'Endless One'.

But everything he possesses now originally belonged to me!

The culprit behind all this is the witch Harley. Shouldn't she be punished?

Perhaps she is now living in the realm of night because she spied on fate, twisted fate, hurt fate, and even destroyed the "Book of Destiny", which caused the backlash of fate.

Fate has destined her to this fate.

The House of Wonders is your servant, isn't it?

Those mages who have used the House of Mystery and the House of Secrets for many years and enjoyed all the conveniences and benefits of the House of Magic should pay back their mortgage?

Now that the magic debt crisis has begun, it is the right thing to do and the responsibility to pay for the use of the Magic House in advance! "

The Night Mother looked hesitant.

According to her original thoughts, she would not care about the Mystery House and the Secret House collecting "mortgage debts".

In previous years, there was no need for her to meddle.

Falling into the Night Realm, which is isolated from the Sea of ​​Laws and where nothingness is close to the void, the God King will also be greatly weakened. The House of Miracles is like returning to the mother's womb, able to switch between conceptual bodies, magic bodies, and physical buildings at will, consuming It can also consume the spirit "tenants" to death.

If the House of Miracles compressed the "tenants" into books as usual, she would not pay attention; if the Witch Harley came and rescued those "tenants", she would at most stop them, ask for the House of Miracles, and then sell it Witch Harley asked her to take her friend away to save her face.

But now if she really lets Witch Harley go, the resentment of her boss will probably remain in her heart, and even her, a loving mother, will have to be blamed for hundreds of millions of years.

She thought about it and first expressed her attitude: "I can't do it myself, but I will collect the 'mortgage' for the Miracle House."

"The Endless enjoy the supreme glory and authority of the multiverse, but there are also corresponding rules and restrictions that restrict us." The Mother of Night looked at her son and sighed sincerely: "We are the embodiment of rules. If we forget our own rules of behavior, we will lose ourselves. As a complete human being, you will be abandoned by the rules.

If I inherit your cause and effect, and regard Witch Harley as an undying enemy, which will eventually cause the "foundation" of the universe to be turbulent and chaotic, I will inevitably end up with the same end as you. Don't you want to be a new mother? "

Having said this, the Night Mother showed a thoughtful look and whispered softly: "Witch Harley is the biggest alien in the multiverse, a monster even more weird than weird.

She can snatch your "Book of Destiny" in the Garden of Destiny, but she may not be able to snatch my power in the Realm of Night.

At the beginning, she did not have the idea of ​​​​residing in the Garden of Destiny to replace your identity as the "incarnation of destiny".

But what if she got inspiration from Daniel's transformation into the Infinite from a mortal body, and after taking away my power and beating me to death, she stayed here and became the 'Mother of the Night' herself.

If that's the case, you have to call her mom.

You wouldn't want to call her 'Mom' and be by her side for the rest of the multiverse, right? "

Portmos's expression was distorted and he said in a low voice: "If you don't take action with all your strength, I'm afraid you won't be able to stop her! I have no intention of instigating you to violate the rules of the Endless, and I don't want you to be harmed at all.

We followed the rules completely this time. Her friend occupied the Miracle House and should pay the 'mortgage'.

According to the rules of magic debt collection, her friend's soul and life essence will belong to the House of Miracles and to you.

As long as you do this, she will be in agony and I will be satisfied.

I don't expect you to beat her to death directly, that's unrealistic. "

"Don't worry, this is the realm of night, and just a basic projection is enough to stop them." Mother of Night said confidently.

Then one of her shadows was projected onto the side of the magic boat, forming a huge wave of darkness.

The dark tide submerged the magic boat, and every drop of black water was a dark ghost.

For a full 5 minutes, Harley's magic boat was as steady as a rock and moving forward steadily.

Mother of Night looked calm and said nothing.

Portmos couldn't help it anymore and said: "Mother, the Realm of Night is enough to make any god or demon lose its way, but the Witch Harley will definitely not run around like a headless fly. She is escaping from the Realm of Night."

"I know that she is approaching the exit, but I don't believe that she can hold on forever. Even if she could, the 'body of believers' that came to her at this time cannot hold on.

Now every moment, the human mage named 'Constantine' is consuming magic and mental power. When his magic is exhausted and his soul is exhausted, the tide of darkness will instantly drown them. "The Mother of Night said.

Another five minutes passed, and Harley's magic boat was still as stable as a rock, moving forward like an arrow.

Not to mention Portmos, who hesitated to speak more than a dozen times, even the Night Mother was a little impatient.

"That 'Constantine' is not a mortal, he is a god, and he has understood the three laws of gods. Even among gods, he is the best. The time he can persist is a bit beyond my expectation." She hesitated.

"Mother, put in some more power. John Constantine is not only a three-line spiritual wizard, he is also a 'story protagonist'." Portmoss persuaded: "When I still control the "Book of Destiny", Discover that magical heroes such as Constantine, Zatanna, Madam Xanadu, and Swamp Thing have a destiny and are the destined ones.

Only a mere shadow cannot stop these magical superheroes blessed by destiny, and their fate will not end so easily. "

The Mother of Night nodded, and the tide of darkness changed again, transforming into a huge black giantess. She slapped her with a palm, causing the "Constantine" on the boat to bleed, and slapped her again with blood spurting out.

But when "Constantine" took out the Zippo lighter, the smiles on the faces of Mother of Night and Portmos began to solidify.

In the future, the Zippo lighter will definitely become an artifact, but now that Zha Kang has just been promoted to a god, it will take thousands of years to nourish the natal magic weapon with divine power before it can slowly complete its transformation.

A single magic weapon-level lighter is not worth worrying about for the Endless Mother and her son, but if it becomes Constantine's "instrument body", one slap will not break the magic defense shield, and even ten thousand slaps will not be able to break it. Broken.

"Mother, you must invest more strength." Portmos glanced at his mother's face and suggested softly.

Mother of Night muttered: "Simply increasing the attack strength will probably not have a very obvious effect."

The giant manifested by the Dark Tide has no shortage of attack power. No matter how powerful it is, it cannot increase the attack intensity again. If it increases any more, it will exceed the endurance limit of the multiverse and will reach transcendence.

Apparently the Night Mother cannot transcend.

Portmos immediately added: "Since simply increasing strength has no effect, then increase power.

You are the master of the Night Realm, the space itself, and you have the final say in the rules here.

You can even remove the concept of 'defense' around Witch Harley if you wish. "

The current "Witch Harley" is not the same as the Harley who attacked Destiny Garden at that time.

Back in the Garden of Destiny, Portmos had used the "Power of Destiny", and Harley could only resist with her physical body.

A good skill, only effective for one's own body and defense expertise.

Including the laws of space and time, the laws of physics, and the laws of the universe, all are under the control of "destiny".

The essence of magic is to use magic as a medium to leverage laws, and the fluctuations of the laws produce directional miraculous effects.

The rules are completely under the control of others. If she opened the magic shield at that time, it would be torn apart instantly.

Fortunately, Harley himself has mastered the art of thick skin.

If it is Zha Kang or other gods who have not mastered the law of defense, they cannot even open the magic shield.

At this time, Harley is just a descendant, and her defense relies entirely on magic shield. As long as the Mother of Night, like Big Brother Destiny in the Battle of Destiny Garden, lets go and uses the "Rules of Night Power", Harley's magic shield will be broken, and even the boat created by magic will immediately fall apart.

The Mother of Night understands this, but she has concerns: If she imitates the fate of the Battle of the Garden of Destiny, will today's conflict evolve into another "Battle of the Garden of Destiny"? Will she become another destiny? Well, the Night Mother is very confident and is not worried that she will fail like her boss. She just feels that it is not worthwhile and unnecessary.

The basic strategy she formulated was just to collect the "mortgage" of the House of Mystery, not to fight the Witch Harley.

"Trasil," she called softly.

A giant face of an old woman made of wooden shells rose from "below", "Dear Mother of the Night, do you call me?"

"Are you secretly contacting the swamp monster next to Witch Harley?" Mother of the Night asked.

"In the Realm of Night, nothing can escape your discernment. However, I did not take the initiative to contact it. It was calling me in the spiritual space. I am not sure whether to respond to it yet." Wooden Shell Face said.

"Do me a favor. My son was harmed by Witch Harley. Now the House of Miracles is being blocked from collecting magic debts by Witch Harley. I want to give her retribution."

Mu Ke's face showed hesitation and fear, "Mother of the Night, that's the Witch Harley!"

"What about Witch Harley? You are the World Tree, and my mother is the foundation of the universe. You are both extraordinary." Portmos said loudly.

The wooden-faced man glanced down at him and thought: Forget it for others, how do you have the right to say "So what about Witch Harley"? The power of fate is no less than that of "Mother of the Night", but you still suffered a miserable defeat at your home court.

Mother of Night smiled and said: "Trasil, all I want is to complete the 'mortgage debt' of the House of Miracles, not to fight against the Witch Harley.

And what came to her at this time was just a wisp of her will.

Just teach her a lesson and harvest the 'House of Miracle Debtors' around her.

I don't deny that I have the intention to vent my anger on Portmus' behalf, but according to the rules of magic debt, this is what I deserve. "

The wooden-shell face asked: "Mother of the Night, what do you want me to do?"

"You go and help her, just like you helped Odin understand the prophecy of 'Twilight of the Gods'."

The wooden-faced man hesitated and said: "Witch Harley is cunning and insidious. She has always been the only one to deceive others. I can't deceive her."

"In other places, she has a keen spiritual sense, and you may not be able to deceive her. But this is my domain, and I can even deprive her of her crisis sense, making her unaware of danger.

Moreover, you are not lying to her, and you don't need to lie to her.

Odin was overwhelmed by the burden of 'worldly wisdom' at the beginning. Even if you only deal with her a little today, she will use all her strength to absorb the wisdom and have no time to care about others. In the end, she will let her fellow mages be harvested by me.

She may gain a lot of wisdom and enlightenment, but she will become a one-eyed dragon, and the death of her companions will also make her deeply regretful and self-blame. "

"As long as she has one eye, it's a bargain." Having said that, Portmos finally showed a smile on his face.

"What if she isn't fooled?" Wooden Shell Face asked.

"Today I must complete the 'Debt Harvest' in the House of Miracles. None of those mages can escape. Outsmarting them is just to save energy, not the only option." Mother of Night said calmly.

The wooden-faced man said solemnly: "I understand. If she is not fooled, I will also cooperate with you and work together to break the magic defense shield."

The plan went smoothly.

The World Tree successfully took root on the magic boat and grew an ash tree as thick as a thigh.

"Hahaha, Witch Harley's sense of crisis has indeed been blocked, and she has been completely deceived!" Seeing the ash tree grow, Portmos couldn't help but laugh with joy.

Mother of Night said calmly: "Before Witch Harley actually sacrifices her eyes, no one can be sure whether she was really deceived or whether she was planning something secretly."

The World Tree smiled and said: "At least I have penetrated into them. Now you can directly conduct the power into the magic boat through my branches, blow it up with one move, and even crush the body of John Constantine." , directly terminate the arrival of Witch Harley."

Portmos looked at the real-time image of the Mother of Night projected in the air, clenched his fists and said: "Let her sacrifice her eyes, I want to see her turn into the ugly form of a one-eyed dragon!

Witch Harley's friends are watching from the sidelines.

They were all waiting for her to give her eyes to find a way out, but she had no way out. "

Mother of Night nodded lightly, "Now that we have the absolute initiative and an unbreakable advantage, let's watch the performance of Witch Harley.

Should he step directly into the trap, or bring us other surprises?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a surprise came.

"! The front eye of the tree world has arrived and a strange summons has come."

"What is she calling?" As soon as the irony magic began, Mother of the Night's expression changed drastically.

"What are you doing?!" After saying the words "Summon Strangeness" at the beginning, the thick-mouthed World Tree on the magic boat screamed angrily.

It felt a huge fear it had never seen before, and its soul began to tremble.

"Xiao Zha, what are you doing?!" In addition to Harley, other mages on the boat were also shouting in shock.

——Harley, you bastard, if you lose your temper and I turn into a ghost, I will definitely come back to fight for you!

Zha Kang was also screaming angrily.

After God's arrival, he has been cooperating with Harley's awareness of arrival.

The soul, mental power, body, and magic power in the body are all completely subject to her control without any disobedience.

In fact, he can struggle and resist, he also has self-will and knows what is happening outside.

Even when the mages discussed his transformation into "Constantine the Lighter", he didn't react at all.

Even though his internal organs were broken and blood spurted out, he still had no complaints.

Until Harley asked Xiao Zha to summon Weirdness. When Harley transmitted messages to Xiao Zha, she used her own consciousness that had descended on Zha Kang. Not only could outsiders not pry into it, but even Zha Kang didn't know what they said.

Soon, even Harley himself looked shocked. A feeling of fear arose in his heart for a long time, and goosebumps appeared on his skin.

Because the weirdness really happened, but it was not like the top hat magic last time, which appeared out of thin air at the designated location, that is, on the World Tree.

Xiao Zha stretched out a few fingers from his mouth. The surface of the fingers was covered with a dense layer of fine white scales, like fish scales, and the surface of the scales was also stained with slippery mucus.

As soon as Xiao Zha finished shouting the spell, his eyes turned white and his cheeks bulged high on both sides of his mouth.

First, several fingers with pale scales stretched out from her mouth and clasped her upper and lower red lips.

With the force of the fingers, the palm completely came out of her mouth.

After the palm, there are forearms, upper arms, a head without eyes, ears and nostrils, a complete torso, and finally the whole body slides out of the small mouth.

It was a two-meter-tall weirdo. His whole body was covered with tiny pale fish scales. There was sticky mucus on the surface. There were flies buzzing around the mucus, and fat maggots were crawling around on the surface of the body.

Like humans, it has hands and feet, as well as a head and torso, but it floats upside down in the air with its head down and its feet up. Its head has only a big mouth with sharp teeth that resembles the Marvel "Venom" next door, and two The ear holes are as big as the mouth of a cup, and there are no other facial organs.

Although this "Inverted Man" had just appeared, from the moment those few fingers stuck out of his mouth, everyone had a strong understanding that it was the weirdness itself.

Even though Harry had a plan to summon the strange coming, when he saw it coming out of his mouth, his scalp was still numb and he had goosebumps all over his body.

"Hehehe, what a surprise, someone else took the initiative to call me."

The sticky, foul-smelling liquid dripped from the Inverted Man's sharp teeth, and the sound it spit out was as unpleasant as its image.

"Should I introduce myself? After all, we have just met and you have been calling me 'weird' and 'weird'. To be honest, I don't like it.

Although Witch Harley has given me the title of ‘Magic Master’, which is very majestic and appropriate, it cannot represent my ‘story’ after all.

If I want my story to spread smoothly across the multiverse, my real name must be more useful.

Well, as you can see, my name is ‘Inverted Man’, which is very vivid, right?

Why don't you say anything, or do you want to scream more at this moment?

Please forgive me, the body is a completely new concept to me, and my appearance may make you physically uncomfortable and frightened. To be honest, I'm trying to get used to this. "

From the moment the fingers stuck out of their mouths, they all wanted to scream immediately to vent the huge fear in their hearts.

But their souls seemed to be tightly grasped by an invisible hand.

Their consciousness was pulled into an endless abyss of darkness. The abyss was filled with fear, and they could not even control their self-awareness, and they could not even make screams.

"Upside-down man, do you remember how you got here?" Harley finally spoke.

She also had fear in her heart, but that fear came more from the fact that the Upside Down emerged from a prick in the mouth than from the Upside Down.

She deliberately asked Xiao Zha to summon the upside-down man. If she didn't have a certain understanding of its situation and was afraid of the dragon when it met Ye Gong, she wouldn't have asked Xiao Zha to summon it.

She only had disgusting feelings towards the Upside Down himself.

It looks disgusting, and the way it pricks it out of its mouth is disgusting.

Her fear was more due to her miscalculation. The alien did not directly descend on the World Tree. It touched Xiao Zha and even had an unusually in-depth communication with Xiao Zha.

Will Xiao Zha die?

If Xiao Zha is harvested by the weirdness at the first time and becomes an "alien", then she will be completely finished and hopeless. She cannot even be sent to a "time freezer".

Because Animal Man only became an "alien" physically, and his soul was still sealed in her body.

If Xiao Zha is directly harvested by the Upside Down, his soul and magic power will immediately become the property of the Upside Down.

If you send it into the refrigerator of time and your soul is gone, how can you save it?

Now it was a bit strange to see the Upside Down just appearing. Zha was still lying on the ground retching, but he was fine. Harley finally let go of her worries.

In addition to Harley, the only person present who was not shocked by the Upside Down was the Mother of Night.

The huge wave of darkness outside the boat was like a shadow in the sun, disappearing silently for the first time.

"Well, you're reminding me to come to the World Tree immediately, and then you take your companions and take the opportunity to escape?" The Upside Down crossed his arms and clicked his tongue: "Witch Harley, I really don't know how to evaluate it now. is you.

To say that you are smart and cunning, you are indeed well-deserved.

They didn't deceive you at all, but they were tricked by you. Well, they will definitely end up miserable. I can guarantee you this ending. Since the cute little Zha summoned me, I will definitely come to the World Tree. "

The thick-mouthed World Tree on the magic boat swayed gently, its surface flashed with colorful lights, and it also wailed sadly: "No, Mother of the Night, help me~~~"

"If you move or scream again, I will be the first to eat you!" the Upside Down said coldly.

The World Tree immediately lost its mobility, and all the miraculous power in her body was completely out of control. Moreover, her heart was frightened by the fear of facing a natural enemy, and she was too frightened to even think about moving or screaming.

The thick-mouthed World Tree became quiet again, and even the leaves on the branches did not move at all.

The Upside Down Man then continued slowly, "Witch Harley, have you ever thought that you are so smart that you are misled by your cleverness? I am not a 'magic summoned object' that comes and goes when you call it. You won't let me Whatever I do, I do.

I might eat you first!

However, I still have to admit that you are crazy and ruthless enough.

Others just wanted your friend's life, so you just summoned me over.

What do you think? "

"Actually, I want to call you over and have sex with you." Harley smiled.

The fish-scale monster's face, whose expression was difficult to detect by the Upside Down, had an obvious expression of astonishment.

"Constantine" said sincerely: "I am the most loyal to the strong. If you know my past, you should know that in the process of growing up, I have been brothers and sisters with countless strong people.

Even when I made friends with them, I had the idea of ​​using their strength to seek shelter, but now that I am prosperous, my old "old buddies" are still my best friends.

Therefore, you don’t have to worry about my sincerity in dealing with you. You are strong enough, and I am very interested in your ability.

You don’t have to worry that when my strength soars in the future, I will turn my back on you and stop treating you as a friend. "

The nightmare nurse dared to swear to God that the expression on "Constantine's" face at this time was more sincere and honest than when the original owner Constantine used the law of deception to deceive the devil.

She could hardly tell if Harley was lying or if she really wanted to have sex with the Upside Down. Not only does Harley have a sincere and honest expression, but her words are also so candid and sincere, without any pretense, that there is no doubt about it.

"Well, if you really want to have sex with me, it's not impossible." The Upside-Down Man picked at his ear holes the size of a wine glass, with half a meter of saliva hanging from his lips, and said, "As long as you let me eat you, you and I Melted into one, they are the closest siblings from now on."

"Brother, upside down man, look at me."

"Constantine" pointed to his face and said calmly: "I only have a glimmer of consciousness now. There is no point in eating this body. Why don't you get down to business first."

She pointed to the World Tree with shining leaves beside it, "Look at it, how full of magic power and powerful divinity it is!

Brother, you have been busy harvesting mages recently, isn't it just to enhance your own strength, so as to defeat that bastard Hecate and finally descend into the subdimensional universe?

Moreover, at this time, you are still essentially Xiao Zha's previous irony magic.

Just like at the Zatara Magic Theater the day before yesterday, those "weird" things that looked like tentacle monsters were still essentially white rabbits.

It's just that if you pollute the foundation of irony magic, 'weird phenomena' will occur.

If I guess correctly, you still need to complete the magic content.

Xiao Zha just said that something strange has come to the World Tree.

To complete this magic, you have to sit in a tree first. "

"Witch Harley, you are so vicious. I didn't provoke you at all, and I eagerly wanted to help you. Why did you harm me like this?!" Yggdrasil couldn't help but cursed angrily.

Harley said quickly: "Brother, you listen and see, she violated your prohibition of 'if you say one more thing, I'll eat you immediately'!"

The World Tree wants to use its body to send out a roar that shakes the nine worlds: Witch Harley, I will fuck you!

But she remained motionless, not even daring to say a word.

The Upside Down Man was still suspended in the air, but moved slightly closer to "Constantine", "Witch Harley, who do you think I am, trying to bind me with just ironic magic?"

"Constantine" was unusually calm, and even took a step towards it, saying: "How about we make a bet, I bet you must complete all the content of Xiao Zha's irony magic.

If I win, you call me ‘Sister’, and we will become sworn brothers, and from now on we will join hands in exploring the Almighty Universe.

If I lose the bet, I will stand here without moving and let you eat me. "

——Harry, damn, this is my body!

The consciousness deep in Constantine's soul was also roaring.

"How about it, do you dare to bet?" Harley raised her voice, took another step forward, and shouted to the Upside Down in an aggressive manner: "As long as you completely let go of the World Tree on the magic boat, you will win.

Let her go. Even if you eat us next, it will definitely be difficult to find her. This is the realm of night.

In this way, you are completely unable to complete the magic content of 'Coming to the World Tree', and you win. "

She was almost face to face with it, it was upside down, she was standing normally, and if she had taken half a step forward, she could have recreated Toby's version of Spider-Man's classic kiss with Mary Jane.

The Upside Down wanted to take two steps back, but held back.

"Witch Harley, you are indeed cunning and smart. That's right, I can't let go of the World Tree.

It was the greatest magical miracle I had ever seen, and the allure it had on me was extraordinary.

Maybe it was because you understood this that you were confident enough to let Zatanna summon me.

You are right, I need strength very much now, I need to show my existence and write my own story in this world.

The clearer my story in this world is, the more people know it, the clearer the traces of my existence, and the stronger the power I can exert.

There is no doubt that Eating Witch Harley is the most magnificent, sensational and shocking storyline.

But the world has been steadfast in its rejection of me.

The traces of my existence are not strong enough. I tried to capture you last time but failed.

I probably still can't get your body at the moment.

I'm not like your low-minded enemies who will be satisfied with killing your friends and making you miserable, so that I can be happy and reach the pinnacle of a happy life. "

Portmoss felt deeply offended.

The Upside Down instantly arrived above the World Tree, "Witch Harley, run away and run with your companions.

If you haven't escaped from the Night Realm before I deal with the World Tree, I don't mind taking these friends of yours with me. "

"No, Lord Upside Down, don't fall for Witch Harley's evil deeds. She wants to be a fisherman, and she is your thorn in the side!" Every leaf and branch of the World Tree screamed in horror.

However, its leaves and branches still turned into sarcomas at a speed visible to the naked eye. The crystal clear and shining leaves turned into brown polyps with mouths, and the trunks with golden bark and silver veins also rotted into gray-black fleshy lumps with long growths. With scarlet eyes and mummy-like arms, the World Tree quickly became alienated from top to bottom.

"Stop screaming. Everyone knows that Witch Harley lives in Lishan Manor. I also know the house number and family members of her friends. They are just chocolate candies in the box. As long as I want, as long as I have The traces are strong enough to swallow up Witch Harley, and they are the food on the plate, ready to be eaten at any time.

It's different for you, you don't know how delicious you are at all. Oh, no, you know how tempting the World Tree is to me and Hecate.

So after Odin made the prophecy of 'Twilight of the Gods', you immediately stopped showing miracles in the multiverse. You gradually faded out of the world's sight, and eventually became an ancient legend.

Alas, you are very smart and cautious. If it were not for the summoning of Witch Harley, I would not be able to reach the realm of night anyway, just like I cannot reach the sixth dimension now. "

"Mother of the Night, help!" The wooden face in front of the Mother of the Night and Portmos also showed signs of alienation.

Mother of Night could no longer pretend to be dead and shouted sternly: "Upside-down man, leave my domain!"

This was not a threat, she used the full power of "Dark Night".

The strange power was restrained and could not continue to spread around. The alienation symptoms on the World Tree stopped, and the body of the Inverted Man began to flicker in light and dark like a 3D projection with unstable voltage.

"Mother of the Night, you don't even have a clean butt, yet you dare to provoke me?!" The Upside Down sneered, and the next moment, he disappeared on the magic boat and appeared directly in front of the Mother of the Night and others.

"Finally left, it was so dangerous, Harry, you almost lost it this time." Mrs. Xanadu wiped away the cold sweat on her forehead and hurriedly urged: "Why are you still standing there in a daze? You didn't hear what the Inverted Man just said. ?Run quickly!”

"Constantine" smiled strangely, "Why are you running? The fun has just begun!"

As if the past happened again, Constantine stretched out a few fingers from his mouth. His fingers were long and white, and his nails were crystal clear.

"Oh~~" Constantine's cheeks puffed up, and his mouth became very big. He dug his fingers into his mouth and dug out, first his palms, then his forearms, upper arms and head, Harley's head.

Almost exactly the same as the strange arrival just now, a Harley emerged from Zha Kang’s mouth.

"Auntie Night, here comes the 'Love Hallie' who did not hesitate to break into the Garden of Destiny alone in order to save your second son.

I'm here to help you exorcise the devil, you must trap it to death!

Sister of the World Tree, please excuse me and wrap it tightly with your roots. For the glory of the endless family, for the common people of the world, for the fate of the multiverse, and for the ‘origin’. Turn people upside down and suffer death! "

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