I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1877 Martial Arts Leader


Not long after sending away the mage friends who came over to seek shelter, from the foot of the mountain in the distance, a cry that only Harry could hear came floating in the wind.

The other party's methods were so clever that even Ivy, who was also a spiritual wizard, and Rachel, whose power was comparable to that of a top demon king, didn't notice anything strange.

"Loki. Oh, brother Odin?"

In a flash, Harley arrived at the foot of Lishan Mountain and saw Loki, who had the appearance and aura of Odin.

She and he both stood at the gate at the foot of the mountain, but neither could be directly observed or sensed by outsiders.

"Hey, there are only two of us, so why should we call you 'Brother Odin'? Moreover, now that you are the King of Gods, I should call you 'Sister Harley'! How can I call you 'Brother Odin'?" ?”

The fake Odin transformed directly into Loki with a goat-horned helmet and said with a complicated expression.

"Haha, if you call me 'Sister Harley', I can deserve it." Harley accepted his compliment with a smile, and then asked: "However, if you come to me at this time, you should not just Just to call me 'Sister Harley'?"

"Since I chose to come to you at this time, you can definitely guess the reason." Loki said.

Harley looked at him strangely and asked, "You don't want to abandon the Asgardian gods and run away alone, do you?"

Embarrassment and surprise flashed across Loki's face, "Is my performance so obvious?"

He turned his head, lowered his eyes, and said, "That woman has appeared, and there's nothing I can do about it."

He repeated the conversation between the gods after Harley left yesterday, "They call you the 'King of Gods' again, and hope that you can stand in front of them and be their leader.

Or maybe you had a conflict with that woman first because of Asal, and they prayed for you silently.

I'm not naive enough to place my hopes on fantasy.

It would be more practical to come directly to you for help. "

"You don't even dare to say that woman's name?" Harley looked a little contemptuous.

Loki said helplessly: "This is not a question of whether you dare or not. Even the most ordinary god king can feel it when others call him by his real name.

If you are a relatively famous god-king who is deeply involved in the world, you may not be able to distinguish the "intentional person" who is planning you behind the scenes because too many mortals talk about you all the time.

But only the top transcendent beings in the world know about Hecate.

They understand the meaning of the real name and would never dare to say it. Anyone who says it will definitely attract the attention of the woman.

Maybe like your teacher Asal, that woman quietly sent a ray of consciousness into my mind, and it has been lurking in me, waiting for me to show my flaws, and immediately takes over my body and soul. "

Although no one saw the process of Hecate attacking Asar, most extraordinary people could guess something.

Especially the powerful veteran main gods and god kings can almost restore the entire incident to its original form.

Because they themselves, like Hecate, are among the top magic creditors.

If they wish, they can also collect the magical debts of many gods and wizards.

Well, starting a magic debt crisis through magic marks is not the patent of the Mother of Magic. She is just the top debt collector in the pyramid.

For example, in the multi-restart crisis, the ghosts lost control and ended the Ninth Magical Age. All mages who had borrowed the power of heaven or hell were liquidated.

At least a million mages in the supernatural world were drained of their magic power and souls, and their bodies were burned to ashes. The whole process was exactly the same as when Hecate dealt with Asar.

Of course, the "God Power Debt Crisis" back then was far less brutal and decisive than the real Magic Debt Crisis.

After all, God wants face, and eating looks is not too ugly.

Human gods such as Naboo and Shazam, who are closely related to heaven, only had part of the power belonging to heaven taken away, or the laws and divine paths of the gods, and the entire set of information was also copied.

But their souls were released, and their non-heavenly powers were returned in full, with even excess.

Really superfluous.

Only those gods and wizards with connections and abilities can be "resurrected" again after the end of the ninth era - in fact, they are not completely dead at all.

The wild mages and wild gods, who had no connections in heaven or hell, lost their souls and all miraculous powers, and were completely burped. They were treated the same as Asael, who died in the hands of Hecate.

Their magic power is too low-level, and the "Voice of Heaven" does not pay much attention to it, and part of it is replenished to the "connected households" who have had the power of heaven and hell taken away.

Although it is not a 30/70 split between the county magistrate and the gentry, at least the "gentry" must return all of it, and if there is any shortfall, the "common people" will make up for the losses.

Such as the King of Naboo and his God of Order.

They were all drained of their magic power by ghosts in the "Ghost Madness Crisis" and burned alive to ashes.

As a result, the multi-restart crisis was over, Naboo and the God of Order had nothing to do, and their strength did not decrease at all.

It was clear that all the power of heaven had been taken away from them by ghosts. Even if they could survive, they would still be missing arms and legs, their origins would be exhausted, and their strength would be greatly reduced.

Because the multidimensional reboot updated the laws of the universe, Naboo seems to be a little stronger than before.

"In front of me, you can call her name with confidence and she won't be able to hear it. Even if she senses something, it will be blurry and you can't tell who is talking about her and what they are talking about." Harley is confident. road.

Except when Goddess Asal first had an accident, she deliberately deactivated the defensive force field and chatted with Bruce and his son for a while. After that, she never closed the force field again, and all 14 defensive specialties were activated.

"Is God coming down to earth?"

Loki seemed to have some enlightenment, but still did not shout "Hecate", "You are so confident, I am really afraid of her.

Not only me, but all the gods in the heaven are afraid of that woman, especially the ancient gods of the earth who survived from that era. "

He smiled bitterly and said: "To tell you the truth, even a second-rate god-king like me once had a relationship with that woman.

Of course, I don't monopolize her feelings.

Even when she was with me, strictly speaking, when she was with those powerful main gods, she was probably used to eating big fish and meat, so she also patronized my plate of 'flavored side dishes'.

Ancient gods like us, whom she defined as 'betraying emotions and vows of love', are definitely at the top of the must-kill list. "

"Is she amorous?"

Harley wondered: "I have seen her pure kindness incarnate in Dusk, a very simple and kind girl."

A look of reminiscence appeared on Loki's face, and he shook his head slowly and said: "Too sentimental, I should say he is very sentimental and very loyal to his own desires and feelings.

She is not bound by any secular morals and rules, she truly does whatever her heart desires and goes.

This is also the lifestyle our gods pursue.

Morals and laws were created by gods to manage mortals, or used by god-kings to maintain their authority and status. "

"You have a very good impression of Hecate? Did you participate in the battle to betray her?" Harley asked curiously.

"In fact, most gods, I mean male gods, admire that woman, love her, and desire her."

Loki paused for a moment and sighed: "Probably 80% of our admiration is because of her identity as the mother of magic.

What we really desire may just be her pure, flawless magic.

You live in this era where the power of miracles can be seen everywhere, and you may not understand the shock that magic brings to us.

It felt like a swimming dragon trapped in a pond, looking out onto the boundless ocean.

That woman is the sea itself, how can it not be desired?

Her appearance and personality are also very good, but there are many simple, kind and unparalleled goddesses on the earth. "

Then he changed his topic and his voice became deeper, "But no matter how attractive she is, it can't dispel our fear of her. It can even be said to be fear.

The more we learn about magic, the more we understand how powerful it is over us.

The more magic she absorbs, the deeper her hold on us becomes.

I was also afraid, so we all took action, including your teacher Asal, who also added our own power to the seal.

There is no innocent person in the entire Ancient God Realm. Anyone who dares to be "innocent" will be eliminated by us in advance.

Hehe, who doesn’t have a loyal servant?

As charming as that woman is, of course there are many people who truly admire her and are willing to be slaves, but they were all framed by us, driven away by that woman, and eventually died quietly. "

He glanced at Harry and said, "Your teacher Asal was almost killed in a conspiracy. She was so smart that she knelt beside the gate of that woman's palace for 30 years!

As long as she is still kneeling there, that woman will have some attention on her, and we and they will not dare to take action. "

"You still seem to think you are justified. Hecate deserves to be betrayed?" Harley sarcastically said: "As long as you have the ability to threaten your life and freedom, even if you don't actually do anything to threaten your life and freedom, you Is there any reason to attack anyone?

According to your logic, I also have the ability to threaten your life and freedom. Will I also be targeted by you together? "

Loki nodded first, then shook his head and said: "This is the logic, but they have the intention to deal with you, and they have tried many times, but failed miserably every time. Now they no longer dare to provoke you at all, and they just want to avoid you. you.

Don't mock us either.

If it were you, and you felt a huge threat, would you bet your life and death freedom on the other party's always being kind? "

Harley said calmly: "Since you can choose to stay away when you are unable to deal with me, why not avoid Hecate? In the final analysis, you are still greedy, greedy for her pure magic power.

Of course I'm greedy, but I've never backstabbed a friend. "

Loki curled his lips and said: "If the other party has huge origins but refuses to give you magic power to satisfy you, he is not worthy of being your friend. Since he is not your friend, of course he can be ruthless, right?"

"Give me an example." Harley said.

Loki thought for a while and reluctantly said: "For example, my good brother Odin, such as ghosts and anti-monitors."

"Haha." Harley only sneered, not even bothering to explain.

Loki also felt a little embarrassed and muttered: "Whether you want to be friends with others or not depends entirely on your own thoughts and choices.

I'm not a roundworm in your belly, how can I give you an example?

And I don’t come to you today to discuss who was right and who was wrong about that incident back then.

It is meaningless to discuss right and wrong at this point.

Even if we prove that we are as pure as the angels in heaven, we sealed that woman purely for self-protection, and the fault is all on that woman, that woman will still kill us all with hatred on her face. "

Harry shook his head and said: "It's not completely meaningless. It proves that you betrayed Hecate because of your greed, profit-minded, and wolfish ambition. It can at least be an excuse for me to refuse to protect any ancient gods during the magic debt crisis."

"Excuse" Loki's mouth twitched, "I didn't even mention a specific request, so you thought of an excuse to reject me, and you said it openly. Aren't you afraid that my old friend, who has been with you for many years, will be sad?"

Harley said frankly: "Don't talk about the big family of Asgardian gods behind you, even if it's just you, even if it's my mortal friends, I refuse to let you enter the Ark Continent.

The obvious reason is for my poor teacher Asal.

If I pretend to protect all sentient beings and fight against Hecate to the end, how will Hecate punish my teacher?

The teacher is on a knife-edge, and the disciples cannot save each other, nor should they add fuel to the fire. "

"What's the real reason?" Loki asked.

"The reason on the surface can be considered one of the real reasons." Harley emphasized first, and then said softly: "Even if it is just for myself to use magic arbitrarily, I must defeat Hecate.

Why have I resisted using my magic power for so many years? My natal curse is only a price magic. All the magic power is integrated into my bloodline through the 'Escape Technique'. Why?

Certainly don't expect to avoid Hecate entirely when a debt crisis comes. "

Loki's eyes flashed and he nodded: "Escape has never been Witch Harley's style. Even if Hecate never comes to you, you can't help but take her down and find ways to make yourself the ultimate creditor.

So, you have been holding it back, just hoping that you can be in the best condition when you finally face Hecate? "

"It seems you understand." Harley smiled and said: "Arkland is not a paradise isolated from the multiverse.

It's actually a part of my body.

Arkland can avoid disasters only because I endured all the disasters for them.

In the original Battle of Destiny Garden, Destiny could directly attack anyone on the Ark Continent through Destiny Power.

Hecate's magical debt is larger, more advanced, and more closely connected to you.

Your souls and bodies are stained with magic marks. Taking you into my body is equivalent to transferring all the magic debts on you to me.

How many people are hiding on Ark Continent to avoid disasters, how many burdens will I bear.

You can relax, but I have to bear the burden for you.

Then wouldn’t all my previous efforts to reduce my own burden have been wasted?

Facing Hecate with a full belly of gods and wizards is like going to the battlefield with chains and shackles all over your body.

Maybe I still have some advantages, but if I am dragged down by you, I may end up stealing the chicken instead of losing the rice, and I will suffer a lot. "

The magic debt crisis is not a fair and just competition between the two sides in the arena.

It’s not that the gods’ combat power was crushed by Hecate, so they were afraid of Hecate.

In fact, according to Harley's understanding, if you simply compete in combat skills, even Hecate in her prime, her actual combat ability is only at the level of an ordinary god king.

If Hecate dared to compete with her face to face in magic and martial arts, Harley would give her one hand and two feet and beat a hundred of her to death.

Not to mention Harley, the powerful God King and Queen of Heaven can both crush Hecate in terms of actual combat power.

However, the key to the debt crisis lies in the "debt rights" brought by the magic mark.

Debt is also a kind of power, similar to the fact that Big Brother Destiny has absolute power in Destiny Garden.

The so-called power means that I can have whatever I want. One effort can exert ten thousand times the effect. However, what you do is greatly limited. Ten thousand efforts can only exert one effect.

In this way, two people who are obviously in the same realm end up with the powerful crushing the powerless. In fact, it is the same in human society. We are all human beings, with one head, two hands and two feet, and the powerful can ignore the powerless. Those are ants.

When Harley was trapped in the Garden of Destiny, she was like the mighty and vigorous Lin Chong entering the White Tiger Hall and facing Gao Qiu, who had become a captain.

Harley's Destiny Expertise has been upgraded to level nine, just like Lin Chong and Captain Gao meeting in a remote mountain temple far away from the center of power. Taiwei Gao was still Taiwei Gao, and Lin Chong was still Lin Chong, but the power of Taiwei had lost its effect.

There are levels of power in human society, and there are also levels of power in the supernatural world.

The highest power Harley encounters is magical debt.

Even if the three sisters of destiny and other gods of destiny go to the Garden of Destiny, they can still fight for part of the power of destiny by relying on their own destiny laws.

But no matter how powerful the God King is, once he leaves a magic mark, he is completely unable to resist. As long as the debt is activated through the magic mark, Hecate does not even need to show up, the god-king's body will be burned to ashes, and all his miraculous power and soul will be taken away by Hecate.

Harley does have level 9 divine defense expertise, but who can be sure that Hecate's debt is only level 9?

The power limit of a mortal country is determined by the social system and overall volume, and the power limit of the DC world is the same.

Although Hecate is registered in the DC multiverse, it does not mean that she cannot leverage the rules of the omnipotent universe.

Just like the mages of the single universe swear by contract laws, those who break the oath will be punished by the contract laws of the multiverse.

The single universe is within the multiverse, and the basic laws of the multiverse must be valid in the single universe; the multiverse is within the omnipotent universe, and if there are basic rules in the omnipotent universe, they must also apply to the DC multiverse.

Harley's conjecture did not come out of thin air, she had a theoretical basis.

Theoretically, the Ocean of Entropy and Taixu are outside the scope of the DC multiverse, but after entering the Ocean of Entropy and Taixu, the magic mark remains unchanged. The gods can still collect magic debt from the wizards who borrow their power, but ordinary wizards who have not mastered the law of fire cannot cast fire magic in Taixu.

If there is no law of death in a world, death phenomena cannot occur in that world; if the omnipotent universe does not have rules related to magic marks and magic debts, magic marks should not be able to exist.

If Harley guesses wrong, even better, Hecate with level 9 power is completely restrained by her.

If Hecate's magical debt touches a certain basic law of the omnipotent universe, then it would be foolish for Harley to face Hecate with a mage full of magic marks.

Of course, even if Hecate's magical debt power reaches level 10, Harley's level 9 divine defense expertise is enough to protect herself.

However, her ambitions are not limited to self-preservation.

She wants to achieve great things, and the friends she truly cares about can be counted on two hands. Even if they stay in Gotham, she can take care of them, and there is no need to open Arkland.

Loki thought for a while and said: "Since you said so, I will no longer ask you to take in us Asgardian gods.

It’s just that I don’t want to be the ‘God King of Asgard’ anymore. How about you put Odin down and let me hang up the Origin Wall. When the magic debt crisis is over, you can save me again? "

"Let Odin take the blame, you are such a good brother!" Harley said weirdly.

"You also know what he did to me, and I have a clear conscience." Loki shouted.

"You have the heart to give up your own people?" Harley asked.

"To be honest, I really can't bear it, but there's nothing I can do! Even to save my own life, I have to ask for favors from you. I have no other choice." Loki said helplessly.

Harley pondered: "Helping you get rid of the Origin Wall will not affect my plan, but if Hecate finds out about this, or if others ask me for help like you, my teacher Asal may end badly.

At least for now, I can't openly oppose Hecate. "

"Asar is your teacher, and I am also your friend!" Loki said excitedly.

Harley sighed: "Actually, you shouldn't make this request to me. You can leave a magic letter and quietly hang it on the wall of the origin. When the crisis is over, the magic letter takes the initiative to find me, and I will rescue you from the origin. wall."

Loki understood a little bit. He didn't need to write a letter now, he just said goodbye and left, quietly hanging it on the wall of origin. Maybe she would take the initiative to save him in the future.

He hesitated for a moment and said, "What should Odin do? Without him coming back to lead Asgard, Asgard will inevitably have a miserable ending."

"Odin's divine power has been drained by me, what will happen if he comes back?" Harley said.

Loki subconsciously looked around cautiously, and after a moment he laughed at himself, "The god who forgot that you have turned on the shield from prying eyes has descended to earth."

"Have you heard the story about Odin hanging himself from the World Tree and sacrificing his eyes? His purpose was to find a way to fight against that woman."

"Did he find it?" Harley asked.

"Of course not." Loki shook his head, "But he did the next best thing and found a way to overcome the tribulation.

I don't know what his method of overcoming the disaster was, but I'm sure he made a lot of preparations for the magic debt crisis.

Not only him, but all the ancient gods in the heavenly realm have their own methods of overcoming the tribulation.

In addition to cooperating with you to solve the crisis of the Omega Titan, they all come in their true form. At any other time, the God King and Queen who appear in front of outsiders are all divine clones. "

"No matter how you overcome the tribulation, you need strength to support it. Odin has no divine power." Harley said.

"I will give half of myself." Loki gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and said with difficulty, "I will transfer 90% of my divine power to him."

"I'm afraid it's not enough." Harley said.

Loki opened his eyes and looked at her and said, "Are you out of kindness and want to return the source of divine power to Odin?"

——Asgard’s divine power has long been used by me to upgrade my divine defense expertise.

Harley glanced at him contemptuously, "When have you ever seen me return the source of my magic power to others?"

Loki sighed: "Then why do you still care about whether Odin's power is enough?

You won't pity us anyway, and I don't have any extra power for Odin. "

Harley smiled and said: "Actually, you can hang up the Origin Wall with all the Asgardian gods."

Loki opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief: "Are you really so kind that you are willing to spend your energy to save hundreds of thousands of Asgardian gods?"

Harry shook his head and said: "Don't talk about hundreds of thousands, I don't even bother to save you.

Saving Mr. Asal from the Origin Wall means that a lot of big troubles are targeting me.

If I save you again, the 'trouble' in the entire multiverse will immediately give up their hesitation and swarm over, kneeling down and begging me to save their relatives, friends and gods hanging on the wall of origin. "

"Then why did you instigate us all to hang up the Origin Wall? We want to survive! Let Odin try the method of overcoming the tribulation and still have a chance to fight. Hanging up the Origin Wall but no one can save him is no different from dying directly." Loki Disappointed.

Harley said softly: "What if I told you that the origin wall will automatically collapse soon?"

"Will the Origin Wall collapse automatically?" Loki first exclaimed, and then slowly revealed a thoughtful look, "Are you saying that the existence sealed in the Origin Wall will be released from the seal and break free?"

"You also know her? Could it be that she also bewitched your ancient gods?" Harley asked in surprise.

"Also? Has he bewitched others?" Loki was also surprised.

"Since you know her existence, why don't you know that she has bewitched the three brothers of the Creator and Barbatos? The Crisis of Infinite Earths, the Crisis of Multiple Reset, the Final Crisis, the Darkseid War, and the Dark Night are all related to her. It's her Controlling everything from behind," Harley said.

Loki shook his head vigorously and said bitterly: "You don't need to go into such detail. I don't want to know, and I don't dare to know. I can't even handle the magic debt crisis, let alone a more terrifying existence?"

"You seem to understand her, but you don't understand what she has done." Harley asked doubtfully.

Loki hesitated for a while and asked: "Do you know the origin of us ancient gods?"

"You were born on the newly born earth. Not only you, but many planets with strong origins and star spirits naturally produced many powerful innate gods in the early years of creation." Harley said.

Loki sighed: "The ancient gods are indeed a natural phenomenon from the ancient times.

Even now, gifted ‘god-like races’ can be found in newly born star systems.

Well, now they are quasi-gods, but in the past they were ancient gods. Different times have different definitions of gods.

However, the ancient gods on earth were not born purely naturally.

We have a common creator, the supreme being sealed in the wall of origin.

I have never met Him, but my ancestors were the ‘first generation of planetary life’ created by Him, and you humans are His ‘final creation’. "

Harley recalled: "She seemed to have said something similar. She said that we Earthlings were her children."

"He didn't lie." Loki also had a look of recollection on his face, "Like me, Odin, Zeus, and Hades, although we are the first generation of god kings in the heavenly realm, we also have parents, grandparents, and grandparents.

Before us, our grandfathers were the first generation of god kings. Of course, there was no clear concept of god kings at that time, and the system of the gods was not complete.

What I want to say is that only our ancestors saw Him.

Without much communication, He seemed to look down on the ancient gods. After creating the first generation of ancient gods, he abandoned them and continued with the second generation of creation.

The ancient gods did not dare to approach his domain, so they did not know much about him.

After He was sealed in the Origin Wall, the 'first generation of planetary life' created by Him, that is, our grandfathers, soon died or were hung up on the Origin Wall due to various reasons.

Until now, we only know that He is our Creator.

It was as if a pair of invisible hands were erasing the traces left by Him.

And because our birth is related to Him, we can stand out among countless ancient gods on the planet.

Today's heavenly realm brings together beliefs from all civilized planets, but the earth's old god system occupies an absolutely dominant position. "

Harley pondered: "Theoretically, the first-generation product has the most flaws, and the final product is almost perfect, but humans have not shown the talent to crush the ancient gods.

Maybe there is an invisible lock in our blood?

Only by opening that lock can humanity's true potential be activated. "

Loki said disapprovingly: "You are just a mortal. Only mortals will use strength and physique as the standard of perfection.

In fact, supreme beings pay more attention to spiritual cultivation, such as God.

In the eyes of God, people who know how to repent and can practice God’s teachings perfectly are perfect people.

Our group of ancient gods were regarded by God as garbage that deserved to be thrown into the garbage incinerator.

Strength is completely unimportant, because what God lacks most is strength. "

——But what Pappetua lacks most is strength! A person who lives in a warehouse knows etiquette, and a person who has enough food and clothing knows honor and disgrace. When her life is at stake, she can only think about her spiritual cultivation.

Harley didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore, and didn't want to reveal more about Papetua, so she didn't say what she was thinking, and just said: "If you believe me, take the whole family to attack the Origin Wall.

It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, but don't come to me again in the future. I have fulfilled my duty as a friend.

You are a smart person, and you must understand how much risk I have added to yourself and the earth's civilization by revealing the changes in the Origin Wall in advance.

If I didn't consider you a friend, I wouldn't say a word. "

Loki opened his mouth, and finally nodded with a troubled expression, "I understand, thank you!"

Harley finally added: "If you really plan to take your whole family to attack the Origin Wall, remember to do it quietly and don't make it known to everyone.

Hecate is ruthless, and the beings in the Origin Wall are even ruthless.

She probably wouldn't mind a couple of little ants clinging to the wall.

It's like she looked down on your 'First Generation Ancient God' back then.

But if a large piece of old gods and mages were stuck to the wall, she might have to stop and eat the fat meat that was brought to her mouth. "

The murder of the goddess Asal had a great impact on Harley, had a huge impact on the gods in the heavenly realm, and also set off an infinite undercurrent in the supernatural world.

Even in the mortal world, it caused quite a commotion.

"Harry, have you watched the news?"

The morning after the murder of the goddess Asal.

While Harley was lying on a chair basking in the sun, Bruce came over after taking off his bat uniform.

"What news?" Harley was a little distracted.

Bruce didn't say anything, he just took out his mobile phone from his suit pocket, opened a video and handed it to Harley.

Harry only glanced at it and said, "Isn't this a gypsy wizard? What's wrong with him?"

"He is openly discussing Teacher Assal's affairs. Look at his expression. Sometimes he is surprised and funny, and sometimes he is laughing and joking that the teacher has died tragically. But I don't want her to become someone else's material to gain traffic.

I hope you will use your social resources to block this news. Of course, I will fully cooperate with you. "Bruce said in a deep voice.

Harley shook her head and said: "There are many extraordinary TV show hosts similar to gypsy wizards on the earth today.

There are more Internet celebrities, and almost every mage can become an Internet celebrity.

All the gods in the heavenly realm knew about Teacher Asar, and then the wizards in the supernatural realm also knew about it.

How to block? "

She glanced at Bruce's phone screen again and said, "Look, there is a sign next to him that says 'A moment of silence for the kind and loving goddess Asal'.

These guys all know that Asal is my teacher, and no matter what they think in their hearts, they will pretend to be so on the surface.

It’s enough to have some face.

After all, we teachers have no benefit to the common people, and we cannot ask everyone to be like us. "

Bruce's bloodshot, dark-rimmed eyes stared at her face for a moment.

The February sun was so warm that it made her face rosy and her skin was moist, with thin transparent fuzz visible.

He rubbed his dry and stiff face and said: "Teacher Asal may not have benefited the world, but at least she was very kind to us, and we have an obligation to protect her reputation.

These hosts may have expressed their condolences verbally, but in their words they clearly meant to ridicule the teacher's stupidity and vanity. "

Harley said: "You can block them yourself, you are not incapable."

Bruce said: "If I want to block the news, I must use the power of the Wayne Group. Asal is Batman and your teacher, and has nothing to do with Bruce Wayne.

Moreover, originally the people did not know the Mother of Magic at all, and even ordinary mages did not know about magic debt. Now it is widely publicized, and the knowledge and fear of all living beings will become the power of the Mother of Magic to break through the seal. "

Harley turned her head and looked at his obviously haggard face, "Didn't you catch the alien drug dealer yesterday?"

Bruce was stunned and said, "We've caught him. Cobot Jr. has been sent to Arkham Asylum."

"Little Cobot is also mentally ill?" Harley asked in surprise.

"Maybe, maybe not, I don't know. Anyway, Arkham Asylum is both a prison and can also test and treat the prisoner's mental state. If it is not suitable, the prosecutor's office will naturally send him to Blackgate Prison instead."

"The only people who have ever been transferred from Blackgate Prison to Arkham Asylum. Once you step into Arkham, you belong to Arkham for life." Harley complained, and then asked: "Now that the drug dealer has been caught, why do you still put yourself in Arkham?" Are you so haggard?"

Bruce hesitated for a while, then confessed: "I designed a 'Magic Burning Monitoring System'. At least globally, if a mage is harvested by Hecate, I can know it immediately."

"So what if you know it in time? You are just an ordinary person. Staying away from this debt crisis is the right way. Mixing in blindly can only harm others and yourself." Harley said.

"I have my own sense of discretion. You should hurry up and deal with the news about Teacher Assal, or you don't do anything and I will block the relevant news in your name." Bruce said.

Harley sighed: “There are demons from hell behind many of the earth’s media tycoons.

Since many years ago, Wall Street, Hollywood, and the media that support the Panchayat Party have been the hardest hit areas for demonic activities.

Nothing corrodes people's hearts more than fame and fortune, and nothing is more suitable for spreading the ways of hell than the human propaganda machine.

Especially in recent years, I have been giving public lectures on the Bible from time to time, which has allowed God's word to be deeply rooted in people's hearts on earth, and biblical teachings to spread rapidly across the universe. In order to ensure KPIs, the devils can only increase their investment and redouble their efforts.

Nowadays, many anchors and traffic influencers are supported and secretly controlled by the "Hell Consortium". They set off a consumption frenzy and destroy the virtues of thrift and hard work; they make the online community a mess just to corrupt more people.

The devils in hell dare not confront me directly, but they use more tricks secretly.

If they saw my reaction to Mr. Assal’s news so violently, they would definitely be excited. All the demons would give up their vacations, control countless trumpets, spread the news crazily on the Internet, and try their best to discredit Mr. Assal. "

Bruce frowned and said: "We can alert the enemy and take the opportunity to clean up all the demons on the earth."

Harley shook her head and said: "The devil is summoned by the evil thoughts in people's hearts and gets nutrients from the depraved evil deeds of human beings. Only by killing all people can the devil be completely eliminated."

Bruce left sadly.

Not long after, Sam Lane came over again.

It was not Sam Lane himself. He had already left the earth and was invited to the "New Kelu Planet".

"Harry, I already know about Goddess Asal. Please express my condolences."

On the screen of the tablet in Paradise Mountain, Sam Lane, wearing an alien ethnic costume, said with a sad expression.

He connected to the Justice League Watchtower through Cyborg's Mother Box, and then video communicated with Harley.

Although he tried to make a sad expression, he was so radiant and energetic at the moment that he really couldn't convey the sad emotion and could only make his face look weird.

Harley didn't be polite to him and asked straight to the point: "What do you want from me?"

"Is it convenient for you to come over now? The story of Goddess Asar has spread among the advanced civilizations of the universe. They are all afraid and want you to be the leader of the 'Universal Alliance of Extraordinary Persons in the Multiverse'."

Harley raised her middle finger and waved it in front of the screen, "This is how you reply to them."

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