I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1876 Fear spreads

When Harley appeared at the original gate of Acharas like a dream, Acharas had completely disappeared.

It wasn't completely gone. There was still a twisted and blackened rock on the spot, as big as half a basketball court, like the unburned bones of a crematorium.

The charred rocks exuded thick resentment and death, and they were slowly falling to the bottom of Limbo.

If there are no accidents, it will be slowly digested at the bottom of Limbo and eventually merge into the "Eclipse", the embodiment of darkness and depraved emotions.

Harley stared at the charred rock with a solemn expression for a while, without saying a word, and then disappeared without a trace again.

It wasn't until she left for half an hour that an illusory ghost-like projection approached. There was more than one "ghost", almost all the gods, kings and queens of the heavenly realm came.

When they first appeared, they were scattered in all directions, cautiously approaching the last remains of Acharath from different directions, and finally gradually gathered together, whispering to each other.

"That woman has really come back, and our catastrophe has come." Zeus sighed.

"Are you sure? Maybe there is an enemy of Witch Harley who hates Wu Jiwu and secretly attacks Asal."

Hera's voice was trembling, not yet willing to accept this reality.

Danu, the Queen of the Celtic Gods, was a little excited, and her mental fluctuations were also intense, "Didn't you see the Witch Harley just now?

Obviously, like us, she came here after sensing the annihilation of Asal's godhead from the Sea of ​​Laws.

Even Witch Harley didn't react and killed Asal silently. Who in the multiverse could do this except for the woman's March Seal control? .

Although that idiot Asar has a low bloodline and is far inferior to the power of controlling laws like us, she is still an ancient god after all, and she has also cultivated to the realm of the Lord God. "

"Witch Harley is different from us." Zeus looked solemn and shook his head: "She discovered the abnormality of Acharas earlier than us.

We have only been monitoring Asael's "Law of Escape" from the level of the sea of ​​laws, and determined her basic state through the fluctuations of the law. Witch Harley's methods must be more sophisticated, and her spiritual sense is also more acute.

Maybe she directly paid attention to her teacher on the level of destiny and discovered the abnormality in time.

Do you still remember what Asal said at the banquet last night?

She said that Witch Harley's "worry makes her confused".

I'm afraid that Witch Harley is not confused because of worry, but has a premonition of the unknown in advance. "

"But it seems that Witch Harley didn't come much earlier than us. At least she couldn't save Asal." Brahma, the master of the Indian pantheon, said.

Zeus shook his head and said: "Even if it is only a few seconds faster, it is faster. After all, for existences of our level and Witch Harley's, 0.1 seconds can do a lot.

Maybe it wouldn't even take 0.0001 seconds for that woman to harvest Asal.

Witch Harley noticed the unknown fate of Asal earlier than we did but also missed it. This does not mean that Witch Harley is not capable - I guess no one dares to doubt her ability.

It doesn't mean that she doesn't have a strong premonition of crisis on the road of destiny, at least the deceased previous generation Destiny Portmos would not agree with it. "

The expressions of the projections of the kings and queens of the gods changed slightly, becoming horrified and distorted, "That woman is too strong. The magic debt crisis is more terrifying than we imagined. The Seal of March can crush the gods in an instant, making it as powerful as a witch." Lee, as sharp as the witch Harley, couldn't save her teacher in time."

Zeus nodded slightly and sighed: "The situation is worse than we expected in the early years, and the woman is more ruthless and cruel than we expected.

Even the 'innocent' Assal fell into this fate. If we, the 'not-innocent', fall into her hands"

The expressions of the gods changed again.

"Fortunately, Asal found out her existence for us. Before, we were only slightly uneasy, but now we are at least sure that she is really out." Hera said quietly.

"Maybe she didn't completely lift the seal, otherwise she could have made trouble at the heavenly banquet, and none of us would be able to escape." Poseidon pondered.

Zeus shook his head and said: "The seal is not lifted at once.

As early as billions of years ago, when we sealed Hecate, we deduced the specific evolution process of the magic debt crisis - the seal would first crack a hole, her power seeped out, and a ray of consciousness wandered around the world, choosing the weak Gods, demons and mages first harvest their power to strengthen themselves. When they become stronger, the cracks in the seal will inevitably become larger. Finally, when she comes completely, it will also be the day when she enters her most powerful state.

Judging from the current results, except for the early Sun-Eating Beast crisis, which was a bit unexpected."

He stopped, turned around and found Odin huddled behind the gods, and changed his words: "It's not a surprise. Brother Odin has predicted Ragnarok in the frozen world."

The fake Odin and the real Loki smiled bitterly and said: "I would rather never have made that prophecy. Alas, you can't escape if you foresee it. On the contrary, whoever foresees it will be unlucky."

The God King and God Queen all cast sympathetic glances at him.

In the eyes of mortals in the material universe, the Sun-Eating Beast Crisis only swallows stars and destroys civilized galaxies.

But the gods saw the essence of the crisis of the Sun-Eating Beast: the seal was broken, the wind of nothingness rose, and the dusk of the gods came.

The Sun Eater is the prelude to the magic debt crisis.

The essence is that the seal jointly set by the gods finally cracked, and Hecate's "last kindness" transformed into the alien Twilight. While searching for the final salvation, she guided Hecate's projection to harvest the magic power owed to the civilized planet in the early years. debt.

At the beginning of the seal cracking, in addition to Dusk, the last incarnation of pure goodness, coming out of it, there was also a "yin wind", which is the wind of nothingness, one of the basic forces of the universe.

The leaked "dark wind" blew to the sky, but only fell in the Asgard domain.

Although Harley saved their lives, she also took away more than 90% of the source of divine power in Asgard's domain, upgraded her own divine defense expertise to level eight, and harvested a lot of winds of nothingness.

The Wind of Nothingness feat was upgraded to level 7 in one go, and there was still a lot left, which was often used by Harley to perform the "Kui's Invisibility Technique".

Except for Loki, who was barely friends with Harley, all the Asgardian gods had almost been drained of their divine power. Odin, who was later called the "King of Gods" with Zeus, was also sent to the wall of origin, and Loki pretended to be Become Odin, the god-king of Asgard who has lost his divine power.

At that time, Loki, disguised as Odin, announced to the public that Asgard had repaid a magic debt in Ragnarok, so it had lost almost all its divine power.

But why was only Asgard invaded by the wind of nothingness?

Loki felt that this was the fateful backlash brought about by the prophecy of "Twilight of the Gods".

If there is no prophecy, maybe the major gods in the heaven will equally share the wind of nothingness leaking from the gap in the seal.

"Brother Odin, as the saying goes, good fortune and misfortune depend on each other. Although you have lost your divine power, you have survived the magic debt crisis. Now, being able to survive with all your beards and tails is a great victory." Zeus comforted.

The fake Odin's bearded face twitched a few times and said in a low voice: "Do you really think that woman will let us go after we lose our divine power?"

They were drained of their magical power by the witch Harley, and that woman hasn't taken revenge on them yet!

In fact, even if Harley hadn't drained all her power, Hecate would still not let them go as long as they survived.

The wind of nothingness that corroded Asgard's divine domain did not come from Hecate's control. It leaked from the seal and could be regarded as a natural disaster.

Even if they die from a natural disaster, with Hecate's ruthless style now, she will only be upset that they did not die by her own hands, not to mention that they survived the natural disaster.

Zeus also understood this and sighed: "She will not let any of us go. We are all in the same situation, and no one is really better than anyone else."

The fake Odin stared at him for a while, then turned around and looked around, laughing and saying: "Her target is indeed everyone, but our situation is different. Your body has already left the heaven, right?"

All of you who accompany the 'Master of All Gods' to the banquet are all divine bodies that simulate the original body.

Even Asal has prepared the art of hiding to deal with the magic debt crisis.

Over billions of years, we have naturally prepared ways to overcome the calamity.

It's a pity that we in Asgard have suffered misfortune, and we have no intention of planning but have no power.

You have sufficient divine power, so you can naturally make various arrangements according to the original plan. "

The surrounding gods, kings and queens were silent and did not speak, only looking at each other with twinkling eyes.

Zeus glanced at the fake Odin, with suspicion flashing in his eyes.

The playful and sarcastic Odin in front of him was a little different from the indifferent old man in his impression.

Could it be that with the outbreak of the Magic Debt crisis, Odin, who has always been calm and cunning, has lost his mentality now?

It's really possible!

Asgard's divine system has been drained of its divine power. Odin must have a lot of heart and a lot of power shortage at this moment.

"Asal's murder is the beginning of the magic debt crisis, and it is despairing bad news for all extraordinary people who use magic.

But Asal's murder itself was not a bad thing.

The reason why that woman chose Assal as her primary target is, of course, because you deliberately praised Assal and attracted that woman’s attention, but the main reason is still the ‘God of Gods’ Witch Harley! "

A proud and sinister smile appeared on the corner of Zeus's mouth, but the smile was like an illusion, fleeting, and his expression became majestic and solemn again.

"What do you mean by saying, 'You can kill Assal'?" Hera looked at her husband coldly and said, "You want to put all the responsibility on me. When the witch Harley comes to the door, you can directly push me out. Guo, are you hiding on the side and pretending to be innocent?"

The other queens also looked at Zeus with displeasure, "What's the point of being clever at this time? If Witch Harley really wants to get angry with us about Asal, do you think she will listen to your explanation calmly? She seems like Someone who can listen and explain?”

Zeus frowned and said: "Whether it was going to Acharas to visit Asal or inviting her to the heaven as a guest, I was not involved in the whole process. I didn't even go to see her at first."

The male god-kings around him all nodded, "You and her sisters are worthy of each other, and we can at best be regarded as wine pairings."

The queens glared.

Hera shouted: "Didn't I ask your opinion when I invited Asar? Don't you understand our intention to curry favor with her?"

The male god king bowed his head and remained silent.

Zeus sighed and said, "What's the point of arguing about this now? I just subconsciously stated the facts at the time, and I didn't mean to excuse myself."

Seeing his wife and the queens around her start to look angry again, he immediately said: "As you just said, what kind of person is Witch Harley? If you really want to attack someone, will you listen to your detailed explanation?"

The queens had nothing to say, but they were still panicking, feeling that he had just quietly excused themselves once again.

Zeus stopped continuing this topic, looked around at the gods and said, "Taking action against Asar first means that the woman has regarded the witch, and the 'God of All Gods' whom we respect so much, as the biggest obstacle and enemy on her way to harvest.

It is impossible to say that this time because of the death of our mentor, the great God of All Gods will rush ahead of us.

Even if she doesn't have any subjective intentions, the woman may still regard her as the primary target.

If they fight first, we only need to pray on the sidelines that the God of Gods will be victorious and create another miracle. "

The gods, kings and queens looked at each other with smiles on their faces, "Although this is our best dream, it may not be possible for it to become a reality."

Neon God King Izanagi hesitated and said: "The King of All Gods is not just a mentor. Most of her friends are mages and even spiritual wizards. If she really wants to catch her, why didn't the woman do it earlier? Does anyone else take action?"

"How do you know her friends are not being targeted?" Zeus asked.

Izanagi wondered: "Nothing happened to her friends. Asael should be the beginning of the magic debt crisis."

Amon La said faintly: "Just because there were no accidents does not mean that they were not targeted. Our King of Gods does not have a wide range of friends, and there are no more than ten mages who can be truly regarded as friends by her.

Half of them live in Gotham, even at Lishan Manor, living with her.

With that woman's current strength, even taking Asar would have to be done secretly and secretly.

Even if he wanted to take action against the people in Lishan Manor, he was unable to do so.

Moreover, friends are divided into close ones and close ones, and there is only one teacher.

Not to mention that Asal was an old acquaintance of the woman and was regarded by her as an enemy who must be avenged.

We ancient gods who directly obtained pure magic power from her are far more hated by her than contemporary mages. This is a fact that no one can change.

The King of Gods understood the special nature of Asael's identity, so he kept calling her to Gotham.

The closer you are to the King of Gods, the easier it is for her to take care of you. "

Hera pondered: "That woman seems to have become smarter and knows how to release a ray of consciousness in advance to find out the news.

After confirming that the King of Gods was the biggest enemy that prevented her from succeeding, he also knew that he conspired to capture her teacher as a hostage.

She didn't have such scheming and strategies back then.

No matter what she was thinking, she said it directly, and she acted immediately on what she wanted to do, as if the whole world revolved around her for granted. "

Her tone was normal at first, but the last two sentences clearly carried a different emotion, a bit of sour jealousy, and a bit of unwillingness and resentment.

Poseidon glanced at his "eldest sister-in-law" and said, "After experiencing the tragic betrayal of the gods, she would only be as innocent as before."

Hera's eyes were sharp and she shouted: "Who betrayed whom? Poseidon, don't sit crookedly!"

Back then, we truly regarded her as a friend and family member. No matter what she said, did, or wanted, we would support her and do our best to satisfy her.

But instead of being grateful, she felt that everything she got was taken for granted.

Later, it became increasingly unsatisfactory, and its demands on us became more and more excessive. There were even signs of using magic marks to control us and plunder the origin of our divine power and the essence of our divinity.

She betrayed our friendship and our family ties. We were forced to take the lead and attack. "

Immediately, a diva echoed with an equally angry face: "We are good enough to her, but she already has a husband, and she actually flirts with our husbands in front of us."

The God-Kings who had flirted with Hecate and even had sex with her looked a little embarrassed, but they all nodded in agreement, "We are just trying to protect ourselves, even 'Origin' is on our side. , isn’t it?”

Gotham, a rooftop on the side of the street.

Batman is holding a telescope and lying on the corner of the rooftop, remotely monitoring an alien Du Ping transaction going on in a building a hundred meters away.

Damian crouched behind his father. The two eyes behind his blindfold were as sharp as eagles, scanning the surroundings vigilantly to look out for his father.

The scene of the father and son cooperating to investigate the case is like a painting. Harley suddenly jumped into the painting and said without thinking: "Bruce, our teacher is gone."

"Who - ah, Sister Harley, why are you here?"

Both Batman and his son reacted loudly, and Batman rolled away from the direction of the sound.

If Harley draws a gun and shoots at him while talking, this roll will dodge all the bullets.

Robin Damian also put his hand on the handle of the knife and pulled out half of the blade, but he was the first to recognize Harley in front of him.

"The teacher is gone?" Bateman was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed slightly and he said anxiously: "Is it Teacher Asal? What happened to her? What does it mean that she is gone?"

Harry sighed: "It's gone, it's gone, we can prepare for dinner."

"Why did she suddenly disappear?" Bateman's expression changed again and became unbelievable.

"Today, like every other day, I was sitting in the yard basking in the sun and meditating. A ray of thought sank into the river of destiny. Suddenly, there were thin ripples on the surface of the river of destiny. My heart immediately felt like being bitten by a 10-pound black fish. The hooked float suddenly sank."

Harley breathed a sigh of relief, "By the time I get to Acharas, not to mention our teacher, even the entire Acharas will have been burned into a charred stone full of resentment.

The whole process seemed to be completed in an instant. I reacted in time but was completely too late to rescue. "

"Burned into stone? Who burned Teacher Asar to death?" Bateman asked.

"The Seal of March is activated, and the magic mark begins to boil. The soul and body left with the mark are like wax oil thrown into a carbon furnace, burning fiercely, burning out all matter and miraculous energy in an instant.

In the end, the soul power and miraculous elements all belong to the master of magic. "

"Hecate? The magic debt crisis finally broke out?" Damian exclaimed: "When did the mother of magic break free from the seal? Why was there no warning? It was so sudden."

Harley pondered: "It should be just a consciousness of Hecate, its power is still very weak, and it can only hit people with sap.

There are no signs at all.

Perhaps the appearance and death of the Omega Titan are a sign.

The essence of the Titan is law, and the law of wonders will extract the power of civilization's miracles.

It shook the foundation of the power of the gods that sealed Hecate at the level of the Sea of ​​Laws. "

"How are you sure that Hecate is just a ray of consciousness and you don't seem to be sad? There is still a possibility of saving Teacher Asal, right?" Bateman stared into her eyes, his own eyes flashing with anxiety and expectation.

Harley said: “Hecate hurts the old gods in the heavens the most, especially the ancient gods who have lived for billions of years.

Perhaps our teacher was involved in the great betrayal billions of years ago, but she was definitely not the mastermind.

Now she is just famous and proud, so she will not become Hecate's number one target.

If Hecate wasn't a ray of consciousness, she could have made trouble at our teacher's banquet.

When the gods, kings and queens gathered together, when the gods were singing and laughing, drinking and drinking, they made a shocking appearance when they were most proud, relaxed and happy. They turned into black clouds covering the sky and the entire heaven, and the harsh and ferocious Jie Jie laughter resounded. In the heavenly realm, the gods were so painful that they covered their ears and screamed repeatedly.

But don’t reveal your identity first, let the gods be flustered and cowardly, slowly torture them, intimidate them, tempt them to make mistakes, collapse their psychological defenses, and expose all kinds of ugly things. After you have finished killing them, you can use another move. Take away the lives of the gods who are nothing but walking corpses. "

Damian's mouth twitched and said: "Sister Harley, this is your style, not Hecate's. Judging from the fact that she was the mother of magic but was deceived and sealed by the gods, we know that she is a bit stupid and has a rough temper. Zhi, I can’t do these fancy and detailed tasks.”

After a pause, he said thoughtfully: "However, with her temperament, she only killed the goddess Asal who returned from the banquet, which shows that she is really unable to deal with other gods for the time being."

Harry raised his eyes and looked at the empty blue sky in the distance, and said softly: "Hecate may not be able to play tricks, but she is eyeing me now. Maybe she is observing us from some perspective that I don't know, eavesdropping. We talk.

After hearing what I said, she may not follow suit in the future. "

"Ah, Hecate is spying on us?" Damian looked around in panic, then regained his composure instantly and said: "Sister Harley, you are really good at scaring people. With your god coming to earth, who can spy on your whereabouts? "

Harley glanced down at him and said strangely: "You are right, if I turn on God's descent as usual, she will most likely not be able to spy on me at all, but when I came to you and my son, I specifically turned off God's descent.

When we say 'Hecate' or 'Mother of Magic', she is supposed to feel something. "

Harley has no special magic defense feat.

Magic is a very special kind of miraculous power, which can be easily integrated with other miraculous powers to reveal more complex and advanced characteristics.

For example, merging with the power of faith to become divine power.

Harley chose to activate the defensive feat with divine power.

The expertise includes magic power, but the defense range is wider than the pure magic defense expertise.

Extracting the divine power from the Asgardian pantheon, Harley's divine defense expertise reached level eight. Later, when the King of War God slaughtered countless gods in his era, his divine defense expertise finally reached level nine.

If she activates all her defense specialties to form a surrounding force field, even if Hecate's magic power is close to level 10, she will not be able to spy on her at all.

Well, Harley suspected that the magic power represented by the Mother of Magic exceeded level nine. After all, the power of the God King already belonged to the multiverse level, that is, level 9. The power of the Mother of Magic should be more "original" and more advanced.

"Why do you want to shut down God's descent to earth? Do you want her to eavesdrop on your conversation and send a message to her?" Damian asked in surprise.

Harley turned her head to look at Batman and answered his previous question, saying, "To be honest, Teacher Asael is gone and he died very miserably. I'm a little sad.

But not so grief-stricken that the grief in his heart is directly displayed on his face. "

Her relationship with Teacher Asal hasn't reached that stage yet, and

"Teacher Asal may be completely dead, but he is not alive.

Hecate was the first to attack her because she was afraid of me.

Hecate did not indulge in her own hatred, and only fixed her narrow gaze on the old gods who betrayed her.

She understands the current status of the multiverse. She knows that I have killed countless supreme god kings, defeated the Creator many times, and even have the means to deal with visitors from the omnipotent universe.

As long as she has a little bit of brain, she will not be blind and arrogant and completely ignore me.

Since she attacked Teacher Asar because she was afraid of me, she must not kill him and destroy his soul.

It would be better for her to face an angry and ruthless me, and her death would only be worse. "

Bateman was thoughtful, and the worry and sadness on his face also dissipated a little, "Although Hecate killed Teacher Asael, she did not harm her soul. When you defeat Hecate, you can take Asaar back." Teacher Er’s soul can restore her to her original state?”

Since there is still hope of rescuing Teacher Asal, there is no need to be so distraught and crying now.

Well, even if Asael is completely dead, Bruce will be sad, but he won't be able to cry.

When his own parents died, he just cried silently.

Harley pondered: “Whether it can be restored to its original state depends on Hecate’s attitude.

If she had eavesdropped on our conversation immediately after burning the Acharas and listened carefully to my words, she might have shown mercy to Teacher Asal.

If she didn't listen, or mistakenly thought I was threatening her, she would become even more ruthless in anger.

However, as long as she wants to play the Teacher Asar card against me in the future, she will definitely ensure that Teacher Asar’s soul is basically intact.

With a relatively intact soul, I guarantee that I can reincarnate Teacher Asal and start over. "

Damian wondered: "You don't seem to have promised anything."

"What do I want to promise?" Harley blinked and said meaningfully.

Damian was stunned for a moment, then his eyes flickered and he said: "Promise Hecate that she will let the goddess Asar go, and you will not interfere with her revenge against the gods."

A smile flashed in Harley's eyes, and she shook her head disapprovingly: "Only a fool would think that I wish the gods good.

I won’t mention the countless grievances I had with them in the past, only the present.

If they hadn't killed Teacher Assal, Teacher Assal would have returned to Lishan to enjoy his blessings. How would Hecate find a chance?

And when the gods wanted to kill Teacher Asael, didn't they just hope that Hecate and I would become enemies and let us fight each other while they hid on the sidelines and watched the fun?

Just like I don't like the old gods of Tianjing, the old gods of Tianjing also secretly hate me in their hearts.

No matter what the outcome of my fight with Hecate is, they both win, win twice, and win. "

"Well, you really have no reason to help the old gods." Damian nodded in realization, and added: "You can promise Hecate that as long as she doesn't come to find your friends, you won't care even if she harvests the entire magic world. Do not ask."

Harley shook her head again and said disapprovingly: "Anyone who knows me knows that I have never been a good person.

As long as it doesn't affect the safety of the universe and doesn't threaten the normal development of civilization on earth, I generally don't care. "

"That's right, you are indeed this kind of person. You don't even care about Gotham's criminal activities. How can you care about the life and death of a strange alien mage?" Damian nodded suddenly again, and said again: "Then you ask Heka Tui promised not to have any ideas about her.

Everyone knows that you like to snatch the source of other people's magic power. Now that you meet the mother of magic, can you hold back and not be ready to take action?

As long as Hecate's IQ is online, no one will believe that you are completely harmless. "

Harley said calmly: "You are right. Although I have seen the scenery of the omnipotent universe and am no longer interested in the lower energies in the multiverse, I don't mind taking a bite if fat is brought to my mouth. .

But like you said, everyone knows my name and my style.

Even if I make a promise to Hecate, will she believe it?

As long as her IQ is online, she should understand that a mere teacher is completely unable to give me anything I want. "

Damian was stunned and sighed: "That's true! After all, Goddess Asal only taught you basic magic knowledge.

Your thick-skinned way and her reclusive way are completely different. You two don't even have a inheritance relationship.

If Hecate only made reasonable demands, you might make limited concessions.

If she really expects to rely on Goddess Asal to control you, then she is really stupid."

Damian shook his head repeatedly, "I don't think the Mother of Magic would be so stupid. She can kidnap Goddess Asal, which shows that she is a smart person."

Bateman looked back and forth on their faces several times, and finally kept his face blank and said nothing. He watched them finish singing the oboe, then stood up, resumed his low and hoarse voice, and said: "Robin, get ready." Okay, Cobot has completed the deal with the Tamaran drug dealers, we can go down and capture them.”

Damian took two steps forward, and sure enough he saw two groups of people in the building opposite completing the transaction, shaking hands and saying goodbye with smiles on their faces.

According to the original plan, they should have made a shocking appearance after the Tamarans took out Du Ping and arrested everyone.

It's a little late now that the transaction is completed.

However, Damian still hesitated, "Goddess Asar is dead, and you still want to take action? Should we go back to continue discussing this matter?

I'm not sure about others, but Rachel would be very sad if she learned about the misfortune that befell the goddess Asal.

Other magic-side heroes should also be wary and cautious. "

Bateman calmly took out the "Bat Rope Gun" and said: "In order to guard this deal, we have been guarding it for half a month and we must not fall short."

After a pause, he continued: "I am very sad about the death of Teacher Asar, but her death is a foregone conclusion. I cannot continue to allow more misfortunes to happen after encountering one unfortunate incident.

Allowing Tamaran's new type of Dupin to overrun the earth would mean countless misfortunes. "

Harley took a few steps forward, looked at the building opposite, and asked curiously: "Why does Cobot sell drugs? He's not. Oh, this is not Cobot the Penguin."

The Cobot below is a young man, probably from the Cobot family.

Damian said with a smile: "Penguin is still being fucked by the new god of darkness on Apokolips!"

Bateman turned back and glared at him. Damian glanced at Harley and realized he had made a mistake. His expression was a little embarrassed.

"Penguin is still on Apokolips." Harley frowned slightly, "I thought he was back."

Bateman said: "He belongs to the top of the 'Legion of Hope and Freedom'. He has also established a huge mercenary team, and he is considered to be a figure at the level of a legion commander.

Like Luther and Zetas, they are no longer among those released. "

Harley asked, "Are his parents still alive?"

Bateman said: "Originally he was still alive, but later he brought his parents into the ranks of the new gods of mankind. As a result, they both suffered misfortune in the collective disappearance incident."

Harley sighed and disappeared quietly from the rooftop.

There are only two things she appreciates about Cobot: shrewdness and filial piety.

If his parents were still alive, the two old men would worry about their son on Apokolips day and night, and Cobot on Apokolips would also miss his old husband and mother on Earth day and night. She would help him get rid of being fed a puff for the sake of past friendship. destiny.

But now that his parents are dead, and the path he takes now is the key to his own choice. She has made it clear many times that collective ascension is a scam, but he doesn't listen and keeps getting involved with Luther, so he can't count on her anymore.

Rachel was indeed sad.

She grew up in Acharas and has deep feelings for the goddess Asal who has always protected her and accompanied her.

Moreover, most of the people in Acharas are her old friends and even her childhood friends.

Rachel was sad to learn what happened to Goddess Asal, while the other mages were extremely frightened.

The mage who was familiar with Harry came to Lishan immediately.

Even the wizard Shazam, who had previously suffered a "rape trial" and had been hiding from people recently, also came after hearing the news.

After listening to Harley's story about how only a blackened rock full of resentment was left in Acharas, old Shazam's face turned pale, his body trembled a few times, and he said directly: "Harley, I don't ask to live in Lishan Manor, or Build a 'Shazam Manor' in Lishan Forest, then open your mouth and take me into Arkland. From now on, until the magic debt crisis is completely over, let me stay in Arkland."

——Who do you think you are, and you still want to live in Lishan Manor?

Harley was disdainful in her heart, and the expression and tone on her face were also very rude, "Don't think about it, I won't let any mages or gods enter Arkland for the time being."

"Why? I'm also going to hide in Ark Continent for a few years." Zha Kang asked doubtfully.

Some time ago, he and Xiao Zha visited Ark Continent for several months and felt very good.

"It is conceivable that if I bring you into Ark Continent, other human mages will definitely make similar requests. Even alien mages and alien mages will come to your door.

Everyone is hiding in the Ark Continent. What will the Mother of Magic think and think?

Before Teacher Assal was killed, I didn’t care what she thought or looked at at all, but now.”

Harley sighed softly, "She didn't know me 100%, but she did draw a good card."

Old Shazam shouted excitedly: "Are you going to give up our old friends who have known each other for many years for a teacher Asal who you have only met a few times? Goddess Asal is dead and cannot be saved. This is reality! "

Rachel's eyes were dissatisfied, "The Mother of Magic is not stupid. If she doesn't give us any hope, why would she threaten us with Goddess Asal?"

"Any hope given by the enemy is just an illusion. You don't understand such a simple truth?" Old Shazam shouted.

"No matter how vague the hope is, I believe Hallie can seize the opportunity and turn hope into reality." Rachel said firmly.

Old Shazam stopped paying attention to her and turned his attention to Harley.

But before he could continue, Harley shouted: "Stop arguing! Not letting you enter Arkland is not against you, nor is it giving up on you old friends.

I'm targeting other people.

You are the only friends I have. Not to mention the huge Gotham City, even a mere bus can fit it in.

As long as I am in Gotham, there is no difference between your stay in Gotham and your stay in Arkland. "

Zha Kang's eyes flashed, and he took Xiao Zha's hand and said to Shandu: "Your new house is quite big. Can you leave a room for me and Xiao Zha?"

"Leave one for me too." Old Shazam said immediately.

Xanadu's expression was mixed with embarrassment and pride, "Before Goddess Asal's accident happened, I moved to Lishan Manor! Recently, I became a disciple of Harry and am studying the 'Technology of Great Destiny and Karma' with her! "

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