I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1854 Barbatos Training Camp

When the golden right boot appeared alone before, Mrs. Xanadu was able to put aside the "shallow knowledge of mortals" and regard it as the natal artifact of the divine wizard.

The "object body" that combines all the divine essences of the Order God, regardless of shape or style, its inner material and divine essence are the core.

To Xanadu, the artifact of order forged from N metal was simply too delicious.

But when she really saw the golden boots put on old man Kent's big feet, she immediately stopped feeling that they smelled good.

Thinking of how a few days ago she had held the boots, gently rubbed them with her cheeks, and sniffed them vigorously with her nose, she suddenly felt a faint but lingering odor lingering on her nose.

"Xanadu, why did your face suddenly turn white? Harley, what are you talking about?" Kent looked as confused as a monk who was confused.

"Nothing. When did you become the 'Heir of the Golden Right Foot'?" Harley's attention moved away from his boots, and then she noticed the strange young man standing beside him, with a shy and curious face.

The young man is not tall, has a very ordinary appearance, and his skin is a bit dark, which is obviously racially different from the pure white-skinned old Kent.

"Who is this young man? He seems to have the aura of Naboo's divine power on him."

Hearing Harley's inquiry, Kent also remembered that he did not come alone, and enthusiastically took the young man and introduced him: "His name is Khalid Kent Nassour, my cousin's nephew, and he is also my grand-nephew.

He is from Egypt and is now studying abroad in Gotham, a second-year history student. "

Doctor Destiny Kent does not have the same last name as Da Chao.

Superboy's real name is "Clark Kent", and Kent is his surname; Doctor Fate's Kent is Kent Nelson, and Kent is his first name, so Harley calls Superboy "Clark" and Doctor Destiny "Kent".

At this time, this "cousin" who is cousin to Kent 30,000 miles away can also call him "Kent", just like the star Cristiano Ronaldo. "Ronaldo" is also the middle name. In fact, his surname is "Averro".

Eighty percent of the old Kent families have a great ancestor named "Kent".

Otherwise, my family and my cousin’s family would not all add “Kent” to their names.

Or, Kent becomes the great Doctor Fate, and the younger generations add "Kent" to their names to show their respect?

With thoughts swirling in Harry's mind, he greeted the young man with a smile on his face, "Hi, Khalid."

"Hello, Miss Quinn, it seems like I'm dreaming. I actually saw the living Admiral of the Galaxy, and the famous 'God of Divination', Mrs. Xanadu!"

The young man held his head and shouted repeatedly with a sleepwalking expression on his face.

His gaffe made Old Kent a bit embarrassed.

He patted the young man on the shoulder and whispered: "Don't forget your current identity. You are no longer a student. You represent the King of Naboo and the God of Order!"

When the young man regained consciousness, Old Kent turned to Harley and said: "I have become a candidate for the God of Order and cannot continue to be 'Doctor Destiny'.

Naboo Helm flew out of the Tower of Destiny last night and chose his new destiny in Gotham, namely Khalid.

I brought him here today just to recognize him and let you know about it. I also hope that you can help him integrate into the circle of the extraordinary world. "

"Next, are you going to inherit the Kingdom of God from your predecessor's "golden right foot"?" Harley asked.

Old Kent shook his head and said: "Most of the gods of order did not establish a kingdom of gods, or in other words, they did not establish a kingdom of gods like the old gods. After they became the gods of order, they still maintained the customs of mages like Naboo - living in In his own mage tower."

The Tower of Destiny is the kingdom of Naboo, the God of Order, and the mage tower where he has lived all his life.

"Narvi, the former God of Order, is completely dead, and the Mage Tower that operates with his laws and divine power could have been preserved.

But when the light multiverse fell into the dark multiverse, the earth fell at a high speed, and many small planes connected to the earth were either crushed to pieces, or the space channels were torn off, cutting off contact with the earth.

The mage tower of the God of Order is closely connected to the earth, and is even part of the basic laws of the earth, and has been most affected. In fact, even if his mage tower is preserved, I cannot inherit it, let alone inherit it.

Now I still live in the Tower of Destiny, but I've just transferred control to Khalid. "

After a few people chatted for a while, Old Kent quietly sent a message to Harry: "Harry, can we talk alone?"

Harley said calmly: "Xanadu, take Khalid around Lishan to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment, so that he can come and sneak in in the future.

You all stay here for dinner tonight, and I'll go prepare it now. "

Xanadu glanced at her in surprise, then glanced at old Kent, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and then opened a natural smile, and took the initiative to pull little Kent out of the living room.

After seeing that he and Harley were alone at the scene, Old Kent looked hesitant again and did not speak for a long time.

Harley didn't say anything, just looked at him from the side. Anyway, she was neither anxious nor embarrassed.

Old Kent was anxious and embarrassed by her.

"Harry, what King Naboo means is that he is a god with endless lifespan and can wait as long as he wants. But these are troubled times. Even if he can wait, the Order God System and the earth cannot wait too long.

Therefore, I must find a way to quickly advance to the level of spiritual wizard. At least understand the master's law. "

"How can I help you?" Harley asked.

Old Kent's face turned red, and he lowered his head and said, "I practiced the "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons" with Shazam Wizard before, and my head was deformed. Although my head was deformed, my soul did undergo qualitative changes, and my mental strength increased several times. , and it continues to improve.

If I hadn't used the Tenth Metal to rewrite my reality, the deformed head would be a bit ugly, but it would be easier to break through to the master realm now. "

Harry said: "You can continue to practice the "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons". When Nabu borrowed your body to secretly learn my secret scripture, I didn't say anything. Today, for the sake of the God of Order and the earth, you took the initiative to inform me in advance. I will tell you more." I won’t stop you or blame you.”

Old Kent heaved a sigh of relief and said hesitantly: "What His Majesty Naboo means is that Wizard Shazam's "Heart Sutra" is incomplete. If you read the complete Heart Sutra, you will have a clearer understanding of the evolution of thinking life."

This is a very unreasonable request.

Even in the DC extraordinary world, which is relatively open in terms of inheritance of skills, asking for other people's exclusive magic spells or core meditation methods is very taboo and does not understand the importance.

If it were old Kent himself, he would never make such a request in his life.

However, King Naboo clearly told him that if he did not master the "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons", his "golden boots" would be taken away and his status as the "second generation golden right foot" would be taken away.

Kent was forced to come over to find Harley.

Harry said seriously: "I definitely can't hand over the complete "Phantom Heart Sutra" to you right away.

I am willing to share my secret code with friends, but I do not allow it to become public knowledge, and I cannot tolerate it being obtained by enemies and evil people.

Not to mention keeping secrets, Shazam also said to me, ‘I swear not to tell anyone’, but he turned around and taught the Heart Sutra to Naboo.

Even if you have no intention of spreading the Secret Code to others, others can catch you and pry the contents of the Secret Code from your mind.

For example, Yamo Zhuo, who stole Shazam's thought waves, has almost completed the incomplete "Thinking Scripture". "

After a pause, Harley slowed down her tone and said, "If you complete the first volume of practice and plan to continue practicing, you can come to me.

I will use the secret method to teach you the second and third volumes, and ensure that it cannot be stolen by others, and even you cannot spread it yourself. "

Old Kent's face was full of gratitude, "Thank you Harley, that's enough."

Of course this doesn't work, at least it doesn't meet King Naboo's expectations.

Nabu himself is a genius in the spiritual world. He understands that only what suits him is the best, and what he creates is the most suitable for him.

After using Kent's body to practice the "Phantom Demon Heart Sutra" for several years, he encountered countless questions and difficulties.

If he gets the full volume of "The Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons" and fully understands the evolution process of thinking life and Harley's creative ideas, he can use his own wisdom and experience to fine-tune "Kuishi's Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons" and turn it into "Order" "Heart Sutra", which is more in line with himself and the gods of order.

Kent may understand Nab's expectations, but he is polite and honest and cannot be as shameless as Nab expects.

After dinner, Old Kent took Little Kent away. Xanadu was still sitting in the living room. When they disappeared, he curiously asked: "Harry, what private words did Kent say to you in the afternoon?"

Harley didn't hide anything and spoke out Kent's request.

Xanadu thought for a while and sighed: "Kent is so difficult! When Nabu was looking for the successor of the 'Golden Right Foot', he was first excluded, or in other words, he was regarded as the last backup.

After all of us refused, and after Neb had been searching outside for a few days and couldn't find anyone better, he reluctantly let Kent take over.

Even so, Kent has to agree to many unreasonable demands.

Previously, in order to restore his original appearance, Kent would rather lose the effect of the "Phantom Demon Heart Sutra" than use the Tenth Metal to rewrite the reality of his practice of the "Phantom Demon Heart Sutra".

It's obvious that he prefers to maintain his normal appearance.

At least at the current Archmage stage, Kent does not need to find a breakthrough in a radical and risky way.

Now that he has once again taken the initiative to practice the "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons" and shamelessly asked you for the complete copy, it must have been forced by Nabu. "

At this point, a look of joy appeared on her face again, "Sure enough, good and bad things come together. King Naboo is too powerful, although I respect him very much. I respect his outstanding contributions to mankind in the past.

But I probably can’t get used to the living environment and workplace environment of the Order God System. "

Harley sighed: "I regret it, I shouldn't have asked you to divine in the first place. It would be very interesting if you turned into a smelly golden right boot."

At the end of the sentence, she couldn't help but laugh happily.

Xanadu said with a dull face: "You mean, when Kent turns into boots in the future, you will laugh at him?"

Harley smiled calmly and said: "It's best that he doesn't see me with the true appearance of the boots, otherwise I will definitely laugh every time I see them."

Selena on the side hesitated and said: "If I understand correctly, the appearance of the natal artifact at this time is the future form of the god.

After all the divine essence and a lifetime of wisdom are injected into the natal artifact, the original mortal body disappears, and the natal artifact is the divine body of the god at this time, right? "

Xanadu nodded and sighed: "So when the golden right boot was captured by the Dark Knights and crumpled into a ball, the God of Order died completely, and Naboo could only find a successor for the boot."

Selena's expression was a little distorted, "What do you all think? Taking boots as the body of a god. Even if there is no foot odor and the boots don't step on daddy, you will feel bad, right? At least you will be laughed at by others."

None of them took it seriously and said, "You are purely thinking like a mortal. After becoming a god, the physical form is not important at all. You see, Nabu is still just a helmet. Does it delay him from showing the strength and majesty of the God King?"

The natal artifact accompanies the mage throughout his life and is always in the mage's body. You can't forge it into a human form, right?

In fact, the boots are just its physical form.

In higher dimensions, it is both tangible and intangible, changing as the gods wish. "

"Maybe I really have a mortal mind and can't accept that my body has turned into a helmet or boots." Selina sighed, then turned to Ivy and asked: "You are also a mage and have become a spiritual wizard. Why haven't I seen you ready? What natal artifact?

Even Damian used N metal to make a katana. You don't have any N metal on your body, and you have never used a weapon. "

"I don't need it. Only when the body cannot bear too much magic power, it is necessary to transfer the life essence, divine essence, and soul essence into the artifact. I am a human on the surface, but in essence I have become a tree, like a tree spirit. Even if the power within the body is excessive, it can still be stored in the green space of all things."

Xanadu said: "Ivy was originally a human being, but now it is no longer considered a human being. The skills of the natal artifact were originally invented by humans. Strictly speaking, they were invented by humans on earth.

I don’t know why, but our bodies on Earth are extremely weak.

Not to mention comparing with extraordinary creatures, even alien mages are better than us. "

Selena patted Harley's arm, "Who dares to say that Harley is weak?"

Xanadu said calmly: "The weakness here is not physical weakness, but the body's tolerance to high energy levels and high concentrations of magic power.

Everyone knows that steel is stronger than glass, but the hardest steel will quickly melt away when placed in hydrochloric acid, while the most ordinary glass can hold hydrochloric acid.

Secondly, even within the scope of the multiverse, Harley is the biggest weirdo since the birth of the universe.

She has no right to be a representative of any ethnic group.

She is the only one, there is no other person like her, and there is no one who can be represented by her. "

"Are you praising me or hurting me?" Harley laughed.

"Looking at the smile on your face and the way you are beaming, it is obvious that no matter what I mean, you have regarded this as a boast." Xanadu said.

Selena glanced at Harley, then looked at Ivy, and said with a smile: "It would be the most interesting if Harley turned into a golden right boot, but it's a pity that she will definitely not be Naboo's little brother.

Ivy, has Neb ever called on you?

If you become a pair of universal boots. Hahaha, it’s also very interesting! "

"Do you believe I used magic to turn you into a pair of boots?" Ivy hit Selina on the shoulder and said, "And why do you think I will go to Naboo to be my little brother?"

Harry chuckled and said, "You don't want to be Nabu's little brother, and Nabu still looks down on you!

He came to Xanadu because he was interested in Xanadu's divination talent; he came to Sage Aoqi because he was probably coveting my "huge benefits"; he came to Constantine because Constantine was very capable.

In the end, he had no choice but to choose Kent. At least half of the reason was that Kent could practice the "Phantom Demon Heart Sutra".

Your all-greenness is of no use to Naboo.

Even the swamp monsters and even the Parliament of Nature are only part of the God of Order. "

Selina frowned and said, "Naboo is too snobbish."

"When you live for millions of years, when the friends and partners you grew up with are lost in the long river of time, and when everything you care about disappears, you may become as 'snobbish' as ​​him.

At his current stage of life, only the word "profit" is left in his life. " Harley sighed.

Selena said with a strange expression: "I didn't expect you to speak for him."

Harley shook her head slightly and said: "I'm not speaking for him, I just want to tell you, don't take it for granted and have high moral expectations for those old monsters who have lived for many years."

Another week later, the "Dark Night Rape Trial" that lasted for more than a month finally came to an end.

Harley also came to the Justice League, intending to get back the "Barbatos Memory".

"The trial is over. You no longer need the Barbatos memory to provide information about the rape, nor do you need it to testify in court. Why don't you take the initiative to return it to me and ask me to make a trip myself?"

According to Harley's initial thoughts, except for old Shazam, who has a special identity and needs the memory of Barbatos to convince him, other "rape suspects" do not need the memory to come forward at all.

When old Shazam is brought to justice, they should send the Barbatos memory back to Lishan.

As a result, the old Shazam case has long passed, and now that the trial has officially ended, they still have no intention of returning Barbatos' memory, so Harley can only come and get it herself.

The memory contains all the memories Barbatos can remember, including the memory about cooperating with the caster to re-create the defective cosmic embryo. It will eventually be cut off and handed over to Sage Aoqi to serve as the instructions for the "Dragon Copycat Barbatos" .

"Barbatos' memory."

Today, the rotating supervisor of the Hall of Justice is Diana. She thought for a while and then said: "Actually, I have never seen the Barbatos memory, and I don't use it on weekdays.

It is mainly needed by heroes in the scientific research department such as Bateman, Atom, Cyborg, and Mr. Excellence. "

With that said, she called "the third smartest man in the world" over her communicator.

"Harley, the Barbatos memory is of no use to you, right? Why not leave it in the Justice League.

Apart from memories related to 'rape', its mind is more about creation and the wisdom of the sixth dimension. This is an almost inexhaustible huge treasure.

I guarantee you that if we lend Barbatos' memory to us for ten years, we can't say that Earth's technology will soar to the stage of advanced civilization. At least there will be several outstanding projects that will surpass most advanced civilizations. "Mr. Excellence said excitedly.

Harley frowned and said, "If you just do your own research and find knowledge from the memory to modify your equipment, or design some functional equipment, that's no problem.

Using the knowledge in Barbatos' memory to develop Earth's civilization would do more harm than good and be extremely harmful. "

The smile disappeared from Mr. Excellence's face, "Barbatos is evil, but wisdom itself has no attributes. It just depends on how we use it."

Harry shook his head and said: "You think too simply. Wisdom has no attributes, but it will bias the development of civilization in a certain direction.

Now you are in this mountain, so you don't know the true face of Mount Lu.

Looking at Barbatos from a higher perspective, it is the Lord of the Nightmare World and the Creator of the Dark Multiverse. Its knowledge will inevitably lead to the path of dark nightmares.

There is a saying you must have heard countless times during the dark night - all roads lead to Barbatos in the dark. "

The Priest Owl is saying this, as are the Dark Knights and Barbatos.

Everyone, including Batman, who is trapped in Barbatos' nightmare reincarnation is saying this.

"This is not Barbatos' pretentious words, but a fact, a truth. As long as you stare into the nightmare, you will eventually meet Barbatos.

Now that Barbatos is dead, it cannot rise again. From now on, 'Barbatos' can only represent darkness and nightmare itself.

As long as humans are alive, there will always be fear, and fear will always turn into nightmares in their sleep at night.”

Harley pondered: "Theoretically, after the death of Barbatos, the lifespan of the Nightmare Universe is limited. Without the addition of new Nightmare Universes, the Dark Multiverse will soon die completely.

But I have a feeling that the Dark Multiverse may become the norm in the sixth dimension.

Now the Book of Nightmares is still turning into dark parallel universes. "

The third smartest man in the world was a little confused and a little scared when she said, "I only study the memory of the Creator in Barbatos' mind. Isn't that considered gazing into the darkness?"

Harley sighed: "Of course I believe you, but when you spread the 'Barbatos Wisdom' to human civilization, can you ensure that everyone can hold it?

I have no objection to you seeking wisdom from memory to solve your immediate troubles.

But you have to use its wisdom carefully and don't spread it. "

Mr. Excellence nodded solemnly, "Take the memory away. I will discuss with Cyborg and the others later to block all knowledge obtained from Barbatos' memory."

Only then did Diana seriously ask: "Why has the Dark Multiverse become the norm? Weren't they created illegally by Barbatos?

Now that Barbatos is dead and the Forge has returned, the Dark Multiverse of the past should be swept away. "

Harley mused: "Because the Dark Multiverse can also provide emotions for the world melting pot.

‘Origin’ is an emotionless beast.

It only cares about interests. It will maintain changes that are beneficial to the multiverse and will send down the destiny to support it; it will completely ignore mechanisms that cannot provide benefits to the multiverse; if it damages the interests of the multiverse, it will immediately use thunderbolt means to destroy them. It was completely destroyed. "

"There is only despair and pain in the dark multiverse, and negative emotions entering the world melting pot can only produce impurities." Diana said.

“Impurities can also be recycled by Barbatos, and the Dark Multiverse can also offer wonder and hope.

The beginning of despair is hope. Without hope, how can there be despair?

The stronger the despair at the end, the stronger the hope at the beginning. " Harley said.

Bateman was like a ghost, suddenly walking out of the shadows and asking: "Is this just your speculation, or have you already confirmed the loss of the Book of Nightmares with Morpheus?"

Harley glanced at him, "Now that I'm good at it, I know how to measure it, and I'll try not to torment Morpheus.

With my current strength and realm, since I have a premonition, I will definitely not go wrong. "

Bateman's face under the mask became serious.

Harley smiled and said: "If you don't want to face countless evil and perverted selves again, you should dream less and try not to have nightmares."

Diana immediately thought of those "Wonder Women" with withered bodies, hideous and twisted expressions, and crazy and absurd behaviors.

"Harry, do you have any good way to prevent us from having nightmares?" she asked expectantly.

Harry shrugged, "I can only say that by thinking less and practicing more self-cultivation on weekdays, nightmares can be reduced.

Even I can't do it without having nightmares at all. "

"You also have nightmares!" Diana's expression became more relaxed, with a smile on her face. "What kind of nightmares do you usually have? I can hardly imagine what your 'nightmare counterpart' is like."

Harley chuckled and said, "You really can't imagine that, because there are no nightmares of mine in the Dark Multiverse, there is no "nightmare peer" of mine.

Because my biggest nightmare is that I can no longer steal other people's magic.

If this becomes the real world, it will be a wonderful world that is extremely normal and harmonious.

It's very abnormal for me to frequently steal other people's magic power.

The Dark Multiverse does not allow the normal universe to exist at all, let alone a beautiful world.

Therefore, the Dark Multiverse is exclusive to good people, and only the nightmares of good people will enter the Dark Multiverse. "

Diana was stunned for a moment before reacting, and said unwillingly: "As the saying goes, good people are rewarded. Not only are we good people not rewarded, but we are targeted by the nightmare world. This is unfair and unreasonable!"

"Good people will be rewarded with good things is just a saying of human beings, and it is also a self-comfort of human beings. The real situation is that the 'God' of our multiverse not only does not go out of his way to help good people, but sometimes good people do too many good things, and will also help bad people to do bad things. , the balance between good and evil is its pursuit." Harley said.

"Can you tell the Forger and ask him to do his best to prevent the birth of a new nightmare world?" Diana asked.

The third wise man sighed: "Maybe it is the Forger who is creating a new nightmare world."

Harley said: "Maybe it's the Forger, or maybe it's a brand new cosmic mechanism. No matter who is creating the nightmare world, the Forger will only work hard to maintain this system. He cannot resist the 'origin' for the will of mortals."

The second day, Lishan Manor.

On the martial arts field, Dick, Damian, Jason, Barbara and other "Harley's disciples, relatives and friends" stood in a row.

A few meters in front of them, eight doors stood.

It is no different from an ordinary single-open wooden door, but there is only one door frame and door panel, not embedded in the wall, and there is no room behind the door.

A series of eight doors stood on the ground.

Harley also put on her training clothes today, faced all her disciples and friends, and said, "You must all know that four giant gods got into the hole in the origin wall, and the giant gods are getting closer and closer to the main universe."

"Many well-informed ordinary people also know about it, and some people even posted online to discuss this matter. However, all news has been banned by the US government. Posts and tweets on the Internet have been deleted instantly, and now they cannot even be posted." Dick said.

"Recently, many wealthy people in Gotham have left the earth in spaceships. It is said that they are trying to avoid the crisis of the Four Titans." Jason added.

"It's not just Gotham. There are dignitaries leaving in every city around the world. The information ban is only effective on ordinary people, but it is useless to them." Dinah said.

"We won't discuss this today."

Harley waved her hand and explained: "What I want to say is that the Four Giants may have transcendent powers. Have you ever been prepared to face the transcendent ones?

When ordinary people come before the gods, they cannot help but fall to the ground under the divine aura and pressure of the gods, and their hearts and bodies surrender to the gods.

The God-King, who is stronger than the gods, cannot even be looked directly at by ordinary people.

If it were a creator stronger than the God King.

Many of you have experienced the anti-monitor crisis. The anti-monitor naturally exudes the power of anti-matter. Not to mention ordinary people, extraordinary heroes and ordinary gods will also dissolve into part of the anti-matter power when they get close.

If the four giant gods are truly transcendent, they must be more terrifying than the Creator. "

"Sister Harley, you don't expect me to fight the four giants with a samurai sword, right?" Damian shouted: "If the sky falls, there will be tall people to hold it up.

Obviously, the responsibility of the Four Giant Gods belongs to you. We can just shout from the sidelines, "Sister Harley, you are awesome." "

Seven or eight Teen Titans, including Jason, Dick, Rachel, and Barbato, all turned their heads and raised their middle fingers to him.

"Damian, you can only represent yourself! No matter what difficulties we face, we will never back down."

Damian sneered: "I killed a dark knight in the dark night, who of you can compare with me? But I not only have courage, but also strategy and wisdom.

Sister Harley is right next to you, and you still rush forward to die. That's not bravery, it's stupid, it's stupid. "

Dick said disdainfully: "After all, it still depends on Sister Harley. If Sister Harley chooses me to be the protagonist, I will be the one to kill the Dark Knight. No matter whether there is Sister Harley or not, my personal will and philosophy will not be shaken. .”

"Sister Harley gave you the opportunity to be the protagonist, but instead of killing the Dark Knight, you only became an 'urban stallion.'" Jason complained at the side.

"Stop arguing!" Harry stopped their nonsense, pointed to the eight doors behind him, and said: "The body and soul can be exercised, and so can the will and belief.

These eight doors are divided into 'Barbatos' Roar', 'Barbatos' Darkness', 'Barbatos' Wrath', 'Barbatos' Whisper', 'Barbatos' Control', 'Barbatos' 'Swiss', 'Barbatos' cruelty', 'Barbatos' power'. "

In fact, there is no need for her to name them specifically. Their respective names are directly on the eight wooden doors.

"Sister Harley, if I understand correctly, after opening these 'Barbatos Doors', we will enter a strange space related to Barbatos, where the special environment can exercise our will and thoughts, right? asked Cassandra.

"Smart!" Harry praised her, then gave them a weird smile and said, "Ten thousand words can't be worth one personal experience. Come with me."


The wooden door with "Roar of Barbatos" written on it opened automatically, revealing a dark blue-black light curtain in the door frame.

When Harley walked closer, the light curtain instantly turned into a huge clockwise rotating vortex.

There seemed to be a suction force in the vortex, and Harley only touched the surface, and her body immediately disappeared without a trace.

Without any hesitation or worry, Dick and the others quickly stepped forward with excitement on their faces, and disappeared into the whirlpool one by one.

The process of passing through the whirlpool was very short. I only felt that the eyes were dark, and the surrounding space seemed to solidify. Then the next second, "Roar~~~"

The sound of the dragon's roar was like a hammer as big as a house, hitting every part of their bodies head-on. Their bodies became crispy, and their souls floated out from their bodies.

It was not an illusion, Dick saw his frightened and stiff face in a trance.

“Ho ho ho~~~”

Everyone only received one "real dragon's roar", and their vague consciousness slowly recovered, and then they took control of their bodies again, feeling that their bodies were as stiff as wood and as cold as steel in winter.

It was as if the soul had been away from the body for too long, and the body was cold and stiff.

"Haha, how do you feel?" Harley's laughter and smile suddenly appeared from the front, and there was a hazy light in the dark space. At least he could see the surrounding scenery.

There was no scenery around them. They were in a dark void space, with not even a stone except for their companions around them.

"My soul was shaken out of my body just now. Is that a dragon roar? It's so powerful. I have never heard such a terrifying dragon roar."

"Fortunately, my pants are not wet. I thought I peed my pants."

"Sister Harley, the roar just now came from Barbatos? Isn't it dead?"

Harley pressed down her right hand to calm them down and said: "Barbatos's body is the dragon. I separated its voice and solidified it in this small plane, which is the head of the dragon below Lishan. in space.

Barbatos was captured by me, and its dark creative power naturally belonged to me.

The sound driven by its creative power is almost the same as the roar of its body.

You have already felt the power of Barbatos' Roar.

To tell you the truth, what you feel is only the limit of what you can bear, and it does not mean that it is the limit of the Roar of Barbatos.

There is no emotion in the simple roar of Barbatos. There are no emotions such as anger, fear, and joy in the roar.

Training here mainly exercises the resilience of your soul, and can also enhance your control over your body and soul.

Withstand the roar of Barbatos, you can talk to any supreme god-king without changing your expression. "

"This is indeed a good place!" Damian whistled excitedly and asked: "What power do the other seven doors represent for Barbatos, and what can they exercise?"

"In the door of 'Barbatos' Darkness', there is the dark will that I separated from Barbatos.

After entering the door, you will fall into an extremely negative state. You will subconsciously want to give up your ideals and completely sink into darkness.

Staying in it can sharpen your ideas and your soul.

The Angry Space of Barbatos. Obviously, I have separated all the angry emotions of Barbatos and carried its anger. No one can scare you with my momentum and words.

In the fourth door, I cut off the willpower that represents Barbatos's three views. It will continue to confuse you with the voice of the soul and pollute your spiritual power.

I pulled away Barbatos' power and merged into the space behind the fifth door. The laws inside are completely controlled by it and change randomly according to its will. If you can adapt, I guess none of you can really adapt. Alas, try your best. And for that. "

Next, Harley told Barbatos's resourcefulness, cruelty, and strength.

Although there are as many as eight doors, they are basically designed to exercise will and belief.

Physical strength and adaptability can also be developed, but only incidentally.

"Sister Harley, you are so powerful and ruthless that you have separated Barbatos's voice, strength, resourcefulness, cruelty, darkness, anger, and three views. These things that sound very illusory, how can you do it? "?" Dick said in shock.

Harley felt very proud, but said nonchalantly: "It's just a simple dissection technique. When I separated the 'Barbatos Memory' to serve as a witness for the Justice League, I cut it into 80,000 pieces.

But I didn't think earlier that these bits and pieces could be used to train you.

Mr. Excellence, Cyborg, they inspired me.

I gave them Barbatos' memory as a witness, but they obtained Barbatos' wisdom from the memory.

This gave me an idea and I thought of the ‘Barbatos Training Plan’. "

Dinah exclaimed: "Is it true or not that the 80,000 pieces were dismantled?"

"'Eighty thousand dollars' should be just an adjective." Starfire said.

Harry's face was calm, "Yes, it's just an adjective. There are many descriptions."

Just as they showed their relaxed expressions of "Sure enough," they heard Harry say: "The real number is over 800,000."

"You cut Barbatos' body into eight hundred thousand parts?"

"How can there be any technical content in cutting a corpse? Cutting into 800,000 parts is all about concepts such as sound, anger, and power." Harley said lightly.

"Ah, is that too exaggerated? Even if you are very good at cutting, does Barbatos have 800,000 'power concepts' for you to cut?" Everyone was both amazed and a little skeptical.

"Your knowledge is still too shallow. You must know that 'anger' alone has 80,000 variations. As long as you cut it thinly enough, I can cut 80,000 variations of one 'anger'."

Harley is showing off.

Anger can indeed be subdivided into many types, but Barbatos has not experienced 80,000 kinds of angry emotions in his life. How can she deal with something that doesn't exist?

Just when everyone was frightened by her and marveled one after another, a call that only she could hear suddenly came to Harley's ears, "Harry, Harley, where are you?"

Her true body continues to stay in the "Roar of Barbatos" space to teach them how to use the dragon's roar to train themselves.

A ray of consciousness returned to Lishan Manor, and Hal Jordan came from the sky with an anxious look on his face.

Hal didn't bother to ask her where she had been before, and only shouted urgently: "Harry, something bad is going on! I have placed hundreds of spies from higher civilizations in Kelu, Lann, Tamaran and other places. In the past month, there have been reports of The same news comes - the prophets of these civilizations all made prophecies related to the four giants.

But they all hide it, and no one has the civilization to disclose the information. "

Harley said in confusion: "Why are you anxious? Didn't I tell you about this situation earlier? I can sense the changes in the river of destiny, and so can others."

"But the prophecies they made are completely different from yours. Some civilizations even think that the four giant gods are their chance to transcend, and they are secretly planning to welcome the king!" Hal said anxiously.

"Welcome Master Wang." The corner of Harry's mouth twitched, "They are seeking death, so there is no need for you to rush!"

"Wouldn't their belief and faith enhance the power of the Four Giant Gods?" Hal said.

Harley's expression changed slightly, "Perhaps the Four Titans will arrive soon."

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