I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1835 The Tenth Metal is Born

Barbatos guessed it right. Harley would definitely not kill it casually and then let its soul go to the "reincarnation place of creation" for reincarnation. For these creators, it is not even reincarnation, it is almost equivalent to rebirth. Forge the body of creation.

The lower half of its body exploded into a ball of pure "power of dark creation".

Before it transformed the power of creation into a big explosion that destroyed the laws and energy structure of the main universe, Harley got into its core, and within the golden film force field with a radius of a hundred kilometers, the space began to collapse toward her throat.

With the help of the two Creators, the expanded purple-black lightning energy was absorbed in just a moment.

Among them, the pure power of creation was purified by the gastric acid mist and sent into the "Power of Creation Defense Expertise" experience jar; Barbatos' spiritual will was extracted separately and sealed in a gold-film bubble in the stomach pouch.

"Barbatos is done, you guys take care of the human tower." Harley said to the two creators.

The reason why she hurried back was because her consciousness in the "Primary Ring of Cause and Effect" was suddenly touched, and she saw the cruel scene of Barbatos destroying the Human Tower and killing the billions of people on earth who composed the Human Tower.

Well, this "prophecy" is very clear, because Barbatos has no idea of ​​hiding his thoughts at all. It just wants to destroy Harley, who has been "hiding" at the bottom of Limbo, to force it back by destroying the human tower, and then it can be activated. "Nirvana in all directions", destroying the entire world and taking away her life. Of course, this is Barbatos' daydream.

It is indeed terrifying for two creators to be tied together and trigger the annihilation reaction of the power of creation.

Detonated at close range, it is enough to kill any existence that has not transcended.

But Harley is not yet transcendent. Her defense has already exceeded the multiverse limit of 120 points. He has transcended purely in terms of defense. Even if his pure physical body welcomes the "annihilation of the ten directions", his body will not be dissolved in the "creation annihilation reaction" as Barbatos expected.

In short, Barbatos hopes that Harley knows that it is destroying the human tower, and the death of the people on earth means the destruction of earth civilization. The causal connection between earth civilization and the "Galaxy Admiral" is too strong, so she will Tower Massacre Prophecy” is very clear.

Then she gave up her plan to stay at the bottom of Limbo and be patient with Barbatos, and used "Kui's invisibility" (borrowing the Tears of Death and the Wind of Nothingness to cover her body and eliminate her breath) to sneak back to Gotham on Earth. Barbatos was secretly observed from afar.

Considering that Barbatos is the Creator after all, and has spread his "dark laws" to the entire main universe, even Naboo, who controls the earth's basic law system, has become part of the dark multiverse, and the entire earth has almost completely become its domain. , outsiders approaching and observing it directly will inevitably arouse its vigilance.

Before leaving the bottom floor of Limbo, Harley specially transferred hundreds of gods of destiny with only their remaining souls to the Island of the Gods, and cooperated with a dozen new gods of destiny under her command to use the "Book of Destiny" to curse Barbatos and the Laughing Bat.

It just curses them to fall into a period of bad luck, where everything goes wrong, their spiritual intelligence is unclear, and they do stupid things.

If an ordinary person were to be cursed like this, he would definitely be possessed by a degenerate spirit and be ruined for the rest of his life.

But the Creator can cover and control his own destiny.

Basically, those who have reached the realm of God King can protect their own destiny to a large extent, and they are also very sensitive to the curse of fate.

Even if the joint curse of the gods of fate can really affect Barbatos, it won't last long. It cannot be used as a conventional weapon for a long time and can only serve as a "surprise weapon" at critical moments.

So far, it seems that the effect is pretty good.

If Harley wants to prevent Barbatos from detonating the "Ten Directions of Annihilation", even "Origin" and fate will be on her side.

When the two creators helped clear the human tower, Harley also released them at the request of the heroes of Arkland.

Saving the billions of people who make up the human tower is just the beginning. Next, we have to help them return to their homes, treat their illnesses and injuries, and resume production and life. The two creators will definitely not do this kind of work. Harley herself is too lazy to bother, Super Heroes have their place.

"Harley? Harley, you're back!" As soon as the Archimedes airship landed, Oliver's projection suddenly appeared from the ground like an earth descendant, in fact, it emerged from the shadow world.

Seeing Harley and the heroes, his face, which was originally full of weather and fatigue, immediately showed a look of ecstasy.

"Your reaction speed is very fast. You came here just after the battle."

She was a little surprised to see him appear.

Harley thought she would have to call him in person.

"The guerrillas in Gotham have been completely wiped out, but there are still our people in nearby cities. They saw strange phenomena in the sky of Gotham. They saw the human towers in the city shining with golden light, and the purple clouds covering the human towers. The black lightning disappeared, and the people returned to their original appearance from the withered mummies. In addition, I was originally guarding the gate of hell, so I received the news as soon as possible."

"Harry, the battle is over? Where's Barbatos? You don't seem to be moving when you stand here. Who is saving the people in the human tower?" After a brief explanation, he immediately handed over a series of questions.

Harley raised her head and glanced at the sky, then turned to the Martian Manhunter beside her and said, "Jon, use your spiritual power to communicate with him and tell him what happened in detail.

I'm going to see the monitors and counter-monitors. They've finished their work and seem to be leaving. "

Leaving Oliver to marvel in the snow, Harley left Gotham in an instant and arrived near low-Earth orbit.

The middle-aged man Wu Tan and the old anti-supervisor in ancient costume had expressionless faces, almost back-to-back. Well, back-to-back, not back-to-back. The back-to-back posture was undoubtedly very intimate, but in fact, the two creator brothers turned their heads and did not look at each other. It's still a bit far away, and the atmosphere is cold and hard.

It's no wonder that whether it was the Crisis on Infinite Earths in the early years or the Darkseid War last year, these two were deadly enemies.

Until Barbatos appears, they become fellow prisoners and fellow prisoners.

"The power of dark creation in the human tower has been cleared, their damaged bodies have been repaired by the power of creation, their lost vitality has been replenished, and their condition is gradually stabilizing."

Seeing Harley coming, Monitor Wu Tan took the initiative and said: "As for how to bring their minds back from the nightmare dimension, you can go to Morpheus the Sandman, or... isn't Barbatos' soul in your hands?

I believe you must have the means to bring it into submission.

Now that things are here, it's almost time for me to leave. The earth is your human earth after all.

The Monitor's responsibilities are throughout the multiverse, and there is not much that can be done to help you.

And with you here, there's nothing I need to do. "

The anti-supervisory king on the other side, well, now he has become an anti-supervisory old man.

The anti-supervisor old man also turned around, but his expression was complicated, his mouth was tightly closed, and he did not speak.

"Many questions are not clear yet. Why are you anxious?" Harley waved her hand and asked, "What's wrong with you? The multiverse is your home, your domain. You, the majestic creator, are actually in your own domain. Isn’t it too embarrassing to be defeated by the ‘Creator’s Pet’?”

Wu Tan said with a dull face: "Didn't Destiny also be defeated by an Earthling in his own field, and also have the "Book of Destiny" taken away? He is more embarrassed than me."

——Who is more embarrassed now? In other words, when you have to compare yourself with others, you are already embarrassed.

Harry complained in his heart, and crossed himself on the chest with a pious expression, "Everything depends on the blessing of the Lord, praise God, thank God, Amen!

I feel that under the protection of the Lord, whatever achievements I achieve are deserved. "

Wu Tan's skinny face twitched a few times, and he said: "There is someone behind Barbatos! If it's just him, I can easily twitch and skin him."

"But you already have a human body, so you should be able to effectively resist the woman's evil whispers." Harley glanced at the old anti-supervisor, "Last year, Mobius once again set off the 'Crisis on Infinite Earths', even if that woman harassed you, you The fight with Mobius is still going back and forth, is Barbatos far stronger than Mobius?"

"Nonsense!" The old anti-supervisor, who had been silent all this time, let out a loud roar that should not belong to his age and skinny stature, causing ripples to appear in Harry's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Under normal circumstances, even with the help of that woman, I could beat that bastard Barbatos to death. The reason why I was captured is all your fault." There was anger and reluctance on his old face.

"Blame me?" Harley pointed to her nose with a puzzled look on her face, "Are you confused, or are you out of your mind? Without me to help you reincarnate, you can't even maintain your own independent thinking. You are totally like Pape. Tua’s puppet is no different from Barbatos.”

The anger on the old man's face remained unabated as he asked, "Where did you send me to be reincarnated?"

Harry looked him up and down and said: "I promised you that day, except to make sure that you will be born in an ordinary family in the next life and experience the emotions and life of ordinary people in the next life, I will not look for your reincarnation. Interfering with your next life.

Therefore, I don’t even know the universe and country you are reincarnated in.

But judging from your appearance and service, could it be that you were born in the East or in ancient times? "

"The country and the era are not the important point. The important point is that as the creator of the anti-matter universe, I must be reborn in the anti-matter universe in order to control the power of creation and awaken the supreme power of creation.

But you sent me to Wantianyi, to the positive matter multiverse! "

The old man said excitedly: "I am the creator of antimatter. What I need is the origin of antimatter! And this multiverse has completely isolated antimatter energy——"

He pointed at Wu Tan, his voice became louder and angrier, "This bastard is guarding me like a thief, not even a trace of antimatter energy is allowed to enter.

When Barbatos found me, I was just an ordinary old scholar with no power and no memory of my past life!

Facing Barbatos, what can an ordinary mortal do? "

"Uh, that's it." Harley was a little embarrassed and understood his anger.

Although she did not deliberately control the reincarnation location of the Anti-Monitor King, she subconsciously sent him into Wantianyi, which is the realm of the monitor.

There is definitely no source of antimatter energy in the Monitor's domain.

This means that even if the anti-monitoring king has awakened the memory of his past life, he still cannot control the power of creation.

Antimatter energy cannot reach him!

This is not the worst thing. Without the power and strength of the Creator, he is just an ordinary bad old man.

Ordinary people will experience birth, old age, illness and death.

Judging from his shabby appearance, he wouldn't have survived long if Barbatos hadn't come to him.

They will naturally die of old age in a few years, and then repeat the cycle of reincarnation, and they will never be able to regain control of the power of the Creator.

Because his place of reincarnation will not change, the world he is reborn in will never have the power of creation.

"Why don't you send him away?" Harley turned her eyes to Wu Tan and complained: "Even if you don't want to send him away, don't keep stopping him!"

"When did I stop him? I didn't know he was reincarnated in Wan Tianyi." Wu Tan frowned.

Harley said: "Didn't he just say that you should treat him as a thief and not allow even a trace of antimatter origin to flow in?"

Wu Tan said helplessly: "Having experienced two crises on infinite earths, it would be a serious dereliction of duty for me not to be extremely vigilant and take strict precautions against the influx of antimatter energy.

The isolation and sealing of antimatter energy is for the entire antimatter universe, not just for Mobius.

The multiverse is so big that even the monitor satellites cannot detect it as long as he does not distort the original destiny of the world on a large scale. "

Having said this, he also looked at the old man carefully and said, "You were not born in the United States, right? There are superhero stories in almost every parallel universe, and almost all mainstream heroes are in the United States.

An ancient man from the East, no matter how hard he tried, could not affect the world of heroes on the other side of the Pacific. "

"Hmph, when I say you treat me as a thief, I only mean that you block the antimatter universe, but you may not be unaware of my existence." The old man glanced at him sideways, "But you just want to take revenge on me. You want to Lock me in a weird world where even scientific rules are distorted, so that I can never return to the 'Throne of Creation'!"

Wu Tan sneered and said: "You will definitely treat me like this when we are in a different place. But I am not you. You judge a gentleman with a villain's heart."

"You are a hypocrite, I can see right through you."

"Ahem, everyone, please listen to me!" Seeing that they had a tendency to continue quarreling, Harley took the initiative to intervene and said: "I am also aware of the disputes between you that have lasted for many years, but there is a saying that 'the grudges are resolved after death. '.

Both of you have been reincarnated once in the human world. You are too persistent in your hatred of the previous life, which will affect your life in this life.

In this life, you should join hands to deal with the 'old mother crisis' that may come at any time.

Her attitude has been fully revealed in the "Ten Directions Annihilation Plan", and she has no old feelings for you at all. In other words, her only emotion towards you is hatred and hostility. "

The old man glanced at Wu Tan and said contemptuously: "He can't even defeat Barbatos, how much hope do you have in him?"

Wu Tan did not look at him and only explained to Harley: "You should know very well that Barbatos is never alone, and there are seven most powerful Dark Knights in the Dark Multiverse beside him.

After the Dark Portal opened, I immediately sent a message to Dome and asked them to summon the superheroes from the multiverse to join forces with me to fight the dark invasion.

But before the Dome could approach, Barbatos had already led the Dark Knights into the Super Time Monitor satellite.

Eight of them beat me one by one, so of course I was no match. "

Harley's expression was very tangled, and she wanted to say: You are the Creator, you are still in your domain, your territory, why do you accept the fact that you can't defeat Barbatos and the Dark Knights so naturally?

Wu Tan seemed to see something and emphasized: "You can tell by the title, the Creator is not the God of War!

If the enemy's own energy level is not much lower than that of the Creator, the Creator cannot absolutely crush it.

You Earth heroes should know this very well.

In the second Crisis on Infinite Earths, wasn't it just a few thick-skinned God's Favorites and a group of justice incarnations chasing Mobius around? "

"Nonsense, when did I escape?" the anti-monitor old man said angrily: "Even if it's just a clone projection, even if my fundamental purpose is not to fight but to plunder energy, even if they have thick-skinned gods as human shields, I will fight Tens of thousands of superheroes were killed and injured.

And don’t forget, I had helpers around me at the time.

If they really fight, the incarnation of justice on the Qiongji will definitely not be able to stop them.

However, my goal was to plunder energy, not to engage in meaningless fights, so I had only been dealing with them separately. I never called for help, nor did I deliberately use my body to ambush them. "

Of course there aren't tens of thousands of superheroes on the Dome for him to kill.

The superheroes counted in the "tens of thousands" by the old counter-monitor were basically local indigenous heroes, and all of them were later resurrected by Harley.

Moreover, he only persisted in fighting in the early stage, and only ran away immediately when facing Harley's true form. Later, as the superheroes on the Dome became more and more experienced, he gradually became overwhelmed and began to lose but not win.

He finally ran away and no longer entangled with the incarnation of justice. Once entangled, it would be difficult to escape.

Wu Tan ignored him and continued to say to Harley, who frowned slightly: "Barbatos has taken away the power of the Forger, you should no longer regard it as the 'Creator's pet'.

Basically, it has no less power and authority than I do.

And the Dark Knight has its power, enough to withstand my crushing.

I couldn't crush with power, I could only fight with fists, and I was unable to defeat 14 opponents with both fists, so I didn't lose unfairly.

Also, don’t forget, that woman has been helping Barbatos. "

Harley nodded reluctantly.

She still thinks he is a bit low, but considering that in the "Battle for Multiverse Hegemony" on Earth 51, many monitors were massacred by the emperor and the emperor's mortal brothers, it seems that the monitors have always been low and their combat effectiveness is very poor.

Wu Tan is not low, he just inherited and carried forward the "low gene" of the previous generation of supervisors.

"Harley, if nothing is wrong, I'll leave first." Her attitude was not very positive, and Wu Tan also felt embarrassed, "The fall of the Bright Multiverse has stopped, but Wan Tianyi has not returned to its original state. I have a lot of work to do.

First of all, I have to quickly go to the hypertime stream to find the Dome.

They originally received my invitation and planned to enter the Monitor satellite, but they were ambushed by the Dark Knights and lost in the unknown territory. "

"Okay, you go first. I'll call you if anything happens. You can also come to me if you need anything."

Wu Tan nodded towards her and disappeared in the next moment.

"Harley Quinn, I'm leaving too." The old man decided to say goodbye and leave.

"Wait a moment." Harley stopped him and said, "When we were talking about the 'Second Crisis on Infinite Earths,' you said you had helpers. I remember that in addition to Greer and her daughter, Superboy-Prime also joined you again. , right? Why was there no news about him later? (ps)"

"Do you think he and I can still get along without any grudges and cooperate seamlessly?" the old man asked in return.

"I admit that when I heard that you two were hooking up again, I immediately thought of a plan to make you repeat the same mistakes as during the War of Sex and Light.

Don't doubt it, even if you learn to be smart and become extremely cautious, the trashy Superboy has no brains and has been stupid and reckless for so many years. If you just say a few words, he will definitely attack you again.

The problem is, I didn’t even have time to separate you, so why did you go your separate ways? "There seemed to be some regret in Harley's cry.

The anti-supervisory king's old face twisted, "You're right, Superboy Supreme has made little progress over the years. He's stupid and has a short temper. When he saw me failing in your hands, he immediately prepared... Well, the reason why he pledged his allegiance to me again is To destroy his own hometown."

"He wants to destroy the 'Original Earth'?" Harley said in surprise: "That is his home planet. During the 'Multiple Restart Crisis', the reason why he left the Heroes' Paradise was to restart the 'Original Earth'."

"He only misses his 'hometown' where his girlfriend and parents love him. Now you have invaded his earth and destroyed his life. He wants to destroy the original earth that has been polluted by you and recreate a world where everyone loves him new world."

Harley thought thoughtfully, "This is in line with his style. When he saw you, he didn't dare to face me head-on. You didn't dare to physically go to the Origin Earth, which was already targeted by me. His hopes were shattered, and he planned to It will come back to bite you again."

The old anti-supervisor shook his head and said: "Maybe he didn't want to bite me back and just wanted to leave, but I remember his betrayal of me back then.

It was precisely because of his betrayal that I was made into a black lamp wick by the Black Death Emperor.

How could I not avenge such a shame and humiliation?

This time it wasn't his turn to do something dirty to me, I did it to him first. "

The corners of Harley's mouth twitched slightly, "Did you beat him to death?"

The Anti-Surveillance King said with a strange expression: "I would like to kill him, but he is better at bursting with potential than ordinary Superman. Even if he is attacked by me, he still relies on the 'Anti-Surveillance Armor' to quickly recover.

I fought with him to the end of the universe, but in the end I could only forcefully teleport him to the origin wall with Greer's cooperation. "

The place where he and Superboy-Prime were having an internal conflict was definitely not in the main universe, otherwise Harley would have discovered it long ago.

Parallel universes also have origin walls.

Superboy-Prime is now hanging on the origin wall of a parallel universe whose origin was seized by the Anti-Monitor King.

"Is there anything else you want to ask? If not, I should leave."

"Which world and country were you born in this life? Why do you look like an ancient person?" Harley asked.

"I was born during the Kangxi period and have been a member of the Qing Dynasty all my life." The old rebel prisoner said simply.

"That's not right, you don't have money and a rat tail, and you are obviously wearing Hanfu." Harley said doubtfully.

Just like his pigtails, she had already determined his nationality and age.

"The Qing Dynasty died early!" The old anti-supervisor's expression and tone were very complicated, and he seemed to be a little sad and sighing.

"How old are you?"

"Already 85 years old. Alas, time flows so fast in that universe. If Barbatos doesn't come to me, I can only start the second reincarnation." At this point, he glared at her again complainingly.

Harry didn't pay attention to his tone and expression, and just wondered: "No, you were born during the Kangxi period, and you are only 85 years old now, not 185 years old. How come the Qing Dynasty has been dead for so many years?"

"Can the Qing Dynasty in your universe be the same as the Qing Dynasty in which I exist? Okay, I'm leaving."

Harry wanted to ask again, but suddenly he heard someone calling him, and the "True Qing Dynasty Relic" opposite him also looked impatient.

"Goodbye, remember to come to me if you need anything. At least we can trust each other when it comes to fighting against your old mother."

The old anti-prisoner nodded gently, and his body gradually faded and disappeared.

"Harley, what's going on with the anti-monitors and monitors?"

"Harry, although the human tower has been demolished, the people have not woken up!"

"Harry, although Barbatos was killed, the entire earth is still shrouded in the dark clouds it left behind. All cities are covered in ice and snow. Even if the people wake up, they cannot go home.

Now they are in a bad state and need a warm and comfortable place to settle down. "

"Harley, don't forget the Dawn Lantern and the Killing Machine, and by the way, the Black Bat. Take them down quickly to avoid causing any more trouble."

"Harley, now that Barbatos and the Dark Knights have been wiped out, shouldn't we immediately go to the Creation Furnace to rescue Superman and the others?"

"Harley, look at the tuning fork. Purple-black energy lightning is flashing on it, and there are several clown dragons coiled around it."

"Harry, look at Naboo's helmet."

As soon as Harley landed, a large group of people gathered around her, including superheroes and the temporary commander-in-chief of the United States, Ryan. They all asked her a lot of questions.

She kept pressing down with her hands for a while until they calmed down.

"The Monitors and Anti-Monitors have left. The Dark Night crisis has spread to the entire Light Multiverse, including the Antimatter Universe. Their responsibilities and tasks are very heavy and they cannot help us more."

After first explaining the situation of anti-supervision and surveillance, she looked at Commander Ryan and other American officials and asked curiously: "Where did you come from?"

Ryan said: "There is a military bunker in Los Angeles 13 kilometers above the surface. Uncle Sam's freedom fighter team and Shadow Bureau agents have been protecting me and observing the state of the surface city.

After confirming that the human tower was lifted and Barbatos was dead, Uncle Sam immediately sent me over. "

Harley said: "The reason why the sky is covered with clouds is because most of the main universe has fallen into the dark multiverse. The laws of the two worlds are different, and the sun cannot shine.

When the light multiverse returns to its original state, the clouds and ice will naturally disappear quickly.

As for the comatose people.

Although the human tower was lifted, the people who formed the human tower were still trapped in a nightmare.

But the nightmare will eventually dissipate, don't worry too much.

For their resettlement and post-disaster city reconstruction, you can call our alien allies!

This dark night is not only targeting the earth, but also not only affecting the main universe.

In theory, all wealthy and powerful organizations and countries in the multiverse are obliged to lend a helping hand to us. "

"With your words, our alien friends must actively donate money and materials." A relaxed smile appeared on Ryan's face.

Harley felt that his words were very problematic. It sounded like she was forcing an alien friend.

But now she doesn't have time to worry about such trivial matters.

After sending away the commander, she prepared to clean up the clown dragon near Challenger Mountain.

"Don't kill me. I am not a companion of Barbatos. Look at what I look like now. I used to be a living person with an independent will, but now I have been twisted by them into this kind of monster. I dare say that I am better than you." Hate it and the Laughing Bat!"

The clown dragon was as smart as she expected. He sensed her murderous intention and even knew how to do misfortune to gain sympathy.

"You were originally the 'Joker' of Gotham, right?" Harley asked.

"Yes, we were all Gotham clowns once, and we also understand that 'Joker' does not have a good reputation, but compared to us, 'Batman' is the real devil!" Clown Dragon shouted.

"Sorry, the Joker has no human rights in Gotham, and this is Gotham."

If it were other super villains, if she got interested, she would send them back to the Dark Multiverse. As for the Joker, even if it were the Clown Dragon, she wouldn't even think about giving them a second glance.

After crushing several clown dragons to death, Harley cleaned the tuning fork again and stuffed it into the stomach dimension again.

Then Dr. Fate came over holding the Naboo helmet.

"Harry, can you please save Naboo?" He held the helmet in both hands and handed it over, with a bit of pleading in his embarrassed expression.

As a person involved, he was very aware of the relationship between Harley and the King of Naboo. The two did not have a deep friendship and had many old grievances. They would feel happy when they saw each other's misfortune.

No, when she saw the helmet that was crumpled up like an old newspaper, the corners of Harley's mouth curled up uncontrollably, and her brows and eyes were full of joy.

"It's all rotten like this. Just throw it in the trash. It's completely hopeless." She said with a smile.

"No, my will is still there, I did not surrender to Barbatos~~~" The helmet, which was crumpled into a ball of scrap metal, flashed with golden light, and a weak and painful voice reached the ears of the two of them.

"Naboo's consciousness is still there. We only need to clear out the dark power in his soul to restore him to his original state," Kent advised.

"He is willing to completely open his soul to me? To be honest, I am not a gentleman, and I will definitely not be able to help peeking into his secrets, especially the secrets related to the earth's basic law system." Harley said calmly.

Helmet was silent and didn't speak.

Kent hesitated and said: "Can you lend your thick-skinned divine power to Naboo? Let him temporarily become your divine favor, so that he can control the thick-skinned divine power to expel the dark power."

Harley glanced at the broken helmet and knew in her heart that this was what Naboo himself was really thinking.

“Thick-skin’s divine power is very strong, but Thick-skin’s divine power alone cannot resist Barbatos’ dark power.

You should know what happened to Diana.

If the thick-skinned divine power was immune to the power of darkness, she would not be knocked down by a single move from the Owl Priest, nor would she be captured by Barbatos.

Doesn't Naboo have a lot of connections in heaven?

Go to God, only the glory of the Lord can completely dispel the darkness. "

She wasn't exactly prevaricating.

Naboo was injured on duty this time after all.

If she could help him, she would at most laugh at him for a while before helping him instead of refusing indifferently.

Now she is squeezing the power of dark creation from the remains of Barbatos to enhance the "Sixth Commentary" defensive feat.

The expertise level has not reached its peak, and is still only at level 7. It is not 100% immune to the power of dark creations.

The key is that Naboo's condition is very bad. His soul and the laws of order have been completely infiltrated by the power of dark creation, and he has been completely twisted into a "nightmare form" by Barbatos.

It is also because Naboo was twisted into the "Dark Order God" of the Dark Multiverse, and the basic law system he established on the earth will accelerate the earth's fall into the Dark Multiverse.

Harley can kill people from the Dark Multiverse, but she cannot rely on Thick-skin's divine power to turn people from the Dark Multiverse into people from the Light Multiverse.

Of course, she wasn't completely unable to help him.

Barbatos could twist Naboo with the power of creation, and so could she.

The question is, will Nab do it?

Instead of accepting her dipped distortion, it's better to go to Brother God.

"If the merit points are not enough, I can temporarily lend him tens of millions." Harley said.

"Your Majesty Naboo, look" Dr. Destiny lowered his head and looked at the helmet.

"Buzz!" When King Naboo was hesitating, the sky suddenly lit up with bright colorful lights.

The dark clouds that originally shrouded the upper layers of the earth, like the morning fog after the sun came out, melted away in the colorful glow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"We're back!" Diana's excited shout rang out in the center of the colorful light.

"Barbatos, come out and die!" Dachao looked up to the sky and roared, his momentum like a rainbow.

Three groups of colorful rays of light, like three little suns, burned away the haze in the sky, dispersed the ice on the ground, and flew straight to Challenger Mountain.

"Dachao, Bruce, Diana, you are back!" The hero at the foot of the mountain shouted in surprise: "What is the colorful light on your bodies? It feels so powerful and contagious. Could it be the Tenth Metal?"

After hearing the shouts of the heroes and not finding Barbatos around Challenger Mountain, the three colorful "little suns" immediately turned around and quickly converged the light around them, allowing everyone to see their appearance.

Sure enough, it's Superman, Diana and old Bruce. Well, no, Bruce is not old at all now, he looks much younger than his real age.

The three of them were still wearing their respective hero uniforms, but outside the uniforms they wore a layer of half-length armor made of colorful crystals.

"Oliver, Cyborg, ah, and Harley, you are all here? Where's Barbatos?"

The three of them landed on the ground, right in front of them, but none of the heroes came close to them.

They all felt from the three of them a kind of sacredness that could not be approached or profaned, and a huge pressure that was so powerful that they could not breathe or move.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!" Harley landed next to the three of them as if nothing had happened, and tapped Diana's chest - the colorful crystal breastplate - with her hand.

"This is the tenth metal? It's really magical. Even the laws around me have been distorted." She exclaimed.

She activated the defensive force field, but for the first time, after getting close to the three of them, her defensive force field was blocked by another force field and twisted into another shape.

Her defensive field didn't disappear, it just deformed.

Without special control, the force field around her is a ball centered on her.

At this moment, three pits appeared on the surface of the spherical force field, and in the center of the pits were the trio of Dachao.

The force fields and pits were invisible to the naked eye, but she could clearly sense them.

Judging from the expressions of the three people, they were also aware of it and even intended to control it.

"You mean the defensive force field, right?" Diana raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "I have discovered a long time ago that as long as I inject my own will into the tenth metal, I can distort the force field of the thick-skinned divine power to a certain extent. .

The tenth metal can modify and create the laws of the universe at will.

We, wearing the tenth metal armor, are like the universe with consciousness.

Your proximity to us is equivalent to entering the interior of the universe with its own will.

No matter how strong your thick-skinned power is, you can only adapt to the laws of the universe when you enter the interior of the universe.

But we can use our own will to create rules that do not allow your thick-skinned divine power and thick-skinned force fields to exist. "

Harley smiled strangely and said: "You can try it and see if you can transform the way of heaven with your own will and use your own rules to prohibit the approach of the thick-skinned force field."

As she spoke, she had already taken a few steps back, and then raised the effects of the God's Defense Specialty and the Connection Power Defense Specialty to level 10 - the omnipotent universe level!

And several other basic power defense specialties and the power of connection form the "DC Multiverse Defense Network".

Specializes in covering the gold film that reveals the appearance.

The spherical gold film slowly but firmly covered Diana and the three of them under everyone's gaze.

"Buzz buzz!" The golden film sphere vibrated gently like cicada wings, and the surfaces of the three faces of Diana were slightly deflated.

It can be seen that it is subject to a huge repulsive force.

But it still didn't stop.

Although the closer it got to the three people, the greater the collapse, but after all it did not sink into a big pit that could accommodate the whole person like before.

And it finally got close to the bodies of Diana and the three of them, wrapping them up. Unlike the previous days when it clung to the target's body, there was a palm-width gap between their body surface and the golden film.

"How could this happen? The Tenth Metal couldn't create the rules that would make the gold film force field non-existent!"

Da Chao and Bateman were fine, but their expressions were solemn, their complexions were pale, and the light of their colorful crystal armors was dim.

Diana gritted her teeth and sweat dripped from her forehead.

It was obvious that he was using his willpower to resist the golden film force field.

Harley smiled lightly and said: "The tenth metal is very strong. If you treat it as a material, it can cast the universe, and it can also formulate laws and destiny in line with your own will in the newly cast universe.

For example, when Barbatos was forging the embryo of the main universe, he quietly added a story about Bateman traveling 50,000 years ago.

If it is made into a weapon, it will be the most powerful 'rule weapon' in the multiverse. It can modify the laws and physical laws of the multiverse at will, allowing the user of the weapon to incarnate the law of heaven and control the way of heaven.

But it never transcends the limits of the multiverse.

It is the limit of the multiverse we live in, but as we all know, the light of the Lord pervades all living creatures and consciousness, and the power of my God brother has never been limited. "

"Oh, that makes sense." The heroes understood, first they were suddenly enlightened, and then they were full of approval.

The reason why Metal Ten is strong is that it can directly rewrite the rules of the universe. But obviously, God's limit is not limited to the multiverse. Harley's "god coming to earth" should not be completely limited by Metal 10.

"Barbatos was beaten to death by you? But I can sense that it still exists in the multiverse of light, even on earth." Bateman asked.

"It's 70% dead, not completely dead. It's still struggling and yelling in the dimension of my stomach. How about you get into my stomach and chop it to death with your tenth metal?" Harley pointed to her mouth. .

"After all, you have risked your life and finally obtained the magical weapon. You must be feeling aggrieved that you cannot show off your glory, show off your power and shock people at the critical moment, right?"

"You've stuffed it into your stomach, so what's the 'critical moment'?" Dachao felt a little aggrieved, but more of a loss.

"The 'critical moment' has not passed!" Nabu Helm, who was crumpled into a ball, said excitedly: "In fact, now is the real critical moment!

Even if Barbatos is not dead, killing it with the Tenth Metal is only the first step in resolving the crisis.

Next, the key is to pull back the light multiverse that was half inserted into the dark multiverse, and return the reality distorted by the nightmare energy to its original appearance.

Superman, Diana, Bateman, give me a piece of the Tenth Metal and let me twist myself back first. "

(ps: I first apologize to everyone, and then confess to everyone that Superboy-Prime was supposed to appear in the Darkseid War, and I forgot about him. The outline has been written long ago, and Superboy-Prime will be beaten by Harley. He was half dead, but under the persuasion of the super hero, he was spared his life and sent to the Origin Wall, which was a return to the original plot of the comics.

Well, in the comics, Superboy-Prime went through various tossings and was finally hung on the Wall of Origin. When the Wall of Origin collapsed, he regained his freedom and was partially cleared in the process of fighting Papetua.

But as I wrote, I forgot about him. In the Darkseid War, the anti-supervision king and Darkseid were the protagonists. The story of Greer and his daughter was also filling in the holes left earlier. It belongs to women. Lord, there is no plot for Superboy Prime to play.

It wasn't until the Anti-Supervisor King was sent to reincarnation by Harley that I came back to my senses - Damn it, Superboy Prime was lost.

Then I revised the outline again, planning to wait until the Anti-Supervisor King appears next time to wrap up the plot of Superboy Prime.

We have to wait until the second appearance of the Anti-Supervision King.

Since Superboy-Prime was hanging out with him in the first place, theoretically he is the only one who knows where Superboy is. )

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