I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1834 The Destruction of Barbatos

"Hahahaha, let's perish together with the whole world, the ten directions will be destroyed!"

Barbatos, the "hero of the end" who has not yet reached the end, uses his spiritual thoughts to make his final cry.

It has used its thoughts to activate the "Ten Directions of Nirvana" placed in the body.

The entire light multiverse will be destroyed soon, and probably a small half of the dark multiverse will also be affected.

However, it is the creator and can enter the land of creation to recast its body. As long as the loving mother returns, it will rise again and become more powerful, so it only has determination in its heart, and its voice is full of heroism and murderous intent.

This wave takes away the witch Harley and clears the biggest obstacle for the mother's return; this wave destroys the multiverse of light and creates endless crisis power for the mother; this wave will definitely hit the wall of origin hard and cause the seal on the mother to break; this wave The wave exploded a section of the origin wall, attracting the attention of the origin judge, and helping the mother observe his reaction. This wave is so worth it!

Barbatos closed his eyes, relaxed his whole body, and waited for the most brilliant moment in his life to arrive.

"The name of Shi Direction Nirvana is a bit interesting, but what does it mean? How can it make me and the world perish together?"

It was followed by a slightly joking comment from Witch Harley.

Barbatos opened his eyes, a little dazed.

It still stands atop Challenger Mountain.

Black clouds covered the sky like a quilt, and the roar of cold wind came from the air. The clown dragon coiled around the tuning fork, staring nervously in the same direction. They were all looking at the Witch Harley.

On the opposite side, the witch Harley was not frightened or anxious. She was still standing there with a leisurely posture, holding a thick book in her hands, and a frame on her face. She looked gentle, like a school girl. student.

"Master, what's going on?" The nervous voice of the Laughing Bat came from behind it.

Barbatos turned his slightly dazed gaze behind him and saw the Laughing Bat trying to huddle up under its large cloak.

"What's going on?" Barbatos suddenly came back to his senses and asked in surprise: "I have activated the Nirvana of the Ten Directions, why is there no response?"

The Laughing Bat hesitated to speak. He wanted to ask loudly, "Did you really activate the annihilation of the ten directions?" But at this time and with such a reaction, it should not lie.

Witch Harley is right across the street, what's the point of lying?

"Is it possible that the machine is malfunctioning?" A voice floated into the ears of the two people.

Barbatos and the Laughing Bat both looked thoughtful, "It's very possible - ah, Witch Harley!"

"Witch Harley, what are you talking about?" Barbatos was startled, then forced himself to calm down, staring at Harley coldly, thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness were stirring endlessly, constantly touching the switch of death in all directions.

Still no response.

——Laughing wildly, what the hell are you doing for food? Can such a simple machine structure malfunction? At this critical moment, in front of the Witch Harley, if you don't feel embarrassed, I still feel ashamed.

At the same time, it cursed the Laughing Bat through mental transmission.

The plan for the destruction of the ten directions was completely left to the Laughing Bat to formulate.

Now that the machine is malfunctioning, he is of course the first person responsible!

——Master, don’t worry, the core of Shifang Nirvana has never been a machine, but two creators! As long as there is no problem with them, the triggering device can be adjusted immediately. It is very simple. You send me into your "dark stomach bag dimension" and I will handle it myself.

The Laughing Bat responded immediately.

Harley's stomach pouch seems to have great dimensions, and she has saved the people of the earth many times in major crises. In fact, the technical content of opening a small plane in the body is not very high.

At the beginning, she had not yet understood the creation power of the God King, so she only used green light energy to simulate the "light ring space" in her stomach pouch, which was equivalent to her stomach pouch becoming a large green light ring.

Later, she was promoted to the God King and entered the era of the Martial God King. It took her thousands of years to understand the basic laws of world creation before she turned the stomach bag dimension into a real, stable small world.

But this kind of operation can be imitated by all god-kings who have the power to create the world.

The Creator, Barbatos, is no exception.

In fact, there is no need to imitate Harley. Its stomach is a big world, even more powerful and wider than Harley's.

The duty of the giant dragon Barbatos in the sixth dimension is to digest and absorb unqualified universes. How can he hold so many "universe stillborn babies" without a big belly?

There was no need to open its mouth to stuff the Laughing Bat inside in public. With a thought, it controlled the laws of space and allowed the Laughing Bat to complete a teleportation.

The next moment, the Laughing Bat came to a dark space.

There is no sky above, no earth below, suspended in a chaotic void space.

In front of him were two silver "coffins" with a sense of technology, or devices similar to sleeping chambers.

Two sleeping cabins are placed vertically, facing each other. The upper end of each coffin is connected to a metal pipe. The pipe leads to a door-sized "circuit board" - a door-sized machine with many electronic components embedded in it. There are a lot of messy wires.

You can even see the mobile phone chip with the "H15" logo.

For ordinary people, this machine is undoubtedly very complicated and completely incomprehensible.

But to say that it is Barbatos' ultimate trump card, the "Destruction of the Ten Directions" that can destroy the multiverse of light, seems too sloppy and crude.

——What exactly went wrong?

As soon as the Laughing Bat came to the machine, Barbatos couldn't wait to ask.

Kuangxiao's sharp eyes quickly scanned every electronic component.

——Relax, Master, Witch Harley didn’t take action right away. If you ask her to talk to her, we will have plenty of time.

Even if "Baitman" is the smartest person on earth, it is impossible to tell which electronic component has a problem at a glance.

"Don't blame him." In reality, Harley still looked calm and said with a smile: "Although my Paradise Mountain Technology Company has had an extremely glorious history, with the advent of the interstellar era, its sales volume now reaches the global level. The fifth position is difficult to maintain.

Because the hardware quality of Tiantianshan Technology products is so poor, especially the chips, our company is completely independently developed and has never purchased any alien patents. The quality is definitely not comparable to the products of Lex Technology, Rice Technology, Sanxing Electronics and other products that have introduced foreign investment. "

"Is there something wrong with your mind? What nonsense are you talking about here?" Barbatos was confused.

In its dark stomach, the Laughing Bat was horrified, touched the chip with the "H15" mark with his trembling right hand, and said in a harsh voice: "Master, we have found the fault point, it is an auxiliary chip.

I used a 15 Promax chip from Main Universe Batman's Paradise Mountain and now it seems to be overclocked and burned out. "

The electronic components used in the machines he assembled in the Batcave were almost all locally sourced.

The core of the "Ten Directions Annihilation" plan is the two creators. It does not require strong computing power. A chip is added just to facilitate remote control start.

So he casually disassembled Bruce's Paradise Mountain phone.

It is now July 2024, Paradise Mountain 16 has been released, and Bruce is still using last year’s flagship phone.

Of course, he has more than one mobile phone. Even Wayne Technology has already established its own electronics brand, but only the Paradise Mountain mobile phone can be loaded with the Watchdog system.

It cannot be said that every person on earth, but those who are not short of money, almost all own at least one Paradise Mountain mobile phone and have the watchdog service enabled, and Bruce is no exception.

The "H15" type chip now used as the remote control system has failed.

Bruce's mobile phone has been used for more than a year without any problems, but the control panel of "Ten Directions Annihilation" burned out just after it was replaced.

"The control chip is burned?" Barbatos was stunned for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and stared at Harley, "What were you talking about just now?"

"I'm saying that users now complain online every year, saying that the chip on Tianshan's mobile phone is rubbish. If it were not the most suitable for the watchdog system, even dogs wouldn't be able to use it. You guys are really discerning." Harley said with a smile.

Each generation of Tiantianshan mobile phone chips has a performance improvement of more than 30%, which is already at the pinnacle of earth's technology and craftsmanship. But now everyone has access to the interstellar world outside, and just picking up some "foreign garbage" can crush it for ten years. After receiving the Tiantianshan mobile phone, the complaints naturally became louder.

In particular, game manufacturers are also gradually becoming interstellar. Newly designed games have increasingly higher configuration requirements. The Tianshanshan mobile phone cannot be used at all, and the voices of complaints are getting louder and louder.

“Paradise Mountain Technology’s garbage disposal doesn’t even use a dog” is no joke.

Gamers really say that, and they really dislike it.

If it weren't for the fact that the Watchdog system was so awesome and that interstellar communications would even be the envy of aliens from advanced civilizations, the Paradise Mountain Technology Company would have gone bankrupt long ago.

Of course, without the guardian dog system to back it up, Tiantangshan Technology would not have the confidence to stick to the path of "absolutely independent research and development."

"Why do you know that the chip is faulty? Can you still control the chip of the Tianshan mobile phone?"

Barbatos felt a little nervous, and loudly urged the Laughing Bat in his mind, saying: Check the Paradise Mountain model chip quickly to see if there is a backdoor left by Witch Harley. I remember that you Americans like to do this the most.

——Master, even if there is a control valve in the chip, the chip is in your body, in the dark void space you created, and outsiders cannot sense it and cannot control it. Is it related to the watchdog system? But isn’t heaven closed? Sigh, I can't figure it out either, but none of this matters now. I have re-modified the activation circuit and can start it without a chip. Do you want me to help you start the Shifang Nirvana immediately?

The Laughing Bat was very nimble with his hands and feet. In just a few words, he had completed the circuit modification and was ready to immediately activate the Nirvana of the Ten Directions.

"No, I want to start it myself." Barbatos stared sharply at Harley opposite him, who was still smiling and leisurely, and shouted: "Witch Harley, I don't care what you know or how you know it. .I know that you are sharp-tongued, cunning and cunning. You are very good at confusing the enemy's defenses through your words, so that you can take advantage of them and find opportunities to win.

But let me tell you, I don’t want to do that!

I won't even proudly show off my plan to you, hoping to see you showing a pitiful expression of fear and helplessness. I just want you to die, die, and be destroyed in all directions! "

In its last voice, it used all its strength and shouted through the clouds and cracked the rocks.

The dark clouds in the sky were shaken away by the sound waves, and the thick snow on the ground was blown away in all directions.

But even though Harley was standing not far across from it, not even a hair moved.

After a long roar that shook the world, there was indeed silence in all directions. It was extremely quiet in all directions, in the sky and on the earth.

"Well, it's a bit embarrassing, right?" Harley asked with a smile.

Barbatos's muscles were tense all over, his left paw was raised to the sky, and his right paw was pointed at Harley. He leaned forward, his chest was raised high, and his loose robe was fluttering in the wind. Before shouting "Death in the Ten Directions", his tone was decisive. , this posture looks a bit domineering.

But at this moment, its movements were stiff. Although the hood covered its face and its expression could not be seen clearly, the smell of embarrassment almost filled the frozen Gotham City.

——Laughing wildly, what are you doing? Why did it fail to start again?

Its expression was stiff, and its body was as stiff as the rock beneath its feet, but inside it was roaring loudly at the Laughing Bat.

——Master, don’t be anxious, don’t be nervous. Sorry, I’m a little nervous, let me take a look.

The Laughing Bat's pale cheeks looked as if they had been powdered, with large amounts of sweat oozing out from them, and his movements to troubleshoot mechanical problems were also hurried and disorganized.

For the first time, he lost his composure and confidence and showed obvious panic.

"How about you check the capacitor used as a spark plug? Most of the domestic products in the United States are parallel imports. Nowadays, Lan's imported products are more reliable." Harley suggested with a smile.

Barbatos' expression changed drastically, but he remained silent.

"Capacitor" The Laughing Bat put his eyes in front of the capacitor to take a closer look, and said in a dry voice: "It seems that the capacitor is really broken. The outer ceramic shell was penetrated by arc."

"But don't worry, Master. The core of Shifang Nirvana is the two Creators. If there is no problem with them, then it is not a big problem. Now it is just that the capacitor has been broken down by the arc. It won't take much time for me to readjust the circuit." He said quickly again.

Harley said slowly: "The core of Shifang Nirvana are the two creators, and the external equipment is just a ignition device.

If you ask me, just throw away the broken instruments that have been pieced together, pry open the Creator's head, and let their antimatter and antimatter brains collide at an accelerated rate, triggering the annihilation of matter and antimatter.

Absolutely stable and reliable, no more accidents will happen. "

"You, you, how do you know so clearly?" Barbatos pointed at her and shouted in horror.

Harry smiled weirdly and said, "The 'Stupid Curse' is really magical. You haven't noticed anything unusual about yourself until now."

"Stupid curse?" Barbatos was confused.

"Well, it's just a chaotic state where the brain is covered by a quilt. It's a very simple problem that I would have solved long ago, but my head is confused and confused. I try hard to think about it, but I can't figure it out. .

You are not an ordinary person, so you may not feel it deeply.

But before the Laughing Bat became the Laughing Bat, he must have experienced it many times. Batman likes to stay up late. " Harley said.

"Stab!" The Laughing Bat closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Purple-black energy lightning was jumping around inside and outside his body.

As the power of creation washed over his body and brain, his restless heart gradually calmed down.

"Damn it, we've been tricked." He looked extremely ugly, "Master, we all know that Witch Harley may have obtained the "Book of Destiny" and can control her destiny through the 'Great Cause and Effect' related to her.

But from the time we met her until now, we have encountered many accidents, but we seemed to have forgotten about it. We never thought that she was using the "Great Cause and Effect Destiny Control Technique" to secretly cause trouble. "

"The Book of Destiny, the Great Cause and Effect Destiny Control Technique" Barbatos is the Creator after all. With just a little reminder, his IQ immediately walked out of the foggy area, and his originally confused head returned to a state of aura.

"Witch Harley, you used the "Book of Destiny" to curse us with misfortune, making us confused and unable to detect your tricks, right?" it roared angrily.

Harley nodded very frankly, "Well, I had an idea and thought of the tricks that the Three Destinies would use to torment me. So I united with the hundreds of Destinies in my belly to curse you and Barbatos.

I have to say that the curse of bad luck cast through the "Book of Destiny" is really powerful.

Crazy like a laughing bat, you, who possess the power of the Supreme Creator, are all affected. When encountering a sudden accident, you 'happen' to fall into the most chaotic moment of your life and become a fool. "

Barbatos used his consciousness to roar at the Laughing Bat: Why are you still in a daze? Immediately tear off these pieced-together rubbish and release those two people. I will treat them as positive and negative ions in a particle accelerator, entering the state of light speed, and the origins of positive and antimatter will directly collide with each other!

The Laughing Bat was not in a daze. He just listened to Harley's words and immediately entered a meditative state of consciousness, controlling the power of the Creator in his body to search for the lost aura of wisdom.

This is the instinct of "Batman".

Batman only rests for 15 minutes a day. Under fatigue, it is easy to enter the state of confusion that Harley said, as if he has lost his IQ.

Often he will enter a meditative state, which allows his mental strength and body cells to be extremely relaxed, quickly get rid of fatigue, restore energy, have enough energy, active brain cells, and increase his IQ.

"Master, we can't follow Witch Harley's ideas!" He said calmly.

"Do we have any other choice now?" Barbatos was very angry, but his mind was very clear. "Don't talk nonsense. As long as the 'Ten Directions Annihilation' can be activated normally, even if the explosion cannot kill the Witch Harley, we can take away this party." The world is worth it.”

"Witch Harley, how do you know about the 'Ten Directions of Annihilation'?" While mentally urging the Laughing Bat to remove the equipment, Barbatos was still looking for topics to delay time. It was not entirely to delay time. The question in its heart was really of piles.

"Didn't you already guess that I have the 'Great Cause and Fate Control Technique'?" Harley smiled.

"Even if you really take away the Book of Destiny." It stared at the book in her arms for a while, not sure whether it was the Book of Destiny.

"Even if you have the Book of Destiny in your hand, you won't be able to peek into any of the secrets of the Shifang Annihilation.

Because at the heart of this plan are two Creators!

Not even Destiny himself could try to pry into the fate of the Creator.

Moreover, the 'Great Cause and Effect Fate Control Technique' itself also shows that your abilities are limited.

‘Big cause and effect’ does not describe your ability to control destiny. On the contrary, you can only indirectly control your destiny by using factors that have a great causal relationship with yourself.

It shows that your understanding and control of destiny are very low-end. "

Barbatos looked at her seriously and said with certainty: "In fact, until now, you haven't even understood the master's laws of fate."

"You're right. I can only see the future of the multiverse shrouded in vast darkness through the "Book of Destiny", but I don't even know that the real name of the 'Dark Prophecy' is 'Ten Directions Annihilation', let alone I didn’t know you actually caught the monitor Wu Tan and the reincarnated counter-monitor.”

Having said this, the calm and indifferent smile on Harley's face was a little unsustainable.

She said with a complicated expression: "This crisis has developed to this point, and the monitors have not responded at all.

I thought you had killed him, just as you murdered your master, the Forger. "

Before the crisis of "Dark Night" comes, even if she gets the "Book of Destiny", Harley will not be able to peek into the secret and destiny of the "Creator", even if Barbatos is a conspirator.

By the time Barbatos officially invades the Light Multiverse, the gods, demons and mages of the fifth world, and ordinary aliens in the main universe will all know of its existence and its plan - to drag the Light Multiverse into the Dark Multiverse. , Barbatos's secret is not a "taboo secret".

Superman, Old Bruce, and Diana learned about the changes in the sixth dimension through the "Place of Origin of Dreams", and Harley watched the tragic fate of the Forger in the "Place of Origin of Destiny".

"I didn't expect that you only captured him and found the anti-supervisor who had been reincarnated. Even I don't know which parallel universe he was reincarnated into."

She just sent him to reincarnation and ensured that he would be reincarnated as a mortal.

She fully kept her promise to him: not to interfere in any way with his afterlife.

So she just threw him into the reincarnation passage, chose the next life of an ordinary person for him, and stopped paying attention.

The Darkseid War had only ended a year ago, and Harley thought the Anti-Monitor King had just been born.

"I couldn't believe that you were so crazy that you actually used the two most noble creators in the multiverse as bombs. The monitor's positive material creation origin and the anti-monitor's anti-matter creation origin annihilated each other, triggering a world-destroying explosion, completely destroying Get rid of the multiverse of matter and the antimatter universe”

Harley frowned and looked at the dragon-scale batman, wondering: "What are you thinking? Even if you succeed, so what, 'Origin' will let you go? You are the Creator, and all your strength and power come from 'Origin' '."

She would not be so surprised if Barbatos was a god king or demon king with ordinary status but supreme power, because when the creator fails in his duty, he will really lose his strength and authority.

Just like the Monitor Mal Nou in Final Crisis, no matter how much he wanted to take revenge on Harley and the people on Earth, he didn't dare to directly send the doomsday virus to the Earth. He could only use Zeus's group of old gods and kings as agents. White gloves.

No matter how much he wanted to end the division of the 52 monitors and gather the scattered power into one person - himself, he did not dare to kill any monitor with his own hands. He could only use the "Emperor" to trigger the War of the Creator. Borrow the hands of others to kill those watcher "brothers".

"My current status was not given by Origin, and I don't need to care about its attitude. And I don't even want my own life, so what should I be afraid of?" Barbatos said proudly.

Harley was stunned for a moment, glanced at its lower abdomen, and was speechless.

This guy stuffed the "Creator's Flesh Mine" into her stomach, and it seemed that it was even tied to the explosive package and became part of the "Creation Power Chain Explosion". She is still struggling with the attitude of "origin" here, indeed Somewhat boring.

"Well, you are so brave and not afraid of death, which is beyond my expectation. Really, I have seen a lot of 'multiverse villains', but no one is as fierce as you.

Could it be that you, like Laughter, are also infected by the clown virus?

This method of stuffing bombs into one's body and turning oneself into a bomb has only appeared in clowns. "

Harley looked at its appearance carefully, and a thoughtful look gradually appeared on her face, "Well, you were originally in the form of a dragon, and you look no different from a traditional Western dragon.

Now the dragon wings have turned into bat wings, the dragon tail has disappeared, and the dragon head has turned into a bat. Even your appearance looks a bit like Bruce. You should be the 'number one Batman fan' in the multiverse, right?

Even his body and clothes have become like the "Dark Knight".

Your obsession with 'Batman' goes beyond the Joker, no wonder you are so crazy. "

"Batman is my carriage into the multiverse of light, the container that accepts my soul and power." The dragon-scaled Batman made a gesture of embracing the world with his claws, and shouted excitedly: "All Batmans are my slaves. !”

"I understand that the love of a madman is always deformed and extremely twisted." Harley nodded slightly.

"You understand shit, you don't understand anything." Barbatos raised his left hand to the sky again, pointed at her with his right hand, looked up to the sky and laughed: "You don't even know that I am delaying time on purpose. Now all the useless electronic equipment has been removed. , the monitor and the counter-monitor are located at opposite ends of the dark space in my body.

As long as I have a thought, I can accelerate them to super-light speed. If the two collide with each other, they can still trigger an annihilation explosion of matter and antimatter.

Witch Harley, you are finished, the world will be destroyed! "

These words are not spoken slowly with the mouth.

It compresses all the contents into a spiritual message, which is transmitted to Harley in an instant. At the same time, it also controls the dark space in the abdomen, allowing the monitor and counter-monitor to enter a state of relative motion at the speed of light.

Although the process is more troublesome than stimulating "sparks of matter and antimatter" with the help of instruments, it has successfully delayed enough time. This time Shifang Nirvana will definitely explode.

The next moment, the monitor and the anti-monitor collided like matter and antimatter particles.


The dark space within Barbatos' belly first exploded into nothingness.

The enthusiastically laughing bat that was watching from the side was completely destroyed on the spot.

Then came Barbatos himself, whose belly quickly expanded into a large watermelon, and then exploded into pieces like a large watermelon thrown from the 12th floor.

The watermelon shattered and splashed with red juice. After Barbatos' belly exploded, it only spurted out a large amount of purple and black lightning-like power of creation.

"Why is this happening?"

Barbatos lay on the mountainside of Challenger Mountain, confusion written on his face and eyes.

Shifang Nirvana was activated, and the space in its belly exploded. Its body also exploded, but only its belly exploded. The body was broken into two parts, and the lower body remained on the top of the mountain. The remaining body above the lower abdomen flew several hundred meters and landed on the ground. Halfway up the mountain, plunged into the snow.

"Hahaha, is this your Nirvana in the Ten Directions?" Harley laughed while floating in the air.

From the remaining purple-black lightning energy group on the top of the Challenger Mountain, two people slowly floated out.

A thin middle-aged man with yellow skin and black hair, and a thin old man with gray hair who seem to be Orientals with yellow skin? He is still wearing ancient clothes, is he an ancient person?

Both of them exuded a powerful aura of creation, not inferior to Barbatos at all.

"You guys." Barbatos struggled to get up from the snow, looked at them, and said in disbelief: "Why did you suddenly wake up?"

"I don't know, I just woke up." said Wu Tan, a tall and thin middle-aged man.

The thin old man glanced at Harley, then turned to the book in her arms, "Perhaps this is fate, and fate makes us wake up at a critical moment."

"Destiny?" Barbatos was stunned, then turned to Harley and said in shock: "Even their awakening is the result of your 'Great Cause and Fate Control Technique'?"

As soon as it asked, it shook its head repeatedly and firmly denied: "This is impossible, completely impossible. They are the creators, and they did not faint. I defeated them and completely sealed their consciousness with the power of my own creation. .

How could your 'Great Cause and Effect Destiny Technique' possibly affect their fate and directly awaken them from the seal? "

Harley glanced at the monitor and counter-monitor, and smiled a little weirdly, "Xiaoba, just accept your fate, this is really fate.

Even if you kidnap any God King and Demon King, I won't be able to peek into any details, and it will be even harder for me to influence their fate through the 'Great Cause and Effect Fate Control Technique'.

Because I don't have a strong causal relationship with those god kings and demon kings, I can't establish a causal connection, and it's difficult to directly interfere with their destiny.

But don’t you know that these two guys have my reincarnation mark on them?

They were all sent to the human world for reincarnation by me personally! How big a cause and effect is this? Hahaha"

There was only happiness, relief and joy in her laughter, not any sarcasm.

She was in no position to mock Barbatos. This win was a bit of a fluke.

Before entering the main universe, she didn't even know what the "dark prophecy" that made her fearful was, or what killer weapon Barbatos had prepared.

But as soon as she entered the main universe, especially when she came to Barbatos with her body and aura hidden, she was immediately confused.

——Isn’t this the reincarnation mark I left on Wu Tan and the Anti-Supervisor King? Why is it in Barbatos’ body? Could it be that Wu Tan and Anti-Japanese were captured by Barbatos and still hidden in his body? Hey, why is the source of the "Dark Prophecy" also in Barbatos?

Her brain thought rapidly and gradually became thoughtful.

The establishment of the causal relationship also allows the consciousness in the "initial loop of causality" to "see" the fate stars of Anti-Supervisor and Wu Tan along the causal chain of the reincarnation seal.

Matching the conjectures in her mind, she gradually understood part of their fate, an extremely tragic fate: these two unlucky guys were made into "antimatter annihilation bombs" and hidden in Barbatos's belly. Once she arrived, it would Detonate this super "Creator Bomb" immediately.

Not all of these messages come from destiny readings.

The fate reading only confirmed her suspicion.

When she sees through all the falsehoods of the "Dark Prophecy", she can also purposely modify certain details of the "Dark Prophecy" through the "Book of Destiny".

For example, the "H15" chip is overloaded.

For example, Wayne Enterprises' self-produced capacitors were "accidentally" broken down by too much charge. In short, she artificially created these small accidents.

It is easier to control the "tragic fate" of mobile phone chips and American-made capacitors.

It is very, very difficult to directly revive Wu Tan and the Anti-Monitor King.

Just like Barbatos said, Wu Tan and the Anti-Monitor King are creators, and the power that seals them is also the power of creation. "Creator-level rewriting of destiny" is the most difficult.

Fortunately, Harley, Wu Tan, and Anti-Japanese all have the "big cause and effect" of the reincarnation seal.

The reincarnation mark left by her "accidentally" resonated with the thick skin power in her body and became resistant to Barbatos' sealing power. It "accidentally" awakened Wu Tan and Anti-Supervisor's subconscious, and then they used the reincarnation mark to put on the weak thick skin. Skin magic effect, slowly converging one's consciousness and the power of creation

The process was a bit slow, so Harley also had to delay. She deliberately caused malfunctions in the mobile phone chip and American-made capacitors to make Barbatos and the Laughing Bat toss.

"Reincarnation Seal"

Barbatos glanced at Anti-Monitor and Wu Tan. They were really awake, but it still didn't want to believe it. "If you have such a strong causal connection with them, why didn't you know anything about my Shi Direction Nirvana before?" ?

Don't even think about lying!

If you knew, you wouldn't go out of your way to the bottom of Limbo to catch my eye and place the final battlefield outside the multiverse. "

"Alas, you also said that the lower levels of Limbo are far outside the multiverse, and they are hidden in your Creator Space. How can I sense them?

Even if I came to the main universe and hid on the edge to observe you for a while, I was still a little unsure.

If I know that your final trump card is the two of them, I will come directly to you without any hassle at all. "

Harley looked at it and smiled: "Don't feel like you've lost unfairly. Think about it carefully. Apart from making the two creators into bombs, there is almost no other way to threaten the entire multiverse of light.

I just didn't think about it at the time.

As long as I have a bright idea, don't always rely on the peek of fate. There is no way I can directly guess your plan. "

Having said this, she lowered her head and glanced at the book in her arms with complicated eyes. "Everything has a price. The Book of Destiny is very useful, but it is also eroding my own will and making me increasingly dependent on fate." Enhancement, eventually. Maybe even I can’t get rid of it?”

She quickly thought of fate and the three sisters of destiny. Wasn't the reason why they failed miserably because they were too superstitious about fate and lost their keen judgment and the drive to take risks?

"If you don't get the "Book of Destiny", what can you do even if you guess the result?" Barbatos said with a face full of unwillingness, "I am still too conservative. I should have immediately activated the Ten Thousand Principles the moment I knew you left the Garden of Destiny. No, maybe I should activate the Ten Directions Nirvana when I find out that the three sisters of destiny have escaped from the Garden of Destiny. It will be absolutely foolproof then."

Harley was speechless again, "When the three sisters of destiny first escaped from the Garden of Destiny, neither Superman nor Diana went to save Bruce!

At that time, the Dark Portal was still open, and the Light Multiverse was rapidly falling into the Dark Multiverse.

You are in control of the situation, and you are about to be crowned the 'Sole Supervisor', but you activate the 'Creator Bomb' to kill yourself for no reason. No matter how you think about it, it's not normal, right?

You spent so much time starting from the old timeline before the Martial God King Era, to the Martial God King Era, and going back and forth for tens of thousands of years, just to commit suicide in order to enter the multiverse of light?

You have been tossing and tossing so hard that you have tormented yourself to death. What are you trying to do? "

The old man said coldly: "If it was the mastermind of the crisis, of course it wouldn't be so ruthless.

But it is just a dog, and the owner's orders are far superior to its own demands, even higher than its life. "

Harley nodded thoughtfully, "In order to avoid long nights and nightmares, let's get it over with."

She flashed and came to Barbatos, activated all 14 defensive specialties, solidified the space around him, opened her mouth and took a gentle breath.

"Whoosh!" The upper half of its body struggled and howled miserably as it was taken into the stomach dimension.

Harley kept moving and was about to clean up the lower half of its body again.

"Witch Harley, you are dreaming, even if you die, even if I am defeated miserably, I will not make it easy for you!"

The lower half of the body exploded into a huge ball of lightning that enveloped the entire Gotham City.

The purple-black lightning expanded rapidly and was about to explode.

"What are you doing there so stupidly?" Harley shouted at the two creators.

Without waiting for their reaction, she stepped into the purple-black lightning ball, opened her mouth and sucked hard.

"Hoo ho ho!"

It was as if a small black hole appeared within the purple-black lightning ball, and even the surrounding space and time was distorted to create traces of a vortex.

Wu Tan and the Anti-Monitor King were not slow in their movements. They came above and below the purple-black lightning ball respectively. At the same time, they used the power of the Creator to isolate the rapidly expanding power of dark creation in another time and space.

"Silly, our multiverse does not have this rule of 'Nascent Soul self-destruction'. What you explode is just a ball of pure energy, which is easier for me to absorb." Harley mocked.

Well, in the classical fairy tale novels she had read, there were often plots in which people self-destructed golden elixirs and self-destructed Yuanying at the critical moment of life and death. She didn't understand why the essence of the "miraculous magic" that was supposed to be the essence suddenly turned into TNT, but she was very sure. There is no concept of "self-destruction magic" in the DC multiverse.

Magic power can be transformed into any substance and form, and can cause explosive magical effects, but that is essentially a kind of magic, not magic power that turns into dynamite and explodes.

The same goes for the power of creation. You can use the power of creation to control the power of creation and directly explode a universe, but you cannot directly explode it.

Magic never disappears.

Anti-monitors and monitors form a "super bomb" because they respectively represent the power of creation with opposing attributes, and will undergo a violent annihilation reaction, rather than a direct explosion of the power of creation.

As long as it doesn't explode directly, there is a process of transformation.

In fact, Barbatos did not want to explode directly. It just wanted to transform its remaining power of creation into the power of destruction, destroy the earth, the main universe, and the dimensional barrier between the fifth and sixth dimensions as much as possible, and finally severely damage the origin. wall to fulfill the mother's instructions.

"Wu Tan, Mobius, two of your defeated generals dare to stop me. Don't you know who I am serving?" Barbatos' will is still making its final struggle, "Mother, mother, hurry up." Look at 'me!"

With the help of its old mother, it once killed the Forger in a sneak attack, and also overthrew Wu Tan and the Anti-Supervisor King head-on.

It is the only being in the multiverse to defeat the three Creators.

It was accustomed to the addition of "mother's help" and began to call for "plug-ins" again.

Not to mention, the anti-supervision king and Wu Tan immediately tensed up and concentrated, obviously frightened.

"If you dare to stretch out your eyes to look at it, even if you leave it alone, I will dig out your eyeballs first!" Harley sent a message coldly towards the direction of the origin wall.

"Mother, mother, Witch Harley will definitely take away my soul and prevent me from being reincarnated normally. Look at me, please." Barbatos's cry became more urgent and weaker.

"Idiot, waste, died worthless. He couldn't even complete the basic task of crashing the Origin Wall." Inside the Origin Wall, Pepatua was full of resentment and anger, and had no intention of rescuing "Si'er" at all.

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