I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1827 The Tenth Metal

Before Superman and Diana came over, in Bruce's nightmare world.

Wayne Manor, evening.

In the spacious hall, there was loud music, fragrant clothes, shadows on the temples, and people drinking wine.

In the study room on the second floor, Bruce, who is nearly 80 years old, is sitting on an armchair by the floor-to-ceiling window, his body swaying gently with the chair.

Looking at the extremely familiar dusk garden landscape outside the window, his thoughts were like the sun in the western sky, sinking dimly, its light gradually dimmed, and it was about to completely plunge into darkness.

"Creak~~~" The thick and wide mahogany door was pushed open a gap from the outside, and a round, small head with two ponytails got in.

Seeing the old man by the window, she immediately shouted excitedly: "Grandpa, Grandpa Bruce, I'm here to listen to you again!"

"Thump thump thump!" The girl with a round face was full of energy. She ran to Old Bruce in a hurry, grabbed his old hand that was like dry tree bark and shook it vigorously. "Hurry up, hurry up, I can't wait any longer."

"Janet, the family banquet downstairs is very lively. Your cousins ​​are here, why don't you play with them?" Old Bu's thoughts rose from the darkness again, and he smiled and stroked his granddaughter's little head.

"I don't want to play with them, I want to listen to your stories." The little girl snuggled into her grandfather's arms and said in a sweet voice.

"Okay, let me tell you a story about the Little Mermaid—"

As soon as Lao Bu opened his mouth, he was interrupted by his granddaughter, "I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't like the black fish. She is not beautiful at all. She is more terrifying than a shark and gives me nightmares."

"Dear, what I'm telling you is the real Little Mermaid. It's the Little Mermaid story I saw when I was a child, not the horror movie you see now." Old Bu comforted his granddaughter.

"No, I want to hear the real story, the adventure story of Batman." The little girl Janet shouted.

Old Bu raised his hand and pointed to the huge bookshelf covering the entire wall opposite, and said, "Go and get a copy yourself. All my stories are there."

Janet quickly trotted to the bookshelf, and saw that the upper bookshelf was piled with tomes that were thicker than the soles of her feet. The names of each book were marked in large letters on the spines, and almost all of them were related to Batman.

On the bottom floor of the bookshelf, there are also many old photos and artifacts.

For example, in the figure of Young Batman, next to the figure is a man in a purple suit with green hair, a pale face, and red lips split to his ears. They occupy the C position, and next to it are photos of Batman and Jim Gordon. , photos of Batman’s family, photos of Batman and his wife, etc.

"Wow, there are so many books, Grandpa, they are all your story books." Janet didn't know which one to choose.

"Yes, there are too many stories. I must write them down with a pen, otherwise I may forget them or get confused. Alas, even if I record them, at least half of the contents in the book are still contradictory to other stories. "

A trace of confusion appeared on Bruce's old face, his mind became groggy again, and the brilliance of his spirit was gradually dimming like the sunset outside.

"Grandpa, what is your first story, do you remember it?" Janet's sweet voice woke him up again.

"The first story." Old Bu thought for a moment and pointed to the bottom and left end of the bookshelf. "It should be "The Death of Harley Quinn." Although I have forgotten many things, it is the first story I have experienced in my life. "

Old Bu lowered his eyes and his voice became low and muffled, "The first case I experienced in my life was the death of your great-grandparents. The first murder mystery I solved after becoming a detective was "The Death of Harley Quinn" .”

"Then tell me something." Janet put the thick copy of "The Death of Harley Quinn" on her grandfather's lap, climbed onto the armchair again, and lay in her grandfather's arms.

"Harley Quinn is my high school classmate. She is beautiful and healthy. She is a well-known athlete not only in our school but also in the entire United States.

Unfortunately, her father was addicted to gambling and forced her to cheat in gymnastics competitions. Then she went to Holy Cross Academy in Jersey City, and I never saw her again."

Old Boo's brows knitted together, and his tone became hesitant, "The next time I heard about her was at Gotham High School, where several girls were talking about Harley Quinn at the top of the stairs with excitement.

They said she was so miserable. She caught a bad cold as soon as she entered the church orphanage, and then her condition worsened and she died."

He stared at the page and fell silent.

"Grandpa, you keep talking, why did you stop suddenly?" Janet pouted and tugged on her grandfather's white beard in dissatisfaction.

"Oh, don't pull my beard. I said that Harley and I were friends. Of course I was shocked and sad to learn about her death, so I asked Alfred to take me to Jersey City to see her for the last time.

Her body was not seen, but a bouquet of flowers was laid in front of her grave.

But I always felt that something was wrong, both her death and the reaction of the nuns at the orphanage were wrong.

I was still underage at that time and had no detective experience. Even if I had suspicions, I couldn't do more.

When I came back from school and became Batman, I couldn't help but visit the Jersey City Mission Cemetery again.

I took advantage of the darkness to dig up her grave and examine her bones carefully.

Fortunately, the Black Death had not yet arrived, and the church insisted on burial.

Poor Harley, her leg bones, hand bones, and ribs were broken, and she was obviously hit hard before her death. Later, I sneaked into the orphanage to investigate, and sure enough I found that she had been raped by the orphanage security guard - ugh! "

Old Bruce covered his forehead and groaned lowly, shouting: "No, this is not my story, it is not Harley's ending. She did not encounter those misfortunes at all. I want to rewrite, rewrite this story - ugh! "

The scene around him changed, and he had reached a sunny hillside, and his body was full of vitality again.

A group of wild savages were fighting at the foot of the hillside.

One of the young men wearing a bat suit and invincible among the enemy attracted Bruce's attention.

"Where am I? What happened?" Bruce, who had returned to his middle-aged appearance, murmured to himself.

He looked down and saw that he was shirtless, with only an animal skin skirt around his waist.

"You are at the beginning of Batman's story." A clear female voice sounded behind him.

He suddenly turned around and saw the woman wrapped in a black robe. The wide hood covered most of her face, but from her delicate chin, fair skin, and voluptuous figure that even the loose black robe could not hide, it was certain that She is a great beauty.

Bruce's eyes immediately fell on the necklace on her chest.

There is a bat skeleton tied to the necklace, a bat skeleton with its flesh removed.

"Who are you?"

"In the future, I will become the first owl priest. Now I serve the Bat God and you." The woman in black robe said respectfully.

"Serve me? Why?"

The woman pointed at "Batman" who was slashing with his sword on the battlefield below, and said: "He is you, the original you. At this point in time, he is the chief of the Bat tribe, and in the future he will inherit the name of 'Set'. Become the 'Bat Demon' and bring darkness to the world.

The bird tribe will regard you as an enemy, and the war between birds and bats will continue throughout human civilization."

"No, it's not like that." Bruce shook his head repeatedly, "My story shouldn't be like this. I remember it very clearly. I didn't do these things at all, and I didn't become Seth."

"Actually, there is not much difference between the two stories. The details are different, but the theme remains the same." The first Owl Priest smiled a little strangely.

"How come there is not much difference? The slightest difference is a thousand miles away. They are two completely different stories. I have never succumbed to darkness, so how can I become the 'Bat Demon' who brings darkness to the world? Uh-huh."

Bruce had a splitting headache, as if a chisel was erasing some sentences on the "wall of thought" in his mind, adding others, and finally turning the past memory into another story.

"Oh, why don't you understand? When you first arrived at this point in time, He saw you. He watched you inspire a group of desperate savages to form their own tribe, and they all wore your black The bat symbol takes bat as the family name, and the 'black bat' is also his great symbol.

Your tribe led Him to truly set foot on this world for the first time, and made the name of ‘Set’ resound throughout Labisu.

As the ultimate vessel of His will, you possess a glory equal to His.

Of course He is not you as a mortal, but you are destined to become Him. You are Seth, the Lord of Labisu!

His appearance made the Bird Tribe, Bear Tribe, and Wolf Tribe fearful and hateful, triggering a struggle that runs through human civilization. Look, aren't the two stories before and after exactly the same? "

"Ahhhh~~" Bruce's head was so painful that it was about to split.

Past stories on the "Wall of Thought" are replaced by "exactly the same" new stories.

"No, I am Batman. I am trapped in the Dark Multiverse. I must not give in. I want to find an exit from the nightmare!" Batman bit his gums until they bled.

The woman showed a surprised expression, "You are really stubborn, but it's useless. In the end, all roads will lead to Barbatos in the darkness, and no one can change it, hahahaha."

The landscape around Bruce became ethereal, and the laughter of the First Owl Priest faded away.

"Is it his mother? That person is back?"

"It's impossible. Ever since he controlled the giant robot to scorch the world, he has completely disappeared."

"But, his appearance"

The whispers gradually came closer, and Bruce endured the pain like a knife in his head and looked up.

They were a group of savages armed with bows, arrows and iron knives. No, they were not savages. They were indeed as naked as the savages, but their clothes were only in tatters, and the modern style and materials could still be seen.

Looking around, you can see yellow sand everywhere, no green plants, and desolate and decaying urban buildings in the distance.

This is the end of the world, are they people from the end of the world?

Batman's wisdom and experience make quick decisions.

"Batman, really Batman."

"Batman is back to save us!"

After getting closer and seeing his appearance clearly, the group of "apocalyptic refugees" immediately cheered and swarmed forward.

"Black Hawk Patrol, attack!" Suddenly, a somewhat familiar shout came from behind Bateman.

Then there was machine gun fire, "Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta!"

The dense rain of bullets caused a shower of blood among the "apocalyptic refugees".

In an instant, the team of dozens of people was wiped out.

"You guys." Bruce's brain was still aching and his reaction was a little slow. He turned around blankly and saw a group of soldiers with the Black Eagle logo painted on their chests approaching.

He vaguely felt that the shout just now sounded a bit like his son Damian.

Just as he thought this, the leader of the Black Hawk Patrol took off his eagle-shaped helmet, revealing a face that was unforgettable no matter what.

"Damian, it's really you!"

Damian's eyes were cold and his face was tight, "We warned you that you were exiled and never come back. Before we parted, I also specifically told you to remember my advice and never come back."

"Uh." Damian's voice was like an order, and the chisel in Bruce's mind started working again, destroying a memory on the wall of his mind, and then chiseling out another memory: In modern society, he removed the Bird Tribe's The descendants of the "Black Hawk Patrol" regarded it as a threat and built a huge robot to lead Gotham's "Bat Disciples" to fight against it. As a result, the machine went out of control and destroyed the entire world. He was abandoned by the Bat Family and was exiled to the world by the Black Hawk Patrol. outside

"No, this is not my story, I don't admit it!"

He held his head and howled miserably. Damian and the Black Hawk Patrol in front of him gradually blurred, and the world around him changed again.

Bruce appears on the familiar streets and he comes to Gotham.

But pedestrians on the street imitated the clown's costume, and there were loudspeakers in the sky: "Contestants, the rules set by the clown mayor are very simple, that is, there are no rules!"

We can kill these freaks in any way, hahahaha.”

Accompanied by the Joker's iconic laugh, the wall of Bruce's thinking was once again carved with an invisible but sharp chisel to create a new story: Batman failed, the citizens of Gotham were dissatisfied with his approach to transforming the city with fear, and the Joker became the city's new boss. For a long time, the Bat family and even the Justice League have become despised by the people. They expelled and killed superheroes. Now that superheroes have long disappeared, the Joker puts criminals in hero uniforms and places them in the city center, allowing Gotham citizens to hunt freely. kill

"This is not my world or my life at all, Barbatos. Your methods are too clumsy. I will never lose myself because of this." Bruce held his head and roared.

"I'm Batman, I'm just trapped in the Dark Multiverse, but I swear, I'm going to get out of here."

The scenery in front of him changed again

"Grandpa, stop rewriting these stories. They were so wonderful before, but now they scare me." Janet shook her old grandfather's arm pitifully, hoping that he would stop painting the book.

Old Bruce was startled. His lovely granddaughter was still in his arms, and he was still sitting in the armchair. Most of the content of "The Death of Harley" in his hand was obliterated, and he still held an ink pen in his other hand.

"No, this is not my story, it must be changed, I must find it." Old Bu gritted his teeth and said firmly: "There must be a window that allows me to break through and leave the nightmare world.

Yes, it can put me in, and I will definitely find a way out. "

"Hahahaha!" Janet's cute apple face gradually distorted and deformed, her mouth was widely cracked, her eyes were wide open and glowing red, her expression was extremely strange, her laughter was eerie, and her fair and smooth skin quickly withered.

"You can't change anything and you'll never find a way out."

"Ah!" Old Bu jumped up in fright and shouted to his granddaughter who had turned into a monster: "Come out, stop pretending, come out and face me, Barbatos!"

"I have never avoided you." A voice with the same tone as Bruce came from outside the window, "I have experienced so many worlds just now, don't you understand?

Before you were born, I was shaping the environment in which you grew up.

From the first time you come into contact with a case, I am shaping you.

I wrote your story, I made you the person you are.

You are the container of my will, a part of me, you are me! "

Old Bruce slowly walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and his own shadow was reflected on the glass. His face was exactly the same as his own, but the expression on his face was extremely evil, with a mean smile on his lips and his eyes were chilling.

"You are Barbatos." Old Bu's eyes were sharp, his voice was low, and his tone was firm without any hesitation, "You are trying to twist my story and make me become a part of you.

If I really give in and accept those absurd nightmares as my real life, I will become you, except for your container, your part, your projection in the world, Set. "

"You know what? I don't mind at all if you think or say this." "Bruce Barbatos" in the mirror smiled lightly: "I am a bat, your father, and I made you who you are now.

No one knows you better than me. In other words, you are completely shaped according to my will at this time.

I understand very well how steadfast and unyielding you are and how iron-willed you are.

You will keep struggling and looking for any opportunity, but I can tell you clearly now that it is useless.

Whether you struggle or not, the end result will not change.

You will see the dark, empty truth about yourself.

You will recognize the reality that you are the best wagon for me to enter the world. Your body and soul are the containers of my will. In the end, you are me. "

"Shut up, I'll escape." Old Bruce shouted, stepping forward and smashing the glass wall.


The world in front of him also shattered like pieces of glass. There was a world in each fragment, countless fragments, countless dark worlds, and Bruce was suspended in the center of countless dark worlds.

"Look, this is the truth." Barbatos still used Bruce's own voice to kill people, "My realm is filled with a world created by fear and failure (ps).

The fears and failures that happen to you extend far beyond those of other heroes.

They all come from your fear and incompetence.

You've experienced dozens of these worlds before, but let me tell you, they're not even a drop in the bucket.

People have always thought you were the greatest mortal hero, but the truth is, this result comes from my will.

With my help, you are the hero who leads mankind to fight against darkness. Without me, you are worthless.

These dark universes are an example of what the world would look like without my help.

And you in these universes are the real you. Look, look! "

Dark multiverses, stories originating from Batman's inner nightmares, are like floods that burst a dam, rushing into Bruce's vision and into his mind, allowing him to experience those dark Bruce's lives first-hand.

"Stop, stop quickly, no~~~" Bruce's expression was horrified and twisted, and he finally broke down and howled miserably, "No, please, I don't want to hear or watch anymore, I surrender! (ps)"

Wayne Manor, evening.

In the spacious hall, the music is loud, the clothes are fragrant, and people are drinking and drinking. In the study on the second floor, Bruce, who is nearly 90 years old, is sitting on an armchair by the floor-to-ceiling window, his body swaying gently with the chair.

"Grandpa Bruce? Why did you stop?" A little head with two ponytails emerged from his arms, his big, round eyes full of doubts.

"Janet?" Old Bu was startled, then smiled apologetically: "Dear, I'm so sorry, I actually fell asleep while talking."

He opened the thick "The Death of Harley Quinn" and asked: "By the way, where did I talk? Harley."

"It's still at the beginning, Grandpa Fool, you just started." Janet lay obediently in his arms.

"Oh, my grandfather is over eighty years old, and his memory is indeed not very good." Old Boo opened the book and said from the beginning: "Harley Quinn is my high school classmate. She is beautiful and healthy. Not only in our school, but also in the whole school." She is a well-known athlete in the United States, but it is a pity that her father is."

As he talked, his brows wrinkled again, getting higher and higher.

"Jenny, something is wrong. This story seems to be different from what I remember."

"A good memory is not as good as a bad writing. It's obvious that you are really old and confused. The storybook was written when you were young, so it must be correct." Janet's eyes flashed with a faint light.

"No, that's not it. This is not my story, uh~~~" Old Bruce groaned holding his head. The scene in front of him gradually disappeared like a mirage under the sun, and he found himself standing on the hillside.

"Whoever comes to save me, Harley, Superman, Diana, whoever it is, help me! Without outside help, I really can't escape Barbatos' nightmare. It knows me too well, and it has almost studied me thoroughly. , knows every weakness of mine!" Bruce shouted loudly in his heart.

He was not completely despairing, but he was losing hope.

At this moment, in endless darkness.

Bruce, who finally got rid of the nightmare with the help of Diana and Superman, became more conscious than ever before, "Diana, are you there? Clark? Diana, Clark"

"Bruce, I'm here."

Seemingly right next to him, yet seemingly infinitely far away, Bruce heard Diana's voice.

"Superman burst into a 'solar flare', exhausted the solar energy in his cells, and fainted." Diana explained, and then asked doubtfully: "Where are we? Are we lost in the depths of the dark multiverse?

I can't see my fingers here, and I can't sense the spatial structure and elemental force. It's really strange."

"No, you are not lost." Morpheus, wearing a gorgeous robe, seemed to have been standing opposite them.

As his words sounded, the darkness that enveloped them gradually dissipated.

Bruce is still shriveled, with gray hair, a weathered face, and wrinkles as deep as carvings.

Superman is like a wax product that has been smoked and blackened over charcoal fire. His body has shriveled up, his skin has turned black, and he has shrunk into a ball.

"It's you, Morpheus!" Seeing Meng Jun, Bruce was not surprised at all. Instead, he was very angry. He clenched his skinny fists and roared excitedly at him, "You know how long I was trapped in that damn place, you know I What have you experienced?"

Morpheus said calmly: "You have reincarnated in the nightmare dimension for 245 years, repeating the story of the nightmare universe every moment, and at the same time your own life is being rewritten.

Barbatos wants to complete the final rites and make you completely his carriage, the carrier of his will.

Every time you encounter difficulties in rewriting the story, He will torture you with the life of Dark Batman in the nightmare universe.

He forces you to feel their experiences and choices, allowing you to see the Dark Batman as your own.

Eventually it will lead to your will collapse, confusion of thinking, and self-denial.

In those nightmare worlds, you are wailing miserably and in pain, your will is breaking down little by little, your soul is gradually sinking, and finally you have no choice but to give in and accept the new stories that have been rewritten.

So far your story has been rewritten 56%!

However, you don’t have to worry, I have always kept your original stories through the dream books. After you broke away from the dark nightmare, those dream books have re-established contact with you.

You only have painful memories at the moment, rather than a blur of consciousness that accepts the story Barbatos forced on you as real life. "

"Since you know everything, why don't you help me and why do you stand by and watch? Doesn't my pain move you at all?

If you really don't care about me, why are you helping me from the beginning? "Bruce's old face came close to Morpheus, and you could see the spittle falling on his forehead.

Diana pulled "Old Man" and whispered: "Morpheus has been helping you from the beginning. If there was anything I could do for you, I would have done it long ago."

Without seeing other people's suffering, it's hard to understand why.

She also suffered a lot at the entrance to the Dark Portal, but her mind was always clear and she was mentally prepared for the dangers she encountered.

Only now can he face Morpheus with a normal heart, and he even feels that Lao Mo arrived just in time.

But Bruce has been sinking in the nightmare world for hundreds of years, and has longed for rescue for hundreds of years. If it were an ordinary person, he would have gone crazy. Even if he was not crazy, he would still hate the world. He felt that it was reasonable for him to retaliate against the world in any way.

Bruce just lost his temper and roared a few words, without throwing out his fists. He was already considered rational and calm.

"I told you earlier that I will do everything possible to help you, but there is actually very little I can do." Morpheus was also very calm.

He understood Bruce's pain, but showed no sympathy.

He also showed no anger or displeasure in the face of Bruce's accusations.

"The more I do here, the more dangerous Harley's situation will be, the more trouble she will have, and the worse your situation will be in the end."

Old Bruce was stunned and asked, "What's going on with Harley? You've done so much, what does it have to do with her?"

Morpheus shook his head and remained silent.

Diana thought deeply and said: "The Endless Family cannot actively interfere in the earth's crisis. Violating the rules is tantamount to violating the destiny and you will lose your destiny.

And the purpose of Harley going to the Garden of Destiny this time."

She glanced at Morpheus, with a thoughtful look on her face, but did not continue.

"Where are we now? Can you help Superman? Just let him absorb the sunlight." She asked, looking at Sandman.

"Don't worry, I can wake up Superman."

Bruce reached into his omnipotent belt and fumbled for a while, then took out a golden portable lamp.

He pressed the switch, and the lantern immediately shot out a beam of golden light, covering half of Dachao's body.

Dachao's dry, gray-black body became full of muscles at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Is there anything else you don't have in your belt?" Diana asked with a strange expression.

"Even if it is forged with special magic materials, its inner space is less than two cubic meters, and the things it can hold are very limited." Bruce returned to Bateman's unique low and confident voice.

"Since the space is so narrow, why waste space carrying the 'Five Finger Death Fist' and 'Berser Spirit Spray' with you?" Diana said with a wooden face.

"Don't think I'm targeting you and Superman. Now that we know the existence of the Dark Knights, we can naturally guess that we may face the Dark Superman and the Dark Wonder Woman in the future.

I brought them with me specifically to prepare for today. "Bruce said.

Diana said with certainty: "These equipment aimed at us cannot be built overnight. You must have been planning to deal with us for a long time, but this time you happened to come across it and used it."

"Is it still big news that shocks and puzzles you that I formulated an 'accidental preparedness plan' for you?" Bruce asked rhetorically.

Diana was speechless by his confident frankness.

"Uh-huh." Dachao finally woke up after being illuminated by the solar lamp. He groaned and opened his eyes, "Am I dreaming?"

"No, we are all real." Bruce and Diana shook their heads.

"Yes, you are in a dream." Morpheus nodded slightly.

They each spent some time talking to let Dachao understand the results of the previous battle and the current situation.

"Morpheus, behind the Dark Portal is the 'Land of the Dark Sun', right? I called out your name before, why didn't you respond to me? Did you only respond to Bateman's call?" Da Chao complained with complaint. asked.

"Yes, the place where the black sun shines refers to the nightmare dimension." Morpheus said lightly: "I heard your voice, and I can also see that you are in a hard fight.

The problem is, Bateman is still immersed in the nightmare spun by Barbatos.

If he doesn't break free from the Dark Multiverse, I'll have to bring you and Wonder Woman here.

Aren't you here to save him?

If you give up on the Dark Portal, it will be completely finished, and so will the multiverse of light.

To resolve this crisis, the Dark Door must be closed first. To close the Dark Door, Bateman can only be awakened. "

"So you can't just bring Batman here from the nightmare." Dachao nodded suddenly.

"Barbatos has higher authority than me." Morpheus explained: "Although we are still in the dream, it is not the dream kingdom of the fifth dimension.

We have left the fifth world and entered the sixth dimension, but we are still in the nightmare dimension, one of the eight divine realms.

The nightmare dimension is my domain and is also under the jurisdiction of the Creator, the World Forger. "

"I understand, you are the CEO of a state-owned enterprise, and Barbatos is the national leader." Da Chao said.

"Barbatos is at most the head of state's pet." Morpheus said.

"What is the relationship between Barbatos and the World Forger? What are the differences between the Dark Multiverse, the Sixth Dimension, and the Nightmare Dimension?" Diana asked.

Morpheus was silent for a while and said: "I will take you to a place."

Darkness opened like a curtain.

Diana, Superman, and Bruce blinked, and the surrounding scene had completely changed.

They were in a dark void before, but now they came to a huge library.

There are densely packed bookshelves in all directions, up and down, left and right, and the bookshelves are filled with books.

Da Chao said with a tangled expression: "It feels very strange. I am a little familiar, as if I have been here many times, but I am very unfamiliar with the environment here?"

"Is it the legendary Book of Dreams Library? Harley told us." Diana said.

Morpheus appeared beside them and said slowly: "Superman, your spiritual sense is very keen. Yes, you have been here many times. Not only you, you all come here often."

His eyes fell on Old Bruce's face, "Especially you."

"Every night, when you enter your dream, you come here to write your dream story.

However, it is not the Dream Book Library that Harley introduced to you.

This area is dedicated to nightmare stories born from the fears in the human heart.

According to the rules, they should be sealed here forever and must not be told outside. "

"Crack, click, click!" Following Morpheus's voice, the densely packed bookshelves around them began to pull quickly and automatically like small trains on the track. The positions of several people continued to rise, and they could see a wider range.

"Ah, the bookshelf there is on fire. Will the Dream Library also catch on fire?" Diana pointed in the distance and shouted in surprise.

Superman and Bruce looked in the direction, and sure enough they saw "a few kilometers away", a dozen bookshelves were burning, and the books on them quickly turned into nothingness in the flames.

Behind the burning bookshelf, there is an open space as far as the eye can see.

The bookshelves and books there were all burned.

Morpheus frowned and said: "Barbatos is using the authority of the Creator to forcibly plunder the 'Nightmare Books' from this library.

Those nightmare stories that should not be known were forged into a nightmare world.

This is how the dark multiverse world that Bateman experienced came about. "

Bruce's pupils contracted, "You mean, our nightmares exist here in the form of storybooks, and Barbatos ignites these books and turns them into dark worlds? Countless dark worlds constitute the Dark Multiverse? "

"Well, your understanding is correct. This is the relationship between the nightmare dimension and the dark multiverse.

The nightmare dimension is the foundation, the dark multiverse is built on the nightmare dimension, and the nightmare dimension and the dark multiverse are both part of the sixth dimension. "

Morpheus brought everyone to the burning bookshelf, and sure enough, they saw the images and names of superheroes on the covers of the books.

"Baitman" has especially many books, more than half of the total!

“The eight divine realms face each other, light versus darkness, justice versus evil, and the dream dimension corresponds to the nightmare dimension.

Before Barbatos rose, the nightmare dimension was already the scariest and most feared place among the eight divine realms. Only desperate spirits, goblins, and black magicians would hide there. "

"Can a black magician enter the sixth dimension?" Dachao asked.

Morpheus shook his head, "Not all nightmare dimensions are in the sixth dimension. In today's fifth world, below the Dream Kingdom, there are also some nightmare dimensions.

The complete dream dimension is like a big tree. The trunk is on the surface, in the fifth dimension; the roots are underground, in the sixth dimension. "

After a pause, he added: "The Garden of Destiny where Harry went is in the tree stump.

The tree stump is buried underground. It is neither a root nor a trunk, but it connects the trunk and the roots. It is a very special area, exclusive to the Endless Family. "

"Do you know Harley's current condition?" Diana asked.

"I don't know anything about what happens in the realm of my brothers and sisters as long as they don't want to."

Morpheus took out a small cloth bag, took out a handful of golden sand from the bag with his right hand, and said: "Next, I will reveal to you the secret of creation. It will be safer to enter a dream within a dream."

Safety is for himself.

He can't actively interfere in human affairs, but he can let Da Chao and others watch the "story" by themselves.

Morpheus picked up the sand and blew it towards the Big Three.

"Huhuhu!" The golden dream sand turned into a sand storm, drowning four people including Morpheus himself.

The next moment, they came to the chaotic world where all things were born.

The Golden Dream Sand formed a cloud that carried them suspended "above" the multiverse at the beginning of creation.

"Where are we? What's down there? It feels like something very grand is happening." Da Chao looked around and asked in confusion.

"It should be the scene at the beginning of the formation of the world." Diana guessed.

"The dream within a dream you just mentioned." Bruce glanced at Morpheus, "Is it the lowest level dream in "Inception"?"

"The lower level than that is at the source of dreams. You can think of it as the 'place of origin of dreams', similar to the 'place of origin of time' that you visited back then.

It is precisely because you are in the place where dreams originated that you can see the ‘original dream’ at the beginning of creation.

Well, you can see for yourselves, as Mengjun, I didn’t take the initiative to tell you anything.

What you see now is just the subconscious mind of the ‘first dream’.

At this time, you are equivalent to listening to a "storybook" telling stories. All I can give you are stories one by one. "

The last sentence contained a touch of helplessness and a heavy sigh.

"Out of the darkness came little flashes of light full of infinite potential, which differentiated into two basic forces of creation, matter and antimatter.

Then a pair of brothers were born from the two energies, namely the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor that you are familiar with. "

Along with Morpheus's words, the chaotic world below flickered with golden light. The golden light was divided into yin and yang, forming an image of the Tai Chi fish. In the position of the yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi diagram, two tall creators with sacred breaths stood.

Marnow and Moebius.

The three people in Dachao only recognized Mar Nou among them.

At this moment, Mobius was still handsome and looked like a middle-aged white man, which was very different from the anti-prisoners they had seen.

“They also have a brother, the ‘Former of Worlds’, Alpheus, who settles in the World Forge and is responsible for forging new worlds when the world is irreparably damaged.

For countless years, he has absorbed the hopes and fears of all living beings through the dream dimension, and used the emotions of all living beings to burn and forge world after world.

Some worlds are very stable and of good quality, so they are put into Wan Tian Yi and become part of the multiverse.

If the quality of some worlds is not up to standard, the Forger's pet dragon Barbatos will be responsible for destroying them, and the energy will be recovered and put into the furnace to forge new worlds. "

"There was no Dark Multiverse at that time?" Bruce asked thoughtfully.

Morpheus said: "It depends on how you define the dark multiverse.

Unqualified worlds were thrown into the 'garbage dump' to await destruction by Barbatos, and that garbage dump was also considered the Dark Multiverse.

Later, Barbatos turned against his master, killed the World Forger, and took away the dominance of the sixth dimension.

He no longer destroys the unqualified twisted world, but also plunders the "Book of Nightmares" from the nightmare library, and actively pours the nightmares of all living beings into the egg of the universe to create a dark and twisted nightmare world.

Those worlds combined to form what is now the 'Dark Multiverse'.

If the nightmare dimension of the sixth dimension is like the roots of a big tree, then the dark multiverse is the tumor growing on the roots of the tree, so the nightmare dimension and the dark multiverse are often confused as one concept. "

Da Chao frowned and said: "Barbatos now wants to pull our multiverse into the dark multiverse. What is the fundamental purpose?"

"Perhaps it is imitating the Anti-Monitor in Crisis on Infinite Earths, making all universes the Dark Multiverse and his domain. Maybe there is a deeper reason?

I'm not sure, but I know for a fact that the best thing you should do is kill Him. "

The dream sand clouds led them to the place where the dream originated, until they came to the world melting pot of the sixth dimension.

Morpheus reached out and picked up a handful of shining colorful liquid from the stove, and said quietly: "Only by killing Him can this crisis end.

To kill Barbatos, you must enter the world furnace and get the creation metal, which is the tenth metal that is higher than the ninth divine gold.

Ordinary weapons cannot kill Him. Only the Tenth Metal can kill the Lord of the Sixth Dimension and bring the collapsed world back to normal. "

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