I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1826 Morpheus takes action

In the forests deep in the Rocky Mountains of North America.

At this time, darkness enveloped the sky, ice and snow covered the earth, and nearly half of the towering trees were buried in the deep snow.

"We can't get close to the city, or even get close to any modern town. Although the earth has fallen and the cities have become empty ice and snow cities, the spy satellites and city surveillance systems are still operating intact.

The killing machine in the Dark Knights has more powerful electronic information control capabilities than Cyborg.

Even now, he still controls the global satellite network and public security surveillance systems. ” Barry explained to Superman and Diana.

"Didn't you destroy the surveillance satellites in the sky?"

Dachao turned on his super vision, looked up at the sky and scanned the sky, and sure enough he saw that many satellites were still there.

Hal said: "The guerrillas have had this idea for a long time, but there are many heroes in our team who can fly, but there are very few people who can fly into outer space and are sure to escape the pursuit of the Dark Knight.

If the cost of destroying a few satellites is to sacrifice one or two superheroes, it is not worth it. "

"If Green Lantern and the Kryptonian warriors join forces... By the way, where are Kara and the 300,000 Kryptonians in Kandor? Have they entered the world of Valkyrie?"

Speaking of Kryptonian warriors, Dachao immediately thought of his cousins, uncles, aunts and other Kryptonians.

“Even some of the rich and powerful people on earth know how to escape from the earth in spaceships. Every Kryptonian in Kandor City can fly, and they can even propel Kandor City to fly at the speed of light.

After the Dark Portal opened, they didn't hesitate at all and immediately left the solar system, not knowing where to fly. "

Hal Jordan curled his lips slightly, "They didn't even say hello to us or say where they were going, and no news came back later."

There used to be millions of people in Kandor City. According to Zod's original conservative plan, at most one million Kryptonian warriors would be arranged to join Luthor's "Legion of Hope and Freedom", and at most 500,000 warriors would be prepared to enter the reserve force.

But later, as more and more Kryptonian warriors really awakened the new god's divinity in battle, the leaders of Kandor City, including Zod, could no longer control themselves in the face of huge interests.

The temptation of race becoming a god and civilization leaping is too great. More and more Kryptonians are leaving Kandor City and entering Apokolips.

When the Dark Elite triggers a "collective disappearance" crisis, Superman and Supergirl once again become the "last Kryptonians."

The remaining Kryptonians became the new protoss of Apokolips, and almost all were forcibly summoned back to Apokolips.

If the Justice League had not rushed to Apokolips in time to stop the massacre, the new protoss of Krypton would have been wiped out by the Dark Elite. Compared with other alien races that have joined the "Legion of Hope and Freedom", the Kryptonians pose a much higher threat to the rule of the dark elite than ordinary Earthlings.

In the end, after the "Apocalypse Peace Agreement" was signed, only 300,000 old, weak, sick and disabled Kryptonians were released back to the main universe.

Suffering such a huge setback and loss, the city of Kandor had trouble even protecting itself, so it had no choice but to shamelessly relocate back to the solar system.

Well, they've moved the city of Kandor outside the solar system before.

Especially when Hope and the Freedom Corps were advancing on Apokolips, Zod boldly announced that after the dark elite was eliminated, Kandor City would definitely be moved to Apokolips and turned into the royal city of the new Protoss of Krypton.

Now that Barbatos has arrived, the city of Kandor has escaped.

"It's not their fault." Seeing Superman's awkward expression, Neptune Arthur came out to smooth things over and said: "Those Kryptonians are mostly old and weak, and the young and middle-aged men with strong combat capabilities have long been killed by the dark elite.

Today's Kandor City's main mission is to reproduce and restore the population, and it does not have much combat effectiveness at all.

They even need protection from others. Before Supergirl left, she left a message saying that she wanted to protect her parents and would not be able to return to Earth for the time being.

No one can blame a man for protecting his family. "

Thinking of Kara's parents' tragic experience on Apokolips, Hal also fell silent.

It is said that Allura, the former lord of Kandor City, suffered from mental illness. She has been hiding in her room and dare not come out to see anyone. She is even afraid of touching the sunlight that is supposed to bring endless power to the Kryptonians.

Her husband Zoel has also been recuperating in the Kandor City Hospital and has not yet been discharged. I don't know if it's a physical problem or a psychological problem.

In the entire city of Kandor, Supergirl is almost the only warrior left who is both physically and mentally sound.

But Supergirl also once witnessed the miserable scene of her parents being ravaged naked by the Dark God and slaves in the Apokolips slave camp. She also suffered huge psychological trauma. The sweet and innocent smile she once had was hard to see on her face anymore.

"We'd better act immediately. The Archimedes airship is being hunted by the Dark Knights at the moment. Every second is extremely precious." The awl-headed Doctor Destiny reminded.

Hal looked around and said, "Let's summon Oliver first. Kent, is this convenient for you?"

"As long as it's on Earth, it's convenient anywhere."

The index and middle fingers of Dr. Destiny's hands were aligned to form sword fingers, and the fingertips lit up with little golden lights.

He used his sword to draw a golden pentagram in the void.

"Oliver Queen of Star City, 'Dead Eyes', listen to my call and come out!"

"Crack, click, click~~~" The air wall inscribed with the golden light of the five-pointed star, like solid glass, cracked several dark gaps, and wisps of black smoke emerged from the cracks, condensing into a golden battle in mid-air. A short-haired man wearing clothes, a black iron bow with gold wire on his back, a five-foot large ring sword hanging on his waist, and dark red lens goggles on his face.

It was Oliver.

However, he now exudes a majestic aura like a god or demon, which looks very different from the past.

"Superman, Diana, you are indeed free!" Oliver was very happy to see Superman and Wonder Woman.

"Oh, Kent, is that you? Why did your head become like this?"

Then he recognized the identity of the awl-headed freak in front of him and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Kent bowed awkwardly and lowered his eyes without saying a word.

Diana glanced at him and said, "The situation is very complicated. Did you know earlier that we escaped from the human tower?"

She knew before that the Tower of Destiny was in the Blood Realm, and no signal could be transmitted too far.

The astral projection of the mage can also be easily lost and dissolved in the blood realm.

Except for the Flash, no one else can directly contact the outside world.

"In every dark corner of the city, there are our guerrillas lurking." Oliver said.

"Stop talking. Oliver, this is our plan." Doctor Destiny used his mind to communicate, and in an instant, he recounted all the battles on the Tower of Destiny and Superman's plan.

"I will arrange for guerrillas to attack human towers in big cities such as Metropolis, Los Angeles, Houston, and London." Oliver made arrangements immediately without any delay.

"Superman, how long does it take from the time you open the shuttle door to the time you arrive at the Dark Portal?" he asked again.

Dachao understood what he was thinking and shook his head: "I'm not sure, but I guess it won't be long.

After all, the main universe is rapidly sliding into the Dark Multiverse, and we should be very close to the Dark Portal.

When you receive the news of my departure, wait another three to five minutes before starting to attack the human tower.

You don’t need to hold on for too long, half an hour. No, ten minutes is enough. "

Then he turned to Neptune and Hal, "Don't move here. After I leave, Barry will come and inform you."

"Where are we going?" Diana asked.


For a moment, there is an underground castle 30 kilometers deep under the Arctic glacier.

The 100-meter-tall cosmic tuning fork stands quietly in the dark and narrow warehouse.

"It turned out to be a cosmic tuning fork. I remember it had been smashed to pieces by Superboy and Superboy-Prime during the Multiverse Reboot Crisis.

Afterwards, you also said that you could not understand its structure and could not repair it intact. When was it repaired? Why didn't you tell us? Looking at the tiny black lightning flashing on and off on the surface of the tuning fork, Diana was surprised: "It seems to have started working. Those black lightning are the power of the dark multiverse." "

Barry quickly ran around the tuning fork twice and said excitedly: "The tuning fork did not start. It just instinctively resists any 'unfavorable factors and collapse trends' that damage the structure of Wantianyi.

If we turned it on fully, could we significantly reduce the speed of the multiverse's fall? "

Da Chao said: "The Cosmic Tuning Fork was forged by the Monitor, and only the Monitor can perfectly repair it.

After the Darkseid War, Harley put the tuning fork fragments into the stomach dimension and asked Wu Tan to help repair them.

After that, the tuning fork remained in her belly until a few months ago, when she decided to leave the multiverse, so she found me in the Fortress of Solitude and asked me to dig a deep hole somewhere and put the tuning fork in it.

Since she decided to leave the multiverse, she informed the earth goddess Gaia in advance and asked her to temporarily activate the thick-skinned power in the earth to protect the earth from serious damage in the crisis.

Because the thick-skinned divine power deep in the earth is in a semi-activated state, even if Barbatos occupied the earth, he would not be able to find the tuning fork deep in the earth. "

This is also the reason why he built a safe house 300 kilometers deep into the earth at home.

"At that time, I also wanted to hide the tuning fork under Lishan. I thought it would be safer there. The last time I hid the tuning fork in the Fortress of Solitude, Superboy-Prime couldn't steal it with much effort.

Harley firmly blocked my plan.

She said that when she leaves, Lishan will become the most dangerous place in the multiverse, because as long as she is 100% sure of her departure, there will be countless gods and demons who want to uproot her entire Lishan, and all her manors and forests. destroy. "

The Flash said with a strange expression: "Harry is really self-aware. The first thing he did after Barbatos arrived was to fly towards Lishan and uproot the entire Lishan.

Now seawater and river water have poured into the sinkhole, and it has become a lake. "

Da Chao put his hand on his shoulder and said seriously: "After Diana and I leave, destroy the tuning fork as quickly as possible. It doesn't need to be completely destroyed, just make sure that it can't operate normally and there will be no more black on the surface. Just gather the lightning energy.”

"Why? The Cosmic Tuning Fork can obviously adjust the energy balance of the universe - blocking disharmonious forces and enhancing the original creative power of the universe. It is the best weapon to counteract the negative effects of 'Corrupted Naboo'!" Barry said excitedly.

"Think about it, why were we able to use it in Crisis on Infinite Earths, and why did Alexander Luthor Jr. fail to achieve his goal after stealing it?" Dachao sighed helplessly: "Having the power to protect it can only qualified to use it.

Now we are completely at a disadvantage. We don’t even have a base. We can only fight guerrillas with the Dark Knights. How can we protect the tuning forks from being snatched away by the enemy?

Once it is activated, the entire universe will shake violently, and it is impossible for Barbatos not to notice it.

Once the tuning fork falls into the hands of Barbatos, it immediately becomes a magic weapon that helps the evildoer.

Maybe it's more harmful than 'Corrupted Naboo'. "

"Oh, what a pity" Barry said with a look of reluctance, "It's obviously our trump card, but it can't be used by us."

"How to use the tuning fork to enter the Dark Portal?" Diana looked at Da Chao and asked.

Dachao explained: "The main universe we are in is falling into the dark multiverse, and part of it has even entered. This is a fact confirmed by God King Nabu.

In other words, part of the main universe is inside the Dark Multiverse, and the other part is outside the Dark Multiverse. The door in the middle is Bateman.

The main function of the Cosmic Tuning Fork is to counteract adverse factors that affect the laws of the universe and energy stability.

It can be simply understood as an energy cannon. We do not need to aim, nor do we need to understand what and where the 'cosmic disharmony' is. As long as it is activated, it can automatically lock on the 'unfavorable factors' and remove them. destroy.

The core factor that now adversely affects the universe is Barbatos, but the direct factor is the Dark Portal.

So as long as we turn on the Cosmic Tuning Fork, it can theoretically destroy the Dark Portal by force. "

"Ah, I understand!" A look of realization appeared on Barry's face, "We definitely don't want to kill Bateman.

Even if we wanted to destroy the Dark Portal, we couldn't, Barbatos would definitely stand in the way.

But by sending out energy to counteract the negative effects through the Cosmic Tuning Fork to the Dark Door, you can follow that energy directly to the Dark Door. "

Dachao nodded slightly, "Barry, run at high speed, use the Speed ​​Force lightning to charge the cosmic tuning fork, then activate the tuning fork and launch the Speed ​​Force towards the Dark Portal.

The Speed ​​Force belongs to you, and you are the one who controls the tuning fork. You naturally know where the Speed ​​Force falls.

Finally, you use the Speed ​​Force to open the portal for us, allowing the portal and the Speed ​​Force emitted by the tuning fork to resonate with each other. When we reach the end, we will arrive in front of the Dark Portal.

With the precision of a cosmic tuning fork, there is no error at all, and we can find the blues directly. "

"I understand." Barry nodded slightly and said seriously: "But you have to be prepared. I can open a door to the speed force by running, but I can't control the complex environment behind the door, and I can't protect you. "

Then he hesitated and said: "To be honest, the task of awakening Bateman is obviously more suitable for me."

Dachao shook his head firmly, "First of all, without the power of creation, only the speedster can rely on the speed force to power the tuning fork.

Tuning forks consume too much energy.

Secondly, finding Bateman is just the beginning, there are definitely many enemies there.

Living in a dimensional gap with no heaven, earth, or space, you can't even stand firmly, you may even be unable to adapt to the environment, and you won't be able to breathe.

How can we save people if they can’t survive? How to fight against the enemies guarding the Dark Portal?

'Superman' can adapt to any cosmic environment in a very short time, and can also increase his power to the extreme value allowed by the dimension in any environment. Only I am the most suitable. "

"You have to be careful," Barry warned.

"You have to be more careful." Da Chao said seriously: "After the tuning fork is activated, Barbatos will be alerted immediately, so when I enter the Gate of the Speed ​​Force, don't wait any longer and leave immediately."

Watching Superboy and Diana fly into the Gate of the Speed ​​Force, Barry didn't hesitate at all. His body was covered with Speed ​​Force lightning, like a thrown spear, piercing the weak corner of the top of the tuning fork.


It was like an ordinary reinforced concrete building being hit by an RPG rocket on the top floor.

A ball of electric sparks exploded from the top of the tuning fork, and several metal fragments fell from it.

The overall structural damage to the tuning fork was minor, but it was broken and could no longer function.

The dark energy gathered around it immediately went out of control, causing a series of explosions.

But the tuning fork has nothing to do with Barry at this time. He jumped into the river of time at the moment when he crashed the top metal structure, left the North Pole, and returned to the snow forest of the Rocky Mountains the next second.

"Diana and Superman have left." He said to Aquaman, Hal and others who were waiting there.

"In three minutes, all guerrillas will be dispatched to harass human towers around the world." The Oliver projection suspended in mid-air nodded.

"How did Superman get to the Dark Portal?" Doctor Fate asked.

"Tuning Fork" The Flash spoke very quickly and recounted what had just happened.

"Can you still feel the speed force thrown out now?" Hal asked with concern.

"There is a vague feeling, but I can't determine the status of Chao and Diana. I guess they should be able to successfully reach the Dark Portal. You all know the tuning fork's ability, and it will never find the wrong target." Barry was very confident, But there was a look of worry on his face, "The key is whether they can quickly find Bateman after arriving at the Dark Portal, and whether they can resist the Dark Knight stationed there."

Arthur glanced at Oliver and said, "As long as we make enough noise, Dachao and Diana will be able to get close to Bateman and wake him up."

Oliver said solemnly: "There will be three thousand human warrior gods working together with the guerrillas. After 50,000 years, this land will once again resound with the roar of ancient human heroes."

"What will happen to the world of Martial Gods without the protection of human Martial Gods?" Arthur became worried instead.

Although Atlantis fell, his children and millions of tribesmen are still placed in the ocean of the world of Valkyrie.

"Including the heroic spirits who died in battle, the number of human true Martial Gods is close to 5,000, and the number of demigods exceeds 30,000. They did not put in all their strength this time.

And our goal is not to defeat Barbatos, as long as we persist-hey, wait, what is going on, what? Harley is coming back? ! "Oliver's expression suddenly changed and he screamed repeatedly.

"What did you say? Harley is coming back? Who told you?" Neptune, Hal and Kent all asked.

"Just now, Yebby came to Hell's Gate Tower and told me that Harley had defeated fate and would be back soon." Oliver said happily.

Arthur asked: "Is it Jebby, the Son of Hell, the dog of Harley's family? How did he know?"

"Yes, it's the 'Son of Hell' the Holy Dog Jabi. Please wait a moment and let me ask."

Oliver's mental projection stood there motionless for more than ten seconds before continuing: "Message from heaven, the angel of destiny Amra first went to the archangel Zauliel and told about Harley's sacrifice to the voice of heaven. The origin of destiny.

Clearly, Halle is sending us a message - she's winning.

Zauliel wanted to inform us of the good news immediately, but the gates of heaven were already closed.

The door will not open until the crisis is over.

Without opening the door, messages cannot be sent out.

Zaulie could only go to Paradise Mountain to find Selena and the others, because Yebi's mother, "Holy Dog Duoduo," happened to be in Heaven Mountain, and she could contact her son Yebi across dimensions.

In the end, Yebi came to me again through mental projection, and he struggled with it for several hours. It was so troublesome. "

"If it had been a few minutes earlier, maybe Dachao and Diana wouldn't have to take the risk." Oliver looked hesitant, "Three minutes are up, do we still want to launch a large-scale guerrilla war?"

"The arrow has left the string and cannot be reached." Arthur said.

"I mean, Harley has already won." Oliver winked at them, "We all know now that her goal is the Book of Destiny.

The "Book of Destiny" records the fate of everyone in the multiverse.

She won and got the "Book of Destiny". In theory, she can know everything about our present and future. "

"The Angel of Destiny only said that she was about to win a great victory, but did not say that the battle was completely over. Who knows whether she and Destiny will fight to the end of the universe and forever and ever? Act now. The most reliable thing is to have your destiny in your own hands." Hal said.

"Okay, let the whole army set off, and I will go to the battlefield in person this time!"

In the gap between the dark and void dimensions, Superman and Diana were flying hand in hand, side by side, at high speed.

"Clark, you turned pure gold." Diana glanced at him and said through her mental power.

"The same goes for you. Barry wrapped us with a large amount of the Speed ​​Force to ensure that we will definitely meet the Speed ​​Force shot out from the tuning fork at the end."

Both of their bodies are covered with a layer of speed force energy, like golden figures made of gold.

However, as they continue to "ascend" (dimension improvement), the speed force on their bodies gradually disappears, and the two of them gradually return to their original appearance.

"Ah, Diana, do you feel it? I seem to have hit a transparent membrane. It must be the 'cosmic membrane' at the end of the multiverse. We are going to enter another dimension. Damn it, I saw it , Door of Darkness!" Dachao shouted excitedly.

"Yes, we passed through the dimensional barrier."

Diana was also very excited. Coming to this point at least proved that Dachao's plan was indeed feasible.

At this time, they felt as if they were standing at the bottom of dark, lightless water, looking up at the sunlit world above.

Separated by a layer of sparkling water, the scenery on the shore was blurry and a little distorted, but very bright.

In a way that is very fast in reality but very slow in perception, they gradually approach the water, gradually leave the water, and finally enter the world above the water.

"Oh my god, how many people are there here?"

"By Hera, Barbatos is such a beast!"

After penetrating the invisible membrane, they finally landed in front of the Dark Door, but the sight in front of them shocked them immediately at just one glance.

Countless humans form a giant human tower that penetrates the dimensional barrier.

Purple lightning energy passes through the human tower like electricity through copper wire.

And they were just above the human tower.

"This should be the Dark Portal. Barbatos' dark energy is transmitted here through the human tower to maintain the operation of the Dark Portal."

Dachao's eyes were as bright as lightning as he glanced around, and soon a familiar yet unfamiliar figure caught his eye.

"God, Bruce, is that you?" His voice was trembling.

Diana followed his line of sight. Not far from them, in the center of the top of the human tower, where a large amount of purple and black lightning energy gathered, there was a shriveled old figure suspended.

Just looking at his face and figure, he felt very strange to her.

The gray hair, the old face full of grooves, and the weathered and shriveled cheeks were like the shriveled and skinny body of a terminal cancer patient. His figure was even so sluggish that he was less than 1.7 meters tall, making him look very thin.

Of course, such an old man would be strange to her, but he was wearing a Batman uniform and the huge black bat logo on his chest told them both: I am Batman.

"Of course it's him, the Batman of your world, Bruce Wayne." A cruel smile came from behind Superboy.

"Finally. You're finally here. Sure enough, it's you. Big Laughter guessed it right." Another voice came from above.

"We've been waiting for you for a long time, and you're finally here." Another voice approached quickly from the left.

"Yeah, we've been waiting for you."

"The whole world will sink into darkness, and in the end all roads will lead to Barbatos in the darkness."

"Long live Master Barbatos, the Laughing Bat Boss is far-sighted and can tell a thousand miles!"

Various shouts came from all directions. The words they shouted were different, but the tone and timbre were very similar, as if they were the same person, and it made Dachao and Diana feel very familiar.

His tone was also crazy and vicious, with a strong aura of evil.

"Ah, it's Superman, densely packed Superman, they are all you corrupted by darkness!"

Diana looked around, her pupils shrank, and she exclaimed.

After living for so long, this was the first time she used "dense" to describe Superman.

There are too many.

It is obviously an endless dark void, but because there are so many supermen, the space seems too crowded.

The superhumans could only huddle together, like locusts in a plague of locusts, densely packed and chilling.

A chill ran down Diana's spine and goosebumps appeared on her skin.

If it were just a large amount, she would at most be sweating on her forehead.

But every Superman is the same as Bateman, drained of life force, old and skinny, like bones crawling out of a grave.

A mummy superman would make her feel pity, and she would curse Barbatos for being cruel and cruel.

Countless mummy supermen swarmed like locusts. She was a little nauseous, wanted to retching, felt physically uncomfortable, and suffered from mental pollution.

But Diana didn't freeze there and felt uncomfortable. Her reaction speed was faster than that of Super Man. It's no wonder that Super Man was slow to react. So many mummy "Supermen" made him stunned, as if he was in a nightmare.

"Stop them for me, I'll wake up Bruce!" Diana grabbed Da Chao's wrist with her left hand, turned him up like a windmill, and smashed away a dozen mummy supermen who were already rushing towards him with their claws and teeth. Then she let go of Da Chao and threw him The shape is like electricity, teleporting to the side of the mummy Bruce.

Before the man could stand still, the mantra lasso in his right hand had been thrown out and wrapped around Bruce's neck.


Diana entered the state of God's Favorite again, feeling that the thick-skinned power in her body was stronger than before.

"Bruce, wake up—ah, bastard, get out of here!"

There were too many enemies around, and even if Superman fought desperately, he could only stop a small part. At this moment, Diana was once again surrounded by the mummy Superman.

She had no choice but to use the mantra lasso to tie Bruce to her back. With the Amazon round shield in her left hand and the Vulcan sword in her right hand, thick-skinned divine power surged like flames on her body - in the normal state where the divine power was not lost, her body The watch will be covered with a stronger and more stable defensive gold film.

"Bruce, wake up quickly!" While fighting, she evaded the siege of the enemies, guided the thick-skinned power to flow in Bruce's body with her mind, activated the power of the mantra lasso, and used her mental power to give Bruce a head-on blow.

Multitasking and surrounded by enemies, her situation is very dangerous.

But Diana was full of fighting spirit, her eyes were as bright as stars, and she kept shouting loudly, looking more and more energetic.

Unlike her, who was full of energy and fighting spirit, Dachao had been overwhelmed by a group of mummy supermen, howling incessantly, and the situation was very bad.

"Dachao, hold on!"

Diana's beautiful face was swollen and scratched by the Mummy Superman, and her face was smeared with blood. Her hair was messy and her armor was broken. She still screamed loudly and swung her sword even more fiercely.

"Morpheus, Morpheus, Sandman Morpheus, save us, we have arrived at the place where the dark sun shines." Dachao howled miserably.

He really couldn't hold on any longer.

He and Diana are two different types of warriors.

Superman becomes stronger when he encounters strength. He is very good at explosive seeds and is suitable for solo. No matter who the enemy is, he can match the opponent's physical strength and even crush the enemy.

Diana is the God of War and has a very strong will to fight. Once she cannot form an absolute force to crush her, she will be able to keep fighting. No matter how many enemies there are, no matter how high their quality is, no matter how injured she is, she can persist in the enemy's siege for a long, long time.

Two different combat characteristics are determined by their respective talents. Dachao's body of steel requires solar energy. When the energy in the cells is exhausted, the person will wither. Therefore, he is very unsuitable to face the continuous siege of enemies whose physique is almost the same as his own. .

Even if a single enemy cannot be taken down by explosive seeds in a short period of time, he may lose.

The source of Diana's power is the divinity of the God of War. She has an unquenchable will to fight, an unbreakable will, and endless power. She even gets stronger as she fights. It doesn't matter how many enemies there are. If she can't crush her, she will continue to consume her until the enemy can no longer hold on. .

However, compared to Superman, her explosive power is relatively weak.

It can explode, but it is also limited by divinity and divine power. The upper limit of explosion is far less than that of Dachao, which has no upper limit.

"Diana, ah -" Da Chao screamed again, "I, I can't do it anymore. You hurry up and leave with Bruce. I can use the 'Solar Flare' one last time, and I will open the passage for you."


With Dachao as the center, a small white-gold sun burst out.

Where the white light was submerged, the mummy Superman was like a feather falling into a high-temperature furnace, slowly turning into ashes.

Back then, Harley took Da Chao to hell to save Rachel. On the way back, they passed through Wonderland and met Titania, Queen of Wonderland. They also encountered a "maternal-fetal blood river" in Wonderland that activated the blood talent.

Harley comprehended the exclusive magic spell in the blood river and was promoted to the thick-skinned archmage; Dachao developed a "solar flare" killer move.

The basis of solar flares are thermonuclear rays.

Under normal conditions, there are only two thermonuclear rays. If Superman is emotional, the rays will become conical and cover a huge area.

Solar flares instantly release all the solar energy in the cells in the form of thermonuclear rays, emitting light waves like solar flares. The attack range is extremely large and can easily cover a city. It is also very powerful. At this time, it is scattered in the "mummy" of Dachao. "The "Superman's ashes" around are proof of this.

Well, a solar flare cleared away the surrounding mummy Superman. Superman himself was exhausted of energy, his muscles shriveled up, and he became a mummy curled up into a ball.

"Whoosh!" Before the other mummy supermen came around, Diana's body was surrounded by lightning, and she flew to Dachao's side like a teleport, picked him up, and cursed: "Idiot, how could I give up on you, and even if I abandon you? You, where can I go? This is already the Dark Multiverse."

"Hey, you're right, this is the entrance to the Dark Multiverse. The more you struggle, the darker you will fall into a darker nightmare." A group of mummy Wonder Women who had been drained of their life force gathered around.

"My dear, join us, drink from the fountain of darkness, and fall into the endless nightmare together!"

"You are not me! If you were me, you would never surrender to Barbatos. I am extremely sure of this." Diana was carrying Batman behind her back, holding "Deathman" in her left hand, and holding a sword in her right hand. Be careful and alert.

"You don't understand anything!" A dark Wonder Woman with a split lip and a snake-like face shouted angrily, "We all come from your nightmares, and we are your true self after taking off your disguise.

Your cowardice and incompetence are the foundation upon which we are built.

Our misfortune has created your glory and light. "

"I don't understand what you are talking about, but if this rhetoric comes from Barbatos, it must be a lie. All your pain and misfortune have nothing to do with me." Diana said with firm eyes.

"Diana" a weak voice came from behind, light and airy, like an illusion.

"Bruce, are you awake?" Diana asked in surprise.

"Boom!" Before Bateman could respond, a big earthquake suddenly occurred in the human tower below. The purple-black lightning energy covering the human tower faded away like a tide, and the human tower itself quickly changed from real to illusory. .

In the blink of an eye, the ten thousand-foot human tower that penetrated the dimension disappeared.

Only the hideous-looking dark Superman and Diana were left around.


The moment the human tower disappeared, there was a faint scream full of anger and unwillingness coming from "below".

"No!" The surrounding Dark Superman and Dark Wonder Woman all held their heads and roared, "Bruce has woken up from the nightmare. You deserve to be damned if the Dark Portal is closed!"

"Take them down and use their bodies and souls to reopen the Door of Darkness." Thousands of Superman and Wonder Woman roared and rushed together, with great momentum and the situation changed.

"Diana, my universal belt, the third box from the left." Bruce was weak, his eyes were blank, and his voice was as weak as a mosquito's cry, "There is--"

"Are there any gloves?"

Diana had already put her hand into the third compartment on the left side of her belt and pulled out a fist glove that shone with colorful light.

The gloves are forged from metal and seem to have N metal added to them, with five gemstones of different colors inlaid on the surface.

"Is this kryptonite?" Diana only recognized the green gem in the middle.

"If you have anything to say, use your mental power to say it." She took the initiative to use her mental power to connect to his consciousness.

At this moment, a group of enemies were almost surrounding him, and there was no time to chatter.

"This is the 'Five Finger Death Fist', which I specially created to deal with 'Superman'." Bruce quickly explained: "The five gems are 'Colorful Kryptonite', which is also artificially forged.

I asked the old Batman of "Justice Incarnate" to help me collect kryptonite of various colors and functions from the parallel universe, and finally fused these five kryptonites that are effective on all supermen.

You use it against those dark supermen. "

"Why are you carrying this thing with you?" Diana looked dull.

Bruce urged: "Hurry up, in the fifth pocket on the right, there is also a mental spray specifically designed to deal with Wonder Woman.

Any 'Wonder Woman' with the god of war will immediately fall into a 'war-mad state' after absorbing the spray. They will lose their consciousness and may attack those around them.

Wait for them to create chaos and you take the opportunity to escape. "

Diana's expression twisted.

"Bang!" She was punched in the chest, and a mummy of Superman came to her.

"Die!" Diana was in pain and subconsciously used the "Five Finger Death Punch" to get past him.

"Stab!" Dark Superman's mummy face was scratched by the gloves' nails, and the bones were clearly visible.

"Ouch~~" Dark Superman covered his face and howled miserably.

"Look, I'd say it's useful."

Bruce's voice was still weak, but his tone was calm and vaguely proud.

Just as Diana was about to say something, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said urgently: "The gloves and the spray are not important, and we don't need to escape.

The important thing is that you have to call Morpheus. Aren't we still in the 'Land of the Dark Sun'? "

"The place where the dark sun shines," Bruce murmured a few words with a confused expression, his pupils suddenly contracted, "I remember, 200 years ago should be two hundred years ago, right? Or longer?

The Sandman told me in the tomb of Set that if the worst happened, call him from where the sun shines, and God, so much time has passed that I forgot about it—"

He opened his mouth and shouted: "Morpheus, help, Sandman, help-"

Silently, a black curtain fell from above, covering the three of them.

When Dark Superman and Dark Wonder Woman rushed over, they were nowhere to be found.

"Morpheus, do you know what you are doing? The sixth dimension is my domain. If you dare to violate my will, you are violating destiny!" Angry roars came from the mouths of each Superman and Diana.

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