I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1784 Unexpected Visitor

Although the huge news that the richest man in the solar system was murdered suddenly broke out, the plan of the leader and his team did not change, and they finally succeeded in jumping in line.

Everything was just as Dr. Mist said, like the Hobbits wearing the Lord of the Rings, they suddenly went from the colorful, warm and comfortable material world into the single gray-white color, cold void that seemed to freeze the soul of the shadow world.

There are no flowers, plants or trees in the Shadow Realm, only lifeless inorganic matter. Maybe demons are considered organic matter?

When buildings in the material world are projected into the shadow world, they will become decayed, as if they have experienced the erosion of thousands of years of time.

Various demons are hidden in the ruins of the decaying buildings. Most of them are low-level demons, but there are also high-level demons with noble titles.

But the strange thing is that the entire Lishan Mountain and the forest behind it are completely projected into the shadow world.

The flowers, plants and trees have not disappeared, and the buildings are exactly the same as before. There are not many buildings in Lishan and Lishan Forest. The only thing the commander and his party can see is the Quinn Manor, a group of buildings halfway up the mountain in the distance.

"Have we really entered the shadow realm? Why is there no gloomy, decaying, cold and decaying look here at all? The leaves are even green and glowing." The commander rubbed his eyes and looked again and again, "It's not an illusion. The leaves are really glowing, along with the entire tree. The forest and Lishan were all shrouded in a hazy light.

Especially Harley Manor in the distance. When I saw it brightly lit before, I thought her house turned on the lights. But now I look carefully, it’s not the light of a light bulb at all, it’s a very "

He thought for a while and said with a tangled face: "I think the radiance it emits is sacred and ethereal, but this place is obviously hell!"

"Yes, I feel that the Lishan Forest in the Shadow Realm is more beautiful and dreamy. Every leaf is shining with little gems of light, and the light of different flowers and trees is different.

The whole forest seemed to be alive, and there was a sense of vitality and magic at night. It was so beautiful and magical. "The alien VIPs in front of the commander were also filled with emotion.

"Whoa!" Just like they suddenly "put on the Supreme Lord of the Rings", now the magic effect on them disappears, and they suddenly return to the real world, and the surrounding fantasy landscape disappears.

"Okay, let's stop here, it will be dangerous to go any further." Dr. Mist's relieved voice came into everyone's mind, "We have entered the outermost layer of the mysterious circle, and Mrs. Xanadu may have been alarmed.

If she doesn't take a break and discovers our identity, she may come to pick us up soon. The premise is that she waits to see us.

Or maybe she was meditating and didn't care about the magic circle outside.

It has just arrived at five o'clock, and we have to wait for up to three hours. We can sit down and take a nap, or we can chat and play on our mobile phones.

But you must remember not to run around, and it is best not to move out at all.

We have triggered the magic circle. You may feel that you have only taken half a step, but the actual effect is that you are instantly transferred to a thousand steps away, separated from the large army, and completely lost. "

"Don't worry, we all know how powerful it is." Everyone responded one after another.

"We really entered the Shadow Realm just now? I have seen the Shadow Realm many times, and it is never as bizarre and dreamlike as before." General Lane asked doubtfully.

When he asked, the others, including Waller and the commander, all looked at the black voodoo magician with curious expressions.

"This is Lishan! The situation in Lishan is of course different from other places." Dr. Mist's expression and tone were very matter-of-fact.

"Why is it different? Did Harley specially make the modification, or is it for some other reason?" General Lane asked.

"First of all, she is the true God King. The God King has the authority to create the world. He is like a huge black hole of laws and can distort the surrounding laws at will.

Think of Limbo as an endless ocean, and the Shadow Realm is an isolated island formed by the earth's collective consciousness in the ocean. There are many similar islands. Almost every planet where civilization has been born has its own 'Shadow Realm'.

Just like the Kryptonian phantom space.

The Shadow Realm can become the Shadow Realm because of the influence of the ideologies of all living beings on the earth on Limbo.

But no matter how strong the collective consciousness is and how powerful the influence is, it is still useless when facing the God-King who is like a black hole of laws. "

General Ryan thought thoughtfully, "In other words, all the projections of the God King's residence in the Shadow Realm are the same as the Lishan Forest we just saw, beautiful and beautiful, like a fairyland?"

"Well, as long as the God King is willing to pay a certain price, he can ignore the laws of the ordinary 'Shadow Realm'." Doctor Mist nodded first, then shook his head and sighed: "But the Shadow Realm is very unusual.

On the surface, the earth and its people are very ordinary, and there is no obvious "energy level" or species difference from other alien races.

In fact, the performance of people on Earth is also very ordinary. Their biological evolution is not as good as that of advanced civilizations, and their physical fitness or IQ are generally not as good as those of highly evolved Kryptonians.

The shadow world formed based on the "collective death fantasy consciousness" of the earth people is far less complex and changeable than the phantom space - the dumber the brain and the shallower the knowledge of the planet civilization, the simpler the "shadow world" formed by the collective consciousness, and even the rules are incomplete.

But God is the strongest in the world.

Among the eight divine realms, heaven and hell are the most extraordinary.

No matter how low the earth and its people are, or how simple the shadow world is, as long as it is related to God, heaven and hell, it will immediately become extraordinary.

Just like today's earth, the boundless universe, countless advanced civilizations, who is the most majestic? We people on earth are the most majestic! "

Even though he was a cold-blooded voodoo sorcerer who had lived for hundreds of years, he became excited and loud at this time.

"Because we have General Galaxy!" General Lane said thoughtfully.

The congressmen looked proud of themselves.

The faces of the alien VIPs showed 70% approval and 30% envy.

Dr. Mist relaxed his mood and said: "The Earth has become extraordinary because of the Galaxy Admiral. The Shadow Realm is the front yard of hell, and it has also become 'high-end' and complete.

The energy level is high and the rules are complete.

Most god-kings cannot bend the laws of the Shadow Realm at will.

The price is too high and not worth it.

Witch Harley did not intentionally use her god-king level authority and power to change the laws of the shadow world.

The reason why Lishan in the Shadow Realm is so "treasured" and highly regarded has a lot to do with her position in heaven. "

General Lane suddenly realized again, "Harley is the God of War in Heaven. Even if the residence of the God of War in Heaven is just a projection, it will not be eerie."

Dr. Mist shook his head and said: "Heavenly War God sounds nice, but in fact it is a bit empty. It is not as high-level and powerful as her other positions."

"Isn't the 'God of War' the most important and powerful priesthood in the divine system besides the God-King?" Everyone was puzzled.

"Paradise is different from other divine kingdoms. There is only one 'god' in Silver City, and that is God. In the heavenly realm, all gods have divinities. There is no divinity in heaven that absorbs and processes the power of faith.

The sacred radiance seal replaces the godhead, and it can also absorb the power of faith, but the absorbed faith power is first given to Silver City, and then flows back into the angel's radiance seal with the unified 'sacred power of heaven'. "

Dr. Mist glanced at General Lane and asked: "Have you seen the 'Heroic Spirits' in Paradise Mountain? Their divine bodies of faith are all constructed from the divine power of faith, and most of the divine power of faith comes from the witch Harley.

As we all know, Witch Harley is the thick-skinned god-king. Do you think those ‘hero spirits’ have any thick-skinned attributes?

They are like being printed from the same mold, and they are extremely adapted to the environment of heaven. "

"But Heaven also recognized Harley's name as the 'God of War'." General Lane said doubtfully.

"Her name is 'God of War', and she also has the strength and divinity of God of War, but she has a name but no position. There is no such thing as a 'God of War' in heaven.

Instead, it was her other inconspicuous position - guarding the Gate of Hell, with a more noble status and greater authority.

You have experienced the "Crisis of Unleashing the Underworld" and you must understand how important the door to hell and the key to the door of hell are.

In order to fight for the key to hell, Belial, the king of lies and one of the three Satans, almost lost his life.

Now the key falls into the hands of the witch Harley, and she controls the gate to hell.

With her current authority in hell, most demon kings cannot compare with her, but she is from heaven, not the demon king from hell."

Doctor Mist glanced at everyone meaningfully, "So you understand the value of guarding hell, right?"

Regardless of whether they were earthlings or extraterrestrial VIPs, they were all officials, and they knew the secrets inside very well. They nodded repeatedly, and the faces behind the masks showed enlightened expressions.

“The Gate of Hell is not just a door, the shadow realm in front of it and the area behind the door to the River Styx are her territory.

In her own territory, she has absolute authority.

Therefore, Lishan's projection in the shadow world is like a fairyland, so even in the shadow world, no demon dares to approach Lishan. "Dr. Mist sighed.

"No wonder the housing prices on Arkham Island are so high. It is indeed the safest place on earth." A congressman said with emotion.

When General Lane heard this, he immediately thought of another thing and asked: "Since there are no demons on Arkham Island in the Shadow Realm, why did you say before that for the sake of safety, you cannot stay in the Shadow Realm for too long?"

Dr. Mist said: "Lishan is an absolutely restricted area. Arkham Island outside Lishan is projected into the Shadow Realm and is still cold and desolate.

There is no big devil there. The big devil has rich origins and is chewy. Hey, you know.

The lowest lemures are like the 'shit-skinned fish' in the river, and they are as greedy as the Witch Harley, and they will not go out of their way to hunt them down.

But no matter how low-level the evil demon is, you, the delicate and delicate officials, are no different from meat buns in front of it. "

The commander at the end of the team looked displeased and turned his head to Amanda Waller beside him and said: "This subordinate of yours is so rude and ignorant of his status and dignity.

Not only has he ridiculed us repeatedly, but Admiral Galaxy has also become the greedy and greedy "Witch Harley" in his mouth. The Sky Eye Society really needs to rectify it. "

Waller said disapprovingly: "He is originally a black magician. If you expect him to be knowledgeable and sensible, aren't you trying to make a fool of yourself?"

"I am also doing it for his own good. I am broad-minded and can tolerate his stupid and bold vulgar behavior, but if I am rude in front of Harley -"

Waller waved his hand and interrupted him: "What are you thinking? How can an old monster who can become a magic master and live for hundreds of years be a fool?

He also knows that there is nothing you can do about him, so he behaves unscrupulously when facing you.

If you stand in front of Harley, he will definitely be more polite than you.

You still dare to yell and scream in front of Harley. In front of her, he will not have any personal will or different opinions except a series of promises. "

"I don't think he is still scolding you people for being stupid, bold, and ignorant of life and death." She added.

The commander was speechless.

"Who?" Dr. Mist suddenly turned around and shouted sharply to the back.

Waller was slow for a moment, and immediately stood up, guarding the commander in front of him with a vigilant expression.

They have entered the circle. Although the actual distance from the entrance of the forest trail is no more than 10 meters, looking back is blurry, as if separated by a layer of frosted glass. The scenery around and in front of them is normal, but once they get close... As you get closer, the scenery changes, and you don't know where you're going with one step.

At this moment, they vaguely saw a figure walking out of the "frosted glass" at the rear. It was getting closer and closer to them, and the figure was getting clearer and clearer.

"What's going on?" the commander asked in confusion.

"Someone is approaching us. He is also a magician. He may be a master like Dr. Mist and Madam Xanadu." Waller whispered.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. I don't mean any harm, and I'm not a bad person. Maybe most of you know me." That person could also see everyone's reaction, and immediately raised his hands and expressed his attitude loudly.

"Know you? Are you -" The commander was confused. Just when he was about to ask him who he was, the man had already come to them and his appearance was clearly visible. Then he heard someone shout in surprise: "You are a gypsy wizard." !”

"Oh, I remembered, you are the host of CNN's midnight program 'Magic Talk'." The commander suddenly said.

Since the airing of Louise's "Quinn" series, which allowed audiences on earth to understand the common sense of magic and martial arts, some magical people have gradually abandoned the past and "only operate within the magic circle, do not interfere with the lives of ordinary people, and do not allow ordinary people to The old tradition of "people know themselves".

In the beginning, the Daily Planet was actually the famous reporter Louise, who took the initiative to find and interview magical people.

She even went to the Oblivion Bar with her camera on her shoulders.

Later, more TV stations began to contact magicians and invited them to participate in interview programs as magic experts to comment on various recent crises.

Many crises involve supernatural matters or are themselves large magical events.

For example, "Hell Unleashed" appeared twice.

The hero also needs money to buy wine and cooked beef.

As we all know, "experts" often make money very quickly as long as they throw away their skin and conscience.

Therefore, the originally very closed magic circle is becoming more and more open.

Almost every TV station can invite magic experts to participate in the program. Some magic experts who are eloquent and good at telling stories have even become hosts of the "Magic Interview" program.

For example, the Gypsy wizard William Nokan came here at this time.

It's clearly not a gypsy name, and he doesn't look like a gypsy.

He called himself the "Gypsy Wizard" because he loved the "Gypsy Witch" of the Justice League and pursued her fanatically.

The Gypsy Witch is a relatively unconventional magical heroine. She is very beautiful and has a good relationship with magicians such as Zatanna and Madam Xanadu. However, she does not like to participate in the daily heroic tasks of rescuing the wounded, punishing rape and eliminating evil.

"It's me, just call me William."

The gypsy wizard glanced at everyone with strange eyes, "What are you doing?"

"What do you want to do here?" Waller asked.

The gypsy wizard hesitated for a moment and said: "You are too careless. There are not only ordinary people on the world's first avenue, but also many 'magic experts' like me.

Your use of group magic in public, on the edge of Lishan Forest, is too eye-catching.

Then we at least I recognized your identity.

Your masks and hoods cannot block the sight of the extraordinary.

I could have followed you directly and walked in all the way, but I was afraid of death and did not dare to trespass into the Lishan Forest.

So I waited for a while to make sure you were not dead, and then I slowly moved in. "

The commander-in-chief looked ugly, "If you don't host a talk show on a TV station, what are you doing in Lishan Forest?"

The gypsy wizard smiled bitterly and said: "You are eager to get the opportunity of divination, and we also want to know about Mrs. Xanadu's divination that goes against common sense.

You should have some idea of ​​what happened in the past two days. All judgments about the ‘limit of Mrs. Xanadu’s divination’ have been completely defeated.

Our group of magic experts were slapped in the face.

There were even some thin-skinned mages who couldn't bear the ridicule and ridicule from netizens and directly deleted their social accounts. "

"Don't you magic experts know Mrs. Xanadu and are not friends with her in the same circle?" Some council members asked doubtfully.

The gypsy wizard looked embarrassed and said: "The magic circle is far larger than you think. The magic planes in Limbo are endless. Not all magicians know each other. For example, I look like The Americans are actually people from another world. They just came to Earth a few years ago and have been hanging around in the film and television industry."

"As far as I know, the gypsy witch is a good friend of Mrs. Xanadu." The congressman said.

It’s no secret that Gypsy Witch, Zatanna, and Madam Xanadu are all superheroes, and they have their own “Heroes Zone” on the puppy video forum.

However, magic heroes are relatively unpopular, their appearance rate is very low, they almost never do daily tasks, and not many people know about their relationship.

Take the Commander-in-Chief, for example, who doesn’t even know the past story of a Gypsy wizard pursuing a Gypsy witch, and now he doesn’t understand the meaning of the councilor’s words at all.

"If I succeed in catching Cynthia, I will definitely become Madam Xanadu's friend by now." The gypsy wizard said helplessly.

Cynthia is the name of a gypsy witch whose courtship failed.

She never even spoke to him seriously.

Just like people all over the world know that a certain NBA star wants to drink the bath water of a certain Hollywood female star, the Hollywood female star also knows that he wants to drink her own bath water.

But the two have little intersection in reality, and naturally, they don't know their close friends.

"What do you want to do now? Follow us to see Madam Xanadu?" Dr. Mist asked.

"Hi, Misty, we are old friends!" The gypsy wizard smiled on his face and raised his hand to greet him.

They all worked together in the Metropolis, met a few times at the "Metropolitan Magic Bar", and drank at the same table a few times. At best, they were acquaintances, and they were more reluctant friends.

"It doesn't matter that I'm your father." Dr. Mist raised his finger and pointed at the leader, "They are the bosses, I'm just the bodyguard escorting them.

Even if you ask for favors, beg them not to come to me. "

The Commander-in-Chief nodded slightly, Dr. Mist still knew how to measure things, and did not make any arbitrary decisions.

But then Dr. Mist added: "But if you beg them, it will most likely be useless. They themselves have not won the lottery, and they are planning to kneel down and beg to impress Madam Xanadu.

Even if you join them, it will only make the kneeling and begging team slightly larger and the howl louder. "


When he revealed the most shameful aspect in front of outsiders, the congressmen and the alien VIPs were embarrassed. At the same time, they were so angry that their whole bodies trembled slightly, and they cursed in a low voice, both American and alien.

"Waller, you must discipline this guy well when you go back. He is too ignorant and too outspoken." The commander-in-chief was slapped in the face, and he was also furious.

The gypsy wizard did not hesitate and said: "Thank you, I will be very satisfied if you can let me join your team."

Doctor Mist was surprised: "As for working so hard? So what if we meet Madam Xanadu, we all know that peeking into fate will indeed pay a price.

Among the people who came to Mrs. Xanadu for divination, Jack Knox and Stam were the most famous. Their fate changed the most, and their deaths were the simplest.

On the night of Jack's engagement to the princess, his anus exploded and died.

Within 24 hours of Stam receiving the winnings, he was murdered and lost both his life and money.

Changing my life changed my loneliness. "

The commander-in-chief scolded: "It's nonsense to confuse the public with your monstrous words! The reason why Jack died had nothing to do with Madam Xanadu's divination. He was purely stupid.

Madam Xanadu warned him clearly not to touch the purple-haired noble girl, but he refused to listen. Who is to blame for his death?

Stam was even more stupid. He actually believed the nonsense that "Americans don't lie to Americans" and left with the "Universal Didi Driver" with a large sum of cash without even a bodyguard by his side. "

"The prophecy given to Jack by Madam Xanadu contained the warning of the purple-haired lady? Who did you listen to?" the gypsy wizard asked in surprise.

Dr. Mist glanced at him, then turned to the commander, and sneered: "You are the one who is stupid, this kind of stupid behavior is the backlash of fate.

There is no trace, it may seem like a coincidence or a mistake, but in fact it is God’s will that cannot be disobeyed.

Otherwise, do you think that like in the movie, when a bolt of lightning falls from the sky in broad daylight and kills the evildoer alive, this is the backlash of fate and punishment from God? "

"You bastard, do you know who I am and who you are?" The commander was angry.

Waller also shouted: "Misty, don't go too far."

——There is something wrong with you. You called him a fool in public. Do you really think that the magic master is so powerful that even if he does whatever he wants, he will not be on the "death list" of the powerful?

You don't have the power of thick skin, and your head can't block the silent electromagnetic power cannon. If you anger them, you may also "get shot in the back and commit suicide."

Dr. Mist stopped talking.

Waller turned to the gypsy wizard and said in a deep voice: "This is Madame Xanadu's cabin. We have no power to drive you away, but we are not on the same side as you.

You can stay here, but don't expect us to do anything for you or say anything nice. "

"I have knees and a mouth, and I can kneel down and beg. Of course, I have dignity, so I won't really go to that extent."

Since he was rejected so simply, the gypsy wizard no longer needed to smile.

The commander was angry again, "You——"

The gypsy wizard flipped his right hand, took out his cell phone, and waved it in front of the leader, "Don't get excited, the cell phone is recording. I am a super internet celebrity, with more than 20 million fans on various social networking sites!"

"Fake." The commander felt even more depressed, but there was nothing he could do.

Dr. Mist was a little moved when he saw it. He was a great master of magic, but his life was not as free as this third-rate great mage. Why not end the professional contract with the Sky Eye Society as soon as possible and become a magic expert on the TV station?

However, he is relatively introverted, can he become an Internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans?

How about asking Madam Xanadu to divine her future career?

With Harley's current state, of course she doesn't need to rest.

According to her own ideas, she wishes she could open the door 24 hours a day.

The more people come to her for divination, the more intense the fluctuations in the river of destiny will be, and the faster she can achieve her goal.

But if she really did that, it would be so abnormal that even a fool would suspect that she had ulterior motives.

In desperation, she could only spend her nights studying divination techniques, and by the way, she could observe the turmoil caused by the divination object in the river of destiny through the talent of her destiny defense specialty "sensing changes in destiny".

When the commander led them into the protective circle of the hut, she immediately noticed that she might have let them in earlier at another time, but their arrival was unlucky. She already had guests.

Ivy brought it here from the back mountain.

The Stranger in a trench coat, and the Ochi Sage in a trench coat and wide-brimmed hat.

"Stranger, how have you been lately?"

Ever since the Eclipse Lord Crisis ended and the Stranger took off the silver coin necklace around his neck, Harley has not seen him again, nor has she received any news related to him.

Today he suddenly came to her, which surprised her.

"I'm fine. What have you been up to lately? First, you were crazily divining the gods of fate, and then you were disguising yourself as Madam Xanadu, causing chaos in the universe."

The stranger's clothes were no different from before, but there was a sense of relaxation and ease between his brows that had never appeared before.

Harley stared at his face for a moment, then tilted her head and asked Sage Ochi, "You didn't tell him?"

"I will not reveal your plans to anyone unless you ask me to do so."

After a pause, Sage Aoqi hesitated and said: "I don't think it's appropriate to let too many people know about this matter. If your enemies know about it, it will ruin your business; if your friends know about it, they won't be able to help you, but they will be punished." Implicated in your crazy plan.”

"It makes sense." Harley nodded, looked at Stranger and said, "It's better that you don't know. You also saw that Ivy left directly without even entering the door.

I don't want you to get involved.

I don’t think I have the ability to protect all of you, and you definitely don’t want to be a ‘plot driver’ in the movie who can’t help but only hinders the protagonist. "

"Okay, I won't ask. I'm not here because I'm worried about you. You'll only make others worry."

He stopped asking, but Harley wanted to ask, "My divination of the God of Destiny should be very secret. You are not the God of Destiny, how would you know?"

"Just because you are secretive doesn't mean that the God of Destiny is hiding in a secret corner and wailing and cursing after being deceived by you." Stranger said.

"Uh, they are talking bad about me everywhere?" Harley was stunned, and then said scornfully: "The majestic God of Destiny was deceived by a novice fortune teller, and they are still talking about me everywhere. Don't they have any sense of shame?"

The stranger is speechless. It is clear that others are victims, but you are the "Witch Harley" who deceived others, and you still have the nerve to ridicule others and have no sense of shame.

"They didn't go out of their way to publicize this matter, but no one was alone. When He wailed in agony and cursed, the people around him would definitely know about it, and the news would spread within the circle.

But this is nothing. If the witch Harley stops stealing magic power, everyone will be shocked.

Now that I see you sprouting in a solid state and snatching the origin of the gods again, I feel that it is natural and I feel a little at ease in my heart.

At most, some people may wonder why you changed your taste and suddenly became interested in the origin of the God of Destiny. "

Now it was Harley's turn to be speechless.

Stranger changed to spiritual transmission and warned: "Although I don't think anyone can hurt you now, I still want to remind you that after the news spread, the gods of destiny began to communicate with each other, and even formed a secret alliance signs.

Needless to say, you naturally understand that if they really unite, the target will definitely be you. "

"I'm just afraid they won't unite." Harley chuckled.

Seeing her like this, Stranger was completely relieved and ended the topic completely, saying: "We are not looking for you this time.

We are looking for Lady Xanadu and John Constantine, the parties involved in the "Book of Magic" incident have appeared. "

"Book of Magic." Harley was in a daze. She almost forgot about the "Nine Yin Manual" in the DC magic world.

Thinking of the "Book of Magic", which is said to contain the ultimate secret of white magic and can make anyone become a god in one step, she then thought of the last remaining survivor in the "Criminal Syndicate Incident" - the former "number one young talent" "Nick, and wizarding doyen Phoenix Faust.

Although those two idiots participated in the manufacturing of the "Magic Fission Cannon" and caused the headquarters of the Sky Eye Society to be blown to pieces, causing numerous casualties to Harley's younger brother, she did not include them in the "death list hidden in Harley's heart".

First, the Justice League Dark took the initiative to take over the case.

In addition, she knew that Faust was just an old fool who was completely fooled by the night owl; Nick was killed, his soul fell into the hands of the devil, and he could not help himself.

She had some kind of friendship with the two of them.

Even if she really met them, she would crush them both to death without hesitation, and let her take the initiative to hunt them down, but she didn't have much motivation.

"Have you found Nick and Phoenix? Where are they?" Harley asked.

"There is news about them, but the 'parties' I am talking about are not them."

The stranger looked hesitant, turned around and asked Sage Aoqi with his eyes.

Sage Ochi was also hesitant.

Harley was unhappy, "It's just a Book of Magic. Do you think my vision is as shallow as yours?"

"The Book of Magic represents a power that far exceeds that of any god of fate." Stranger said.

——You are so hungry for the origin of the projection of the God of Destiny. How can I safely tell you the secret of a greater power?

Harley turned to Sage Aoqi, "You know me. I don't attack the Gods of Destiny for their power."

Sage Aoqi hesitated and said: "I, I understand, so... I am even more hesitant."

——Knowing that what she needs is the power of destiny, he is even more hesitant

Harry's heart moved, "Is the legend true? The Book of Magic can make people become gods in one step, including the God of Destiny?"

"Well, she guessed it. It seems there is no need to hide it anymore."

Sage Aoqi sounded helpless, but the expression on his face was more like a sigh of relief.

"Harry, you must swear that you will never take action against the Destined One in any way, and that you will not take away the "Book of Magic" and all the power it represents." The Stranger said seriously.

Harley scanned their faces and asked, "Why do you care about this? As far as I know, the secrets in the Book of Magic are related to a hidden magical plane.

Even if I take away all the power, all I lose is the magical plane. It will not have any negative impact on the multiverse, the main universe, or the magical world. "

Sage Aoqi glanced at Stranger, looking a little embarrassed, and said: " Stranger is absolutely selfless and has no interests. Madam Xanadu and I are a little selfish. We want to become gods."

"It is too difficult to become a spiritual wizard." He looked helpless, with a strong bitterness in his voice, "First of all, the basic requirement for becoming a spiritual wizard - sublimating exclusive magic spells into the laws of the universe, is very difficult.

Understanding the laws requires unique understanding talent and great wisdom.

Wisdom often requires hundreds of years of knowledge and experience to transform and accumulate.

Secondly, from a mortal to the pinnacle of a master, one needs to undergo at least three deathbed transformations.

Only through three transformations of the essence of life can one become transcendent and become a saint.

And each terminal transformation is a death disaster. The average success rate of ordinary transformation is only one-seventh. After three transformations, the chance of survival is 0.3%. Only three out of a thousand mages can survive!

This does not include terrifying transformations such as nightmare demonization, arrival in the spirit world, and dissolution into magic. Their success rate is less than one tenth.

In the end, even if you accumulate enough knowledge, understand the laws, complete three or more transformations, and finally come to the door of the divine wizard. Just like me, Madam Xanadu, and Phoenix Faust, they will also die because the laws are too Mediocre and unable to be accepted by the sea of ​​laws.

The Sea of ​​Laws is unwilling to take the initiative to accept our laws, so there is only the last way left - to use huge magic power to promote the laws and ascend to the Sea of ​​Laws.

But magic is a rarer existence than the law itself."

As he spoke, Harley nodded, and finally she sighed with a sympathetic expression on her face: "The road to becoming a god is indeed too difficult.

Those new human gods only saw the benefits of becoming gods and did not consider the hardships and costs involved. "

If she were replaced by Mrs. Xanadu or even by a "younger generation" like Zatanna, Sage Oz would be able to accept it, but Harley.

"You told us in the early years that when you first understood the Law of Thick Skin, you were afraid of exposing the secret of the law and did not want to become a god at all. But Fuluhai took the initiative to condense the Law of Thick Skin for you and forced you to become a god?" He said with a wooden face.

Harley nodded, "Yes, the Law Sea is controlled by the will of the Origin. It is too urgent and too rough. I am not ready at all."

Sage Aoqi's expression was distorted, "You and we are not the same people at all, so don't sigh blindly."

"Why can't I lament that it is difficult to become a god? Even if I understood the Law of Thick Skin in my early twenties and became a God of Thick Skin, my Black Vortex of Thorns, well, the Black Vortex of Thorns had just been sublimated into a Law, and was instantly destroyed by the Law. Hai accepts it, but I’ve been stuck in the Archmage realm for tens of thousands of years!”

With an unrivaled spirit, Harry asked loudly: "I have been stuck in the realm of the Archmage for tens of thousands of years. Who can compete with me?"

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