I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1783 Catching Son-in-Law Offline

"Hey, we didn't attract everyone's attention." The commander was surprised.

The road outside Lishan Forest is crowded with people.

Many of them, like them, covered their bodies with loose coats, hoods covering their heads and faces, and many wore masks.

Therefore, after they squeezed into the crowd, they did not attract the attention of everyone.

Waller whispered: "No one is a fool. If you reveal your identity before the divination is over, you will definitely be watched; even after the divination is over, if you let others know that you have asked Mrs. Clues of changes were discovered.

For example, as soon as the news of Henry's sudden death due to drug addiction and his life-saving efforts came to light, some reporters speculated on the content of Mrs. "

General Lane and Doctor Mist walked side by side in the front row, the MPs were in the second echelon, the alien VIPs were in the third echelon, and the Commander-in-Chief and Waller were at the back.

Waller is the leader of the agents and is responsible for protecting the rear of the team. The commander-in-chief is purely for greater safety.

"No one reminded me before." He felt a little regretful and a little embarrassed.

Even ordinary people know how to hide their identity, but he didn't consider keeping it secret at first, and he even asked "Mrs.

"These hooded people have all won the lottery, isn't it possible? The lottery only happens every half hour by replying to the hero forum. Even if it goes on day and night, there are only 48 winners in a day.

Just walking so far, I saw at least a hundred hooded people. "He asked doubtfully.

"It's the end of February now, winter has not completely passed, and it is even colder at night. In such cold weather, they came to the door of Mrs. Xanadu's house at night. What do you think they are doing?

Except for those who have already drawn their numbers, the rest hope that they can also draw their numbers next.

Judging from their excitement and eagerness, they may have imagined in their hearts that they have won the lottery and will soon receive a divination from Mrs. Put a hood on yourself? " Waller analyzed.

"Hahaha, hahaha, hit, I hit, hahahaha!"

Suddenly, from the crowd not far away, there was laughter that was so exciting that it was crazy.

"Fake, Edward was selected by the system. He got the divination number from 4 to 4:30 in the morning on February 24th." His companion became excited.

Some people also wailed, "Shit, my comment is the 1003rd below Edward's, just a little bit close~~~"

"Damn, why not me? I have been in front of the screen and haven't slept for two days and two nights, why not me."

"Alas, another galactic super rich man has been born. Don't be discouraged. It will be our turn next!"

Some people were unwilling to scold, while others felt inspired and more energetic.

"Edward, I love you, I want to be your girlfriend. No, I want to marry you." A woman screamed, she was still a little far away from Edward, and neither of them necessarily knew each other.

"Edward, I love you, Edward, I love you, come and see me, I'm so evil!"

"Edward, I love you, Edward, I love you, come and look here, I have such a big eagle!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and a chorus of love expressions immediately sounded around.

Even if you can't become a trillionaire, it would be good if you can marry him, be his wife, and then get divorced and share half of the family property.

"Jesus, everyone is crazy, completely crazy." The commander was stunned.

"Not everyone can be like you, and can go to Mrs. Xanadu for divination multiple times anytime, anywhere. For ordinary people, this is indeed a great opportunity that never happens in a million years to change their fate." Waller said calmly.

"Everyone, please give way." Someone from behind wanted to reach out and pat the commander's shoulder. Waller remained calm, only took a slight step diagonally, blocked his arm, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

The other party is also a group of people, there are about ten of them, all of them are big and tall, wearing the same style of black coat and black leather boots.

There was a tall, thin old man in a tuxedo, who was protected by them.

"We are from the Chicago Wood family. We just want you to move aside and make way." The leading black man said.

The commander approached Waller's back and whispered: "The current head of the Chicago consortium is from the Wood family. Why are they coming to Gotham?"

"No matter what they are here for, we just get out of the way."

Waller is not afraid of trouble, but he will not take the initiative to cause unnecessary trouble.

Especially now that the commander-in-chief, congressmen, and alien VIPs all rely on her and Dr. Mist to protect them, the responsibility is too heavy.


Seeing Waller and the others squeezing out a narrow road wide enough for one person, the big black man smiled and thanked them.

"Hey, please give way." After passing the leader and his party, the Wood family members continued to squeeze in.

"They seem to be heading in the direction of the lucky man." The commander said in surprise.

"Hey, buddy, we're going to the front, can you give way?" Before Waller could say anything, another group of people crowded over, panting and sweating profusely.

Waller looked them up and down and asked in surprise: "Are you the 'Galaxy Didi Driver'? Why are you here? The sonic boom channel is not allowed to be opened in the solar system. Don't you know?"

They all look like Earthlings, wearing nano-suits that can survive in space. They also have a mother box icon on their left chest, which is the logo of Galaxy Didi drivers.

As long as you meet such people, you can pay them to open a sonic boom channel and send yourself or customized goods to any galaxy in the universe.

Of course, even the transmission of the mother box requires coordinates, and the transmission in a galaxy that is too remote cannot be completed at one time.

After Harley pushed for the "New Human Gods Restriction Act," there are still 200 million humans on Earth who choose to stay in the New Gods.

Each of them was assigned a mother box, and 20 million of them formed a mercenary group and joined Luther's "Mecha Legion of Hope and Freedom"; the remaining 180 million did not dare to take risks and worked as "Cosmic Didi" in the material universe. driver".

Nowadays, they can often be seen on alien planets.

On the contrary, in their home earth, there are almost no "cosmic Didi drivers".

Even if they have to pick up guests on Earth, they will gather in the "Luther Space City" on the outer reaches of the solar system.

Because the sonic boom channel cannot be opened in the solar system, if it is opened forcibly, it will be transmitted to the inside of a black hole or star, directly burping, which is very dangerous.

"We're looking for someone." Yinhe Didi drivers didn't want to explain and just kept squeezing in between the people.

Although the commander-in-chief and the others complained in their hearts and mouths that they were rude, they did not deliberately stir up trouble.

"Hey, they're also looking for 'Lucky Edward'?"

After passing the crowd, Galaxy Didi drivers actually walked in the direction of Edward.

"Hey, could you please excuse me?"

"Hurry up in front, don't stand there all the time!"

The third and fourth waves of people crowded in almost at the same time.

The commander and Waller couldn't help it anymore, "What are they going to do? Let's go and see too."

"Hey, Waller, don't wander around, they need your protection." General Lane hurriedly pulled her back.

If Waller is allowed to leave, the alien VIPs behind will lose their protection.

Something really happened, another troublesome diplomatic incident.

Waller said: "This is Arkham Island, Lishan is right on the edge, no one dares to cause trouble here.

And I can be sure that Batman must have been watching here, and he has probably determined our identities. Every move and every word we say is played on the Batcave surveillance screen.

If there is a slight abnormal commotion, the Bat Family will appear instantly and protect you firmly in the center.

If not, why would I go crazy and bring a large group of you out with just two agents? "

General Lane turned his head and looked around for Batman's "surveillance cameras". He only saw several drones, but not the "Robins" hiding in the crowd, ready to jump out to protect them at any time.

"Mr. Edward Norton, I am Altos, the butler of Wood Manor in Chicago. This is Mr. Wood's business card."

When the commander and Waller squeezed to the side of the road, they saw the tall and thin old man who had been protected by the Wood family bodyguards. He was smiling, holding a business card in both hands, and respectfully handed it to a middle-aged white man in his forties. inside.

He was wearing a red baseball cap, a black leather jacket, and dark blue jeans. He was very strong and had a thick beard on his fair and chubby face. He should be "Lucky Edward."

"How do you know my full name?" Edward was a little surprised. He looked down at the business card in his hand and exclaimed: "So many banks and funds? It seems that Mr. Wood is very rich, but what does he want from me?" "

Mr. Wood's identity and occupation were printed on the business card. There were several identities similar to "Chairman of XX Bank" and "Controller of XX Fund", which made Edward dizzy.

"When you were selected by the system, you immediately became a big celebrity on Earth and a minor celebrity in the galaxy. Your information was everywhere on the news." Steward Altos shook the phone in his hand and pointed to the sky. Drones, helicopters and people around him were filming him with their mobile phones.

"Don't tell me your full name. They even found your home address and found out that your wife died the year before last and you only have two daughters left. Your eldest daughter still dislikes you for being a 'red neck'. She moved to Los Angeles and has not been in contact for several years." You, your little daughter—"

"Okay, okay, stop talking." Edward interrupted the butler's talk with a livid face, turned around and said to his companions with regret: "I regret it, I shouldn't have laughed at the hooded idiot before. No, they are not stupid, I am."

"Edward Norton, we are—"

Someone called Edward's name again, but was interrupted sharply by the butler, "Which family are you from? Have you forgotten the rules we agreed on before - uh, you are the drivers of the Universe Didi?"

After scolding him for a while, he realized that the person coming was wearing a space suit commonly used by "Galaxy Didi Drivers".

"My name is Chris, we-"

The driver of Universe Didi just nodded and was about to speak when he was interrupted again by the "Butler" of Wood Manor, "Even if you are the driver of Universe Didi, you still have to wait until I finish speaking."

Then he turned to Edward, with a big, round smile on his thin and dry cheeks, and his tone was gentle and respectful, as if he was facing his master now, "Master Edward——"

Edward interrupted him rudely again, "I'm not a young master. Whatever you want to do, just be direct. I'm going to line up at the gate of Xanadu Immortal."

"Praise to the female fairy Xanadu, the female fairy Xanadu, the magic power is boundless!" As he said this, he pumped his fist and howled.

"Xanadu Fairy, her magic power is boundless!" The people around started cheering.

People now know that Madam Xanadu is the last "Forest Fairy" on earth. In addition to honoring her as "Madam", some media also call her "Nimue Fairy" or "Xanadu Fairy".

The old housekeeper coughed a few times and said loudly to Edward: "My young lady is thirty-eight years old. She is praised by everyone for her beauty and virtuousness. She also has three children by her side, and her fertility is excellent!"

"What do you mean?" Edward didn't know why.

"Hehe, my master is willing to recruit you as his son-in-law. No betrothal gift, car or house is required. Register for marriage immediately and receive a 500-square-meter mansion in downtown Manhattan, plus a dowry of US$8.8 billion!"

Edward was shocked and said, "Are you kidding?"

"No kidding, look." The old housekeeper turned on his phone and opened the communication video, "This is the eldest daughter of our Wood family, Scarlett Wood. She is online and waiting for you."

The woman in the video looks like a Kardashian, with a big butt. She is kneeling on one knee on the sofa, raising her buttocks high, keeping her chest high, and turning her head to pout her sexy thick lips. , winking.

"Hey, Edward, you're sexier than you look on TV. I can't wait to see you in person. Come over here soon?"

Edward opened his mouth wide and his eyes widened, "I, you, you want to see me?"

——Holy shit, this is his favorite type. No, it’s more perfect than his dream girl “Marina Kardashian”!

"Are you kidding me?" He was eager to try, but he was still worried.

"Be confident, big boy, you are very charming!" The eldest lady licked her lips, tilted her head and said, "Altos, hurry up and make arrangements."

The old butler nodded and smiled: "I will bring Mr. Edward to see you right now."

"Edward, you can't go! You are about to become a galactic rich man with 1.5 trillion yuan. They know this, so they want to recruit you as their son-in-law.

Think about it, with 1.5 trillion, how many women among us can’t find it? "

Edward's companion was still sober. After all, he was not the one who was hit in the weak spot.

Edward hesitated.

The old butler's expression remained unchanged, with a round and simple smile that only a fat man could have on his slender face, "Everyone is very clear about Mrs. Xanadu's rules. The numbers you draw can only be used by yourself and cannot be transferred or snatched.

If you go on a date with my eldest lady, you won't lose your qualifications for divination, let alone lose the 1.5 trillion you don't have.

Mrs. Xanadu opens her business every day at about eight o'clock in the morning, and it's not yet five o'clock in the morning. There are more than three hours, enough to meet the eldest lady. "

Edward nodded and said, "Yes, I won't lose 1.5 trillion even if I go to see Miss Wood."

——If there is a cannon, shoot it. If you are not satisfied after the shooting, you can pick up your pants and run away. He will not suffer any loss.

"But if you marry her, you will be divided into 0.75 trillion." His friend added.

The old housekeeper still laughed, "How can a man live without a wife? A gentleman like Mr. Edward will definitely get married again.

And when he married the eldest lady, he did not lose 0.75 trillion, but gained a gentle, virtuous, beautiful wife, and a dowry worth nearly 10 billion US dollars.

To put it bluntly, no matter how powerful Madam Xanadu is, the accuracy of divination is only close to 100%. What if you are unlucky this time and the divination is wrong? Or is the divination far less effective than before?

These are all foreseeable risks. Now that he is the son-in-law of the Wood family, he is getting a big guarantee. "

"That makes sense. I'll go see Miss Wood." Edward was moved.

"Mr. Edward Norton, please don't be anxious." At this moment, another well-dressed old man in a suit and ties squeezed over, introduced himself with a smile: "I come from the Bass family in Los Angeles, 'Bass', you must not Strange, right?

My niece Jennifer Bass is twenty-eight this year. I don’t need to praise her temperament and appearance. She is among the four most famous ladies in the United States! "

"Oh my God, it's her!"

Not to mention Edward, even his rational and calm companions had red eyes and shortness of breath.

"Mr. Bass, everything comes on a first-come, first-served basis, right?" Altos's thin face stretched even longer, and his eyes seemed to be on fire.

"Yes, there is a first-come, first-served rule, so I've been here for a while and I didn't interrupt you once. I only waited for you to finish what you said before I spoke." Bass said with a smile.

"Miss Jennifer also wants to marry me?" Edward's breathing was rapid and his body was swaying, as if he was about to faint.

"Of course, a socialite also needs a husband. She fell in love with you at first sight. In addition, our Bass family is also very optimistic about your future and will provide you with US$5 billion to start a business."

Old Bass glanced at Butler Altos, "Of course 5 billion is not as much as 8.8 billion, but it belongs entirely to you, not the bride's dowry."

Edward said impatiently: "I'll go with you. Where is Miss Jennifer?"

"Wait a minute, Mr. Edward Norton, I am the representative of the Kingdom of XX in Europe, our Princess Trittiny"

"Oh my God, even the royal family is here, so what?" The people around were shocked.

"Fake, I met Princess Tritini when I visited abroad last year. She is only 18 years old. She looks so pure and cute. Are they serious?" the commander shouted.

"I understand, let's go." Waller was calm, pulling the commander back and squeezing back.

"Actually, you don't need to squeeze in." After returning to the team, General Lane held up the mobile phone in his hand and said: "There is a live broadcast by the up master. Just turn on the mobile phone and you can see this screenshot of mine. This Isn’t it just you two?”

"Watching the live broadcast is not as enjoyable as watching it live, too."

The commander subconsciously wanted to say "too exciting", but when he thought about it carefully, it was not exciting at all, he was just shocked.

"I never imagined that just one divination quota could attract so many people, all of them big shots, and pay such a high price." He still found it difficult to understand and unbelievable, "If I let Princess Tridini stay with me for one night. .It may take half a month. I am willing to introduce them to Mrs. Xanadu so that they can get a divination opportunity."

"Cough cough cough!" General Lane coughed hard and kept winking at the commander-in-chief.

The commander-in-chief caught a glimpse of the surrounding members and alien VIPs wearing masks, and their expressions could not be seen clearly.

——If you can’t see it, you don’t exist.

Thinking of this, the embarrassment in his heart eased a little.

The distinguished guest from Lan'en Star did not pay attention to the commander's obscene speech, but worriedly said: "Even the richest daughter of the plutocrat, the American socialite, and the princess of the earth have to sacrifice themselves to win the opportunity of divination. It is still an indirect opportunity.

This shows that they have tried hard, but it turned out that they could not obtain the opportunity to directly divination through other methods, and they came up with this strategy out of desperation. "

"Well, that makes sense."

The commander-in-chief was not stupid, and he immediately understood that his previous thoughts were too good.

With his status as the commander-in-chief and his close friendship, it would be difficult for Madam Xanadu to use the back door for seven congressmen and eight alien guests.

"No matter what, we have to give it a try. Maybe those people have no connections at all. They can't even see Mrs. Xanadu, and they don't even have the chance to kneel down and kowtow and beg." He said.

"You want to kowtow to Madam Xanadu? You are the commander-in-chief." General Lane frowned.

The commander shook his head slightly and said: "Of course I don't need to kowtow. I am different from you. When I left last time, I made an agreement with Mrs. Divination, and she agreed.”

The distinguished guest from Lan En Star immediately said: "I am willing to pay 20 million Lan En coins as long as Madam Xanadu divines for me once, just once!"

The commander-in-chief said: "Play the emotional card first. If the emotional card doesn't work, spend a lot of money and give heavy gifts. If it still doesn't work, kneel down and beg. Of course, I'm just giving suggestions. You can decide what to do."

"Mrs. Xanadu can help others predict lottery tickets worth 1.5 trillion yuan. What kind of gift can impress her?" the alien VIP asked worriedly.

The Commander-in-Chief patted his shoulder and said, "Everyone has needs, and Mrs. Xanadu is also a human being. Just ask her directly after meeting her. We Americans have a generous temperament and don't like to be secretive or speculate on our thoughts."

All the alien VIPs nodded.

Americans are indeed not ashamed to talk about their interests. They ask for benefits directly and are never embarrassed.

Just like the commander-in-chief.

When they asked him to help introduce Madam Xanadu, he directly asked what benefits they could give him.

With some calculations in mind, the group continued to move forward.

The closer you get to the entrance area of ​​the "Forest Trail", the more people there are and the more crowded it becomes. When you actually come to the trail, there is an open space.

The GCPD is there to maintain order.

"Don't push forward, we are not protecting Madam Xanadu, we are protecting you!" A GCPD shouted to the crowd with a loudspeaker: "Mrs. If you break into the protective magic circle, you may lose your life."

"That's about where it starts." Dr. Mist stopped.

"Should we use invisibility magic immediately to break in?" General Lane asked, and then worried: "Would it be too noticeable if so many of us suddenly disappeared in public?"

"My magic can interfere with their thinking and make them subconsciously ignore us." Dr. Mist said confidently.

"Hey, man!"

A strong big hand suddenly stretched out from the crowd and pressed heavily on Dr. Mist's shoulder.

"Who?" Doctor Mist was startled and subconsciously wanted to take action.

"Don't get excited, I don't mean any harm." The man immediately raised his hands high.

Doctor Mist also caught a glimpse of the Mother Box icon on his chest, and the magic power surging in his body returned to calm, "Are you the cosmic Didi driver?"

The man nodded slightly and said with a smile: "My name is Chris, and I am a new human god. I see that you have been looking in the direction of the forest path. You want to go in, right?"

"It's you, what do you want to do?"

The Commander-in-Chief was waiting for the invisible stealth. When he saw Dr. Mist being suddenly stopped by someone, he became curious and walked over from behind.

Then he saw a familiar face: one of the several cosmic Didi drivers who had asked them to give way before.

"Do you still remember me?" Chris's smile became even brighter. "I have been a space driver for half a year and have saved a few million Lann coins. I have been to all the mainstream civilized countries in the galaxy, and I am familiar with the environment and customs of each place."

"Why are you telling us this?" the commander asked in confusion.

"Hey, if one of you has won the lottery, you will soon enter Madam Xanadu's cabin to perform fortune-telling fortune-telling, right?" Chris said.

"how do you know?"

The commander-in-chief was even more surprised. They didn't win the lottery, but he did have a chance to divine.

"You've been looking in the direction of the forest path, just like they did before." Chris said, pointing in the direction of the parking space.

At the edge of the forest trail entrance, there is a small piece of concrete land that can park three cars.

You can drive directly into the parking space from the First Avenue in the World.

Mrs. Xanadu owns a Ford car and has two other parking spaces for guests.

At this time, Xanadu's car was still parked there, but a group of people stood in the open space between the two parking spaces.

The GCPD kept others away from the forest trails, but did not chase them away.

"They are all the lucky ones who got their numbers, and they have already discussed the order of entering Xanadu's hut for divination. You should be the same as them, right?" Chris said.

"There are many people watching on the forest trail, so why are you sure we have got the number?"

"They were just watching eagerly, and you seemed ready to go inside." Chris said.

"Someone among us did win the lottery, what next? What do you want to do?" asked the commander.

Chris asked instead, "Do you know the story of Stam, the first lucky man?"

"We don't have time to talk nonsense with you." Dr. Mist said impatiently.

Chris quickly said: "Stam is a sanitation worker, and he and several companions were responsible for cleaning up this area. At that time, he scanned with everyone."

He pointed to the wooden sign at the entrance to the forest trail and said in a complex tone: "He only had two coins in his pocket, 20 cents, and was persuaded by his companions to scan it.

After the number was drawn, he didn't want to see Mrs. Xanadu.

He said he had no money, neither to pay for divination nor to buy a boat ticket to an alien planet to meet an alien lady.

At that time, a ‘Mother Box Driver’ happened to be visiting relatives in his hometown.

We are all Earthlings. The "New God Restriction Act" only does not allow us to live permanently on Earth. It does not prohibit us from returning to our hometown to visit friends and relatives.

The Mother Box driver didn't believe that Mrs. Xanadu could really change her destiny.

In fact, those of us who have seen the world in the universe all understand the common sense of occultism and know that prophecies are very vague and full of uncertainty.

We, like the pundits in the media, feel that the alien thugs who killed Jack Knox are lying. "

"Stop talking nonsense!" Dr. Mist said coldly.

Although Chris's "empirical judgment" about divination resonated with him, the topic also made his face hurt.

He was more determined than the experts and firmly believed that Mrs. Xanadu would never be able to divine the "14th step".

For this reason, he even had a fierce quarrel with the commander-in-chief.

Then his face was slapped, and now he still feels embarrassed when he thinks back to the scene where he stupidly shouted "impossible" repeatedly when the truth was revealed.

Chris said: "At that time, the 'Mother Box Driver' smiled and said to Stam - you go to Mrs. The "Mother Box Driver" can send you to any planet in the galaxy without any transmission fee. You can even advance the money to buy the Magic Ball lottery ticket. If you win, the two of you will share it equally."

The commander suddenly realized, no wonder this guy said before that he "saved a small million Lann coins" and "have been to all the mainstream civilized countries".

"Do you think we are country bumpkins with neither money nor knowledge, and you plan to imitate your companion and invest in us, and get rich rewards in the end?" He said with a dull face.

"You must not be short of money or knowledge." Chris glanced at them. "I guess your status must be very noble, otherwise you wouldn't have so many followers."

"They are not my followers." The commander said.

Chris smiled and didn't ask about their identities, "Rounds with no money and knowledge are people like 'Lucky Edward'.

I originally planned to ask him to repeat Stam's story. You saw the ending, and there was no room for me to interfere.

So I changed my mind. If the content of your divination is not the Galaxy Magic Ball, even if you are rich and powerful, there is still a chance for me to show my talents.

For example, if you want to explore the treasure of a certain galactic pirate, you can divine the treasure map.

For another example, if you are looking for the remains of a certain ancient great mage who is famous in the galaxy, you can ask Mrs. Xanadu to give you some guidance.

I can provide services for you with similar treasure hunt activities. "

"Boy, are you teaching us how to do things?" the commander asked angrily.

"I don't dare. I just want to make a small suggestion to help you broaden your thinking. 1.5 trillion is a lot, but the treasure trove of any pirate leader in the galaxy is more than 100 trillion.

Stam, a sanitation worker with short eyelids, stared at the Galaxy Magic Ball.

As you have noble status, you should have higher pursuits and greater ambitions. "

The Commander-in-Chief sneered in his heart, Stam is short-sighted, and you are no less generous than him.

Just a billion-dollar pirate leader's treasure trove makes you smug and self-conscious?

I am the man who wants to be the grandfather of the future king of the Galaxy Empire!

The little thief who steals the hook dares to show off in front of the master who steals the country. What a fool!

"You go, we are not interested in your suggestions." He also completely lost interest in him.

"Really don't think about it? Treasure hunting can be carried out secretly, avoiding the attention of the media and the public, without exposing your identity, and it is safer." Chris said.

The commander was moved in his heart and asked: "Have you ever gone to find Lucky Edward? What did he say?"

"That guy is so worthless, he's already crawling under Miss Wood's miniskirt." Chris said with disdain.

"Oh, he finally chose the Wood family? I thought he would go to Europe to be a consort, or at least choose Jennifer, an American socialite."

Chris sighed: "Princesses and ladies are too far away, but Miss Wood was brave enough. After discovering that there were too many competitors, she came directly to the scene.

She pressed close to Edward's body and whispered in his ear, "Honey, don't you want me?", and he melted, like a teddy in heat, and was led away from Arkham Island by her. .

They'll probably be gunning it until dawn outside City Hall, um, in an RV.

Wait for the staff at the marriage registration office to go to work and go in immediately to register your marriage.

Once you get married, if you go to Mrs. Xanadu for divination, all the benefits you get will be your property after marriage. "

"It's actually still like this."

The alien guests were eye-opening and thought quietly in their minds: If the Earthlings can do it, why can't they do it?

The conditions they offered were definitely more difficult to refuse than those offered by the earthlings.

Many divination projects do not require the person concerned to meet Madam Xanadu in person, such as the galactic treasure hunt suggested by the cosmic Didi driver.

No matter who draws the number, they can ask for the detailed location of the treasure, and anyone who gets the coordinates can use it.

"Okay, you can go, we don't need to cooperate with you." Dr. Mist waved his hand.

The commander also said: "Chris, thank you for the news, but we are not in the same group. You can go find someone else."

Chris was a little reluctant, "Even if you don't go treasure hunting, you must still need an experienced 'Mother Box Driver', right?

As you have seen before, I am not alone. I am surrounded by a group of fellow human New Gods.

Your divination project certainly won't be limited to Earth.

We can provide you with many services such as transportation, security, and guidance. "

"Just accepting our employment is not considered a partner and you won't get much money." Datong said.

Chris lowered his head and sighed helplessly: "It will definitely make more money than being an ordinary 'Universal Didi Driver'. If you make a fortune through divination, you will definitely not be stingy in rewarding us coolies."

His attitude was very low-key, but there was a strange look in his lowered eyes.

"Except for the Mother Box, you are just an ordinary person. How can you be a security guard and guide? If we need a guide, we will naturally look for local people." The commander said disapprovingly.

“Americans don’t lie to Americans. Before we got the mother box, we were all Americans.

Even though I am not very capable, when I am away from home, people from my hometown are more trustworthy! "Chris said.

The commander-in-chief began to hesitate. His son Henry really needed a helper.

His term was not over yet and he had to stay in the White House of the United States. He was not comfortable leaving Henry to go to an alien planet alone.

The last time Henry went to Lann alone, he was infected with a new type of Du Ping. Next time——

"Big news, big news, the new richest man in the solar system is dead, Stam, who made 1.5 trillion, is dead!"

Suddenly, heart-rending shouts came from the crowd in the distance.

"Stam is dead?" Datong was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed, "He just became a galactic millionaire yesterday. Why is it still dark today? It's not even morning yet, so why is he dead?"

General Lane and Waller reacted quickly and immediately took out their mobile phones to check that there was no news that Stam was dead.

"That guy is talking nonsense." Ryan scolded.

"No, Stam is really dead." Waller said with a serious expression.

"Where did you see the news -" General Lane stretched his head over and saw the Watchdog interface.

"It's too luxurious, using a guard dog to read news from the Internet."

Waller said: "It's just text and pictures, not much traffic."

——She is a public employee anyway, so her information expenses can be reimbursed by the government.

"Yes, there is a galaxy where Stam died on the Internet!" the speaker shouted: "The alien news reprinted by Planet Daily shit, Stam was actually murdered by the cosmic Didi driver. It was promised that Americans would not What about lying to Americans?"

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