I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1767 Harley’s evil cultivation method

Dachao has been in a very bad mood recently.

Before the city of Kandor was unsealed, he preserved and protected it for more than ten years.

Every time he saw the sleeping Kryptonian compatriots in the city in the bottle, he was anxious and worried, and he was burdened with heavy pressure. After all, the lives of 7 million people were weighing on him.

Supergirl also often visits her parents in the Fortress of Solitude.

The scene of her standing beside the city in a bottle and crying silently made his heart ache even more.

He has never given up on analyzing Brainiac's "sealing" technology, and has been inquiring about Brainiac, who has disappeared for more than ten years. He hopes and prays that Kandor City can be thawed soon.

If Kandor City returned to normal, he would no longer have to worry about the safety of his uncle and aunt, and his cousin would no longer cry sadly while touching the glass cover outside the city.

If Kandor City returns to normal, 7 million Kryptonians are saved, and Kryptonian civilization is expected to be resurrected, the guilt deep in his heart for destroying Zod's hope of reviving Krypton will completely dissipate.

As a result, Kandor City was really unblocked, and the two mountains that had weighed on his heart had not moved away.

He still feared for the lives of his uncle, aunt, and seven million fellow Kryptonians.

They are even more dangerous than before.

If the Kryptonians in Kandor encounter misfortune, reviving Kryptonian civilization will naturally become a luxury.

"You don't seem happy to see me evolve into a god?"

Zod, the God of Commander-in-Chief, had a confident, proud, and cheerful smile on his face, and looked at Da Chao Dao with a slightly amused look.

Today is his "God Becoming Banquet".

The Kryptonians held a grand celebration banquet at the "Lex Galaxy Hotel" in the metropolis. Not only the celebrities on earth were invited, but also the alien ambassadors from "Star Street" were invited. Even the Hall of Justice and Quinn Manor received invitations. .

Although the New Human Gods who resolutely choose the path of the New Gods cannot stay permanently on Earth, the "New Human Gods Rights Restriction Act" does not prohibit them from setting foot on the Earth.

However, before entering the solar system, you must submit an application to the immigration office, stating what you are going to do on Earth and how long it will take to complete it.

Only after receiving approval from the immigration department can they travel to Earth.

The process may sound a bit complicated, but it's actually quite simple to execute.

It usually takes less than 10 minutes from submitting an application to getting approval or rejection, and you can make an appointment in advance.

For example, Zod wants to hold a banquet on Earth.

The immigration department only called the front desk number of "Lex Galaxy Hotel" to confirm that the Kryptonians had indeed booked the entire hotel, and then let Zod in.

"Are you happy and proud after becoming a god?" Dachao asked, staring into Zod's eyes.

Harry would definitely not come to such an occasion.

Most superheroes didn't accept the invitation, and Superhero came alone.

At this time, Zod is wearing a hand-made suit. His appearance, appearance, clothing and even behavior are exactly the same as those on Earth.

Not only him, but since he returned from the Phantom Zone, all Kryptonians have tried not to distinguish themselves from the Earthlings in public.

For example, when Commander Gore was wandering around Manhattan, he deliberately wore a Kryptonian military uniform and put a sign on his chest to tell all the Earthlings that he was a noble Kryptonian. This behavior has never happened to a Kryptonian again.

——We are not trying to integrate into human society. Now that Kandor City is on Earth, it is necessary for us to use the beautiful image established by Kal El on Earth to prevent the people on Earth from rejecting us. Then we can use their power to do something beneficial to the revival of Kryptonian civilization.

These were General Zod's exact words, and the Kryptonians who knew Harley's true strength believed deeply.

"Why are you unhappy? I am stronger now, and the divine protection means that I don't need to worry about the miraculous power of the extraordinary.

I also have endless lifespan.

The essence of divinity is the fusion of wisdom, experience, and humanity.

Awakening to divinity means that my self-understanding is more complete, my thinking is clearer and more active, and I no longer feel confused.

The Godhead formed by the condensation of divinity is like a supercomputer that stores a large amount of knowledge. It has improved my commanding ability a thousand times. I have reason to be proud. "Zod was radiant and full of energy, and his tone was full of pride and pride.

He has every reason to be proud.

On the day he awakened his divinity, he condensed his godhead, which was still at the dark elite level. Even Luther couldn't help but be envious of him.

"I know it's difficult to condense the Godhead, but you probably don't know that giving up the Godhead is ten thousand times more difficult than getting the Godhead. Especially for you who have condensed the Godhead on your own, it's almost impossible to give up." Da Chao frowned.

"Why give up?" There was only a touch of sarcasm on Zod's face, without a trace of hesitation or anxiety.

"All benefits have a price. The price of the New God is clearly written, and I can see it clearly. I will not regret it or give up.

I'm not you, and I don't care about the so-called divine bondage.

In fact, divinity is human nature. What binds the new god is not his godhead, but his own three views. The old three views cannot adapt to the existing power and realm. "

These words were spoken very smoothly and without hesitation. It was obvious that he had thought about this issue before and now he no longer had any doubts in his heart.

If he had doubts and hesitation, it would be impossible for him to awaken his divinity and quickly condense his godhead.

"Do you think your level is higher than Harley and Darkseid?" Da Chao sneered.

Zod shrugged, "If I had their strength, I would definitely consider the 'Dark Lord''s position as the God-King as a constraint, but how many people in the entire multiverse can compare with them?

I had a body of steel before, but I was essentially just a mortal.

Mortals should accept their fate. Being so ambitious will only make you look like a joke. "

Da Chao said solemnly: "What you choose is your freedom. As a fellow Kryptonian, I can at most sincerely advise you. If you don't listen, I won't force you.

But you are not alone now. There are millions of Kryptonians around you, and you are leading them to a path of no return. "

"I don't think collective ascension is a road of no return." Zod raised his chin, looked around the guests, and chuckled: "Look at them carefully, how much envy and admiration they hide in their eyes when they look at me. envy?

You haven't met Luther yet, have you?

In fact, Luther also came today, but as soon as he entered the room, he was pulled into the conference room by several ambassadors of higher civilizations.

When they saw that I could really become a god, they were very itchy and wanted to join the 'Legion of Hope and Freedom'.

Obviously, in the eyes of all normal mortal civilizations, collective ascension is a once-in-a-lifetime blessing and a broad road. "

Dachao followed his gaze and glanced around the banquet hall. They were indeed envious of Zod.

His super hearing also heard many people pointing and making random guesses at him and Zod.

For example, they quietly discussed whether he would be jealous of Zod's realization of the dark elite level godhead, whether he would regret giving up the power godhead, and whether he and Zod would quarrel or even fight in public?

In short, he and Zod had a heated argument, and they ate the melon with gusto.

Dachao didn't want to be taken advantage of anymore, so he stretched out his hand to pull Zodiac to the balcony, and lowered the curtain to block the crowd's view.

“Zod, we were enemies once, and I still don’t like you now.

But I understand that you love Krypton very much, and you hope that Krypton’s civilization will be prosperous and have a bright future.

So please listen to me carefully, you are really in danger now, the behavior of the Dark Elite is very abnormal. "

Dachao's expression is sincere and his voice is also sincere.

"Do you know 'Mr. Miracle'? He is the eldest son of Heavenly Father and the adopted son of Darkseid. He came to Earth to live permanently a few years ago and is a member of the Justice League."

Zod raised his eyebrows, "I know him. I also heard from Luther that Mr. Miracle often goes to Apokolips to help you find information."

Dachao nodded and said: "During this period, he has been on Apokolips to inquire about the movements of the dark elite.

According to the intelligence he collected, when Luther captured the first slave camp, the Dark Elite already knew his purpose and made targeted arrangements.

After the Kryptonian Observation Group joined the Mecha Legion, the Dark Elite was alerted again.

Mister Miracle confirmed that they had held a special 'elite meeting' to discuss the Krypton issue.

Although it is impossible to directly eavesdrop on the content of the meeting, from the reaction of the new dark gods under the dark elite, it can be inferred that they have set their sights on you. "

"That's it?" Zod was a little disappointed and disapproving, "Anyone with a right mind knows that the Dark Elite will take action on us sooner or later, why do you need to remind us?"

Dachao looked at him deeply and said, "Are you thinking that even now, there are less than two million Kryptonians who have entered Apokolips, and there are still five million Kryptonians stationed in Kandor City.

If the worst happens, the strength of the dark elite is more terrifying than you expect, and all two million Kryptonian new gods will be killed in battle, and Kryptonian civilization will not be interrupted.

Considering the benefits of collective godhood, this risk is completely worth it. "

Zod was stunned and asked, "What's wrong with me thinking like this?"

Da Chao sighed: "You think so, I can guess that you are thinking so, do you think the Dark Elite knows?

Never underestimate the Dark Elite.

Their wisdom, strategies and methods are no better than Darkseid's.

Looking at the entire multiverse, they are still the most evil, cunning, and powerful group of people. "

"What can they do? Chase them to the main universe and kill all of Kandor City?" Zod asked expressionlessly: "If the Kryptonians escape to the solar system, will you help them?"

Dachao's stubborn Guozi's face was instantly full of helplessness, "Who do you think you can fool with your careful tricks? Drive the space fortress to the outer reaches of the solar system, and when it encounters danger, rush towards the interior of the solar system at sub-light speed.

It's impossible for the Justice League to ignore death. When the Justice League comes to an end, will Harley be able to stay out of it?

With Harley's guarantee, even if Darkseid comes in person, he will only be defeated. "

Dachao pointed to his dark blue plaid suit, "Also, you let the Kryptonians show the same habits, aesthetics and hobbies as the people on Earth. This is also to enhance the people on Earth's sense of identification with Kryptonians and let them make more choices when making choices. The Earth is on the Kryptonian side, right?”

He sighed helplessly again, "The problem is, everything you can think of can be guessed by others. Since the dark elite has guessed it, how can they not make targeted arrangements?"

Zod is a little embarrassed. He has always felt that the Justice League is stubborn. Maybe they are not clumsy, but their thinking is rigid and they don't know how to adapt. In short, they don't look very smart.

I didn’t expect them to know everything.

"Some conspiracies can be cracked, and some conspiracies cannot be cracked even if they are exposed." He said with twinkling eyes.

Then he added: "Now that things have happened, it is meaningless for you to say this.

When you first decided to form an alliance with Luther, you couldn't even convince Allura and Zor-El.

Now we have a smooth journey without encountering any major setbacks. We have successfully liberated dozens of slave camps. Only 12 Kryptonian warriors were killed. And I have successfully awakened my divinity and condensed my godhead. All Kryptonians can see that I have become a god. They are all looking forward to becoming gods. You use your super vision to see the mental outlook of the Kryptonians in the banquet hall.

They are already in a state of excitement, how could they be awakened by you pouring cold water on them?

Even if you convince me, I can't convince them.

At this point, there is no turning back. "

"As long as you are willing to take the lead and leave the wrong path, they will definitely be able to turn back." Dachao said firmly.

"But I don't think this path is wrong, and I don't want to look back."

Seeing Da Chao opening his mouth to speak, Zod waved his hand and said: "Kal-El, you don't need to say anything, it's useless.

Today is the great day for me to transform into a god, but you come to me and say these depressing words. I should be angry, but I am actually very happy inside.

The fact that you can say these things to me shows that you really care about the future of Kryptonians.

So I patiently told you so much.

But no one can change the current reality. The key is that we ourselves are unwilling to change. "

He put his hand on Da Chao's shoulder, patted it twice, and said softly: "All you can really do is take precautions and try to save as many Kryptonians as possible if the worst happens."

"What are you talking about hiding here?" Luther held a bottle of champagne, opened the curtain and walked in.

He first scanned their faces back and forth and said with a smile: "Zod, he definitely didn't come to congratulate you, right?"

"He will probably never bless either of us," Zod said.

Luther laughed for a while and asked, "How does it feel to become a god?"

Zod clenched his fists and carefully felt the process of divine power flowing through his body. A look of intoxication and obsession gradually appeared on his face.

"Now I finally understand why you and the new human gods still refuse to leave Apokolips after losing their godhood.

Divine power is not only a kind of energy, it is also a symbol of higher life.

The desire to evolve is the instinct of all living things. No one can resist this instinct, and I am no exception. "

Luther nodded slightly, "Indeed, no one can resist this instinctive temptation. We can't, and neither can those higher civilizations."

Zod was moved in his heart and asked: "They directly asked you to form an alliance, and you agreed?"

Luther gently shook the wine glass in his hand, "I can't refuse. First of all, the terms they offered are too generous.

They are willing to use the most advanced technology to help my legion upgrade mechas, and provide secret military bases across the universe to help us break up into pieces and avoid possible dark elite counterattacks in the future.

If they join us, they will certainly not betray us.

Secondly, there is strength in numbers, and no amount of allies can resolve my concerns about the Dark Elite.

Of course, I will screen them one by one and try to select alien warriors who will not seize our 'road'. "

Zod turned his head and glanced at the expressionless Chao, and said: "Look, Luther and I are not the ignorant fools you think.

We are always on guard against the Dark Elite and never take it lightly.

Our offensive has been very fierce recently, and we have quickly taken over slave camps one after another. This is not because we have become arrogant.

We also have a sense of crisis that is about to come.

We want to take down more slave camps as soon as possible and liberate more new dark gods.

Now that the Dark Lord has not returned to his throne, the will of the new dark god is the will of Apokolips.

The recognition of us by the New God of Darkness can increase our chances of awakening our divinity.

Once the Kryptonian warrior becomes a god, the Man of Steel's negative magic resistance flaw will disappear and we will be more powerful than the normal Dark New God. "

Luthor's eyes flashed and he suggested: "Superman, if you are worried about the safety of Krypton and the New God of Mankind, you can select a few of the most cautious heroes from the Justice League to join the 'Legion of Hope and Freedom'.

Use your experience in fighting the Dark Elite to help us escape traps and crises. "

Zod nodded repeatedly, "This method is very good, very practical, and can really help us."

"You guys." Dachao scanned their faces and swallowed back the "shameless" words that had climbed to his throat.

"You can take care of yourself."

With these words, he didn't even care about his wife in the banquet hall, and soared directly from the balcony.

"They are stubborn and refuse to listen to advice."

Dachao returned to the Hall of Justice full of depression and told Bateman the conversation that just happened.

It was Bateman who suggested he go talk to Zod.

The person who has been studying the battle situation on Apokolips and feels that danger is coming is also Bateman.

Bateman thought for a moment and said, "Let's go find Harley."

"Looking for her to stop the 'Hope and Freedom Legion', or to guard against the possible conspiracy of the dark elite?" Dachao said with a tangled expression: "The two shameless men Zod and Luther have been hoping that we will drag Harley into the water. With Harley After all, they are not afraid of anything and don’t have to worry about anything.”

Although he hoped that Harley could lend a helping hand to the "innocent humans" in the Legion of Hope and Freedom at a critical moment, he felt very unhappy when he thought of Zod and Luther's wishful thinking.

Thoughts are as uncomfortable as a toilet blocked by hair and toilet paper.

"We choose to save people because we cannot bear to have our lives ruthlessly slaughtered. What does it have to do with what Luthor and Zod think and plan?"

Bateman is very calm, unlike Super, who is disturbed by Luthor and Zod.

Dachao took a few deep breaths, and his mood gradually returned to calm, and he nodded: "You are right, we stick to our own ideals of justice, and it has nothing to do with what others think or do.

Now go find Harley.

We have tried our best, but there is nothing we can do. She is the only one who can change the overall situation. "

Half an hour later, at the foot of Lishan Mountain.

Dachao first looked up at the villa halfway up the mountain, then turned around and scanned the woods at the back of the mountain, and asked: "Harry works as a fortune teller at Madam Xanadu's house. We are going directly to Madam Xanadu's hut. , or go to Quinn Manor and wait for her to come back?"

"Did you see that Harley is at Mrs. Xanadu's house now?" Bateman asked.

Da Chao shook his head, "Super vision cannot see through Quinn Manor, nor can it peek into Madam Xanadu's villa.

They all use materials to prevent the prying eyes of superpowers, and may also have the effect of magic wards. "

"Go to the manor first." Bateman jumped out of the stealth fighter and walked towards the mountain road first.

As expected, Harry was not seen in the manor halfway up the mountain.


However, Helena was still on winter vacation. When she saw her father in broad daylight, she was surprised and excited. She immediately ran over and jumped into his arms.

Bateman walked into the living room with his daughter in his arms, looked around and saw Ivy lying on the sofa, watching a reality show with a tablet in hand.

"Where's your mom?"

"I'm probably shopping and watching shows on Planet Lann. Lann Fashion Week has opened in the past few days. It's very lively. Many celebrities from the galaxy have gone there. My mother also plans to attend the red carpet." Helena said.

"Did Harley take her there?" Bateman frowned.

Helena shook her head, "It's Aunt Carol, but my mother also took the Green Lantern ring collected by Harley's mother and became a Green Lantern."

Bateman turned his attention to Ivy, who was still lying motionless on the sofa, and asked, "Why didn't you go?"

"I'm not interested in alien costumes."

Da Chao coughed lightly and said, "Ivy, we need to see Harley, can you help call her back?"

"You go to Xanadu's house to find her. She has been there these days." Ivy said.

Thinking of the tragic experience of his father-in-law these days, Dachao hesitated and said: "I heard that she is studying divination. If you go to Xanadu's house to see her, you will encounter misfortune."

"The key is not Xanadu's home, but Harley herself. Since you want to see her, if there is any misfortune, it doesn't matter where you meet her." Ivy said.

"What are you looking at?" Bateman asked curiously when he saw that she was staring at the tablet while she was talking.

"The Galaxy's Strongest Trainee, just like last year, will hold the finals on Christmas again."

Bateman was stunned for a moment, and one year had passed since the final crisis.

"I didn't expect that after going through the final crisis, the program 'Galaxy's Strongest Trainee' has not been cancelled." Dachao was also very emotional.

"How could it be canceled? In the final crisis, countless civilized planets were infected by the Equation virus, and countless aliens left an indelible impression on this program.

The ratings of this year's 'Strongest Trainee' finals reached the top of more than 30,000 civilized planets, and it became a huge hit. "Ivy said.

Dachao asked doubtfully: "Is it very popular? It feels like no one is talking about this show. It was only last year that it became very popular and everyone paid attention to it."

"The hot news on Earth right now is the Luther Legion. Moreover, this year's strongest trainee has no earthlings participating, and Luther Media neither broadcast nor blocked the solar system competition.

Not everyone, like me, has enough data to use Watchdog to watch alien TV shows. "

"Well, last year the strongest trainee program was introduced by Luther. This year Luther is busy becoming a god and has no energy to bother with the talent show." Dachao thought thoughtfully.

Bateman put the daughter in his arms on the ground and said, "Let's go to Xanadu's house to find Harry."

"Call in advance and ask her to take away her magical powers and not bring bad luck to us." Dachao said.

Harley didn't pick up any guests today.

There is a sign in front of Mrs. Shangdu’s courtyard: New Year’s holiday, temporarily closed.

"Harley is practicing, you may have to wait for a while."

It was Mrs. Xanadu who answered the phone.

It was she who went to the entrance of the small courtyard to lead the two visiting heroes outside the meditation room on the second floor.

"Can't practice be interrupted?" Bateman asked.

Xanadu hesitated for a moment and opened a two-finger-wide gap in the wooden door of the meditation room.

She pointed at the gap and motioned for them to look in, "She is not practicing alone, she is practicing soul cultivation with Sage Aoqi."

Dachao and Bateman looked at the crack in the door and saw two women sitting cross-legged on the tatami floor indoors.

The room is not too big, about 6 meters by 6 meters square.

The two women were three meters apart. There was an incense burner placed in the corner, and there was some smoke in the room.

One of the women was Harley. She was wearing a thick blue cotton skirt, her eyes were slightly closed, and a "little star" emitting a faint golden light was suspended above her head - even Superman's super eyesight could not see the "little star" clearly. As for its true appearance, I can only see it shining, but I don’t know what it is or what it looks like.

The woman sitting opposite her was about 27 or 28 years old, with short black hair and standard British classical beauty features. Her temperament was very elegant, ladylike, quiet and strange.

The strange woman with short ear-length hair was just like Harley. Her red lips were slightly parted, her eyes were closed, and a silver "little star" was shining brightly above her head.

"Who is she? Where is Sage Aoqi?" Dachao asked in confusion.

The room was not big, and it was empty. Apart from the person and the incense burner, there was not even a futon. How could one hide another person?

"She is Sage Ochi." Mrs. Xanadu explained: "Sage Ochi is not a person. The man in the trench coat you often see is called 'Richard', and the lady you see now is called 'Rose'.

When they merge into one, they are the complete 'Oqi Sage'. "

"How to merge into one?" Dachao asked puzzled.

Madam Xanadu thought for a while and said: "Do you understand the death-bed transformation of nightmare demonization?

Except for Harley, everyone else has to cut off their own negative emotions to survive the demonization.

Even the gods are no exception.

That's why Harley's perfect fusion of fantasy can shock the gods and wizards throughout the multiverse. "

Bateman thought thoughtfully, "Sage Aoqi has lived for hundreds of years, and he should have survived the nightmare demonization long ago."

Madam Xanadu nodded slightly, "Richard and Rose are very good friends. Well, in Harley's words, they are called 'Tao couples'.

They encountered nightmare demonization at the same time, and could only cut off part of the phantom to complete their deathbed transformation.

But they didn't want to become incomplete, so they merged together to complete each other.

For example, Rose cuts off the Phantom Man of Fear and retains the Phantom Man of Lazy. Richard cuts off the Phantom Man of Lazy and retains the Phantom Man of Fear. After the two merge into one person, it is equivalent to retaining the Phantom Man of Fear and Lazy Man at the same time. Nothing is lost. . "

Dachao exclaimed: "Can it still be like this? It's amazing!"

Bateman frowned and said: "If they both retain some kind of illusion, such as the 'hate illusion', and the two merge together, wouldn't the hatred be superimposed?"

Mrs. Xanadu glanced at him, "They must have encountered the problems you can consider and successfully solved them."

"How to deal with it?"

Xanadu said: "Ordinary mages survive the demonization of nightmares by cutting off phantoms. They try to cut off as few phantoms as possible. If they can cut off one, they will never cut off two.

However, Rose and Richard tried to cultivate as many phantoms as possible, the same number and the same type.

Then cut off half of the phantom, which just complements the other party.

Probably if too many phantoms were cut off, they would be unable to maintain their own existence and could only merge with each other.

But the mutual integration was not an accident, it was something they had planned for a long time. "

"Alas, from the age of ancient gods to the present, in order to perfectly survive the demonization of nightmares, countless mages have sacrificed their lives and made countless attempts. Most of the mages have lost their lives.

Sage Ochi is lucky to be alive. "Mrs. Xanadu said with emotion.

Da Chao was not a mage, so he was not deeply impressed by Xanadu's words. He quickly changed his attention and asked, "What is the starlight above their heads? What are they doing?"

"That's what they had in mind. They are currently undergoing dual cultivation of their souls."

"How to fix it?" Dachao asked curiously.

"Well, the thoughts above Harry's head are completely blank, without any distracting thoughts, while Sage Aoqi condensed all his knowledge and insights about prophecies into one thought.

Then, Harley took the initiative to allow her thoughts to be assimilated by Sage Ochi's 'prophetic thought', turning it into another 'prophetic thought'.

Finally, she took the assimilated thoughts back to the sea of ​​​​consciousness and absorbed the wisdom and experience of divination from Sage Aoqi. "

Dachao thought for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Isn't this just information copying? It's similar to data copying. Why is it not connected to the soul to transfer knowledge and insights?"

Mrs. Xanadu shook her head and said: "What Harley lacks is not knowledge and skills. Her talent is not top-notch, but her learning ability is very strong. After all, she is a serious God King.

She can remember the divination knowledge we imparted to her instantly.

After she personally experiments with the crystal ball a few times, she will almost be able to master the technique.

If she is willing to spend hundreds of years settling down, she may not be able to become a master of divination.

But she is too ambitious and looks down on the 'mere divination master'. She wants to be the goddess of fate.

And she was too eager. She didn't want to wait even a few years, let alone hundreds of years.

It is necessary to achieve both quickly and to become a god. There is no right path and one can only follow the evil path. "

She pointed to the thought above Harry's head and said: "It is not only copying the information in the thought of the Sage of Ochi, but it is also accepting the assimilation and completing the thought of becoming the Sage of Ochi.

When she took it back to the sea of ​​​​consciousness, it was almost as if Sage Aoqi himself was performing prophecy. Well, theoretically it was stronger than Sage Aoqi, and it was equivalent to Sage Aoqi who had the power of the God King performing divination.

But Harley isn't trying to become another Sage of Arcane.

Harley wants to become the God of Destiny. Sage Ochi is not even a god, and there is no telling how far he has to go before he becomes the God of Destiny.

What she wants is the ‘feeling’ of Sage Aoqi, or the ‘Tao Xing’. "

"'Feeling' and 'Tao Xing' refer to realm? Can realm be replicated?" The Great Beyond became more and more confused as he listened.

"'Feeling' is not a realm, of course, Harley hopes to improve her own realm by absorbing other people's 'feelings'.

Have you ever played basketball? Or played football?

What I mean by 'feel' is a bit like the feel of playing ball.

The feel is very mysterious. The same person, the same experience and ability, but the feel is different, the shooting effect is completely different.

Magic is more mysterious than playing basketball and relies more on feeling.

Harley has no shortage of skills and knowledge, and her talent is no weaker than ours. Well, her talent in divination is definitely not as good as mine. Compared with Sage Oz and Zatanna, she is probably in the middle of the pack.

Her divination ability is far inferior to ours. What is worse is her manipulation skills and magic power. "

Seeing Da Chao's blank expression, Xanadu sighed and said, "If you really can't understand it, you can use prophecy as a skill in online games.

Now that Harley has learned this skill, she needs feeding experience to upgrade it.

She steals experience from us through thought copying to upgrade her own skills. "

"Oh, the purpose of dual soul cultivation is to gain skills and experience." Da Chao understood.

Bateman suddenly asked: "How much experience has Harley copied now? What state has she reached, and how far is she from the God of Destiny?"

Xanadu sighed: "It takes time to digest other people's 'Tao Xing'. She has only practiced for a few months, which is too short a time.

Moreover, dual cultivation will reveal other people’s core secrets. So far, she has only convinced me, Zatanna, and Sage Oz.

Other human mages who were good at divination rejected her.

In terms of state, she is definitely much stronger than when she first started, but as she said herself, she has not even seen the shadow of realizing the law of destiny.

No one will continue to provide her with 'feelings' in the future, and she has no hope. "

"Why did they reject Harley? Wouldn't it be better if we all share the 'feeling' and improve together?" Dachao asked.

"The assimilation of thoughts is very dangerous to the person concerned. Thoughts are the basic units of the soul and thoughts. If the soul and thoughts are assimilated by others, doesn't it mean losing oneself and becoming a puppet of others?"

"That Harley"

"She is a weirdo. After being demonized by the Perfect Nightmare, her soul has become 'constant'. As long as she wants to, her thoughts of being assimilated can be 'restored to factory settings' in an instant.

Anyway, this is not the first time for her to have dual soul cultivation with someone else, and she has never had any side effects.

On the contrary, those of us who assimilate her thoughts will suffer side effects such as out-of-control thoughts and disordered thinking. Xanadu said with a complicated expression.

"You are assimilating her, why are there side effects on you?" Da Chao asked curiously.

Bateman pondered: "It should be influenced by Harley's idea of ​​being assimilated."

Madam Xanadu glanced at him in surprise, "To be able to say this, it seems that you have grown into a qualified transcendent."

Then she explained to Dachao: "After Harley's thought is assimilated by us, it means that the thought belongs to us and should be controlled by our thinking.

But her soul is too strong. Not only is it not affected by us, but it also interferes with our normal thinking unconsciously through the connection between that thought and our sea of ​​consciousness. "

"what are you guys saying?"

The door creaked open, and the thoughts above Harry's head had returned to the sea of ​​consciousness. She also opened her eyes and looked at the three people outside the door.

"Are you done? Is it convenient to talk now? Do you want to take a break?" Dachao asked.

"I feel very good now. Just say what you want to say." Harley glanced at the tired Sage Ochi across from her, stood up and changed her words: "Let Rose rest for a while, and we will go downstairs to talk."

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