I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1766 The Dark Elite is in action

The abilities of the Dark Elite are almost non-repeating. Each one has his or her own divinity. Different divinities correspond to different divine powers and magic. Their different abilities allow them to play different roles in Darkseid's "Dark Dynasty". responsibilities.

The Dark Gods headed by Darkseid have existed for hundreds of millions of years, and the court system and power structure of the Dark Dynasty are very stable.

Even if something happens to Darkseid, the Dark Elite may be leaderless, but they will never collapse in confusion and chaos.

"Lex Luthor is so courageous. He has already lost his God-King status and still dares to run wild on Apokolips."

When Luther captured the first slave camp, the owner of the camp, Dr. Chaos, used the Mother Box to contact the "Great Inner Controller" DeSaad.

Desaad, the chief internal officer who specializes in serving Darkseid, is equivalent to the prime minister of the Dark Court. The dark elite is no weaker than him, and they may not necessarily follow his lead, but when they encounter any chores or bad things, they usually do it first. When I think of him, the second most important thing is Steppenwolf, the "uncle of the country".

"Do you know what Luther wants to do?" Desard asked.

Before the era of the Martial God King ended and Harley brought the true power of the Martial God King to kill Apokolips, the dark elites left Apokolips one after another. Even their companions did not know the location of their true bodies, leaving only their clones to guard the Dark King's city.

Now, after baby Darkseid is born, they still maintain the principle of not leaving their true bodies and projecting activities, and they also rely on the Mother Box to communicate with each other.

"I don't care what he wants to do, I just want to break his neck and kill all those annoying new human protoss!" Doctor Chaos' voice was full of murderous intent.

"Then why don't you go and break his neck now and kill all the new human gods?" Disad said calmly.

Dr. Chaos' tone paused, "Didn't you suggest before that we stand still and wait for His Majesty to regain his strength and memory?"

The Darkseid War ended and Darkseid died. However, the Dark Godhead rejected them and came to humans one after another, and tens of millions of humans obtained the Godhead of the dead Dark Gods. At that time, the dark elites were actually very panicked and even gave birth to an act. The crisis of national annihilation.

After watching the "Collective Ascension Special Series" program of the famous cosmic legend Louise, they also understood that Superman led the restart of the fifth world, so that humans on earth received the destiny of the new gods.

Most of the dark elite have experienced the "Old Star Era".

They remember the whole process of when the "New Divine Clan's Destiny" came to the humans of the Old Divine Planet.

It is almost exactly the same as the collective ascension of mankind on earth at this time.

Not only did the Dark Lord die, but their status and even the destiny of the entire group might be replaced by humans on Earth. How could they not panic?

At that time, many of them fell into madness in fear and confusion. They no longer even worried about the Witch Harley. They came to Apokolips in their true form, attacked the Dark King's City, and massacred all the new human gods they saw.

They do not want to sit back and wait for death, and are not willing to let their own Apokolips be occupied by lowly humans. They would rather fight to the death, even if they die together with the new gods of mankind.

This kind of madness in despair disappeared instantly after the appearance of baby Darkseid.

Even though Darkseid is still just a baby wearing diapers, he is still the backbone of the new dark gods and the pillar of their spirit and belief.

"For Darkseid!" they cheered in unison at that time.

Then they gave up their previous reckless behavior of raiding the gathering place of the new gods of mankind.

The Dark Elite once again hid their real bodies, gathering only their avatar projections. Under the auspices of DeSaad and Steppenwolf, they held a meeting on the "Ten-Year Plan for the True Dark Gods in the Post-Darkseid Era."

Well, they think they are the real Dark Gods.

Even if the new dark god of mankind is recognized by the origin of Apokolips, he is still a fake.

The so-called "ten-year plan" is the ten years waiting for baby Darkseid to grow up and regain his memory, or what the dark elite should do in the decades.

The final result of the discussion was twofold: First, while waiting for the return of the baby King Darkseid, they should continue to lie dormant and retain useful bodies to welcome the return of the true king. During this period, they should try not to conflict with the earthlings to avoid attracting big threats. The evil star witch Harley; secondly, quietly search for Greer, rescue baby Darkseid, and help him regain his memory as soon as possible.

They implemented the first one very well, after all, it was to protect themselves.

Article 2: Search for Greer. The slogan was shouted loudly, and everyone passed it. No one objected, but after the meeting, no one actually went to find baby Darkseid.

Not only did they not actively search for Greer and the baby Dark Lord, they even hid themselves even more tightly, fearing that baby Darkseid would come to their door.

If nothing else, Zansha's power is too terrifying.

They were afraid that Greer would hold up baby Darkseid and yell "Zansha" to them.

Even the new human gods with destiny have been drained of their divine nature and power. How can they, the "orphans of the previous dynasty", withstand it?

"Since you still remember that we should wait for His Majesty's return and stop provoking the earthlings, lest Witch Harley finds an opportunity to get angry, what are you going to do with me now?" Desaad said.

"We just decided not to provoke the new gods of mankind before, but now it's the Earth guys who are provoking us!" Dr. Chaos became excited again.

"What did Luther do after taking down the slave camp, and what did he want to do?" Desard asked.

"I don't know Luther's purpose. I only know that a slave camp belonging to me was captured by Luther and his men. Millions of human New God troops acted together, and everyone wore battle armor."

Dr. Chaos said while using the mother box to transmit a video to the other side.

Video from the Dark New Gods of the Slave Camp.

After the battle started, they used the mother box to contact their "master" as soon as possible.

"Well, they integrated the mother box into the mecha. It seems they came prepared and planned to do something big." Disad said thoughtfully.

Dr. Chaos agreed: "I also feel that Luther is not acting on a whim. He is probably not willing to lose the god-king godhood and return to mediocrity.

If we don't give him a head-on blow and kill him directly, he will definitely take advantage of it.

The slave camp occupied by him today belongs to me, and he may attack your slave camp tomorrow. "

DeSaad mentally agreed with his judgment and asked, "What do you want me to do? Accompany you to find Luther's trouble, or convene a meeting with other dark elites to discuss countermeasures?"

"I want to take action immediately and take revenge on the lowly human beings who don't know what to do. But I'm worried that this is the trick of the Witch Harley.

Is it possible that Luther is just a decoy, and she wants to use the Luther Army to catch us all? " Dr. Chaos said worriedly.

Disad sighed: "Our new god does not need faith, even if we lose all the slave camps, it will not affect our foundation.

Let's watch first to see what Luthor plans to do and what he can do. "

"Don't do anything? Luther is just an inferior mortal without divine power. He is not the Witch Harley!" Dr. Chaos said unwillingly.

Disad said: "We must do something. First, we need to notify the new dark god of Apokolips to strengthen their defenses.

You can recruit as many strong men as possible from the slave camps and let the strong slaves guard the slave camps.

In addition, you have the mental power to control the minds of billions of people on the planet. It should be easy to arrange a few spies to enter the "Luthor Army", right?

If Luthor's actions threaten the overall interests of the Dark Elite, I believe others will not sit idly by.

If everyone works together, it will be more stable than if you go alone to find trouble for the New God of Mankind. "

"Okay, let's do it."

Dr. Chaos was quite satisfied with DeSaad's suggestion.

On the same day, he arranged for clones to sneak into the slave camp that had been captured by Luther, and used his mental power to control several mercenary captains.

The next day, he contacted Disad again and told the results of his inquiry.

"The Earthlings are very cunning, and their mechas are equipped with 'thought protection devices' to prevent mind control.

It's a patented technology provided by Luther for free, and ordinary mind controllers really can't do anything about them.

The mother box will also cooperate with the 'thought protection device' to check the status of the mecha owner from time to time to ensure that they are not controlled by others.

Luther seems to be using digital brainwave technology, and even I can't control their thoughts for long.

My mother box does not have permission to their mother box and cannot disable the alarm program of the 'thought protector'.

In addition, their mecha shells are sprayed with magic-resistant nanomaterials that defend against magic and divine magic.

It is not 100% immune to magic, and is completely incomparable to Witch Harley's "God Comes Down to Earth", but its magic resistance effect is even more powerful than our magic-like armor. "

The dark gods of Apokolips not only invade the material universe, but also fight against the gods.

The Light Gods of Creation Star, the Old Gods of Heaven, the magic tribe of Limbo, and even the angels of Heaven and the demons of Hell can use magic or divine arts, and have all been enemies of Apokolips.

Therefore, the demonoids in Apokolips' basic arms also have high magic resistance. If they do not have certain magic resistance and are swept away by the gods in a single move, the demonoid army will not be qualified to become a "natural disaster".

In the process of being biotechnologically transformed into demon-like creatures, their bodies were given magic-resistant skin.

Demonoids also wear armor, and the armor has also been treated with magic resistance.

Now Luther has improved the magic resistance technology of the magic-like armor and used the new technology on the "Hope and Freedom Mecha Legion".

"Luthor is certainly not the smartest person in the world, but no one can deny that he has a smart brain. It is not surprising that he can do this."

Looking at the mecha parameters passed by Doctor Chaos, Desaad was not too shocked.

In fact, he can also improve the demon-like armor and increase its magic resistance.

The problem is that there are too many demonoids, tens of trillions, far more than human mecha masters.

Considering the overall cost, the current cheap armor is more suitable for demonoids.

"Luthor is ambitious. He wants to gain recognition from the origin of Apokolips by occupying the slave camp, and then condense a new godhead." Dr. Chaos also stated Luther's purpose of liberating the slave camp.

Disad admired: "He is very smart! Many of the slaves in the slave camp are the New God of Darkness.

Now that His Majesty is far away from Apokolips, they can represent the will of Apokolips to a certain extent.

If he can be recognized by the origin of Apokolips, Luther's chances of understanding the divinity of technology and mechas are very high. "

"We can't let him get what he wants." Dr. Chaos said seriously: "If Luther is alone, even if he is allowed to condense the main god level godhead, it will only add a dark elite to Apokolips.

But he is not alone.

He is followed by 200 million new human gods who long for divine power.

If they all condense their divinity and obtain godhood, even if His Majesty returns, the fate of us, the old gods and the new gods, may be replaced by the new gods of mankind.

After all, His Majesty was resurrected in the body of little Alexander Luther. Little Alexander Luther was a pure Earthling, and His Majesty represented the destiny of part of the new gods of mankind on Earth. "

"Have you ever thought about how humans on Earth would react if we took action against Luthor's mecha army, and how would the Justice League react?

After their reaction, can Witch Harley remain calm and indifferent? "Dissade sighed.

Dr. Chaos said solemnly: "Just after taking down the slave camp yesterday, Luther invited the media from the earth and the galaxy to conduct on-site interviews on Apokolips.

Now the entire universe knows that we were slapped hard by the Earthlings.

If we don't respond, Luther and the others will just slap their noses in their faces and become even more aggressive, and the mortal ants in the material universe will also look down upon us. "

"You can send a clone to intercept Luther and teach them a bloody lesson. If you are alone, Witch Harley probably won't care. If we act together, she probably won't be able to sit still." Disad said.

Dr. Chaos said with a dull face: "The first shot will kill you. If I kill Luther and Witch Harley targets me, will you help me?"

"No." Disad was very straightforward, unwilling to lie to comfort him.

"If Witch Harley targets you, we will only hide more secretly and be even less willing to show our face.

Even if Luther unifies Apokolips, we will not have any reaction.

After all, the arrival of all the dark elites in their true form is still not enough for Witch Harley to chew on. "

After a pause, he added expectantly: "Actually, you can try. We don't know Witch Harley's true attitude towards Luther's actions now. If you try hard, if you are still alive and well, we can It’s certain that Witch Harley really doesn’t care about the life or death of the new human god.

If you are targeted by her, we will honestly and simply abandon Apokolips, let Luther do whatever he wants, and just wait quietly for His Majesty to return and clean up the old mountains and rivers. "

"Fuck you! There are tens of thousands of slave camps on Apokolips, and not all of them belong to me. Let me see whose slave camp Luther will hit next." Dr. Chaos cursed and hung up the phone.

Sure enough, the second camp captured by Luther belonged to the Assassin God Cantor.

After receiving the news, Dr. Chaos sneered and said nothing or did nothing. He just waited quietly for Kanter's reaction.

But after waiting for a few days, Kanter got no response, and he didn't even use the mother box to contact any dark elite.

"That guy Kanter deserves to be the God of Assassins, and he can be so calm." Dr. Chaos said with emotion.

He was tired of waiting and took the initiative to contact Desaad to learn about Kanter's situation. Unexpectedly, Kanter did not quietly find Desaad.

"How could he be so calm?" Disadre disapproved, "We are already very afraid of the Witch Harley, but the shadow in Kanter's heart is greater than all of us combined. How can we expect him to have any overreaction? What a dream. .”

"What shadow is in Kanter's heart?" Dr. Chaos asked doubtfully.

"Witch Harley captured the soul of a Canter, tortured him in every possible way, and protected him all the time to prevent him from dissipating, just to let him witness the resurrection of another Canter in the restart of the fifth world, and to kill people. Heart!" Disad said in a complicated tone.

Dr. Chaos suddenly said, "Oh, Kanter knows the ending of the last Kanter, and he still has psychological shadow?"

"Previously on the battlefield of Doujie, Witch Harley grabbed the soul of the last Kanter and showed it off to Kanter! In order to let Kanter know what happened to her last one, Witch Harley deliberately let Kanter go without killing him. .

She knew that Kanter who entered the battlefield of Doujie was just a clone, and killing him was of no use. It was better to use it to spread fear to Kanter's body. "

Disad said with emotion: "Even bystanders like me feel terrified when they see it. How can Kanter not leave a psychological shadow? The last Kanter had a mental breakdown and almost went crazy. He would only cry loudly when he saw us. , so miserable!”

Dr. Chaos tried to put himself into Kanter's situation with fearless spirit and the expectation of becoming a good man again after the reboot, but he died tragically at the hands of the Witch Harley.

His soul was tortured in various ways. After restarting, his soul was still there, but another self appeared.

He sacrificed everything, only to lose everything completely. Even his name and identity were occupied by "another person".

If Witch Harley hadn't taken the initiative to disclose the matter, no one would even know about his tragic experience.

"Witch Harley is so vicious. She is the true embodiment of evil and darkness. Fortunately, she has no interest in becoming the Dark Lord."

Dr. Chaos was a little scared.

The obsession with taking back the slave camps liberated by Luther suddenly dissipated a lot.

"Forget it, if Luther wants slave camps, let him take them. Anyway, Apokolips has more than 20,000 slave camps. By the time he liberates them all, His Majesty will have returned."

He completely thought it over.

From then on, he only focused on his secluded life in the parallel universe, and no longer even paid attention to the news on Apokolips.

When news came that Luther had conquered a third slave camp led by Kindness Grandma, he didn't pay attention.

Most of the dark elites had the same reaction as Dr. Chaos, or were more open-minded and calm than him.

Up to this point, the worries of the people on earth about "as more and more slave camps are liberated, the dark elite will join forces sooner or later" seem to be unnecessary.

Even Harley didn't expect that she could be such a strong psychological deterrent to the dark elite.

They didn't even dare to test her attitude. Well, the price of testing was their own lives. The dark elites were all selfish and had no spirit of self-sacrifice.

If nothing unexpected happens, Luther will accomplish a feat that is the first of its kind in the world without any danger: liberating the entire "New God Hell" (Apocalypse) with a mortal body, and bringing freedom and hope to all New God slaves.

Unfortunately, as expected, an accident occurred: at the request of General Lane, Harley divined the future of the Luther Legion more than once.

"Witch Harley is spying on my destiny. What does she want to do to me?"

I don’t know who was the first to use the mother box to send a group message to all the dark elites.

"I was about to say, Witch Harley is spying on my destiny. What does she want to do to me?"

"What, she's still spying on you? I also feel that my destiny is being spied on. It's her, it's her, Witch Harley."

The "Dark Elite Chat Group" immediately exploded.

"Don't panic, we will immediately arrange for the projection to go to the old place to hold a plenary meeting!" Disad was the first to calm down.

The "old place" is actually Apokolips.

The true form of the dark elite is hiding in the "Projection Apokolips" in the parallel universe, and the projection returns to the real Apokolips for a meeting.

They are too familiar with the land of Apokolips and can easily avoid the new gods of mankind.

"Witch Harley finally took action against us." After listening to everyone's stories, Desaad said in a complicated tone.

"She wants to kill us all? His Majesty has returned and she let him go. Why can't she let us go?" the kind grandmother said excitedly.

Disad looked solemn and said: "We are different from His Majesty. Your Majesty is reincarnated as a baby at this time. There are many possibilities in the future. Of course, Darkseid will eventually return to darkness. This is destiny.

But the people of Earth believe that baby Darkseid has endless possibilities.

Maybe Witch Harley also believes that Grell can train him to become a good person. Maybe she is waiting for Grell to fail before killing him. After all, the Justice League will not allow her to kill an innocent baby.

Or maybe she just wants to see His Majesty's jokes, baby Darkseid is enough to make her laugh for decades. "

"Is it possible that we are overthinking it and that Witch Harley is simply curious about our future and has no hostility, no intention of peeking into our specific location and killing us all?" Steppenwolf asked.

"Witch Harley is cunning and cunning, and every seemingly strange behavior turns out to have a profound meaning." Disad sighed.

Dr. Chaos also said: "If she only peeked once, it might be an accident, but after she was counterattacked by us, she immediately used more sharp, direct, and brutal means to forcefully peek at our fate. This is definitely not an accident."

"We can't bet. If we lose the bet, we will lose our lives. Instead of dying without any resistance, it is better to fight back and prevent Witch Harley's conspiracy from being realized." Kalibak, the son of Darkseid, said loudly, waving his axe.

Disad quickly reassured: "Don't be impulsive. We don't know the conspiracy of Witch Harley. It's very likely that her forced peek at our destiny is the conspiracy itself.

She wants to provoke us into showing up. "

Dr. Chaos said thoughtfully: "Is it possible that Luther's 'Hope and Freedom Mecha Legion' is a scheme, and she wants to use them to lure us out and catch us all in one fell swoop.

As a result, we were unmoved and as calm as a mountain. She became anxious and wanted to directly predict our position. Even if she failed, she could alert the snake and make us take the initiative to reveal our flaws? "

Steppenwolf frowned and said, "Back when Your Majesty was not reborn and Luther was still the Lord of Apokolips, I slaughtered the new human gods in the Dark King's City.

At that time, the real body came, and Witch Harley did not react.

Since she didn't even think about eradicating us at that time, why did she plan on us again after letting Greer go? "

Darkseid's military adviser Wanderba sneered: "What is there to understand? Before His Majesty was reborn, Luther was the proper Lord of Apokolips, and the future of humanity's new god was bright.

We, the remnants of the previous dynasty, have lost our destiny and have no hope, and cannot shake the foundation of the new human race of gods.

Therefore, Witch Harley sits firmly on the Diaoyutai and does not need to worry about the future of mankind's new god.

Now that His Majesty has returned, Luther and the new dark god of mankind have been sucked away by the power of Zansha of all their divine power and godhead, and their prospects suddenly become bleak.

We have the ability and motivation to completely destroy the new gods of mankind. Witch Harley can't sit still and has no choice but to end it herself.

Her idea is probably - if the dark elite and the new dark gods on Apokolips are all humans, even if His Majesty returns, it will be difficult to change the overall situation of the new human gods controlling Apokolips. "

Steppenwolf doubted: "Are you thinking too much?"

The military staff officer said seriously: "Don't forget the battle between her and His Majesty!

Your Majesty had already planned it during the final crisis. If it failed, he would hand over the Dark Godhead to the Earth and the Witch Harley, and bind her to the position of the New God King. Alas, although I don’t want to admit it, His Majesty and the Witch Harley’s The realm is indeed several levels higher than ours, and the authority of the God-King that we so desperately desire is just a burden and burden to them. "

Wandeba shook his head and continued: "Witch Harry has seen through His Majesty's conspiracy and is determined not to touch the dark godhead.

We all know what happened on the Doujie battlefield.

She would rather hand over His Majesty's divinity to us than become the new Dark Lord herself.

In this round, Witch Harley and His Majesty were tied. His Majesty left a trap, but Witch Harley successfully avoided it.

In the next game, the Justice League takes the lead. They give up their godheads and hand them over to Luther to achieve Luther's identity as the 'Dark Lord'.

If they succeed, His Majesty will steal a chicken but lose a lot of rice. Not only will he not be able to trap the Witch Harley and the Justice League with the new god's throne, but it will allow the lowly Luther and the lowly earthlings who don't care about the restrictions of the god's throne to take a big advantage.

It's a pity that His Majesty didn't run out of tricks. With incredible foresight, he took over the body of little Alexander Luther and finally successfully resurrected him. He also used the power of Zansha to absorb the godhead of Luther and the new god of mankind.

The dream of collective human ascension came to nothing.

However, in this round, His Majesty can only have a slight upper hand.

After all, he became a baby and almost had no choice but to live or die.

Witch Harley is frustrated and must be unwilling to give up. She must want to win the game and slap His Majesty in the face.

The best way to slap him in the face is to make his efforts come to nothing.

He didn't want Luthor's group of low-life humans to accept his legacy, so she wanted them to take his place.

If you think about it carefully, if she succeeds in killing us all and His Majesty finally returns, the entire Apokolips is completely controlled by humans, Luther can even fight with him. How embarrassing it would be for Your Majesty to become an opponent with a lowly human being, Witch Harley How happy will you laugh? "

"That makes sense."

The new dark gods nodded one after another, almost all agreeing with the military staff's judgment.

Even Steppenwolf was convinced.

Well, I don’t blame them for being stupid, it’s just that the level gap between the two sides is too big.

The one-third of an acre of land on Apokolips is everything to these dark elites.

Harley has already set her sights outside the multiverse.

The Dark Elite are just involuntary, struggling pawns in the river of destiny, and Harley is already planning to dominate her destiny.

"We can't sit still and wait for death!"

Convinced that Witch Harley was actively planning her plan, and that if they pretended to be ostriches, there would be no good outcome, the dark elite quickly reached a consensus.

"Desade, Wanderba, one of you is His Majesty's counselor and the other is the military staff, tell me, what should we do?" Steppenwolf asked.

Disad and Wanderba looked at each other, and first said: "Collect information first, try to understand every move of Witch Harley, and master all the actions of the new human god.

It is better to be still than to move.

We can't defeat Witch Harley. If we can delay His Majesty's return, we shouldn't take the initiative to provoke her. "

Steppenwolf frowned and said, "How is this different from our previous plan?"

DeSaad explained: "We were more passive before, but now we have the situation of the Luther Army.

If necessary, you can take action against them at any time.

You have to understand one thing, even if Superman leads the restart of the fifth world and allows the people on earth to obtain the destiny to ascend to godhood, the collective ascension has ended.

As long as all the new human gods are killed, it will be equivalent to completely cutting off the tentacles of Witch Harley reaching out to Apokolips.

No matter what conspiracy she has, it will be difficult to carry out.

Just like what Wanderba said just now, if the Apokolips is occupied by the new human god, His Majesty will be embarrassed and uncomfortable even if he returns, and the Witch Harley can laugh at him happily.

How can she still laugh after killing all the new gods of humanity? "

Steppenwolf's expression softened, "Wanderba, what do you think?"

"For a short period of time, it is better to be quiet and not to move. Just do as Disad said." Wanderba said cautiously.

At the end of November 2023, the fourth slave camp was captured by the Mecha Legion.

On that day, the first new human god to restore his divinity appeared. The mecha army cheered loudly, the earth's media was a sensation, the public opinion in the galaxy was in an uproar, and the hearts of the Kryptonians in Kandor City were full of excitement and yearning.

In early December, Kandor City officially announced that it would bring hope and freedom to the suffering slaves on Apokolips.

The Kryptonians officially formed an alliance with humanity's Dark New God, and the "Mecha Legion of Hope and Freedom" was renamed the "New Hope and Freedom Legion."

Mainly removing the word "mecha", Kryptonians only wear Apokolips alloy armor that resists mind control and has high magic resistance.

In order to prevent the wars and consequences of the New Gods from implicating Earth's civilization, the "New Human Gods Restriction Act" does not allow the New Human Gods to permanently reside on the Earth.

Now that Kandor City has announced its entry into Apokolips, it is naturally no exception.

The Sunstone Crystal absorbs matter from the earth and energy from sunlight, growing rapidly around the city of Kandor.

Huge sunstone crystals weave out the sky and the earth, like a crystal world, protecting the city of Kandor in the center.

Finally, three hundred Kryptonians turned on the biological force field and pushed the giant crystal ball with a diameter of 100 kilometers away from the surface and flew to the outer reaches of the solar system.

The city of Kandor and the Kryptonians left the earth. Later, thousands of Kryptonians returned from outer space, each carrying a huge meteorite, and returned to the North Pole to fill the huge space left behind by the city of Kandor with meteorites. Deep pit.

In order to build the crystal ball barrier, Sunstone Crystal absorbed too much material from the depths of the Arctic earth.

Two days after the "Crystal Ball Kandor City" was repaired, 2 million Kryptonians wore newly forged armor and entered Apokolips through the sonic boom tunnel.

Krypton and the Mecha Legion join forces to destroy everything on Apokolips and become invincible.

In just half a month, eight more slave camps were liberated, with one slave camp being liberated almost every two days.

They could have done it faster if it hadn't taken so much time and effort to relocate slaves back to freedom.

Such an achievement naturally shocked the whole world and attracted the attention of the entire universe.

Many media even arranged for war reporters to come to Apokolips to follow and live broadcast the entire process of the "New Hope and Freedom Corps" liberating the slave camps.

In mid-January 2024, the number of new human gods who have rediscovered divinity in the Legion of Hope and Freedom has exceeded 1,000, and the first Kryptonian who has awakened to divinity has also officially appeared!

"Damn it, how come the Kryptonians are recognized by the origin of Apokolips so quickly?" The dark elites who were watching were shocked and panicked.

When they invade the material planet, the demonoids will take the gifted captives to Apokolips and throw them into slave camps.

No matter how talented those mortals are, they cannot become new gods who have awakened their divinity in just a month or two.

"The past record for the fastest time to become a new god seems to be 200 years, right?" Steppenwolf asked, holding his Mother Box.

"His Majesty Darkseid's will is the will of Apokolips.

If you get His Majesty Darkseid's approval, you can immediately obtain the identity of the Dark Gods of Apokolips.

If you don’t take shortcuts and just rely on your own hard work, the fastest record is 214 years and 5 months.

And it was only recognized by the origin of Apokolips and officially became the Dark God Clan.

It was not until two years later that he awakened to the divinity of the New God. "Mother Box replied.

Ordinary humans naturally live less than 200 years, but they can be brought into slave camps by demonoids because they have strong genes, outstanding talents, and the qualifications to practice magic or martial arts.

Due to the harsh environment of the slave camp, one would either die early as a weakling, or develop strong strength through suffering.

It is not difficult for extraordinary people to live for hundreds of years.

"Why do Kryptonians awaken to their divinity so quickly?" Steppenwolf said with a solemn expression.

The Mother Box could not answer his question and remained silent.

"Fake, I understand, it's Superman!" Wandeba slammed his fist and shouted angrily: "It was Superman who started the miracle machine to restart the fifth world, and Superman is a Kryptonian!"

"Well, it's true that Superman is a Kryptonian, but isn't he recognized by Origin as an Earthling? His destiny already belongs to the Earthlings, how can he still be divided into two?" Steppenwolf asked in surprise.

"Judging from the current results, both Earth and Kryptonians have a destiny." Disad said helplessly.

Dr. Chaos said: "We must act immediately. The new gods of mankind do not have enough potential to threaten us. Kryptonians are all made of steel.

If we let them become gods, even if Witch Harley doesn't take action, we won't be able to defeat millions of 'divine supermen'. "

"Maybe this is Witch Harley's conspiracy." Wanderba said quietly.

"No more hesitation, kill them all immediately." Kalibak gritted his teeth.

"Just rush out and fight them head-on? If they can't beat them, they will run to the earth. How dare we chase them?" Steppenwolf sighed.

Disad's eyes flashed and he smiled gloomily: "I have a plan to kill them all."

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